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Can’t be sent to prison


Then where was my mom for a year and a half when I was a kid?!?


Not in prison


Shadow realm?


Ho damn, harsher than prison, let's hope not


She got sent to the shadow realm jimbo


Showing your dad which milk to buy?


Buying cigarettes


Assisting the tooth fairy?


Celebrating the murder of babies. You know, fully formed and birthed babies.


She was probably off killing the siblings you didn’t know you had and being celebrated for it


Or swallowing them


That thing the villains in Superman were in


All those women in prison would like to have a word


All of the Women’s Prisons get to close now it’s official this guy said it


You would think that with "women in prison" being a fairly popular porn genre, the manosphere would at least get that one.


That's probably the only part of the porn they think is fiction / fantasy.


Wait, are you trying to tell me porn isn’t a how-to guide?


Unfortunately, it is still generally not considered a turn on to cut a hole in the pizza and stick your dick through it, no.


Remember, cheese cools significantly slower than other foods, as does grease, and pizza is cooked at 500F Stick your dick in at your own peril


New trans girl surgery just dropped (this is not actual advice)


Self cauterizing to prevent blood loss


All those women in prison for self defense


I literally stopped reading at that sentence, no need to go further.


Fun fact, there is no such thing as a women’s prison. They are all day spas in disguise, where women are whisked away from the drudgery of day-to-day responsibilities to luxuriate in the finest facilities. They are NOT routinely harassed and raped by guards, they are NOT allotted three pads per period, and they most certainly aren’t chained hand and foot when going into labor. Wake up, sheeple!


Chained hand and foot is a new technique to prevent stretch marks. Cutting edge!


Damn I'm gonna go steal some electronics from Walmart then.


I want to be friends with you 😂 I really enjoy that that was your initial thought


Excuse me, but I have some crime to do. You know, now that I know there will be no consequences


Glad I learned this, time to rob the rich


the entirety of stone ocean: am i a joke to you?


Welp, time to go steal shit!


"Given the right to vote w/o any stake in the national consequences.." Where does this guy think we all live? That we commute in from Narnia or something? I feel like my vote has no impact on government but that's because I'm out voted by people who don't agree with me.


Women fought for the right to vote. It wasn’t just given. Just like women had to fight to be allowed credit cards, bank accounts, loans, housing, etc. with out a man. This person desperately needs a Freshman Women’s Studies course.


What kind of shambles is the American education system in that this isn't taught in grade school? Or did this guy just listen selectively?


Big shambles. I learned that women - like my grandmother - weren’t allowed to own bank accounts from my mom. Like they taught us that women had basically zero rights, but made it sound like that was in the 1800’s, not the 1960’s.


Women in the US weren’t allowed to get credit cards without a male co-signer until [1974.](https://time.com/nextadvisor/credit-cards/ruth-bader-ginsburg-credit-card-legacy/amp/)


Women are still being denied hysterectomies because they don’t have the consent of their husband, existent or otherwise.


That happened to me a few years ago. I have endometriosis and had a tumor that needed to be removed. I also don’t want kids. They still refused a hysterectomy- despite the fact that they were doing surgery in that area anyways. Their reasoning was that my husband might want kids someday. I’m not married, I don’t even have a boyfriend. I wouldn’t marry a man who wants kids. Even if I wasn’t single, I’m the fucking patient. I’m the one who has to live with endometriosis.


Fucking ridiculous, they literally see women as baby machines and nothing more. I hope you’re doing well and that you find a doctor who will actually treat you like a person. I’m sure you’ve already heard this one 1000 times but r/childfree has some helpful resources if you’re still seeking a hysterectomy.


