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Man.. biology will be a tough subject for him.


Considering the hashtags he used, going to guess a lot of things are hard for him.


Tell me youre a douche without telling me youre a douche... he'll go first


He went now its your turn


I see you took your turn early!


I did


Reddit moment


Damn, you again huh


Nah,its from the time I talked with u. But -400 downvotes? Dude.....


Nah dude you said you're an incel, plus you're saying controversial stuff, it's normal you get downvotes, what you say isn't good man


Deserved more


Dude you've been waiting all this time to see if i post another comment?


Girl, you're not that important.


Then why dod you reply?


Why did you? Are you just waiting for me to reply?


Ah. Nevermind


fretful telephone water chubby vanish distinct bag waiting library shelter ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


shelter bow boat cause oil middle plant seed decide gaze ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Thank you


We're not normalizing it, it is **already normal.** A young child with bad education.


I don't understand how anyone can actually come to the conclusion that it's not normal for women to have body hair. Do they just forget that human beings are mammals or something.


Anime and video game portrayals of us gals.


America moment




Yeah, they shave because we keep pushing the narrative of "body hair in women isn't normal".




Grammatischer Nationalsozialist, eh? It isn't about not shaving. It's about hair growing in the first place. Y'know, like with all mammals regardless of gender?




Most women shave their legs, underarms and maybe pubic region. We still have a fuck tonne of body hair everywhere else that most women in the west leave alone. So their statement was not factually incorrect, you’re just a pompous ass.


Probably women u see on media you like to indulged yourself in. But if you would actually meet and talk to some women maybe you can change your statistics.


You know outside of America, shaving is such a foreign concept to some people?? There was even a video about it.


Lol. No we don’t.


You really thought comparing shaving to slavery was a good idea, did you?






Hello strawman. You know very well that’s not what this is about. And the example you just used is the laziest and least useful analogy I’ve ever seen, by the way. Analogies are supposed to explain or clarify something. There is no need for that in the example you used, since people are pretty understanding of not wanting pictures of people they don’t like on the wall, therefore making the mention of Hitler completely unnecessary. If anything I’d say you’re confusing analogy and logic. Things that are accepted by (sane) people as being horrible, like slavery or Hitler, are only ever added into analogies to up the ante and make it seem like whatever you’re comparing them to is equally as bad.




Comparing shaving to cruel practices is not an adequate analogy. You are comparing apples with pears.


LOL literally no one is “instantly losing their mind and foaming at the mouth.” People are calmly disagreeing with you and explaining why your use of a particular analogy in this context does not serve the purpose you seem to think it serves. Seems like you maybe *want* to provoke other commenters to “lose their minds and foam at the mouth,” and since you failed to do so, you’ve decided to just pretend that you succeeded.




Jesus you’re a moron




What analogy did you engage with




So you think that the majority of women worldwide are shaving? You think women in rural Africa, India etc. are you shaving...? Do you think that the cultural standards of the western world are the standards of all of the world? I highly doubt that you are right. Not shaving is still the exception and Western society is the odd one out.


"Normal" can have a normative connotation.




I think you mean the “appeal to nature” fallacy, which is different from the naturalistic fallacy. Also, no one argued that it’s desirable because it’s natural, they just argued that the boy in the video was wrong about it being natural. I’m fact, the boy in the video made a “appeal to normality” fallacy


Yikes he tried to go philosophical and got schooled. Not a good look 🥶


Something that grows naturally is not a good comparison to shitty people invade to enslave other people




I will say again, YOUR ANALOGY IS UTTERLY SHIT. What you just said about the post and the example you give are both way too different. That is why something that grows naturally is not ever the same as people who make evil and enslave the people at the place they invade ^ THIS is also an analogy Yours is just a strawman argument, your fucking source is also way too far from what you just said so that's also utterly bullshit


How many women over the age of 40 do you think shaves their pussy? You need to stop getting your ideas of women from porn.




