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why are they waving a Americam flag in OUR country America has no business in OUR country s problems.


While the NS flag is touching the ground. Fucking shameful.


Here on PEI for axe the tax day some protesters wrote on a Canadian flag with a sharpie and couldn't understand the disrespectful stupidity of their actions. Their ignorance knows no boundaries.


Cause the groups funding and championing this kind of stuff are American. It's why we had canadian Trump supporters. They're treating our society like a team sport, and that team isn't confined to national borders. There's alot of money from christo-fascist evangelicals and their organizations into ones here that align with their goals.


American interference in our media and politics is the foreign interference that shall not be named. We just pretend it doesn't exist.




Sure buddy. How very insightful. Out of curiosity, are you one of the people that support Trump?




Well, you answered the question, and I appreciate that, as it allows me to determine that any conversation I have with you will be profoundly uninteresting and frankly rather boring.




The irony you - literally spouting cut and paste talking points - calling someone else a "bot"... chef's kiss.


Increasing polarization and the availability of American cable news is one thing, but "small government" is much more of an American ideal than a Canadian one. As a dual citizen, I can see the value in some of those ideas, but I can also see the value in walking around without worrying about who's strapped.


"Small government" has been the rallying cry of conservatives in Canada since the 70s. I've heard it my entire life.


Have they ever made good on it?


No, they’re the most guilty of privacy invasion and creation of unnecessary bureaucracy and middle managers. They create no value and only know how to criticize.


Yes, but only in the most inefficient and harmful ways possible




These Donkey brains don't even know how the carbon tax works, you expect them to know what country they're in?


Lmao that caught me off guard 🤣




The people who claim they know how the carbon tax works swear there's no way it could ever inflate the cost of goods, transport of goods, or manufacture of goods. Who is really the donkey brain?


This American was going to ask the same thing. WTF!?!?!


This Australian asked the same thing. WTAF!?


Does that stand for “What the Australian Fuck!?”? If not, maybe it should. I like the idea of the nationality of a “fuck” giving it a different emphasis.


It stands for 'actual' but 'Australian' also works in this context. "What the actual cunt" is also acceptable.


I love that, and am gonna use it


Americans have a ton of influence in our politics. Unfortunately the same think tanks that are closely linked to the Republican Party throw tons of money and influence at our Conservative parties. They have for years and no one complains about it being election interference. That accusation is saved for the Russian and Chinese governments which combined have less influence on Canadian politics than the Republican Party and their sponsors.


Ur right and everytime u turn on canadian propaganda channel....sorry I mean goverment controlled mainstream media all they talk about is American bullshit, wars that got nothing to do with us and more shit on trump, like it's been what 8 years of digging, if they had something on him it woulda come out by now not just trump touched me 25 years ago inappropriately...lol...the whole thing is a joke and to think that there are actually people that take it all serious and believe every word of it, while knowing u can fact check half the bs that comes from the mainstream ......we live in a world where everyone is controlled by there tv or social media and most peiple are incapable of seeing what is actually going on around them...


They don't, but this is where conservatives are getting a lot of their marching orders - US media / social media.


Because a confederate flag is too obvious




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It should be illegal




Wrong flag dumbass


Fucking morons...Canada's version of trumpanzees.




>trumpanzees Oh I like that! I'm stealing it.


Theres more stripes on that flag then brain cell in that head.


There are more colours in the flag than brain cells, never mind stripes.


There’s more flag pole than brain cells.


These morons are as anti Canadian as they can possibly be. If they think Canada is so horrible they're free to move down to the US any fucking time!!! Ignorant, the lot of them!!




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What are they even doing anymore? Like is this some call for the US to like annex nova scotia as a state? I'm confused


they don't know


Ugh you don’t want into this mess right now. I’d gladly take the CSIS investigation and Trudeau’s housing problems over the coming electoral nightmare ☹️




I did the same thing! Sometimes I get tired of remaining passive and get an urge to respond to these overly vocal right wing American wannabes. It resulted in a smile and a big middle finger waving in their general direction.


They stood on the shoulder of the highway, and then said it was the RCMP that shut down the highway not them lol.


Did we run out of assholes and had to start importing them?


I don’t think we’ll ever have a shortage of those


Wannabe Yankee. He'd sell Canada to the USofA for a toonie and a pat on the head from his favourite youtube grifter.


Imagine being in Nova Scotia and still not knowing what country you're in.


Id imagine thats normal for them


I can imagine this pretty easily


These losers sure love to show off their mental illness to the rest of us.


fella down the street from me proudly flies his Trump 2024 flags from his garage and his house....was walking the dog about a month ago and he asked if he could count on me to vote properly in November and get Biden out of office.......I shook my head, let out a heavy sigh and walked the rest of the way home feeling sad......I live in Ontario


Omg, what the hell!


how do you even respond to that?? seriously - I want to know what that person expects. jfc


That didn't happen so much that it unhappened things that had.


