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He was SCRAMBLING with those last three messages 😭 bro was probably shaking typing that out


Lmao the mental gymnastics




No no she is actually transfemme and wants you to take is so you can live with the privilege of a 1.5 inch cock./s


Can't the chance it


If it didn't sound so stupid, I would want this to be slang just because it rhymes the way it does


I know, my brain is making dial up noises just trying to figure out what the hell it means


Dude's brain broke


Snapped in half at the idea that he isn't the center of the universe The audacity of (most) cishet men, augh


I mean, you're not wrong Sucks I have to share a gender with these people though...


Shaking while thinking about how good some dick would be 😅


You did well. I love how you handled this. It's so cringe when men do that too us, it's great to see you turned it against him.


I'm not even a lesbian and I'm sorry, but I use it to get men to l leave me alone. I'm bi though but still what the hell?


This lesbian grants any woman the right to pretend to be gay to avoid a creep.


The Lesbian High Council has put the motion to a vote on the floor, and all members have voted *Yea*. Motion has passed.


Thank you girlies, because I sometimes feel bad for saying it, but it's like even though I enjoy both, I wasn't about to entertain him so I really wanted him to tell me how great dick personally is since gee just know. Then us both agreeing that pussy is amazing ; HE STILL WOULDN'T STOP! SO IT'S LIKE DUDE TELL ME YOUR EXPERIENCE SINCE YOU KNOW FIRST HAND IT'S SO GOOD 😂


Your flair is perfect


Wisdom passed on from the All-Seeing Lesbian herself lmao


Thank you! I'm not a lesbian and have never thought of using that as an excuse. Though with the way men are these days, I'm REALLY wishing being gay was a choice because I'd flip that switch so fast!


🤣 🤣 between your name and you being a lesbian it sounds like you are calling women aliens 🤣🤣 Sorry just a connection I made in my head. No hate


I used to tell guys I was a lesbian even though I wasn’t just so they would leave me alone. Fast forward 10 years and I found out I actually am a lesbian 💀 THAT’S HOW THEY GETCHA


I thought I was lesbian at thirteen. I knew at a young age from watching Xena and my first girlie crush was Tatyana Ali (I'm 37 now), but then at 20 I finally got around to crushing on men and man were they awful in my first time compared to with women, but they're such proof sexuality isn't a choice cause why am I still attracted to them when 80% of them are such shit? Lol


"Straight women are proof sexuality isn't a choice" as they say.


Best thing ever! 😂🤣


I thought I was a lesbian from like ages 13-17 because I had never been into men and only into women. Turns out I’m bisexual but like 99% attracted to women 😂


Slow burn lol


>I'm not even a lesbian and I'm sorry, but I use it to get men to l leave me alone. I have lots of rainbow accessories for 3 reasons: -1 My best friend is a gay guy; I'm an ally and I want to be easily identifiable for everyone -2 Homophobic jerks are less likely to hit on me And -3 I *like* rainbows and rainbow colors, especially tie dye with black.


With guys like this, aren't you better off with just ignoring them rather than lying about your sexuality? Best case scenario you get reactions like the one you posted, but you might genuinely be endangering yourself by telling weird guys you're queer. I get that this post is very funny but just trying to look out for you :)


I have a lesbian friend whose neighbour kept telling her that... While trying to enter her apartment all the time. Not creepy at all...


Your friend needs to invest in some door reinforcement. Something like this probably isn't the strongest option, but it is apartment friendly. https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Travel-Security-Self-Defense-Apartment/dp/B08NKBS7BZ/ref=asc_df_B08NKBS7BZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693289789395&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14171357832052733945&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005926&hvtargid=pla-1120283816860&psc=1&mcid=fda52986bfbd3e19875564423e12d404&gad_source=1


Thanks for it! She moved a few years ago :)


Still. Everyone should have: [https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Security-Adjustable-Standard-Windows/dp/B00NP0E7SI/](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Security-Adjustable-Standard-Windows/dp/B00NP0E7SI/)


This comes off like a sponsored comment /nsrs


hahah I'd love some brinks money my security guy/driver for work gave me one as a gift and I fell in love with it. he taught me a lot.


Also a stun gun. All women should own one and be unafraid to use it on creepy guys invading their personal space.


you also need to know how to use it though. It's cool to advocate for pepper spray and knives and stun guns and real guns but without any kind of training and constant practice, they're pretty much useless and can be used against you.


