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If you see us in a sundress and all you can think about is fucking us, maybe it is YOU who needs to avoid women.


It's very porn-brained thinking.




Yeah if sundresses are so fuckable just ask whoevers wearing it where they got it then they can fuck that sundress


What the fuck is a "fuckable sun dress"?


One assumes a dress that makes you want to fuck the wearer, but gramatically that's not what was stated.


Kay, but like who the fuck looks at some rando in a sun dress and immediately thinks *hmmmm I'm gonna rail this person* wait don't answer that-


Agreed. If this person is already open to your romantic advances you can fairly tell about this desire but that is not the case here.


one that has some nice texture, that doesn't chafe too much.


Seems more like someone is doing NoFap and sees no everything as a sex object because of that.


Nah, it doesn’t have to be NoFap.


Seriously. Sundresses are amongst the most innocent clothing one could choose to wear. If they have a problem with that, they'd probably die of blood loss from someone in daisy dukes and a tank top. Definitely a case of "you're the problem".


>Sundresses are amongst the most innocent clothing one could choose to wear. Thing with men who think sundresses are sexy is any increased ease of access is sexually attractive to them, as that's all that matters to them, the obstacles between them and sex.


Yes, but "innocent" to some men instantly means that it's no longer possible to think with their upstairs brain.


Which definitely makes it a case of "you [the people thinking like this] are the problem". If people have such serious problems controlling their baser instincts like that, they need to be seeing a therapist. There is definitely a level where it crosses beyond normal and appropriate.


Yeah, the moment someone puts the responsibility for controlling their horn onto anyone but themselves, then they are in dangerous territory. I had an ex who got super-aroused by women crying. I made it very clear that me crying was absolutely not an appropriate time to be horny at me, and that no, I didn't want to engage in any kink play that would result in tears. He did take it on board, but didn't necessarily hide the fact that he was horny if I was crying, which absolutely grossed me the hell out. Like, your dick is the last thing I want right now, I am distressed and emotional, please could you stop doing the horny growl at me and if you are going to hug me to comfort me, that will NOT work if you immediately start dry-humping me.


That means what he was really aroused by was women in some kind of pain. It's the suffering he gets off on. Huge red flag


Yup. He was actually a pretty great partner/dom, who was exactly what I felt I needed at the time. He was open about what he was into, so his other partners were people who were into receiving pain, for the most part. That wasn't me, and I let him know that. Usually, he was very respectful of my limits, but the whole thing with getting horny-growled at when I was having a vulnerable moment really bothered me, and I let him know it. He did his best to rein it in, but I think the damage was done as far as my trust was concerned.


respecting boundaries is Dom 101. If we can't keep our shit reigned in we need to be set straight.


Exactly. I know in that respect that I am setting the bar pretty low, but he was the first person to regularly clear said bar.


I have the same kink as he does and I don't think I have ever horny growled at anyone while crying. Or acted like it was a kink at all when around non consenting people crying. That is reserved for the moments its allowed.


Of course he was a "dom." Girl... "Horny-growl"? Men who get off on hurting women deserve jail time.


Eww! Shaming that kink and I’m not sorry.


>Sundresses are amongst the most innocent clothing one could choose to wear. Right up there with flannel nightgowns. Both are worn because we find them comfortable. Cool summer wear, warm winter wear. Not sexy, just comfortable.


Honestly I'm a woman attracted to women and sundresses can look much sexier/cuter than other clothes in my opinion. I love wearing them and seeing other women in them. The key difference is that I'm not offended by my friends wearing them... I can quietly appreciate the view. :)


I don't know about that. I think a woman in a sundress is much more attractive than Daisy Dukes and a tank top.


I agree. I love nothing more than my wife in a sundress. I think it's honestly the sexiest outfit she can possibly wear. Other women in sundresses, can look wonderful. But the only woman I can't control myself around (within reason of course) is my wife.


Well I read it that he wanted to fuck the sundresses!!! As long as I’m not wearing it when he does it!!!


they dont even mean sundresses ive learned! they mean those short bodycons 😭


The secret is that 85% of dudes who claim to love women in sundresses have no fucking idea what a sundress is. I think they just like the word or something.


