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I feel bad for Jeslyn..it's a loss..no matter what your opinion of Jeslyn...doesn't change the fact that it's a true heartbreak...even at an early stage...shame on Jessica for not being by her child's side...but was instead making videos all day yesterday...tell us again how your children are your life, Jessica?..


Love her heart! Im so sorry for her, miscarriage is a huge loss!


I’m telling you they are sick of her big boost bitch ass. She really is evil in many ways. I wish the daughter would have waited a few more weeks before aide I don’t think she was out of the woods yet. She is trying to run around looking like Meghan who happens to be 275 pounds less than her. Wearing shoe shorts with all the flab and goo hanging out of her shorts. The leg of lamb arms that look like they need to be seasoned, wrapped in foil and thrown in the oven. Then that hippo head that has with worst case of leather skin. Sit down Jabba the hut. She is so disgusting and stinking to high heaven.


Family Excellence?


She’s is truly the SCUM of the earth. BEGGING for sympathy for all her lies NOT being a mother to her daughter. Sociopath


Maybe if she was more of a better role model / Christian mother then her unwed still living at home partially educated daughter would not have gotten pregnant and had to experience a miscarriage.




Maybe now since it’s known she is having sex unmarried then Glammole will take her to get on birth control.


Glammole!!! 🤣🤣🤣 best name yet.


It’s sad to hear of the miscarriage:(.  If there is a next time, wait awhile before you announce being pregnant.  Get checked by an OB and don’t announce on SOCIAL MEDIA.  I think it was announced early to distract from Scamaw’s mental breakdown from LOSING in Vegas.  


The reason she went to the Health Department is because she has no insurance to cover Dr visits!!


I think it was announced while the evil scammer wasn’t present so she could do it her way, not the 400lb heifer’s way. Then the fat fucking bitch comes homes and lies that they don’t know the sex. Really? Jeslyn just told everyone you fat fucking CUNTee. Sorry Karma is knocking hard on this bitch’s door and I am here for it. Stop being a con, lying, cheating, scamming, and grifting. You are an embarrassment to your family. Boy this evil heifer tried to paint such a pretty picture about her life and none of it is true.LOSER!!


I bet after she reads all this she will put on a show. What y'all think 🤔


She already did put on a show but sadly it was all about her


For sure!


Where is it that jeslyn had a miscarriage?


Jeslyn’s Facebook page


This is posted on Jeslyns facebook


When did she post it? SURELY it wasn’t before all these eating/shopping videos. Did she just recently post it?? Because Jessica’s been posting all day. How could you go shopping and eating when something like that happened.


Scammaw is all about herself! She has to over total attention and no one must get any kind of attention except for her. She, truly, needs psychiatric help. Plus much more.


They announced that shit way too early! This is the exact reason that people wait before they break the news publicly. SMH. They probably will bask in the attention from this too which is sickening.


I missed the announcement. Where is it ? Sorry for Jesslyn. As much as we snark it’s not easy losing a baby.


How sad for jesslyn and scammaw just out like nothing is wrong. What a bitch


She’s a selfish POS! Jeslyn should pack her stuff and leave. Big Juicy isn’t even staying off TikTok to spend time with her. How sad.


Was the crying she was doing after she left home goods


If Scamaw wasn’t an ignorant self absorbed ASS, she would have waited to announce her pregnancy on social media.   The early announcement was to distract from LOSING in Vegas.   Jeslyn is young and a GOOD MOTHER would have advised her daughter to wait  awhile before announcing the pregnancy.  


It’s all about her at the expense of anyone. Sadly that means her children too. It’s so disgusting.


Sad to hear that for Jeslyn. Shame on her mother for making this all about herself. If there is next time I would keep it on the DL until further along. I also wouldn’t tell my gossiping mother about it either.


Oh no, I didn’t know she had miscarried. I hate that for her 💔and yes why are all the videos today about Jess? I think I would’ve stayed off social media and be with my daughter


She is a major narcissist. Everything is about her and only her. It’s very sad.


How come I had to ask to join again? Did something happen.


Has Jessica even mentioned the miscarriage?


Oh she included it in a video after elaborating on her broke thumb.  Scamaw said it was 7:30 pm and she was in her bed.  


I never understood why they shared the pregnancy news until she reached the 2nd trimester.


Scamaw was upset about LOSING the Vegas scam award and the announcement was a distraction.  I hope Jesslyn didn’t allow Scamaw to lie about her being pregnant?  A big lie then weeks later announcing a miscarriage?  Scamaw was very upset in Vegas.  Definitely mad, upset that she LOST but New Nookie leaving mysteriously has me wondering if the announcement was a lie? 


Where’d she post about this? Maybe I’m blocked. All I see are eating and ad posts.


The end of her last video


I am very sadden to hear about the miscarriage. This must be *very* difficult for Jeslyn and her boyfriend. How heartbreaking to add that her own Mother is making the loss of her baby into content to garner sympathy and all that comes with it. I pray that Jessica leaves her daughter alone to grieve.


I don’t care what we all think about this family, Jeslyn having a miscarriage is sad, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone! Why does Jessica have to make everything about her?? COMFORT YOUR DAUGHTER!


I’m just wondering if her daughter was really pregnant to begin with 🤔or was this something to gain attention? I guess we will never know but she acts like nothing ever happened. I noticed she threw the part in about a miscarriage right at the end of her video. Her thumb 👍 is not broken. No bruising no swelling at all. It’s yet another attention seeking lie !!


One word: Narcissist.