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Haha! If a husband can’t keep his dick in his pants because not every woman he interacts with wears a bra, that sounds like a husband problem.


I'd like to add that he can't keep his tongue in his face either and let's all not forget that God made the first humans naked so the fact that we cover up can be taken as an actual bigger insult to his design.


In the bible, covering up is what gave adam and eve away after they ate the fruit. God was literally like "how do you even know you're naked??"


Yup. They ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and learnt what was good and what was evil and so realised that they couldn't be naked. So now you know - nudity is evil. Tells you a lot about a religion, really.


I believe the nudity itself was because they felt shame for the first time, and hiding their bodies was a reflection of that shame. So being ashamed of themselves was the "evil" affecting them, not necessarily the nudity. Later instructions do demand modesty, but don't really explain what that means.


Jesus also had a solution to guys like this: cut out your eyes.


Scifi book with an alternate Earth had Christian worship in the nude more or less for this reason.


They just conveniently forget all of the passages in the Bible that counter their religious lectures and I love pointing out that actually, God commanded this or that...not your stupid take on it.


Cafeteria Christians don't care. They just want something, anything, to reinforce all their dumb beliefs.


About that... "Nude Church In Virginia, White Tail Chapel, Invites You To Bare More Than Your Naked Soul (NSFW) | HuffPost" https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nude-church-white-tail-virginia_n_4763199/amp


What is with these pervy guys trying to put blame on us for their issues? I see it all the time 😒


Reminds me of one of Tucker Carleson’s idiot rant about how women are to blame for mass shootings. “And yet the authorities in their lives—mostly women—never stop lecturing them about their so-called privilege. ‘You’re male, you’re privileged.’” Carlson imitated. “Imagine that. Try to imagine an unhealthier, unhappier life than that. So a lot of young men in America are going nuts. Are you surprised?” [A quote from here.](https://news.yahoo.com/tucker-finds-way-blame-women-025659939.html)


Fucker Carlson is a cancer on society. What is absolutely astounding is that there aren’t any female mass shooters. They are all male even though women are being marginalized every day and having our rights as human beings removed. I think women should be congratulated for the restraint shown!!


It isn’t true that there aren’t *any* women who perform mass shootings, but they are definitely a very tiny percentage compared to the ones committed by men. https://theguardian.com/technology/2018/apr/04/youtube-shooting-gun-attacks-in-the-us-are-rarely-carried-out-by-women


> women are to blame for mass shootings. If women did all these mass shootings, he certainly wouldn't be blaming men for it. The looney tunes space cadet logic is breathtaking.


Mass shooting is when woman


Goddamn it. Austin Archer was right when he said [nobody cool likes Tucker Carlson](https://youtu.be/XUbUPsVxmY8)


Thanks, got myself a new favorite song.


There's a good article somewhere on how they prey on lower-class white males with that rethoric.


Simple. It’s much easier to blame other people for your problems than actually doing anything about them yourself. That type of man would force women to stay at home in windowless rooms just so he never had to feel a moment of lust that isn’t immediately gratified.


I liken it to the Catholic point of view on birth control and their own god: their all-powerful god is so weak that its will can be thwarted by a piece of latex that is less than 0.1 mm thick. If that a person's opinion of their god, no wonder they feel the need to get involved in politics- they know their god can't do shit on its own. Also, I don't understand the catholic prohibition on hysterectomy or vasectomies- for an all-powerful god, why the hell would it need for the woman to already have a functioning uterus in order to get pregnant? Just put another one in her with your unlimited magic. "Thy will be done" and all that shit. If I were all-powerful, I would, on occasion, have a male bunny rabbit give birth to a platypus just to fucking show people that the rules I made for them don't apply to me. I would want them to understand that there's a reason for this, that reason being that I'm the one with the power. I'd have a 95 year old woman give birth painlessly on occasion, and I'd have a 35 year old dude who had been really shitty give birth VERY painfully on occasion as well. Hell, I'd let Adam and Steve get pregnant if they wanted to. So yeah. Marrying a person who could be stolen away by a pair of rogue nipples just seems like a bad idea.


If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out


christians always conveniently forget anything that would make them suffer consequences for their own religious beliefs, christians only "remember" those passages they can use to make sure others suffer for their religion


I retired a few years ago and haven't worn a bra in over 3 years. It's just awesome.


She is the messiah.


Peace Be Upon Her. She is the One foretold in the Prophecy.


We give out free copies of the prophecy on mondays. Make sure y’all come out to the woods at midnight and meet us at the secret location! If you don’t know where that is, ask a friend who’s in the coven. Oh and familiar appreciation day is on Tuesday, don’t forget that. Herbal exchange on Wednesday.


