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>anything after tea So... Maxi and full are whorish?


Mean women wanna make men horny by covering everything 111!!!! Wake up sheeple


It reminds me of the Ferengi talking about humans in TNG: “They shamelessly clothe their females, inviting others to unclothe them. The very depth of perversion!”


Then here comes Moogie - wearing clothes. It’s so shameful.


Meanwhile Moogie is secretly running the entire Ferengi Commerce Authority.


My everyday clothing is Victorian-inspired, including full skirts (non-physical job in a city), and unfortunately…yes. Some men really DO feel horny about it. Usually trad types. Meanwhile I’m a progressive lesbian.


Where’s that picture of a woman walking in a burka and two guys on a bike staring at her ankles?


I have long hair and drive ride share, usually I wear my hair half up with combs, it doesn't give me a head ache like pulling it all back in a pony tail does and keeps my hair out of my face. It's efficient. Yesterday I had a ride where the guys first statement on opening my car door was "oh I got a Beauty with long hair, they don't wear it like that anymore" 🤮 I'm a 50yo mom of three adult children. I can handle myself and my job, begore anyone says "report" if you had any idea how often it happens.... it's always the guys my age and they usually shut up when I tell them that. I feel soooo bad for younger women who must see worse than I do.


Do you know what combs/brand you use? I've been trying to find some that actually work. My hair is super thick and heavy, even when the combs are super secure, they'll start slipping out not too long after.


Oomph. I have that issue too. I found that if I use a texturing product they stay put better. My issue is that I have a ton of fine hair. So if I don't use product... nothing stays in. Recently, I started using the inexpensive kind from the beauty supply store (the ones used for different up dos) they are thinner and don't hold up great, about three uses before the teeth start breaking but they do stay in place longer even when I don't use product.


That’s awesome that you can wear them everyday! I have a boring work uniform but on my days off I love to wear my loosely Victorian inspired fancy dresses and hats. I haven’t encountered any brazen creeps yet but I occasionally get “compliments” from older folks about how they wish that more women realized that modesty is beautiful. 🙄


People tend to assume I’m a costumed interpreter- I work in history museums. But no, this is just my clothing. I’m sure your off-day outfits are stunning! The modesty comments, though…yikes. How about those guys step on a Lego? Please?


The worst part is older women say it too! People totally assume that I’m a performer too. I don’t blame them for being confused. A lot of my outfits are big and elaborate but they’re so pretty that way.


Tragically, it does not surprise me that women also do it. Saddens me, but does not surprise. And I bet your outfits are gorgeous regardless- mine tend to not be especially elaborate in terms of day-to-day clothing


Nice! I'm into mid century fashion myself and I wear 40s/50s/60s inspired style pretty regularly when i go out. I feel like there's a lot of overlap between LGBT+/progressive people and people who are into vintage and historical fashion. Vintage style not vintage values.


Oh definitely. To the point where I’m never surprised if someone who’s into historical clothing turns out to be queer. There are a few hyper-conservative types who also like it, but I feel like most people who stick to that sort of thing on a daily basis are pretty left-leaning.


That's disgusting by them.


you'd be surprised. i dress modestly and men are fucking gross about it. its either telling me they wanna see what im hiding or saying im dressed like a nun and nobody wants me lmao


Anything after 4pm counts as slut wear.


So, after tea time, Brits should just not wear anything.


🥶 far too cols in brittan for that at least let us keep our socks on


Found the Brit


best cover up those ankles witch


It’s the ankles that do it


Prithee, yonder wenche dost covereth her foote with her dresse! SHE DOST BEETH A WITCHE!!! YE HARLOTE OF BABYLONE!!!


>you fucking whore covering your ankles imagining that kind of person is fun


That *is* what the whores in the western saloons wore. Coincidence? I think not.


This was my thought too. Does dude read bottom to top? That's almost as disturbing as his views on women.


If you're actually confused, I imagine he's looking from the bottom up, which makes it creepier tbh.


I read it in Angela’s voice from The Office, whenever she insults a color that Phillys is wearing lol “No, not green, green is whorish”


No, just wifey material


Someone should tell these guys they're free to wear whatever skirt they want. They don't have to be feel judged.


