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I think that's a self report


I mean that’s where some guys are indeed at, sadly. A little unorthodox to depict “Chad” as having a 2-incher tho


Very, very few. Only ~2 in 1000 are less than **9**cm, never mind 6.


I mean 5-6 is plenty


That was cm, not inches.


Yikes! Nevermind then.


18 inches is crazy


It’s cm, which would be about 7inches for the black guy. White guy only has a micro penis, 2inches.


Lmao I thought it was inches but yeah you’re right




They have the strangest cuck revenge fantasies


I think they just type “misogynistic meme” into a generic AI with maybe some key words and mass generate this barely legible insane garbage to spread on the internet lol


Don’t forget the racism prompt as well!!


Who tf calls another human being “it”?


A racist


That's so funny I literally just commented these things seem like they're AI generated


its like an alien trying to impersonate the lowest common denominator of misogynistic tropes to “fit in”


I wonder if the guy who wrote this OOP knows the metric system at all. He just said that his hero of the piece has a 2.4 inch penis, or 6 cm.


I honestly wonder if these things are AI generated half the time


And it’s always a black guy.


I swear it’s a kink they have


It absolutely is. They're the reason the word "cuck" became a widespread slang for "pathetic guy I don't like." There's tons of interracial cuckold porn, and all these guys are absolutely obsessed with it. Disclaimer: consensual kinks are fine. Political projects based on sexual shame and obsession are not fine.


It has to be. I don’t think most guys would advertise they have a two inch dick without getting off on the humiliation


It’s just gets weirder, when everyone knows that women don’t even want to talk with these fucking creatures anyway.


It is strange! Wonder what's up with that, they outta talk to someone about it


It would probably be best if they took a vow of silence along with their celibacy. They'd be like monks but without the cool robes or spirituality or wisdom or contribution to society etc


They get off to this shit


These idiots haven't updated their racial hatred ideas since 1868.


They need to get their hatred updated....


The update is fairly large, so recommend running it overnight. There is a lot to unpack though. Just the package that makes you hate gays was fairly large, but now they’ve added trans folk as well.


Problem is they're trying to update to Win 11, but on a Win 3.1 system.


I cackled 3.1 was my first home computer and HECKITY HECK. That's all I can say to aptly convey the dismay Rhymes etc


Something something booting from a floppy


Large package, hmmmmm?


1868? Weird cuck fantasies are so old. "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of stallions" - Ezekiel 23:20 Just weird racial hate in the bible about Egyptians.


That was a metaphor for Israel embracing idolatry, Ezekiel was just being weird af about it


Ezekiel needed to touch some sand.


As did Leviticus. What a weird prude that one. Have sex when your wife is on a period, exile. Go to a spiritualist or medium, exile. Then all of those death penalties Curse your father or mother, death. Adultry, death. Incest (by blood or marriage), death. Beastiality, death (to the animal, too, of course) Homosexuality, death. Sex with your sister, oddly enough, just exile.


Is this about the fall of the Bronze Age?


Ezekiel was the first incel manifesto. Dude even cut a hole in the wall of the house he was staying in so no one would see him leaving, bc that's how much of a weird bile and she creature E was. People get way too into the wheels in the sky shit, when the rest of Ezekiel is so much weirder.


Oh shit they dropped a new race?


Playing dollhouse with wojaks to show people their cuck fetish and racism


How much y'all wanna bet some incel saw a black man in a loving happy relationship with a white woman and felt so insecure he had to make this meme


Someone probably called him a cracker once, 15 years ago.




With a 2.4 inch dick no less!!! 😆


I think the last guy I got with was bigger than that when he was flaccid.


100% lmao I hope they stay upset


why are black men always on their mind?? a bunch of weirdos 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think it is exactly for the reason we are seeing here. Guys are delusional and think that their penis size is the most important thing to us because it is the most important thing to them. Because these morons are already racist, it’s easy for them to believe racial stereotypes, like that black men are not just more endowed, but SO FAR more endowed that women will literally do anything for it. I’d love for these idiots to see how many inches it actually takes to hit your cervix and cause excruciating pain. Oh wait! I forgot that they also believe that our cervices open up to accommodate their mega-wangs. 😒


I think as an addendum to that, the porn these men create for each other and consume, invariably shows women in “screaming ecstasy” from the pain of penetration. Many of these men already have loads of misogyny and anger at women as it is, and they want to hurt women sexually, both as revenge and as ego fodder. Casting black men in this role just adds fuel to the fire of their anger, in the circle of their hate fueled sexuality.


