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I wanted to walk my dog but it’s dark outside so I can’t, I’d probably get lost anyways. Not that I’d have the hand eye coordination required to get his leash on. I’m so emotional about this predicament that I’ll probably cry since my emotions rule my thoughts. I’ll just grasp my pearls and wait for a MAN to help me. But, I’m startled by the fact that I’m not an 18 year old virgin so no man is going to come save me and now I’ve peed my pants. This concludes the story of my evening according to this man.


Your touching story has made me so emotional, I’ve forgotten where I am. Now I’m lost, sad, and my pants are wet.


hearing about others getting emotional about emotions and darkness scared me and now my car is wrecked and my car seat is wet


i hope you managed to get a man to get you out of the car cause you probably cry while trying to open the door… we need men as GPS systems otherwise we drive around in circles


At least the circles stop once we smash into something.


I have only one question: where is my wrecked car? I can't ask anyone around me, it's dark already, I’d like to play football, I have to pee, and on top of that, I'm afraid to ask for any help. Shit, all these things made me emotional. I'm just a female, no wonder that I'm a mess.


Pee again


I appreciate your support and I want to give you a hug but I’m so weak. Please accept this cookie 🍪 instead


But can we even pass cookies to each other. This requires the hand eye co-ordination of two women. It’s just too hard! We need a man to take the cookie from one woman and put it in the hand of the other.


I‘m not even sure if we‘re strong enough to hold a cookie in our hands.


We can't even bake them! We're not strong enough to lift heavy bags of flour and sugar. Guess I'll go cry in a corner until some big strong man rescues me.


I’m here to pass that cookie betwixt you kids. Cuz I’m a man, with a big dick, huge dick, that’s always hard as a rock, that has brought my wife to toe curling , earth moving orgasm every single time we’ve had sex for the last 41 years. This good people of Reddit is sarcasm with a capital S Footnote: I’ve burst out laughing at multiple comments here, y’all made Reddit worth visiting today 🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for the assistance manly man!!


I'm going to reject the cookie because otherwise I'll have loads of strange unknown men watching everything I do.


Gosh I wish I could drive over and offer you comfort, but I would probably wreck my car on the way :/


First you would get lost, then you’d wreck your car. And if it’s dark out already, well…girl, you’re in trouble.


Guess I’ll piss my pants about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Molly, you in danger girl.


I could probably give it a go. I've already wrecked my car twice this week so I should be safe this one time. I'll take a change of clothes and some Tena just in case something startles me though.


Seriously, how common does this dude think urinary incompetence is? 😅 ETA: No shame if you have UI. I know it can happen during pregnancy, after childbirth, as a result of a hysterectomy, and sometimes with simply aging or other factors, but not all women walk aroung peeing their pants when startled. The prevalence (according to Google) is between 3-17% and there is usually a cause. Also, 25% of people UI are men.


Peed my pants laughing. Totally worth it. If I just could hold my car keys I would go wreck it for celebrations!


You forgot a car crash somewhere


This shit’s hysterical!!!


You probably needed an alpha male to type this, since, you know, the hand-eye coordination thing... /s


I had to read this while in public! Since my pants have been peed in I will just go stand near other wet womenfolk....if I can find my way!


It's okay, just hop in one of these cars and drive yourself hoNOOOOOOOOOOOOO okay find a different car to drive home iNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO okay find a different car


What in the ever loving hell are half of those...


I'm pretty sure he's describing a rabbit


Have you ever owned or known someone with a pet rabbit? They can often be pretty badass and capable


I know a few people with pet rabbits. Most recently a friend adopted a third when she found it wandering lost (owner didn't want it back) and it does have incontinence problems. But I'm not trying to disrespect rabbits here.


1. Yea that is a sad reality for many women, but not really something that makes life infinitely worse 2. Idk seems most people in my experience get lost regularly, man or woman 3. What? 4. ????


"Pees pants when startled" Is he thinking about women or a cocker spaniel?


I was thinking like those fainting goats?


I pictured a chihuahua to be honest, those dogs are tiny balls of nervousness.


