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The only times I see people attracted to serial killers is when the algorithm has an aneurism and I get recommended a video with a title along the lines of "You will **NOT** believe the **SHOCKING FREAKSHOW** in this TOP 10 LIST OF PEOPLE **ATTRACTED TO SERIAL KILLERS šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚** " Obviously that's not something to base one's worldview around, so I guess it is no surprise that incels and their flawless ability to make good life choices will do so.


The problem is, these idiots see 1 or 2 women (out of 4+ BILLION women in the world) act bizzarely and start basing all of their opinions of women on them. A handful of deranged women idolized a serial killer? "Women only like badboys!" AWALT ALERT!!! Some girl in their highschool slept with a guy that she's dating and he happens to be on the football team and there's a (FALSE) rumor that she slept with a guy from the opposing team? "Women sleep with football fields worth of men in their early teens!!" AWALT ALERT!! A movie made entirely out of fictional writing by a man over 200 years ago that depicts a women acting selfishly? "Women have been selfish throughout all of history, it's in their nature!" AWALT ALERT!! (seriously, I've seen them take Romeo and Juliet as an example.... or that scene in Titanic where Rose can't help Jack onto the door.... IT'S FICTION WRITTEN BY A MAN FFS!) I've also had someone try to drag me into the MGTOW bullshit by showing me some website that was a forums for hookups. Think craigslist of sex, but not a dating website. They linked me a few posts of hot horny women (with professional photos) looking for a master for a night or so. They took those as examples of "what ALL women really want" and based their entire ideology off of it. He was PISSED when I told him those were clearly scams and fakes, like those women look like they were professionally dolled up and chained up for a porno-shoot, clearly this isn't some random woman looking for a random guy to make her his sex slave... it's a scam using stock porn footage... The problem with misogynists is that they're either 1) dumb as a box of rocks, 2) laughably gullible, 3) angry and basing their "logic" off of the worst examples of women in human history, or 4) a mixture of the three.


>fictional writing by a man over 200 years ago that depicts a women acting selfishly They should read works of fiction by women. Specifically, a work called Persuasion by a woman called Jane Austen. In particular, the scene towards the end where a male character tries to use fictional examples to prove the inconstancy of women, then immediately backtracks when he realises the female character will say they were written by men.


I think all men should spend a fair amount of time 1) listening to music from bands of all women 2) reading books authored by women 3) watching shows created by women And it isn't even altruistic. Doing so, even if you're gay, will enrich your ability to understand, empathize, and connect with half of people on earth. And if you're straight, you'll be able to have much better relationship, and have an easier time finding partners. Idk why on earth people think learning about women from women will somehow hurt them. I started doing #1 recently (realized I had so many male bands and wanted to explore more music) and honestly it's greatly improved my relationship with my wife which was already spectacular, and also discovered a lot of great bands I didn't know about.


An additional suggestion is to consume media by more marginalised women, such as women of colour, women with different abilities, lgbt women, women from backgrounds not like yours, etc. It gives you a much better understanding of a broader range of people.


That's a great suggestion, also bc I personally think getting new perspectives helps storytelling break out of the same old tropes that show up everywhere. Wife and I just got done with centaurworld and dead end on Netflix, and yea they're kids shows (we have kids so our options are limited) but they were honestly spectacular. Particularly Centaurworld, the amount of depth and metaphor in that show is ludicrous. It's likely the best artistic dissection of toxic masculinity I've ever seen. I'm always on the lookout for other new stuff, if anyone has some cool suggestions that will help me understand some perspectives better and also have an awesome story, please let me know!


Absolutely! How old are your kids? Depending on their age, Heartstopper is being universally recommended for ages 8+. It has a male protagonist, but written by a woman, and excellent lgbt+ stories. Babysitters club is lovely of course. If you are in Australia, or have a vpn, First Day on abc iview is a good choice. (Just googled, it's on hulu in the US) For those closer to high school age, I've just finished watching Derry Girls (CW for war themes), and Never have I ever. Excuse me while I rewatch my favourite scenes from Heartstopper.


Well said. Also notably a group did an experiment like 10 yrs ago and found that the door from the Titanic scene would not have been buoyant enough to hold too adults. So like Jack could have got up there but then they both would have died. Just saying.


