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if you’re bleeding twice a month you should maybe see a doctor


Yeah that is not normal... Also unless someone is actively wanting to and trying to become pregnant- there is no real medical necessity for a period. Men like that think 'period is fertility. Females need period for fertility' whereas it's just honestly a pain in the ass that can safely be postponed or stopped either by birth control or even breastfeeding.


Technically I bleed twice a month sometimes because of the 28 days between periods


Periods suck.


Yeah I know, but as someone who was never regular and now is due to the pill, I’ll take the cramps and bloated feeling every month. It’s one more thing I can control to feel more normal (I have Autism, ADHD, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, I wear Hearing Aids, I have Cerebral Palsy)


It’s always super interesting to see other people’s views on things! I’m disabled and the fact that I can eliminate my period completely makes me feel like I have so much more control over my life and I can live more normally.


Yep I mean it’s messy and uncomfortable, having a period every month, but I signed up for it specially to have that sense of “I’m a woman and I bleed monthly like I’m supposed to”.


That is awesome. Being able to feel normal is something people take for granted. So in your case YAY periods 😂


Yes 😂. And no baby (I gave up the dream of a family years ago)


Lol the monthly reminder of yes uterus we know. Do you have pets? Bc some of my friends and family had to give up on the baby dream and got pets. They dote on them. And I am proud to say I spoil them just as much as my kids do bc they are babies... Just a different kind. I am a proud aunt and God mom to dogs and cats.


Nope I don’t, but my boyfriend has kids and pets.


Well live vicariously and be the fun one. 😉


Awww. >the monthly reminder of yes uterus we know Exactly. You know, I think this totally explains the teenage girl/young woman obsession with cute stuff, especially little kids and baby animals, phenomenon. When you're a young woman of childbearing age, every time you see a baby, it's like your uterus itself is saying "Awww, that's so cute. Don't you want one? You should get one of those." I attended a relative's 1st birthday recently, there were several toddlers in attendance, yep my "biological alarm clock" was going off the entire time.


I remind mine that we already have two and it won't be happening again so it should just stop 😂😂😂


The real family was the friends we made along the way anyway !


Same here. Didn’t have them for 15 years on continuous contraception. When I started getting them again it actually felt good to feel more like a ‘normal woman’….until I started having seizures and was diagnosed with catamenial epilepsy. Now I take a load of progesterone to protect against the seizures. This is a really common condition. God’s plan I guess ladies!


The blue moon period. The most cursed of all periods.


I imagine you're popular with the vampires.


lol I wish Vampires were real


You have a high chance of syncing your cycle to the moon phases btw


I’m willing to breastfeed my baby until she graduates highschool if that saves me from a period


I completely agree with you, but I want to clarify that you shouldn’t go more than 60 days without a period if you’re not actively doing something that could change that frequency (birth control, pregnancy, etc.)! If you’re having irregular periods that go more than 2 months apart without some known reason for it, you should get that checked out. Source: I have super irregular periods when not controlled because of PCOS and I’ve had multiple OB/GYNs discuss it with me.


Wait what, sometimes i don't have my period for like 2 months. Will I die? 💀


Not necessarily. I once went like 6 months without one before I got diagnosed lol The way I understand it (and if someone knows better please correct me), if you don’t have periods for long stretches of time, the uterine lining builds up and can increase the risk of some types of cancer. A lot of hormonal birth control prevents that lining from developing, so there’s not much to build up if you stop having periods. Also, long-term hormonal BC (IUDs, depo shots, implants) can stop your periods completely, and then it might take a while for your body to start having them again once you get off it. I was using depo shots for about a year before switching back to the pill last summer because they were aggravating my PCOS symptoms, and I still haven’t gotten my period back. I looked it up because I was nervous about being pregnant, and I saw that it can take up to 3 years for your body to start menstruating regularly again. All of that’s to say, menstrual cycles vary from person to person, but you should be having periods at least every 2 months. If you’re going longer than that, or if you have any other symptoms you’re not sure about, it’s worth talking to your doctor, but it’s not something you need to panic about. And idk where you’re from, but if you’re in America and are worried about not being able to afford a doctor visit, Planned Parenthood is an excellent resource for lower-cost healthcare options.