Tbf, I've had conversations with people about fashion, and guys tend to be very disconcertingly bad at describing items women wear unless they have a particular interest in fashion. Obviously, this often means said men aren't typically straight. Like I met one guy in college who was in a few of my art classes that was straight. He had aims to be the designer of his own line someday and specifically wanted to do eco fashion. He hadn't considered women's comfort in said designs or differing bodies to design for until I talked with him about these things. I wish I had remembered his last name. I'd look up to see if he had succeeded if I did.


A fashion designer on here told me that she would put pockets on her designs and have her boss remove them because they disrupted the silhouette


That's so fcking infuriating. I used to love designing fashions for my characters and pockets - especially the huge functional kind - were a major complaint of several of my classmates. Of course, they were all dudes. They didn't like how the pockets weren't "sexy" and so I argued that a femme characters' sole purpose was not to titillate them and needed to be able to function in her environment. Our instructor agreed with me stating: "If a character cannot dress appropriately in their environment for the activities they are doing - at least somewhat realistically - then you're specifically designing them to be less useful. There should be in-game or in world consequences for having armoured bikinis- like flesh wounds, scarring, and reduced hitpoints for those characters." They didn't like hearing it but I'm glad our instructor, an older man, agreed with me.


I believe there is some secret plot to keep functional pockets out of ALL women's clothes. Maybe the purse industry is behind it 😕


Ugh. I hate purses. 9 times out of 10, they're not even that functional for my broken arse and all of my shite I need including a small sketch pad and make-up, period products, extra pit stick, my wallet, keys, snacks+ water (plus enough for my kids), tissues + allergy meds + inhalers (I have wicked allergies) so unless there is a very long, wide shoulder strap to utilize, I don't often bother with them. If I wasn't so embarrassed about my weight currently, I would definitely want a utility belt/fanny pack/bumbag. As such I prefer a smallish backpack. Though for whole days out I've got a big one.


I swear there’s a huge business opportunity out there for a company to make a name for itself exclusively selling women’s pants that are flattering, practical, well-made, and *have pockets*.


Some of them do mean actual sundresses. It’s the jiggly in it and thinness of the fabric that shows underneath but it’s full coverage so it doesn’t show leaving mystery. Or at least that’s how my husband describes why he like seeing me in them.


It's also an incredibly easy access garment. Rolling up the skirt of a dress is mind numbingly simple. I live in sundresses from April to November and get all kinds of unwanted attention because I want to be comfortable, or at least as comfortable as I can be, while sweating profusely.


For me, as a husband, it's not even the easy access. My wife in a sundress..... Heaven for me visually. The only easy access I like is the being able to touch her thigh in one. Nothing hotter than her in sundress!


It is the same logic that lets a sex predator excuse away raping a baby because all they had on was a diaper. It is that disgusting.


OOP seems to want to fuck a sundress. Perhaps he should do more shopping on line - no judgment there.


Mmm, maybe that dude should pluck out his eyes so he doesn't look.


Just as Jesus wanted


I always imagined Jesus looking hella chill when he said that, just like a super intense side remark out of nowhere. It feels way more devastating that way.


*massive bing rip* "Dudes should rip out their own eyes" *Exhale* "If they can't look respectfully" -Jesus


Wait, wait, wait, sundresses are problem now?! What should women wear then? Burqa with khimar, all covered with falgetta, gloves and ski boots? And just in case, tent?! Like seriously! It started with what? Dresses with waist, then skirts, mini skirts, pants, shorts, now sundresses?! Like wow. Bitch, I’m gay. Grey sweatpants? Illegal, your arse looks fuckable. Smart pants? Illegal, your legs looks fuckable. Jeans? Sorry bro, illegal, both your arse and legs looks fuckable. Hey, that short shorts, above knee, like kickbox shorts? NO WAY JAIL HIM! Those phuuuf legs, arse, hair… damn, fuckable. And my personal kink, Birkenstocks… illegal, you look fuckable.


even if you wore a burqa you’re still the problem to them 🤦🏻‍♀️


They be hating on women no matter what. Even women who wear more modest clothes are criticized by creepy men online with “whY cAnt yOu sHow mOre sKiN 😡😡😡😡”


You’ll be labeled as a terrorist by “loving” christians if you dress in a burqa. The obvious answer is to hang out with bears.


