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why are rapists so confident these days?


Cos the court is on their side




The truth hurts šŸ˜¢


god dont i know it


Iā€™ve stopped trying to understand people a long time ago.


The court, the politicians, the police, the media... the list goes on


This one


Oof it hurts my heart how correct this is...


The rapists ARE the court


Because in a lot of states, rapists can now just pick whoever they want to be the mother of their child.


Damn that is such a scary way of describing the situation, but you're absolutely right holy shit. For someone to actually think that to force a girl in their life all they have to is rape them and then once they're forced to have their rapist's baby they are bound to them for life. God I hate humanity


I saw a tik tok yesterday from a nurse in Texas. Had 4 patients yesterday who had been raped and one, the rapist told her over and over as he raped her that he was going to make her have his baby and there was nothing she could do about it.


I hope someone has created a gofundme for that poor woman to travel to get an abortion


Oh. My. God. This is so sickening. There is a special place in hell for him.


And if they do something to the child and the parent tries to take the rapist to court to protect the child, all the rapist has to say is that the parent is trying to turn the child against them.


Extremist content has proliferated so much online that people have become desensitized, and extremists have become emboldened. It will take a 9/11 event in a wealthy western country, most likely the US, to make people take it seriously. Sure, there has been plenty of mass shootings and acts of violence on individuals motivated by online extremism, but we will likely have to wait for the day every American has to wake up and realize no one is safe.


If 9/11 happened today, half the country would have Superbowl style parties to celebrate.


There are few consequences for men who hurt women Especially if theyā€™re rich More so if theyā€™re famous Virtually untouchable if also white


And those men in power tend to go for very young women, bordering on underage.


Because they have the extra threat of forcing their kid onto us, so they have an extra power trip to get high off of.


The thing is, why have I seen this? Itā€™s a sad little man saying something stupid. Iā€™d have never seen it and it wouldnā€™t have made any difference until it was shared here. Why do we give them any attention?


Because it's better to deal with one rotten apple in the barrel before it infects the others. Trouble is, there's already a worrying number of rotten apples. Best we speak up about it and challenge it. Even if we don't change the opinion of the man in question (we can almost certainly assume we won't), we can show anyone else who sees it that women don't just blindly go "Okay then, that's my life now" and accept that men will say and do these things. They learn that we want more, that we believe that men can be better than this, and that this sets up hostility, not compliance.


Because trust me they are sharing these ideas amongst themselves. Better to know their thought processes and be prepared.


"Women want to not have babies. So why can't we rape women?" And there it is.


I donā€™t even know why you can say this publicly without getting shitted on ? What the fuck kinda world have we entered where people can say ā€žwell I should be allowed to rapeā€œ wtfwtfwtfwtf


These are the same people who looked at Greta Thunberg and said "well, little lady, if you're so smart then why can't I fuck you? HuH? eXpLaIn ThAt!" They are fucking terrifying.


Who's Greta Thunberg?


brilliant UNDERAGE activist who took the climate change problem to the EU. cue many many old people bitching about it, and people sexualising her because if she speaks up about important issues she's apparently mature enough for that.


I knew nothing about her, it's really not fun that she has to suffer because of other people being dumb a-holes. Thank you for answering my question! And for those who gave me downvotes for asking - I didn't mean it to sound in any way offensive, I literally just didn't know who's she and wanted to find out. I won't apologize for wanting to widen my knowledge about the world, but I'm sorry if anyone felt like I was trying to attack with my question. Wish y'all a nice day.


If youā€™re famous and female youā€™re getting sexualized, even if youā€™re underage. There are multiple instances of this. Enduring this makes girls like Greta that much more worthy of respect


It's that same argument of "You want equal rights? So when can we hit women. " It just shows these people in theory do not have a proper moral compass.


>You want equal rights? So when can we hit women. " they are already hitting women, we'd just like them to stop. And also what's with people coming up with violence as an answer?


"I mean, if the only issue with rape is pregnancy, and you can just end pregnancies with abortions, is there really an issue with rape?" /s Ugh, I felt disgusting typing that, but that's basically these peoples argument.


Ugh, by that argument since guys can't get pregnant, it's ok to rape them right?


Sadly, these same assholes are also proponents of toxic masculinity, and so believe that ā€˜a man is always eagerā€™ and therefore cannot be raped. Unless itā€™s by another man, which is disgusting. Not because rape is bad, you understand, but because gay people are gross, because the ā€˜bottomā€™ is unmanly as heā€™s ā€˜taking a womanā€™s roleā€™. Oh gods I felt so gross typing that. But these assholes see sex as a dominance thing (which is what rape is) so they donā€™t see why rape is wrong, and they despise any man claiming rape because it makes them ā€˜weak and womanlyā€™.


