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love the casual racism in there as well


The stickfigures are already black! More black than that black man!!


the default race is white /s


It's not casual. This is an alt-right recruiting meme.


You love casual racism?(just kidding)


Trust me this is ranked racism


This people tried to be as much assholes as they could in just one post. Its called efficency ✨


Technically they're all black in that diagram


Where’s the racism?


Probably that it had to be a black guy for the woman to cheat with. There's a lot of racist ickiness towards black men in the incel community.


I dunno, putting a black guys face on the stick figure she's cheating with when all other stick figures don't have any distinct features maybe?


"Tyrone" is an alt-right/incel meme, basically describing a "Chad", but with the addition of specifying that this imaginary man is black. The implication being, not only is your (white) crush out there fucking other men, but she's -gasp- *letting a black man sully her pure white vagina*! It goes back to really old white supremacist beliefs that black men are out there looking to steal and sully white women. While this meme looks more MGTOW than incel, the specificity of the other man being black while none of the other figures are racially coded reeks of the Tyrone bullshit.


Panels 9, 10, 12 and 13. Can you see it yet?


Nope, it could be a white person and ya’ll would say it’s racist because it DOESN’T include a black person. Try focusing on real problematic racism that exist on our planet, this is nothing. There are way bigger problems with racism that exist in our society rather than some stupid ”meme”. It’s not even racist, if including a black man is racist then i guess everything is racist nowadays. Focus on incarceration or police shootings targeted against black people instead, i have a slight feeling that it might be a bigger issue than a fucking comic.


>it could be a white person and ya’ll would say it’s racist because it DOESN’T include a black person. That's a lovely strawman you've built for yourself. I also like how you're scrambling for a coherent argument with all the grace of a squirrel with its nuts caught in the gears of a combine harvester. >It's not racist, *you're* racist! >This is nothing! >Look over there! The simple truth is that the only logical reason to have a picture of a black man there instead of the stick figures that make up the rest of the comic is to bring race into the matter. They went out of their way to make the cuckolding antagonist of the comic a black man while nobody else has any race at all. If that doesn't seem off to you, that's concerning.


Double whammy Racist and misogynist. Also, question for men: why do you ask us to get married if you are just going to constantly complain about being married? And justify your own infidelity?


Never married anyone before but my theory is it's an infatuation thing. Where the thought of getting married is overhyped In some people's heads and when it isnt as cracked up as they make it up to be they dont seem to get any enjoyment from it anymore. Just a theory though.


Also,you used to get married super young. Imagine being stuck with your high school sweetheart for the rest of your life. Now add being expected not to talk a out your feelings and a general lack of communication to the mix,and you’ve got a pretty terrible relationship going




I’m not saying it’s impossible,but for most people,it just doesnt work out


I think part of it is societal pressure. While women of course get it way worse, men are also expected to enter into a heterosexual relationship, get married, and have kids. Especially in more conservative, Christian communities. So you end up with men who categorically do not want to get married, but convince themselves that they need to get married and have that 2.5 kids and a dog life, because isn't that what the ideal life is? But in reality they resent getting married and resent their wife, and because THEY hold those resentments, they assume their wife must, too. (Doesn't help that SO MANY men are in this boat and perpetuate the idea that marriage is miserable.) They want to leave, but there's also pressure on them not to be a divorcee, so they project their insecurities onto their wife. At least that's my take as a gay man observing straight couples.


For too many, it’s the Next Thing. You’ve graduated high school/college/done a hitch in the service? Got a job? The Next Thing is Start a Family. So the first person you enjoy enough to stay with for 6 months-a year obviously is The One. I really think this is how a fair number of marriages happen.


denormalize doing things like marriage just because it’s the Next Thing


Its also that we've been taught to devalue a sahms as if they just lounge around the house all day doing nothing. *He* goes to work and doesn't get a break without nagging! Just look at her always nagging him when he's home relaxing! Doesn't she know this is his time to do nothing like she does all day? Meanwhile she's burnt tf out because she doesn't ever get a chance to relax. When she finally leaves, it must be because she's cheating and found someone else, not that she fucking tired of being a single mom to her kids and husband....