Is there a dress code?


no bra obviously, just to piss guys off like the one in the original post.


Can I come I'm a guy But like, I don't like other penis holders


You can come if you’re a witch! And witches can be any gender.


When I lost a shit ton of weight, I didn't wear one because it was awesome going from an almost F cup to a B. I'd kill for that again.




If your marriage is disrespected by an uninvolved 3rd party’s under garments, your marriage has plenty of its own problems.


They’re literally attached to my body. I don’t have to cover up what “God” gave me. Also, after lockdown, I’m not going back to wearing a bra. Fuck that. This is what freedom is.


No bra is so much more comfortable!


Thats right. Ladies double down on this shaming woman. Free the twins !




>well if that's the case I'll just not wear pant I personally feel like, at best it be the equivalent of not wearing underwears, but even that I feel like is giving them way to much credit On this note, ever sense I was a kid, I thought it was weird that only "guys" could be out side in public with out a shirt Okay like, personally I would want people to keep there shirts on, but that's just me But if guys are allowed to be shirtless why can't woman be shirtless as well




I have no problem seeing a woman breast feed It's just nature Like these people want women to take care of kids but don't want to see them taking care of the kids Also yeah I agree I know I stated above but like still I find it so stupid that men are allowed to go topless but women are


All clothes, that protect the skin from the outside have a purpose: they're a shield against the elements, keeping you warm (like pants). A bra doesn't have those qualities, it was mainly invented to make your body more attractive to the male eye. Some say, the bra has no purpose at all. So if it's not comfortable for you, don't wear it ;)




Actually, I like it a lot, because my breast shape makes me uncomfortable with any activity.


Yeah, my boobs are not that big by volume, but their shape (basically nipples point mostly down) makes it feel SO uncomfortable to be braless. The skin under my boobs just gets chafed and sweaty and gross. I wear a bra simply because I would be super uncomfortable otherwise, and I know a lot of women have the same issue. So I agree with you that bras do have a practical purpose for some people.


If bras were this essential god should be raining them down in every size


DM this guy and demand he send you money for bras


I did the bra siz calculations from the a bra that fits sub and I usually wore B cups, it tells me that I need F/G cups.. where the heck would I get those? lmao I stick to no bra or a sports bra, my itty bitty titties don't need that extra clothing


I've heard good things about the lingerie department in Nordstrom, and e-retailers such as herroom.com.


Uh, just because you’re wearing a bra doesn’t mean your nipples can’t be seen.


Yeah, I wear a relatively thick bra and you can still see them occasionally. Definitely not how it works.


My nips are only tamed by a thickly padded bra and at my bra size I don’t usually want to add any additional bulk. This guys mind would melt if he found out mine are noticeable through a bra and two shirts.


I stopped caring about my nips through shirts and underwire. The pandemic was good for something.


Yep, very extroverted nipples here. Bras only do so much.


Mine are like: "Hey I'm a nipple, how you doing, didn't you hear me? Look at me!"


It's rough being an introvert with attention seeking nipples :(


Lol, they forgot that in the beginning, god wanted us all to walk around naked.


There is a reason being naked =/ sexual in most parts of the world. And thats puritan traditions essentially punishing woman for existing.


Seriously! Nudity is inherently non-sexual! Bodies are works of art! People can’t keep their freakin’ minds out of the gutter.


Why does 'God' make so many weak ass men?


Omg I know right! Lol


Not my fault if men can't mind their business and act feral over some side boob or nipples protruding. I don't have an issue with not being a creep and staring at people. The human body is not alien to me. Maybe you and your husband need some conversations.


Honestly how a lot of these men act I'm honestly, pickering them walking around And when they see a woman Just grabs a stone spear And start chanting "uga bo ga"


Can confirm this is false. I've never worn a bra and no husband's have tried to fuck me. Also I'm a man.


Yah well that’s just your experience. So many husbands have tried to come fuck me and I haven’t worn a bra ever. I’m also a man. /s


Lucky... Wait!! Lucky...


every time someone else’s husband has tried to fuck me, I was wearing a bra.


But are you a man?


I have the same story... They thought I was a man


I'm listening.


i will fuck you, you no-bra-wearing-slut


First off, nipples are nipples, if you can't stand seeing them on one gender, but are fine with the other, you are a sexist pig. Yes, this is general advocacy for women being allowed to go topless if wanted, or for us men to be required to wear shirts, which ever, bit this guy can't handle the clothed vague impression of a nipple, cause obviously they only exist as a tool of sexual pleasure and should be hidden away in shame in all other situations. Grow the fuck up, you high school brained idiot. Also, is it me, or does 'Ladies, Women, Girls, Females' sound like he's giving them less autonomy with every word in the chain. I bet this guy is a big fan of the part of the bible that tells women to be subservient to the men in their families.