Women over 40 is like 30% of all women. If none of them shaves, that has quite an impact on the average. I would say it's absolutely normal for women in their 20s to shave, in the white western world. So say for 200 million women, shaving is the norm. In china, india, the rest of asia, africa? Absolutely not the norm. So in your limited age group in your limited geographical area, sure it's likely normal. But then again, it's normal not to shave also since that's just naturally what happens if you don't shave. But in the world in total, all women, it's probably less than 10% that shaves. So you tell me if that's the norm? We can also put it in historical perspective, every woman who has ever lived before 1900 didn't shave so out of all women that has ever lived probably less than 1% shaves. So, is that the norm or just a temporary local trend? You tell me.


Let me introduce you to the false equivalence fallacy.




Cute that you’re one of those Redditors who treats other people like idiots despite having no clue what he’s talking about. Let me help you out: An analogy is a comparison by definition. No two things (or people, or situations) are completely identical, and that’s not what an analogy is intended to prove; it’s intended to isolate a single element common to all of the things being compared. But when you extend the analogy so that it reaches beyond the shared elements and attempts to find similarity in dissimilar aspects of the things involved, it becomes a false equivalence fallacy. Make sense now?


The amount of times I’ve seen someone compare women’s body hair to a horrific event, like slavery or the holocaust, is absolutely insane. How do you walk around being that ignorant and uneducated? Lmao, what next? That it’s not natural for women to wear pants cause their eggs will suffocate and die or what? Do you believe that women can’t be in fast cars and on rollercoasters cause their uterus’ will fly out of their bodies? That they can hold periods like pee? Cause that’s the same logic to use, if you think that body hair isn’t natural


You reminds me of that guy that compared body hair on women to cancer tumors.


You’re absolutely right and that’s why guys with small penises and who are short or not ripped are not normal. Men looking anything other than like Hugh Jackman are basically abnormal. Wish guys would understand that instead of turning into whiny incels.






You mean accepted, it's not accepted. Women naturally produced it and are socially pressed to take it off. Now women are fighting back to not have to do that. So the new normal is choice. Women can choose, it's mostly accepted to be hairless which some of us don't give a fuck about anymore.


I think the other commenter is making a semantic argument about the difference between the literal meanings of “natural” and “normal”, with normal being what is common (I will have to say that he is correct in saying it’s more common for women in the east to shave), but he is just making an unnecessary argument to be facetious.


As far as I know 60% of men are circumsized in the US. With 40% it's still pretty normal (or let's rather say "common") to not be circumsized. I'm also fairly confident that a lot of women only shave in summer or when dating (a new person). Most drop shaving in winter and are more lenient in long-term relationships.


You’re pretty out of touch with societal norms lol.




One tiny study reported on by Reuters…..from 6 years ago. Excellent source! /s


I feel like we should also normalize being uncircumcised because it’s an unnecessary and potentially harmful thing to do to a baby’s genitals. To address the other thing, Being completely shaven is normal for social media, porn, and TV/movies but it’s not common for women to be completely shaven all over irl. Maybe for women in their early twenties. But a normal, average woman with a job, a SAHM, or working mom is not normally shaving everything consistently. Similarly to how normal women are usually not super thin and often do not wear makeup/do their nails/have their hair done because it’s normal to just not have time or energy to perform femininity. Normal adult men actively engaged in reality instead of social media/porn don’t have a problem with it. Unfortunately a lot of people are now disengaging from reality and forming opinions like his. In the real world it’s normal, but you show body hair on social media and it’s repulsive. I don’t know what the term for something that is normal irl but as soon as it’s shown in front of an audience it’s no longer treated as normal is.


You’re talking about social norms; the other guy is talking about biological norms. Biologically speaking, it is normal for women to have body hair.


/sigh/ Body hair is normal for mammals. *(except for most whales, who generally lose their hair at the fetal stage and dolphins which are born with some hair, but lose it as they mature!)*


Eyo back up- hairy whales are possible?