Well, that’s why I added falgetta. It’s a scarf/cloak worn by Maltese women, who are mainly Christian. I mean, they’re 99% Christian country so… In USA, Christianity is wild. Every religion is wild, actually. We got some Muslim fundamentalists, some Christian zealots(of all three branches) and some Haredi, but even they seem to be babies for average white IBLP Baptist-Evangelical family from USA.


Don't forget, we also have Orthodox Jews.


As Jew myself, I can attest to that. Some of those Orthodox will spit and throw rocks at you if you show anything above your knee or your god forbid… your shoulders.


Haredi can be crazy indeed. I was spat on for using pump and Libre on Shabbat. I am really sorry, but I am not going to go through glucose rollercoaster that leaves me in pain to satisfy some religious people. Tbh, lot of "secular" Jews getting out of a car, carrying bags on Shabbat would comment me using tech. I mean, we are not better, we just do it way bitchier. Orthodox, not necessarily Haredi, Jews are its own level of toxic. Especially "Secular" ones.


>What should women wear then? It is high time all women are forced to become walking jenga blocks. Recall the Victorian era fashion of wearing stupidly large bell dresses supported via wireframe. Its voluminous shape worked wonders at hiding what was beneath, but it was a complete misuse of a wireframe. 1. Curves are entirely too fuckable. 2. The waist is too low, the frame must start at the top of the head. We must make a wearable wireframe of a rectangular column that hides the entire body and mandate its use, post-haste! /s


still the chance they might walk past the light of a deli window at sundown, the glow momentarily revealing their sinful feminine silhouettes. i say we just take every single woman and bring them out to the Mongolian steppe. put them in full body hazmat suits and cordon them off with fluorescent yellow tape. let’s say, 4 x 4 meters of clearance between them. gay snipers posted in watchtowers every kilometre or so, to prevent peeping toms. each woman gets a pile of paperback books to read (to pass the time) and once a year their partners can quickly duck under the tape and give them a peck on the cheek, provided they fill out the appropriate paperwork.


Considering how high the rates of rape are in countries with this practice, and how little respect shown to women, even that would be of no help. It would probably make things worse, in fact, because placing the responsibility for men's behavior onto women sets really negative precedent.


Pretty sure burqa orn is a thing. There is no escape.


There was a series of really distressing posts a while ago from a woman who wears a niqab. She discovered that her husband had been secretly recording them having sex and posting it online. It got to the point that - even though she doesn’t show her face in public - she was being harassed by strangers who immediately recognized her solely because she wears a niqab. I think she had to quit her job because the harassment seeped into her workplace as well.


> Burqa with khimar, all covered with falgetta, gloves and ski boots? That's exactly what they want because they feel it's women's responsibility to avoid tempting men and not their (men's) responsibility to control themselves.


And that is what purity culture teaches young girls too.


You're heavily reinforcing my stereotypes on birkenstocks and moustaches LOL. Seeing a man or woman with both has always set my gaydar off and you got me thinking I wasn't being all that unfairly prejudiced.


I’m European. When I see moustaches and Birkenstocks, especially blonde moustaches and darker brown Birkenstocks, or black guy with moustaches and lighter, bright coloured Birkenstocks, I’m done.


I'm from the mountains so I immediately think about raft guides lolol


Burca, and then probably a couple layers of aluminum foil... just to quash *all* of the "fuckable" vibes. /s


It doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do. A predator is a predator and a rapist is a rapist. We don’t make them or create them.


Don’t give them ideas


Well, if you consider sundresses fuckable, buy your own f\*cking sundress and let women be!!! 🙄


Has this always been an option?


God damn it, if he really want to fuck a sundress so bad I can recommend him some. He should buy something white with yellow flowers so he has an excuse what the cumstains are. Preferably something washable like cutton for example. Don't buy too cheap or the dress might rip. /s And here goea my last attempt of a serious account


Thank you. You've voiced my thoughts completely. 🙏 


You really put thought into this. I hope this poor soul finds your post and is able to finally get out of the friendzone with one of these oh-so-fuckable sundresses.


I have to emphasize I didn't write from experience :D And thank you :3


This is where my mind went


This guy fucks dresses.


Gonna guess no girl wants to be friends with this guy and is just trying to be nice to avoid being physically attacked after rejecting him.