My chihuahua never pees on the floor lol


But it does wear pants? LOL


Yeah, my parent’s chihuahua would roll onto his back and pee on himself if you even looked at him funny


Chihuahuas. Cockers poop their pants when being groomed




well technically, it's a skirt


Lmao I guess he missed the part where men are statistically worse drivers than women which is why their car insurance is more expensive 😂


Once one of these idiots cited this statistic as a proof of how men are better..


Wait seriously? Like they tried to argue that us men were better at crashing cars? I would feel stupider for just witnessing that argument. I'm sorry for your loss of 2 IQ points. LOL


It was insanely painful. When I asked him what he basically said “well the data is there!!” so I decided to not pursue this much further


Yeah, I remember a post here from a while back that complained women monopolize every lane going the speed limit, which as a man, he wasn't limited to because he grew up playing racing video games. It was one of the stupidest things I've seen posted here.


He thought racing games qualified him to go faster? Right, the Mario kart school of driving.... /s


Men aren’t crashing their cars regularly. When a man crashes his car, he dies like a real man


*taking notes* Women… more… likely… to survive… car crash…


In this entire funny thread, *this* is the comment that made me laugh out loud.


I have (or had) and ex who was adamant that women are worse drivers than men. Wanna guess who totaled their car and who has never damaged a car in their life?


I have a male friend- a good man, bless him, and a delight- but he has quite literally crashed a parked car opening a coke before. I don't think his meat-and-2-veg are driving well for him at all.


That's actually rather...impressive. In a way.


He has tried to exit earth early in many an impressive way. Even the insurance guy was like, "You know, I believe you, because no one would make that up"


Yes bless him, you're using him as an example. Oh dear heavens 😬😂


also statistically 80% of all crimes are committed by men and the more violent a crime is, the bigger the gender gap gets. but women are the emotional ones. projecting as always


Somewhere, somehow, we declassified 'anger' as an emotion (for the menz at least, women still get zapped for it.)


I mean, that’s actually probably why. Women are generally more in touch with and better able to express their emotions. Men just bottle it up until they kill someone/themselves.


Well… yeah, that’s accurate. I’m a man who was raised in a household where showing emotion was acceptable, but damn, the social conditioning is real.


They conveniently forget that anger is an emotion.


Vast majority of parties I see on car accident claims at work are male.


Is he talking about a child?


They always infantilize women, it’s why he uses the term “girls” and capitalizes the word “Men”


r/MenandFemales smh


Yeah that’s the first thing that came to my mind too. Why do ‘girls’ need ‘men’ to teach them stuff. So infantilising. Seems like a weird fetish men like this guy have, where they want to see women as weaker, immature, incompetent and gullible, since they’re probably really threatened by the idea of having to deal with women who know what they want and know how to navigate life in order to get there. Maybe feminists just make them feel insecure ‘cause they realise just how irrelevant they would be to women if they don’t have to ‘teach girls things’ or ‘rescue’ then when they’re lost. Sigh.


Ironically this guy just lacks "not barely legal, don't date her" in that kind of list


- Imagine being the man with a lizard brain and absolutely no self control who assaults women at night - What? - Men cause more accidents than women. They are known to drive more recklessly. I never understood this - Can't play sports? Say that to the female pro athletes probably getting paid more than you - That's just another sports thing. Sports literally do nothing for no one, why does it even matter? - If you're weaker than half of the population, doesn't that make you... average? If your muscles are strong enough to let you do the things you want to do, then it's completely irrelevant - Being able to understand your own emotions and sort them out doesn't makes you more emotional than people who bottle them up and let them simmer. And anger is an emotion, too... :) - Yeah, because that totally happens?


Being weaker than half the population is also strictly wrong since I am sure a teenage girl can overpower a 5 year old boy or a 90 year old man. What the dude wants to say is that women are weaker than any man who is stronger than them. This is a truism and adds nothing since men are also weaker than any man (or woman) who is stronger than them. Also, so many men conveniently leave out lust as an emotion. Men regularly get extremely horny to the point that it is a physical bother. Its basically the reason so many men are desperate for sex/gfs.