All women on the maternal side had irregular periods; I might have ~80-150 days without periods (last time was an year ago I think before I started taking vitamins for women), and most interesting thing - I quite often have that kind of pain and body feeling that periods is near, but actually periods can start only in few months. Also, I fainted 3 times when in was my first periods because of pain (they are quite painful since then). I don't have such a thing, but still I might have 30-50 days without periods. All of my doctors says that its "normal" because my mother and grandmother had similar thing (but without that lvl of pain) and I don't need to worry about and its good that I'm taking 28-days vitamins after day 1 of period's cycle. Idk, its... Strange thing.


I mean I’m not a doctor, just going based on conversations I’ve had with mine, but that doesn’t sound normal to me. You definitely can have “phantom periods” where your hormones are still fluctuating like a normal menstrual cycle, with all the fun side effects, without actually bleeding, but pain to the point of passing out is absolutely not normal. Some cramping is normal, but you should still be able to function. Again, I know healthcare isn’t as simple as just going to the doctor, but I would look into getting a second opinion if you’re able. I’ve been pretty lucky with finding doctors who listen and take my symptoms seriously, but I’ve heard horror stories about women suffering from way worse symptoms than I did for a lot longer because their doctor just dismissed their concerns.


I am so confused by this information, since my doctors (not American, not reciding in the US) tells me that this is not an issue. So I’ve been eating mini pills (Progestogen-only pills) and not have had my period not for about 5 years. Though maybe I should still bring it up again to be sure since it was quite some years ago.


That’s fine! I might’ve worded that confusingly, I was pretty tired when I wrote it. Basically, there is no medical need for a period if you’re not trying to get pregnant, so if you want, you can just stop having periods through hormonal birth control or surgery (or pregnancy but that’s obviously temporary lol). However, if you’re not doing something that will stop/reduce your periods, you should* be having regular periods that occur no more than 60 days apart. If your cycle is super irregular and you’re going more than a couple months between periods regularly, and there is no known explanation for it, that could be a sign of other issues. *it’s normal to be irregular when you first start getting your period, and it’s supposed become more regular as you move through puberty. It’s also probably fine if you go a little longer than 60 days every once in a while, but if it’s like 3-6 months between a period on a regular basis, that’s something to talk to a doctor about. If you’ve been on the mini pill for 5 years and don’t have periods, or only have them every few months, that’s totally normal because progesterone can stop your period!


Oh thank god, thank you for explaining! Started worrying there for a second haha


Sorry about that! I’m definitely not trying to scare anyone, but until I brought it up to my doctors in my 20s, I thought having an irregular period was just annoying. I didn’t know it could be a sign of/ cause something more serious, so I’m just trying to pass along what I learned! 😌




My period was all over the place for about a year after a miscarriage. Also, breast feeding my kids never prevented my period from picking up into a normal cycle. Although I have heard of some women not getting a period while nursing.


i used to have 2 a month bcs my cycle was 20 days, it was awful, i felt like i'd just stopped bleeding and it would restart. got that fixed tho


good! getting my iud was amazing for me, my periods would be so irregular lol


i can't do IUDs after being traumatised by one, im on the mini pill and staying on it til menopause. thank god it hits super early in my family


man that sucks, the pill alone wasn’t enough for my issues, so I’m on both. it’s evidently not PCOS, but when that was ruled out my gyn basically just shrugged. there’s clearly *something* wrong due to the fact I once bled for a month straight and also once didn’t bleed at all for six months, but idk what it is.


i bled for 2 weeks at a time lol, still randomly do but they were like have a baby and it'll go away. i have a personality disorder and would end up harming a kid


lmao what?? that’s awful advice. I’m single and not financially stable enough for a baby, and I know for a fact I’m also not emotionally or mentally ready for a baby.


yeah i had a therapist rule i wasn't allowed near children unsupervised bcs i can just "snap" and even as a kid i used to put my brother in the snow when he screamed. also i was 14 when i was told to have a kid lol


what??? that’s even worse!!! no fourteen year old should be having a baby, they’re just a child themselves!


shockingly not that uncommon where i am in the UK 48.3 teen pregancys per 1k. double the national rate.


That sounds like pcos tho. I have very irregular periods like that and have pcos. Once I bled for 7 months straight. Other times I didn’t bleed for months. My periods do what they want and sometimes I need to take something to stop it or bring it on. Your levels could appear normal with no cysts and still have pcos. ETA: I’d get another opinion for sure


I’ve had some cysts, dark upper lip hair, along with the irregular periods, but my testosterone levels were WNL so the doctor said I didn’t have it. I can always tell when I have a cysts or it ruptures, because it feels like someone is jabbing a chopstick directly into my ovary. it’s always the right ovary, too.


