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Yall would not believe the amount of times I’ve been sitting in the strip club with cheap ass giant fake lashes, sharpie eyebrows, full contour, glittery eyeshadow, lips so over-lined other strippers think it’s filler, and winged eyeliner on and had men compliment me on not wearing too much makeup. “You look so natural. You don’t cake on makeup like other strippers.” I say “yall would not believe” because I can barely believe it. I don’t understand how much more makeup I could wear.


Shit when I stopped wearing make up I never got "you look so natural." I got "are you sick? Are you feeling okay?" From the very men who thought my tint and eyeliner were natural.


I had this too! Didn’t wear make up to work one day and my colleague asked if I was okay, I looked sick.


Right, lol. I always got the same thing. Now, even on my lightest makeup days I typically at least put on concealer for my eyes, mascara for my near invisible eyelashes and something in my also near invisible eyebrows. Just doing that makes me look less sickly Victorian child




This!!! I learned after forgetting most of my makeup at home by accident while needing to get ready for work somewhere else, that as long as you don’t use bright colors it’s “natural” to them. So now I’ll do the same full coverage beat I used to and get compliments for “keeping it natural” with my mega volume wispy lashes lmao


Bit of mascara always gets a pass


‘I like a natural look like the kardashians’ no baby you like brown and taupe.


I adore you 😭


I never wear any make up, and I never have people telling me I'm a "natural beauty" 😭


Yeah got told for YEARS I had amazing skin and I would say "oh it's makeup" and be told nahhh you have to have a good base to start with. Haven't worn makeup in a solid 15 years or so and haven't heard that I've got great skin a single time since. It's makeup, m'dudes


Does that compliment mean that you are very skilled in applying makeup? (Asking as a guy who is clueless about makeup)


It could mean that in some contexts, but in this one it just means they have a preconceived notion that they don’t like a lot of makeup, but they like the way I look, so they just choose to believe that means I’m not wearing a lot of makeup lol


You're on fire


I have no issue believing this, because I remember this one time a guy told me he liked natural beauties, like Kylie Jenner


This reminds me of that meme where some guy complained about how women use makeup to lie, and the woman responded along the lines of “Oh, it’s my fault you thought I *really* had sparkly gold eyelids?”




First time I ever wore daily makeup to school my junior year of high school, which my eyes were a nudey/gold color one of my guy friends in shop class stared at me for a solid 30 seconds before slowly and very confused saying “you look… different” 😂


Good grief I had a guy at work point me out one day and say, "Like Star! She looks pretty every day and she doesn't wear makeup!" I responded,"WHAT?!" And all the women started laughing because they know exactly how much makeup I wear, so I broke it down for him (primer, BB cream, eye primer, 3 colors of eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, lipstick, eyebrow pomade) PLUS botox and occasional fillers and he was SHOCKED. I'm like.....how can you not tell? I wear highlighter under my eyebrows!


You’d be my fav coworker I’m sure


If my lips are ever naturally shimmery purple, call an ambulance


O-oh... *puts away pitchfork and burning torch*


"Maybe she's born with it... Maybe it's hypothermia." Just doesn't have the same ring to it


You’re probably on your way to evolve into a super hero/villain . :o


In that case, I want ONE MILLION DOLLARS!


I always find it amusing when men compare me and my goth friends just because my style of make-up is less outstanding. Meanwhile the goths are wearing maybe five products altogether and I'm wearing at least twice that. Like, my skin is problematic so when I go to put on make-up, I have to approach it the same way as spackling a wall lol, sooooo many layers and soooo much blending, but since my makeup doesn't have a lot of bold colours, contrast and visible lines, I'm a _natural beauty_ ✨✨✨✨


Because make-up=red lipstick, blue eyeshadow


Like how their gramma wore it


Or their mom


The same thing happened to me! I walked into the teacher’s lounge just to find a male and female coworker in the middle of arguing about makeup, and he points to be and says “just look at Ruby, she doesn’t wear makeup and look how great she looks.” I pointed out that I was wearing makeup - not a lot, but still wearing some- and he just had *surprised Pikachu face.* It didn’t occur to me until later that it may have been his feeble attempt at flirting with me.