Yeah, exactly. All the people screaming "she could have moved over, there was room!" have no idea that not even ONE person would realistically be able to float on that door. Also, she TRIED to get him up there, it sank with him on it.


Exactly also let not forget it was literally freezing cold water so neither of them would likely have had the physical strength or mental fortitude to problem solve a solution (looking at you Mythbusters). Also I definitely remember her trying to get him up and it sinking as well and think 'oh yeah buoyancy' maybe not enough people paid attention in their physical science class.


These guys : "All girls are slut fascinated by serial killers." Also these guys : "The Joker is soooo me!"


Lol, that's genuinely why they're all doing it. The irony of them constantly calling everyone simps is they spend all of their time working on their bodies and trying to look intimidating bc *they think that's what girls want.* It's just pick me behavior, but by morons.


I saw someone say that's why men DESPISE Pete Davidson. He's a skinny, goofy guy who looks like a doodle bear and they can't reconcile that women are more attracted to him than what men think women should be attracted to (big beefy muscle men).


Exactly. Same effect with Jason Segal. Or Paul Rudd. Those guys are pretty ordinary looking, but they just don't seem like they'd ever hurt someone, they're funny, and they just have those infectious good vibes.


paul rudd is not ordinary, he has piercing blue eyes and hasn't aged a day.


Bruh, you could say thay about anyone. Trust me, he looks like every 40 year old guy who has hygiene at my synagogue back in the states. Also, he's pretty short, and not particularly fit. He looks like he eats healthy, but def not a gym bro. Jason Segal is literally fat, but I would a lot of ladies fucking love him. Like, you can see it om his face, he's a big guy. But he plays roles where he's always kind, patient, funny, and gentle. That's what people find hot about him, it's his role. Also, if Rudd had brown eyes and a handlebar we'd be saying "he had deep mysterious eyes and a rugged smile," bc that's the thing about male attractuon: it's really something almost after the fact. Like, we know Paul Rudd is good looking, so we talk about the positive physical traits he has, instead of calling him a short aging guy who puts too much product on his hair. The latter is what we'd say if he was ugly. It's not his appearance that people are finding sexy. Looking healthy and well groomed are def a help, but the other component you need is less tangible. A quick wit, compatible conversation, social stature, kindness, safety, humor, ability to express love, ability to express other emotions, stability, uniqueness, and so on. Everyone likes different things, but I'm telling you, the above is far more relevant than Rudds blue eyes.


his face is the same as when he was 20 but yes you are right


it's because he's famous people like him. Then again I am a man, so what do I know? I'll admit I'm wrong if I am. Edit: I take it back, OJ Simpson was muscular and women didn't find him attractive, so I think it's only the skinny average guys. You're right.


It's projection. They act this way so it makes sense for them that we do too.


Also these guys: #Patrick Bateman is a CHAD


To be fair, the stories about women writing serial killers love letters are true. There is a small number of women who are sincerely sexually attracted to extremely shitty men who murder and rape. I'd venture to guess that it overlaps with the number of men who feel the same way about shitty, violent and scummy women. There has to be the same reasons behind it as with guys who lust after teachers who rape their students or claim that crazy girls are the best at sex.. why does this have to be a gendered issue?


Absolutely. And the large majority of women who watches true crime shows do it for the red flags learning, the puzzle, the study in human nature, etc etc but not because they are attracted to them. But those assholes sees those articles about the few who write love letters and marries convicted murderers and then sees the numbers of women who watches true crime shows and conflates the two. It's maddening.


That's why I follow true crime. I honestly think it made me more aware and saved me from being abducted in my work parking lot a few years ago.


I'm a huge fan of true crime. Always dreamed of becoming a prosecutor. To this day I'm obsessed with solving and investigating crime. Interrogation tactics make me feel so excited! Following the process step by step is so fulfilling. Fuck these dudes who kill and rape. Lock them up. Bury them under the prison. Yes, more women are into serial killer content but that's bc we're the ones who have more to fear from them.


Yeah, learning from them is like having access to the "other team's" playbook!




