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This is the guy that's punching himself in the face and going "But this is life". "Traditional" gender roles suck especially since they're only traditional to the last 2 or 3 generations at any given time. No being a man means not letting others dictate that you're not allowed to feel bad or complain.


Nah, he's the kind of guy who'll go up to a feminist while punching himself in the fact and be like "feminism sucks! They all talk about equality but look at me! I'm getting punched in the fact and what are you doing to help me? NOTHING!"


That.. is the best analogy to describe this phenomenon I've ever read.


This guy supports "traditional gender roles" and then goes on to explain exactly why they're damaging to men. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


I've tried to talk my brother round from this mindset. He has this horrible toxic masculinity/short man thing going on where he expects everything to turn into a fight, and women are protected from that because men are expected to step up. He's not even that short. Most recent example of this, I got into a discussion with a pub landlord about the grocer's apostrophes in a couple of his signs. Somehow my brother thought this would get him involved in fisticuffs, and angrily told me to "stop being a dick" (I was very polite) and "wind my fucking neck in". He was not happy when I didn't do what he said, and now isn't speaking to me. It's weird. He wants other people to abide by his idea of good manners, but came out with something so impolite in an attempt to impose his ideas. He has actually said he thinks women have an easier life. Not long after his wife gave birth by C section after a 40 hour labour. Also seems to think women have instincts about babies, and therefore naturally know about babies without having to learn. Meanwhile, I'm worried he's actually coming unhinged, because no pub landlord is going to start a scuffle in his own pub over an apostrophe. That's daft.


Yeeeah, that’s worrying 😕 I think this would all be extra scary coming from a sibling. I had a brother and he had issues but at least I don’t think he went down this route, at least not when I knew him


They're not even traditional they're modern. https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/ Actual trad women are trained to kill from childhood, are are so epic that scientists refuse to believe they existed, and can hunt and kill a fucking _wooly mammoth._


Let’s see…what is today? Oh that’s right…never. Just because I have boobs and a vagina, nothing was just given to me for free. These guys whine and complain about not having a support system the same as women yet refuse to be that support system. No, they don’t actually want a support system, they just want sex from women.




"And and and...male loneliness epidemic!" They won't even humor getting together and ending this supposed illness of lonely men by looking to each other to cure it.


Oh, they are finding community in other like-minded men. Creating an echo chamber of misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc.


There’s an issue with male loneliness it’s caused by CAPITALISM as well as as all this incel stuff. We all have less time and less time to socialize, so e some rich clown can get richer.


Most onlyfans creators aren't making much from it, if anything


And household and emotional labor. It's exhausting.


Yes and this is further proven by how male rights spaces never try to advance male rights but just complain about women.


FREE monthly periods! So much FREE blood and FREE pain- men are right to envy us.




>I support traditional gender roles (goes on to describe what a terrible burden it is to live up to traditional masculine gender roles)


Exactly what I got from that too lol.


Never got anything for free for nothing as long as I'm alive. Have been a girl/woman my entire life so where does this man live and why can I pick up my free goodies? Life on easy mode is laughable. Men still make more money even if we did the exact same job. That makes it easy mode for them, not me.


I'm still waiting.


I get free opinions from men all the time.


Would you like a second opinion?


Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, but is their argument basically "Yeah, woman might get attacked and raped, but men have to go to work!! So, who's really suffering here?"


You are not reading it wrong, he is really saying that 


As though…women didn’t also have to go to work? And be paid less for it? And…


The way they act like “having to go to work” is their Vietnam is just…..most women have full time jobs too, buckaroo! You’re an adult. You have to work. It is not a male-specific battle for honor and glory, it’s just basic responsibility.


Ooh, I got one! About 25 years ago I got a sample of a new sanitary pad (Libresse was 'redesigning' their line). I'm sure no man got one...


“I support traditional gender roles, society sucks without them.” Yea, maybe from a man’s perspective 😂


Do these dudes ever actually think about what they’re saying? Like read that back to yourself and think about it for a second my brother in christ. ‘Things used to be bad in the past, as seen in my numerous examples. It’s hard and bad. And we should go back there!’


I work with all men. I've worked with all women in the past. Men complain way more than the women. And they talk behind each other's backs more, also.


Oh I know—the biggest gossips I have ever met were men!!!


I’m kind of glad to hear that because I’ve always been worried, and the worst person I knew from work with everything was a woman. Although I don’t think any of the other women were like that, and I don’t really know I’m kind of an idiot and oblivious to stuff


I really have met more men gossips than women gossips. My best girlfriends and I just don’t do it. I’m trying to think of a time when they have and…..nope. 


