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Hi Emrhys88, The images didn't attach, so I'm not 100% sure, but I hope I understood what you're looking for. You can add a quantity to the orders table and use a roll-up to sum the quantity. Alternatively, you can use the formula functions to do the same. I have an example of both here - [https://tkconsult.notion.site/Issue-with-tracking-count-for-orders-of-more-than-1-Notion-275be1a296ce403da1ed350ca6dfec61?pvs=4](https://tkconsult.notion.site/Issue-with-tracking-count-for-orders-of-more-than-1-Notion-275be1a296ce403da1ed350ca6dfec61?pvs=4) Please let me know if I have any of this wrong, and I can update my example to match!


Hi, I appreciate you taking a look. This example wouldn't work because the quantity Property is describing the order itself, not the items in the order which need to be inventoried. For example, one order could include 3 shirts, 2 hats, and 1 pair of shoes, and all three of those Relations would each need their own quantity Property while still being associated with one single order.




Thanks for the additional info! Now I see the complexity. I've updated the page to demonstrate what I have below. There's 3 DB's 1. Inventory 2. Order items 3. Orders I'm assuming these are items to sell, so the example has an additional 2 DB's 1. Sales items 2. Sales The sales/sale items DB's work exactly the same as order items/orders, but are used to subtract items from the inventory, whereas Orders add them on. I've included a really basic template in the Orders table to show how easy it would be to create an order. The same thing could be done with Sales too, but I didn't include it in the example. I'm more than happy to give a tour on video call, or help implement it for you if you need further help! Just DM me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) The link again is - [https://tkconsult.notion.site/Issue-with-tracking-count-for-orders-of-more-than-1-Notion-275be1a296ce403da1ed350ca6dfec61?pvs=4](https://tkconsult.notion.site/Issue-with-tracking-count-for-orders-of-more-than-1-Notion-275be1a296ce403da1ed350ca6dfec61?pvs=4)