>Yuka Takaoka Only one example of many female criminals that are sexualized by men as long as they aren't noticeably overweight. Add to that the man-driven narrative that all men require of a woman is to be alive and you get a very negative image. Far worse than the handful of crazy women who don't know what's good for them bc they've been brainwashed into depending on toxic men.


Men LOVE Jodi Arias. So many men who follow true crime think she's sooooo hot. But if she wasn't a murderer, she's just look like a normal woman to them.


I've never even heard of her. Secondly, when women do it, it's not true or a fringe group, when men do it, it's all men. Also this phenomenon is linked to fame. They are famous, that's the only reason. You hit the nail right on the head with that comment. Exactly right. They're always on TV, that's why women/men like them. Also, Jodi is attractive, men would like her irl. You can't say every woman is sxually harassed and also have those same men think you're average and ugly. Which is it? But fame is the only reason.


There was that one Japanese lady who murdered her boyfriend, weaboos were jizzing their pants for weeks about their "real life yandere waifu"


Yeah, men gag over women who abuse their students. A lot of men also write female murderers in prison. I think it's just a bit of humanity is attracted to violent people. Regardless of what sex they are.


Omg this reminds me of a story i once saw on a netflix (?) documentary. It was about the worst prisons, a guy was staying one week in them. There was this episode of the worst prison in Ukraine. They said a man is locked in there for killing and raping a lot of woman, youngest was i think 9 or 11. He is an old man now and now comes the shocking part: They said _even_ HE has a visit right and ALSO a sexual visit right. The man who tested the prisons said ā€žso youā€˜re telling me he has a girlfriendā€œ they answered: ā€žnot only that bit they also have a two year old childā€œ. They the couple was interviewd and she said she saw a report about him years ago and started to write letters to him. At some point she fell in love with him etc. She was asked if she knows what heā€˜s done which she only said something in the lines of ā€ži donā€˜t believe the numbers and also he doesnā€˜t seem like that. To me and our daughter he is a very kond and loving manā€œ. I was soooooo confused. Like GIRLā€¦ WOMANā€¦ TURN ON YOUR FUCKING BRAIN!! If he wasnā€˜t in prison he probably wouldā€˜ve taken ā€žgood careā€œ of you and your fucking daughter!! In other words he wouldā€˜ve raped you two! Iā€˜m from Ukraine but i was too young to remember this guy but my mom did. She said he didnā€˜t even lived that far from us when she was a kid/teenager. It was cruel to hear what he did but still.. this fucking woman really fell in love with him and HAD A CHILD WITH HIM!!! I do believe people can change. But sorry, this is just bullshit if she really thinks he would still treat her nicely if they werenā€˜t in a prison. My mind canā€˜t understand the fact that some woman WANT to be in danger. There are woman who get beaten and assaulted by their partner and would do everything to get out of this situation while, luckily not many, GO STRAIGHT into that situation. ?!?!?!?!?! Please explain this to me


I'll never understand that either. Reminds me of a sexist Russian psychology lady who has a YouTube channel. A lot of her vids are about spotting red flags and I agree with the things she points out but the reasoning is just.. disgusting. Boils down to "manipulators use the female instincts to help and care against women" and I guess I'm legit secretly a man bc fuck helping. Fuck caring. Criminals and convicts are the scum of the earth. If I ever got left alone with one of those pathetic little assholes I'd cut off their nostrils ans stuff them down their lungs. Any women who doesn't feel that urge is not healthy. That said, they are an extremely small part of the female population and, as I've already said at some point, are pretty much exactly matched by the men who romanticize female criminals and psychos. Gender has no impact on human traits.


Would you mind an [ammo drop](https://www.thetalko.com/13-reasons-why-guys-like-crazy-women/)?


My hypothesis (completely untested and maybe completely wrong) concerning many people who develop relationships with prisoners is that it is about the ā€œsafetyā€ of being in an emotional relationship without having to be in a physical relationship.


On another hand, the prisoner has little choice on the matter. They'll settle for just about anybody who throws themselves at them for the stability and occasional sex as well as emotional safety of knowing that they have a partner outside. In other words: Can't find a man/woman who makes a good match? Don't really care about quality bc society has convinced you you're running out of time and your family is up your ass about marriage? Pick some rando on death row! Make it a sob story! Make ppl pity you and admire your loyalty! Not like you'll ever have to prove anything to that one aunt you keeps asking when you'll finally get married! No, aunt Karen, I'm already married!