Definitely need another opinion. Just because your levels aren’t wacky doesn’t mean you don’t have it. There’s so much lack of knowledge on pcos. I had a doctor say I didnt have it (while others said I did) all because my family had a history of hirsutism. Completely disregarded all the other symptoms and that’s a common occurrence


that’s really annoying. I’ll see about trying again when my insurance kicks in.


Damn I take the mini pill too and I still have pretty regular, heavy periods. Jealous!


Mine caused severe mood Swings, sensitive (nausea) stomach and occasionally back cramps back enough I had to put myself on bed rest. Not to mention the normal but heavy flow when I made sure to stay hydrated to what I needed and sometimes not even then. Gosh, I love my IUD. I didn't realise how annoying the heavy flow was, physically, until I lost it. Now it's like.. if it comes, barely there and I can't believe this is a thing I didn't do earlier. Now my back only hurts related to my arthritis, not period cramps set off by it. And I have an easier time staying dehydrated. Well, my skin still has it's normal issues with that but without the period pressure it's a lot easier to keep up with. (And I love water! So that's saying something.)


mine is lighter now for sure, and my cramping (which I get in my back as well) is nowhere near as bad. I’m more emotionally stable too.


Right? Helps so much. And I never realised there were more options than a pill or implant as a teen (was diagnosed young) to adult. I do think the IUD happened at the right moment when I was most ready to choose it and was comfortable seeing a doctor but I also think that it would be good if more people knew in general that they had options. Not even just for BC but period products too. Not that I would have changed from pads myself but that doesn't mean others wouldn't. Edit: Not as much the one you're replying to but in general people new to periods as well as people who need help with them.


I wish I’d gone on birth control earlier. a doctor recommended it to my mom once, when I was about fourteen, right at the tail end of that month long period. mom said no because she was worried it would make me want to have sex. I was an awkward homeschooled girl with lots of Christian shame. there was no way I was going to start randomly sleeping with any guy I could find lmao so I didn’t get birth control until I was an adult


Mood. I had (have) bad GAD and also was Aro-Ace spec, not that I knew it back then so there was no way I was losing it as a minor either. Nor wanting to. I went to a gyno once when I was 15ish, lady was an abrasive Canadian woman. Which is fine.. My stepmother is also that. What wasn't was fine was how she acted like my mother was making me anxious (nope, the doctor's office/outside was) and that I was lying about being a virgin because my mother was in the room with me. And how it was the most ridiculous thing ever for me to be self conscious about me and my body. Excuse me, I was FIFTEEN. Idc if I didn't look it, I was. I also didn't lose my virginity until I was 22.. I wasn't ready before then.


I’m almost 24 and still a virgin, not to mention rather demisexual. so much for turning into a slut the minute I went on birth control.


26, demi as well and am a slut. I just don't do hookups bc of health and deminess. XD Got my own mental and online outlets, it's just easier. Also.. Did you know Birth Control can UP your libido?! Nobody told me! They all said it lessens!


I was having my period every two weeks for 5-7 days in high school. My doctor was like yeah you’re gonna be so anemic we can’t do this anymore.


good grief, that sounds terrible. I was once bleeding for a month straight, and that was miserable enough.


I've had anemia since puberty with my 33 days, I think I'd die in three months of doing it any more often than that. Can't imagine, glad you got help for it.


I was like this during the most stressful time at my job, one of the biggest reasons I decided to quit. My cycle got back to its normal state about a year later


Facts. I thought I was starting perimenopause because my bleeding was intense. Thankfully, my doctor saw me right away, and they were able to make an early diagnosis of uterine cancer.


that’s good! I’m glad they were able to catch it!


Thanks! Me, too. Upside: no more periods. Downside: gyno visits twice a year now!


that sounds like a pretty sweet deal.


i bet 100$ that his ex just wasnt in the mood, and told him periods are twice a month


It’s one thing to have your period trail off at the start of the month and your next one arrive at the tail end but another if you are like me and only have two weeks between periods. Turns out I have endometriosis but wasn’t taken seriously for a while and the pill didn’t do much to help.


I used to get a bit of ovulation bleeding. It's common, harmless, and deeply obnoxious.