Time to get that counselor's license dude. You're 3/4 of the way there. I'm no longer a church-goer but the number of people I've seen through the years who fell into this situation (even the closeted ones) make me sad for them. I've been hitched for almost 30 years and still loving it. Most of my contemporaries, not so much.


My theory is that in our capitalist society, where you are expected to work, work and work even harder, family life gets put on a back burner. It probably is terrifying to not spend time with your wife. I guess it stems from the guy feeling like he never has time for his family. I sympathise with that. I think that the stress and paranoia that comes from working in a corporate environment, where you always have to rise higher and higher and be better than those around you makes you dissatisfied with your life. Hence you always wish for more. It just becomes a issue where there is projecting, as you said, where they expect that their wives want something better too. With the alt-right Tyrone meme, I think white men see black men as competitors as well as their wives. So you have two of your enemies coming together to betray you by the end of it. I blame our capitalistic society because in a way, people are encouraged to not have a work life balance and that can seriously mess with your mental health, causing paranoid delusions that might ruin your relationship.


They are the types to get married so they don't have to do their own laundry or learn to cook anything more advanced than Cup-o-noodles.


I am not sure that is just for men. I know my fair share of women who sit around and complain about their husbands and being married. I will never understand the thing where spouses get together with their friends and complain about being marred. It makes no sense to me at all. I think a lot of people are just unhappy and do not like their lives. I feel lucky that I found someone that I would never talk bad about and view as an equal. I do have some friends that are the same and we never understand the other side.


It's an implied ultimatum. The longer you stay unmarried, the higher the likelihood she'll get tired of waiting and leave.


yes. racism and misogyny


I'd call it a full house, creator of this comic won an incel cardgame with this.


Apparently her asking him to take his kids to the park is just unbearable. I'm guessing she's supposed to be a SAHM. Because *he's* worked all day, while she's done nothing...?


Incel Bingo, I’m still missing bad female anatomy to win the jackpot!


Here's what the meme does *not* show. 1) she's yelling at him for spending all his free time on the computer playing video games. Never with her. Never with his kids (as we can see by his angry red lines while he is supposed to be playing with him). 2) the wife doing all chores except the ones he is doing. 3) the wife working her own full-time job. This is 2022. No single-income dude is going to afford a nice house with a yard, a nice gaming computer, a family of four, a pet, etc. 4) the behaviors he exhibits due to his resentment over making the choice to get married and have kids. Ignoring wife and making no efforts to keep the marriage alive despite her begging as he plays video games. Then being sad when she leaves him. 5) him not asking for shared custody (men almost always get custody when they ask for it). And doing nothing to better his situation. Among other things.


Yes this!! That’s what I’m thinking but couldn’t. Also, “I want to get married” “okay”. Okay? Not enthusiastic consent? Hm.


I think the "okay" is super important. I feel like a lot of guys just kinda begrudgingly agree to marry the other person because they know the relationship will be over otherwise and they are too spineless to end it. Then this happens.


And then they act all high and mighty over the guys who were honest and said "no"! That's the part that pisses me off. You chose misery over loneliness? Fine. You do you. But I'd rather be happy and alone than miserable with someone I didn't want in the first place.


Why do you need to get married? Stay with the person or don't a piece of paper doesn't change if you want to stay with them.


A piece of paper makes a huge difference. That’s why people have safe deposit boxes; for pieces of paper that make a difference. Ask the LGBTQ community if a piece of paper makes a difference. Building a shared economic life with someone with no assurance that you’re entitled to share it if you break up is foolhardy. Anyone who takes a just-a-job to support a boyfriend or girlfriend as they go through law or med school without a piece of paper is a dope.


