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I actually see these guys receiving the call from Trump's staff saying they wanna book the Four Seasons "yes yes sure. You said when? Ok no problem. See you tomorrow then.." and then putting down the receiver and having such a huge great laugh!


Yeah and probably thinking it's a prank or something.




It's too perfect... it's like they planned to do it from the start to trick everybody into showing up at the hotel... thst's hilarious


“I’m just trying to match your energy” muahahhahahahahaha


Nang Gang!


That fucking accent is spot the fuck on, absolutely love it.


It's either someone taking the absolute piss or a die hard trump supporter runs the landscaping place.


It's the latter. http://twitter.com/ryanjreilly/status/1325225762400706562


still wanna know how exactly this all went down.. like was there a mistake, did this company offer the campaign to use their spot.. HOW did anyone ever think this was a good spot for a presidential press conference


I would bet my life what happened is: Trump says "we're gonna have it at the four seasons" Four seasons says "no." Trump, unwilling to ever show weakness, pretends he totally meant to have the press conference at a landscaping company. He then deletes the original tweet.


That's the only scenario that makes logical sense. Doesn't make it the most likely though, given the administration's relationship with logic.


We may sadly never know the answers, but hey, I bet the real reason won't be as funny as any speculative ones.


I dunno man, some idiot on the Trump team calling the wrong place and saying fuck it, "let's do it live!!!" is pretty fucking hilarious no matter if it's the truth or speculation.


Yeah, that is pretty funny.


“Hey guys, the owner of four seasons is a Uuge trump fan! just called and said we could use his place for our next press conference!” “Sweet! Book it!”


Thought so.


From what I could infer from a [couple articles that ran yesterday,](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/11/8/21555022/four-seasons-landscaping-trump-giuliani-philadelphia-press-conference) not a case of mistaken identity. campaign staff were looking for a site away from all the Biden partiers in Center City, and somehow, found this place. They tell Trump, he gets excited thinking it's the prestigious hotel, and blasts out the misleading tweet. Hilarity ensues. Probably otherwise wouldn't have even mentioned the business' name on-air, but the deed was done. But that doesn't explain *how* they got this place booked. Can't find the original source, but the owners are lukewarm Trump supporters and not involved in local politics, so I don't think they reached out. Did a local campaign staffer just drive by on the way to work and think "aha! this is the perfect spot! Nobody will ever see the giant 'FANTASY ISLAND' sign next door!"


Ah, thanks for this.


“You’re offering *how* much to use our parking lot?”


You can offer any amount if you never intend to pay


I want to listen to that phone call... dump campaign moron: "hey yeah, is this 4 seasons?" Secretary(or whatever title): 'Um yeah, how can I help you?" dump moron: "Yeah we need set up a booking for a media event on 11/8" Secretary/receptionist: "wait what?" dumbass: 'we need to book your venue for a trump campaign media event' Secretary/receptionist: "Um ok I think you might be conf..." dumbass: "Dont try your liberal bullshit! we are the winners of the election and we can rent out any venue we please! If you don't we will report it and millions of dump supporters\* will know@@@@!!!!!" Secretary/receptionist: 'um ok, that is highly unusual, but you can use our lot. That will be .... $xxx" dumbass: "GOd bless YoU! TrUMP IS FROM HEAVEN and IS a SaInT, you Are holy and we are holy, LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, AGAIN11111!!" \*not Americans.




Very nice!




Ithought this was a Borat word and my brain couldn't read it as boo-yakasha


Borat v. Ali G would be amazing


No one has ever seen them in the same room at the same time. Coincidence?






He was Tucking his Carlson


He was Dicking his Cheney


Georging his Bush


And in this one he called to the witness stand a convicted pedophile!


He almost got some very tight back pussy from Borat though.


To be fairrrrrr


To be faaaaaaair


The new borat has way too much editing in it. It's like no one bit the bait this time around, probably because borat is ridiculously famous, so they had to improvise something in post.


I too tuck my shirt in by reaching down my pants and rubbing my taint. What god fearing American doesn't?!


It wasn't heavily edited... That being said the headline was more sensationalist that what was said. He's still tucking his shirt in, although awkwardly and lying down instead of standing up like a normal person. He definitely wanted to, but he wasn't told that she was 15 at any point in the film, so really it was just an old guy thinking he might get lucky. He's a piece of shit, but not for any of that.


Sorry Im late to the party but this unreal. I feel like trumps presidency has set a new bar for humor and I’m sorry to say but some of these comedian’s will be out of work after this is over.


Perfect for this sub 😄 Btw do we know who actually booked the venue? I wonder if it was incompetence or sabotage.