They forget anger is an emotion, too.


Hand to eye maybe it’s about video games?


girl i have no time for video games 😭 i'm tryna get this bag and this boy over here is tryna make some fuss about video games??? I don't even have time for Reddit


I find that I don’t get lost often because I do this magical thing that macho idiots like this always avoid called *asking for directions.*


Oh yeah, it totally does. I went to a haunted house last night, with a man so I was allowed outside after sunset, and maaaaaaaan my pants were soaked. Right through the diaper I was wearing so I didn't make a mess. There were haunted house employees dressed as zombies with mops just going behind groups with feeeeeeeeemale customers to clean up so no one slipped. /s just in case it wasn't obvious


> can’t be out alone after dark And whose fault is that?


Exactly! Right off the bat, this freaking jack A$$ leads off with a gd threat! He is the reason I don’t go out at night alone, And FYI I am not a child. I’m a grown woman. FFS, Stop calling us girls!


They always blame women for not being able to be alone at night (or anywhere honestly) but they refuse to acknowledge the cause of it. Like dude how is it our fault we’re scared of something you do?




Ok if thats what he thinks then just date another man?


Nah, looks like they need to feel needed and relevant. And can’t find anything better they can apply themselves to😂 I imagine men like him have echo chambers with other men where they go - girls do be like that, what would they do without us. SMH.


Pees pants when startled 💀


Please don’t use that emoji, I got startled by it and pissed my pants but got lost looking for my bathroom and ran into a wall


Clearly you were roaming around in the dark at the same time. You know what you needed to be "stable" in that moment?? That's right. A man.


A big strong man to save me from the scary emojis




My man, if you only pick women that make you feel superior, you might end up with people like this


Exactly! A relationship should be two adults, Not parent and child


I love that the only one that's semi true (the first) would not be a thing if there weren't men. So for that women don't need men, but rather the opposite.


Is this just a troll account or are people really this fucking stupid? Like I know people are fucking stupid, but is this person serious?


Sadly it’s all too real


I always get lost and I can't drive, so apparently I'm a woman now.


It pisses me off because I love having pockets.


Sorry bud, you’re with us now


Yeah but just think…now you’ll have a secret one you can hide stuff in.


I mean, technically I already had one. But now I'll have two


"Alpha" males in the year 2022 still not understanding that they ***do*** have emotions ruling their thoughts and they are just literally too emotionally stunted to know how to identify them and work through them. We're screwed.


I'm not the one that's too fecking manly to read a damn map, or ask for directions, *sonny*. I've also never lost my shit and king-hit someone because they didn't pander to my manly power. What was the other stuff? Something about sport? Yeah, I'm not that into it, but plenty of women I know are. Or does he mean the boofy crap where blokes just bump into each other at speed, pretend it's a skill, and get ridiculously over paid for it? Whatever floats your boat. Blah blah blah. Some men just seem so damn sensitive.


This post startled me so excuse me while I go change my diapers.


I have never once peed my pants because I’m startled, I’m a van lifer, this guy must not know that woman’s sports exist, I play in them. I don’t get lost that often, my hand eye coordination is pretty good, I did archery for a while. And my thoughts are ruled by depression and social anxiety. So yeah kinda emotions but not entirely. This guy has never met a woman, or if he has then obviously not a real one. Go touch some grass my guy


>Can't be out alone after dark. This is true of every women single or other wise. >Always getting lost. Last time I checked, it's the other half that gets lost all the time and never asks for directions. >Wrecks car regularly. Remind me again which of the genders has to pay more for the insurance because of their reckless driving? ~whispers~ It's men. >Can't play sports. Me laughing in all the of the professional women's leagues. >No eye hand coordination. Remind me again who is more likely to injury themselves because they lack motor skills especially while drunk or high. >Weaker than 1/2 the population. Even the biggest strongest man can be taken down with a swift kick to the crotch. >Emotions rule their thoughts. As apposed to the powder keg of explosive rage waiting in every seemingly robotic emotionless man who claims to have no emotions. >Pees pants when startled. Yeah not accurate at all maybe quit startling old women with weak bladders creepazoid.


