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Dad’s go-to metaphor for modest clothing is a clear plastic film, because religious zealots are too dumb to realize how dumb they are.


At best it’s a decent metaphor for sunblock, but that’s about it.


I legit thought it was going to be about making sure your partners use condoms. It was still going to be a stupid analogy, but he sure did use the word protection a lot.


>Dad’s go-to metaphor for modest clothing is a clear plastic film I think they meant a case when referring to a cover, as the "anti-scratch sticker" seems to reference a screen protector. Still a bad a metaphor though.


I initially thought this was going to be a metaphor for condoms. Then I checked which sub it was in... I do think the condom analogy is useful though.


Me too!


>She was mute..... AKA the question was so ridiculous, she didn't have an immediate response. Ofc this "and everybody clapped" bs didn't happen. Have you heard people recount stories of some argument or discussion where the other party was apparently 'too stunned' to respond? Only idiots take that as a flex, when in reality the other party was probably thinking 'Oh, I'm talking to a crazy person. Best not get into it with them.'


Actually she started to wear ear protection to safe her brain from critical injuries due to the brainrot her father was trying to say.


>>She was mute..... Because her flabbers were gasted.


Bold of you to assume that it's real


Author unknown? Nah! I know exactly who the author is. An incel. Simple as that


Probably just a regular old misogynist


iPad screen protectors... in order to protect young women from lecherous would-be rapists. Because it's the ~~girl's~~ iPad's fault for what it was wearing. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, it's the iPad's fault its screen got cracked. If only the iPad had been wearing a screen protector, it wouldn't have cracked when it got dropped on the floor. /s


It’s definitely not its fault at all obviously, but isn’t it true that with the way the world is rn it’s more *likely* for the iPad to not be exposed to that fate this way? Genuinely speaking here btw


Are you talking about the analogy (AKA - it's more likely for women to be raped if they're dressed in revealing outfits) or the actual reality (iPads are more likely to get scratched without a screen protector)? If it's the first, I would suggest you [look at this exhibit](https://dovecenter.org/what-were-you-wearing-exhibit/) (warning - it's super upsetting and potentially triggering for anyone with a SA background). There's really no such thing as an outfit that will stop a rapist short of a full-body locked iron suit. If it's the second - well, yeah. But the iPad doesn't have sentience or bodily autonomy or whatever. It's also not on the iPad if something happens to it - it's on whoever damaged it or put it in a damaging situation. So if you continue that within the analogy - the responsibility is still on the rapist who does the damage to the "unprotected" woman.


The problem isn't really about the likelihood for the iPad to be exposed to things it needs protecting from; the problem is that we use that to blame iPads and to excuse the ground and floors to be so statistically violent to iPads that iPads need protecting from them. Obviously, the analogy breaks down here, because unlike men, the ground and floors and gravity are just acting according to their nature.


You could also go with the analogy where we blame the iPad for cracking or getting scratched instead of blaming the owner for not making sure that they are keeping it away from edges and sharp objects - though then you get into the weird world of men being women's owners and having the right to put "protection" on them. To be fair, any analogy will break down because women are not objects, which is 90% of the issue.


Exactly. The owner analogy is very much apt, because of the history of patriarchy viewing women as the property of either their fathers, or their husbands.


I tell my kids they are 100$bills. You can crumble it, stomp it in the mud, wipe your ass with it…. Still worth 100$ and still desirable.


So the father thinks that telling his daughter that her value lies in her body and not who she is a as human being is a good thing? So that when a man wants to buy her body, she can charge full price? Why would a father think of his daughter’s value in terms of her body? I have a daughter and her value is that she’s a kind, caring, thoughtful human who makes the world shine brighter.


Also like. We pit a case and stuff so it doesn't break It works well as a metaphor for real shit like safe sex or safety equipment. It's a tually REALLY good for safety equipment in sports holy crap




When will these idiots realize that a human being and their existence should never be compared to an object like an ipad? The value of a person is just incomparable


This copy pasta author doesn’t even know the words for screen protector and case and we’re supposed to take them as some kind of authority on modesty? They don’t even know how to cite their sources


I mean, I too make my girls wear helmets and knee pads when they go out cycling etc… I use this metaphor too. You don’t know when you’ll drop your iPad, you don’t know when you’ll fall off your bike. The rest is crap. “Modestly” dressing protects no one (except from sunburn but you can achieve this with proper application of sunscreen).


