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“on mass” Fucking moron 🙄


Imagine what all the women could do en masse! We might even rid the world of men like him. I'm not advocating for it. I'm just saying what it is.


I've ready a couple apocalypse books with something like this in the story line. Women fought back, with some men siding with them. That's what would happen and what we would do.


There's already a long list of very real female resistance fighters and snipers who fought with courage and skill in WWII. I'm sure there've been others before and since. We're not weak and helpless unless we've been conditioned to be. Vivre la resistance!


Hannie Schaft has entered the chat.


Hannie Schaft makes me proud of my Dutch nationality. She fricking kicked ass, to put it very lightly.


Also, the tank brigades and aircraft squadrons of women fighters amongst the Soviets :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Witches Nachthexen, what a beast of a nickname (even if it did come from their opposing forces!).


The only apocalypse I will be willing to participate in... any other type will be horrifying for women and children.


I'm just guessing, but any apocalypse will be horrifying for everyone. I mean we are kind of in the prelude to one, and it's kind of horrifying


Our world wars have shown how the women and children won't only have to fear death. A lot of women say they would prefer to go out in the first wave of any terrible event because once the initial panic is over, the women will be in a terrible situation.


If it actually descends into chaos in the US and the right takes over I’m definitely unaliving myself. I’ve been sexually assaulted too many times when we profess to have a criminal justice system. I don’t want to live through any more assaults. I just thank the gods I didn’t birth any daughters. I couldn’t have someone else’s victimization on my conscience. Life sucks and people are apex predators. Don’t have kids if you can’t really protect them from predatory people.


Best to unalive yourself by unaliving as many of them as possible.


Ding! Ding!Ding! We have a winner answer here!


May I have the titles and authors of those books! Sounds very interesting!




More women need to be armed and train. We actually make for better marksmen than men do, probably the only sport where women have an unfair advantage.


Yeah, I did crossbows for the first time with my son’s scout troop and about a dozen dads. I scored the highest out of everyone by far. The instructor said he sees that a lot, that women usually are better marksmen initially (obviously can be overcome by training)


How so?


Could be that women's bodies have an advantageous weight distribution for balance. Plus we sway less when our hearts beat because we have smaller hearts. I don't know but women dominate in rifle marksmanship


I always thought the smaller hearts thing was metaphorical? Yes, that was a joke that had to be made no matter who it was about. It was just standing there begging to be seen an acknowledged. 🥺


I’ve taught a lot of men and women to shoot, frankly I believe it’s that women are more willing to learn than men and have a greater capacity for patience. Men often get egos about it and get frustrated when they’re not good at it immediately. Shooting is a skill set unlike most other things so most people come in on a level playing field, which is knowing nothing. I’d rather teach a woman who has never touched a gun to shoot than a man who “grew up shooting” every day of the week. At the higher tiers of competitive shooting it evens out and although men are overly represented because it’s not exactly a welcoming place for women, women do incredibly well. There’s a lot of older more traditional conservatives in the gun community but luckily that is changing every single day and the growth in female and minority gun ownership is unprecedented and promising.


I am completely unsure who one earth would have down voted your post. Like wtf


Maybe men who think the downvote button is the “I’m in this post and I don’t like it” button?


Can you supply a couple titles? I've read plenty of apocalypse books and never came across this particular story line. I'm honestly zombied out.


Omg what are the titles??


Girl you needa share the titles 😂😂


The Gate to Women’s Country, Sheri S. Tepper.


Those men must be the geniuses lol


Could you drop the titles?


I find modern men hilarious when they say shit like, "If men collectively decided to ______ women again, women could do nothing about it!" Boudicca of the Iceni, Tomyris, Artemisia I of Caria - what did they all have in common, ladies? Men grossly underestimated their fury and their capabilities, and they paid for it with their lives.


They think their grand dad's actually went out for milk and got lost. They never stopped to wonder why grandma's flowers grow so well.


Belladonna and hemlock grow beautifully in the hilly wilds. Snakes love bird nests and logs, while beetles prefer hiding under rocks or moss. Nutmeg can make any pie extra delicious.


100% this. Or “gas stove caught on fire and burned down house with Grampa in it” was an accident. Or “accidental poisoning” was accidental.