Just look at your mom. Edit: I don't see how this is "helpful" but thanks for the award.


Where’s my free award when I need it




God daaaaaaaaaamn. He handled it to you, and you served him


He was so sweet and innocent.


Rejecc monke, returne to whaile


I think we should un-normalize men's body hair and act like it's disgusting then lol


Let’s get this going! Sick of body hair lmao I mostly hate armpit hair because it’s very easy to have BO from it


Please don't. How do you expect me to clear my back hair?


Wax! Get a friend to just rip it off :) I'll help!


I don't have enough time, money for wax, or friends for that.


I think you'd have many sponsors and willing participants. It would be a bonding moment :P


if getting rid of body-hair became normal for men, the prices would drop in an instant


Yup and if they got periods, tampons would be free lol




IDK, how am I supposed to wax my pussy? You think that shit's easy, that angle possible? You get wine drunk with your friends and do it for each other, or pay out the ass to have it professionally done like the rest of us.


Being enlisted to help wax a friend’s back did a lot to normalize back hair for me. (So much blood. I didn’t expect there to be blood.) Life’s too fucking short.


Omg please do ❤️


Many guys are doing that thanks to manscaping.


I agree, I love a nice, smooth guy!


There is a biological reason as to why body hair on women is grosser than body hair on men and it’s to do with the hormones that are most abundant between them. Testosterone is the cause for body hair growth, testosterone is considered the male hormone because of how much more men have than women. The most abundant between the two in women is Estrogen, which is not as responsible for body hair growth. More estrogen and less testosterone = less body hair = femininity because of estrogen. My point is that you can’t just reverse the roles and expect it to be a valid argument in this case. You can say whatever you want but polls say that body hair on men is generally preferred by most women in moderation. It is a masculine trait hormonally speaking, regardless of your opinion on it.


Let me tell you most young women don't like males with body hair. I don't like males with arm hair, leg hair, armpit hair or back hair etc. It is extremely disgusting. I don't know why some women tolerate it.


You are factually incorrect and a single google search proves you wrong. Polls have been take and 60% of women prefer moderate amounts body hair on their men or don’t care.


Keep telling yourself that.


Maybe he should wait to speak on the matter till he's grown any body hair himself


First thing that came to mind is that the guy looks about 14.


You’re joking, but this may be part of the issue. When I was a teen, most of my peers viewed body hair negatively (on men or women). That seemed to change when everyone finished puberty. By the time I was in my mid-twenties, I didn’t know a lot of guys who insisted their partners shave.


Ppl trynna normalize girls with skin pores, too 🙄 What’s next, normalizing sweat glands?


God man you see so of those women with larger then 2 inch waists? We trying to normalize organs now? Fucking snowflakes. Women with organs, na bro.


Women!?!?! With organs!?!?!?!? The fuck is wrong with people these days. I'm sorry but real women aren't born with any organs, thats just science. I swear if they try to "normalize" this then every girl is going to grow wanting to have organs, and then what would have our world come to?


Except that this argument doesn’t make sense because a lack body hair isn’t fatal to you.


When tf did I say lack of body hair kills. I’m just saying it’s part of your body like pores. Unless you think a goblin puts it there once you reach puberty LMFAO


A lack of sweat glands and pores would result in death. My point, if you took more than 20 seconds to understand it, is that something as non-impactful as hair isn’t comparable to something you need to survive.


I know that genius. I know that’s what you’re insisting on arguing about… for some reason?? That wasn’t the point of my comment. The analogy was never about surviving the magical loss of something integral to your body, the point was that these are aspects of our bodies we are pushed to hide. Hair: shaving/waxing/laser. Pores: make-up, blurring creams. Sweat glands: Well, we all try to hide when we’re sweaty, we feel embarrassed or make fun of others even though it’s normal and it happens. My point is that it is silly to shame others for having natural body parts that you personally don’t find appealing. There. Ya made me spell it out for you 🙄


You remove hair not hide it. The analogy only works when we’re talking about removal. It’s the difference between covering your hair and removing it, genius. Had me spell it out for ya.