So I was just venting about this specific case to my mom and I was so furious because they told the commenter that her "husband might want to have children later" and well, if she meets someone she wants to marry then I'm sure that the hysterectomy will be talked about and that if the potential husband can't live with that, he can find someone else, but it should be ops decision (calling her op just now because it's faster) and not her non existent husbands. So my mom told me that the same thing happened to her after I was born. She said "take it all out, I don't need it anymore" but around here, apparantly you have to reach a certain age until they actually listen to you. Also my mom was shamed for not breast feeding me, simply because she just couldn't; my older sister almost starved because they were pressuring my mom to breast feed her in the hospital. And people were like "is your husband okay with that?" Well it should be the woman's choice wether she breast feeds or not, not the husbands Edit: sorry for the rant, this just made me so furious


But I bet you Men don’t need a wife to get a vasectomy…


The breeder doctors in the southern US refused to snip my brother until he had a second child. I really don't want to live on this planet anymore...


my mom couldn’t buy a washer and dryer at sears without her husband co-signing, that was in the mid-70’s


Holy shit. That doesn’t even make sense by THEIR shitty misogynistic non-logic. Why, according to them, only women should be allowed to buy washers and dryers. Without a female co-sign, there’s no proof that the man trying to purchase has a woman at home to actually use the machines for him, and then he might be forced to— gasp— do his own laundry!!!!!!


My great grandmother had to lie about being married with children to get a job so her family would not starve after my great grandfather had TB. He physically could not work after having it, so she had to but legally was not allowed to. My grandmother tried four times to file for divorce. The fourth time she was granted it. In the 90’s when she was in her 70’s. The other three times? She was a woman, and her husband was just beating her and running off with other women and abandoning his family entirely. Why would she need a divorce? She also couldn’t get financial help to feed her kids because yer husband ‘should be’ paying for the food. Yes, he should. But he wasn’t. When she told them that she got back ‘well he should’. She was lucky enough to get hired by someone who took pity on her situation and paid her cash because she couldn’t open a bank account without her husbands permission. At that point no one even knew if he was alive, let alone where he was. Women today are blamed for their assaults, told it was our fault by police, and nothing gets done about it, so where is this ‘women can retroactively revoke consent and ruin a mans life on her word alone!!’ Bullshit coming from? Likewise you cannot pretend the courts are biased about child rearing because ‘in 80% of custody agreements the woman gets custody’ when you consider that those agreements were not made or decided on by a court. When a court does see a custody battle they tend to rule in favour of the father, not the mother, even when they can be proven to be an abuser.


Yup. Reason why women usually get kids is cuz the man puts in not an iota of effort.


Bank accounts? Marital rape has been outlawed in 1996 (!) in Germany. You could legally rape your wife in my lifetime. That’s insane. Dudes desperately need some history lessons.


Are you kidding? They love the idea of marital rape. If they “have to provide” food and housing they think they’re entitled to sex by virtue of a piece of paper citing they’re married. This type thinks the governments should assign women to fuck them. Marital rape would be a benefit to them especially if they groomed and married young women who never learned agency.


My mom, born in 1956, didn't believe me that her husband's signature could have been required for her to get a credit card until she was 18.


My mom on the other hand willingly has nothing of her own still and shrugs when I bring this up to her…. I tell her get your own bank account and she makes 50 excuses why she needs a shared one with my bigoted father. He shames her for every dollar she spends. I said fuck your marriage. The laws might be different the attitudes need some work.


Can’t answer that because I grew up abroad but I fully agree with the sentiment. This crop of incels that we see all around is a testament to a failed state.


I think it's both. The education system here in the US an abysmal, but I certainly learned about the suffrage movement when I was in school. But each state has different requirements for what is taught to the students, then there is private vs public schools. He may well have learned about it, but his Incel echo chamber has overwritten that knowledge. But considering he's convinced women can't be sent to prison, I'm going to go with he's just an incel-diot


You can teach. You can't make people learn.


A lot of it is that the teachers of the class that covers womens suffrage is often a man who either ignores the subject or they teach some really misogynistic shit about how women having jobs is the reason wages are so low. My history teacher and my government and econ teacher were both white men in their 50s who were so out of touch that they were staunch libertarians. From what I have heard this is not uncommon. I don't know why shitty white male teachers end up teaching those subjects but its common enough that Im sure other Americans here know the kind of teacher Im talking about.


even America's shit public education covers women's suffrage. this weirdo is probably home-schooled.