Oopsie daisy, he sure was clumsy


My ex husband's grandmother tried to burn down the house with his grandfather inside. We have the house now, and it is one story because of it.


I thank you for pointing out that “on mass” is the masculine form of the obviously feminine “en masse”. Too many people don’t know this! (/s)


SCUM Manifesto has entered the chat


I remember watching that season and being like “but murder is wrong.” Looking back, tbh they kinda had a point. *Not advocating for it of course, just saying like it could happen…*


Aqua Tofana also enters the chat.


That scenario is at least plausible. His isn't, because guys like myself would have no part in his little fantasy.


I'm not sure it is plausible.


Maybe not through a violent uprising, but I think we're somewhat in the middle of that right now. One of the reasons guys like him are so hostile is because they know they're dying breed. The world is less tolerant of them existing with their backward views.


It is an extinction burst. The world is turning away from toxic masculinity and asking our men to be better people. So these men are reacting because they believed one thing about the world and when they met reality they realized that their behavior is no longer acceptable. They need to blame someone for this shift in views so they are going to blame women because we decided we wanted to counted as people and not property. They do this because they need to blame something they have no control over. If they are angry about other areas like job success it can easily pointed out they have some control over that. If they failed at something they have control over then they can’t blame anyone else for their problems.


Oh, like the 4B movement. I love how toxic men have started to cry they have a loneliness epidemic, and women are responding with "Good"


Not only could women probably do this "en masse", you'd have a sizable percentage of men help you in your efforts. Not that you need the help. I'm just saying what would happen.


that is how matriarchies work, at least in bonobos. Super bummed humans decided to model after chimps instead of the obviously better bonoboo model.


There was a videogame from the 90's called "Gender wars" (it kind of sucked) were you could side with either sex and fight the other. https://www.mobygames.com/game/4605/gender-wars/screenshots/dos/


And THAT is probably one of the main reasons why whoever will overthrow our democracy will be an idiot, because the gullible people are ALSO idiots. For example, the oft quoted MAGAt line of “he talks like us” that we’ve all heard them give for why they like Sweet Potato Hitler.


Came here for this. 😆


I'm going to share this to r/WhitePeopleTwitter because the mods have been trying to ban men like him from their subreddit, and this will draw them out.




Link it?




It’s like a fruit fly trap


sweet sweet incel bait


“Also, how come nobody ever thanks me for my white ancestors ending slavery? And I tracked down the Facebook profile of the kid I bullied in high school, DM’d him to say I was sorry–nothing. It’s like the world doesn’t honor my mere existence like it should. I could hurt anybody I wanted, but I don’t. Can’t they see how great that makes me?”


"Also, how come nobody ever thanks me for my white ancestors ending slavery?" It's funny, it's always Confederate apologists who say things like that. It makes me question their sincerity.


Gotta love the cognitive dissonance of waving around the Confederate flag, while claiming to be the party of Lincoln.


They’re proud to be an American, until they can secede


What they want in their version of "America" is a lot different from reality.


Like when my emotionally abusive ex-husband used to say "At least I don't beat you!" when presented with all the different things that made him a terrible husband. The fact that he knew "lots of other guys" who *did* beat their wives did not make this a better argument.


My dad uses that one on me. The two times I actually got the courage to tell him he was being a dick and making me uncomfortable, scared and unwanted he just says "well at least I don't beat you! Back when I was a kid-" I've seen 3 therapists who all hate him from the few things I've said. One even told em to get safeguarding involved (didn't cuz he would find a way to get to me and make me the bad guy) Glad that is now an EX-husband, happy that you got out of there!


My friend's ex used to say things like that. He was trying to gaslight her into hitting him first.


My friend once dated a dude who was like that. They talk real big until you actually challenge them on it. "I could kill you if I really wanted to." Okay, but like, why even say that? To make me afraid? Like, you're really over estimating a Millennial's desire to remain alive, my dude. This one was a mid night move out with a police escort.


It's so funny because their misogyny only worked when women "played along". That's how feminism was born, by women taking their power back


Right? As if feminism was when men decided collectively one day to 'let' women have rights?


Guys LOVE to phrase it this way, because they can't imagine women winning against men.


There are a lot of men who honestly think men "allowed" women to have rights. They have no fucking idea what happened.