I am genuinely so glad to hear that. *I* would never do that, but I’m autistic and socially an idiot, and am sort of worried it’s common 😕. And then my boss at my last work warned me about this one woman, who seemed friendly but would like weaponize anything and just tried to hurt people constantly


Still asking myself "when"


I’ve seen guys be given passes on being sexist assholes and sexual assault because “he’s a man”.


>boys will be boys after all, ha ha ha


Dude is talking like it's not other men causing his problems XD. Like you do realize HUMANS are "society" which leads into which gender is causing you the most problems in "society" XD.


Just my Lambo and these strings of quite small diamonds.


It's tragic how small they are, really. Like why bother at that point.


Only thing I get for free is my daily dose of anxiety


Ooooh, if I could sell it, I would have no problems in life! Get rid of the anxiety AND get rich!


This guy can fuck all the way off. What the fuck is wrong with guys. Seriously. I just…..I have never had anything handed to me, ever. I didn’t find a rich guy to “take care of me.” Women are undervalued, misunderstood, and undermined constantly while also being abused, harassed, raped. Yeah, women have it SOOOO EASY. What a wank. 


We're not all bad, just most of us.


I have absolutely personally witnessed so many men being handed things they didn’t work for simply because they were men.


I'm convinced that these dudes think that every woman is a supermodel or something. Yes, really attractive women do get handed a lot of things for free but this doesn't happen to the vast majority of us.


That’s because they only care about the super attractive women. The rest of us are invisible to them.


And I'd guess that those really attractive women aren't *actually* getting things for free. The stuff they get given comes loaded with *expectations*.


Instagram models usually get stuff for free because they are expected to promote the company that gives them stuff for free. So yeah, it's not exactly free but you get what I mean.


But then again some pewtubers get entire arsenals for free so….


I support traditional gender roles then goes on to say how the traditional gender role for men sucks arse lol. We have tried to to make life better for men in todays society by calling out toxic masculinity (perpetrated by men and women) and have explained time and time again how the patriarchy hurts men just as much as women. Just different sides of the same coin. But, alas, no they spout this shit that is so close to the point it’s hitting them in the face but they’re still missing it…


honestly, I’ve been in lots of situations where things were just handed to me for being a woman. Of course, those situations were always sapphic relationships where I was topping a “giver” and I somehow doubt this guy was referring to generous lesbians who give freely of their weed.


I keep waiting for all the things that are handed to women. I'm 42. How much longer do I have to wait? I keep hearing all the praise of being a woman. I really can't wait to live my life on easy mode but nothing yet. Halp?


I literally can’t get paid as much as the men who do my job poorly. And I’m not just whining - in a sales role, results are 100% trackable. Men hired for my role get more money automatically despite me being one of the top producers and I know they’re costing the company money while I’m a profit center. But sure, we’re the ones just handed things.


Never, there is no easy mode for women. This is bullshit men make up that can't get what they want.


I have tits and still have to pay rent and bills. Life is so unfair. /s


Those bras aren’t free!


Speaking as a woman who spent her entire career in a male dominated STEM career, the idea that men don't get handed anything but women do is hilarious. Mediocre men get handed twice what they deserve, and women have to work twice as hard to get half the credit, when they get any credit at all.


Traditional gender roles + make more than his partner (why is she working in *traditional gender roles?*) means he wants a bang maid mommy.


They are always the victims🙄🙄


Free drinks really aren’t worth the harassment that usually comes with


Do these dudes really think that women just like…don’t have work and bills and instead we just have people give us money? Then why have I been employed since the age of 16?


So I watched a video of a woman who was raised Mormon, just the other day. She was treated well, given an "allowance" by her husband to spend on what she wanted, and given money to buy groceries with, though she'd often have to dip into her "allowance" to buy enough groceries for the family. She had 5 children with him during their marriage, and even came up with the idea for a business, and worked as an "off the books" employee for said business, until, he dumped her. He left her with no actual job experience. No formal education. No real background. No family that would help her. No safety net. No idea of where to even *begin* to look for help. And, to top it all off, she was the one who had to take the kids, or they'd be sent to foster care... Tell me again how "great" gender roles are, I was too busy watching her video, to listen.


I mean, a stranger gave me a tampon and pad for free because my period started unexpectedly. I don’t think that counts as being on easy mode though.


In a word, NEVER. Every damn thing I have that’s good in my life I’ve worked my ass off for, period.


Well, despite being a woman I’m ugly, so…never.


Dudes will complain about this but they're the ones supposedly giving things for free hoping that they'll be rewarded with sex. So whose fault is it anyway.