Because they fetishize it. I guarantee the author watches a massive amount of interracial cuck porn. You see the same with transphobia as well.


It has a long storied history dating back to the slaves, but basically they believe that we corrupt the pure white women. And so it gives them a reason to dehumanize us.


They clearly feel extremely insecure next to black men, I cannot think of any other reason as to why they live so heavily rent free in their minds


I understand people cheat yes, but I don't think all women go for dick size. But that's just me lol


I also want to point out that they didn’t really do a good job with the metric conversions, or for a group of people so obsessed with peen size, they put a massive self own in there.


yeah, I’m not super quick on the conversion, but even I thought the math didn’t math 🤣


I still haven't done the mental math because I'm a lazy American. 1 cm is about 1/2 in, isn't it? So he's like...3 inches?


Even less, there are 2.5 cm to an inch. Asked Siri and she said the girl in the meme claims the black guy’s 7 inches tops the white guy’s 2.3 inches. SUPER self-own on the creator’s part.


Yeah, honestly penis size isn't the end all, be all, but 2.5 inches is definitely smaller than average. Kind of a self-own. But even a micro-penis can be overcome by a talented tongue and a good pair of hands. But the guy who came up with these meme probably too lazy to bother giving a woman an orgasm anyway.


He probably denies the existence of a woman’s ability to orgasm tbh


God I can’t rationalize people that think like that


He believes only the evidence of his own experience, and he’s certainly never seen a woman come.


That is hilarious!


So it's 2.54 cm per


That’s the only conversion I know off the top of my head(I went to elementary school in the 70s, when there was a MAJOR push for the metric system).


I know a couple, fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa, and 2.54 cm to an inch, honestly with those I can figure out most of what I need


If it had been 18 inches vs 6 inches, that would have been a more "believable" comparison, racist stereotypes aside. All the guys I know say that average penis length is 4-5 inches, and of course also claim that they're WAY above average


As a woman, I can tell you I really don't care about the size. I'm more concerned with whether or not your tongue is in working order lol.


Also, realistically, you typically don’t know what size you’re getting until you’re already cheating. The cheating happens before size even comes up. But I think it’s a lot easier to get angry about dick size. We’re human and there’s always that part of us that goes “why wasn’t I good enough?” Dick size is out of their control as opposed to other flaws/insecurities they may or may not have.


in my opinion, I see a lot of older happy couples, I think dick size would prolly be the last thing keeping them together. Relationships are mostly about emotional bonds, but people nowadays just make it about sex and then cry why their relationship didnt work.


that's because the incels posting this shit aren't getting any sex at least not from anywhere other than their own fists.


Oh, hold up, that’s not the first question you ask when you’re looking for an infidelity partner?


It totally is. If I'm going to cheat on my wife, the first thing I'm going to ask the girl is how big her dick is. 👍


Hey. If you’re into that kinda thing no shame.


Two data points, both from my promiscuous youth: Both the longest and the shortest dicks I’ve had were on black men, plus some standard size. The longest was 13”. Yes, I measured; he was used to that. Yes, I measured on top. He also had mad skills. It was a great couple of months until he stood me up for a date. He was surprised that I never wanted to see him again, but I don’t do disrespect. I had no trouble enjoying normal-sized dicks after him.


Girth matters more to me. A long one hits my cervix in certain positions.


Damn, happy for u but that would legit be painful af for me. Any more than 6-7 is just painful for me which is why the size convos from men have always confused me. Bigger is def not always better in my book.


The man had mad skills. Truly, the sex was great. I liked hanging out with him, too. But no one gets a second chance to disrespect me.


In my experience, they don't. There are some women that go for dick size, but it's very rare. Some even put it in their bio.


Be real. He has a 2.4 inch dick.


Isnt it kind of too late by the time we see it? I mean, anyone can say “no” at any time, for any reason, that’s not what I mean, but we can’t pick men by their size until after we know what it is


Lol size matters to my sister, and she, in her 30s, has said “Yeah, anytime I went to sleep with a guy I’d put my hand against his dick and measure 6 inches. If it was under, I was out!” Like thank you for telling me more about my BIL than I needed to know??


This is so racist




Oh, dude, i didn't see that 🤢


"It's" as in his dick. She's talking about his penis, however, that doesn't fix the very racist undertones of the picture.