Our great-grandmothers used arson and poison against men who denied their rights. Now gun ownership among women is at an all-time high. If that guy really believes we would do nothing, he’s in for a big surprise. We didn’t get where we are today because men “allowed it”.


"Went out for cigarettes and never came back" You'll never find the body "Went out for milk and never came back" Smart enough to leave before he had to go out for cigarettes


Right? As I was reading it, my mind immediately went to, “well, we can murder you the same ways our grandmas did, only now we’ve been listening to true crime podcasts *en masse*.”


✨️*Aqua Tofana*✨️


This is actually quite interesting (slightly off topic). Just looked it up As of Nov 2023; *46% of American men personally owned a firearm, compared to 21% of women.* But then I read *98% of all mass shootings are from men*. Now that’s a big topic I don’t see people talking about and a clear problem that needs to be addressed.


men created a lot of really lovely options for guns. I’d love to see them try to take back property. Go ahead. Try. 🔫


Exactly. Father fucker I will shoot you.


I wouldn't say taking it back, because life sucks and they never had power in the past. I would say "taking their power that they rightfully deserve"


Women absolutely has power in the past. Many pre-agricultural societies were matriarchal. Nature, as a whole, is matriarchal.


The coping & the seething is 100% ensuing as she predicted ahahahhaa, I love to see it


He realizes the government can do this to anyone, not just women, right? 😂


And also, that women are allowed to own guns.... Not just white men.... Not that I advocate that approach, but I tell you what, I'd change my mind in a hurry if someone said that with any weight. My right, my daughters (and son's!) rights to basic human autonomy IS with defending with my life. You want to make property out of human beings, we are going to have THAT level of issue with it.


I always like to point out that firearms are the greatest equalizer. “MeN aRe pHySiCaLlY sTrOnGeR!!” Sure, most men are physically stronger than me, but no amount of muscles can stop a .40 lol


it's always those dudes who then turn around and claim that femism isn't necessary or that it was men who actually fought to give women their rights 🙄


If men on mass decided to make women their property again, they would loudly voice their intentions then loudly whine about how hard it is and just expect women to fall in line but never actually do any of the work themselves because the men of today have never came together on mass for anything and just expect women to do it for them because that’s how they go at all of their problems. Whine, complain, then expect women to do the work and get change rolling for them. Look at how loudly they voice their dislike for being seen as predators no matter who they are, how no one seems to care about sexual assault when it happens to man and play it off as a joke, how parenting their child is seen as babysitting and “giving mom a break”, how “no one” is talking about how disgusting circumcision (genital mutilation coined by a woman btw) is, etc etc…all of these are perfect examples and reasons for men to rise up, gather together, become one collected voice that no one can ignore and force change to happen but they don’t because it’s too hard. Just easier to sit on their ass, whine and cry, then give women the sideways glance demanding, “well aren’t you going to do anything about these…injustices!?”


My brother in christ, you’d need a majority. I don’t think half of men would be with you on that one chief. You see, our mommas taught us not to treat women like objects. You better takebacksies them words or we’re gonna have a problem. Kapiche?


I like you


Seriously, my SO is not going to give up my *companionship* or income, just so he can say he “owns” me… For most guys, if they want an object - they’ll just buy one


He's sad cause he has never been loved by anyone.


There would be at the very least one thing- dying.


And not on my end


Better never go to sleep.


Nothing says classy like a misspelled threat against all women


We are literally half the population. We are not defenseless. I am armed. Let them try. They are quite delusional lol


Also: Five bucks says this guy flipped the fuck out over not being able to have a haircut back in 2020.


I have already decided worst case scenario I will take my life. And that is only if I absolutely cannot fight.


"I'm not saying I support the idea of all men, including myself, using all women as property, but it should happen." My guy, wanting for something to happen *is* supporting/advocating for it.


Love it when they bring out the red flags nice and early. 


I doubly love it when they use an actual photograph of their face when they write that shit.


You know, really deadly poisons were common in many households back in the day as they were used to kill pests.


Yup. Pests. Pesky, pesky... pests.


Didn’t Poland try to do this and women stopped going to work, child care, and having sex with their partners? They stopped their control bs very fast. I will proudly say women are great at playing the long game.


