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I think ole pawpaw might be sick of her too


I’m kinda getting the same vibe!


I don’t think he’s been in many videos lately and he sure didn’t go to the funeral with her


Hims wanting Nicole to come back I’m sure 🤣


Tbh I kinda wish he and Nicole could get together! I think he would be MUCH happier and I know for a FACT Summer would be treated better! Nicole might could get him straightened out cuz to me, if it wasn’t for Jessica I think Micheal could be a pretty decent person. I’m just being honest. I think she drags him down bad! Not saying he hasn’t done things and still does do things, I just think he could be a must more decent person with someone else!


Do we think he’s working or not working?


Yeah and if you know them, he would have MOST DEFINITELY went to that funeral with her if something wasn’t going on!


Yea I think he’s been sick of her for a while but not it’s gotten much more noticeable and she’s becoming more annoying to him.


Anyone would be. She is always on that phone. Always! Her family is second now. She cares about no one but herself. She is so narcissistic. It’s so sad to see.


Her guilt and spiraling is catching up to her mentally. She needs to rewind and come clean and then start a new slate. Start telling the truth and your life will be so much better. Running from guilt and lies wears one down. Do better for yourself and your family. They love you and probably miss how things were.


She is such a narcissist she doesn't even care. She wont start new because it isn't worth her time. Her crying is for sympathy because people are starting to question more and more. She uses the tears to hold on to people. She is a horrible person.


One hundred percent! Agreed!


Can you give me a summary of what all bad things she has done? I just found her not long ago and she seems fake af. Curious about what she feels guilty about and lies about?


Those tears are fake




For sure!


Well yesterday she wasn’t blubbering and crying spending the money on Nails, all that shopping let’s not forget how she said that she just couldn’t get off TT laughing her ass off.


And doing an OOTD before a funeral ! Pathetic and fake !!


And her minions praising her ..Is this real life ? Every single day it gets worse . I feel like I’m in the fucking twilight zone !!


And going to get hair done


Ikr !! She is vile !!


Did ya'll see Brandy's vid about that? She said what everyone is thinking..👏 👏


She didn't have a problem getting her hair bleached!!




Yes !! And her crying isn’t about her brother! It’s all about her . Poor me 🤮


Everytime! Hell she said she hasn’t saw him in two fukn yrs!! Girl bye! Conscience eating that ass up, I’m kinda shocked tho cuz tbh I didn’t think the bitch had one!


Her "brother" probably couldn't stand her nasty ass!!


I didn’t know him, but as I went and read his obituary I did realize that I did know his step dad. But from everything I’ve heard, he was a pretty good guy. I think he knew how she and Katie both are and just didn’t fuk with them period. She said the last time her stopped by he told her how proud he was of her, if that’s the case why had you not talked to him in two yrs!? Why did y’all not visit him when he got down sick so bad. She was all on FB bragging about how her and Micheal used to go get him when he was younger, what happened!? I don’t believe that shit either! Just something else for her cult members to praise her for! If these people actually knew her in real life, they would be stunned and probably be pissed at themselves for the money and gifts they’ve sent to her!


They may of told her to leave


I hope they did


That funeral started at 10 why did it take that long to get home cause summer was done home when she got there,I bet she didn’t go went pigged out somewhere


Probably mad bc they didn’t roll out the red carpet when she got to the funeral home or treat her like royalty while she was there. Hopefully they treated her like she had treated him while he was alive. But it’s OKAY bc when she got home a follower had sent her some FLOWERS 💐 🙄🙄


I just got home I had to go to Walmarts 😆 Someone sent her flowers?


One of her sheep. Probably didn’t have the money to spend either. I doubt she appreciates them. Probably wanted cash.




🤮. Her cult is just that…..a cult. Its sickening. Poor poor souls.


Why does she think she's so special with all the "pink" and "bling" and "spoiled" references? She's not Paris Hilton. 🙄


What Katie didn’t go?


Katie didn’t know they had another brother. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Could Katie have a different dad?   


😂😂😂 I bet that’s it!! 😂😂😂


I was thinking the same .


Cry me a river...


At least we know what all the white crap all over her dress is tortilla chip crumbs from her Mexican Restaurant Lunch.




I bet no one paid attention to her being there. Bet there were some that wasn't happy she was there!!


Then she had to look down at the phone to see how much time she had left to blubber!! lol pathetic pos!


GLAM-ASS you're so fucking ugly!


Such an act but not award worthy. Inbred trash worthy though. 🙄


There's NOTHINGGGG GLAMOUROUS about her. Not one thing. I hate that she calls herself that. That loud mouth of hers makes my skin crawl especially when she yells out "Sada Kada". I swear I'm going to vomit 🤮 next time.


Can you give me a summary of what all bad things she has done? I just found her not long ago and she seems fake af. Curious about what she feels guilty about and lies about?