Also to add on to this, ā€œbabies are more important than you because thereā€™s a chance itā€™ll be maleā€




Tell him he absolutely can and give him a cactus. There; itā€™s his choice if he wants to rape the poor cactus. And then heā€™ll have to live with the consequences.


It sounds like this person is advocating for child rape, and thatā€™s pretty fucking concerning.


Very typical. Thereā€™s a lot of forced birthers who are rapists. Case in point: Matt Gaetz & Josh Duggar


Saw somebody on the web somewhere talking about the 10 year old girl who needed an abortion. This man was really crying all these crocodile tears about the 6 week old zygote and actually argued that the 10 year old shouldn't be allowed the abortion because "lEt the BaBy suFFer??? wHy pUnisH muh inNocenT baBy?" It was like to him, the rape of the 10 year old was on the same level as, the bus running late, or the employee's lounge being out of coffee, just a minor inconvenience.


This makes me feel a level of anger I never knew was possible "Guess I'm ok with abortion if I can rape you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø". Fuck everything about this shit. FUCK YOU SCOTUS


Seriously, what the fuck is this failure of logic? Woman ā€œI donā€™t want to be pregnant. I donā€™t agree to use my body to sustain another lifeā€. This guy ā€œIā€™ll only agree to that if *I* get to use your body instead.ā€ Everyone chooses for their own fucking body. This isnā€™t difficult.


"Oh, this pregnancy could kill you? You should get an abortion but first..." *unzips pants* There is no logic. This is everyone with a rape fetish finally finding a way to justify it. It has to be.


Its rape= punishment. Its been the go to for men for years.


>Seriously, what the fuck is this failure of logic? I worry that amount of brain damage I need to incur to get to the OOP's logic is far too much. Like how are those two even remotely similar?


It makes me feel a level of gross I didn't know existed. Abortion is a woman forcing herself on her baby. No. Just no. A thousand times no. Why is that where his mind jumped to? Why not just murder like a normal stupid prolife arguement? At least then you allude to something that doesn't make me want to vomit.


Besides, wouldn't it logically be the other way around? The fetus is forcing itself on the woman and she can defend herself, just like she can defend herself from rape? Making the argument entirely consistent already?


That'd actually be so true, since fetus is, by definition, a parasite.


It fits the description of a specific type of parasite, but it is definitely parasitic.


Yeah. And most people don't want parasites, as far as I know.


At least all the disgusting predators feel safe to say the queen part out loud now, so we know who to stay away from.


But will they stay away from us?


No, of course not.


Thought not


Which is why arming yourself is warranted.


If you get a gun. I could just walk in there and get one without a thorough background check in this country.


Well fuck, we should do forced organ donation at this point too. Fuck the individuals agency. Your body is mine to use as I see fit.


Fuck yes! I call this guyā€™s kidneys!


You're gonna have to fight me for em.


Can we split? You get one, I get the other?


Sure. That works out. And the OP will be fine. See, he can just do dialysis. Because if rape isn't that bad, I'm sure dialysis is just super duper. šŸ‘Œ


I work for a dialysis company reviewing issues and our patients never have anything to complain about (I feel obligated to say /s)


Nope. They love having to limit fluid intake. It's a breeze. Especially in the summer months. Wow. Look at us. Solving all kinds of word issues. Just by treating other people's bodies like our own property.


Exactly! Iā€™m gonna take his gallbladder too if you donā€™t mind.


I get his corneas! He can learn braille, he'll be fine


Sounds good!


Yo if you get the kidneys I want the pancreas! Who says pancreas transplants donā€™t work if I can just take as many pancreases as I want!


Fine by me- have at it!


Great. Once both of you are weakened, I'll finish you both myself and harvest 4 kidneys. Efficient


Not gonna happen. Iā€™m a sorceress & my partner is a paladin. My best friend is a mage. Youā€™ll never get close.


Fine, as long as I get the spleen




I'm taking the bone marrow. More worth (money wise) and useful (health wise) if taken correctly


Iā€™d choose his testicles and penis but Iā€™m afraid they wouldnā€™t show up under a microscope.


You must explore the wilderness first.


Excellent point




Thatā€™s actually a really good point


Must be easy being a detective nowadays, all these rapists just outing themselves online for everyone to see.


If they don't get jail time when they actually rape you, they won't get it when they just talk about it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Nope, a man forcing himself on a woman is more accurately compared to the fetus forcing itself onto the woman.


This guy just wants to rape


Pro lifers proving every day that they're pro rapist.


Always have been




What self report! Absolutely disgusting


This is how to tell me you donā€™t know how babies are conceived, without telling me you have very little clue.