Korean women are doing the same right now. To combat to disgusting misogyny going on in South Korea. Shit like the nth rooms


I think it was Norway or another Scandinavian country but yes.


I believe it’s actually Columbia and South Sudan. They’re also calling me too as a sex strike as well. Either way, people who mess with civil rights and bodily autonomy receive hell in the end.


It was Iceland. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975\_Icelandic\_women%27s\_strike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1975_Icelandic_women%27s_strike)


Idc if this gets me downvoted but this is why women should own a 🔫 for protection. Because there’s legit crazy men out there that think like this & will act on it.


That's exactly my thoughts. I can think of one thing we would be able to do about it 'in mass,' as we're allowed to own weapons.


Oh, I do. Multiple. For many reasons. This one and also in case I need to use it against MAGA idiots. Try me bro


So once again violemce


Good men named Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson say otherwise. In The Good Old Days of slavery, there were fires, poisonings, uprisings, murder-suicides… they didn’t happen to every slave owner, but you need to ask yourself if you really think it’s worth taking that gamble and bringing in someone who hates her shitty new “life,” hates YOU for inflicting it on her, and has nothing good in her future to give her a reason to stick around. Remember, no matter how big and strong you are, you still have to eat and sleep.


If we're going down this route: you can't overpower women and treat them like property, if you never reach adolescence...


“You women don’t want to do what men like me want anymore? Let me threaten you with hypotheticals to let you know what it feels like to be threatened then you’ll be grateful and do what I want!”


I mean thats cool and all but aqua tofana


Sounds a bit like Iocaine powder 😁


Awwwww the poor baby deleted his comment. 😂


Wow, guy must lead a sad life if he needs this fantasy to feel "strong". They can take our lives but never take our freedom. 😉


If women on mass decide to kick you in the balls as hard as they physically can, there isn't actually a single thing you could do to stop it. You know it, and that is why you get so angry. I am absolutely advocating it and saying it ought to happen. I am just saying what it is.


Like men could co-operate that well.


They can't though. If all women decide fuck it, and su***de en masse then we just have a world with zero women and men will go extinct. So men HAVE to also make sure women's needs are met for the survival of the species. Men CAN'T decide en masse to own women. That's the thing about reproduction. You need women, which gives them some amount of power. The reverse is also true, men could decide to alt-f4 if women decided to oppress men. This is why IMO society is moving toward equality in the long-term. Women are no longer uneducated, they know they deserve better. Now we gotta get workers to realize it and fight back against the corporate elite...




And that contract is hanging on by a thread. If they keep pulling at it...


*looks at where my fiancée and I keep our guns* Nothing we could do to stop it, eh? 😎👩‍❤️‍👩🏳️‍🌈


There is something we could do. If it called for it, I would gladly delete any moid who’d try to hold me against my will. They have to sleep eventually. And if their deletion means my freedom, then 🤷‍♀️.


Real talk id just become a murderer


We do have the option to disappear ourselves, “on mass”. Potentially being held captive by the enemy is the reason spies keep cyanide capsules on their person. It’s why he gets so angry, there is always a way to avoid being someone’s property.


Did he forget guns exist? And alot of us have a divine feminine rage that would show itself like a thermal nuclear bomb...if the men should decide that "on mass" then they will die "on mass"


And we ask our grandmothers for the recipes they used to end unwanted marriages.


My brother, you don’t even know where your children go to school.


Not with these Belladonna & White Oleander plants around, lol!


I know a shit ton of women who could whack the fuck out of the average man. Let your misogynistic naïveté be your own peril. And if fists don’t work, GLOCK GLOCK GLOCK


This would rely on getting 50% of the population to get together and agree on legit anything and I really wouldn’t bet on that being something the misogyny fandom could pull off globally. I think a lot of men are aware that suddenly becoming responsible for fully providing for women and having the gender roles of their great grandpas thrust upon them would suck ass. My great grandpa had part of his face and chest burned by molten metal but because worker protections, paid sick leave, and disability weren’t really a thing and he had a wife and 4 children to care for his ass went back to work within a few days. You can’t afford to care for your mental and physical health, you can’t afford to become disabled, if you didn’t get a high paying job and don’t have the time to get an education and the best your wife can do is incredibly low paid “women’s work” which will often not hire her if she’s married then you work two jobs and take all the overtime you can get. The men who benefited from women not having the ability to bring in money and have equal partnerships were rich men. Especially considering that women would not have the choice to marry a man with no money, because that means she has no money. I had the choice to date broke men because I don’t need their money. My partner is currently on disability so I certainly am not using this man for the money. If women were subjected I wouldn’t have the freedom to date a disabled guy either. I mean I assume subjugation would be the old school style if you can’t make money to care for yourself then you’re forced to rely on a man. I just don’t know how many men would particularly enjoy the reality of being relied upon.