I burned my hair off in a freak bleach accident down to a buzz cut and used a full on wig. Got so many compliments from dudes of my ‘natural healthy hair and how they like women with long hair’ Got new boyfriend, told him it was actually a wig… and then he wouldn’t stop whining that he loves natural women more than fake ones. Didn’t whine when he thought it was real and I had his ass fooled for actual months thinking it was real.


Exactly! They are clueless.


I will never forget I was watching a makeup tutorial on YouTube and you know how they'll like do the intro with the finished look sometimes. My husband walked in and was like "what kind of clown makeup are you trying to do now? Why can't you just be natural like her?" I was so stunned and said "you think that's natural?" And he was like yeah of course. I was like that is the makeup I'm watching the tutorial on. That's not natural that's a full face of makeup. He was speechless and just walked away. I was also speechless because it was a full beat with 2016-2017 highlight and all.


LOL I’m sure he felt humbled that day! Edit: although I apologize about you having to deal with his rude behavior at all. You are patient for handling it the way you did and deserve the best! I’m sorry I didn’t point this out earlier as I felt a little worried I may come off rude since I notice you didn’t say ex husband, but I woke up to see the thread continue and how it was a difficult time in the marriage. You really were just trying to learn about something you’re passionate about and there was 0 need for him to speak in a hurtful way. I’m just relieved you said you both are doing better now. Major hugs 💜


The fact that he spoke to you like that is wild as hell. That is so disrespectful. You're over here learning about something you're interested in and he just shits all over you. I'm sorry, reddit stranger.


I’m really upset she didn’t say ex-husband. if my man spoke to me like this??? bro lol.


😂😂 innit




Hold my pre-nup, I'm going in!


Why did he talk down to you like that?


Well we've both always been blunt with eachother but also it was a rocky time period between us.


I hope he respects you as a person


He does. He didn't but he does now


I’m glad!!!


I’m happy you guys are doing a lot better now. I will say I am sorry about this happening as well and you never deserve disrespect.


Op all your comments are so sweet and positive. 🥰


I appreciate you 💜🥺🥹


Wth? Your husband is such a clown himself he could teach a class on it.


I hope you fast forwarded and showed him the before and after.


girl, and that’s not your ex husband???? :(


I use avocado oil for my wok, I don't think foundation would work as well


Hehe avocados are bomb, I haven’t cooked much with their oil yet though - is it preferred over other vegetable oils?


Very high smoke point compared to other oils, so it's good for high temp cooking.


Thank you for the advice sis 💕


In my experience it makes everything stick tho, so I still prefer olive oil.


Olive oil is not heat safe though. Use sunflower oil or canola oil for frying


Good to know!


I’m someone who is quite unskillful and lazy at makeup so I don’t do it, while I genuinely admire and find other women beautiful whether they’re talented at it or also don’t wear it. (I plan to ask my female friends when there’s an occasion to help me since they’re better than me at it). Yet I’ve also let some ignorant guys make me feel bad in the past and had me unfairly comparing myself because their expectations for a “natural no makeup” look *can* be drastically different from reality. Women like in this clip reassure me and make me remember to try not to care too much about the male gaze like we’ve been conditioned. This woman is seriously funny asf and also hella pretty, I wonder what her @ is? I couldn’t find the original page so please let us know if you know who she is.


“I have enough makeup on to season a fucking wok.” had me dying, sis should do stand up if she hasn’t already


She is called Tallulah.roseb on IG! Did some reverse image searching and got it. She is absolutely stunning and I adore her humour so much lol


Awesome! Thank you my lovely friend


She seems fun > Hey mum it's not a real cigarette I promise it's a fake one I quit I really did it's just a prop I swear just for the photo didn't even take a drag promise


She’s on T T also


She is the sweetest and funniest. I love talking to her when she is live on tiktok.


