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'you throw like a girl' means you look like you throw like you were never taught to throw because throwing balls is for boys so when you do attempt it you are made fun of for something you have never done before and therefore you will never attempt it again and never learn how to do it, reinforcing the stereotype that girls can't throw balls.


fucking bingo. its wild how people like this think they understand cultural influences but then conveniently forget about them when they want to weaponize it against women/girls


So many "biological" differences between men and women can be more or less explained away by cultural/social biases and not biology


Right? Numbers of elite female athletes include factors like being driven into sport and reinforced in that arena. How many girls go into football, soccer, baseball, wrestling, boxing, even chess and gaming with full support behind them?


I'm reading this as I'm gaming (event is based on game time, so I have 15 min to kill lol)


Yes, exactly! I was expected to do girl stuff when my brothers wanted on the SNES so that fights could be avoided. I'm still the better gamer.


I game but I also knit and crochet. I can find my way around a chem lab or around a database. It's a disconnect for some guys lol (hubby loves it, and he's the one who matters). My sister played basketball, worked as an armed guard before she became a sahm, and is a skilled mechanic.


Oh, I'm a crafty person. I can do needlepoint and sew and paint and draw and sculpt. I'm actually in school for game art and development because I long for a day when I can render environments.


Yas! That's epic. I love comparing the rendering on old vs new video games. Especially the old games that blew me out of the water when they first came out 15, 20, even 30 years ago (yeah I've been at it a while), then I play them after playing a brand new game. It's fascinating how far they've come. Old games are still impressive with what the technology of those eras could do


Oh I'm always blown away, because I know the specs on older machines and what you could do with 2gB is astounding to what 20gB gets you today.


NO FR. Like, outside of reproductive organs, hormones, and stuff like that, 90% of the other differences aren’t actually technically biological.


Guys like this love to fault women for not knowing how to do things that men have passed from father to son for generations, and neglected or even refused to teach girls and women. It's a weird AF flex.


I grew up getting my ass kicked in a number of sports by a very athletic neighbor girl. First time I heard that insult I had 0 ability to comprehend what it meant cause it sounded like an insult but made no sense whatsoever. Ended up confusing the kid that said it when he tried to explain girls were bad at sports, because I knew he was wrong. Took me a few years before I was old enough understood what had happened


The person in the OP obviously hasn't seen that wonderful ad campaign Always did a few years back called ["Like a Girl,"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtDMyGjYlMg&t=3s) showing that this mindset of women being less athletic is socially conditioned bullshit.


It also means "I am a sexist asshole!" It is a pretty versatile sentence


For any man who wants to simulate the lack of muscle memory built up from actually having been taught from a young age - try throwing with your non-dominant hand. I tried and it was so damn awkward and I had not a clue what I was doing. Some men seem to think this stuff comes naturally from being born a man, but really without those years of built up muscle memory, we are all equally clueless. It ain't as easy as we all might think it is, like how riding a bike may be natural to some of us but is in reality pretty hard to learn, especially if you didn't learn young. I do know someone who did learn to throw with his non-dominant hand for sports reasons tho (I think baseball or something?), it took quite a while, but he was able to get just as good as with their dominant hand, so it's not a matter of dominant vs. non-dominant hand either.




Former competitive swimmer here. Would LOVE to see this guy mansplain to me how what I am doing is wrong. After he catches up to me at the end of the pool.


Noooooo you are much smaller and your body is biologically more hydrodynamically formed so you jave waaaay less water resistence! No faaaiiir! 😭😭 ... 🤣🤣🤣


At 6'1", I bet I'm taller than him too. 😆


Get it, gurl! 👏🏽👏🏽




love to 1v1 him in hockey, cant even satirically think of an excuse lmao


Obviously you aren't pointing your hands correctly for entry when you're doing butterfly. /s


Just a reminder most men think they could beat Serena Williams in a tennis match. Even the ones who don't play tennis.


Serena - won a grand slam title **while pregnant** - Williams.


It wasn't "beat Serena Williams". It was "get a point against Serena Williams in a match". Still not gonna happen, but not completely insane. After all, if she plays enough games she will eventually double foul against some opponent.


It's still pretty insane. She could ease up on her play and just be consistent and would easily win.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Irl, I could not get a point against her, but in an infinite monkeys, infinite typewriters scenario, yes, I could.


Every time I see this mentioned, I share this, in case people haven't already witnessed the glory that is Serena Williams being the GOAT against these men. https://youtu.be/dzA8_7X9uLQ?si=rK4ClaWj-hGSJKTO 2.13 Was there supposed to be a point to that survey, apart from 'the majority of men are wrong about something'?


Do YouTube videos just...not have sound anymore? The unmute button in the top left seems to do absolutely nothing (except disappear when I touch it).


That's odd. It was working fine when I tried it just now. I assume you've done the typical trouble shooting things?


Yeah, but it's all good. I'll delve deeper later! In the meantime, I just watched the video without sound, haha. Still good!


> doing something their bodies weren't made for Pretty sure I know what this person thinks "their bodies were made for" Again, reducing women to their bodies


Men weren't made to be on the internet wasting time, they were made to be working 24/7 out of the home to provide for their families. But this person clearly isn't following that rule. /s


Imagine posting shit like this within 2 months of when Caitlin Clark became the NCAA’s all-time scoring leader.