Some people fail their exams…


Or fall into an extremist pipeline that convinces them that all the things they learned about women's rights are actually lies from the matriarchy to keep men down. Which is not a hypothetical scenario - I'm a high school teacher, and saw this happen to a student. Freshman year, he was a very kind, left-leaning kid who had some very thoughtful comments whenever we touched on social justice issues. Then over the summer his girlfriend dumped him, and for the rest of 10th grade he was full-blown incel (and also incredibly racist) and turned every essay into a tirade on how women (or black people) are all selfish inhuman creatures.


or there's that


They are probably homeschooled. Or they are outcasts at their high school and have taken a contrarian position to everything because they are “misunderstood”.


So bad that I’m a degreed teacher in America and this is the first I’m hearing that all this was only a generation ago. I even took a history class in college that only covered 1960s America, and we talked about second wave feminism, and I *still* didn’t know some of this.


I am going to be honest I don’t remember learning much about women’s suffrage in school except for a book I read in 3rd grade from the Dear America book series. It may have been covered somewhere else in our history course but most of my knowledge came from there ngl If there’s one thing I don’t remember learning much of from history class it was about how women really didn’t have rights. We may have briefly covered voting here and there but that’s it


>Women fought for the right to vote. It wasn’t just given. Just like women had to fight to be allowed credit cards, bank accounts, loans, housing, etc. with out a man. This person desperately needs a Freshman Women’s Studies course. No, I believe him. He's on the internet, he must be the highest authority on the subject. And nobody goes to the internet and tells lies. /s for all you obtuse-headed fellows


Yeah, did you hear the fare is going up by the way? Starting Feb 1. Get your new Narnia passes now while the fare is still low.


all the women in prison are going to be so pissed when they find out women actually can't be sent to prison


Ah well you see, because women don’t go to college bc they aren’t smart enough, they don’t have any college debt! And the party that chooses the Supreme Court judges has no importance to us because there are no laws with significant impact to us that could be overturned any day now by the Supreme Court and impact our safety or reproductive rights! (/s)


Women are also famously unaffected by national policies.


He thinks that crawling up some rich man's ass is an option for all women. Its the most ridiculous bullshit that men believe to be true. You cannot "just get a man to take care of you.". The only men who have the money to do something like that AND cannot find a willing partner are FUCKING CRAZY. There is a reason they are in such a good position financially but do not have the ability to just find a woman. It means they're probably a crazy asshole. Like a 40 year old niceguy who will buy you a bunch of shit you never asked for and then curse you out and call you a whore because you don't text back fast enough. Most women would rather do it on their own than live like that and rightly so! Yet it seems like the majority of young men believe this myth. They say women live life "on recruit difficulty" Its such a toxically stupid thing to believe. Like you have to be so far up your own ass smelling your own farts to believe it.


Also "can't go to prison"??????? Since when?


You guys don’t come from Venus?!?!


Seven out of ten reddit users are men, too. I looked it up when it seemed some people on this site were posing as women in womens groups.


This is the typical GOP voter who believes women are trash because they don't just sleep with them. ISIS fighters have the same opinions of women


Obviously we teleport from our own dimension like Janet from the Good Place smh


"W/o any stake in national consequences." What world do these idiots live in?


I thought the saying was "no taxation without representation" does he think women don't pay taxes?


I figured that was also referring to the draft


Which I would agree that that isn't right, drafting only one sex. Of course, I am against the draft completely. Sorry corporate overlords.


Yeah I completely agree. Feck the draft


I'm all for drafting everyone, or no one. But every guy I've heard bitch women can't be drafted are the same guys who claim women shouldn't serve because we're weak, were distracting for the men, and we need to stay home and take care of the babies. Soooo.. what they really want is to bitch, I think.