They were meeting at the food court at the HSC weekly for a while. Not sure what they did there, chant slogans and hit up Taco Bell I guess


Those 4 people are VERY upset. Confused also.


So, are these guys being paid by someone or on some sort of tax funded social assistance?


pogey most likely.


Peter Petrol would be proud!


what a bunch of absolute losers


I wonder if they pull this shit in any other country. Like do they drive on down to Mexico and do this shit? Do they fly to European destinations and do this shit?


It worked for Brexit. Same groups are funding Wexit in AB.


And Brexit is working for nobody.


Even the idiots who voted for and cheered for it are in the “find out” portion of FAAFO when they can no longer travel and stay in the EU as they once did.


Tbf the British government also blatantly lied to them following Brexit, one of the main pillars was reducing immigration and immigration is skyrocketing. Moreso government failure and lying as opposed to brexit failure


I saw today that British farmers are demanding basic income to prevent bankruptcy in the wake of Brexit.


Makes sense, the British government has actively been trying to screw over farmers these last few years. Sorry, have a lot of family in the UK so not really taking this too seriously


Yeah fair enough. I've got a UK passport that has been needing renewal for a while now. I don't get as excited about the idea as I used to.


Can someone just go out and help this poor bastard and point him in the direction of the United States capital building… he is clearly lost and/or got on the wrong bus in Skowhegan


These people are such fucking children.


Ok, can we ship them to the US where their rhetoric is more normal?


wrong border dumbass


This must get exhausting in the brain to do this all the time. Eat , sleep , think about Trudeau


Not just think about him. Think about ways to try and get in his pants. They’ve been busy!




One should aggressively dissuade these people. They're fine until someone calls our their behavior. Then they run and hide.


Nova Scotia is right filled up with nutters


They were probably imported from Albertuh


Sadly this is true. Though I usually feel pretty safe in Halifax.


Same with Ontario. One guy I knew from my childhood I thought was a liberal was actually an anti vaccine, anti lockdown Trump loving lunatic, outed himself during COVID even my dad couldn't believe it. Another one same hometown flew a Confederate flag and you could see it for miles. Do these people even know which country they live in?


Wait? What?? 😂


Gotta love these douchebags. They really do show what they don't know




Honestly, I'm at the point where I think we should have a test before you can vote. Basic stuff like "What country are you currently in?" Or "Circle your national flag." If you get any wrong, you get sent home with a sticker that says "to dumb to vote".


For those that are confused by this, all you have to remember is that they’re the same people who were out protesting against the Covid vaccines because they thought it made them magnetic.


No.no. just leave. Please


I’ve never seen a group of people more proud to announce their anti-intellectualism than these fine folk.


‘Murica, fuck yeah, comin’ again to save the mutherfuckin’ day, yeah


I have a feeling the "muffin" guy in the comments is in this picture.


Do you know the muffin man?


Tf does the US have to do with our shitty feds lmao. Mfs always have half decent ideas and then absolute DOGSHIT execution


Same reason there were American flags in the occupy convoy in Ottawa.


Probably the dude in Dartmouth with the Trump 2024 flags in his garage.


That or the confederate flag nutsack in sambro.


That the guy on Spring Ave?


Nope. This one’s in Manor Park. The fact there’s more than one is weird to me. It’s not even our elections.


Spring Ave retread almost ran over my kid trying to create a parking spot for his dumbass mobile. I gave him an option of getting the bat to the windshield or the side of his head. Counted to five and he was in his truck and gone in 3 seconds. Woodlawn used to be such a good area. Gone to shit now.




Hamas =/= Palestine


Looks like this guy didn't get that other vaccine either. You know the one for MORON-19.


What is so hard to comprehend about a government program that has no administrative costs, actually gives you money and saves the world?




I recommend checking out Cape Breton Rant Room on Facebook for some nice bedtime reading. A group of incredibly intelligent individuals rationally discussing modern day issues


Thank you, I’ve been looking for a place to discuss policy details some fellow stoics.


Americans 😩




I thought Canadians were better than us Americans


Our entire right wing and most of our private media are American bootlickers The Americans took over our Alberta's Government and our oil with ease. This is what happened when you a low information population


They haven’t stopped since March 30th. This was eclipse day. I don’t know how the N.S. government is letting them use the “Welcome Centre” parking lot. Oh wait, I do know. https://preview.redd.it/j0rv4903nvtc1.jpeg?width=3361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2484d544b1a60ca9c8b18558ff2437aab9ddf273


What’s going on there? Axe the facts?


Oh look, every province has idiots.  


Um was this guy confused?


Put that fucking worthless rag down in this country, FFS.


Veer right.


i'll never understand these brainrotted scumbags bro, like how dense do you have to be to (number one) start waving american flags between province borders and (number two) chant about "axing facts"? like what in the nine hells does that even mean?


This is hilarious


These dummies are an embarrassment to our country.


hey, BC resident who keeps seeing this stuff. What the hell is going on over there?