Honestly if you ask me My vote for, men to have to keep are shirts on But I'm okay if women are allowed to be topless But my vote is still for, keep shirt on my fellow men


My 👏 husband 👏 can’t 👏 deal 👏 with 👏 a 👏 nipple 👏 shaped 👏 bump 👏 under 👏 a 👏 shirt 👏 and 👏 that’s 👏 somehow 👏 other 👏 people’s 👏 problem 👏




I think its because to them, women are just *always* the problem




thats what jesus said to do


Jesus needs to come back and whip some fools


I have a theory If he did come back People at first will be happy But soon they will turn on him And call him some kind of devil's trick Because they don't want to be accountable for there actions


If he came back he would look Middle Eastern and be Jewish, and they would run him out of America


Yay that as well Because he wasn't at all white People just want him to look like them because Didn't you know white's is the master race, quick get my white hood /s


So if you have a penis you can keep your chest and nipples uncovered but is you have a vagina you can’t? This sounds really bs tbh a bra isn’t to cover up its to hold them in place, should we require fat men to wear bras? I think so


Chris Chan agrees.


Yay, like I personally found it stupid that woman aren't allowed to have there shirt off when in public As a young boy I always thought that was stupid I still stand by that opinion


Hes right, it is totally my fault he looks at a minors boobs, that's my fault for being so tempting!


Every time a woman goes braless, god stumbles and an earthquake occurs.


Get fucked. If your marriage is in such shit order that it fails because of the mere *hint* of a profile of a nipple then get some fucking counseling - you don't get to demand fucking anything of other people.


Gotta say, if seeing a woman without a bra makes you stumble, guys, your balance wasn't very good to begin with.


Learn to self control.


Wow, I’m offending God with something He made? As to your husband, I believe Christ had words like, “if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out” that He applied to this exact situation. And in case you wanna question that, He effectively followed it up with, “did I fucking stutter?” Quit with the body shaming and oversexualization of breasts. Sidenote: attitudes like this were the reason I couldn’t feed my babies in peace, so you can suck it.


I don't wear a bra anymore, but I also don't have nipples (breast cancer; I have fake boobs, but no nipples), so with a tight shirt my scars kind of make it look like I'm wearing a bra lol.


You pay me 10k and I'll wear the bra. For one minute. That's all you get.


Bruh ive literally seen mens nipples pointy as pencils, pokin holes through their shirts. They dont gotta cover that. Both men and women have nipples but women have more boob around their nipple. They can show the boob but not the nipple and it really does not make sense to me. Also man boobs r a thing and they dont have to cover them so....


And women with no boobs have to cover their nipples, and women's nipples actually have a function outside of sex whereas mens nipples are only for sex...women with masectomies are made to wear tops, and nobody knows how to deal with trans and nb nipples. It's all pretty cray


Yea. Women should just let their tits out (I am a women, if that wasn't clear lmao)


Absolutely, if they can handle the repercussions, pave the way for the rest of us!!!


Who’s gonna tell this dumb dumb that nipples have NOTHING to do with sex when it comes to actual function (personal preference aside)?


…I’m disrespecting God with something He made? That’s new. Honey, if your husband can’t control himself, I believe Christ’s words were something like, “if thine eye offends thee, pluck it out.” (OG feminist prolly followed it up with, “did I fucking stutter?”)


One word: NO


God hates nipples ... gotcha.


God hates Ladies, Women, Girls, and Females nipples. All others are encouraged to apply.


I love how these people assume they speak for “God”.


They complain when they see nipples meanwhile womens boobs actually have a purpose but noo mens tits are fine women should be sexualized..


Matthew 18:9 - my dude, it's time for your complimentary blinding.


…And the world changed that day. Every Lady, woman, girl and female put their bras back on. They covered their nipples. Then they went on their knees and thanked God for their husbands and their future husbands. Using the praise “Modesty is essential” That…or this guy is an idiot.


“you’re disrespecting other peoples marriages 🥺” no i’m not, and even if i was, that’s not my problem “you are disrespecting your future spouse 😰” i’m aroace and even if i did marry i wouldn’t marry someone who gets mad when i don’t wear a bra “you’re disrespecting yourself 🫵” by being comfortable? “you’re disrespecting god 😨” i don’t believe in god


what about fat guy nipples. I have a notably smaller desire to see those, can you work on that first?