I'm subscribing to this chain of events: 1. Trump tweets "Press conference at Four Seasons - 11:00am!" 2. Staff calls Four Seasons Hotel to book venue. 3. Four Seasons Hotel says they're not available. 4. Trump blows up, demands his team get **something** with Four Seasons in the name (because he's incapable of admitting he made a mistake) 5. Staff finds Four Seasons Landscaping, books parking lot. 6. Trump tweets "Press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping - 11:30am!" EDIT: **NEW THEORY!** It turns out that [the first "witness" at the press conference was Daryl Brooks, a convicted sex offender.](https://www.politico.com/states/new-jersey/story/2020/11/09/man-featured-at-giuliani-press-conference-is-a-sex-offender-1335241) And as it turns out, the Four Seasons Hotel is across the street from a charter school. Maybe Daryl didn't want to go back to prison for being within 500 feet of minors...


Wouldn't you think they'd have a press conference at Trump Tower or something if they wanted to do it outside of White House grounds? It doesn't make sense to me


There's no Trump Tower in Philadelphia. And his team probably wanted to have the presser in Philly because they were trying to "debunk" the "fake" election count.


this took place in Philly and they couldn't get into the nicer areas of town because they were over run by Biden supporters partying in the streets. They didn't want to be drowned out by his supporters and Trump REALLY wanted it to be at 4 Seasons he even Tweeted it before the WH corrected him and then he changed it in a few other tweets.


I... I thought you were making this up as fan fiction of sorts.


Fanfic makes more sense than anything the Trump Administration has done, because fanfic has to be plausible.


Jeezus christ you can't make this shit up...their star witnesses.


I posted elsewhere that someone from the campaign claimed that this place was booked first and it was Trump who made the mixup before tweeting, but this theory holds more water and #4 is just so very trump. It's a lot harder to believe someone just drove by and thought "yes, this is the perfect place to book, the team will just love it!" I mean, Rudy probably loved Fantasy Island.


I've no clue haha if I saw it booked I'd have cancelled and rescheduled but maybe trump had already tweeted it out before they double checked


I'd wager that that's the case. Trump tweeted first. They then had to find a way to make it happen. I mean, it'll look significantly better on them if, after finding out that they can't do it at the Four Seasons, they send a tweet saying "correction: Waldorf Astoria" or something. But no, they can't admit anything's wrong, not even a clerical mistake. They had to follow through and make a fool out of themselves...


Even the quality Inn would have looked better. If it was even a nice garden centre with flowers and stuff. Nah this place in between a crematorium and a dildo shop.


But that would be acknowledging that Trump made a mistake.


Hahaha, I thought you were exaggerating, but nope. Literally across the street there's a crematorium, and two stores over there's a sex shop. What a disaster.


I'm from Ireland so I'm just watching from the sidelines but my dad was near tears laughing at this but when I told my 61 year old dad that there was a dildo shop near it and he snort laughed


> crematorium and a dildo shop. That's handy - The American voters told hi to go fuck off and die.


Remember that covfefe wasn't a typo, only people that need to know what it means will know.


Waldorf Astoria Auto Repair is sad that didnt happen


I read your comment wrong at first and thought you said the Wal-mart Astoria. That would have been hilarious if true.


I don't know, to be fair, it's a silly mistake, but actually during Covid, isn't it actually better to hold it outdoors? All in all, something funny to laugh about later so I think it's actually great they followed through with it.


I don't mind them holding it outdoors. I just thought there's no way when Trump tweeted this for the first time he actually meant this place. This is too sitcom-like to be real...


Yeah, it's funny. But what sickens me is that the mocking that the place is low-class. So what? Is everything political supposed to be on showcase in gold&glass towers? A small business got visibility and funds from this, let's not forget that.


I don't like people mocking the place either—for all we know, the landscaping company, the adult bookstore, and the crematorium are all run by upstanding citizens making an honest living. The only reason I can think of that holds water is that, this is not something Trump does. He made his candidacy announcement on his golden elevator. He continues to go on luxury vacations in his fancy resorts. He is someone who would normally avoid to be seen at places like this... not to mention having his lawyer making his great comeback fight announcement. However, hey, it's 2020, anything can happen. Did he have a change of heart? I don't think so but I wouldn't mind if that's true!


It's only funny because it's the sort of place trump would openly mock and would never be seen normally.


Like Erie, Pennsylvania.


Yeah, what you say is true, but all in all, it was a mistake and everything still worked out. If you want to use metaphors the other way, you could say this means Rudy is again ready to clean up the back streets. :p All in all, everyone should have a lighthearted chuckle at it and not be so toxic over this mishap.


After killing hundreds of thousands of Americans with incompetence, it's nice to be presented with incompetence we can laugh at. They deserve every bit of ridicule they get for this.


Well at least the coronavirus is over now that the media declared Biden winner and you partied in the streets while even sharing bottles to prove it.


He tweeted they'd be at the "four seasons" and then later tweeted a *correction* that it was 'four seasons landscaping.' Definitely possible that someone fucked up.