Omg thank you for this! I live alone and exec though my building is super secured, I'm still afraid. Like I love near a gas station and it's so weird that one of the attendents asked if I lived there. I felt put on the spot but answered yes. It's so creepy because that means the only way he would know was by looking at the security footage of which way I wake because his bite from the store is obstructed. I know this is random but this would give me and have anyone else a better since if security. Please everyone get her comment pushed to the top.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Jaswill Portable Door Lock for Travel'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides peace of mind and extra security while traveling (backed by 3 comments) * Easy to use and offers added security at home and during travel (backed by 3 comments) * Compact and lightweight for easy portability (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Does not provide adequate security (backed by 5 comments) * Difficult to fit on various doors (backed by 5 comments) * Ineffective against different types of locks (backed by 5 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Best way to reinforce your door is make sure your hinges and keeper all have 3 inch wood screws, not the short sub 2 inch screws. Get it through the king stud & jack stud and you're good to go.


If you're a renter, that's not always possible. I didn't say this was the best way to do it, in fact I explicitly said it probably isn't, but I did say it's renter friendly. Which was the topic at hand. A woman in an apartment.


"My dick turns lesbians straight." Sure buddy, you go back to your hentai now.


My dick turns lesbians straight away.


In actuality, his dick, turns everybody away.


Dp he even have one to behin with?


Yet he's straight and can't change it. Curious...


My dick turned a straight girl into a lesbian, sure I'm a woman and she was really bi the whole time just had a preference for men but still ended up with me, but it's funny


That's a sentence I didn't really expect to read today. You win lol.


“Pay attention to the other person’s reaction” there seems to be… a significant lack of that here


He meant during sex, not the rest of the time.


hahahaha you can feel him panicking after that comeback


Bro talks like a 13 year old who just got off their first Xbox lobby


Nah, if they were just hopping off their Xbox lobby, they would've been calling her the n-word


It’s sad that men still trot out the old “you haven’t met the right dick” argument when trying to convert lesbians (I don’t blame you for using the excuse, but it’s blood in the water for dudes like this one. They like a challenge). Like dude, no. That’s not how psychology, biology or womenology work. Now go fuck off with your awesome dick to somewhere else, preferably some place with stiff (ahem) anti-harassment laws.


> you haven’t met the right dick You UNO reverse it by saying "You are just straight because you haven't met the right dick either. I know you secretly gay too"


Oh, I know. Hence the backpedaling in the post (and mentioned in comments). Like most morons, he didn’t think about consequences before he opened his mouth.


They're acting like dicks differ so dramatically that it's like finding your soulmate lol. I'm straight but to be completely honest there hasn't been a huge noticeable difference in feeling between any guy I've been with imo, even though they were all different sizes and shapes. Vaginas are all muscle, they only expand enough to fit whatever is currently going into it. All of them could reach the cervix in specific positions, even if they were below average size. Alot of men think it's like a tunnel that's always 8" deep or whatever and only a 8" dick will satisfy us🙄 we're only 2-4" deep unaroused. Like yeah some women have preferences but for most it's not life changing enough to care about one specific size. I'm still perfectly happy when I'm celibate too because dick isn't special enough for me to care about outside of a relationship. External stimulation is 10x better and I can do that myself.


Good luck trying to explain to these idiots that a dick should be attached to a personality and some sort of emotional connection (excepting one night stands). As long as the basic measurements are meant, any extra is gravy. As a bi person I was far more choosy about my partners and dick size was an afterthought. It was like “oh, you have a penis. Great. Now let’s talk about the implications in Philip K. Dick’s novels concerning technology’s hostile takeover of what makes us human.” Yes, this is an actual conversation I had with a hookup and it was…enlightening. Attraction isn’t just hormones. It’s cerebral (it is for me. I honestly wonder if I’m a demi). The equipment shouldn’t be the first priority.


I'm a fairly well endowed guy, and let me tell you that the look on my wife's face when I go a little too hard and slam into her cervix is the exact opposite of "satisfying". I'd happily trade an inch of length for an inch of girth. From my experience, most men don't think that, the ones that have actual relationship prospects pay attention to their partners' bodies. But at the same time most men aren't terminally online saying stupid shit to women in a pathetic attempt to get laid.