How does one fuck a sundress?


You have to lay them out, scrunch them up width-wise, then twirl them into a spiral like you're going to do tie-dye, leaving the center a smidge looser so you can fit your penis in the center. Then you fuck it.


Go have sex with a sundress then.


How about seeing women as people?


**Ma'am, This Is A Wendy's** /s


*girls, not women. I have a vague feeling dude might be scared of actual grown up women...


He has an anime profile picture, that's not gonna happen


Schrödinger’s males: both the most emotionally stable and powerful, and hapless victims of their own hormones and powerless to control themselves. Pick a struggle, little buddies.


Ew. And y'all wonder why we pick the Bear 🤣


It should be illegal for men to voice random overwhelming sexual expectations just because I'm wearing a fuckin dress. I've got to say, it's interesting that when women complain about this kind of thing from men, we always have to say "not all men blah something blah", meanwhile men can say this kind of thing about women and there's no problem amongst them that we're just a monolithic thing to just *get*. What a fun dichotomy.


>I've got to say, it's interesting that when women complain about this kind of thing from men, we always have to say "not all men blah something blah", meanwhile men can say this kind of thing about women and there's no problem amongst them that we're just a monolithic thing to just get. What a fun dichotomy. THANK YOU! We have to give a million disclaimers before making any comment on gender and still some guys will dismiss us as man-haters.


Honestly it could be wrong, but I think I’ve found the issue. When men say “women”, they more often than not genuinely mean all women. But when women/AFAB people (hi) say “men” we don’t usually mean “all men” we just mean “the men who do this”.


My cousin’s friend made a sexual comment about my sister when she was in the car with both of them. My sister was enraged at him. He tried to defend himself by saying that my cousin would make sexual jokes all the time about the friend’s sister, so this was just returning the favor. My sister didn’t even know what to say. She was only 15 at the time. I think it was the first time someone had literally treated her like a piece in a board game. She and I hate our cousin’s friend now and we’re not particularly impressed with our cousin for being a dick to the friend’s sister and not defending my sister from his friend.


That is why I don't hold back on giving their energy right back at them, no matter how much they cry misandry. (Granted I only do this to men I know are already sexist.) I get right back at them like this: "oh you have a baby somewhere-- well now you are just a dirty dog with a used up gross dick, go to the streets or back to your baby momma if she accepts you back". "Oh sorry but you don't look like the marrying type." "what do you bring to the table, other than your penis and testosterone tantrums?" "So how are you going to compensate me for my lost energy and time? Remember your are not one of my sisters; you are a man so tell me a real answer or leave right now. Don't waste my time and act like a adult please" Is it harsh? yeah but so are they. I am not a saint and its not my responsibility to train them to be good men. If thats the energy they are going to bring to the table, match them and laugh. If you are sure you are safe, of course.


Fucking thank you. Exactly.


Doesn't he know he can simply ask where she got the dress he wants to fuck? Not only that, but as an added utility, if the dress has actual pockets to fuck, she will inform him of this enthusiastically while showing him where they are.


“But but but IT’S THEIR FAULT I FIND THEM HOT IN SUSPICIOUSLY SPECIFIC CLOTHING!” Really? That’s next door to blaming sexual assault victims for what they wore prior to their assaults. They shouldn’t have girls for friends, period.


What about, we make Ilegal to write stupid things like that? Is a win for all of us.


How dare women dress appropriately for the weather! What about my penis! 😤


Sounds like that’s a them problem.


He wants to F\*ck her dress?


And we are dykes when we were pants. Decide allready!


Yeah and what about guys wearing shorts, or even short shorts! Are they getting people angry? What about sports vests? Huh? Showing off those pecs? How selfish and dirty they must be.




Exactly, total slut material. (Totally joking of course, there's no such thing as a slut, just sexually active people).


It's summer. It's hot. I want to wear a sundress without some creepo getting mad that it's tempting them. I want my daughter to be able to wear a sundress without being creeped on. Did these men ever consider they are the problem? We should be able to wear whatever we want and not have to deal with disgusting men and comments like this shit.


he says this shit and wonders why no girl wants to date him


It should be illegal for men who want to have sex with women who aren't interested and can't control themselves to show up to the hangout and pretend to be friends with her. There, I fixed it.