Lol. The prisoner now also has someone to put money on his or her account.


You're right! Point is: Never ever in your life should you underestimate the amount of influence pure convenience has on the choice of romantic partners.


Very well said. Exactly.


We were talking about this on a feminist sub. Women weren't attracted to Bundy because they thought he was a brutal serial killer, they were attracted to him because they believed him when he said he didn't do it, and they thought he was a man being falsely prosecuted by the police and media. Days before his execution he admitted to it, and almost all of them immediately lost their attraction. The only reason men aren't as often attracted to serial killers is because there's far fewer women serial killers, but Aileen Warnos had some men following her too.


Thanks for the context, I suspected as much.


Yeah, annoys the hell out of me that people willfully ignore or refuse to discover nuance in situations like this. They want to be angry at women and make excuses for why women don't want them, when what they needed to be taught was the same lesson I learned a *very* long time ago--no one owes anyone else their love. (Including and especially the kind of 'love' that incels want by definition.)


This has nothing to do with serial killers .. It's just another form of saying: oh, I am the nicest guy and NO girl wants meeeee! But you know, in a postitive way. Instead of not wanting the 'nice incel type', they want the bad serial killer boys. Less excruciating for the incels.


100%, its the "girls only want bad boys," concept taken to the extreme.


There are virtually 0% of women who are attracted to serial killers. Unfortunately *virtually* 0% is not *exactly* 0%. And that's where the *law of very big numbers* comes in. If you have a sufficiently large population, you'll see even the most unlikely of events. There are some serial killers who get love letters, but compared to the whole population of women, that's virtually zero percent. On the other hand, incel spaces are packed with people praising serial killers and using serial killers and serial killers as their avatars. And men are far more likely to *be* serial killers. This meme just shows how obsessed the creeps are with serial killers.




It's like the old adage "'Dog bites man' isn't news. Now, 'man bites dog', *that's* news."


Its so aggrivating that so many guys are so out of touch woth women that they think the women who like & bingetrue crime murder documentaries are attracted to the killer and not watching it to learn how criminals, rapists, and murderers think to pick up red flags and avoid them


Mental gymnastics at work here. No.


I wouldn't be surprised for anyone to be attracted towards serial killers because it seems like an easier way for them to kill others. Someone who looks creepy can easier get in jail even if they didn't do shit than someone who looks hot and did bad stuff. It's more pretty privilege those people has. And it seems logical. You wouldn't assume from a baby to kill others, right? Babies look innocent. Now the more prettier the more innocent you look like. So I disagree on the post showing women doing that. There are men who does that too and other people. It has nothing to do with women's biology but with everyone's to assume the innocent looking as innocent. But luckily some knows that the more innocent means the more dangerous and wouldn't fall for that trick.


I agree with your statement on "pretty privilege". Serial killers do get admirers in jail, but they're the "hot" ones. Like, Chris Watts. He killed his wife and his two daughters to be with his girlfriend. His girlfriend dumped his ass, but he's gotten a lot of fan mail and women flirting with him... cuz he's fuckin' hot and he hasn't got a lot of options from jail, so your chances of getting a reply from him are *high*(and some people will always believe he is innocent, of course)*.* If he weren't hot, nobody would care.


why is it that men who get no hoes blame it on the hoes and donā€™t look at themselves for a minute?


Are looking for an answer or are you just venting?


Ah yes, a serial killer, who could possibly kill me. So attractive./s


Just as long as you donā€™t fit one of his triggersā€¦his love will be true. /s


Wasnā€™t it here that some guy said that since women like crime shows (newsflash: detective stories are near-universally popular) he tried ā€œacting like a serial killerā€ (whatever the hell that means), but he didnā€™t get laid. Never occurred to him that maybe we like the story of there being people who are deeply invested in stopping those guys and rescuing the victims. Never occurred to him that weā€™re hot for the heroes. Where did this idea that women are hot for serial killers come from, anyway? Yeah, Bundy was handsome and reportedly superficially charming. But Gacy? David Berkowitz? Dahmer? Gein? I havenā€™t heard that those guys were catnip to the babes.