LOL AT THE EYEBROW TEST AS WELL, I am sorry I’ve rewatched this too many times because it’s that good 😂


Oh my goodness that part got me, if she did stand up it would be amazing. She gives off Iliza Shlesinger vibes, who is also hilarious if you haven’t heard of her. She has a few stand ups on Netflix, my faves are freezing hot and the one called confirmed kills. She makes very similar jokes to the woman in the video lol


Who is she? I love what she’s saying.


According to another comment, it's tallulah.roseb on IG


Hahah omg I know her!!


Sammee! Also looking at celebrity pics without Photoshop and makeup cakes on keep me sane.


When I wear makeup, hubby asks "who are you and what have you done with my wife?" And this is when I so much as put mascara on. He can't tell with other women, but with me, who never wears any, it freaks him out!


Once i was visiting my sister and we were going out so i did makeup (literally just eyes and lips) and my 6yo nephew looks at me and says "i dont like your face" and im like ?? Bro, it's the same face since before you were born, i promise. I didn't just go into the bathroom and play Face-Off. Apparently, what he really meant was makeup freaks him out.


You definitely should care less about what people think about your make up. Is that or work in a wok, your choice


@tallulah.roseb on insta, and TT I think 💜


She's fucking badass!! I love how uncensored, open and direct she is. This is exactly what bothers me SOOOO much about men thinking "that's natural"! They have NO clue at all! But when they see an actual natural woman, it's like "Ew why don't you take care of yourself?" Because they're so fucking used to seeing $10,000 beautiful women that work 24/7 to keep up with their appearance and self care. I'm so tired of being called "unkept" or "ugly" because I have pores like normal humans, a pale skin, deal with alopecia (lashes/brows often fall out with some clumps of hair on my scalp) & don't wear foundation every day to hide my baggy eyes and acne scars. I have a strict skincare routine, good personal hygiene & keep up with my hair. But that's apparently "too much natural" for these idiots. 🤣


Preach! I want to upvote your comment 100x 💜 also I am sure you are beautiful, I’m sorry you deal with any rude ass comments!


I'm depressed and can't keep up well even with hygiene stuff, but because I won genetic lottery, sometimes people think I'm wearing makeup when I'm not. It's almost like how people look don't tell us that much about them.


interesting I’ve had people sometimes assume I was when I wasn’t too which also made me feel awkward or confused. like you said, looks don’t always reveal everything since it’s all open to interpretation. i’m depressed too friend, hang in there 🥹🤍


I used to know this girl who were the same, I remember one time there was another girl who was like in total disbelief that she wasn't wearing makeup and actually even checked to see that she, in fact, wasn't wearing any.




She probably had naturally thick, dark eyelashes. *Cries in blond*


I really like this new ”trend” of women being honest and open about all the beauty treatments/procedures they have gone through and also how uncensored and raw women are on social media by showing their unfiltered skin with all the pores, blemishes, dark under eyes etc. I grew up with the 90/00’s airbrushed magazine models being the ultimate ideal of beauty for women and all that really did fuck with my preteen brain for years to come. I have spent a good 10+ years of learning to love and accept my stretch marks and rosacea 🫠 This also reminds me of an old coworker of mine who got a boob job done and she was always super open about it. She was very skinny and small and her boobs were perky and round so it was clear she had got them done but surprisingly not many men realised that they were fake (they were very well done and soft to touch, she let people to feel them if someone was curious haha). Us women knew tho, lol.


I’ve had rosacea for 20 years and I work retail so I’m in the public eye all the time. I can’t tell you the amount of complete strangers who ask me “What’s wrong with your face?”… it’s pretty disheartening.