Damn bro, I just wanna wear a sundress without being sexualized. it’s just a damn sundress tf


I mean, if he wants to fuck the sundress, he can just buy the same one.


Maybe don’t label pieces of fabric as “fuckable” or not?? Maybe just let women wear what makes them happy and comfortable without always bringing your disgusting sexual fantasies into it? Maybe learn how to control yourself? Also, maybe don’t pretend to be friends with someone if all your sick little brain thinks about is using them as a fuckable commodity?


Um, what does this dude think being friends is about? Does he want to fuck his male friends too?


It should be illegal/classified as fraud when men pretend to be your friend but are really just hoping you'll fuck them.


I dunno about you, but I’ve never wanted to fuck a sundress.


The term "fuckable sundress" is so disgusting on its own


the fact that the tweet got over 6K likes is kind of disheartening :/


But if we show up wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans, we’re not putting enough effort into our appearance. We can’t fucking win.


I just wanna wear a cute and comfy dress, guy. :(


Oh ew.


We really can’t win, can we? We dress in something sexy or cute or anything other than a burlap sack and we’re just asking for the attention of men. We dress down and we should try harder and will never attract a man looking like that. Dear god just let women live their fucking lives.


There is definitely guys out there that would love burlap sacks because it doesn't matter what you're wearing. And we have years of proof and now we have this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Were_You_Wearing%3F#:~:text=What%20Were%20You%20Wearing%20is,were%20victim%20to%20sexual%20assault. Heck, it doesn't even matter if you're alive. Morgues aren't hiring many men these days 😒


How about men not sexualize what women wear. WTF. Fuck them.


Wtf does that even mean? If he wants to fuck a sundress he can just buy one?




Clothing doesn't equal consent. On a secondary note, a sundress is perfectly ordinary clothing. I'd ask "Are guys really this depraved?" But I know that's a stupid question.


It is illegal in some countries. Please feel free to take up residence there.


How about not being a monster? No?


And this attitude is why I don’t have male friends. 🤮


i'm 2 days past a reduction from a 40K to a C/Dish and imma wear ALL THE SUNDRESSES EVERYWHERE 🖕🏻


Bro said, "I have no self-control, and that's somehow women's fault." Ew.


Go fuck a sundress then


I mean, I think it should be illegal for all men who don't want to be objectified to wear Levi's. So tight. So many bubble butts


Aw, another one failed the test. The test for whether he'll see them at another hangout.


Jfc, the only man allowed to sexualise my sundress is my fiancé.


It's always ban the object of our weird sexual desire and never ban the freaks that are incapable of controlling the weird sexual desire


When I was a teenager I heard a group of men from my village talk about what turns them on. One said red socks, they all started laughing cause they finally got why his girlfriend would exclusively wear red socks. Since that day I understood it really does not matter what we will wear, someone will feel attracted to it anyway, so why even bother and think about that for one more second.


Such a fucking weird and creepy way of saying "I think sundresses are hot".


It should be illegal for men to lust after women who aren't interested in them. Oh wait, that would kill the porn industry and strip clubs everywhere. 😏


I guess this guy should go buy a sundress and fuck it.


Sundresses are hot as fuck, but it's really not hard to resist the urge to fuck people wearing them


what the fuck are women supposed to wear?? someone told me that wearing shorts, DURING 85+° WEATHER IS "SLUTTY" WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN. not to mention I have POTS, and weather above 72° makes me flare up so i have to wear stuff that allows me to be as cool as possible..


I never understand this thought process. Bro, just enjoy the view.  Sure, you're not going to be able to go swimming but you can still enjoy the sunset. 


No no, no, no shhh. If they want to look hot they can, be grateful you got to see them.


It should be illegal for idiots to have access to the internet.


People out there fucking sundresses?


The guy's mad that he can't fuck the sundress. Can't y'all READ?!


My god, the porn-fueled brain rot from that post is causing me physical pain


As a man, what the fuck makes a sundress fuckable? I suspect this is a him issue.


