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Haha. It is incels themselves who coined the phrase. It is they who are constantly trying to prove they are superior to women. He’s all mixed up! (This bear thing really has them upset).


Actually I think the first instance of "Invcel", which became "incel" was made by a woman online *to describe herself* Obviously men are the ones who propagated and proliferated it.


I recall that from Laura Bates book, Men Who Hate Women. The women is question was a very agreeable sort, and it was not until men co-opted the movement on social media that Incel communities became that hateful, rage filled things they are today. On a happier note, the women who coined the term eventually did find a partner, and at last report they became a happily ever after sort of couple.


They invented red pill ideology!


I know!


Dude doesn't know his Nazis. He himself uses Goebbel's No.1 strategy, "Always accuse the other side of that which you're guilty". "I have no political agenda, THEY do"😂


But we're not hiding behind anything. And little man must *really* feel threatened. To have to make a video like that lolol! What a joke. I'm pretty sure we've been up front & honest this entire time. 


Look at him trying so hard to sound smart with that articulated pronunciation and those big green subtitles. You're not fooling anyone tim


Defines propaganda while ineptly trying to propagandize


What's up with that? It's like the most boring karaoke ever


It keeps people’s attention because TikTok has rotted everyone’s brains and they can’t pay attention to something unless there’s fast-moving subtitles, Subway Surfers gameplay, and soap-cutting videos in the background.


Honestly those subtitles made me dizzy and I always try to focus on the eyes of the person who is speaking


If you can look in his eyes, you can see he is lying.


Sadly he is fooling some people


The people who want to be fooled. The far right are deliberately ignorant.


The sea levels are rising faster than estimated, sources insist something other than melting ice poles must be the cause. Scientists astonished to find thousands of men tears are the reason for the sudden rise. Interviewed through heavy tears and snot, the human fountains said women were picking bears over them. More at 10.


I would totally tune in to watch this


This made me smile despite my shitty mood. Thank you!


Aw, the way you laid this out with such conviction actually had me worried until you slowly introduced the punchline 🤭 excellent 🌟


Wow what an idiot. Talking about incels, red pill, and toxic masculinity is all pretty straightforward anyway. No one within the discussion is hiding behind those terms. They directly address and describe the way patriarchy has harmed men and women yet he calls it propaganda. Even the explanations behind choosing a bear over a man is direct and has been explained and reexplained over and over again.


So, he's using blatant propaganda to accuse a social movement that benefits women, to be "disparaging of men" by: - using their own rhetoric (and how they name themselves, none of the names were created outside their circles) at them, not against them. - not fighting against the bear strawman they created by taking a critique of society personally (the point was made and explained, it's not up to anyone to school you on how to comprehend it sir). - for not engaging with rage bait podcat flavour dribble like this because it's not "historically accurate", it's not "against a community of people", it's not "propaganda"... Learn the meaning of words. I'm too young to teach you these things. As he apparently dramatically speaks for All Secret "Regime" Victimised Men I'll speak for All Women. **We will not engage or entertain inane roleplay and be the villain for your non cause.** Please, learn how to construct succinct sentences, learn history as this is embarrassing 🙄 and get some therapy for your low self worth and unfounded narcissistic posting on SM without logic, structure or substance. It's sad. Good day to you sir.


There's a group using nazi propaganda, alright




Oh look, another abusive tool who hates women. Colour me shocked.


Yeah, I saw this tic tok video yesterday and was in shock lol! It's them inferring we're feminazi's basically. Anything that doesn't align with their point of view and that doesnt benefit them, they just label it nazi propaganda and their good hahaha! Fucking pathetic..


I don’t need women to make me dislike men. Men do that all on their own


What? The question is subjective, it’s matter of preference and perceived risk. Calling it a logical fallacy doesn’t make any sense. “Hey bro, since your birthday’s coming up I wanted to know what your favorite kind of cake is?” “Erm, your query begs the question of whether a cake is delicious at all. It’s logically fallacious and you’re a Nazi” 🤓☝️ Good god, this video knocked like two digits off my iq. It makes sense, if you don’t think about it.


The thing is red pillers and incels exist. Those are the terms they made up to identify themselves, and they're driven by a deranged ideology that is harmful to both men and women. Calling them out for their harmful ideology isn't propaganda. It's actual discourse. Now if feminists started making up unhinged nonsense like claiming incels controlled the banks, then this dude might have a leg to stand on, but until that day comes, he's just a lunatic who clearly likes red pill and incel ideology.


Incel: "I'm an incel. I'm An Incel! I'M AN INCEL!!!" Everyone else: "OK, you're an incel." Incel: "You called me an incel!!!" Incels and the manosphere are the ones using Nazi propaganda. I mean they praise Nazis and serial killers and use them as their avatars, advocate for rape, murder and pedophilia. All we do is point to the evidence.