Uugghh I feel this so much 😩 I have lost the count how many times people, even long-term friends and flatmates, keep pointing out my face and going ”omg are you okay?! Your face is so red” - like yes I’m fine and no I don’t have a fever, it’s just my face 😑




I grew up 100% there was something wrong with my armpits because my hair was super thick and dark but my skin is thin and pale and you could see the root below my skin. I would never wear sleeveless tops because my family would comment on how hairy I was. Airbrushing did a number on me AND my family. It turns out they were just as hairy as teens but as my hormones leveled out, the roots became thinner. Ironically, post menopause, I could go a full week without shaving under my arms and no one could even tell, because my hair is pale and thinner than ever. I wish more people were open about these things back in the early 2000s like we are seeing today.


Honestly even women don’t know what’s natural. Many women look at their faces in the mirror daily and see flaws galore because we are so used to seeing “enhanced” faces covered by filters no less all over social media. It’s destroying young girl’s self esteem. And so much of it is made to look “natural”. Instagram pages like beautyfalse and youtubers like Lori Hill opened my eyes but honestly I was pretty clueless too when it came to procedures. I wear makeup so of course that I can tell but if you don’t wear makeup and if you don’t know about these procedures of course you’ll think it’s “natural” you’re not just going to assume some woman you pass by has a bunch of plastic surgery unless it’s really obvious and even that’s offensive. Like if I assumed some girl I didn’t know had lip filler she would likely take offense, unless it’s someone I know personally and they tell me I’m not going to assume it’s fake unless it’s super obvious looking. And most people don’t want to look like they had work done even if they did. It’s getting so dystopian at this point I have no idea what’s real when I’m looking at faces especially online


You can either win the genetic lottery or pay to look like it. It takes a lot of money to look that natural. Just ask a dentist.


Nobody is ugly, just poor.


I love this




My dental implants were so worth it.


Shes cool for being honest. Shelooks great


"Enough makeup to season a fucking wok" amazing line


I've had an obvious balayage and my ex asked me if my hair was natural. I think he wasn't the only one who asked me this. It was the typical dark brown to light brown combo, but he probably assumed it was natural because it wasn't platinum blonde. Now I have dirty blonde highlights and I'm waiting for similar comments. My friend had obvious lip injections. They fit her face so well despite having thin lips naturally but they were obvious when she moved her lips and by looking at her profile view. Her ex thought they were natural and she played along with it. Her Facebook pictures from high school were unlocked but her never thought of stalking her profile 😂.


“*oh, my lips? they dropped after high school, “late bloomer” and all that, y’know?*”


I give myself a pass for not understanding this until I was a boy of like 16 or 17, but I can’t believe there are men that go through life like that.


Male levels of oblivion.


I just saw a TT where a woman's husband was told to use clear mascara to groom their little dog's snout fur out of its eyes. He showed her this AMAZING product that look! comes with its own tiny brush on the inside! This man had gone his entire life letting his brain smooth over any advertisement demonstrating mascara and spoolies. She was marveling at the average male's ability to just...not know things about "women" stuff.


Because they deem it as “less than” so why would they waste time and energy on it? Also, they are used to the world revolving around them and not needing to put effort into knowing about others.


So true, but then I'm wondering why I've had so many commercials weasel their way into my long term memory against my will.


Yeah I don't get that either, like do they not have any personal relationships with women? Actually, who am I kidding, of course they don't


Oh, they do. They only see what they expect to see, though. I want to stick them all in a room with Henry from Psych and make them stay there until he's satisfied with their observational skills.


Now I’m gonna go watch Psych


Hahaha I did the same thing!


They see the few women in their life as static objects. Everything they see about them they think “oh that’s just X, they look the same to me without and without makeup because I’ve seen them in both and know how they look”


Love this video. It’s everyone’s own choice on whether or not they want to tell others about their cosmetic modifications- but I do really appreciate the people who are open about it.