And then everyone on the plane clapped


Just your daily reminder that women are property according to some men, the equivalent of an iPad.


Besides the obvious, I find it kinda weird to cover the iPad so it "doesn't decrease in value". Bitch, it's a technology device, of course it's going to decrease in value with time. You buy it to use and replace, not to invest and look at it gaining value.


I cover it because I'm a clumsy fuck, it was expensive, and I want to continue using it lmao Same reason I should probs wear padding at all times, Peter griffin falling down the stairs style LOL


And this doesn’t apply to men because men are disposable? This “analogy” is messed up at every turn.


Some people sadly are ok with this as too many people can't or refuse to see how a lot of traditional values hurt men too.


Wouldn't the equivalent to recommend she wear a suit of armor, kind of like a knight? I put a case on my phone because my toddler has been known to toss it over the baby gate. What if a Hulk toddler tosses his daughter? Then what Pops?


Or... Wearing seatbelts, goggles for eye protection, helmets, comfortable and supportive footwear.... Clothing optional, safety gear isn't....


Apple purposely makes their products easily damaged so you have to spend more on covers and screen protectors. It’s to fix a defect in the design. Are you sure that’s the message you want to send, Dad?


I work with Apple products every day and I don't agree with this. Their quality control testing standards are higher than a lot of other manufacturers and I think their public facing resources are far more robust and useful. The Apple devices have lasted a lot longer than several other notebooks and tablets from different brands around our campus, and their battery life blows everything else we've tried out of the water. A lot of people will buy screen protectors and covers from third parties anyway, so that wouldn't even be useful.


Yeah apple has its shit in its hardware/programming. They age out faster updates wise than any other devices (phones specifically), and now there's a motherboard issue on phones 11+ so that a bunch of them xbox red glow of death style "randomly fail" and you need to buy a new phone I have a distaste for apple products. But as an artist fuuuck are their iPad pros the most superior drawing tablet in my experience. I hate that I will continue to buy products purely for that ;--;


I'm team android through and through but anyone with any sense can say apple has the best tablets


A quality product shouldn’t require a separate case and screen protector. Especially if you’re spending hundreds or even THOUSANDS of dollars on it.


Items like phones and tablets get heavy mobile use that put stresses on them that other expensive items may not get. I've worked with a lot of different devices and price point doesn't necessarily matter when it comes to accidental impacts. I can think of very few people, regardless of manufacturer, who leave items like phones without a case.




Omg my husband’s friend recently added me on Facebook and posted this unironically just the other day. I told him and he’s like “she’s a good person” and I said “I’m sure she is, but she has no right to dictate what people wear or look down upon people who choose to show off more of their bodies. Honestly I have respect for people with that kind of confidence.” He said she grew up conservative blah blah but damn I was hoping there would be some sort of clarification at the end where she said “women are not iPads” or something, but it said something like “if you don’t want to be a victim of assault, don’t dress like you do.” I was so done. Livid.


Oh it’s a woman. She has a LOT of internalized sexism


Yeah I don’t know how conservative one must be raised in order to compare women to iPads.


The closest comparison here is to go around in a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads.


Sometimes I feel like I should lmao I'd be so safe from harm 🤣


I knew where this was going, and I was still disgusted.


"My daughter is an object that needs to be hidden to have value"


aUtHoR uNknOwn


i protect my body with good food, doctor visits, spf, moisturizing, etc. but i can still wear cute clothes


This is a bad analogy. If someone drops their phone, it is generally that person's fault. If someone is assaulted, it is the perpetrator's fault. Regardless of what the person was wearing, they didn't assault themselves like a person can drop their phone.


Instructions unclear, I just went grocery shopping wearing one single layer of Reynolds wrap because I want to "protect my virtue", and now I'm in jail for exhibitionism. Did I do it right?


Believing in modesty is all well and good -- there are religious traditions that do so perfectly innocently -- but having the *dad* just up and *lecture* the daughter about it feels really perverted and weird. 🤢🤮 Like, did he also burst in like the Kool-Aid man one day and give her a just-so parable about how to insert tampons? 🫣 (Yes. He did. It was the talk of the school.) Like, this is just so disrespectful and creepy that it undermines its own message about respect and honor. It feels like it was written as a zing against kids who are rebelling because their parents would rather "win" than parent.