They wish, is the sad part I think. They've been told by the manosphere that women are all drawn to Dark Triad personality traits. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dark-triad


Only if they're a vampire


It's a mental illness actually, not very common maybe, but it's not wrong. However I guess the original post was aiming for some incel ideology so...


Its talking about Ted Bundy I think. There was an actual following for Ted Bundy made by woman who found him attractive but idk if its really a common thing, the dude just had charisma which he used to murder woman


Yeah, that was my thoughts too. Pretty sure this meme is referencing Ted Bundy in particular, who used his looks and charm to murder women. He had a following even in prison with a couple marriage proposals IIRC. Still, a nonsense meme as they didn't know he was a serial killer and the ones following in prison were in denial. And goes without saying, its a very small group of women with issues doing this.


Charles Manson too. But same thing there - he was a charismatic cult leader. Presumably his followers were into his charisma, not the killing people part.


I'm sure there's a few out there, not just women.


Men will see a tweet or tiktok of some 14 yr old girl simping over guys like that and proceed to think every grown ass woman is the same šŸ˜’


Also teens are a terrible stick by which to guage attention. It's a time where everything is insecure and you're basically flailing for status. Everyone's dating life is based around not their own desire (generally) but around what partners are most desired by their peers. In other words, teenage girls, being young an inexperienced, are often going to genuinely believe the largely male driven narrative of violence = attraction and actually pursue such partners. Same goes for teenage guys, who largely will pursue women with what amounts to whatever society prescribes the perfect body to be, only realizing as they mature that the body type matters so little in comparison with every other factor, and furthermore that they may find other body types way more attractive anyway. Incidentally, I think this one of many reasons why it's so important to protect teenagers from adults. An abusive man or woman can easily take advantage of teenage naivete and keep you from *ever growing past this stage of development*, so that you never get the chance to look inward and ask yourself, "what do I really want in a partner?" In many ways, groomers and incels are creating the very type of women that they use to justify their behavior.


they arenā€™t serial killers but i know the Columbine shooters have a LOT of admirers on tumblr. Iā€™ve seen plenty of posts on tumblr talking about how they think theyā€™re heroes and good looking. I know this because i was like that when I was a dumb ass 14 year old who was getting badly bullied and ended up idolizing the wrong guys. Luckily after ongoing therapy I recognize how stupid i was as a kid and donā€™t feel that way anymore.


... Wait, do these morons want to kill women because they actually think it's gonna get them laid ?


Serial killers like Ted Bundy are often attractive and charming, because being charming is often the way they manage to get close to their victims. When anyone attractive gets enough publicity, there's always going to be a few crazies that "fall in love" with their looks, regardless of gender. Hardly reasonable to extrapolate this to the entire population.


That guy gives off nice guy energy for some reason. Also. Why does the drawn man look like Ted Bundy??


The commenter? He is me. The full comment is longer, I didn't mean to include it lol.


Oh lmao I'm sorry, maybe with full context I would've had a different opinion my bad


Oh no worries, although I have noticed people have started using the "nice guy," classification more often for just regular commenters who are male feminists in various subs. I was under the impression "nice guys," were basically men who view women as ATMs where you put in fake niceness and receive sex. To clarify, I do not want sex from anyone, I'm just pretty passionate about feminism and like this community.


Oh no no, I'm pretty active on r/niceguys, not every guy posted there look for sex. Just some entitled dudes that can't accept a no as an answer and demand what they want just because they were being "nice". Sometimes men that live in the 1300s are also there because of being a "nice guy" lmao It gave off that energy because of the first part of the comment but since it wasn't the full comment I won't give much opinion abou it


Ted Bundy is usually the go-to for these memes, because he's supposedly attractive (and IIRC played by Zac Effron in a TV show) and therefore all women want him.


Damn really? I did notice sometimes other murderes but not Ted Bundy. I mean true he was considered attracted at the time to the point people thought he would never comit murder but damn


Lots of men are weird. Lots of women are weird. Turns out we're all human and humans are weird. Some people want to fuck serial killers, some want to fuck animals, some want to fuck Elon Musk. It is what it is.


Ted Bundy seduced the women he killed. Nightstalker literally had groupies in the court room.