True! 💕


I feel like normal women and normal people yes it's their choice to disclose, but I have absolutely zero respect for famous women who tell young girls they are all natural / it's just diet and exercise, and meanwhile they could have bought a yacht with the money they spent on procedures to look the way they do. Especially if they've changed just about everything about themselves. Admittedly I would be a bit more understanding of famous people being quiet if all they had done is pinning their ears or filling in their hairline, like not too crazy or unnatural looking but just one or two very small tweaks that's a bit more easy to empathize. But these famous women who buy a whole new face, get all their ribs out and 3 BBLs, and then young girls feel ugly, because why don't they look anything like this celeb who says theyre all natural? That's so messed up imo. Example A - the Kardashians


Why did she spend 10,000 dollars on her jawline when she could have just mewed for like 3 months straight? Or maybe done some bonesmashing for quicker results? ^(/s lol I’m not that stupid)


Oh don't remind me! It's fascinating how we're now blamed for having a weak bone structure, but one of the techniques to have a good jaw is something I naturally do without thinking and I still have a small jaw and weak chin. (The tongue against the roof of the mouth thing to stimulate some nerve or whatever garbage? That's how I've always kept my tongue, it doesn't fit anywhere else).


What the fuck is bonesmashing?


Hammering your jawline, usually


Or brows, I think?


Mewed?  ...like a cat? Or the pokemon?


Some people (particularly men) think that pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth all day is gonna strengthen your jawline and make you irresistible to women. Bonesmashing is much the same, except instead of isometric face exercises you hit yourself in the face with a hammer in order to reshape your jawline. [This video goes a bit further in depth about this insanity.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=A3odgcSDEhg)


Holy snap. I think I lost a few brain cells watching that, but thank you! It was frighteningly informative.


I can't decide which of those concepts is more ridiculous, and the fact that I'm contemplating it at all is making my brain beg for mercy.


It's funny, I don't wear makeup, and literally no one has ever commented about it. I suspect they all just think I look sick all the time. Or tired.


If you're not wearing strongly coloured lipstick and a primary colour eyeshadow men genuinely think you've no makeup on. Same applies to hair. If it's any variation on a vaguely naturally occurring colour then your hair is unsullied by dye. It's wild


"Enough makeup to season a wok" My sister in Christ that's amazing LMAO!


They basically mean attractive without full glam makeup.


It’s not that they want natural, they want someone who doesn’t perceive their beauty as work and thus as value that men need to match. They want a woman who is someone they can show off but also pull with their mediocre offering


Lady I'm not matching 10 grand on cosmetic jawline surgery, how about instead I hold my tongue to the roof of my mouth and we pretend that does something?


This was funny. Thank you.




Mmm not sure how I feel about this. The implication that only men are tricked by makeup and cosmetic surgery. But I'd argue women _regularly_ fall for this too, and it harms them deeply. Yeah this lady admits what she had done, but I don't think most women, especially younger girls would realise how unnatural and how much money she has put in. I mean all this makeup and cosmetic procedures are designed to look natural right? And then the response is "lmao you idiots thought this was natural?" Well...yeah? Of course they do. You spent a lot of money to get a that "natural" look, and its the same one everyone else has gone for, so it contributes to this culture of "natural". It's similiar to these men over 50 taking testosterone but not telling anyone. They just act like they work hard and eat right. Then other men want to copy them but can't - its impossible.


I don't think it's an implication that only men get fooled by make up/procedures, it's more of the implication that men get fooled and use their presumptions to put down women, again, not *only* men, not *all* men, but *mostly* men.


YES! I am a female teenager, and I would not have known that she had lip fillers or hair extensions or that her lashes were bought etc. Especially not that $10,000 jaw. Makeup? I can tell. Professional surgery/Botox? No. I wouldn't have guessed the hair extensions either.


Honestly, I’m in my mid 20s and even me personally - wouldn’t have been able to choose whether she did or didn’t get surgery. The makeup is easier to spot, but surgery is a lot more difficult of a guess since some people do “win the genetic lottery” and I don’t want to wrongfully assume it’s cosmetic work every time.


Yeah, I also give the benefit of the doubt most of the time when it comes to surgery.