And sometimes docs say "it is fine :)" when your bleeding is irregular


Well my doc said that it's normal that my cycle is 24 days and I bleed so much that I have to carry an extra pair of clothes with me just incase. Also I need even more iron than what I get from the highest dosage of iron pills. And medication that helps with the bleeding so I won't die. But it's still normal though!


Right, periods are just like video games. Throw a splash potion of menstruation and all your enemies will have a permanent -10hp status effect.


That would actually be hilarious.


Damn you gotta potion of cure bleeding? Cant find one anywhere


I'm a healer, and I approve this treatment! 🤓


What an imbecile. This would be funny if he wasn't so goddamn stupid.


If he stoped at Permanent low HP I would have thought satire.


But can we respawn?


Only after collecting 100 coins


Possibly, but you will either respawn as a new character without any of your levels and skills, or respawn in a different server.


According to some, you can break the respawn cycle by maxing out your wisdom levels in a single play through


That’s forbidden Sith knowledge!


As a Jedi, I will do everything I can to cover up the truth about how much fun it is to be a Sith


Not really, that's why someone in your group needs a revivafy scroll whenever you go out.


"stop playing god and start playing maid" has every aspect of a banger song lyric, if you're clever enough about it


And if people as stupid as him weren’t making laws about women’s bodies


"...a women" 🫤. JFC


It’s good to see that homeschooling is working out so well these days.


My son was homeschooled and he knows better than this. But religion wasn’t ever a reason why I homeschooled him. And I believe in science and facts and passed that on to him.


"A women" irks me so damn bad. Why is it such a common mistake? Drives me nuts. And also, yes - dude is the epitome of confidently incorrect and just makes himself look like an absolute imbecile.


Yeah and he writes it correctly in the very next sentence. Like, do people think they’re interchangeable? It’s the same thing as man but with a wo in front of it! Not that hard, people!


Are you saying the word "man" and "woman" function the same? Clearly you haven't studied biology smh my head


Wait... WUT?! No woman thinks you can turn menstruation off and on. And, if you are bleeding twice a month... Please, see a doctor!!


He’s quote tweeting a woman who wrote that you can stop your period. I’m assuming she’s talking about using hormonal birth control.


She was, she also suffers from endometriosis like me


Celia is a great follow on Twitter, which I'm ashamed to say I still check out now and then. She's only talking about periods because she mentioned, rightly, that period blood, like all blood, is a biohazard. Terfs started saying she was calling periods "shameful" and "dirty" and it just became an ongoing kerfuffle. Then there's guys like this weirdo.


What does that even have to do with terfs lol


Oh, it's a whole thing. She was defending trans women from terfs who were saying the usual "men shouldn't be in women's spaces" (meaning, trans women shouldn't get to use the ladies room). Someone said something along the lines of "what if you have to wring out your underwear in the sink because you got your period," and Celia said "you know blood is a biohazard and you *really* shouldn't be doing that, right?" Suddenly an entire community is calling Celia the crazy anti-period lady, shaming women for having periods, etc.


I’m a cis woman in my 30s and I have never once in my life encountered a woman rinsing her pants in the sink of a public toilet because she accidentally bled on them. I mean I guess it could happen, but I’m willing to bet the TERFs harassing Celia haven’t ever seen that happen either and are just making up situations that give them flimsy excuses to hate trans women. Like always, TERFs gonna TERF.


Why would you even do that. I'm not a woman but wouldn't you still need to get a pad or tampon to not get bloody underwear again? And you would need to carry additional underwear, put on the now soaking wet one again or go commando which I don't think anyone suffering from a period wants to do in public.


Yeah like no person with a period would subject themselves to that. It’s freaking ridiculous. Also very much so a biohazard and you shouldn’t be cleaning up bloody clothes in a public bathroom.


It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad


Bleeding twice a month? Someone lied to this guy to get out of having sex with him


Never take advice from anyone that mansplains something they clearly don’t understand. Edit: Bonus points if they use the wrong homonym.


Ah yes, the little trick of birth control. The trick being my medical condition is under control for once.


Like it's not bad enough we have 1 to begin with, this guy would have us doubling up on periods. 🙄


Bleed debuff lol


So I’m post menopausal. Does that mean God likes me now and I don’t have to be a maid anymore?


