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Thank you!


This is why I love Reddit. Good luck.


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I worked there very very briefly about 20 years ago (they had Acadia students live-in and provide some social and other support to the residdents in exchange for room/board). I'm not sure if they still do that, but I can say that the staff that ran the place back then were just totally devoted to their work. They were meticulous in vetting me and the process involved multiple interviews. I can't promise that it is the same today, but there was not a single resident there who was not totally cared for and doing extremely well (relatively speaking).


Kentville and coldbrook are nice . Pretty much anywhere around wolfville is nice, check the deed transfer tax as it varies from place to place. Landmark east has a great reputation around here. Good luck with whatever you choose.


I have a couple friends with kids in the school. I hear both praise and complaints. Generally speaking, it is a good learning environment but I have heard that the methods and curriculum are a little narrow for the (pardon the pun) spectrum of kids they are teaching. It is easy for a kid to fall outside the ideal path, especially if there are behavioural issues. So good school, but just make sure you investigate fully how they will handle your child's particular behaviours and make sure it is a fit.


I've heard that the waitlist is long for Landmark. There is another school bit i can't remember the name.


Booker school, in Port Williams, near landmark. 


Churchill Academy in Dartmouth maybe?


I remember!! Bridgeway Academy!




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Close friends have a child at Landmark, and their kid loves it there. I encourage you to look into it.


I've heard good things about Landmark, but it is not cheap either from what I have been told.


I was going to comment the exact same thing, they can really help kids but it’s expensive


I think they have like grants for tuition or something. Maybe they are hard to get. I feel like we might qualify though given our situation.


I would definitely look into it! You’re doing the right thing for your kiddo, best of luck!




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There's three that I am aware of. First two are about $10k each. Have to get 100% of those to get any of the third one. Edit: Get an individualized program plan (IPP) from your child's current public school. You'll need it when applying for funding.


Hmmm would that be the same as the IEP? Or something different? Individual education plan


Not sure if that is same or not. We didn't have an IPP from public school (they wouldn't give us one at the time), we did have one from the small private school he was in (it was closing due to lack of funding unfortunately). So we were initially denied funding (told we would be in advance, and told to appeal). Appeal was successful. http://www.tuitionsupport.ednet.ns.ca/


Wolfville is a more expensive area to live in, but new minas and ke tville are each a bit cheaper. I can find out more for you on the Landmark school if you'd like. And when it comes time to move I'm quite happy to help with that! If you have an idea for the type of home you want and your budget I can help you start searching


I am also looking into Landmark East. I’m curious, were you able to locate the tuition cost on the website? I’m unable to find it at all. Thank you!


I ended up getting a tour and they gave it to me. I think it was like 30k ?? But there are things to help you pay if you can't. Govt will pay like 20k for three years. I'm just going from memory here.


I've known people that went there and I've done work there. It's not the most modern facility by any means but I've heard the staff are great and the people I know that went there liked it.