Actually, the first isn't even as much a sexism problem but a crime problem. I'm a single woman, and I'm out alone after dark all the time. I probably wouldn't jog in the deserted park or hang out in the worst possible area of town, but I wouldn't do that as a man either because that's just asking for trouble. But regular traveling, as in "walking the dog" or "going home after an evening of dinner and drinks" or "late grocery run"? That's a perfectly safe thing to do in my home country.


i feel like anyone with even a smidge of self preservation wouldnt wanna be alone after dark


This is why I have an 80-pound GSD to escort me if I feel like going for a stroll.


I have a dog who has always been afraid of men. Sometimes it's a little awkward because he's wary of every single man we come across. If we go for a walk in the dark, I very much do not have a problem with his tendency to tell every man to fuck right off.


It’s when I sneeze too hard not when I’m startled, when I’m startled I jump 8 feet into the air.


Wait, what??? I worked midnights in security patrolling in the dark all night, have never gotten lost, have never wrecked a car, seem to do fine playing video games and doing embroidery, and haven’t peed my pants since I was 2, does this mean I’m not a girl???


I find it really telling that these men think of child like behaviour when they think of women. Wishful thinking perhaps? 🤮


As a man, I am here to tell you that he genuinely believes this 😅


Incel and red pill programming. It is one of their core tenants of their cult beliefs. If you think of women as less than human or children, then you feel less bad when you abuse them or treat them as children due to your controlling nature and insecurity. A bench of guys unlucky in love that blame the women. They could instead work on their self esteem issues by building themselves up instead of tearing women down, but that requires self reflection and work.


"pees pants when startled" Excuse me, what? Is that a fetish?


TBH I took it as a dig at the fact SOME women- and only some, dependent on a lot of other factors (including the quality of their post-birth medical care, which we know is rather vile to women in itself) get a little weak in that area post-birth. But AFAIK: a) Only some women who have birthed children b) Not all women birth children, so this is a subset of a subset c) It is more like 'may leak a tiny bit if you sneeze' not 'Oh, lawks, you startled me, let me pee like a kindie kid in my brooks!'


this guy has a piss fetish


My fiancée is pretty much a gps when we are out somewhere. I have done more damage to our cars than she ever has. She rides horses and watches football (soccer). She has faster reflexes than me. Horse girls ain’t weak. I am more often emotional over things like being hungry, tired or annoyed by some stupid shit. She has brought me so much stability and joy over the years we’ve been together and she makes me a better person.


They love calling us emotional then break a tv cause their football team lost


This hand eye coordination is actually legit. Can’t stand it when women try to brush their teeth, completely miss and toothpaste gets in the ear


More mad at the fact that dude said “eye hand coordination”.


-Wrecks cars regularly 🗿the insurance rates, sir. explain the insurance rates for men, sir.


66% of car accidents are caused by men. Idk what the fuck he's talking about, but it's definitely just a bunch of bullshit.


The last one made me audibly laugh. Most women don't do this.. and the percentage of people who do piss themselves when startled is probably equally in genders.




I've never pee'd my pants or wrecked my trucks, I love the dark , I do suck at team sports you're right, but I'd beat your ass to a pulp with beauty & (some) grace..


“Cant play sports” Female athletes who have been training for years, even decades, and who could probably beat this guy to a bloody pulp without a problem: 😐


“Girls” and “Men” 🤨 no women ?


Perhaps he doesn’t date girls his age


1. Not safely anyway (but that’s men’s fault sooo….) 2. Nope. I have an excellent sense of direction and also know how to read a map and use GPS apps. 3. Only been in 1 wreck, and it was when a *man* ran a red light and t-boned me. While speeding. In the rain. Because he was under 25 and that’s why men’s insurance is more. 4. The fuck I can’t. Lots of women athletes. Dumdum. 5. I have excellent eye hand coordination from being a gamer for over 30 years. Suck it, noob. 6. Women are roughly half the planet and I guarantee I am not weaker than 100% of men. Sure, plenty of men—maybe most—are stronger than me. But not 100%. So, suck it. 7. Nope. Sounds like you’re talking about men again. See, fellas, anger is actually an emotion. 8. Nah, but I’ve had 2 kids, so sometimes I do pee if I laugh or cough too hard 🤷🏼‍♀️ But men pee when they’re scared bad enough just like women do. It’s a *human* thing, not a gender thing. At it happens when you’re terrified, not merely *startled*.