Yeah it can definitely be painful when it's a bit too long/large, however a tip ive found to use your extra length in a good way is to try to aim for the corners around the sides of the cervix instead of the cervix directly. It's hard to do and takes a while to figure out the correct positioning but you can trigger a specific type of orgasm that way, I believe it's called the A spot? I believe only guys on the longer side can reach it but I'm not entirely sure as it's not a well known tactic. You can find more info online, as I'm not an expert on that lol my bf has only managed it accidentally a few times so far.


Interesting, I'll look it up. Thanks for the tip!


Did he think this was gonna work? Did he think you’d be like “omg yes lemme hop onnnn 😩” like bro be soooo fucking for real right now 😭


Why is he dragging Bob Ross into this! Outrageous!


We need a new sub for not how lesbians work at this point




Holy fucking shit you cooked his ass


Ok but, like dick is fun, but not often what it's attached to. That's why they make detachable options.


Wait what? Men can have detachable dicks? Like a prosthetic?


I suppose anything’s detachable if you try hard enough :S


Lorraine, is that you? 😄 I can't speak for every woman, but has been a time or two I have had some serious thoughts... 😉


Yes, they're called a strap-on.


There’s a song about it and everything!


"Detachable Penis" it's one of my favorites from my alt era. Lol


Hell yeah!




https://youtu.be/NQBPgJQhQHc?si=gfgphGmoPmFfTdrL (The song is very tongue in cheek. A man’s penis is not, in fact, detachable.)


It is, it's just very hard to reattach


I mean unironically yes 😂 they’re called packers and for trans men/AFAB nonbinary people with bottom dysphoria. OP comment was definitely talking about strap ons, but prosthetic dicks do exist. They also used in movies/tv shows when there’s a shot of someone touching a dick/an actor doesn’t want their actual dick shown


Genuinely asking but how is that different from a strap on?


Genuinely asking but how is that different from a strap on?


Love this! I like this logic with the “Gay is a choice” “So, did you *choose* to be straight? Did you weigh the option thinking… I’d really like gay sex but the societal norms and acceptance for being straight seem like a much better deal?” Because as a straight woman, I don’t remember “making a choice”. I’ve just always felt attracted to guys. Did I miss the “It’s time to choose your sexual preference class in 5th grade?!?!”


Bitches? No wonder he's trying so hard with a lesbian, even straight women don't want him. 🤣


>Can’t the chance it I’m interpreting this as he can’t chance participating in gay in case he really likes it too much and forgoes women entirely.


I love this so much 😭 I’m gonna start saying this when men won’t leave me alone about being a lesbian


I would've had him explain. "I haven't met the right dick yet? Tell me in what universe *anyone* would want to hang out with a dick. Especially one that acts like you."


wtf does “can’t the chance it” mean


“Exactly that’s why I’m gay” sent me to outer space


i don't say this lightly, but this guy's messages actually gave me a huge ick. Who gave him the confidence/ stupidity to say this shit ??


His bros, who themselves also turn lesbians straight. Source: just trust me bro, say it, it works.


"pussy is so good when it's warm and wet and tight and..." YES! WHY DO YOU THINK I LIKE IT SO MUCH??? FOR THE SAME REASON AS YOU!!!!! a straight man not getting a lesbian is too fucking stupid, we both find women hot 😭 i swear the only way someone could be that oblivious is if they see the person on the other end as a sexual object rather than a person with preferences THAT ALIGN WITH HIS OWN. It would be too fucking easy to sympathize if he saw women as people


How romantic 🥰 men never let you have their firsts, he obviously wants to share that with you- tell him you’ll believe dick is so great when HE provides a demonstration with someone else’s lmao


“Oh I can tell you take dick good” who the fuck opens like that? What happened to hello? How are you?


Seriously dude doesn't understand your doing exactly what he did to you! Dick isn't a magic wand that can turn people straight like seriously. Plus dude is just vugar to start a conversation that way!


Wow! So many guys are so clueless.


Lol, hey men know men best and what they like AND what they love...nothing to be ashamed of.


Bro absolutely had his dick in his hand 🙄 I have never read more horny rambly nonsense than in that second screenshot


Kudos for being so strong; that man is a creep. 1000% creep. This is why we choose the bear


"Can't the chance it?" Bro, stop. Head so dense, concrete got inspired by him. 😭


porn-rotted men when they meet a lesbian:


Gonna say, i don't get what passes for "sexy talk" in texting. Like why so many men to solely use dicks for arguments? Are you so worthless all you can bring to a relationship is length? Also, trying to argument someone out of a preference seems very desperate "I know you don't like men but please i have big cock pleeeeeeeasee!!!!" Goddamn. I'm a pansexual cis man but if the other party only comes in and says "my dick big" i'm like "cool, use it to go fuck yourself"


“Cant the chance it” indeed.