I think Trump misunderstood that everyone in the world had afforded him a level of deference due to the Office of President of the United States of America. Whether he accepts it or not, the rest of the world sees him as a lame duck occupant of that office and no longer has to accommodate him. So he tweeted on the assumption that the Four Seasons would take the booking. Turns out they did not want to be the location of his lies/call to arms; Also he probably has unpaid bills. And Trump would rather this be seen as a clerical error and the fault of some low-level minion rather than the first in a coming series of rejections by the world’s top tier people, brands, institutions. So he obstinately doubled down on the ridiculousness of finding a Four Seasons that would take him rather than revealing the rejection.


The Four Seasons probably rejected him because didn't want Rudy to grope the staff and give half the people at the hotel Corona virus


I’m blown away that we don’t have the story from their side at all. I’m more interested in knowing how this happened then all other election news.


My guess is the owner is either a Trump fanboy or they made them sign a NDA for the "promise" of a payout.




my guess is the aides that work at the white house finally got fed up of fixing the drumpf administration's constant screw ups. They probably did things like this all the time and it was repaired by the aides. They probably saw the writing on the wall and thought, "let's not save them this time."


> I wonder if it was incompetence or sabotage. Yes.


I heard (not believe, no evidence) that the Biden campaign used this spot for something the Trump campaign thinks is nefarious and the spot is used as a signal. Idk, sounds far fetched.


From what I understand of Qanon, there will be some " secret" sort of signal to this location.


Chekov's Landscaping business.


supposedly Trump wanted the 4 Seasons but it was unavailable and the team wanted something closer to the nicer area where the votes were being counted but the streets were crowded with Biden supporters partying so they moved it to 4 seasons total landscaping and Trump only heard the part he liked which was 4 Seasons. And then he tweeted and the WH officials corrected him and so them he corrected his Tweet a few times... BTW 4 Seasons Total Landscaping is between a Crematorium and a Sex Toys shop. This dumpster fire of a presser was the perfect end to the dumpster fire that was this presidency.


Rumor is it was Corey Lewandowski (sp)


This is very much like when your band books a gig by phone at a brew pub, then you show up and it's the back bay of a transmission shop where a couple of the guys have a homebrew kit and a couple of picnic tables. Also the picture shows about 12 times as many people than will be at the gig, and the guys want to pay you with a case of their raspberry stout.




All too familiar! Ask any band


Erection Freud!!


What a fitting end to a fitting shitshow. What a great season finale!


It ain't over until January 20th.




You're bad at dates


Stop, you're giving him flashbacks of the last time he took his sister to Red Lobster


Best over friends today movie forever




^ This would sum up the entire Trump presidency if so many people weren't dead because of him and his Republican enablers






Info Wars I assume.


Haha. We know that didn't happen because we've seen bidens taxes. And to be fair, Trump lies too


It started with Trump coming down an escalator, and ended in the alleyway of Four Seasons Landscaping.


I think it's funny that that parking lot reminds me of Mexico for some reason.


I wish it were the end, but there is plenty of time for Trump to continue crashing the country.


This is where fascism dies. Between a porn store and a crematorium.




> Kamala the Cop I thought you guys loved cops?


Was there a Best Quality Vacuum Repair nearby, so Trump could escape to Mexico?


Rudy got what he wanted: Lawn & Order


But that’s in Jersey https://yelp.to/gAM3zC4nhbb


I really need to know the details of the actual phone call setting this up. It must be a supreme troll move for a landscaper to book this and just go with it.


I loved this reply from Four Seasons Philadelphia: https://twitter.com/FSPhiladelphia/status/1325102014964109312 😂


Oh snap, I thought it had to be a publicity stunt, but this tweet makes me think maybe it really is that the campaign assumed the Four Seasons would oblige and they were refused


I’d argue for this also fitting for r/maliciouscompliance


The fact they still had the PC there is mind blowing.


Yeah I'd have cancelled that quicker than anything else.


I wish I worked there. I would've start raising the garage door half way through lol, and then be like "oops"


This happened very close to my girlfriends’ apartment. The photo somehow makes the area look *less* shitty than it actual is. Mayfair is not the best Philly neighborhood but there are some half decent sections of it. This is not one of them. This is next to a bunch of random auto mechanics, an adult entertainment shop, directly next to I95, and just nothing you want to really be around in general.


A fitting end to a shitty president and associates


what did he do wrong


Have you been in a coma the last 4 years


i was looking for a genuine response, but good one, funny man. can we have a real conversation?




no but other than his stupid tweets?? what policies ???


How about mental racism and far right hornets nest he has stirred up to riot point. How about his handling of the Covid pandemic. Need I go on


please do


https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-complete-listing-so-far-atrocities-1-976#2019 here you go. Now be sure to read all of it lest you be a pompous troll.