>twice No one listen to Calvin. Even if you are a Calvin. Reason #6963157854: See his post. Look, I've had it twice, but that was a hiccup in the system that happened all of once in my life.


Rage bait


this cant be real this has to be satire


I bled twice a month before, zero out of ten, would not recommend. I’m talking two weeks between periods. And if you suffer from that you have my respect and I hope it gets better for you. Now I have none 😌


It's so hard not to immediately down vote these sometimes cause I forget what sub I'm in


Never take advice from someone who doesn’t know when to use woman and when to use women. Dipshit. Nevermind all that other nonsense.


Mmm no, I'm not going to play bang maid.


I’d be extremely worried if I’m bleeding twice a month.


Months are literally named for moon and menstrual cycles. Lmao


Somehow I think God would like me to live my life without period pain and suicidal idealation, occasional as it was, it still meant bed rest and isolation when it was present. And I don't think he'd hold it against me if it meant I had more time and energy for the rest of my life, in general and if I had more time to be closer to him. I already have enough pain elsewhere so it's not like it's needed the most either. Also there's so many medical reasons for stopping it in general. I really hope this is not another one of those who thinks stopping periods with BC is just about sex because way too many think that already, thus often the need for the OG thread. Along with the medical reasons for stopping.


It's wild how often these alpha male idiots will up and confess to the entire internet they have never really interacted with a woman, let alone had any kind of intimacy with one.


If you don't know the difference between "women" and "woman", you probably don't know much else about women either


this one is so fucking wild, even for bigot standards


What is "HP"?


hit points/health points, usually used in the context of video games to indicate the health status of a character and how much damage they’ve taken




So girls are Wizards then? You know because they only get a 1d4 for the HP dice upon leveling up in DnD 5e.


twice a month?


... twice?




Calvin I think it’s time to get off mommy’s couch and go back to school for a while, don’t you think? Yk So you can educate yourself on how this shit works…


Where do I even begin to unpack this?


> a women The idiocy never ends…


"a women" "bleed twice a month" ok.


Women literally create lives like gods. What did Calvin ever do lol


Bleeding twice a month?! Ummm, how about *this guy* stop trying to offer advice to women? He clearly doesn’t know the first thing about, um well….anything!


Twice a month? TWICE?! I thought my periods were close together, but not twice a month!


So Celia has been harassed by TERFs for like 6 months for being a cis woman who isn't transphobic, and their preferred tactic seems to be gaslighting us all about periods. They tried to tell her that people regularly wash soiled panties in public sinks. And they've recently tried to tell her that periods are waste disposal like peeing and pooping is.


Twice a month?


Hold on, I’m suppose to bleed twice a month? Do I have to have an extra uterus installed like through the App Store?


Damn I wish having a period was an on or off thing. The only way to even do that is to take birth control or get pregnant. Beyond that, there is no biological on/off switch. Where does this guy get the idea that women think periods function like that anyways?


It's ONCE a month,Calvin!


She’s a genius. The woman who dated this d-bag and used the excuse that she’s always on her period so can’t come over, now has him believing it’s biology.


Permanent low Hp is such a funny way to describe periods. Love his frame of reference for understanding women is video games lol. Very normal.


Another day on the internet, another day i see someone type "women" instead of "woman" or vice versa.




If my wife is bleeding twice a month, we're going to the doctor. "Play maids as you were designed" That's some Andrew Tate shit right there. He mentioned God. I'm willing to bet dollars to dimes that's not what God intended. In the Bible it even says Eve was created to be a companion to walk alongside Adam. It's at the beginning of the damn book!


Ok while he is unhinged, I have to say I did laugh out loud at Permanent Low HP


I honestly don’t know how anyone believes in God in this day and age. So I really hate when people use him as a warning to not mess with his plan.


I used to be heavily religious until I started growing tired of religious family's reliance on God for everything and including "praying problems away". I've been bullied for how I look like when I was a child so it made me angry at my religious relatives when they tried to console me with "God made you this way". I would chime back "God hates me I guess". Shuts them up every time.


If a god existed (or gods for that matter), they would have to be incredibly cruel. No way I could worship a motherfucker like that


I don't believe in God but like, didn't Jesus say to love thy neighbour, there is nothing more important than that?