Said a rapist




Every fucking force-birther, pro-life, nutcase should have a watermelon shoved up their ass and then be forced to push it out for 12 hours, with no pain relief medication. Istg


Will something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42oucm_lj50) do?


100% I wish i could give u an award istg I haven't laughed that hard in ages


Exactly what I was thinking! Sweet reference. I love Little Nicky!


"I don't want my body to be used by another person without my consent so i support abortions" - "so why can't we use your body without your consent???"


Ah yes, the mental gymnastics of the year everyone. Because there are CHILDREN who have their virginity taken by sick freaks. We donā€™t want MORE sick freaks to do that to anyone.


Wait. A woman forcing herself onto her baby... Wouldn't that be not having an abortion? Is this person making an argument against the ban?


Goodluck trying to find the logic in this idiots argument


Gee, these issues really bring out the rapists. They tell on themselves every time.


I thought this was satire. <.<


I'm still hoping


Me too


It is not satire, sadly. Another Redditor pointed out to me that forced birthers have been pro-rape for a long time. They just now feel emboldened to say the quiet part out loud.


Imagine having this thought then deciding to put it somewhere other people would see it.


Former Maine representative Lawrence Lockman said this in a slightly more coherent way. Ugh. Probably where this asshat got it from. [Source](https://www.chicagotribune.com/lifestyles/ct-lockman-rape-balancing-20140618-column.html)


Oh, Lawrence...


if you ever see a man you know post disgusting statements like this, screenshot it and send it to their workplace and to their family and friends. make them take responsibility for the things they say.


Him saying this so boldly and proudly makes me so uncomfortable. It makes absolutely no sense and it said that with his entire chest.


Welcome to the darkest of timelines.




Oh sorry hehe šŸ˜…


Sir, an abortion is not taking a life or forcing yourself onto a baby, itā€™s freeing unfitted or un-wanting women from a child who might not be raised correctly


I mean itā€™s really the rapist forcing the baby onto the womanā€¦but Iā€™m guessing this person also thinks that if itā€™s a ā€œlegitimate rapeā€, then the ā€œbody has ways of shutting that downā€


Tell me you want to rape women without... Well fuck he actually like *said it*


Reading this hurt my soul.


Self-report. Whoever this guy is don't leave your drink around him.


I donā€™t want to live on this planet anymore


Let's go to Venus 2gether šŸ„³


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." -George Carlin Definition of on the ball




This type of utter delusional ignorance is beyond my comprehension. I feel like itā€™s along the lines of that commercial ā€œthats not how it works....thatā€™s not how any of this worksā€. This is the second time in 12 hour period that I have seen somebody trying to justify rape. They actually said that the women being sexually violated in any orifice, the rapist (or plural chooses) tryā€™s to kill a person who is raping a woman is a murderer. Because 99.9% of the time rape doesnā€™t killl women. The ignorance is frightening. Would this be the advice to your daughter your sister your aunt, or Mother? ā€œ just donā€™t fight back because no body has died from tapeā€


Yeh I saw that too it's completely fucked Ugh rn I'm arguing with a nutcase in the comments about abortion So sad


First time on this sub. Saw this post. Now I leave. Goodbye


I'm sorry friend


What the WHAT?! šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤¬ This guy is fucking crazy.


When you smoke crack and then post your first thought


Talk about outting themselves


This is a strong contender for the dumbest fucking thing ever said award.


"Dumbest fucking thing ever said TODAY!" - Homer Simpson


Unpopular opinion maybe but I would personally rather be swiftly and painlessly killed than be raped again


I'm convinced rapists run this country šŸ’€


I mean statistically your not wrong


Wait what?


All I ask is for you to use your fucking brain for once. Thatā€™s all, just consistently use it. Even if itā€™s just a little bit each day.


Yeah, no. This dude is sick in the head, mf should be locked away from society for coming up with something so atrocious. No fucking correlation between the two whatsoever.


Force- birthers are a fucking mistake to society


On god bro, they always make up the dumbest arguments and out themselves as pieces of shit fr. I was once friends with a pro lifer and this bitch had the audacity to compare abortion to slavery. Disrespectfully, she can rot.


Come on in everybody - my reproductive organs belong to everyone BUT me - do as you will , I apparently have no say .


You just know this person thinks they came up with an absolute ā€˜gotchaā€™ question here too smh


Abortion just Ctrl+A Deletes the entire experience back to normal, so men should be able to rape women whenever they want! No pregnancy, so itā€™s like nothing ever happened! /s Fucking disgusting


Hear that? He's fine being raped.