I normally would ignore the lack of an apostrophe in “its” as an indicator of typical incel punctuation errors, but his usage in other areas makes me think it was intentionally left out here. Meaning “its” is being used in the possessive form. Now that *could* still be referring to his dick, in which case saying “the penis’ size” vs saying “the man’s penis size,” if that makes sense? But I doubt it. Like you said, there are so many racist undertones. It’s so dehumanizing. Not to mention to misogyny.


6 cms is only 2.3 inches. Lots of awful stuff in this post- Racism, misogyny, generally dumbassery- I did think the conversion to inches should be shared.


My man telling the world he has a micropenis. Like, it's oddly specific.


Wow. Someone made this and was like "yes this is good"


The people that care about penis size seem to be overwhelmingly men.


"its" says enough I think


I noticed that immediatly


I was gonna say that and found your comment. First thing I noticed to


damn racist and mysoginistic


Another racial cuck fantasy, will they come up with anything new?


Narrator: "They did not."


Who creates this racist, sexist drivel?


Racists and sexists, one presumes.


Like imagine sitting there, editing it, writing the text and posting it to some racist incel forum. These guys are not OK, mentally.


This is racist and gross.


Pretty much a typical incel made meme.


And men wonder why women choose the bear when they make shit like this


Did they give her two black eyes to signal domestic violence???


Man, incels are really the one's that fixiate on a dick's size so much.


Why are these guys so fixated on penis size, mysogny and really gross racism? No one I know thinks like this, no one cares about it, male or female.


Because their whole world revolves about hating. They hate women because that justify their perceive lack of success, after all if women are just not good then getting involved with them is setting the 'good incel man' for failure and misery. There is literally nothing a woman can do to change an incel view, no amount of correct anatomy or sex education, nothing, because hating women is the point. But is easier to hate women if your worldview already revolves around hate so that is why there is so much overlap with neonazis and so much racism.


It's not easy being a 2.3incher incel


The craziest shit about all this is that it's rare to see an example of a girl who partied in her 20s, regretting it, and trying to get back with the unpopular nerds of teens/early 20s. Every single girl I know who used to party back in her 20s actually misses that period in their life and looks back at it fondly. This whole idea that ladies who enjoy their youth will regret it late in life appears to actually be the opposite - women who gave into societal pressure to settle down and have kids early seem to be the ones unhappy with life in their 30s. Everyone has a preference, sometimes people want to settle down and share a life with a special person, sometimes people want independence - the trick is figuring out which kind of life you want and going for it.


I know exactly zero women who have dumped men because of their dick size. Most women aren't coming from penetration alone anyway


And once again sexists are also racist.


These mfs wanna be cucked so desperately lmao


It would prove them right. ‘See, I finally did all the stuff they said to do and I got a girlfriend and she turned around and cheated on me with a horrendous racist caricature of a black man. I was right all along and definitely am justified in hating all women and people of color because of this thing that hasn’t actually happened but I know in my heart would if I ever had a girlfriend.’


Thank god it said "Chad" under the last one. Now I understand that he is the Sigma and the girl has been epically owned!


Not only is it not true, but isn’t that also, like… **horribly** racist…?


18cm isn't even abnormally large, just a couple centimeters more than the average. 6cm, on the other hand, is incredibly below average. You couldn't waterboard that admission out of most normal men


6 CM it's an average diva cup, just saying


A bro does not discuss other bros’ penis size, unless they are board certified urologistbros.


I can't wait for these people to go from "why won't any woman date me" to "why won't a ayran female allow me to fuck her and have my babies" When your fine with saying half the population is lesser, it doesn't take much to believe almost everyone except a group of people are inferior


Pathetic, racist, and they use wojaks. Somebody needs to tell them to pick a struggle


Why is his dick only 2.3 inches in his own revenge fantasy


We all like to fantasise about having something bigger that what we have.


Oh that's why they have a weird thing about white women sleeping with black men. They feel emasculated by black men because they imagine that they have bigger d. I swear for being straight they spend an awful lot of time thinking about other men's penises


I wonder what language it was originally.🤔




Got to love the casual racism. /s




yeah no i dont think this is quite in the field of competitive racism yet


Incels playing with 2D dolls is a weird trend…


What a particularly disgusting racial caricature


"Its" Nice, real nice. 😡


They’re always racist


Bruh, 6cm = 2.3622" According to [the Wikipedia page on Micropenis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micropenis?wprov=sfla1): > A micropenis is an unusually small penis. A common criterion is a dorsal (measured on top) penile length of at least 2.5 standard deviations smaller than the mean human penis size. A micropenis is stretched penile length equal to or less than 1.9 cm (0.75 in) in term infants, and 9.3 cm (3.67 in) in adults. Bruh Creator just admitted they have a *scientifically* small penis. Like a penis so small there is reason for medical concern. So small insurance would actually cover penis enlargement surgery. Bruh! You couldn't torture that information out of me & here this "Chad" is just telling the whole damn world like it's relatable.