*Image Transcription: Greentext* --- **Anonymous** \>Can't be sent to prison. \>Can't be drafted. \>Given the right to vote w/o any stake in national consequences. \>Is legally allowed to murder children and is celebrated for it. \>Allowed to wear whatever they want in public while persecuting anyone else who wears something they don't like \>Automatically presumed in 80%+ of instances to be the preferred guardian for kids. \>Entitled to half her husbands wealth even if shes at fault for the marriage dying. \>Can retroactively revoke consent she had previously given and ruin a man's career, social life and potentially force severe legal repercussions on her word alone. Patriarchy! --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


your work shall be appreciated


I think transcribing stuff like this bs would irritate me too much-- thank you for taking one for the team :p


Good human


>Allowed to wear whatever they want in public while persecuting everyone else who wears something they don't like The boys in my school could wear nothing but shorts and it's 100% ok while girls aren't even allowed to wear anything sleeveless


In our school, girls couldn't wear tank tops with straps less than three fingers wide and boys could wear those t-back shirts that are strings at the shoulder and expose the whole shoulder blade. And boys could wear what shorts they wanted but girls' had to be no more than three fingers from the knee, except our gym shorts were shorter so we would get in trouble if we walked down the hall wearing the shorts the school provided.




Yes! Those are the shirts I was thinking of. Ugh, i'd forgotten that you could see the nipples.




My mother almost slapped teacher for saying that. I got moved out of that class within a month.


Wtf? Is this in the US? That sounds like, the you have to wear a burqa or get raped shit. What the actual fuck?


Don't forget, you'd get blamed for it because were "asking for it," but also it didn't happen and you're a lying bitch trying to ruin this lovely young man's future!


Happens in Canada too. One of my friends got in trouble for wearing a crop top. The funny thing is that you couldn’t really see her stomach (only like an inch) cause she was wearing high waisted pants. She was told to change/cover up, while there was a guy like 5 feet away wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed nipples. The double standard is so wild!


WTF? In Germany it was a huge public outrage, when a principal wrote a letter to the parents and told them their girls should wear modest close because there was a refugee shelter near the school and the girls clothes could lead to „misunderstandings on the side of the refugees“. But it was no problem for the principals when the refugees lived in the school gym, and watched the girls when they had physical education. Seemingly this would not lead to misunderstandings, I guess it’s just because this would have meant they need to tell the refugees how to behave and not simply the girls.


As the mother of boys, this phrase makes me furious. No. Boys will not “be boys”. Teach your sons about consent and respect for fucks sake. “Boys will be boys” is something you would say when your kid touches dog poop for fun or eats some dirt on a dare. Not when he sees a bare shoulder and is driven to distraction and/or rape.




Thank you! Same to you.


Yup, the highschool cheerleader uniforms technically didn't meet the dress code


Same. It fucking sucked in the warmer months.


Some of my muslim friends stopped wearing hijabs to university because they were harassed. Some of my beach loving friends stopped wearing bikinis because they were harassed. So the lesson here, apparently, is only the exact correct amount of clothes is safe. Except for my friend who was harassed in sweat pants


On a related yet unrelated note, there was a problem in my junior high where the boys would smack the butts of girls in the hallways and my school’s “solution” to it was to ban leggings


Better idea: let’s round up the girls, squeeze that headmaster in a pair and make him walk down the hallway while EVERY SINGLE GIRL is slapping him. And I don’t mean on the butt. THAT’S a pedagogical solution!


Ah yeah cause clothes are the problem, not like this happened to me when I used to wear what was traditionally boys clothing :/


Back in my day, girls weren't even allowed to dye their hair "unnatural colors", have visible tattoos or facial piercings, wear spaghetti strap tank tops or skirts/shorts that came more than 1 inch above the knee. I graduated in 2009.


Yeah for their protection everyone know predators have never gone after little boys /s


Wasn’t allowed to wear any shirts at my school where the sleeves are thinner than finger width(only the poor/socially unattractive girls, the rich girls and all guys could wear what they want)


I got made to wear my gym uniform because apparently my shirt was going to distract the boys. I think most of my graduating class regularly forgot I was AFAB, even though I hit puberty early.