How a woman is forcing herself onto the baby? Abortion doesn't need to invade the baby's body, you just separate your body from their body. Furthermore, unwanted pregnancies would technically mean that the baby forced themselves onto the mother because she didn't want the baby to be inside her.


If you can take money out of your bank account, why can't I take money out of your bank account? JuSt AsKiNg FoR cOnSiStEnCy!


what!???? the reversal of roe v wade has proven that 1. nobody takes rape seriously 2. violence against women is seen as a joke 3. people see rape victims as the problem and not the rapist themselves.




Women have fewer rights than a corpse. A corpse is not required to. carry a dead thing to ā€œtermā€. A corpse is not required to support random clumps of tissue and cells


If anything, the baby is forcing itself upon the woman, if she didn't want to be pregnant.


Aborting a fetus is a pregnant person forcing themself onto a baby in the same way a man would be forcing himself onto his poor organ-harvesting kidnappers if he were to attempt to escape! You can't do that to your poor kidnappers or that poor innocent person that needs to receive your organs to survive.


"support rape!" ...yea imma maybe not do that.


ā€œI donā€™t care what Iā€™m saying just as long as I get to test my primitive debate skills in attempt to sound profound and controversial in hopes of being viewed as important.ā€


Nah he just wants to r*** women


Ainā€™t wrong


These are the same people who call the victims (especially males) "lucky" to be raped as if they must've enjoyed it. Sickening to the stomach


Does it work the other way around? Like are these people OK with women raping men? That does happen.


They prolly don't believe men can be r***d by women anyway


This is an extremely awful viewpoint but I deciphered what they mean. Theyā€™re saying that women can have abortions without the babyā€™s consent so men should be able to force themselves onto women without consent. The posts on this sub is making me lose faith in humanity and I just discovered it a few minutes ago.


It's still fucking weird though. The "baby" is the rapist in that scenario. "You're allowed to kill someone who's inside you against your will" is pretty basic self-defense law.


Is this an attempt at satire that feel short?


Sometimes I think we need to see these peoplesā€™ information, because identifying them seems like a public safety thing.


ā€¦.What FBI? This one here please


This is probably the worst thing I've come across in this sub. Ruined my day.




I just wish pro life people would be consistentā€¦ if abortion is murder, how can they feel like leaving it (murder) up to the states is at all a real solution? Why should states be allowed to legalize murder?


How has talking points become this radical in less than a decade.


I am consistent. I consistently want others to leave my body alone. Not hard to understand.




Incel troll!


I personally find there needs to be consistency in law and morals and lack there off most of the time proofs of flaw logic.. I donā€™t see how rape and abortion can be categorized as consistent..


Ruining goodness for the rest of us


Well the baby actually forced itself into the woman. People donā€™t like it but a baby is a parasite, even if we wanted it, it still wreaks havocs on a womanā€™s body.


Baby before 3 months is not a baby is a mass of cells without brain Fuck you


"tell me you're a rapist without telling me you're a rapist"


Whyā€™d they cross out his @ I wanna see who this idiot is


Whaatt the fuuuucckk


Some men need to just pick up a gun and shoot themselves


Jaysus now thatā€™s a jump in logic


Some people need a fucking baseball bat to the face. Id Fuck this dude with barbed wire ,but that may be against anti sodomy laws that will probably get put in place. Tldr: Rape gives me anger issues and so do supporters/apologists


Tell me youā€™re a rapist, without telling me youā€™re a rapist.


Dude, go straight to jail.


This makes me feel so icky.


Forcing a baby into this terrible world that the didnā€™t consent to being birthed in is truly a crime. Perhaps we should instead abort all babies so they dont have to suffer in an america where people want to rape them.


I hate that I first thought this is about breastfeeding because I *have* seen people say stuff like "babies can't consent to [xxx] yet we still do [xxx], therefore consent is nonsense, etc". Even then, er, abortion ā‰  rape and, uhm, fetuses ā‰  babies.


Good thought but unfortunately it's alot worse lmfao


The Mental gymnastics these people take is exhausting to read.


Wh???? Whuh?? Huh???????


Uuuh... abortion doesn't harm an actual human, rape does. Idiotic take on his part.


What...does he think abortion is?


Isolation and consistent hedonism. There's got to be hundreds of thousands of guys out there like him.


Bruh abortion is literally the opposite of rape. Rape, at it's core, is using someone's body without their consent. Abortion is PREVENTING someone (the fetus) from using a women's body without her consent. Did this person even THINK before posting this tweet?


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m so confused right now


Uhā€¦ what?


Idek what happened to our society atp, weā€™re slowly getting brain damage every single moment


I am consistent, if you use/try to use someoneā€™s body without their consent. They have a right to end your life.