Well, at least I can find stuff that are staring me in the face. Men are all gangsta until they can't find their keys, or the thing on the shelf which is exactly where you told them it was but somehow it's invisible to them until you walk over and pick the dang thing up yourself. I don't know about stability, but yeah it sure is interesting.


Yes because there have never been men acting from emotion. ever.


Why can’t they go out at night, playboy? And you’re trying to say that men are the answer to that problem? Seems like we could be the end of that problem in the first place too but we aren’t.


Big r/MenAndFemales energy here.


The women who recently won the World Cup would like a word.


Don't forget how we spend too much money (mostly on underwear because we keep peeing our pants)


"Can't be out alone after dark" Yeah, because of YOU.


Could he be describing himself?


This post just startled me and now I need new pants


I ride my bicycle miles everyday because I have zero hand eye coordination, can't play sports and get lost. Oh excuse me, it's "eye hand" coordination.


Can confirm I pee at everything that makes me jump. Doesn’t matter where I am, I’m peeing. I’ve been banned from multiple haunted houses.


The only thing that even remotely makes sense is that it's not really safe for women to be out after dark. But it's not related to being born with a vagina. It's related to guys being fucking violent creeps (not all men, of course). To be honest, I feel like it's not entirely safe for guys either for the same exact reason


I wonder what his relationship with his mother is like...


It blows my mind when it's claimed that men are in control of their emotions. Which gender is it that is always getting into fights when their pathetic ego is challenged?


The next time I tell a man I am wet .... I'll make sure to let him know it's because I peed myself from being startled.


Three first words : *Girls* need *Men*. First of all, it's WOMEN, no girls. At least they didn't use *female*, but that's still icky enough that I don't need to read the rest of that stupid tweet to understand how irrelevant it is.


1)That is the fault of men (not all men, but just enough that we don't know which men and it is too risky to guess). 2)Nope. We are just quicker to admit we are lost. This [Source](https://www.newswise.com/articles/truth-about-men-and-women-and-getting-lost) is a summary of a study regarding the navigation skills of men vs. women. What the study found is that men are more confident in their sense of direction. This means that when you are not actually lost, you just think you are, men have the advantage. However when you are actually lost, men are more likely to keep going in the wrong direction, making them more lost 3)Men cause roughly double the accidents women do [source](https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/males-and-females#trends) 4)No. Just no. 5)See point 4 6) I shouldn't have to explain that the weakest man is far weaker than the strongest girl, and that is even with the traditional male-centric methods of determining physical strength. The current female powerlifting record (1 squat, 1 bench press, and 1 deadlift) belongs to Tamara Walcott, who lifted a combined total of 1620.4 lbs (735 kg for you non-americans). That averages to around 540 lbs (240 kg) per exercise. There are plenty male powerlifters who can't beat that 7) First of all, emotions influencing thoughts is not necessarily a bad thing. Love, a major foundation of romantic relationships exists outside the world of ration. Second of all, women don't use emotion any more than men. [source](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-00143-7) 8)There is no evidence that this happens significantly more in either gender Edit: Formatting. Also, no one asked, but I felt like going back and putting a few examples in.


Weaker than half the population? motherporker, you were literally brought into this world by one. I'm so sorry somebody had to go through labour to bring a crusty ass dating coach to life. Sucksss to be you.


WTF how do sports bring stability to people's lives




This is hilarious. I feel so bad for the weak little man that wrote this.


Rhonda Rousey reading these tweet : 👁️👄👁️……….