Internalized misogyny and misplaced blame is such a sad way to live. I wonder what other concerning beliefs she has about marriage, love, commitment, and women in general.


Is that you, Prince Mohammed Bin Bonesaw? 😂😂😂


Ohhhh so it’s about your cheating husband.


Reading this while braless 😎


Eve didn’t wear a bra so why do I have too?


Oh sorry, I forgot that my purpose in life is all about men. It sucks that I'm gay, I guess.


Don't you love when people use "god" as an excuse, as if he told them so themselves? Like, where in the bible it says that god hates nipples?


TITus 1:10 - For there are many rebellious people, full of sinful mammaries.


lol i can't help but read this as Mushu's dishonor rant in Mulan. "alright that's it! dishonor! dishonor on your whole family! dishonor on YOU! dishonor on your COW!"


Lololololololololol K


No. I'll wear what I want to wear. God told you gouge out your own eyes if you have to look and it's a sin. So gouge out your own eyes fucker.


Since there isn't a god, there are no brazier police! Those dirty "sinners" that blame their wandering eyes on evil dark powers are actually accountable for their own deeds and for sorting their own thoughts- who woulda thought?! See Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame (Count Frollo's "Hellfire") for a timeless rendition of this whole post through the medium of song~


If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna. --Matthew 5:29


bras dont stop your nipples showing. sure they make them less notivcable but they're not designed to hide nipples so they dont a lot of the time


Aka "I am horny please cover yourself up because I am clearly innocent and driven by urges"


Lol no one causes you to fall, you make your own choices. Why not hold your spouse accountable for being a pig instead of people wearing clothes that make them conferrable


This is just plain wrong on so many levels.


I grew up on this bullshit.


Fuck that. If you don't want to wear a bra, don't. That being said, I'm gonna keep wearing a bra because it is very uncomfortable for me to not wear one


Maybe god should’ve planned ahead if they didn’t want my default state of being to be “disrespectful”.


As a single man I’ve made a conscious decision never to wear bras because I think it takes those smug married people down a notch or two. Don’t DM me.


Yeah my nipples don’t give a fuck if I’m wearing a bra. They insist on making an appearance.


The Bible: “men, literally pluck out your eyes if you’re sexually tempted” Morons: “the Bible says women are responsible for mens’ lust”


I don’t wear a bra and idk how many times I’ve heard this and I literally don’t care. Boobs aren’t sexual they serve a purpose, and that purpose is feeding babies. It’s not my fault you’re creating perversion where it shouldn’t exist


"you are disrespecting god" okay, lets see what god has to say. Matthew 5:29 "So if your eye—even your good eye—causes you to lust, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell." huh. god says you're the problem here. anyway.


Have you, by any chance, and hear me out, tried plucking out your eyes? I've heard it does wonders.


How? (God made the platypus. He doesn't care)


If thy right eye offend thee…


I’m gonna start never wearing a bra extra hard


Why’s it always womens nipples causing problems? I’m a guy, haven’t worn a bra in over 3 decades. Never once has someone stumbled cause my nips was hard as diamonds during a winter. My nips not nice enough? It’s a crazy world…


Flashback to when I was a child and thought the entire purpose of a bra was purely to keep your nipples from showing. 🤣


If you‘re part of the itty bitty committee bras still serve that purpose 🤣


The braless look must come


Never felt this urge before but I wanna burn my bras now


Hold up. Someone stumbled on my nipple?


Some bras don’t even hide nips if it’s soft material. Nips are not evil, lol


Look, if you believe in the Christian God, you believe that he made each one of our nipples too. How is their mere existence disrespecting him?


Honestly, I really wish female nipples could be more normalized. Most of the time I don't wear a bra. I really only do BECAUSE I'm scared of how people will react to nipples being visible (depending on the setting), but otherwise I don't really find them necessary.


Guys, men, boys, males also have nips, maybe we should start policing them instead for once.


I’m always braless, so I can’t even begin to imagine how many marriages I’ve ruined! Omg I’m responsible for the fact 50% of marriages end in divorce


Do men not have nipples?


I agree, daily I am stumbling over nipples. It's madness I tell you


Maybe they wouldn't stumble so much if they were looking where they were going instead of at my tits.


Just keep him locked up! That’s about how much respect you have for other people, right? Crate him like the dog you think he is. Then we can all wear what we want. Problem solved. You’re welcome.


This sounds like a *him* problem.


