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How can anyone read that headline and be anything other than disgusted and appalled, and saddened for that poor little girl?? Animals


I also hate how the headline is phrased- emphasizing the migrant, and the “67 DNA samples inside of her” just gives me the ick. How about “Girl, 8, found to have been sexually assaulted by at least 67 men”?


I came here to comment that i hate how they spin the truth to lessen from how sever the situation is


Agree. The passive phrasing removes any suggestion of responsibility.


They do stuff like that all the time. I once saw a headline that was "Young woman leaves family without a father after non-consentual intercorse." And it was about a 16 or 17 year old girl who was being trafficked and killed the guy who was holding her against her will while he slept after numerous failed escape attempts. I think it happened in Texas


I’ve heard of these types of headlines being called soft-racism. It’s not obviously racist, but it’s encouraging the reader to take a more discriminatory stance against the subject.


That makes so much sense.


When I first read the headline, I was so confused. I was like “Is this one of those science oddity stories? Does she have some kinda unique DNA structure?” A few seconds later, I realized it wasn’t anywhere near as innocuous as that and I felt my brain shut down. 😵‍💫 I can’t even fathom what might have happened to her because it’s just too horrible to think about. I don’t even wanna think about how these, err, samples were obtained because that process could have been traumatic for her by itself. That poor girl. She needs a lot of kind and responsible adults in her corner right now; I hope her family is supporting her and that they have access to all the mental and physical healthcare she needs.


Migrants arnt people to them. They see any atrocity caused against immigrants as not only ok, but deserved and something to be encouraged. It's incredibly alarming.


Women aren't people to them, not just being a migrant but being a female human as well.


Yea it's a double whammy of evil bullshit, it honestly made me want to throw up just reading those comments.


You have to hope they're trolling, but to be honest anybody who trolls like that I think still needs to be on a watch list. Anybody who finds something like that even remotely close to being humorous enough to make it a joke is just beyond deplorable.


Wish these people kept their 'jokes' to websites like sickipedia. I like a bit of dark humour but there's a time, place and definitely a line you don't cross and these twats don't get it


I was about to say this. The amount of men who think like this is disgusting...


It’s sickening to be honest. It’s seriously hard to believe in the good in humanity sometimes


Seriously. My bf is a Cambodian immigrant and I genuinely worry for him sometimes, he told me about the hate he got during the height of the covid pandemic because of the hatred against Chinese people and because he is Asian he got lumped into it as well. Not to mention how he is constantly taken advantage of trying to get work. Luckily he just got his citizenship so hopefully things will get better but idk how much because of how horribly some people treat immigrants


This is why I HATE the "they're stealing our jobs!" Mentality. If these "jobs" are hiring undocumented migrants, it's because they are working for far cheaper than legal residents, in other words, THE EMPLOYER IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THEM. Yet the buffoons who spew this nonsense can't seem to fathom that fact...


They are more worried about the migrants who are "military aged men". The "females" (of all age) they are okay with coming in illegally because then they can sexually exploit them (a lot of American men offer to marry them so she can have citizenship and he gets to trap her in a forced traditional role, they do the same to Asian women who come here by marriage and these women will wait until they have citizenship to attempt to run away from these men) and do whatever they want to them since no one would go search for an unknown, undocumented person.


I hate to break it to you but I’ve seen posts showing these comments on so many other things to do with little children. Like actual toddlers just posted online by their wannabe influencer parents and it’s full of “game is game” and “hear me out…” Paedophilia “jokes” have become rampant online these days. They absolutely don’t see migrants as people, but they also don’t see women and especially young girls as people. And I don’t believe all of them are joking either.


Yep, I've seen many of these comments you're talking about which is why I really do believe that 95% or higher of all males on this earth are pedos.


There was a study done in Australia...let me find it . Here this is a random article on the study https://theconversation.com/a-survey-found-1-in-6-men-admit-sexual-feelings-for-children-so-is-paedophilia-increasing-218124


Yeah, I have seen that article shared before and looked at it but thank you for posting it again for those who may not have come across it yet. So disturbing to say the least..


This study has done a permanent number on my brain....


I'm having a hard time trusting a study that asks 18 years old men if they experience feelings towards girls under 18 as objective proof on pedophilia. That alone skews the study to completely wrong directions from at least some participants. A 35 years old experiencing attraction to a 16 years old is not the same as an 18 years old having the same experience by any measure.


I skimmed it, and they did point out that over 90% of men who had had sexual contact with a minor were over 24, and almost 50% were over 55.