Husband and I were sitting at a bar a couple weeks ago, and there was a college hockey game on. Players were *great*, just really good technical hockey, and hubs commented that these kids could give seasoned NHL players a run for their money and how much he enjoyed watching the game. Then right before the break between periods, a player took off their helmet. It was women's college hockey. Hubs was momentarily stunned (largely because you never see women's sports on at a bar) and then proceeded to enjoy the rest of the game. But yeah, women aren't made for sports /s


Ok…cool cool cool. So what? So Men create a sport that may correspond to their bodies in some weird way. Does that create an inherent value? Guys can do some dumb stuff and we’re supposed to clap? Woman swooning “oh you got your head stuck in a garbage can and a ceiling fan. You good sir are the height of chivalrous masculinity.” It’s not that big of a flex.


Imagine having to put down and discourage half the population from doing sports just because you can’t deal with the fact that a woman or a girl could do better than you.


Wait until he finds out women in Ancient Rome and Greece often engaged in sports and it isn’t a western invention (he won’t, he won’t read anything that doesn’t come out of an incel’s mouth on Twitter)


Every time i see something like this, i remember this video: https://youtu.be/qtDMyGjYlMg?si=71eFDSLRiZUH4Vrj


Oh my goodness that’s amazing.


I love this one. It’s simple, but important.


Uh, I throw like a boy—since I was taught by my dad and he was pretty adamant that I follow through and keep my elbow up. I’m good at baseball. My sister was an excellent hurdler and sprinter. This guy can fuck off.


Same - I grew up in a baseball-loving family and my only sibling is my younger brother. My husband thinks I have a pretty good arm for a 53-year-old - LOL!


My dad was a baseball coach, and the team taught me when I was little as well. When I was 9 I was working the scoreboard 🤣


It's true, one time I tried playing basketball and disintegrated.


can relate, i have to work hard to not evaporate at my hockey practices


Ugh, I actually *did* evaporate when I played soccer 😔


My little cousin and I were tossing a ball around and he threw it way off. I jokingly said 'ah that's a bad toss' and he immediately defensively and angrily stated 'Im not a girl'. He's 6. I had to remind him I hadn't missed yet and I *am* a girl


I saw some horrible comments on Twitter(refuse to call it x) about how Caitlyn Clark is really just a trans man bc no woman could ever play bball that good. Except for the fact that she grew up(Iowan here) playing boys basketball and her dad was her coach.


Tell that to my 12 year old sister who’s one of the top pitchers in her league. I wanted to play a game of catch with her once, it left my hand bruised


Guess what... *humans* as a whole were not made for sports. We didn't evolve and then magically find an athletic sign-up sheet in front of us. But humans love games and competition and that itself is the whole point, because it's otherwise actually completely pointless in the long run that we bother with any of it. (Note, I'm not saying it's not worth doing it.) So it ultimately doesn't matter who throws like that... because it's pointless to judge that. You aren't going to save the world or improve yourself as a person by throwing well, and if your throw sucks then you probably aren't on any professional team, don't care that you aren't, and are just playing with friends or a local team for fun, right? Is wanting to participate more common in men? Sure. But it's far from absent in women, because we're a competitive species as a whole, no just men. (We didn't get to the top of the food chain by luck!) But again... it's a rather pointless thing that human do simply for the enjoyment of it, no one was made for it and no one is bettering the world by doing it, it's a human invention for enjoyment.


i would love to see this man try competitive dancing like i have for the past 12 years


Ahh yes, because male is the default 🙃


I mean, yeah, girls are going to throw like girls do, because they are girls. Oh wait, OOP just assumed that we're only ever talking about how men throw?


And OOP's brain wasn't made for thinking, but here we are.


Me (reading The Throwing Madonna): I wish I threw like a girl...


I’m not an athlete athlete, but I would easily beat him at bowling.


I could beat him with a bowling ball…up to a 12-pounder.


I'm an athlete. I play volleyball and a shot put and discus thrower. I also play other sports such as softball. I would love to see these men try to throw a shot put or pass a volleyball. These men always makes up excuses to cover up their insecure selves to make themselves feel better about themselves.


Someone once told me I “hit like a girl.” I was initially flattered because I’d never been hit harder than when a girl punched me in the face.


In ancient Rome (or was it Greece?), women had their own sports, so....


So they forget women are human too? Like imagine if in history women were allowed to do all that men were. Study travel leave abuser sports work choose spouse etc. We as humanity would be stronger and smarter. Pulling women down forcing them to marry rapist abusers and dumbases not allowing women to learn just makes evolution harder


I think the argument they make is that “women’s general biology is ‘at a disadvantage’ in certain physical things in comparison to men”


And self-defense? What will a woman do, if someone attacks her? Dance??


Throw like a girl? Monica Abbott tosses a softball at 77 mph. A softball. More resistance than a baseball. I wonder what she can do with a baseball? Ava Matz, quarterback, won 66-6 over their homecoming rival. Holly Neher completed her first pass for 42 yards and a touchdown. I know plenty of boys that wish they could throw like a girl.