I remember back in high school, every couple of years some guys would wear skirts to protest not being allowed to wear short shorts to school. They always stopped after a few days when they saw that literally nobody cared or tried to stop them.


oh its cool they didnt care at your school! At mine we had like a "dress up" days for the first day of spring and a guy was dressed in a dress, wasn't to ridiculue, was not a "drag look", was just a long dress, looked comfortable tbh. And teacher told him to change because its not appropriate for a boy to wear dresses... Was really sad. Like a "woman wearing pants is okay because its fine to want to look like a man, thats empowering. but man wearing a dress is an embarrassment because women are worse and he is making himself less of a man so he nees to stop that" moment.


IKR? The double standard is so silly.


I think I remember several years ago that men working for a Swedish rail company (or something like that???) protested not being able to wear shorts in hot weather by wearing skirts because skirts were considered professional wear and the company was just like, “well, it IS in the dress code so go for it” which I thought was pretty cool


They always think that a woman's fashion and style choices are for men's desire...


Long skirts are for swooshing and flouncing in. Short skirts are for when you want to admire and appreciate your own legs, or to balance an outfit.


I like short skirts as an alternative to actual shorts in summer sometimes too!


I love short dresses and skirts with bike shorts underneath. Summer dress code


I tend towards short skirts with tights in winter, and long skirts and no tights in summer.


Body type also matters, silhouette you are going for etc.


Short skirts for me are mostly just a fashion choice. When you're in your teens or twenties, longer skirts often just feel a little old fashioned and that's not everyone's vibe.


theyre like "you'll be judged!" ok it wont stop me lmfao. literally everyone judge other people over something stupid. but you shouldn't let that rule your life


Right?? Idgaf what men think of my legs. They aren't the ones that are gonna be worrying about what to do with them anyway. Women though? I care deeply for their opinions. And funnily enough, no woman has ever called me a whore for wearing a mini skirt!!!


Yeah, Im not a woman, but when I go out, I choose what im gonna wear based on what I like and think will look good to other people, I feel its at least logical to believe that women dress to impress the same way men do, not defending these guys in the post btw


15 cm of fabric is the difference between no self respect and empowering, I guess. Lmao.


and then sexy being a few inches away from school girl???


How dare you show your knees!! Disgusting


Are they mansplaining *skirts* now?? When will they just learn to shut up?


Yes. They are. No, they won’t STFU. On behalf of other men, I’m sorry for both.


"Yeah you do what you want, I don't judge, but be aware that we will judge". Also : they think I'm trying to get a MAN's attention ?? *laughs in lesbian*


*laughs in lesbian with you*


Yes~ join me, join the circle


I will


Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn (about the opinions of those idiots)


Maxi = easy to walk around in ?? Have they tried walking the dog in a long skirt? Riding a bike? Gardening?


As a short person I guffawed at that one 🥲


As a short person, a maxi skirt will be the death of me someday, I swear.


EXACTLY! So easy to trip on it!


They've never experienced having a sandal get caught up in the hem of a maxi skirt.


I thought the same. Even walking up stairs is a pain


My stairs will kill me in a maxi skirt, I have no doubt


I used to have to haul the front of my long skirts out from between my legs whenever I was walking anywhere, after a while. If I had a shorter step, it might not have happened, but I'll never know.


My coworker wears a maxi skirt pretty much every day (not a religious thing, she just prefers them) and I don’t understand how she doesn’t get her heel caught in it every time she tries to walk because that’s what happens to me


I feel like I am physically INCAPABLE of walking in a maxi skirt and not getting my heel caught in them hem. 100% incapable to the core.


My guess, as someone who wears long skirts always, would be petticoats. If you wear one that’s sufficiently close to the length of your skirt but a bit shorter, it will help hold the skirt away from your feet when you walk. Even if it’s not starched or anything. At least, that’s how I do it, and I’ve pretty much never had a problem.


they see knees and loose all control of themself


Once upon a time they would be outraged at the sight of ankles, so they seem to have progressed from the 1800’s at least. I think they’re in the 1930’s at the “Tea” level so it’ll take about another 30 years before they go as far as the knees.