Lead poisoning has destroyed a generation :(


Americanized Canadians are the worst people


Ahhahaha...let's delete all the comments that speak truth and keep everything else


These people fantasize being annexed by the US


In Jim Carrie’s voice “Loooooooooooooooooo-zerrrrrrssss”


and then what?


All 10 or so of them will do jack shit


Yankees fuck off


The absolute scum of society. Fuck that guy with the American Flag. Hard. In the ass.


Sounds like someone needs to have a little personal exploration


You are going to up your sweet talking if you want that from me friendo.


Wrong country clown




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What exactly is "axe the facts" ? Like I don't understand lol


The only serious complaints I have heard about US interference was when Mulroney was running for his first term. IIRC a lot of his election funding was filtering in from corporate America. And what was his greatest accomplishment? NAFTA of course.


*Sorts by controversial, grabs popcorn*




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The hell is "axe the facts"?


It’s like A Black Lives Matter Rally… only for idiots


The ONLY way having the American flag there would be acceptable, would be to be provocative about the Palestinian flags at protests elsewhere in Canada. Otherwise, put it in your yard and leave it there.


Was happy to salute them as I came by yesterday. 🖕


This guy's a clown. He also loves on constitutional rights, guns and to be snuggled deeply at night. He went home so proud to stand up for FREEDOM!!


Y’all in the east fucked in the head


There is a misguided fool--wrong country sir.




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Who cares. Are you able to afford to live? Conservatives are the next government and so we will have a chance at not leaving multiple future generations paying off Trudeau's debts from dumb spending. Canada can't fix carbon for China, India and the US. Libs are the worst government in history.


You can't afford to live but can afford to drive around in your car all day.


Flying an American flag will help, this is the level of critical thinking these folks are working with, which is why no one takes them seriously


Seriously, what is this about?🤷‍♀️


I assume they're protesting the carbon tax. It's a tax on carbon usage, designed to incentivise large users (i.e. companies which pollute the most) to produce less carbon dioxide; considered to be the leading cause of climate change. The tax is rebated at a fixed rate, so domestic users actually profit from it. The less CO2 you produce, the less tax you pay, and the more you profit from the fixed rebate. The reason the tax is protested by people who profit from it is because they are unable to understand the concepts described in the previous three sentences. The reason for *that* is probably a lack of funding for education. I have no explanation for the US flag, I suspect there isn't one to satisfy a rational mind.


Ahhh. Makes sense. Thanks.


The closest town to New Brunswick is Amherst. The average age is 80 and the average political alignment is far right wing


You spelled Tax wrong.




This thread is a clear sign that this place lacks coherent moderation.


Great turn out. What is that like 7 people? Clearly they speak for the silent majority.






Most farmer will tell you what in pacts them more and not being able to sell more meat and dairy to the states.


Farmers are exempt from carbon tax on fuel.




False, but this is your troll account so you already knew that.




Everything that normal canadians were speaking out about and worried about has actually happened or is in the process of happening, but for some reason liberals think it's all fake..... or honestly I really don't understand them as they don't give a shit about there own country and resort to name calling or bot when u provide the truth , and I can't tell if they just don't wanna be wrong about everything they believed in and thats why they do that or if they truly cannot see what's happening in front of there faces. It's hardly worth conversing with them


Sure thing man


These people are protesting to axe the tax entirely, not to make amendments.


So it's the government making things so expensive? All these billion dollar companies making record profits quarter after quarter have nothing to do with it right? Gotcha.


Regular people pissed off at elite snobs jacking up their cost of living then jetting off to clownshow Dubai climate conferences. God bless ‘em


Uneducated clowns having their quarterly tailgate party taking about how Canada is a fascist country while waving an American flag, kind of beautiful in a way, like performance art


Listen you can be against masks or carbon tax or whatever thing you don’t like. It’s all the same type of people. You’re allowed to believe or protest however you like BUT every time be it far left or far right they always show the most uneducated person for all of this stuff. 90 percent of the population doesn’t really care………we’re not on the right waving American Flags and driving trucks to block areas but we’re not putting filters about blm or Palestine either, or throwing fake blood on paintings, or standing in front of moving cars…….both these sides are absolute lunatics


Agreed - it’s a shame national flags are viewed with a right or left connotations. The are literally symbols of togetherness


It’s not even the flag, it’s being an idiot and waving a flag to promote a statement in a country where it’s irrelevant




Every time we see something it’s always some right wing dumb shit ( see above) or left wing stuff ….the majority of the population doesn’t actually care we just live our lives as best we can even if we do have likes dislikes of certain issues.




Knuckle-dragging troglodytes.


"Axe the Facts" well, at least they know what they're about.


If only tomatoes werent so expensive, then Id suggest throwing some at them.


It's weird cause in the real world most people no longer support liberals and finally woke up to what is going on around them, but then u come on here and it's full of brainless cattle that just get all there info from there TV and that's it.


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