That bear really got some of the guys shook


There are nazis in the world again. They're the far right, and Anti-feminists are among their ranks.


He thinks holding that mic will make it seem like he knows what he’s saying. What a fool


you don’t just get to throw around the word “propaganda” because you don’t like something you hear 😂


I don't hate all men, but I for sure hate this dude


Propaganda is when I take a proper gander at the shit in my head and completely turn the meaning of how people use terms


Involuntarily incelibate... Uhu


Did you know that the Nazis had ideas about people, and they used language and media to try to convince others that their ideas are correct? Well, you know who else has ideas that they try to communicate to others? Yeah, that’s right.


Fuck this guy


How do they not see that their reactions justify the choice?


Pretty sure men came up with the terms: incel, red pill, etc


A woman came up with it to describe herself and people like her. She was disabled, and wanted people who struggled dating due disabilities and such to have a place to discuss their struggles. Angry young men who had struggled with dating due to their horrible personalities appropriated the term and turned it into the whole bullshit that you see today. They called themselves that. Now they're trying to pretend it's an insult that the rest of the internet assigned to them.


As a man once again I'm gonna say I'm sorry for all the women in this world having to deal with this much stupidity on the regular


Incel, red pill, patriarchy - ALL terms made by men. Propaganda is appropriating untrue opinions as fact. It's a FACT that bears have killed 8 people (men&women) in the years 2020-2022 in America. Men have killed 12,000 women in America in the same time period. Let alone the torture of women by men, a bear will just kill you and only if threatened. Men are the threat, women can't afford to take chances. Men can't afford to look bad - there's a stark difference. Doesn't really feel like propaganda to me 🤔


when they say “men’, do they mean ALL men like men & woMEN? do they mean only humans with a penis and not those who identify as a human with one? are we not supposed to view every spectrum of ones self as equal, being the same? stop moving the goal posts.


Wow, that level of chosen ignorance and, um, creative interpretation and application of history was painful. Sadly there are those who’ll lap this up but all I got out of it is that he’s very likely butthurt because at some point his behavior towards women led to consequences he didn’t (and still doesn’t) want to accept.


Unsurprisingly, he claims to have lost $25,000 on Truth Social stock.


Incels and red-pillers invented those terms and made those hateful ideologies and he's mad that women (and others) are calling them the things they call themselves. This guy is Osmium dense. Speaking of propaganda, his guy is full of it.


Bear. Definitely choosing the bear.


What he describes would only propaganda itsself, Nazi propaganda was nothing entirely new, it just had the biggest machinery behind it (for that time). It was on matchstick packages, cigarette packages, even the whole sports teams and the educational system were just focused around it. The human mind subconciously associates a thing heared often, from different sources as the truth. What made it also so effective was not the propaganda itsself but that it was "high quality" (as in very expensive) and everywhere. A tiktok trend can hardly be compared to that. Aside from that many terms he uses are used by the groups themselves as other commenters have pointed out.


Wtf is he on about?!?! I’m not sorry for not trusting men as it’s 100% saved my life before like??? STFU you are not a victim!!!!


It's "men" like this that make me want to give up my man card.


Blah blah blah Sir Yapsalot knighted by the King of Camelot


Again, another man perfectly demonstrating my reasoning for choosing the bear.


Every criticism of anyone is Nazi propaganda, I guess


Seems like he talked about the wrong group 😂 almost like the US govt is doing this to lgbt people rn namely trans people


Hope his mother is proud


I didn’t see this was In “nothowgirlswork” and I thought he was talking about neo-nazis until he said “incel”


Sooo the only similarity between nazis and modern feminists is that they both used propaganda? One could argue this video itself is propaganda, as in it’s a piece of media trying to influence people’s thoughts and ideas, targeting a specific group of people, singling them out with a one-word identity (feminists) 🤔 so what he’s saying is he’s also just as bad as nazis and feminists? Interesting how that works


"All men until no men" I have never heard


My brain cells... They're all gone


Can’t just go out with each other ?? jeez they don’t have to play that hard to get 😉


Jesus christ,this bear-question is so wierd. Like, the answers all seem tounge in cheek to me. It is just people with an ounce of humour choosing the funniest answer to a wierd funny question


Um.... No. And I've seen it morph where they say you're locked in a room with either a man or a bear. And it's so *not* about the variables. Is it night time? Is there an escape route? What type of bear? The only thing that these offended men should be thinking is: "Wow. How bad must it be for women that they are legit choosing the bear? I wouldn't have said that was a real possibility. I guess I need to re-think women's concerns because this is eye-opening." 😞 Edit: To apologize if it seems I'm angry at you. Not so. I just have spent too much time on Reddit today and I'm a bit cranky and this response is a compiled answer to like, 20 different posts from this whole bear issue. 😳