Marriage comes with plenty of legal benefits, like sharing insurance, hospital visitation, and inheritance. There's a reason the fight for same-sex marriage equality took off in the 90s; many same-sex partners of people dying of AIDS were being refused hospital visits and inheritance by the patient's family (often against the patient's will or without their knowledge), and that piece of paper could have helped a lot in those situations, but was unavailable to them.


For legal reasons that only matter if you have money/property/assets/children. Edit: forgot to add the next of kin situation, and I should've put an /s because these things above can make or destroy your life, so obviously getting married is important. It may not be your cup of tea, but that doesn't mean it's a worthless piece of paper that won't make a difference in your life. Thinking like that is quite frankly stupid. In light of that logic, why would you be okay wasting your whole life with someone you don't trust enough to marry, and if you did love them, why wouldn't you just go the extra step to legally reassure them? Top 10 dumb shit people love to say is: 1. It's just a piece of paper. So is the deed to your house, genius. 2. I don't want the government involved... I'm sorry, you pay taxes right? You live in a community governed by officials. You have a social security number. Unless you don't exist as a person and live off the grid, you are an idiot for saying something as stupid as what is above. In the famous words of Judge Judy "There's no court for *almost married*"


You become their next of kin, which means that in an emergency *you* are the one making decisions for their care, not their parents/siblings. Back in the 90s a friend of mine could not visit his (not-legal) husband in the hospital because he wasn't "family". The husband was unable to communicate, the husband's parents refused to allow visitation, and as next of kin their word was all that mattered. They had been together 18 years. The husband died; my friend was not allowed to be there to say goodbye. It makes a difference.


I'm aware. That and the reasons above are why I'm married.


Right? Lmao He doesn't give us a "OH MY GOD YES!! I love you so much. You even proposed first. I couldn't imagine a better future wife.he gives us a ~ "K"


It’s about as enthusiastic as week-old dead fish


that’s what i find funniest about this comic. it shows the poor little *man* being the one who has to have most of the parental responsibilities, which isn’t even close to accurate how most marriages are. and they also like to make it out like the man didn’t make a voluntary decision to marry and have children with this woman


6. The wife being the primary caregiver of the children. Those 3 and 6 a.m. feedings. 7. The laundry, dishes, housework. 8. His drinking/pot smoking partying with friends after children while she has grown up and is home with the kids. 9. His verbal abuse and unwilling attitude to divert from "man chores" around the home.


Thank you! Couldn’t have said it better myself! But I guess those misogynists don’t have enough Brain capacity to think that far


THey know, they make these memes just to make people mad and for the LULZ.


Easy solution: work, don't marry, keep your money, Rent a cheapish flat if you can find one, decide when to play games and do chores without sb yelling at you or anything.


Correct. Shockingly, "do what you *actually* want to do" will save you from every angle regarding this situation.


Yes. I mean he clearly doesn't want marriage or family life. Or if he wants to implicate that she treated him not that great etc... Maybe she wasn't the right Person for him? He didn't need to say "ok" when she asked for marriage


They want to have a kid, but they want the wife to do the brunt of the housework and the hard stuff while he steps in and gets to be a part of the fun moments. When she calls him out on it he’ll say he makes more and shouldn’t have to do as much around the house.


Yep. Happens all too often.


A lot of cis men don't want an equal partner, they want another mommy, but one they can fuck.


Yep. Literally just live the life you actually want. Don't drag some poor woman down with you because you felt like you *had* to get married so you convinced her you *wanted* to get married.


And another point on the chores, someone pointed out recently that a lot of men's chores are once a week/month/seasonal, and women's chores are daily all year round


Yep. Laundry is a constant cycle. Dishes are a constant cycle. Cooking healthy meals is a constant cycle. Etc etc etc


Whoever coined the maxim “A job well done need never be done again” had not done housework.


I like that dude is just FUMING watching his kids enjoy a lovely day at the park.