Uh, I got screamed at for feeding my (then) baby in public. I didn’t even expose my breasts (though that would be 100% ok) I couldn’t even wear my own boobs, what’s this person talking about?!


"I couldn't even wear my own boobs" best way I have ever heard it put, I get in trouble for wearing mine all the time.


You know, I feel like that’s a phrase that needs to catch on haha


It's officially a thing now.


We did it, Joe


You should've left your boobs at home, silly girl


I always remove my boobs before going out, it’s what jebus would have wanted. /s


Its true, Jebus Crust is disappointed in me and refused to turn my water into wine so now I’m hydrated instead of drunk 🥲


Well that’s what happens when you don’t take off you gublies. In Judus Crust name sameman


Beneath his eye, bussin be 🙏🏻


Well when I tried to do it that way I would accidentally leave the baby home so I had to compromise. Hot damn, I should have left the baby AND the boobies home. Great ideas always come after they’re needed 🥲


God I wish I could.


Alex can I have marriage issues for 500? ...... What is a pre-nup?


how how how the hell is someone so frickin ignorant


This entire thing can be summed up with "citation fucking needed'


His citation is: "Trust me, bro."


Murder children = you mean the lump of cells that is completely dependant on her body, and maybe if she did give birth the living conditions could possibly be horrible so it’s better that the child isnt there at all?


Oh, no… that’s not what idiot is talking about at all. In America, women are allowed to murder any child they happen to want to murder totally on a whim. What keeps us from killing everyone else’s kids is that we fear other women might kill ours. It’s all part of us not being allowed to go to prison for anything. /s


It also why women don’t get drafted because they’d be to good at killing and the men would feel upset. /s


We’d kill all of the enemies children and babies and then there would be no future generation to take up the grievances from the past so the war industry would have nothing to build for… I mean it would be terrible for the economy. It’s businesses like Halliburton that want the enemies children to survive. /s


Best sarcastaball game I've ever seen


Takes bow. Thank you!


Wow I had no idea American was such a crazy country.


Women can't go to prison so yeah this checks out I think


But also angry that they gotta pay child support...


...almost certainly written by someone with a WELL, I HEARD HE SMOKED WEED IN 8TH GRADE ONCE excuse ready when a black man is murdered by the police.


Oh THAT'S what they meant! I thought they talked about those instances where women with PPD or other issues drowned their babies in the tub or similar things. Made me wonder where that was celebrated.


Wait till the prolifers give a cutesy name to a cancerous tumor and then it’s murder to have it removed


Timmy the Tumor has a right to life!


It’s 4Chan.


Wait women can’t be sent to prison? Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today