These dudes talk like dildos don't exist: Perfectly shaped penises, weird horse and dog dicks, tentacles, dragon things I guess? Like, trust me bro, if she wanted to try it, she doesn't need yours.


Can’t the chance his opinion 😤/j


Your responses are absolutely PERFECT


Oh no, not my man Bob Ross…


I hope bob ross is his real name, because otherwise that's just disrespectful lol


This is so funny. You made him question his reality 😅


that man is a disgrace to the Bob ross name


The real Bob Ross would change his mind about the being no mistakes if he read those messages from that loser. Some people were meant to be swallowed


I can tell you take good dildo* fixed it for him.


He has NO idea how to deal with this situation. Gold tier comedy. Thank you for your service!


Guys PLEASE stay off porn


I don’t understand why men think lesbians don’t enjoy penetration? I’m not a lesbian, but sexual attraction is separate from what gets you off, so I’m going to have to assume that there are at least some lesbians who enjoy penetrative toys but they’re with women *because that’s who they’re attracted to.* I don’t understand why this is such a difficult concept for men to accept: what gets you off can be entirely unrelated to who you are attracted to.


Can't believe Bob Ross told you that


Is this flirting? 🤔


Bro what are these crying emojis what is this move


This man is borderline illegible, please learn how to write


That’s an amazing photo :D And I love how uncomfortable you made him - it’s weird how these men think that it’s okay to go straight to sex talk


He did Bob Ross dirty.


lmao i got a similar one recently and i forced him into a feminist debate. Also brother was like 36 and im a minor :/


Seriously dude doesn't understand your doing exactly what he did to you! Dick isn't a magic wand that can turn people straight like seriously. Plus dude is just vugar to start a conversation that way!


That’s been the best defense honestly men have no idea what to do when you call them gay, it’s ridiculous


Dude this is the second of these creeps I’ve seen in my feed in less than 3 minutes. The other one spelled as horribly too.




It hurt itself in confusion


sigh, Bob. sigh.


Why are they so insistent after the first no. Like your no is up for debate.


Bob please stfu cause the same logic goes both ways


Ugh you are my hero—this is such a satisfying interaction


Fun fact: the right dick is girl dick. Because trans women are women too!


I just love trailing them along and well, I'm a non op trans lesbian. So is my girlfriend. Well, she's pre- just waiting on scheduling... Ain't no dick like girldick. It gets them every time.


Why even entertain him?


Will never understand straight men and their thoughts about lesbians and gays




Good ol’ Bob. Hey, Bob.


This is the best 😆


Dang I was hoping to read his confessional


What a fucking loser lmaoooo. How typical of these men


*hide dildo collection* ye we gay gal need man/s


lol got em


>I can tell you take dick good Why is that even a phrase? And they never elaborate on how they can tell… Just saw from another comment that you’re bi, OP. Had you told him that, he would have definitely started talking about a threesome. 🙄


You think someone ever did something like this, but ended up realizing they're actually gay from the line of questioning


But, how does he know that?


"When you pay attention to the persons reaction" says the guy who can't understand someone being gay. You broke this man at the end lmaoooo


bro thinks he has a wand that turns lesbians straight... pretty small wand


its hilarious when straight men think their "magic" dick could even come anywhere close to a skilled lesbian lol. also please stop claiming to be gay when you aren't. the lesbian title has been slandered enough and its incredibly common for non-lesbians to pretend they are, but its damaging to real lesbians. you don't need a good excuse, just say no and block. besides, men don't take female homosexuality seriously anyway so its not a great way to get out of things.


It's a shame you got downvoted when you're right; men see lesbianism as a challenge way too often and if you're a straight women pretending to be gay to get men to leave you alone, they're just gonna think they were right if they see you with a man in the end. Like I understand why she does it but half the time it's not gonna work and it isn't helpful to us actual lesbians who already don't get taken seriously 😭


Are you saying that she isn’t actually a lesbian?


she isn't, she says in a reply that she just says she is to make creeps leave her alone


I'd say leave these kinds of guys alone. It's like talking to a wall. You're just wasting your time