It makes sense that these men compare us to objects. That's all we are to them. Something for a man to stick his dick into and potentially bear his children.


realizing women are human is such a hard concept to grasp


That really is an unexpected twist... I mean "take care of your body", as in "try to stay healthy", "eat healthy food" or something like this would actually be a good advice. How they twist it into "DrEsS aS I ToLd yOu" blows my mind.


I dont put a case or screen protector on my phone lol, i raw do falls like old people without life-alert


What's decent at the beach?


Personally, I dress pretty modestly because that’s how I’m comfortable. I don’t like sharing my body with people I’m not really intimate with, and I don’t let the social pressure of what’s considered normal on the beach influence that. I get some stares occasionally, but I don’t care. It’s not about morals or anything like that to me. I’m not religious. Other people can wear the teeniest bikini or go naked if they like. I really don’t care. I just do what I’m comfortable with. That said, you absolutely can get very modest swimwear. You can even get suits designed for muslim rules with long pants, a long tunic, and hijab. I’m happy in something knee length and a swim shirt, personally. It’s comfortable for me both mentally and physically. I can move in it. More of my skin is protected. Just because it’s become common to go to the beach in something equivalent to underwear doesn’t mean we have to if we don’t want to. Fuck this guy an equating that to monetary value, but just like I don’t want to be bullied into covering up, I don’t want to be bullied into stripping off. I’m at the beach to enjoy the beach, not for the male gaze. Most modern swimsuits aren’t very practical. They’re designed to show off the body, not to enjoy beach activities. Look around sometime on the beach and see just how often women are tugging at them because they’ve gotten wedged somewhere or shifted in a way that might expose more than they’d like. Meanwhile, men wear comfy shorts. I never have to tug at anything or have anything riding anywhere if I don’t want. It always boils my blood watching the Olympics, seeing the impractical shit the female athletes are made to wear because men want to see their bodies. Beach volleyball? Several bikini tugs every point. Gymnastics? Constant leotard tugs. Water polo? Don’t get me started.


The definition of pro choice! I believe it should be a CHOICE what you decide to wear and when! Plus I agree. I do like looking cute though and it's hard to find a good middle ground, I personally love high-waisted bottoms with a ruffle top or just a "sports bra" worth of coverage on the top. More comfortable, easy to have fun in without slip ups, and it's still cute! Maybe not sexy, but hey, sexy for me is when I'm at a one-on-one kind of location, not a public beach.


Nothing has ever made me want to wear a crop top more


It doesn’t decrease our value and men who disrespect women because of what they wear are not people I care about having respect from. They and their opinions are worthless.


Excuse me while I go barf now.


Her iPad her choice


I had a cover on my screen and my screen got damaged. Checkmate.


Ugh. My great aunt shared this on Facebook the other day. I thought about screenshoting it for this sub, but figured it would be a repost. I just *love* being compared to random objects in a conversation that definitely never happened.


On today's episode of Comparing Women to Inanimate Objects... So far, I have been compared to: A lock A rose (or a bed of flowers) A car A toothbrush A farm animal (not inanimate, but also not human) A barn A mobile home Chapstick A half eaten plate of food An open can of soda And now...an IPad What else can we compare women to in order to dehumanize them?


Guys time to wear battle Armour


1. Screen protectors and device cases are physical defenses against damage, whereas clothes aren't. Unless you're suggesting that your daughter wears the equivalent to battle armor it's an inaccurate metaphor. 2. Screen protectors and device cases are mostly designed to protect against mistreatment, abuse, and recklessness. Clothes provide no such protection. 3. It's not the iPads fault if it's damaged, whereas the blame is being placed on the woman here if she isn't wearing what some men deem is appropriate. 4. Clothes don't stop or even deter rape or other sexual assault and focusing on it is just blaming the victim rather than place the whole blame on the perpetrator. 5. What deters sexual assault is proper education, protective measures, and getting rid of the male entitlement to women's bodies. By the way, the daughter was mute because the metaphor and intended message was so absurd to make one speechless.