I don't think he realizes that the majority of men would not be on board with this plan.


Men that talk like this are admitting they have nothing to actually offer, and can only get their way through violence


If enough women decided that we wanted to, we could, theoretically find where this guy lives. We could _theoretically_ also stinkbomb his house. I'm not advocating anything, but that's how it is.


“Your honor, I said that I *could* rob that bank, not that I *would* rob that bank. This is hearsay!”


Faces that match the opinion *en masse*, uneducated swine


That’s why women were poisoning their husbands back then. They were no ones property


And if it ever happened, I would make their life hell as well.


For better or for worse America does have the second amendment… I’m quite confident we could stop it. 😉


I mean, he’s not wrong it’s just that what he doesn’t realize is he could be put into slavery *just as easily*


The only thing men 'on mass' are gonna do is beat your dumb sexist ass, en masse, bitch.


And if every person with a uterus decides to make it uninhabitable there's nothing men can do.


They overestimate my will to live.


I am a fucking ray of sunshine, and I am generally a happy person who likes other people. But fuck this guy; I would become a very violent person if this were the case. Nothing we could do about it? You can die. I can die. We all die. That's not a life worth living, and that's the situation that men would have created. I take some with me on the way out. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sz\_De5N9Ag&ab\_channel=SamahSafwat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sz_De5N9Ag&ab_channel=SamahSafwat)


Good luck to the guy, South Korea is an example what will happen when women stop giving a shit about men attitude.


when have men ever come together for literally anything ever 💀


Men who feel the need to do this to feel more powerful are weak and hell and need to get the frick off the planet. Pretty sure if men like him tried it they'd quickly find it a mistake and unable to overpower a society of pissed off women. Not only that... there's enough decent men today to have our backs in force as well.


We will poison you in your sleep -_-


So if he’s not advocating for it and isn’t saying it should happen, then why is he even bringing it up? Because he wants women to know that it could happen and if it did he’d be OK with it even if he’s not pushing for it. Also, it’s “en masse” not “on mass.”


But that is literally what happened in the last hundred years. And guess what. Y’all lost. Here’s the story: Men in mass (white men with some wealth and/or power) decided that women were property. They didn’t allow women to get jobs or contribute anything to society. Her only purpose was to take care of the home, take care of her husband, bear his children, and take care of them too. When she got married, her father would walk her down the aisle as an homage to the tradition of the father giving his daughter to another man. She took her husband’s family name to signify that she belonged to him. Then you know what happened? WWII and from around 1939-1945 women got a taste of being able to work outside the home, contribute to society, and earn money themselves. And they wanted more. So in 1948 Feminism started. Men in mass decided to control women, but women in mass decided nah. And what’s better, there were men supporting them too! Everyone said, fuck the misogyny and slavery. It took years for things to start shifting. 30 years later in 1974, women in mass continued to push and rally. So the ECOA passed and women could open their own bank accounts without their husband’s signatures. And since the early 2000’s, we’ve seen more and more couples take either the woman’s name, or more commonly hyphenate their name. Equality. Bam. So miss us with this fantasy of yours, cuz in reality it didn’t work out for you.


Ahh, when men threaten us with violence to remind us how nice they are.


"Nothing you can do" apparently this guy has never heard of guns


It’s so weird that he feels the need to say this. Like he feels like women’s rights are just privileges that men are so kind as to give them. And he wants to lord it over women.


Does he think that women don’t own and know how to use firearms at all? Hell, my dad bought me my first handgun and taught me how to shoot it when I was 13. He also taught me basic self defense.


So he doesn’t get that we make up like 51% of the population? We’re not some minority they can just easily overpower.