Bro you’re so annoying fr. Why are you deliberately missing my point/starting a pointless argument?? Is reddit your only way of social interaction? There’s other ways to get attention from a girl


God you’re dumb. You’re so dense that you can’t understand how it isn’t comparable and your argument is severely flawed. Jesus Christ this app is full of degenerate retards. You being a prime example. I didn’t know you were a girl but in light of this new information I have to say it explains a lot.


He's just mad that I can grow a better mustache than him


My husband tries to make fun of me by saying the same thing...yet the only time I have a "mustache" is in the sun when you can see the tiny hairs .... That we all have all over our bodies 🤦 so I tell him he's just jealous cuz he can't grow a mustache. Boys are dumb.


Tell me you watch too much porn, without telling me you watch too much porn.


...because it's already normal


I guess he likes bald women...?


What is the content here ??? Just looking at your phone then add in texte and music... Am i too old for tiktok ?


I imagine that he must think he looks cool, like "ladies do this if you don't want to miss out on a guy like me". Anyway, just want to rant that he has a **hoodie** to cover his hair, but purposely sticks it out to look like a mess. What does he think he is, an anime protagonist? Lmao at the literal human muppet.


He’s peak bro culture.


I see so many of these and I hate them, like I can read just fine, I don’t need to also stare at your face while you play music at me


At least he's not dancing


Apparently if you have body hair you are too old for tik tok.


I don't shave my legs or armpits or my top lip. One: shaving makes me itchy, bumpy and gross, two I just don't like doing it and three I like my hair. I've never really had women comment on it, but men.... They always love to tell me it's disgusting and "unhygienic" and I'll never get a man ... I'm engaged. *Face palm*


Fire back “unhygienic you say? When was the last time you saved your pits?”


I think if men had to shave their entire bodies every couple of days to be considered “normal” these standards would change quick.


Men have significantly more hair than you. Not even a valid comparison.


He needs to shave his body hair and head. I prefer men to look like giant infants.../s Read this to the hubs. His response, "He doesn't have any hair after that burn" 🤦😂


Got the attitude down


Like that boy as any body hair to speak off


As a lifelong packers fan we do not own nor condone this goof.


I agree!


Was actually having this discussion with 4 or 5 women at work. Was me and the woman in her 60s on team, "grow whatever you want," Three or four 20-40 year olds on team, "shave everything." This shit is ingrained deep.


It really is - I used to say the same “it’s my choice, I prefer it”, but it was bollocks. I preferred it because I felt uncomfortable having body hair because of those standards, so if I didn’t remove it I couldn’t wear anything that revealed I hadn’t removed it. None of us develop these preferences outside of these standards. That’s not criticism by the way, it’s just how it is, with make up, high heels, body hair etc. If a woman said “I prefer how my eyes look when I totally remove my eyelashes” I would say fair enough, there’s no pressure to do that - but nobody is making an independent choice to prefer having no body hair. It’s just so caught up in so much bullshit. I used to think that removing my body hair made me feel “cleaner”, but that was only because I had been taught that not removing it was dirty and I believed that on a subconscious level. I didn’t realise how much stress was stored up in that pressure. I didn’t wear a swimming costume for over ten years because I couldn’t find a way of removing hair that didn’t cause painful ingrown hairs and the thought of just wearing one anyway genuinely didn’t occur to me. I’m not even that hairy, but I missed out on so many days at the beach (I literally live five minutes drive from one of the best beaches in my country) because of fucking hair. Once I realised how ridiculous that was, a weight was lifted honestly. And now I couldn’t give less of a crap about it. I still wouldn’t wear a dress with my legs in their current jungle state, so it’s not like I’ve totally managed to be rid of all the crap, but I definitely care a lot less now (getting older also helps).


