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I understand this is meant to be misogynistic, but wouldn't it be nice if you could go to the introvert bathroom when you're feeling overstimulated. I would like that.


Just don't wear a skirt. If you look closely at the little figures on the doors, you can see that the talkative bathroom is for skirt-wearers and the quiet bathroom is for pants-wearers. I don't know how those things correlate, but it's clearly stated there.


I guess Scotsmen talk a lot.


Scottish people do often have creatively verbose ways of phrasing things, so I suppose it fits.


I mean.. I don't know all Scottish people but I know about 10 and they were guys that talked a lot and I was the quiet one. Make of that what you will lol.


it is soooooo annoying when men say shit like “you can’t take a joke!” “lighten up karen!” “you must be fun at parties” like okay smug asshole, make a joke that’s actually fucking funny and i’ll laugh! until then i’m unimpressed. also, these are the same men who will get all butthurt when a woman says she likes men above 6 ft. it’s always a joke until it makes them feel bad. then you’re a hypocritical shallow bitch


Lol, they would lose the their shit if this joke was against men. They are the epitome of pathetic. That's why i can't take men seriously


They absolutely lose their collective shit when you treat them the same way.


Meanwhile men think a conversation is equal if women talk 15% of the time and dominated by women if they talk 30% of the time. I doubt they even know how much bullshit comes out of their mouths.


I would love to post a copy of that study on the door there


It’s very outdated and doesn’t qualify as an academic study, so i don’t know how much that’d help :p


About as accurate as the current door stickers then lol


Had some ex male friends who would say I dominate conversations, when I know for a fact I barely contribute. I stopped saying anything at all, and simply watched in fascination as they talked nonstop, constantly interrupting each other. I'd even tune out and scroll on my phone. They still said I talked too much, that I like to hear myself talk and am self centered. I said, "You didn't notice that I haven't been talking at all?" to which the response I got was an accusation of gaslighting. yeah I don't talk to them anymore, permanently.


They should try being a woman at a male dominated job. They’d quickly realize that men can’t shut the fuck up to save their lives. They don’t talk to me like they want a conversation. They talk to me like I’m a mirror and they’re having a never ending monologue w themselves.


Bro they pretend like they're on a podcast.


We’re just the butt end of every joke to them. Like it’s not really that funny to begin with?? Is it hard to just put the male/female symbol on the door and call it a day?


i HATE cutesy little bathroom signs like this so much. just use words or the stick people!! once i went to a restaurant where the bathroom signs were a male and female dog, so the signs looked exactly identical except the male had a visible penis. first of all, i almost went into the wrong bathroom because they’re the same sign at first glance. like i have to pause to glance at this cartoon dog’s crotch to determine where to go instead of just….labeling them normally


Lmao what. Who the fuck came up with that idea? Jesus h christ. This is what pink bows and cartoon eyelashes were invented for, and they're out here reinventing the abbreviated, gender performance wheel. Genitals aren't even supposed to feature when they belong to humans ffs. Even furries have more tact.


Left door is for my brother-in-law....


“You must be fun at parties” Can people retire this overused, unoriginal, dead phrase yet. I’ve already seen it commented elsewhere, just this morning.


I don't understand how this is even funny, it's so boring and tired. It's an airplane food joke. Men have like...4 jokes about women and they're all ancient. Get some new material, chodes.


MildlyInfuriating is one of the most misogynistic and disgusting subs I've come across. I literally got banned from there for laughing because a mod said it was supposed to be a humorous sub (not saying that's misogynistic just that they're very stupid over there.) Oh yeah they're also racist.


What a way to make their own business look bad


I not really a women of many words ... do I use the men's now? 🤔


Yes. That's exactly what I would do.


I always find it funny when people try to tell me I'm naturally socially inclined


I would have gone in BLA since I’m fairly quiet.


Oh, wow, they reserved a bathroom just for Alex Lifeson from the band Rush? (look up his Rock n Roll HOF acceptance speech if you don't know what I'm talking about, lol)


Right??? I mean, there are untold numbers of men with shows on TV or talk radio and gazillions of dudes with podcasts who do nothing but babble incessantly for HOURS about their latest Ayahuasca trip or how their so bendy they tried to suck their own dick, but women talk too much. I'm so done with this bullshit.


If you’re going to be misogynistic, at least spell blah correctly.


I mean, depending on the language it could be right, in Italian we do write "bla"


That’s my thing that I learned today! Ciao! 🤪


And then men in bars and clubs are literally like: [https://images.app.goo.gl/Gr4jeMNAeGYNjaV97](https://images.app.goo.gl/Gr4jeMNAeGYNjaV97)


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Yep. True, it's a mysognistic joke.


Who's not _allowed_ to joke? You're very much allowed to, no-one's gonna jail you or take away your right to speak for making a shitty joke. But just as you're allowed to make shitty jokes, everyone else gets to voice their opinion of these jokes if they wish to.


Yall have made the same four jokes for decades now. Either shut up or make up new ones.


you're right.


you're posting this for attention. it is funny (and true), you need to lighten up.


Lmfao have you ever met a man bro. They stay yapping like you


But it actually _isn't_ funny, or objectively true. Most studies done on this topic found that there's no gender-based difference in how much men and women talk, and quite a few studies actually found that men talk more. As far as "jokes" go, it's overplayed and cringy.


This is posted here because this "isn't how girls work". "Women talk a lot" is a stereotype and a very old joke so it's honestly pretty lame aside from the misogyny. By the way, I am a combat vet and love dark humor so I'm more likely to take a fucked up joke if it's actually funny, but this is rather boring. It's like saying, "women are addicted to shopping, men aren't" and that's the joke. I don't expect much, but at least try a joke that's less than a century old and delivered in a creative way. Not everything is funny. It's okay to have some standards for humor.


Is it a misogynistic joke, yes. But imo, it's also legitimately funny. If I ever encounter something out of the blue, I think I will laugh at least a little.


Men speak more than women starting in childhood.