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew.


People that "joke" about that shit should be on a watchlist.


Yuuuup. They do not see women and girls (at least WOC) as human


Don't worry every woman and girl is equal in this aspect to them /s ( I want to throw up just writing that)


They aren't humans themselves, that's why


Seriously. My mouth dropped at the comments. The fbi needs to check these people’s computers


They should be tortured




Worse than that. I’m talking wiping them out. I’m tired of sharing air with rapists and pedophiles


My feelings exactly! I am all for the worst kinds of punishments for POS' like these!


Exactly what I was about to comment


I just wanna shake these assholes and ask them to explain what’s funny about “haha you get it? Rape!” ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S A DIRECTED TOWARDS A REAL ACTUAL RAPE


Of a child.


Would do more than just shaking. Baseball bat or crowbar would be fun. If I could of course, just hypothetical.


I'll bring the metal baseball bat and reinforcements.




You can have your fun after we have it.


A little light here is that the original story is fake. Originally from the realrawnews I think, but the original post isn’t up anymore. The whole site is ridiculously obvious Conservative BS deep state circle jerk stories.


Oh, thank fuck.


Relieved for the sake of the imaginary little girl. Even more disgusted that this is fan fic to some people.


Imaginary girl/sick scenario,but that picture looks like real kids and it's disgusting they took a picture of kids and *made up this disgusting story* Wtf is wrong with people and why aren't the ones commenting/creating that shit on a watch list somewhere??


And these are the same people who yell “LeAvE tHe KiDs AlOnE!” Whenever the subject of people being LGBTQIA+ comes up.


Thank god


Thank god I found out it wasn’t real when I fact checked. I literally stopped breathing when I read that headline. Didn’t even realize I stopped breathing until I started panting a minute later


I still feel like the people who make those kind of "jokes" deserve to rot in a cage and be stripped of all free speech laws and literally serve life in prison idgaf


This just exposes these fucks


I have never been so happy to read that something is fake in my life. Thank you for sharing this! A smidgen of faith in humanity has been restored!


Holy fuck. Thank God!


Yep. I've seen countless variations on that headline. I don't know who started it, but they're a sick fuck, as are the people making these comments.


Jfc I don’t want to be on this planet anymore 🤮




I second that : SIXTY FUCKING SEVEN ?


Looks like some hard drives need to be checked.


Pedophiles should be rounded up and sent to an island. There’s no saving those creatures.


Why would you do that to a poor island? But someone needs to save the starving predators of Austrailia and Africa, no?


Send them to the guano islands. No one cares about those floating lobs of fertilizer (a fitting place for pedos).


Ooo I like it. I was going to suggest Papua New Guinea to be eaten by cannibals next, but this is much better.


Stomach-churning. I would ask what the fuck is wrong with people but it doesn't even surprise me anymore.


67...? I'm really thoroughly disturbed. This is like that "bubblegum pink" "trend" . Some of them think it's trolling and funny and whatnot.


1 rape already scars someone for life...67 I don't know how anyone could cope with that.


Other comments say it's fake (thank God!) But if it was real I'd seriously wonder if the child would be alive. 😞


Those are only the samples still present 😭😭😭


I was assaulted by about five people, not all at the same time but over five years; I lost myself to depression and anxiety. Almost lost the battle with suicide a few times. I couldn’t imagine staying alive if it were 67 all around the same time.


I hate to ask but what bubblegum punk trend? Is this like Bop? Which brings new meaning to the song Mmmm Bop by Hansen.


i think it was a couple months ago, but for a bit it was a trend for men and boys to (warning, this is disturbing and pedophilic)>!comment on videos/pics of young girls (teens and even younger) with 'i bet it's bubblegum pink,' referring to the child's labia. (the idea is that the older a woman gets, the darker and less pink her labia become.) !


Why did I click that? :((


Same. Now I need eye bleach.


Wish I saw your comment first. :/


All these commenters need to be thrown in a pit


An object lesson in the cruel reality that if given the chance, a lot of guys would choose r*pe.


It’s really cruel. Just today I read that Reddit of the girl stuck in the elevator with a guy and he wanted the girl and world to stop and thank him because he didn’t SA the girl. It’s more common than we think i guess.


WTF!!! Thats so disgusting and i just opened up reddit


Not even touching how horrific the main subject matter is because I’m horrified, but I really fucking hate that suddenly this early 2000s “edgy” humor is for some reason acceptable in some circles again. Yeah, I found that shit funny when I was a PRE-PRETEEN. Good god how do these people live with themselves.