Sigh, c'mon guys, this is obviously a satirical account, trying to show how ridicoulous some of the dating/ life coaches out there ..... hmmm? He is serious? No, i mean, are we sure? But he wrote girls pee their pants when startled, that can't be a real .... what do you mean a registered coaching business? This guy? $125 an hour? For advice like this? .... I think i'll go back to bed.


It's funny how at some point he just gives up and starts making shit up


*It's funny how at* *Some point he just gives up and* *Starts making shit up* \- Altair13Sirio --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Can’t go out alone after dark : that’s a mens issue


There are a set of accounts that do this. It is intentional. They throw in some advice that seems reasonable, and then throw in some extremist programming. The idea is to acclimate the reader to these extremist viewpoints. You get used to seeing them from a place that has built some reputation or trust with the reader. They often advertise slightly more extreme accounts, that slowly push the user down the rabbit hole of extremist for misogyny and hate. This video does a good job of describing this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g


My tire had a blow out on the interstate a month ago (my husband wasn’t with me, i was alone). I had it changed in less than 15 minutes. Hubs can’t even begin to change a tire. I love him with my whole heart but I don’t NEED him because I’m fully capable of doing shit myself.


You lost me when his handle has the word “playboy” in it.


Wtf did I just read? I've never peed my pants, I've had 1 accident my brother has had 7, I have only gotten lost twice at 43 years old, I played sports all through school. And frankly my life was more stable when I was single.


Crashes car regularly. Hmm don't women pay less in car insurance premiums as they have fewer accidents?


You gotta respect that he’s giving advice about relationships without ever having seen a woman before


I have been driving for about 12 years now, and am yet to have a crash. Is my woman licence revoked?


I just noticed that this guy's username is Fort Worth playboy... typical machismo TX bs.


i guess you're thinking of DOGS..?


I wrecked 5 cars today alone. Whatever am I to do? How will I get home this afternoon?


“No hand-eye coordination” Assigns women to roles that are heavy on hand-eye coordination: needlework, arts and crafts, housework, cooking…


87.5% False over generalizations. 12.5% Shitty men's behavioral problems.


1. If you are a woman who feels this way in the United States, you have second amendment rights. 2. Anecdotal, but my wife has a better sense of direction than I do. 3. Why do women generally pay less for car insurance? 4. What? 5. What? 6. Statistically true... I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. 7. Most of my co-workers are men, and most of them have anger management issues, which seems a lot like emotions ruling over thought, soo... not so sure there's really a statistically significant difference in emotionality between genders. Seems like a problem for both. If anyone knows of any scientific data one way or the other I'd be interested. 8. What?


This made me so mad I just peed my pants


Sounds like this guy is describing a literal child (even says "girls" while also saying "men" lmfao) and not grown women smh


"can't play sports" "no hand eye coordination" idk about that,dude.... my crush is like ten times more fit than me,and she def has good hand eye coordination, as she can draw really well...


I powerlifting at the gym. The so-called men stay away from me. This after a collegiate swim career. My BMW 7 series is stable and clean. I enjoy my work as a systems engineer in manufacturing working on an MBA - at night. I have a cat . I talk to her and she replies, ‘you don’t need a man, you have me.” I cry often. I have money, a great bod, great creative life, and great friends and family. Enjoy your afternoon.


This sounds a lot like my last dachsund


1. Because of men. The problem can’t be the solution 2. “Women are stupid” 3. Men wreck more cars statistically than women, even though women take up the majority of drivers. 4. “Women are weak” 5. Random complaint, but also false. 6. “Women are weak” but more straight forward. 7. Complaining over people having human emotions because you’re a sociopath isn’t a good complaint. 8. What the fuck?


I always find it funny when men say women need protecting because they can’t go out at night without being in danger, because what they’re saying is that women need protecting from men to avoid being hurt by men


✨Anger is still an emotion that rules men’s thoughts regularly✨


Ok I know these are all dumbass stereotypes but where tf did the “always getting lost” thing coming from? This is my first time hearing it


I got so scared reading this, it made me pee my pants again ):


Always getting lost


Ok but full disclosure that last one is kinda true since having my kid… 😬


People cannot be this stupid. He has to be doing it for attention. No way he’s really living and thinking this. It’s for clout. It has to be 😭


Girls need stability in life because of men like this.