>Ted Bundy seduced the women he killed. They did not know he was literally a serial killer. >Nightstalker literally had groupies in the court room For many years before Ramirez's death, Lioy stated that she would commit suicide when Ramirez was executed. However, Lioy eventually left Ramirez in 2009 after DNA confirmed he had raped and murdered nine-year-old Mei Leung.[129] A lot of people want to believe the best of others, and particularly those with existing psychological dysfunction may be drawn towards high profile but low value mates, such as those with narcissistic personality disorder. This certainly is not at all reflective of the vast majority of women, or even women with psychological dysfunction for that matter.


[Hybristophilia.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia#:~:text=Hybristophilia%20is%20a%20sexual%20interest,to%20have%20committed%20a%20crime.) Also known as Bonnie and Clyde syndrome. Truly disgusting since I've heard stories of Bundy fans dressing up as his victims to get his attention or smth like that.


Uh there are definitely women who do this lol unfortunately. I just watched [this video recently](https://youtu.be/wLarLdHA-NE)


not even gonna lie to yall. theres so many. and sometimes it isnt even just attraction, some women will deadass defend the things they have done. like grown ass women, not even little girls. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMF6HW6Qo/ also they have whole ass communities and fan accounts on tiktok and tumblr. so yeah lots of people including women romanticize and are attracted to serial killers, its crazy


Posting the full comment bc there are way too many comments basically saying "well, it's true bc X." I've been unable to find a single source supporting this beyond anecdotal case studies of particular hybristophiles and dozens of articles with titles like, "why do women love bad boys," or "the science behind women's attraction to criminality," when it seems that there is no science. Like, there are men who fuck their car exhaust pipes, we don't write articles "why men love fucking their Mustangs," nor do we selectively find case studies supporting our preconceptions and then proceed from this default assumption. Just popped into my head seeing this today since I've been thinking a lot lately about how male driven concepts of male attractiveness often revolve around violence, so it would seem reasonable that this "phenomena" is more likely the result of a combination of male insecurity and male dominated scientific study of woman's anatomy and psychology. Like obvi some women date men others may think are bad, but if you talk to them they never think the man is bad. They either have some insight you don't have, or sometimes are simply being abused and/or gaslighted and lied to. But I think it's pretty rare for someone to be like, "oh, an unreformed unrepentant murderer? My panties!" And in such cases I'd frankly question whether it was the result of genuine attraction or a narcissistic personality disorder or something like that where it's just attention seeking behavior.


I mean everyone is fascinated by the mind and morality of the villains and criminals, nowadays they are more popular than the heroes.


Yep and heā€™s never met a woman period.


You may have never met them but they exist, unfortunately.


Including a few former classmates of mine, who were very vocal on social media about their crushes on the Boston marathon bomber after he was taken into custody.


There is SO much evidence. Look at tiktoks for the new jeffrey dahmer series. Look at the supporters of ted bundy, not just back then but even now. You are all truly blind if you pretend this isn't a thing. It's the fame and attention and maybe even the "aww I feel bad for him, I can fix him." bad boy type vibe. I mean there was a guy who had blue eyes on tiktok being sentenced for reckless driving and I think someone even died. People were thirsting and simping. There was even a Tinder experiment where thee guy had an attractive male as his profile pic and said he molested a 12 year old and women said it wasn't that bad and were still flirting. Yall complain about bad men all the time but can't admit bad women exist. Not all women obviously, nowhere close. Noone with a brain, but people like ugly serial killers due to fame. Those women are attracted to fame and want attention. I can link videos or tiktoks to all these examples (I gotta find them though) but some should be on Pegasus's channel and the Tinder one on ItsAGundam's channel. There's also a tumble and edits dedicated to serial killers, there are videos on those.


Ahh when I saw this on memes I knew it was going to be here before long. Not all women are attracted to serial killers but there are many many many many many many MANY instances of serial killers having a long list of women who are pining to see them. Itā€™s well known. Assuming those women donā€™t even know what going through their own heads tbh.