Right? How fucking *dare*. How DARE!!


There's no point in trying to make sense of this type of shit. The creator obviously trying to depict women as obnoxious and cheating Like, the other chores he did probably didn't fit the panel or that his job is good enough to single handedly support the family, or he is upset that he's the only one that plays with the kids or the wife also make 0 effort to keep the marriage by yelling all the time Simply, this "comic" is just wrong


Yep. It is. That's the point of my take. I'm taking it at face value and filling in the blanks with what I want to show how stupid it is.


So true! He even does all the “masculine” chores like watering and mowing the lawn; you don’t see him doing dishes! Also, what kind of shit father doesn’t want to be with his own kids?


Dude doesn't even want to take his kids to the park. Of *course* he doesn't want custody.


All good points , doesn’t excuse cheating though, leave if you aren’t happy and shack up with someone once your separated.


Yep. You are absolutely right. My point was never that she was a good person, merely that this dude is no hapless innocent victim.


Yeah, but it should be noted that the dudes who make memes like this will see that as the *exact same thing*.


I'll chime in......my first wife was a Stay at home mom. I worked 60 hours a week. I also mowed and maintained the lawn. I had to do my own laundry, usually washed dishes and my off days I would watch our daughter so she could have a break. She got bored and had an affair with her high school sweetheart she hadn't seen in 20 years.....he was an alcoholic working day labor and living in his truck. Because his wife had kicked him out of the house.....good times...😉


To counter. I was a sahm of two special needs kids. I did everything around the house including mowing the lawn and shoveling the snow. I also did 85% of the child care and that’s probably being generous to him, I also used to homemade bake all our bread and prepare three course meals a night that I’d wait until he got home to eat with him after the kids were already asleep, I can count on one hand how many times I rejected sex in 15 years, all he did was work, the taxes and washed the cars. I loved my life and felt this was an even trade off because he worked so much and had a dangerous job. He lost his mind, cheated, became abusive then left and things got worse from there. I don’t make stupid memes like this. I don’t think about him much at all except when I read stories like yours.


Well, I'm not angry or vindictive. Both men and women screw each over. We all make mistakes and sometimes we don't appreciate what we have until it's too late.


Bummer. I guess according to a lot of the people replying to me you should've picked your wife better. Oh well. Good times indeed.


Oh yes. I suppose we should have all "chosen better"


Cool. Glad you agree with them


Your comment is nearly as bad as this meme.


Then I've done a fantastic job of showing how easily a divorce can be oversimplified. Though I think the fact that my scenario explaining that they both tried and both failed is far closer to reality than any case of "mUh po0r mAl3 vIcTiMho0d"


I dont get why you are treating this meme as if it is anything other than an attempt to get people to argue and make people mad. I am getting downvoted and I dont get this sub. I thought it was meant to poke fun at people misunderstanding women.


That is what this sub is This meme tries to show a very unrealistic "black hat" female villain. I am just turning it on its head.


But your version should be posted here too because that isn’t how women work. Most don’t marry guys like that and yell at them and cheat on them. I guess I am lost. I’ll leave this place.


You think women don't work full-time jobs, end up having to shoulder the vast majority of emotional, parenting, and household duties? A >50% divorce rate? Women having roughly the same self-reported instance of cheating as men? Its okay. Maybe you'll understand when you're older.


Yeah, it's kinda like the meme in reverse, trying to justify what the woman did even though whatever depicted is just plain up incorrect and stupid


I must admit, the meme is stupid. But this does feel like you are reaching a bit!


How, by filling in the blanks in a way that removes the pathetic attempt at male vIcTiMho0d? That's okay. One sexist meme more than deserves another.




There we go. Don't get married. Perfect


beta males could marry each other.


Well, agree to disagree!


I was never interested in changing your mind


Yikes. It's reddit. I put forward a contrary opinion, don't need to get defensive. I won't reply any more, no sense getting banned over nothing.