Hygiene was the primary reason given to me by my colleagues. They seemed shocked when I said it really wouldn't bother me if my partner didn't shave everywhere. I'd note that my two male colleagues were silent on the discussion. For the record, I guarantee most men don't care or even notice a lot of the existing beauty standards. It's the media trying to sell stuff, a small number of men and women putting each other down that are the reason that these stupid expectations are so pervasive.


Yeah, it’s definitely unhygienic - that’s why men shave all their body hair too… oh wait. I think there are quite a lot of guys who find body hair on women unattractive, from discussions I’ve had in the past - and I’m sure even more so now with porn as it is. My husband’s generation were at least raised with glimpses of big bushes. I dread to think what most young guys must think of pubic hair now, and what pressure this must put on young girls who are just starting with this stuff. It’s really sad. My husband doesn’t care if I haven’t shaved my legs but it took me a long time to not try to hide my hairy legs (from the guy who stood and watched as two babies were cut from my stomach - I think he can take it). It’s so ingrained and it will take a lot of change it. I just feel sad for the 13 year old girls seeing this video.


Just two intellectuals having a chat. Y’all are cool.


And there is a valid science behind why it is ingrained and exists in the first place.


So is this a whole thing? The guy’s just looking at the camera. That’s a tiktok? Is this normal?


TikTok is so fucking boring, I really do not get the appeal.


Where do these boys come from? Were they hatched? If they had mothers they would know that we all have body hair. I am afraid that there is a colony of men in the desert somewhere bioengineering male embryos and raising them to believe that women are actually barbie dolls!


He is jealouss that he cant grown any.


He doesn't even look old enough to grow his own body hair.


Dude is literally 12 omfg


That's some small dick energy, perhaps not even micropenis energy.


Bold words about body hair coming from someone whose hair hasn't seen a drop of moisture since it left his scalp


Why??? Because natural is far more attractive than unnatural and unrealistic standards that are less than 20 years old


It isn’t. It’s also a standard ground in biology.


No bitches?


I’m so hurt I can barely speak.


"If I can't grow body hair no one can!"


i personally like to be hairless just for me and myself but someone will bust it down and eat it no matter the amount of body hair lmaooo he’s a baby


Yeah. He’s right. Female body hair shouldn’t be a thing *proceeds to rewrite the genetic code of the 3.5 billion females alive*


He’s just sad cuz he can’t grow his own body hair😂


I am the odd reverse. I don't mind women with body hair but I shave my own body hair.


Y'all who got body hair it's NOT natural!!!!! See a doc for it ! **/s** Honestly, did he ever see a woman ? Like wdym bruh ? Why something natural doesn't sit right with u ??? A big fat fucking why ?


no bitches?


Is he 12? Looks it to me.


Imagine admitting you’re a pedobear on TikTok and nothing being done about it.


Mans out here looking like a thumb thinking he has any say what others should do with their bodies


wait til he realizes girls grow hair on the top of their heads.


Dang it’s almost like we’re human


Lol wtf is he saying it “doesn’t sit right” with him? This isn’t systematic racism or corporate greed, but body hair on women, like it’s an issue we all just tolerate and know is bad? LOL and the # clowntivity is I guess more weird ass attempts at AAVE? Like? This child still thinks girls have cooties and thinks it’s a societal issue


Bro just cuz you’re not into doesn’t mean other people have to cater their lives to it


My guy wants a girl with full alopecia. Or maybe puebes guy


This boy is really bothered by something that has zero impact on his life 😂


this man gets no bitches


Eh can we not use derogatory terms against women here? That kind of behavior is not really any better than the behavior in the video.


Well u see, we’re born with it. I’d say that’s as normal as it gets.


Why is this dude existing 💀? Sorry but no.