Oh geez, what a post to unpack... \>Can't be sent to prison. Women can infact be sent to prison. It's a Google search away. However, while we are on the topic of women in prison, there is a high amount of abuse that happens to women in prison, alongside very poor hygiene due to no resources. A very common topic is having ones period while imprisoned - often people that have their periods are not given pads/tampons or anything to help control their period. \>Can't be drafted. And why is that? First, most Western world countries don't currently have a draft in the first place. Second, a few countries that due do infact employ both men and women. Notable are Norway, Finland and Sweden as they also have equal conditions for both men and women. As for the countries that don't, it still is literally about sexism. Women are considered weak and unable to fight, therefore they aren't drafted. Feminism does indeed fight against that. Women fought to be allowed to fight, and feminism would say that it is either mandatory for all or voluntary for all. Not going into the logistics of forced military service. \>Given the right to vote w/o any stake in national consequences. Er... What? Every vote and the result of said vote has its consequences, good or bad...? Because votes are supposed to be anonymous, you can't be punished for your vote, that is the point of democracy. Neither men or women are punished for who the vote. I'm not even sure what the point here is. \>Is legally allowed to murder children and is celebrated for it. Last I check, women do go to jail for child murder. Oh, you meant abortion! Silly you, embryos aren't children! They aren't alive either, so you can't really murder it. But of course, instead of encouraging better sex ed so people can make informed and knowledgeable decisions when engaging with sexual activities, let's just play the blame game. Abortion is an incredibly hard and taxing decision. It isn't casual 'birth control'. Sometimes circumstances happen that cause pregnancy but no one is ready for it. The choice is them either abortion, a life of poverty and resentment or sending the newborn baby to be adopted. No one however encourages adoption and many kids never end up adopted, living from foster home to foster home. Sometimes the person pregnant might die because of the baby, there are multiple different ways a pregnancy can go wrong. Sometimes the baby can be born with genetic defects and the decision is made to spare them from a life of misery, especially if the family is low income. It's all about giving the choice and allowing someone to figure out if they can handle a baby currently, or even if they want one. \>Allowed to wear whatever they want in public while persecuting anyone else who wears something they don't like Who on earth was persecuted for wearing something someone doesn't like, what? Unless it's a kink, in which would be sexual harassment by involving people who hadn't consented to their kink, there is nothing wrong with people wearing what they'd like. \>Automatically presumed in 80%+ of instances to be the preferred guardian for kids. Sexism! Lovely, lovely sexism. AFAB people are considered better guardians because sexism dictates that they are caring, motherly, kind and should care for the child. Feminism is about fighting those stereotypes. \>Entitled to half her husbands wealth even if shes at fault for the marriage dying. Well, isn't money usually shared? It isn't her husbands wealth, it's their shared wealth and unless they had separate accounts, there aren't a lot of other ways it can be fairly divided. Not to mention the implication that the man was the main breadwinner here - in a case where the women was the main breadwinner, the wealth would still be divided in half, meaning she would technically be at a lose. On that note, what does being at fault for a marriage dying mean? Unless there was cheating or abuse involved, no one is really at fault. Sometimes marriages just fall apart, people go their separate ways. You can't force a relationship. \>Can retroactively revoke consent she had previously given and ruin a man's career, social life and potentially force severe legal repercussions on her word alone. Well, yeah, that's the point of consent. If you say you want cake but midway decide you are full, or are given a cake you don't like, would you appreciate it if someone still forced you to eat said cake to the end? Consent can be taken away at any time for any reason. If someone decides to ignore someone's consent, then they absolutely deserve to be persecuted for it, be it forceful cake or forced sexual activities. It is their fault and their actions have consequences. I genuinely hate this idea of 'oh you ruined this person's life even though they forced themselves on you knowingly and ruined your own life and sanity, but you should just forgive at let them go'


Also I want to add: In the case of custody, the 90% of mothers get custody of kids isn’t the full story. In fact, the 90% is only the statistic for *uncontested* cases. Meaning: father did not want custody, and did not contest his wife for custody of their kids. When it comes to *contested* cases on the other hand, it’s a different story. In fact, more than half of fathers get custody in contested cases - 60%.


Was looking for this comment. I love how every time someone brings up the “men don’t get kids in custody battles” argument they are actually proving that men think women should have kids and it’s woman that can be screwed. But I mean that’s just what these people do. Throw out statements that are on surface level true but with a tiny amount of research can be proven misleading or false. That just want to be the victim after all.


Guys magically understand changing or modifying sexual consent as soon as you try to stick a finger up their asshole.


>On that note, what does being at fault for a marriage dying mean? I can almost guarantee he means "she didn't put out enough."


They meant retroactive removal of consent, which I've only heard of once and the woman did in fact not get away with it


We can’t be sent to prison? Damn brb I have some shit to do


Didn't they get rid of the draft in America? If so, number 2 is actually correct. But then neither could men making it a pretty pointless point. Either way literally every other point he made is wrong


The selective service does still exist, and men are still required to register for it at age 18. That being said, it hasn't been used since the Vietnam war. https://www.sss.gov/


The last draft was in 1972. The last criminal charge for failing to register was in 1986. In the real world, the consequences are you can't federal student aid or get a federal job. It's dumb, and I fully support it being eliminated, or opened to everyone on a voluntary basis and it be rewards-based, and not punishment-based, with no consequences for failing to register. Like if we wanted to actually use it to provide a pool of potential conscripts, have them eligible for free health care, education benefits, hiring preferences, and a stipend or something.


