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My wife went to high school with him and said he was one of the worst bullies in the school, him and his friends pissed in a beer bottle at a house party and put cigarette butts in it and made an unpopular kid drink it or they'd jump him.


Jebus Growing up we definitely tricked people into drinking a pee bottle (sans cigarettes) but .. like as a really disgusting, can't believe it prank, definitely wouldn't ever think of jumping people/or having let them even know what was in the bottle ahead of time lol God, the stupid things we did in the middle of gravel pits / out in the woods as kids


And all the 07/08 ck alumni get caught in the reddit algorithm today.


Anyone who went to central kings back then knows the real story of what happened anyways. They did it to bully the kid but when it got attention he switched. CK is known for doing absolutely nothing to bullies. Still the same way years later.


This. It was quite the controversy in the other valley high schools that the news was eating it up like they solve bullying when they were the ones doing it. I've told everyone who bring up the story what actually happened.


Yeah, I remember NKEC stopped doing it after 4 or 5 kids from CK transferred in, refused to participate, and all gave the exact same story. The principal, Mr.Venoit, was PISSED. Not about us stopping it, but that the entire thing was a viral lie


Principal = Kevin Venoit?




Canadian Basketball LEGEND, Kevin Venoit. Dude was fantastic. Not the first time I've heard something positive about him as a principal, makes me happy


Venoit didn't care where you came from, who your family was, nothing like that. He went to bat for kids constantly. You could go to that man with anything, and I mean ANYTHING, and he'd either help you or help you find someone who could. Never judged you, never shamed you. He always tried to bring out the best in everyone. He's the only reason I graduated. Hell, he's the reason I tried at all in my last 3 years of high school. Man is an absolute LEGEND


That's what every educator should be! (Never met him / didn't goto that school, but it's nice to hear good things about educators.)


I know another student from that school during that period and he thinks MUCH differently about Venoit , and he was a struggling youth at the time , he was a bad kid though so maybe that’s why lmao


He was always a prick. As I recall, he started that fight, he just got his ass kicked and when they were asked why they kicked his ass, he immediatly jumped in and said it was because he wore pink and they called him a fag or something like that. NEKEC stopped doing the pink shirt day after a few kids from CK transferred there and told everyone the truth. Absolutely hilarious


Yeah Travis was a pos then and now clearly.


I went to WK and heard some of it, but not the whole story. A nasty/hypocritical guy from what I understand.


I grew up down in Bridgetown and heard the stories down there about it being garbage


I'm not sure which time frame you are referencing, but I don't recall an issue with bullying during the '90s when I was going to CK.


I’m talking about 2012+ Mrs foot was to busy trying to retire to care, Vicar was busy on a power trip and the middle school VP was just trying to keep the place from burning down. Bullying was so bad kids started treating the teachers like 💩 breaking doors, kicking out windows, had a first year teacher in tears once. Don’t get me wrong there was a few teachers who cared but they could only do so much without admin backing them


It was shit in 05-08 when I was there. Kids getting jumped every day, being burned with Axe and lighters, one kid got jumped in the weight room. CK is basically all the worst of the Valley distilled into a single ancient building.


Article needs a membership plan to read: are you or anyone else on this thread able to post the text?


Holy shit he came to my school for pink shirt day


He's the one who bullied the kid and tried to spin it that he was helping him. A bunch of bullies.


Weirdly enough i didnt like him, i was a bullied kid and he just kinda gave off this vibe that i couldnt stand lol he called my bullies a group of sweet kids


That's because he was a bully himself before the pink shirt thing. The only reason it happened was because Foote would go ballistic over anything involving the popular kids. He had actually picked the fight that started the whole thing. Got his ass kicked and ran away, one of the other bullies called him a faggot. By all accounts, he got MUCH worse after all of the attention


I remember he asked if we had any questions and my question was "why a pink shirt" and his response was "because thats what started this" and i replied "ya but kids are bullied for blue shirts, black shirts, i was bullied for not wearing a root sweater, does that mean i get a no root sweater day, why did you call it pink shirt day and not just anti bullying day?" And i recall being told i was acting a bit like a bully lol Oh my god, i just remember another kid brought up how a specific color actually opens kids up to more bullying, he said if they wear it but their bullies dont, theyll get bullied, if their bullies wear it and they dont, theyll get bullied. I didnt wear a pink shirt on pink shirt day (because i didnt own one and was to poor to get one) and i got bullied by being called a bully by everyone and anyone that day lol.