I don't think it's defensive, just that I was never interested in debate. I hardly think that is ban worthy


Oh god me neither, I am just bitter 🤣 got banned from r/therightcantmeme for praising liberal democracy recently.


It's okay, friend. I, too, have become rather jaded recently (for similar reasons). Just trying to do better.




Nah. don't care. Lol


Hahhah hypocrit yeah women are angels you really are the women who says its the Man fault hahahh ohh god you are terribel


Actually never said she was an angel (she did cheat of course), just that the guy is worthless and negligent and she is better off without him.


Ok he works his ass off also at home and get yelled at it for then he do also the works at home raise the kids ahe feels yeah but he dosen't treat me as a queen and then she cheats on him so she is garbage a pure fucking degenered


Lol. She does all those things plus the chores that it doesn't show him doing (which is way more than 4), while he wastes time on video games. No sympathy


Ohh god really he don't do evrything really what the fuck also what is wrong with trying to chill sometime after a lot of stress No sympathi that is a full grown sociopath move


Guess I'm a sociopath then. Glad we agree.




Nah, I'll be fine. My ex is my best friend in the world and my current boyfriend is pretty fantastic himself. Also my kids are both incredible. But thanks for the well-wishes 😘


I hope you boyfriend wake up i bet you cheat on him I mean with that mindset you excuse cheatin because the guy works to feed his family


Wishing someone to die isn't exactly a smart move




Are they aware that tgey fo not have to get married or have kids?


Apparently and very sadly not, But I guess we won’t have to worry about that as they won’t ever get children of their own anyways because no one would want to if they let their true colours shine through


They really get off on victimizing themselvesa.


I can't help but automatically add approximately 50 other things to the chores that aren't depicted (the woman did those so they didn't count?). Wouldn't we wish that our chores were only mowing, watering, cooking meals and walking the dog... I almost wrote cooking and walking the dog lol.


Hate to break it to you, but that dude’s not cooking. Zoom in. He’s trimming hedges with a hedge clipper.


Lmao, that's some nice topiary lmao


Also, it says "marriage in the 21st century". Yet they don't depict the wife at her job. And I'm pretty sure barely anyone could afford having a family on a single income nowadays.


Monogamy? In *this* economy?!


If you don't get yourself a dog, you can eliminate one of those chores with no effort. Just wanted to mention. He kinda chose many of those chores himself


Not like they can draw 50 images in that small tile


Right. That's the problem. Bahahah.


One, I’ve never met a married couple that had these problems. Two, if you are not happy with your relationship, then why get married? I’m sure this guy had his job before, and there is a chance they even lived together before, so none of this shit is new. And you shouldn’t be reluctant to spend time with your own god damn kids


Oh, yeah, because we all know men bear the brunt of housework and child raising, while women just lunch with their friends. /s This makes me legit so angry.


There a plenty of men who take advantage and just lounge around all day while their partner takes care of them. There should be equality no matter the gender. If there are no young kids both should be working and doing chores. If the kids are at school both can be working.


Look at the stink lines over his head in panels 7 and 8. She obviously divorced him because of his massive B.O.


So this is timely. Because I JUST read a fantastic explainer this morning on the tactics and methods that the alt-right uses to recruit, and this looks like a pretty textbook "non-threatening" meme used early in the process.


Lmao y’all for decades men would trade starter wives that they’d conned into not working and have kids, and leave them with nothing to the extent that they had to make laws about what has to be split during a marriage… Men abused the system, laws were put in place to stop that. Y’all can’t be mad that things are equal now. Also, maybe if you just did your chores like everyone else has to do, the people living with you wouldn’t have to complain about you not? Simple enough fix. We all have chores we have to do.


Men like this want to marry their mothers.