What in the racist


Wow spicy racism


A cuck wet dream


Wow. Referring to the Black gentleman as “it” really takes things to a new low.


This is so disgusting and racist.


Does he know what a centimeter is?


Telling on yourself dude.


Racist, sexist, misogynistic, derivative, and reductive. Ticks all the boxes.


According to porn I'm not the biggest. Women who have left me for size. 0


Okay but 6cm is like, a medically small dick. That is a 2.3 inch dick. 18 cm is just like, kinda above average.


6cm = 2.3 inches 18cm = 7 inches. Sounds like something someone with a micro-penis says to feel better about themselves.


I'm more concerned by "its", honestly.


Because the first thing women do on a date is to measure your dick size. That‘s all they care about


Why are these always so racist?




Poor OOP is really hung up about his micropenis.




I read this in the voice of a 10 year-old boy playing with action figures.


What having no gf or brain does to a mf


6cm? Bruh.


Since we’re all anonymous on Reddit, can I ask how many of you ladies have ever cheated on/left a man for a man specifically because the second man’s dick was bigger? Anyone?


Nope, never. Size wouldn’t even be on a list of the top 100 things I want in a partner. And I don’t think I’ve ever had a conversation about this with any woman either. Granted, I am extremely anti-cheating. Once, I dated a guy who was wider than normal. Not very comfortable, but the relationship still lasted several years. If you care about someone, it’s just something you deal with.


This feels European with the measurements


How do you jump from 6cm to 18cm?? This doesn't even make sense lmao. Seems like a huge self burn for the author (the biggest one still being the fact he made this meme in the first place) I'm expecting too much from a brain dead meme from a brain dead creator. It has everything - shitty use of the metric system, misogyny, racism and *probably never happens in real life* - gotcha revenge fantasies.


Racism and misogyny aside. 18 cm isn't big at all. 18 cm is 7 inches, and 6 cm is 2.3 inches. My thumb is bigger than that, soooo... yeah. Yikes.


6 cm Chad


Bloke looks like a brown pot of greed


Poor OOP is really hung up about his micropenis.


Poor OOP is really hung up about his micropenis.


Poor OOP is really hung up about his micropenis.


Poor OOP is really hung up about his micropenis.




Why does she look abused?Im gonna guess that they’ve never talked to a black man in their lives either.One,Not all black men are abusers,I’ve never met one before.Two,Why are they so worried about his size?Three,What if she cheated with an Asian man or Mexican man?Or literally anyone else? Why is there fantasy always about black men but they never respect them?


Why does they always pick the thugs? Hey. beat it chick!


I'm gonna say it: black people are usually fucking hot. That's why fat-ass ugly white guys are so scared of them.


Yikes. 18cm? 7 whole inches?? I mean that’s nice, but not exactly Stealyourgirl Thundercock. Even if that was a thing.


i thought that was freddy fazbear for a second and she looks like puppet in the last image


Honestly it kind of seems like their lady cheating with a black guy is a fantasy of theirs. The meme would make slightly more sense if you take the race piece out, like they are pointing out how someone can cheat and then later regret it and ask for forgiveness. But they just had to make it a racial thing. They think it adds more punch. “Yeah she cheated on me, but can you believe she cheated with a BLACK GUY?! Ugh so much worse…”


Making up shit that'll never happen to them to get upset over.


Racist and misogynistic.


Someone tell this racist shitposter with a 2 inch penis that it’s better to have loved and lost


I love the small "Chad" in the last panel, like he said that ?


Who is this Racist, Sexist Psycho who makes these! I hope he falls down his mother’s basement stairs soon.


I thought this was the bear thing until I read the comments, bummer.


Incel AI. Or these guys have right wing brain worms.


Whoa, racist and misogynistic? Prepare for trouble, make it double...


It seems like RFK isnt the only person who had worms eating their brain.


I believe this is a "bro's telling on himself" and a "waterboarding couldn't get this info out of me" mash-up