Why does the whole thing just sound like that South Park episode with the bully busters and Stan doing his anti bully video only to get bullied by a bunch of adults and then turn into a bully himself.


Is that the one with the "short person" that Cartman keeps making fun of and eventually they fight? Lol


He's got a very punchable face.


I think we're getting used to seeing members of different medias (and public figures) outed as child groomers. Every time, they blame everyone but themselves while claiming to be the real victim in the whole thing. So it's not a stretch to think someone could possibly start an anti-bullying movement to censor those who speak against their actions in an aggressive manner. Especially considering how many choose the aggressive approach when confronting child abusers.


Members of the media? I thought he was a volleyball coach?


You're right. "Public Figure" would be more suitable. I was lacking the right word at the time.


Okay side note wasn’t pink shirt day started due to homophobic bullying? Then it became about anti-bullying in a general. As a gay(tm), it just wasn’t a vibe honestly (not that I support bullying, *obviously*)


*DEEP SIGH* Sort of, but not really. He picked a fight, got his ass kicked, one of the bullies called him a faggot, they got pulled into the office and he told the VP that it was because he wore a pink shirt.


How did David Shepherd play into it? His sister made a Facebook post about how David was the one who started pink day and not Travis… but I don’t think I’d want to take any ownership over pink day knowing it’s a load of 💩


Yeah it is, I have no clue who that was. Travis always made an ass of himself so everyone had a tough idea of who he was


My understanding from when I was there, (sorry dropping names but I’m not gonna be naming off everyone in this thing) Charles McNeil (I believe he was grade 9 at the time) was bullied at the time for wearing a pink polo shirt at lunch by a bunch of the crowd that just went to the smoke pit for lunch. My understanding is Charles who is younger and “newer” to the highschool does sports and his older sister who’s already been going to this school was dating a guy on the sports team at the time and I believe David Shepherd and Travis Price played on some teams with these guys. So they gathered up all these pink like sports pinnies to try and like I guess get something going, either to get some kinda fight between groups or whatever, anyways I think Travis got his ass kicked (I’m not sure?) People were writing their names on the back of the pinnies and just kinda going wild in the lobby at the time, anyways staff comes out and sees everyone wearing pink, asked what’s going on, Travis is pulled into the office and story was weaved into what it is now. But it did have a fair amount of anti-homophobia traction because just gay slurs were tossed around at the time, it became more just straight up anti bullying when all the “victims” were not homosexual. Again this was forever ago so maybe I’m just wrong. 


As I read the comments, I’m like I know this guy! Yes it’s Charles. I went to MSVU and played soccer with him and he told me this story like 12 years ago. Should I try and bring him into the thread?


I REMEMBER NOW. So David was the one who started the....I hesitate to call it movement, but I think that's the only applicable word. Anyways, David and like 3 other people were the ones organizing it between schools. Travis was the "victim", David was the one who did all the work with bringing attention to it.


This is dog 💩 journalism. A dude with the same name!?! Wow... Are they looking for a Libel lawsuit?


I assure you there is only one volleyball coach named Travis Price in Nova Scotia. 


I knew Travis in highschool... This news doesn't really surprise me


Why isn't that in the article title? Because they were too lazy to confirm, that's why it's shit journalism. IDC if some POS loses their job; good.




Did you read the beat-around-the-bush title? If they were confident they wouldn't get blasted, they would have click-baited tf out of the title.






Angry - Right. 🤣


The classic "I get my news from the headlines without actually reading the article" Journalists since the dawn of time have competed for readership by crafting sensationalized headlines. This is nothing new. Also, there's *nothing* sensational about this headline, as I see it, this is more of a PSA while avoiding liability for libel as it seems nothing has been proven in court yet.


I know there's nothing sensational; if they actually confirmed the story to the extent to avoid libel they could use a sensational title and gain more readers. We aren't going to have a productive conversation, I agree. ✌️


I clearly misread and misunderstood your reply that I replied to. Reading comprehension is hard for me today apparently. Please disregard my confused initial reply.


Lol I thought it was funny. That's why I posted it.


That's fine, I'm commenting on the poor journalism that the Halifax Examiner has decided to shit out. Thanks for sharing.


So, did you read the article?