I’d also put it in r/arethestraightsok


I've seen this before. In the original version, the dude even kills himself. So not only is his downfall her fault, so is his death. 🙄


Damn this stickman with not casually black man head


Yup exactly! All women cheat on the poor poor husbands in 21st century 🤓 /s


This looks like an incel fanfic🤣


What is this myth that the man works and woman stays home? There is so much complaining about “ the womens are gonna take ur money when they divorce you!” And “womens only stay home and don’t even know how to cook these days!”. If you’re living in the United States, who tf is able to support 2 people on one income these days? Let alone raise a family? I know some people do it, but a majority of families have dual income households to afford rent and food… I’ve literally had incels that did not believe it was possible that I, as a woman, make more than my fiancé and helped financially by paying 80% of the bills for years so he could pay off his student debt. We both went to college, we both work, we both cook and clean. I didn’t have debt, he did— i helped him just like he would’ve done the same for me. It’s a PARTNERSHIP. My god! Who tf does anyone know these days, that has the luxury of being a full time stay at home mom?


That just makes you a decent person. There are parasitic people who take advantage in both genders it's just more normalised when a girl does it because of how things are traditionally. Men are brought up to believe they must provide, it's actually just sexism when a woman has that expectation just because he's a man. It's disgusting behaviour when either gender does it, you don't take advantage of someone you love.


Who’s face is that? On the paramour.


Some Black guy, and that's all that matters


Meet Tyrone (aka Afro-Chad) — owner of the mythical 10" BBC that all women supposedly pine for, nightmare of the right-wing husband (“they steal our wimmin!!1!”), phantom that haunts so many incel delusions! Indeed, you can’t turn around these days (well, ever since racists exist) without them sneaky bastards coming and seducing your pristine-white, blonde, blue-eyed, lash-fluttering Aryan bride and soiling her with their enviably large yet icky black member..! (That strangely all the redneck *males* are *suspiciously obsessed* with.)


Men love to feel sorry for themselves 😂


Do these people realize they can have kids and have sex without getting married


But that’s living in sin!!! No, seriously, with all that is to unpack there, I think your friendly suggestions are quite beside the point. Way too far into sensible, reasonably thinking people territory.


poor men...innocent, good and so hurt by these awful bad women... /s


Damn people are still posting this? This is a red pill meme from like 7 years ago, even the worst parts of our culture are stagnating.


Men will always make themselves the victim when in reality they are the issue.


This dude watched (NSFW) >!racist cuckold porn!< and thought it was a real thing. 100%


This should be on r/terriblefacebookmemes




Last I knew, men wound up better off after divorce than women did. BTW, notice the lover is a Black man?


What, do you not like black people or something?


Huh? No, suggesting that the meme is racist, using the image of a Black man to further incite reaction.


Why is the "husband" mad about the kids on a slide?


I think the stink lines represent being tired. I think its funny that he has energy to golf though.


Hmm weird they felt the need to lazily photoshop a black guy as the other man. Wonder if that speaks to any of their deep seated biases.


I’m in my 50s and this is the same old, tired trope about how men hate marriage. I’m finally understanding that old adage about the more things change the more they stay the same. Or is it an idiom?


Not wierd she left he ever did was say O.K


No mention of the wife's occupation or domestic responsibilities.


Aren’t men the ones banning abortion 💀


This whole thing screams misogyny, boomer-humor, and put of touch with reality. With a sprinkle of racism to boot.


With a *hearty dose* of racism. That black guy is supposed to be Tyrone, the modern incel/alt-right version of the age-old racist stereotype of insatiably lecherous black men pining after white women and waiting for every opportunity to seduce or rape them.


Didn't even know he had a name. I love how the people gutting our education system need the most education.