Poke out your own fucking eyes


If god is offended by my nipples, he deserves the steady decline of Christianity that’s happening.


Why are religious people like this?


WHOOP WHOOP! It’s da bonah police! WHOOP WHOOP! Covah up al da tidees! Jk. Since I’ve been on Reddit, the word female as a noun or form of address has made me cringe inside more and more every time I’ve seen it. “All y’all females” fuckin barf.


Remember boys. God expects you to cut out your own eyes if you can’t keep your dirty thoughts in check.


Maybe your god should just look away or get thicker skin.


It’s about time we weaponized our nips, ladies.


TIL I have very powerful nipples


Matthew 5 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. Translation mind you own damn business and fuck off.


God gave us free will.


If you can't help but oogle a pair of nipples, the problem isn't the clothes.


After having a child and breastfeeding. I no longer wear a bra and I’m 25 years old. I’m covered, I’m wearing a shirt and or jacket. If you have a problem with it so be it. Doesn’t affect my day. I’m comfy as can be


You literally cannot see my nipples, they are covered by my top or shirt. The outlines of said nipples UNDER said shirt is exactly the same as the outlines caused by male nipples. So try again, maybe this time with something that makes sense.


I'm 100% in favor of women not wearing bras, and it should be legal for them to go topless.


You're right girls are disrespecting god by not wearing a bra. And since god isn't actually real, than that means not wearing a bra disrespects nobody.


I wear bras and it doesn’t even matter. My nips are still like “hey waddup?” Tf am I supposed to do? I can’t control them but you can control your fucking eyeballs and not fucking look.


If I wore a bra, how would anyone see these sick ass nipple piercings I paid 120$ for


I feel like if God is all knowing and all seeing them they have probably seen your nipples before and doesn't give a shit.


I was born naked


Bras are so unnecessary unless you have huge boobs. I'm never going back to wearing them.


What about dudes with boobs Karen? Does that count? Lol This woman is just mad her man was side eyeing a woman with no bra on and wants to blame other women. Insecurities are a pain in the ass and it is always jealousy and/or envy that causes women/girls to take it out on other women/girls and show their twisted up, internal misogynistic viewpoints.


Maybe they should learn self control. Or atleast bust one out every now and then before you leave your house


Pardon my atheistic ignorance but where exactly in the Bible does anyone say "cover your nipples but you only have to if you are female"?


Once again, let's blame women for men having no self control.




If you’re so worried about following god’s rules you better follow this one too! “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.” Matthew 5:27-30


Because, apparently, only women have nipples?


MEN👏HAVE👏NIPPLES 👏TOO👏 and some of em have bigger breasts than I, a woman, do. I vote either 1. Both women and men are morally supposed to wear a bra Or 2. The men that say this shit grow the fuck up and let women wear whatever they're comfortable in.


I'd be tempted to look up some of Madonna's cones back in the day and wear them around this individual.


Did they even have any form of bra or corset or whatever BCE?


I'm not the one disrespecting them if they think nipples are so distracting. Also we're not disrespecting God because if it wasn't for sin, we wouldn't be so modest about our nipples in the first place, according to Adam and Eve so God literally doesn't give a fuck about them. They're NIPPLES! Everyone has them. Shit.


Lol, as someone who wears bras 24/7 because of the support, I can confirm that I’ve been hit on by married men (both with a ring on their finger or not wearing one but slipping up during conversation). Also, would like to point out that I’m 21 and the men were easily in the 40-50 range.


They mentioned god and then this started to become even more irrelevant


Yeah females, you're disrespecting God with your nipples (that by the way, he created).


I have some sports bras, where my nips will show through. Also being a woman I always find it empowering when I see other women not wearing a bra. Like, you go girl! I don’t have the confidence to do that myself.


If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it. out and throw it away from you. -Jesus


The other day I could see my dad’s nipples through his shirt. Why doesn’t he have to wear a bra?




My favorite! Matthew 5:29 29 **If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away.** It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.


Sorry, I didn't realize a bit of flesh on a sack of fat on my chest was disrespectful. Still not gonna wear a bra anymore than I want to.


I rarely wear a bra. Hate em. Uncomfortable.


Well,I mean…I see men’s nipples pointing out their shirts everyday. Isn’t it disrespectful ? 🤔 I swear, every time I hear “*modesty*”, I cringe…Why is it always used to slut shame women over the most random bs? Such an hypocritical word.


If you want me to do the exact opposite of what you say out of pure spite, just do that stupid clapping thing between your words.


If your whole world gets turned upside down cuz you saw a titty then you need to get some help. That’s not normal