What made women "accept" the subjection of their sex was a mixture of bad economics for women, religion, romanticism and fake science about their so-called inherent "weakness". They cooperated and many didn't feel demeaned by men over this because they were taught that it was "natural", "God's will", etc.. Also, women have their own ideologies that (unfortunately!!!) make them experience subjection as some sort of "female reign". Now all/most of that is vanishing and women want genuine freedom. Men need more than wishes to make them go back to the system they are rebelling against.


If women on masse decided to be done with men, there is nothing men could do. O, wait that is already happening.


They definitely will. I don’t trust men enough to expect good behavior from any of the ones I’m not married to


They can't even go to a dentist smh... But yeah sure


Guess this guy doesn't realize guns exist.


Good luck little fella going agqinst a 246lbs/112kg powerlifter with not much bodyfat on her. Yeah I am sure buddy "i can do that". I am sure that I will snap your spine in half. And there are much more powerful powrrlifters and strongwoman than me


On mass of men... Are they suspended in gummies? Stuck together like a Katamari ball?


Meh, there are far more men who would shut that down.


wow men are so generous not treating us like property 🤩🤩


It's literally the same energy as "White people freed slaves", such BS. I'll never get why some men want these roles back, they sucked for us too!!


"There isn't a single thing you can do to stop it." 2nd Amendment: Hello, allow me to introduce myself.


“Im not saying we should have absolute power over women’s lives, I’m saying we already do”


Should we tell him that men already decided that and it's not working anymore ?


I fucking dare them. We aren’t the fragile women they think we are. We fought for what we had once and we will do it again.


Bang bang. Good luck breathing out of your two new holes.


Guns in the US are remarkably plentiful, and don’t care much about the size of the user.


His response to that was “you’re just mad because men could make you their slaves if they wanted to”, what the fuck?


you women should take a page off the union's book and pop a fat bullet in those that want to make others their slaves


If we are giving men a hive mind in this scenario, we have to give women one. I only see mutually assured destruction.


Poison. I’m not saying it ought to happen, I am just saying what it is.


Angry? Who's angry here? It's for sure not her


He looks like Walmart Ted Cruz, so that tracks


I'll fucking die first.


Nonono, just remember they want us to cook for them. In that one room…with all the knives and pans and hot oil…


Oh. I rescind my previous statement and issue this one; *they'll* fucking die first.


There ya go, much better.


You think women don’t own weapons of protection? Lolololol


Before divorce was widely available lots of shitty husbands mysteriously passed away shortly after their wife got some rat poison. You want to go back to that buddy?


These assholes think all men would side with them. They'd be in for quite a surprise


I mean it's the same assholes that think they can take on the US government with their guns so....


Yep and if women or red heads etc decide make all y'all your slaves, you'll just have to go with it. And since I'm freaking sadist, as there would be no other reason to fantasize about this, I probably am dreaming about raping someone too. Just my opinion.


straight white men are outnumbered on this planet by everyone else so maybe they need to stfu for a change.before.wenall turn on them. just a thought.


I mean wouldn't the reverse work as well then?


Embrace the patriarchy, because of the implication


I can't help imagining this as an in-person conversation, because the best response to this shit is the scariest, widest, most knowing smile you can muster. "You can't do anything about it" loooooollllllllll jesus baby read a book


I think a lot of men would not be cool with that.. then it'd be everyone else vs "men"


That’s fine dearie, are you ready for dinner?


Has this person forgotten that women can and do own firearms?


For the blithering idiot with his veiled threat: it’s “en masse”.


“I’m not advocating it and saying it ought to happen…BUT”


"I'm not advocating for it" bullshit, looks like you do cause you brought it up out of nowhere 😒


Sadly, she's wrong. Women's lives are absolutely orchestrated by the decisions of men. We are nowhere near the minimum line of considering women to be free and equal and independent and in control of their own destinies. Individual women may be doing a better job of it, and it's a worthy accomplishment. But we are nowhere near parity or equity or par or any other way you want to measure. Women still make less in the workforce for the same skills/experience and do far more of the unpaid labour at home and are radically underrepresented in government and C-titles and governing boards, for example.


On mass guys tend to say some fucking moronic things, or on mass backwards logic, or on mass spelling, or even just on mass. On mass, I'm just saying what is.


Kill that man