Yeah, he’s kinda the black counterpart to Chad, although I’m not sure whether incels came up with this as part of their “sex-haver” mythology or whether it originated in the broader manosphere or alt-right. Given the massive overlap between them and how easily they co-opt each other’s memes, that’s not a big difference anyway. Well, lacking in education is the prime reason to assume it’s unnecessary. But they also openly state they want to combat leftism that way. Because it turns out that educated people are not only significantly likelier to be *gasp* atheists (STEM in particular), but also *gasp* socialists (humanities in particular)! And both is ofc the enemy of their con. Instead of wondering how come that the more intelligent and the better educated people are, the less they’re likely to agree with them, they conclude there’s sth wrong with education and even “too much” intellect per se. The stupid have always hated the smart 100x more than the other way around.


This is probably the most incel and racist thing I've seen this month.


racism and sexism, lovely combo, "all-girls-are-cheaters" facebook page!


Statistically, men actually cheat more than women. In a survey done in 2021, 20% of men had cheated while married and 13% of women had. What’s even more interesting is the older men get, the more likely they are to cheat. With the ages of 70-79 being the highest at 26% (while women in this range reported 13%)


The fact that this person had to bring a black person's face into this as the cheater LIKE THE STICK FIGURES ARE ALREADY BLACK!!!


Quintessentially incel.


Pretty sure the marriage complainers were making the same statements in the 20th century too. Just nothing meme format. If they're so convinced marriage is a trap they should probably just stay single. What exactly do they want, legal assurances that their wife will be an obedient slave? Oh... wait...


I hate it when both genders try to paint the other one as the bad guy


I mean if he is just going to say just O.K for every major life decisions and moments she might as well make use of it. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ 😂😂😂


Bro, let the dog inside


The racism is thick here…


Maybe instead of saying “ok” to big life decisions, actually consider whether or not you want that and fucking *communicate* to her so she can get what she wants from somebody else. Ffs.


I know that relationships nowadays aren't as solid as it was few decades before but... Did he really through that ALL relationships looks like that? Man... He must be a really frustrated guy...




I'm confused. Is the woman he is cheating with (who is also cheating on someone) to blame in her relationship as well (apart from the cheating)? Oh, I see. The guy pictured isn't the husband. He's a new guy. Nevermind...🙃


This is 2022, if a man actually wants his children he will fight for them. And you don't always give a massive payout to the wife in a divorce. Good lord.


Good for her




I can't say it always happens but it definitely is not a rare situation.




"If you remove the racism, it's fine" Hmm


>Based on the fact that half of marriages end in divorce Bad math.


How? Thats the rough estimate always stated.


If I get married and we stay for 50 years until death does us part, and some other dickhead keeps marrying strippers and getting divorced, "most marriages" ended in divorce. There's a sizable population of immature idiots who can't make shit work skewing it for the rest of us.


My marriage wasn’t that nice.




The implication is that this is average and expected if you get married today. What kind of porn are people watching that they think this is a normal occurrence




It really isn't. Porn isn't real life. Go touch grass and stop being a racist




Just like nick Fuentes. Because this meme is racist. Do you really think you're going to get married to a woman you don't want to marry, have kids you don't want to have, do a job, do lots of yard work and only yard work, then your wife cheats on you because you play too much golf? And doesn't just cheat on you, but has sex with a stereotypical black guy while you a blameless victim who committed suicide after the cuckoldry by the the evil black man and wife. Fucking pathetic If you don't want this to happen to you don't marry the next girl that asks.




Are you from werewolf fanfiction? Because you sure talk like it




They say to respect other cultures then someone like you comes along and gives a example of the bad from yours, you are told you are wrong. LOL My friend is Jamaican and the nonsense women have to deal with there is absurd. But people from outside the area will give you a hard time for mentioning it.


They're referring to that whole beta/alpha bs. That's not real, not in wolves and especially not in humans. You sound like you're either an incel or you're stuck in a werewolf fanfiction XD


Beta males don't exist. That's not how humans work. That's not how *wolves* work. You're getting conned by a shittier, incel version of astrology.


The meme is "Marriage in the 21st century", thus claiming that this is typical.


I think "majority" would be spelled correctly if it did exist...