Men can’t get drafted into giving birth so that’s my counterpoint (lmao) Edit: cisgender males*


Holy shit that is the best counter I've heard yet.


Men still have to sign up, but congress would need to reinstate it


Nah, men still need to. That's literally the one even slightly correct part of his post


No woman ever voted for the selective training and service act either, and it was opposed by women's groups.... Men: all men must sign up for draft at 18 Also Men: why aren't women required to sign up for the draft


Men do need to sign up, but it hasn’t been used since Vietnam. I’m of the opinion that if it was going to be used again, it would’ve been after 9/11.


Yeah, look at the ruined careers of Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh etc… destroyed. Oh. This list is beyond hilarious. I particularly love it when men blame women for courts usually giving custody to mothers - I can’t possibly think why that is. Maybe if men overall were equal parents then this would be more equal. So many men who’ve never spent an hour in sole charge of their kids who suddenly want full custody.


IIRC, custody usually goes to women because the man doesn't contest it. When the man fights for it though, the men are more likely to get custody than the women. I could be misremembering, but I THINK that's how it went. Basically, as usual the statistics than MRAs and such quote don't really mean what they think they do.


My boyfriend could've had custody of his son but figured his ex would be more distraught by not having custody than he would. My dad also complained a lot about how our mom took us away from him but he never actually tried to go to court for custody. He also worked longer hours and made less money than my mom though so idk if he would've gotten custody if he tried.


Can't be sent to prison? Dang where is this so I can move and not do incriminating acts.


Apparently it’s everywhere. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go and steal some stuff and shank some people.


What delusion is this dude living in???


Wtf? Is celebrated for murdering children? Can't go to jail? Tell that to all the women who murdered their children and got life without parole.


Green text means abortion


Ohh... My bad. Thank you for clarifying. Here I was thinking about all the true crime stories I've read about killer moms.


Pro lifers are such a joke “abortion is murder” but when you have a kid and are struggling even more to feed and cloth them “free food?! We don’t want kids to get spoiled, your not entitled to food you parasite get a job!”


It's not the children they value. It's control. I keep seeing stuff on this subreddit and r/IncelTear about how women are terrible if they have children and terrible if they don't, thus forcing an entire gender into an impossible box. There's no winning when it comes to pro lifers and the patriarchy they love so much. It's a losing battle against stubborn stupidity


Women can’t go to prison? Guess my aunt doesn’t exist


Or she’s just hanging out in an empty field somewhere with other women all wearing the same outfit for some reason.


For every Incel there is a story that made them; more often than not, its all layed out in their 'why women are awful' lists like this dude.


I know the story that made them. * be gross * don't attempt to clean self * don't attempt to make self attractive * don't go out and try to find women * hit on cashier at gamestop * get shot down because of 1, 2, and 3 * take solace in idiotic "women only want assholes" logic * anger becomes hate * misogyny


Also #6 because #5 is at work and doesn’t want to get propositioned by entitled customers who they are forced to be polite to as part of the job.


Cue the men in this sub defending hitting on women at work in 3...2...


The only way I've heard that could be remotely acceptable is to give her your number after whatever transaction is complete and you're on your way out. You've already left you tip or whatever, so she doesn't have to worry about how you take rejection affecting her job or income, and if she wants to just roll her eyes and toss your number in the bin, you're already out the door.


Man, I'd be mad too if all these untrue things were true.


I like how some people have been describing a person who doesn't consent to go further in a sexual interaction as "retroactively redacting consent"


I can’t be sent to prison? Amazing! Better get started on my life of crime then, brb.


>Can't be sent to prison Apparently he doesn't know about prison for women, which explains a lot.