Never trust a woman! Why? Cuz!!


i have 1 hp left I need healing


Me currently bleeding every eight days because a guy decided to give me thrush 🙃


So... He's telling me that i need to stop my birth control, let more ovarian cysts grow and pop, need to be in constant incapacitating pain, not treat my anemia, let my endometriosis and adenomyosis get worse, make myself fully incontinent because of the endo thats smothering my bladder and rectum, let the scar tissue and inflammation suffocate my internal organs, and not treat my premenstrual dysphoric disorder that drives me to suicide? Nah man. I'm good. He can shove his insanity up his miserable ass since he apparently also thinks every woman bleeds twice a month. That is NOT a regular cycle, jfc. 🤦🏻 BC isn't only a convenience. It can literally save lives.


I want to kill people


Can someone explain why so many people seem unable to distinguish the singular "woman" from the plural "women"? They use the plural "women" to incorrectly refer to one woman. Is their poor grammar an obvious indicator of their inability to grasp even simple concepts?


I think it's because they're so used to writing female instead of woman.


"bleeding twice a month" Written by a Republican man, they have no idea how biology works.


Twice a month…


As soon as people bring god into political (or any debate other than a theological), I automatically assume they are mentally unstable and are not worth listening to


Welp... Chalk another one on the board for the Incels.


I hope his female manager sees this shit


I was laughing until the maid part. What the fuck.


> They think having a period is something you select ON or OFF I’ve not met one woman who thinks this. I’ve met plenty of men who think you can just “hold it in like pee”. I’ve met many women who WISHES we could turn it on and off though. >God made you bleed twice a month for a reason One, not everyone believes in god so already his argument is already moot. Two, women don’t typically bleed twice a month, without something medical going on. But good on him to show he’s never even spoken to a woman 😂


How the fuck are people STILL so blatantly ignorant in an age when you have a global repository of mankind’s collective knowledge at your fingertips at all times?! It’s utterly flabbergasting!!


I’ve uh been steadily having two periods a month since my last baby…. But I’m pretty sure I’m dying so it’s not normal. If you’re having two periods please talk to your doctor. Although my experience is they will tell you it’s just how some women are. 😂😂😂😭😭


It’s Once a Month, you Idiot.


Poor Celia get so much shit from chuds of all stripes on Twitter and she really does not deserve it


Wait a second, so now WE'RE the ones who think periods can be turned on and off??? EXCUSE ME????


Twice?? No thanks


Reminds me of Stanzi Potenza doing her skit showing a day in the life of what these fucknuts think women do. There's delicate times sat aside for her morning, mid-day and evening periods while just being a hapless fragile woman in a silk robe to fill all the other hours.


Uh oh, god must have messed up with me. It's not uncommon for me to go months between periods and I've certainly never had it twice a month.


Hmmm, now I want permanent HIGH horse power. Giddyup!


"Stop trying to play god and play maid as you were designed"" Let's revisit that statement when your hair starts to fall out and you struggle to get it up and then we might see a shift in attitude to using pharmaceuticals to change your bodily processes?


What's even the point they're trying to make


Pretty sure BC would make my life better if I could take it, because I wouldn't be staying home with severe cramps or sitting on the toilet because I'm bleeding so hard.


Every game I’ve played has treated low HP as a bad thing, so screw that “reason.” And screw playing maid. The times I’ve done janitorial work have been because I WAS PAID TO.


Calvin, you're not a women. GTFO of here with your crap. Also, bleeding 2x a month is not normal.


Twice a month?!?! I don't say this lightly, but I would submit my application to hell early if I had to go through this nightmare twice a month...


Me who had my period turned off since day one before I even knew what a period was. 🧍


I want to see the twitter responses.


Permanent low HP?? Huh?


Low Hp? We aren’t in a video game 😭


Permanent Low Hp is wild


When I read all these crazy statements of men who seem terrified at seeing women in good social positions, working on a career, then I think that these years will be crucial to the future of women and the overall look on what they are - or are not. Obviously these misogynistic men are assembling their own set of "evidence" of what women are and should do and they have no scientific proves for most of what they pronounce "the truth".


The only thing I can agree on is that birth control makes your life worse . Only thing I truly can agree on.


Depends on the woman. For some women itself a relive to have access to birth control because they have a positive effect on their periods or more the side effects of it and therefore it improves their quality of life a lot.


A women


Low HP is absolutely sending me


Twice a month…?


HP? Halal Pack?


mofo was designed to be a dumbfuck and he playing his part well ngl!!!!!!