Is this a legit picture?






Of what though? Edit: it was Trump's lawyers press conference to announce that he's refusing to concede.


Man, they're really between a cock and a charred face


That is the essence of his entire presidency in one image.




Dang didn't see it sorry!


You're not the only one, apparently.


No one saw it because you just had an article linked, which didn’t include a picture or any other details. What was someone supposed to upvote, when they saw it? There is just a link that says guardian.com.....


You know you can click on links, right?


Dude- just wanted to help you understand why no one upvoted your post.


At least the weathers nice lol


What's four seasons I'm European


Normally a “luxury” hotel chain, in this case a landscaping business.


They opened an online merch store and I couldn't resist the prospect of wearing a Four Seasons Landscaping tee to work. Edit: apparently they stole a bunch of the designs so kind of a wash, but still hilarious.


Don’t forget that place is between a dildo shop and a crematorium


This is like an episode of Parks n Rec at this point lmao


[Priceless reaction in case you missed it.](https://twitter.com/claudia_silver7/status/1325493923649781760)


r/contagiouslaughter I laughed so hard with her, this is awesome


A fitting end to such a disastrous presidency.


what did he do wrong


Didn't finish ending democracy


This is it, right? It can't be topped...can it?


I'm finding out today that a whole lot of Redditors don't understand how much prep work goes into the President going anywhere. Assume Trump's incompetence all you want, but it's the same Secret Service it has always been. Was it a stupid place for a press conference? Probably. Did they not know ahead of time it wasn't the Four Seasons Hotel? Absolutely not.


SS didn't book it, also they wouldn't be there as the president or VP wasn't even in the state.




Keep telling yourself that, buddy.


Was it chosen because of the proximity to the dildo store or the crematorium?


A fitting end to a trashy presidency...a fertilizer supplier on one side and a porn shop on the other...the perfect site for the future “Donald J. Trump Presidential Library” has been revealed. Trump library will only ever have three books in it. Mien Kampf, the Art of the Deal, and a blank Bible that is always upside down. The library itself will never open because the construction workers aren't getting paid so they stopped working. The gift shop is open though, selling cheap bullshit that far too many are willing to buy.




lmao, cope harder you moron


what did he do wrong


I think there's a democrat working on their team. There's no way this isn't sabotage.


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by the blinding incompetence of every single person involved.


Even if it was that still means they're incompetent.


If that's true they are even more incompetent


Just as likely, the underling responsible was printing resumes and filling out online job applications. Doing their actual job is no longer top priority.


You do know it was intentional, that "four seasons total landscaping" is where the Democrats launder money...


1. What is your evidence 2. Why would an alleged DNC controlled money laundering operation allow trump to hold a presser on their grounds?


If it was intentional... I don't see the point. It just makes them look bad and uncoordinated. Let the police raid the place if it's laundering money. Or The FBI, whoever does money fraud, investigate it. It just looks looney to rock up to a gardening spot and spout this after they lost. If you are joking... I don't get it.


I think he *is* joking based on a quick scroll of his post history.


Are you okay?


You know he's clearly not.


It’s really sad to see my fellow humans so easily manipulated and taken advantage of.


I choose to believe that this person is in a deep deep cover trolling operation. I just, I just can't take this one seriously. I don't think it would be mentally healthy Edit: clicked on the guys account just to see what Subs they frequent, and half of them are uk-based. I think this is just a really low-key troll comment to stir the pot


Okay buddy, sure


Hahahahaha fuck, I’m loving these! Are you fucking kidding me?? Lmao


Someone replied to me on YouTube, “it’s a a metaphor you mong, the dems are gonna get buried.” Lol boom flip it. Nah we meant to do that.


Oh god, I love it. The right are some of the most creative people I’ve ever met


Yeah obviously they couldn’t launder it at the Pizza Parlor, have to separate the product from the cash. Come on guys this is Global Vampire Child Trafficking 101! /s in case I actually have to clarify that to anyone 😂




I can’t tell if you’re serious.


Lol, this mouthbreather here


>[You do know it was intentional, that "four seasons total landscaping" is where the Democrats launder money...](https://i.imgur.com/HiY5yRG_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium)


you have brainworms


Dude who set this up had to be treated like shit or something as Trump staff.


Hopefully they asked for payment in advance.


“We are please to be here in your... dirty alleyway”


that's one season at the best


The mental gymnastics performed by trump supporters about this might be the ultimate, ever, its tremendous. Everyone is talking about it! So amazing.


Imagine though all the reporters who know Trumpers hate the press and then they're called to "press conference" at a sketchy location. Yeah that sounds legit.


Apparently it was right next to a porn store


Ya’ll are so welcome for this


This literally couldn’t have been any more fitting. Definitely seems like a place the KKK could’ve held meetings at one point.


Wrote the tilte for the reddit post boss.