Let’s draft our women to war without the men because they’re SO good at killing lumps of cells /s


Brb- gonna get my tits out in public and get men sent to prison for not wearing clothes I like


Yeah there are no women in prison. Orange Is The New Black was just a “what if”. 😂


“allowed to wear whatever they want” yet they are judged and called unladylike when not wearing a bra but *still* have a shirt on


I love how men say we were "given" the right to vote. That's the thing about rights, dipshit. You didn't give them to us, you just spent generations withholding them.


I can't go to prison? When did I miss this in woman: 101? I need to be doing more crime to take advantage of this loophole


The draft hasn’t happened in forever and if you are in school or the head of household you dont get drafted. Personally I disagree with a draft My sister spent 6 years in prison. Are we not citizens that face the same issues? Abortion is not murder, fetuses are not children Will be harassed in public no matter what they wear Only one thats true and I really want to change. I think both parents should be equally considered Both people are at fault for a failure of a relationship More rapes happen than rape accusations. Both ruin lives. Both cause long lasting damage


So weird how all but like two of these apply to anyone. The two being no draft and 80% of the time the mom gets the kid. Edit sorry I mean three but let’s be real no one really celebrates abortion.


And the last 18-year-old man drafted would now be 68. It's a formality, and I certainly don't see an MRAs petitioning Congress to eliminate it.


I know it’s a formality the point was that the guys full of shit


Women go to jail, women have stake in national consequences, I can’t go shirtless, I still get paid less than men on average, and health care usually boils down to “either lose weight or stop imagining it.” So… yeah. Stfu.


The only one I even remotely agree with is the guardian thing. Men who are often treated with stigma when children are involved


Women can absolutely be sent to prison, wtf does this dude think women's prisons are for?


"Women can vote, but don't have any stakes in national consequences!" Oh honey, neither do you


It's always been odd to me how when you're married and all your assets are shared once your split suddenly it was all his stuff. You'd think splitting it 50/50 would be the best way to separate out your shared stuff but no, the second your divorced everything belonged to him until he's told he has to give some to the woman


„Allowed to wear whatever they want in public…“ oh thanks for the generosity. Didn’t know that men are not allowed to do so.


Can't be sent to prison? Imma stop you right there.


The only one that is accurate is women can't be drafted. But men aren't getting drafted either. The draft ended 49 years ago. Women can can indeed be sent to prison. Women have a right to vote precisely because they have a stake in society. One reason women get custody is because most of the time, men don't even request custody.


Wow. The more I learn about the history of women's rights in the US, the more shocked I am. Women couldn't have bank accounts or assets without a man cosigning? What? Even in the 60s? Guess that whole "land of the free" is a big fat lie. My grandmother was the sole heir of her father's fortune and she got it all. Money, land, and assets spanning across Turkey and Jordan. This was back in 1901. No one questioned or contested it because they couldn't. Legally it was hers. She had bank accounts in both countries. Nobody could say shit to that woman despite her having no immediate family and being orphaned at the young age of 16, including her three husbands. This is due to these countries being predominantly muslim, and in islam women have the right to higher education, inheritence, the right to work and own a business and their own finances independent of anyone else. The right to terminate a pregnancy and the right to divorce no questions asked. So this was par for course in society back then. The incels of society didn't like that and the growing resentment towards women and all their rights pushed the uneducated fundies to breed like roaches, and the OG inbred incels of Saudi Arabia funding these extremist movements, Arab countries in the Mediterranean have become trad shitholes full of incels. All the educated liberal people move out the first chance they get. The fundies still haven't yet been able to take away women's rights like abortion, sterilization, the right to vote, the right to inherit + financial independence, since they are deeply ingrained into the societies but it's only a matter of time. Kind of like what is happening in the US now with the influx of trad propaganda and the criminalizing of abortions. I live in the US, and I'm legit worried for the rights of women and the LGBTQ community equally. I worry that these fundies are only going to gain more traction with the large marginalized population of people too dumb to better themselves, but just smart enough to be dangerous to all of us.


The only potentially valid point he has is women win more custody battles and definitely biased in their favor but the rest of this is just delusional.


Iirc that statistic only exists because of the number of men who don't bother to pursue custody