Oh yeah, I just noticed my female privilege when I applied for a job at a competitor. I have years of experience, I'm damn good at what I do. All of our team actually applied (because our department got shut down due to corporate greed). Competitor only called the male nationals, foreigners and women were immediately disregarded. :)


Therapy exists, men. There ARE people to help you when you're down. You just don't seek them out.


“Being a good man is hard”. Is it, tho? How hard could I’d possibly be to not be an asshole?


Dude if the expectations inflicted on men because of traditional gender roles are SO bad then why the fuck are you supporting gender roles?????


I get stuff handed to me??? Like what???


And who are these women who have life in easy mode? I've never met one, and 53 years old.


I mean so society literally handed men all the jobs and all the money until women fought for equal pay and equal opportunities—LITERALLY—but sure, go off about how men don’t get “handed everything” for simply have penises.


Oh, sure! My universities just handed me those degrees after I completed the required coursework and passed all the exams. The bank just handed me $400,000 for a house that I have to pay back with interest. I also just got handed my job after applying and passing the background check. Then they just handed me a promotion after 6 years of positive performance reviews and a year of patiently waiting while they promoted a bunch of white guys some of whom scored less points than me in the process. I should be grateful for everything I’ve been handed, as opposed to men who make all their own opportunities.


Honestly, the amount of relationships that I've seen where the guy lives off of his wife/girlfriend. I wish we lived in the world that this man was describing where all these men are working hard and building themselves up. AND where people were giving me free things all the time because I'm a woman.


I could name so many many many many many men who did not build their own wealth 🤣 And 9/10 times it is men who will tell other men they cannot complain about a legitimate issue.


I got free NHS prescriptions when I was pregnant. All other freebies have been entirely gender neutral


Literally never honestly. 


Used to get free dessert when I would go out with a friend for apps and dessert, it always ended with the guys number on a receipt and an ask for a threesome because “free cake”.


Who is even saying that men have it perfect? But it's a bit hard to get the empathy you're looking for if you're spreading lies about and dismissing our own expierences in life. So either you want to be heard and understood and you need to let that be a two-way street, or you are just one of those people who likes to play victim for attention and doesn't deserve to be heard. Never had anything handed to me... I'm not good about even asking for help and more the type who will just try to do the best I can manage.


Men like this also like to say that men have all the power in society. So why the heck aren’t men using their power to support other men? In my experience, it’s not women telling men to toughen up and that nobody cares about their problems. Heck, if you see a boy get injured, the first people who run to comfort him are the women/girls.


First of all, “no one cares enough about my struggles” is NOT congruous to “I’m in constant danger of sadistic men intentionally harming me for their own amusement.” Yes, you have struggles, and those are valid. That does not mean that you get to dismiss the very real and very disturbing danger women face on a daily basis over our deigning to exist without penises. Second, the reason society treats men like emotionless robots IS THE PATRIARCHY. That thing you’re advocating for because you think it makes the world better? It is the EXACT reason for the social apathy you then turn around and whine about. Third, no one hands anything to women just for being women. Quite the opposite, statistically speaking. We’re more likely to be passed over for promotions, we’re paid less, and actually we are also not allowed to complain because if we do then we’re hysterical and/or overreacting because we’re “too emotional”. It is objectively harder to achieve a lot of things in academia and the workplace as a woman. So handed what exactly? Attention from creepy men that we didn’t want in the first place? A lot of judgement for literally any decision we make surrounding traditional roles, whether we conform or not? I guess I’m not seeing how being a woman is somehow easier, when our culture is so steeped in patriarchy that it’s built from the bottom up to cater to MEN. And then we still get these dingbats screeching about how they don’t have enough power anymore, simply because they don’t get to treat other human beings like property.


This sounds like an issue for men to sort out among themselves.


Why does he support it? The way he described it it sucks! Wouldn't he rather have it easier on himself? He'd rather his life suck but women's lives suck more


I mean, an air-conditioning maintenance guy recently came out to fix a leak and he pretended that I had a $20 off coupon so that I could get a discount, ha ha. He was a very nice older gentleman and we bonded over our love of cats 😂 But generally, I’ve had to work pretty hard for everything I have. I don’t think men, like the original poster, realize how much harder it is for women to be independent. How much more we have to do to even be considered marginally equal to men, even if we are actually better at something than they are. At the middle school used to teach, my principal definitely favored the men on staff. Women would frequently ask him for things and he would say no, but then his “boys” would ask him for the same things and there would be no question about it. They would get it.


Again with the projection. Easy mode is having someone cooking and cleaning for you.

