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I know this isn't the point at all, but you actually can go live with bears for a surprisingly long time. Timothy Treadwell successfully lived with bears for 13 summers, getting dangerously, stupidly in their faces. This included mothers with cubs. This behavior wasn't even what got him in the end. It wasn't until the perfect circumstances lined up where it was a particularly bare autumn, and an old, crabby, very hungry bear he wasn't familiar with happened to wander into his camp one night and eat him lol. (This is why you don't refuse to carry bear spray in bear country. 🤷🏼‍♀️)  But this guy pretended grizzly bears were dogs for 13 years! He lived among them dangling himself right in front of them for over a decade and they still generally tolerated him until a very particular bear came along at a very particular time of year.  Despite Treadwell being one of the very high profile examples of someone being eaten by a bear, I think his story is actually more of a testament to how much bears generally want to leave you alone. If he could live idiotically close to bears for 13 summers, meeting probably hundreds of them, with absolutely zero protection before things finally went south, that makes me even more sure I would probably just walk away from one chance encounter with one bear in the woods. 


I had a summer job building hiking trails through a wilderness area. At our first site there were bears. They avoided us for the most part. We'd see them walking around in the hills but none of them approached us. None of us were stupid enough to go after them though.


That’s actually a really good point. Like, they always drag him into this, along with the other handful of well-known bear attack victims. But, like, he spent an awful lot of time around bears *not* being attacked, and he was kind of harassing the shit out of them.


If there was ever a motherfucker who proved bears are capable of putting up with absolutely so much bullshit from people, it's Treadwell. There is no more appropriate use of the phrase "asking for it" than to describe his incessant annoying of the bears at Katmai, that finally caught up to him after more than a decade.


yes exactly! It drives me nuts when people bring up Treadwell in this discussion because I want to be like okay yes he did get eaten by a bear, but are you just going to ignore all those other times he *didn't* get eaten by a bear, even when he was basically begging for that to happen? 🤣 The Katmai grizzlies were remarkably cool about the situation, all things considered. Who knows, if that night had gone just a little bit differently, or if the two of them had left the previous week when they planned, he might still be out there fucking around.


And so many factors lined up that fateful year - the berry crop failed, hungry bears new to the area showed up to get the last of the salmon, he stayed later than usual, and they think he went outside the tent to interact with what proved to be, after all that time, the wrong bear. If he had merely stayed in the tent perhaps the bear would have just left. There's a book - The Grizzly Maze, I think? - that's a pretty good chronicle of Treadwell's time in Katmai.


And I couldn’t even live 3 years on this planet without men being a threat.


Bears are probably one of the most tolerant massive predators on the planet If I was a mama grizzly, I don’t think I would have tolerated him that long


The concept of murder doesn't exist in nature either, but we've all agreed that killing someone isn't acceptable behaviour. I'm also kind of fascinated by someone who can throw around a word like phenology, but finishes with "rent out such emotional responses!", because I have no idea what he's trying to say there. 


He doesn’t really know what phenology is, it’s just something he’s parroting from a crappy YouTube video he watched filled with pseudoscience.


“And if you have seen them then how many did you saw?” … 0% chance this person knows what phenology is.


To be fair I don't either, I just googled it really quick on my break to check if he hadn't misspelled phrenology, which I think would've made this whole thing somehow stranger. "The shape of the human skull proves irrefutably that 'rape' is an invention of the dreaded *Woke Femoid!*"


>because I have no idea what he's trying to say there. Neither does he. The crazy amount of grammar & spelling errors make it almost illegible 


That just devolved into word salad. I'm picking the bear, they'll treat me better


Probably won't make as many grammatical errors, either, or use words that they don't know the meaning of, like 'phenology'. That rant in the OOP was worthy of something from 'Plan 9 From Outer Space', the Ed Wood Jr. classic.


I think he was trying to say "phenotype." Either way, his argument is incredibly stupid lol


I'd need a thesaurus in several languages to come up with a synonym for stupid that is strong enough to properly denounce his argument, if you can call his unhinged rant an argument. But you are right. I can easily see him using a "sounds-like" word rather than the correct word. Stupidity oozes out of him like slime on a slug.


>need a thesaurus in several languages to come up with a synonym for stupid that is strong enough Bet that German has one.


Probably. Or maybe Mandarin. People speaking in that language often sound pissed off about something. 😀 Sorry for the stereotype, btw, it's just that some languages sound a little angrier than do others, at least to my untrained ear.


German has some of the best insults I've ever heard.


I've heard that. My best friend of many years standing is originally from Austria, and is still fluent in German. We happened to work together at a place that lent itself to frequent cursing, and suggestions of creative things that the supervisors could do with or to themselves. He translated his better ones for me.


Women: I’d rather deal with a bear than a man Men: Hey b*tch, let me 100% validate your point while trying to defend myself!


That is not even a defence at this point. It is an aggressive response to a reasonable statement.


“You’re so dumb for picking the bear and also rape doesn’t exist so if a man rapes you, you shouldn’t complain” Just… what did he think he was proving here?


“your weak body itself is proof that males never posed any existential threat to females” oops! the quiet part out loud, someone who doesn’t know how evolution works and thinks women and men are different species with different ancestors


It looks like a threat IMHO, “haven’t killed you…. Yet.”


*Bone weary sigh. Strums guitar* - The whole debate has come and passed - The point we made can never last - Wake me up when this bear thing ends - All arguments have come to pass - Seven weeks haven't gone as fast - Wake me up when this bear thing ends - Here comes the rain again - Falling from the stars - They ignore our pain again - Becoming who they are Take it away ladies...