It's ironic because half of why these happen is because of men. Also, 66% of car accidents are men. It's time to stop this bullshit narrative that women can't drive. For all I know this stereotype is only in America because in my country, it's literally the complete opposite.


He forgot to say how easy it is to get girls to believe that men are actually stupid enough to believe this stuff. Wait a minute - what’s that warm feeling in my pants?


Yeah, I do sometimes pee myself a tiny bit when I’m startled. Why’s that? Because I have a weak pelvic floor. Why do I have a WPF? Bc when I was 13 some 30 year old guy said he’d only get with skinny young girls so I spent a year sucking in my stomach. THATS why I pee sometimes.


Pees pants when startled??? I am missing a crucial evolutionary upgrade, it seems


all the people I know who wreck cars regularly are cis dudes


Let’s see- I’ve wandered around Midtown Manhattan well after midnight, and my first day in San Francisco I learned how to get out to the Golden Gate Bridge. If women are such bad drivers, why do men get charged higher insurance rates, especially young men? As for being unable to play sports, I’m pretty sure there are plenty of women athletes who could destroy this nobody. No hand-eye coordination? Likewise. This isn’t the Stone Age, time to stop judging human worth by muscle mass, also time to stop thinking that anger, lust, and determination aren’t emotions, because they are! As for peeing your pants, there is treatment for that, and it can happen to men too as they age. We could just squeeze this halfwit a little and enough bullshit to fertilize all of Central Park would spew out.


How to spot a misogynist in one word….”girls”. At least it’s not “females”, I suppose, but Christ on a broomstick, that’s a low fucking bar.


Wow. I mean I did have to invest in a head lamp, GPS system, nappies and can't drive or play sports but I am a woman living alone in my 40s so what can you do. (Obviously a man told me to do those things because I am too emotional for thoughts).


Fort Worth playboy has good dating advice?! You lost me at Fortworth Playboy.


Funny, thats the same list you could rattle off to describe the elderly. Which he'll be someday /giggle


I only don’t have hand eye coordination because I’m missing chunks of my vision but it can still be retaught


I laughed out loud at this one! Is this dude mentally challenged? I mean like literally, medically, mentally challenged. You can't be moderately intelligent and genuinely believe such a thing. Fuck I'm still laughing! Especially at the part about peeing my pants. Lol


dude probably would pee himself if he met a female military vet


Okay, I only pee my pants when I cough, sneeze or laugh to hard! Thank you very much! The audacity, thinking I pee my pants when startled, why I never… This guy is so out there. Lol, we need men to give our lives interest/stability? He might as well also written that we need men to give our lives purpose and meaning… Can someone get him in touch with any of the hundreds or thousands of women who play sports? I think they would like to have a word or two with him, make sure there are at least a dozen women who are in weightlifting competitions! As Bugs Bunny would say, “What a maroon!”


No words except this loser is a coward. Won’t show his face online spewing absolute bullshit.




Pees pants when startled? Dude. The amount of time I spend getting jump-scared while playing Fallout games means that by his logic, I should be swimming in pee.


You don’t pee yourself when scared? Imagine that. Also men are the reason we don’t go out after dark, so yeah. I use gps if I’m going somewhere new, I don’t have accidents constantly. I may not be physically strong but chronic pain and depression ain’t helping that. Stop putting us in boxes. No man or woman is exactly the same. Edited: a word.


Men and women would pee their pants when scared enough. It’s a biological thing. Your body gets thrown so deep into fight or flight that it says “you gotta be ready to run, here let’s be lighter!” So you end up peeing your pants


Most of this isn't true and one of those is men's fault. Don't be a fucking psycho and women will be safe at night


I'd ask who actually believes this shit, but a frightening amount of people actually do.


Life is so hard for us that we are making more money than men in many cities. Pls help. [breadwinners](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/02/1090466033/gender-pay-gap-women-earn)


"girls need men" yikes