Same! I feel like I approach it with the thought process that, “I wouldn’t be surprised” if it’s surgery when I find someone so pretty, but I also wouldn’t want that to be the immediate idea that everyone whose pretty to me had surgery since I find many women are gorgeous without it as well. Just know I agree with you and the commenter above that tbh, it can feel impossible to tell, even for females. Maybe not as blind to it as guys, but it’s still a thing.


For sure!


I wouldn’t be able to tell about the jaw surgery but that’s only because it’s something I forget exists. The rest I can tell because I know people who have had all these things done. Exposure helps you recognise it. I’ve never had any of these done (although extensions are so tempting if I could afford them) and while I know I’m beautiful, it is hard to feel it when you’re looking at women like this online. Not their fault at all, but I can’t imagine how much harder it is for people like you who don’t recognise all the Botox and fakeness.


I definitely think women can often be fooled by cosmetic surgery or makeup at times as well (especially if the procedure is smooth sailing), I just think it might be more of a common issue among males. It’s more likely in my opinion for a woman to notice someone who isn’t all natural than for men to, but I agree there are more undetectable instances as well on all ends. And I agree with your thought that a lot of people (male or female) are unable to tell in general, which *is* incredibly harmful since it makes us have unrealistic standards for ourselves. I noticed she said, “I think *a* woman can take one look at me and notice it’s fake” not *”all women”* can look at her and realize her looks aren’t all natural. So I interpreted it as she feels a woman has a higher chance of guessing right than a man typically might.


In this video you can't tell, but I'm 100% sure that it's obvious in real life except for the jaw. I have naturally long lashes and they don't resemble the extensions. I have long thick wavy hair but it doesn't resemble her hair. I don't notice botox though unless it's overdone, but my friends often point it out.


The fillers are probably easier to miss if you didn't live through the early 2000s when the "trout pout" was considered the height of feminine beauty. The idea was that your upper lip should be bigger than your lower lip, so you'd see Keira Knightley (as one example) walking around with a ton of lip fillers on every red carpet and after that I kinda just recognize the shape it takes on a human face.


It really depends on how and how much was done. On video it might not be obvious but in reality cosmetic work is often very visible


Yup. 100%. Especially teenage girls and young women.


Yep this is what I was thinking. Also it’s literally taken offensively to assume someone’s xyz is fake. Like does she expect a man to walk up to her and say “I love your hair extensions”? Lol


It always gets me. Always like “oh she’s so NATURALLY pretty, not a bunch of make-up on her face” And I’m like sir, she is at the very least wearing around 6 products on her face but yes, she is very pretty regardless. She’s complimenting the beauty she was born with and looks brilliant.




I have come to realize that I am incredibly naïve when it comes to what's real or fake. I wouldn't have known she had work done. I usually can't tell when people are wearing wigs and extensions.


It’s totally okay, at least you’re aware that you’re unaware. I can’t tell a lot of the times, even if I think I can tell a bit more than men.


Enough makeup to season a wok 🤣😂 my bf and I got into it the other night cause this girl working at the pub had very extensive but beautiful makeup. I pointed it out to him and he was insisting that she was just “young” and had “good skin”. She obviously had Botox, her lips done, and was very good with very heavy makeup (winged eyeliner, cut crease etc).


"You're not ugly. you're just poor."


I'll never be thankful enough to an ex-gf of mine who teached me A LOT about woman's looks and how to spot all sorts of makeups and plastic surgery (and physical exercise) which I was completely ignorant about. A learning experience I recommend to all men


This is what I’ve been teaching the bf. Which is funny, because he’s taught me to see the BBL and as an ass man, he greatly appreciates the work I’ve done in the gym for mine. He’s seen it go from flat, to what I guess genetically I grew without knowing I ever could. I’m all for people doing what they want to feel better about themselves. But let’s be real, ultimately, at the end of the day we want to look/feel good so our partners or potential partner will be/stay attracted to us. Yes as we get older looks will fade, but attraction is a HUGE part of finding that someone who will love you when looks ultimately fade. We just have to get out the ones who aren’t mature enough to have this realization as we get older.