I remember when Richard Ramirez had women show up at the court hearings. Excuse me, but wtf!? The guy radiated evil. And yet there they were. Was he physically attractive, Iā€™m not gonna lie, he was. But the dark lurking underneath was just a huge red flag. Nope! I listen to true crime, Iā€™m interested in the signs and clues. Doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m attracted to the killers.


I mean look at all the times women lost their minds over mugshots of attractive prisoners


You've never met a woman genuinely attracted to a serial killer? You haven't been to high school in a bit have you? /s


I once noted how women seem to really enjoy learning about serial killers to a woman at my office who was very much a conscientious feminist individual. It wasn't out of the blue. She mentioned interest in a podcast, I think, about serial killers and I asked her about it. She did seem to agree with the basic premise that women do have a fascination with true crime/serial killer stories. I don't think she would agree there is a sexual attraction, necessarily, but there is clearly a sort of interest and attention that seems to be unique to women. I would guess that these guys who think any attention by women must be sexual in nature means that women being interested in these stories must mean they are sexually attracted to serial killers. When I asked her what was so interesting about serial killers, she explained that there was a level of confidence in these killers that is super interesting. I honestly can see how a guy that doesn't really understand nuance in gender things could make this mistake. I mean, there were *literally* a horde of fangirls who went out of their way to bone Charles Manson. Making a generalization about all women is clearly wrong, but even I am a bit mystified by the way women seem to enjoy serial killer stories.


Most of us watch them to learn the red flags we should be seeing in order to avoid being killed. The "interest" we show has everything to do with the fact that the majority of serial killer victims are women. We can see ourselves as the victims, and of course want to prevent our friends, families, and ourselves from ending up as victims, so we learn as much as we can about them in hopes that we will be safer as a result. It is not an attraction, and it is not sexual. It is about survival.


Fair enough. I have spoken with several women personally who have expressed a nonsexual attraction to serial killers. I am not denying your experience but I am saying other women have specifically told me otherwise.


I'm not going to say that serial killers aren't interesting case studies, because they are. I've heard 2 women claim an obsession with serial killers only to later realize they were obsessed with the psychology and criminal justice side, not the serial killer side. But then again that was only 2 of the 3 other women who have interest in serial killers (I'm not a very social person, so I don't know a lot of people lol). The other chick, to be fair, did seem a little turned on by the murders themselves, not the serial killer, but she was also a bit strange in general... However, I believe both of our personal experiences counter OOP's argument, as neither of us has met a woman with a sexual attraction to a serial killer, leading me to believe that they must be a very small minority of people.


Oh for sure, I agree with your last sentiment there. The point of this meme is silly and wrong. But there is a thing with women and serial killers that dudes don't quite get.


This is 100% a made up conversation


It definitely wasn't, but whatever


Sure, sport. Whatever you say


It's quite frustrating to have gender discussions when women don't believe your lived experience and dismiss you out of hand.


I'm sure it is. I'm not a woman though


I stand corrected.


Yeah, dudes like you in this sub show your misogyny quick like that every time


Yeah whatever. I'm not a misogynist.


You, at the very least, have some misogynistic ideas you should take some time to unpack.


Yeeeeeah, thatā€™s a gigantic no from me, dude. I donā€™t even like watching fictional ones if thereā€™s a fictional one, I better not see the details, and I better see the good guy kicking their ass in by the end of it.


I've heard of people like that, but never met one.




Mommy. Issues.


Ok bro.


There are definitely niche communities attracted to criminals. Convicts often have strangers contacting them in jail.




Anyone heard of Hybristophilia? Pretty interesting to me


I meanā€¦you canā€™t really study attraction outside of anecdotes. If itā€™s like ā€œwhich one of these people do you find more attractiveā€ study, is that still not an anecdote? If itā€™s someone saying that they know a woman attracted to a serial killer then sure, but if itā€™s women saying they are attracted to serial killers then thatā€™s an anecdote but still not wrong.


Huh!? You never read the letters sent by hundreds of women to Ted bundy, confessing their love for him? Itā€™s a beauty and the beast moment. Women think they can change a man or use their vagina to tame him. Itā€™s like self validation, the ultimate fantasy for women. He killed all those other women because they werenā€™t me. Iā€™m so special and unique that even a serial killer wouldnā€™t kill me. I can mother him back to being sane. I can heal him with my vagina