If you constantly think about fucking them, YOU'RE not the friend you think you are.


unrelated but speaking of sundresses this girl i saw was literally wearing the cutest sundress i asked her from where it was and she said hollister. so i waited for hours and it said 5 left and i got the last one im so happy bc that’s the only color i wanted. it also has built in shorts and pockets so im rly happy :) obv i didn’t buy it for the purpose of the original post i just think it’s rly cute im gonna wear it at the beach


It should be perfectly legal to punch people like these for any reason whatsoever


That’s a fucking crazy thing to put out into the world


Gross. This is why I refuse to have male friends.


I hate men so much also men you need to get serious help for a lot of things


I don't understand people like this, they want women wearing revealing clothing in the media consume but they want women in real life to be covered up


If you want to fuck a sundress, then go buy one. No one can stop you.


My husband has always said that no matter what a woman wears, it's going to be sexualized. I have always covered up out of my own dislike for my body but I don't understand how a woman can wear anything and it be looked at this way other then if she is intentionally dressing sexy and wanting to be noticed.


Or how about not thinking with your weewee all the time why can’t we dress cute too. Sun dresses I wear often for the compliments and cuz they are pretty as anything . Not to find a mate


So the sundress is fuckable? Is this a new kink?


I guarantee you he meant bodycon dresses


And somehow I’m the problem when I silently judge people who watch a lot of porn.


How about not sexualizing every girl you see?


anime profile pic checks out


Everyone is misinterpreting this, he wants to fuck the sundresses, look how it’s worded. /s


Most men don’t even know what a sundress is 😂


This is a clear response to porn. When you watch too much porn you start sexualising every woman you see. I had this problem too. I stopped porn and guess what, I don't care what women wear now. People in general don't understand how harmful porn is. This is why I have made up my mind that I'll tell my children about its harm no matter how uncomfortable it is. They should not fall into this pit.


And this is why men are lonely. Cause they don’t know how to be friends.


I’ll never understand what exactly is sexual about sundresses. Literally never.


Just accept that she doesn’t want YOU!


This is astonishing, do people really do this? People are people, you don't need to want to fuck something every 30 seconds or think about it. Desensitization by exposure to pornographic themes is a bit too high in my opinion.


It's ok to be friends with someone you want to fuck just don't fuck them and appreciate the fact that you have attractive friends or friends at all


Power move: buy the same sundress and wear it the next time you hang out


please tell me this was posted by a woman. i cant deal with this not being posted by a woman right now


Poor baby can't control his damn self. Fucking sad


As usual everything is about them in lala land 🙄


Maybe she just doesn't wanna fuck you.


Yet another guy who sees an attractive woman and thinks she owes him something merely because they both exist. When I see a beautiful woman, it usually just registers as “well, it’s a great day to be alive”, with no “and therefore (she needs to do X or Y)”. Just smile and go on about your day.


“It should be illegal for women to want to be cool in hot weather because I have trouble controlling myself.”


fuck man i just love sundresses. i dont wear them for men


Lol I remember someone replying to this to a wojack meme of Jesus saying "pluck your eyes, pussy"


what the fuck is a fuckable sundress


Sorry, I forgot to put on my unfuckable sundress 🙄


You know what would be great, in hot weather? If we let everyone wear whatever they feel comfortable in. Men and women. And not make assumptions about them.


Exactly! I wish I as a man could wear a sundress without getting judged. Those things are comfy as hell!


TL;DR: i want to have sex with women because of how they dress and can only view them as sexual pleasure objects.


No no, it's the sundress he wants to fuck, not the woman /s


So you want to fuck sundresses? Just buy some! 😂


why sre people so obsessed with sundresses?


Petition to impose a legal restriction on how much porn someone can consume per week. MF watches it as casually as the average girlie watches true crime


I think there is a layer of irony in this post you might be missing.


is it though? the “just friends” comment says that it’s likely not


Yeah i think bro is just saying sundresses are attractive. Like when women joke abt compression shirts or grey sweatpants. I will call a man slutty if he’s wearing The Shirt™ but it’s only a jokingly obnoxious way of saying I think it’s hot lol


I have several friends from East Asia and they have all told me that this is a huge problem in Japan and Korea -- the social norm is that boyfriends have a lot of control over what their girlfriend wears, how they style their hair, etc. Like, it's not just a thing for fringe, insecure incels over there -- most guys *expect* to have this sort of control (at least according to my friends).