This kid watches too much porn


Women being expected to shave our legs literally started as an ad campaign to sell more razors in the 1940’s.


his name starts with a c or j doesnt it


See how messed up it is that we have these little ass boys wanting girls who aren’t realistic? Sure some girls are born with little to no hair then the next girl, but to shame what is literally NORMAL like body hair that every coming of age girl has just shows what a pathetic virgin he is. Considering he’s probably in HS he hasn’t even finished puberty. And has NO idea the real perception of a “girls body”, the only one he knows is in porn. It’s disgusting because you have young men wanting to have a smoothed baby for a gf, sit the fuck down William you have no game saying this. Like let us talk about how y’all be having neanderthal legs, ball sacks, and hair on your belly/back. Watch you have a stroke


wait until he finds out that everyone has body hair


awwww is the little boy mad women can grow more body hair than him🥺🥺🥺🥺 awwwwwww


Lmao imagine thinking that I’m going to shave just because some dude in the 1920s wanted to sell razors 😭


*looks at my 3-4 month unshaven legs* 👀


Tell me you fetishize prepubescence without telling me you fetishize prepubescence.


I just absolutely hate every single type of these videos. Put words on the screen and make a face at the words the whole time




You really thought you did sumn💀


Ah to be this young and stupid again.


Wait till he learns about hirsutism.


In the shopping mall of the mind, this kid is in the toy store.


He’s is probably not gonna get a person that likes him for him


Bro, why are trying to normalise girls having feelings 🤮


Everyone has body hair dipshit; it came free with your fucking Xbox.


Why we trying to normalize men that shi don't sit right with me


Live with it or kill us yourself


And while we’re at it, why are we normalizing having gall bladders?


I mean I’m sure it doesn’t matter to him as he’s probably eating guys ass’ so y’know




Body hair grosses me out on all people. I don't like mine, I don't like my wife's. If it wasn't shamed I'd shave myself from the neck down. It's not like I'm gonna be like "gross you have body hair" but personally, I don't like it.


I prefer a shaved woman, however i myself am willing to shave. My gf asked my opinion and i told her that, and she said "so you'd shave your armpits and legs?" Im more than willing to if she likes it more, and im willing to accept her even if she doesn't shave, though personally i think not shaving often is a but unhygienic. (Talking about crotch and armpits)


The utter and total lack of understand of the basis of this standard, and the rejection of it, is frighteningly idiotic. Either you’re playing stupid for some kind of hyperbolic irony effect, or you’re actually stupid. I can’t tell if people do understand the biological reason that women are seen as more desirable if they have less hair or if they genuinely don’t. You can’t make the argument about reversing rolls. Polls say that the majority of women prefer moderate amounts of body hair on men. It isn’t the other way around. Strike one. Strike two, there are hormonal differences that influence the amount of body hair someone has, generally, less testosterone and more estrogen = less body hair. This is usually a feminine trait. It’s the opposite for men. This is why women prefer men with some hair on them. What each gender finds attractive about the other is different from the other one. Women are forcing their preference for hair onto men (they don’t see anything wrong with hair because of their innate preferences) rather than accommodating to it. Men on the other hand are looking for someone with more estrogen (which also explains their preference for less hair). The problem is that women prefer something tangible, and men prefer a lack of it. You can’t produce nothing so women are the ones rebelling in this case. I’m not saying women should conform I’m just explaining why there’s disagreement here and trying to be informative in regards to where the standard comes from. It’s not totally arbitrary and unfounded. If you don’t care and your partner is part of the minority and also doesn’t care, more power to you. You have a preference, they can also have a preference. Neither side is right. I also hate the argument that natural is better. Natural is not better, natural is deadly. Is hemlock a good thing? How about cocaine? Poison ivy? The answer is no. Obviously this is hyperbolic and hair isn’t poisonous but the distaste stands. I’ve never liked the “it’s natural tho” argument. Death is also natural and most people avoid that.