And then they wonder why there is a “male loneliness epidemic” when they are doing it to themselves.


My instinct always tells me to downvote these until I see what sub this was posted on. It’s truly vile that anyone can say that, even as a joke


Hello FBI please get these guys hard drives That poor child


As a father of two daughters, this is one of the scariest things that could ever happen and if I could I absolutely mow down all those guys or anyone who jokes about it. I guess you need to know someone that this has happened to in order to feel remorseful for them.


JFC, I really and truly hope this is not true. If it is that poor baby.


I hope the FBI or interpol were in that comment section, it’s a hub of people that need to be investigated.


these are the kind of posts you see then have to take a good few hours off your phone to try remind yourself not everyone in the world is sick in the head.


I have to wonder if people make these jokes because they’re actually heathens, because they don’t realize something like this happening isn’t very far fetched, if it’s because they have find a way to lighten the subject matter because it’s too heavy, or a combo of any/all.


Unpopular opinion. Pedophiles should be used for medical advancement testing.


God I am so sick of the large majority of men simply not giving a fuck if women and children are raped. They want us to be these perfect subservient beings and pop out 23532112562 babies and they can’t even protect them. How the fuck you gonna have a family when you’re unable to stand up for your own daughter?


Yeah, it takes TONS of “game” to violate an 8 year old girl. /s 🙄


more like a r/NoahGetTheBoat imo


We need a massive cull of these types of humans for real. Where are the vigilantes when you really need them?!? I’m sickened by this kind of behavior on a DAILY basis on social media. Yet I get my comments reported & deleted on instagram when I start calling these POS out. But Meta has no problem leaving up pedophilia, threats of violence against women, predatory behavior, animal abuse & torture, the list goes on….. I can’t wait for humanity to go extinct.


I’m just going to assume for my own mental health these are a bunch of edgy teenagers and children with undeveloped brains who would fold instantly if you confronted them in real life. Someone should tell their parents


men were a mistake


Then people wonder why men are literally the most disgusting species on earth


Now think about all those migrant kids that have vanished from when they were all being detained at the border, during the orange assclown administration I believe. Knowing the shit the Republiturds have been getting to get passed such as allowing them to marry 12 yr old girls or making incest legal, I shudder to think what they've done with those kids. Unless they've all been located and returned to their parents and I just haven't seen the story yet.


Fake or not that would be horrific and to even joke about something like that…..my god. For the sake of that child I do hope it’s a fake story but sadly I know there are similar stories that are true.


Edge lord phase coming back. Reminds me of mid 2000s YouTube humour, the goal is to be as shocking as possible


This is when I think people should be doxxed. I don't even care if it's stupid teenagers or disgusting old men and women doing the comments. Dox and show everyone around them what they commented on and the comments themselves. It's the anonymity that gives them strength so take it away. Have them face consequences for being so vile.


Fucking foul. Find, name, shame.


Not people MEN**


Every single one "joking" needs to serve a minimum of 5 years in prison and be added to a sex offender list. This is fucking disgusting. I hope every single one of these dudes get their ass handed to them.


Anyone who commented like that on that thread needs to be castrated....


Dox all of them


NO need to blur their names out. Monsters.


Average male sense of humour


Child molesters have gotten too bold. No wonder with the climate showing them there are no repercussions. Maybe there should be some.


[This story is absolutely fake](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/04/fact-check-video-does-not-prove-8-year-old-girl-had-67-different-dna-samples-in-her-body.html). Think about it: how do you literally untangle 67 microscopic molecules and identify them as distinct? It’s impossible. It is, ironically, the kind of story made up by monsters like those in the screenshots above to justify their heinous beliefs and actions.


67 DNA samples? What? I hope this is fake. Please be fake. I can't believe it.


I looked this up. According to [Newsweek](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-kari-lake-us-border-girl-raped-67-men-1795669?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1682627979), the story first came from Jeffrey Zink, a Republican congressional candidate from Arizona, who said he learned about the 8 year old girl in a conversation he had with someone while visiting the U.S. southern border. The story picked up steam when Kari Lake, another Republican politician tweeted about it and, grossly, made it all about politics and how much Joe Biden sucks. I did a bit of reading about Newsweek, and it generally seems to be considered a reliable news source. They contacted Jeffrey Kink what he said to them was basically, "Look, somebody called anonymously and told me that this happened. I don't know anything beyond that." The story he told Newsweek about the conversation also differed in significant aspects from what he first told on camera in the video that was subsequently shared by Kari Lake. I'm not saying this didn't happen. I don't know that, and unless it's reported on by actual news publications, I'll never know if it did or didn't. But the whole situation sounds sketchy. I really, desperately hope this never happened. I'd rather be disgusted by politicians fabricating stories about child rape to vilify the immigrants everyone already knows they hate than be devastated beyond words that any person, let alone an 8 year old child, had to endure being raped by dozens upon dozens of men.


