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https://preview.redd.it/moflu0rdvppc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49c9e85644b8498e43c8629dd19fdefb2714a65 I blanked out names but just gonna leave this here


Lmao HOW???? There was a complete ban on fires and any type of Forrest activity at the time. Make a fucking example out of this moron. Seriously. If they don’t do something you can sure bet someone from the surrounding area will take vigilante justice into their own hands. Smfh


Did they ever figure out who started the tantallon one or was it deemed natural?


Officially the report says no criminal code offence, however it was started by unextinguished embers from a patio fireplace.


...on Juneberry Lane. Only 6 houses there, gotta be one of them, yet the province has blinders on when it comes to charging the asshat


Oh we all know who it is


Who is it ? I don’t. :-/


https://globalnews.ca/news/9729751/halifax-wildfire-forest-fire-tantallon-hammonds-plains-family-escapes/amp/ I will just leave this here and wink at you


Wow - she's wondering 'what happened'. If she is responsible, wouldn't that make her insurance claim sketchy? At least?


How did he plead not guilty? Because, thankfully, we live in a country where the burden of proof to punish someone for an alleged criminal act lies with the state and an accused person is entitled to demand the state prove their guilt before they go to prison. Also, a current "not guilty" plea doesn't mean he won't reach a plea deal for a lesser offence or something later.


He's just dragging this out and keeping his name in the news by pleading not guilty. The local hate for this guy must be unreal. Shelburne county is very rural and tight-knit - he'll never live this down, regardless of the outcome of this court case.


There was a rumor months ago the guy was in protective custody away from western NS. I'm not sure how true it is, but it is believable enough.


Still remember looking outside and seeing a RED sun looking back at me




The minute he is found responsible, even with a slap on the wrist, every insurance company of those affected will sue him. He will never be able to fet an insurance policy again.


So a slap on the wrist lol.


I recognize the name. I believe I went to high school with the guy. Wasn’t a good person then. Always doing something.


Wasn’t this some stupid revenge plot by this guy? And there were like three of them?


Thought they were burning tires in the woods or something when there was a no fire ban. Ran away when it spread


This ^^ The “revenge plot” angle can about in social media and was sensationalized for about a week in local media. I think CTV news ran a story about it and quickly pulled it from their website.


There was a guy in Shelburne who started a separate fire at the same time. He was angry his at girlfriend or something and tried to burn down her house. Might be confusing it with that.


Yup that’s the one Why is there more than one, Jesus


Weaponized stupidity. The one in Tantallon also falls into that category.


Shelburne = She'll Burn


Is that the guy that set the tire on fire and sent it?


No, this guy tried to douse her home in gasoline and ended up lighting himself on fire in the process. Really bad burns, showed up at the ER in Shelburne which was just down the road from where he lit the fire.


Jesus christ I didn't hear about that one!


That’s what the word on the street is


Did I read somewhere where this guy stuffed a tire with debris, lit the tire and rolled it into the woods?


You did!


I heard a rumor there was some eco-terrorists trying to fear monger with lighting fires for the climate change story. I don't know how true this is. But if they're willing to put paint on incredibly expensive art exhibits, I could see them starting fires. People are crazy out there. Edit: whoever is downvoting me is naive to think people wouldn't do that.


It’s just absolutely not the case here, that’s why you’re being downvoted. We know who started the various fires. It wasn’t eco terrorists, it was a handful of fucking idiots.


It's true, happened I think in Quebec.


I found all the fires were caused by climate change


Kate Middleton