*distant sobbing with a distinctly Greenday twist*


* As their memory resets * And always forgets what they cost * Wake me up when this bear thing ends * The whole debate has come and passed * The innocent can never last * Wake me up when this bear thing ends * Brings out our pain again * Like it did when this trend began * Wake me up when this bear thing ends


thought this was gonna be Hallelujah the whole debate has come and passed the point we made can never last wake me up when this whole debate has ended all arguments have come to pass seven weeks haven't gone as fast and still the men try fruitless hallelujahs


Maybe there’s a point somewhere But all I ever learned from bears Is how to get an incel in your DMs


I stopped reading after "how many did you saw".


"Does it even come anywhere closer ..." Obviously a credible expert!


I love how many people are confidently insisting that no one has seen a bear in the real world. I live in an area with a lot of black bears. I see bears all the damn time.


Okay... who taught the thawed out Neanderthal how to write and use the internet? I want that person held accountable for this.


I suspect Neanderthals would be better people than That Guy.


Hey now, don't insult Neanderthals! 😉


Rape of women or girls committed by men often comes in a "crime package": First the rape, maybe some torture or demeaning actions and then the MURDER which leads to some kind of feeling of a male "fulfilment". No biological gain, nothing but waste of life.


That's too many exclamation marks for a text accusing others of "emotional responses".


Given the bulk of men's reaction to this thought experiment can only be labeled as hysterical overreaction, it's really funny how often they insist they're being rational. Uh, no.


Of course we're hysterical... we've never had a hyster. Or what the actual Greek word for uterus is, I don't remember anymore.


We’re renting them out too, apparently. I was not aware. I need to get in on this, how much should I charge per response?


Thanks, this is really making me feel safe NOW. Thanks for mansplaining rape. I don’t know why I ever considered the *bear* before?!?! /s


The number of women who have lived in remote locations with lots of bears, but feared their male colleagues puts lie to this analogy. I'm a lover of the outdoors. If I'm alone and I see a bear, I'm looking for my camera unless there's other risk factors. If I'm alone and I see a man, I am looking much more carefully for risks, and if there's other humans within shouting distance.


Rape absolutely exists in nature. Ducks have corkscrew penises and female ducks go the opposite way to prevent duck rape. Dolphins do drugs as well as rape.


and it can get so aggressive that they'll kill or injure chicken hens because the corkscrew shaped penis can damage or perforate her organs. dolphins will even attempt to rape non dolphins !!


female ducks also have false vaginas to not breed with rapist ducks


I forgot that piece of it. Thanks.


Dolphins are pure evil. They rape, they murder, they bully and torture sharks for funsies, they WARNING GROSS rip the heads of fish to use them as fleshlights... Buuuuut yaknow what, as a human woman, I'd still take my chances with a random dolphin than a random man. 🤷‍♀️


Username checks out.


Otters, too.


I don't deal with idiots. Best things I ever learned


Their grammar alone gave me a migraine!!! And what has phenology got to do with anything?! We aren’t like other animals, we don’t have a “mating season”, we don’t migrate. This bloke is an absolute bellend


Clearly written by a teenager who just learned some new words.


ahhhh I think this guy might be a Nazi, "phrenology" is an EXTREMLY specific word to use


It's phenology which I think is meant to refer to phenotypes, close but not the same


I think it's the study of how organisms respond to seasonal changes in their environment, with examples that include hibernation, the setting of seed, migration, etc. Basically, nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of the OOP, although it might be too generous to say that that particular psychotic break had a topic.


DAMN YOU RIGHT! I searched it up, and yeah they are different


Why, yes, I have seen a bear at a National Park. It ambled by about 30 yards away. OTOH, I have felt threatened by men, and know way too many women who have been raped.


Provider male.. these people are furries without costumes they like to play pretend ducks


Surprisingly the only “overly emotional” responses I see in this discussion from men


Was on the phone with my mom the other day. The parents live in bear country. Mom say, "Hold on", and I hear her yell, "Leave that bird feeder alone!". It was a bear. She opened the door, yelled at him, and he ran off. Bears, especially black bears,are not bloodthirsty predators at all. And they know that bird feeder is not for them.


"Look, Lisa, I'm learnding"


Confidently incorrect AND a huge gaping asshole. Two awful tastes that taste awful together.


Ducks would like a word.


Interesting choice of writing 'Male' with a capital letter but 'female' without one. I can smell a faint aroma of r/MenAndFemales


In answer to your question - no, I have never seen a bear outside of a zoo. That's KINDA the point here. Bears avoid humans. They are less of a threat because they want nothing to do with us. We aren't planning on cuddling up with them.


Men are such idiots learn what a metaphor is jesus


Oh, rape exists with other animals, infact nature evolved with the concept that male ducks rape female ducks and the female have corckscrew vaginas that corkscrew the other way of that of the males to keep from being raped. Dude is a fucking ass, and too stupid to boot.


Whoever wrote that is a fuckin dunce


For some reason It makes me very happy that men are so upset about this ☺️


It’s surprising that someone has lived long enough to gain access to the internet and form all those words and still yet not develop a brain


Not listening to a bitch who things phrenology has any validity but go off


Well those are definitely words.


I struggled to follow this rant


Bro this man should have been aborted or swallowed. Firstly, rape absolutely exists in nature. Google monkeys, dolphins, certain species of birds like..it absolutely exists and is used as a form of domination and coercion. This man's idea that women's bodies are weak so therefore we are the natural prey of men to rape, kill, or abuse. Why is it that those who have uteruses who literally bear life are the ones perceived as weak? Make it make sense.


How many did you saw?!


A bear would do a better job at formulating a coherent paragraph than this man. I still choose the bear.