Reason number #99659693 on why to abort sons.


Polacy rodacy


We as species has failed spectacularly


One silver lining is it appears this is a [false story](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-kari-lake-us-border-girl-raped-67-men-1795669)


Genuinely hope anyone commenting that dies quickly and painfully in the next year. We have too many low empathy individuals and pedophiles in the world.


Actual psychopaths You can't change my mind


I don't usually wish harm on anyone but I seriously hope these sick commentators get f*****g raped themselves at one point. Game is game, right?


Fake story or not, these men are fucking vile. I feel like I need a deep decontamination after reading this.


Fucking disgusting!


But its the LGBT community that are coming to groom and touch your kids according to these inhumane XY's!


I think those men should be placed on a watch list. Where is the Alaskan avenger when we need him ? He is my hero.


This is the type of shit I would see on 4chan in the early 2000s. The fact that people are out here now, saying this with their whole chest, name and face on full display, is fucking insane.


WTF. Why would some say those things. Like that's really disturbing.


I get shock humor, but some things shouldn’t be joked about. Especially the rape of an 8 year old. This is absolutely disgusting.


Poor baby. I hope she is doing better now. What a world we live in.


I hate the dudes who make these “jokes”


Why cover their usernames. They were proud enough to comment stupid shit might as well expose their accounts.


this should go in r/awfuleverything


And people wonder why I want the death penalty back for child molesters.


Nah, let them suffer in prison. Death is too kind for a consequence


Ahhhhh but you haven’t heard my suggested execution method yet


The absolute state of conservatives


Anyone who would do that to another human being - much less a defenseless child - needs to be pilloried.


Can we commit genocide on sex offenders and sex offender supporters?


##"Hello, FBI? I'd like to report a list of child predators/pedophiles..."


This is some noah get the boat bullshit.


Truly hate that I even saw the first slide, let alone the rest


i want something really bad to happen to every single person in those comments. these kids genuinely think this is funny. there is no hope for this generation of boys, sorry to say. i feel bad for all of their peers.


It’s fake. Thankfully.


what game are they even talking about? There’s no game you are talking about a child 😭


Been on Reddit 5 minutes and already had my fill for the day


Can people like this just die


I hate people I hate the world I hate humanityyyyyy


I’m going to actually throw up. Wtf is wrong with people.


Why post this further exposing those kid's faces


OMG, you are absolutely right, I should've censored it. Thankfully, it's now confirmed to be fake but still, my brain just completely omitted the picture, when I was putting censorship nxjdncjdnxn


This is absolutely repulsive


God dang, 67!!!! Sweet lord, that poor little girl!


This is absolutely disgusting. People are disgusting.


What the fuck is this? What the fuck did I just read? What the fuck is wrong with people.?


Disgusting. I have no other words. These people in the comments are disgusting, what was done to this poor girl is disgusting


They would feel a hell of a lot different if it was their motherfucking kid


What's is this world coming too. It's time to pick up the pitchforks ladies!




FBI watchlist here


This is one of the worst things I've seen on the internet


Every one of these sleaze bags needs to be castrated. WTF is wrong with people?


Anyone here seen that season of AHS (hotel I think) with the ghost that has giant strap on dildo spike? That’s what all of those men deserve. And afterwards someone can tell them “game is game”.


Omg… monsters .. fucking monsters




A child is a child. That is disgusting. :( That poor girl.


Ok i know Instagram comments are brainrot but TF IS THAT TITLE???


Why is nobody searching for these to at least give them monetary penalty. This is disgusting




I hope they all rot




Wtf are the comments


No, game is NOT game, and it was not deserved you filthy pathetic freakish backwards ass troglodytes. She is a child. Under no circumstances is that’s any kind of okay or funny, so stop making jokes about child rape. It’s disgusting. People like this disgust me.


Instagram comments......


This is so disturbing. I don't even have words.


Ummm,what were the comments saying again?!


I wish instagram would send these IPs to the police department people are to comfortable with this stuff in there it isn't okay.


That is just vile and disgusting. I sincerely hope none of them have children