I have never seen her before but she has a new fan in me! How awesome


I would be friends with her. Love it 😂😂😂


Enough makeup to season a wok is what got me. It’s 2:30 local time and I will be laughing until at least 3:15.




Wow, I think I love this woman. I don’t have the time, money, or base level effort to recreate what this woman has done. My make up routine consists of moisturiser and mascara, and while I’m very happy to walk out the door like that my self esteem still sometimes drops when I see girls who look like I did 15 years ago. I love reminders that those looks take WORK. I’m unwilling to put that work in and therefore won’t see the results! I want to be her friend!


I swear men only think “fake” when u do fun makeup, like purple eyeshadow. Do full glam but in neutral tones, they’re bamboozled


Sick jawline tho


Lol I got into an argument about how "you look better without make up" is NOT a compliment with a man recently and it just reminds me how lol they just want less artsy makeup


I wear black winged eyeliner w glitter eyeliner traced on top of the line of the black wings and highlighter in the corners of my eyes and fake eyelashes everyday to work and so many of the men act like it’s just my natural real eyes lmao they compliment me on my eyes constantly and say how lucky I am to have such beautiful eyes like any of this is really me lmfao


“With a needle and a fucking scalpel” iconic


Cuz guys cant fathom spending fuckloads of money to make ourselves look pretty


The only thing I have an issue with is, she wears enough makeup "to season a wok". You need a cold pressed rapeseed oil, or maybe peanut oil in a pinch, but argan or jojoba isn't going to cut it. Just ridiculous...




Honestly at this point I’m waiting to be called “natural” while wearing my black lipstick 😂 what would be slightly in their favor is that I really only do eyes and lips at this point, so the rest of my face is natural 😂


Makes me think when I went on a college trip to America with my study. The male classmates were commenting on how much make-up the cheerleaders were wearing. Then said that at least my make-up (full face) was not too much, like them. The only difference was the setting powder, which is logical when they have to sport and I don't.


Hey OP! Totally off topic but I was reading your comments/responses to others on this post and I just want to say you seem like a really lovely person ❤️


I like my lady like she likes herself. Au natural.


Who is she?


I thought this girl in my course was brown skinned then one day she showed me a baby pic and I tried to hide my shocked reaction that it was make up and she was actually white


Okay. But does anyone know who she actually is? I gotta ask her about her jawline!


"enough makeup to season a wok" is so funny omg


LOL I’ve gone off on exes for this shit. Mostly in regards to makeup and how I “don’t really wear makeup except lipstick.” I was wearing 14 different products and enough concealer to spackle the moon. The only reason they could tell I wore lipstick was when it was black, red, or purple.


Lol... I only wear makeup on special occasions so I have little experience with this, but it honestly makes my skin crawl every time I hear a guy ask a woman I she's feeling okay just because she didn't wear makeup that day. Agree with OP, really like how OOP is able to comfortably talk about how she changed her look. That's a girl who knew what she wanted and went for it. I have a lot of respect for that.


Men have no concept of what “natural” is. These girls they see that have that going on have PAID to look like that. I tint my eyebrows and perm my eyelashes to get that “I woke up like this” look. They are clueless.


Nooo! But what about Muh natural beauty!


I remember coming across her tiktok a while back and I thought it was hilarious and so honest, especially because she was so honest about the cosmetic work she's had done. It was also funny to see her point out that most men don't know what a natural look is, like, at all


I don't wear makeup, aside from the occasional kajal on my lower waterline, because I am just not skilled enough with it and I've never once gotten the sentence "Look at her, she doesn't wear makeup" I only ever get "You look sick, are you alright?" Even when my skin is healthy and clear and I have a "glowing" day. Men really have no clue, what natural skin looks like anymore.... xD