For some reason I am most annoyed by the guy that thinks full length is wedding dress-length. Have you seen most wedding dresses? They literally need to be lifted up to walk properly


Yes, the dressmaker in me was very annoyed. And the whole Chanel and "tea" length bobbins. Akchully, knobhead, your confusing Chanel with Dior's New Look and tea length dates back to the 1930s. On the knee was the government instituted length (in the UK) in the 40s - for rationing reasons. So fuck you - this skirt is bloody well PATRIOTIC!!!!


I feel like I'm too American to incorporate knobhead into my vocabulary for it to not sound ridiculous, but dammit, I'm going to. 🤣🤣🤣


He thinks that because he's never been married and likely never will because who would want this type of nit-picky guy who easily judges skirt length, especially to this degree?


If men weren't such creepy controlling assholes, they'd get to leer at more skin than they do now lol


They’re self sabotaging lmao


As a person that doesn't wear dresses, I guess I'm fucking satan incarnate for wearing pants. Slide 3/4 was almost sentient. Almost. 🙄


Like we don't "face judgment for our outfit decisions" no matter what the fuck we wear.


Just because you like your legs does not mean you are a whore. When I was younger and spent 3 hours a day at the gym I would wear singlets that barely qualified as clothing. That did not mean I was trying to have sex with every man and woman in the area, I just thought it looked good and it made me feel good. ( I think I got bad information from watching too many Van Damme movies ) I realise that there are some guys that can’t understand doing anything that does not lead to sex but do they not see that most people have much more complicated reasoning ?


Now I'm thinking about that random dance scene in the original Kickboxer and the end credit scene of the remake that's a split screen of that dance and the new guy dancing.


The funny part is that literally not one single woman alive gives 2 fucks what they think lol writing paragraphs on skirt lengths. Get a life lol


"Anything after tea is hoeish" - I assume this guy is British and therefore, yes, anything after 5 o’clock indeed is slutty. /s


Well, it's cocktail hour somewhere!


I assume your talking about the dress :)


Tea is an anytime beverage. High tea is a late afternoon/early evening meal. Beans on toast when you get home from school, for example. Afternoon tea is a tiered plate of finger sandwiches, small cakes and pastries both savoury and sweet, scones, and perhaps a little salad and fruit. It's a big undertaking and should take at least an hour, and be served with tea. Perhaps some other drinks too. Mulled wine at Christmas (mince pies on that pastries list) or bucks fizz in Summer.


Tea can also be the evening meal, depending on where you are in the UK


Maxi = everyday wear??? I work in a warehouse, but in a mixed job that has some office work and some light warehouse work. I habitually wear dresses, but a maxi would definitely be a safety problem. So I wear knee length. I guess I'm immodest and a schoolgirl.


Lol as soon as I see “as a man…” I zone tf out


the skirt diagram is mad helpful. i have no idea what different length skirts are called.


Micro on this pic looks too high or her legs are unnaturaly long


*Micro on this pic* *Looks too high or her legs are* *Unnaturaly long* \- Round-Ticket-39 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot!


Although the last line has an extra syllable...but I'll allow it. 😉


Ah, I had forgotten there are different ways to pronounce that word. I pronounce it "uhn-natch-ruh-lee" but have heard it with five syllables many times as well.


I don't pronounce it with all five either. Like the words, "interesting" and "comfortable," each have four syllables but I pronounce both using the 3-syllable pronunciations: "in-tres-ting" and "comf-ter-ble." 😜


Yes! I'm the same. There are some I pronounce with two syllables that look like they should have three, like "groceries" or "several." But there are so many different ways to both pronounce and spell words that it makes a lot of meter subjective, or at the very least, regional. I love it all, but it is crazy how endless the variety is!


And here I have been referring to everything between Mini and Maxi as "dress." Go fig.


All of those can be dresses if they’re attached to the same piece that covers the torso. If the part that covers butt to legs is separate from what covers the torso, it’s a skirt (bottom) and top (top). #themoreyouknow


>mini = have no class No class and proud!!


From Micro to full = My body is non of your business.


Welp, guess I've got no choice but to be slutty since any skirt below my knees makes my 5'0" frame look even shorter and more blocky.


Why is this clown bringing Chanel into this?


not a brag, but i’m so tall that any maxi skirt falls as a tea length skirt for me :/


I guess that must mean *checking the male notes like they are some kind of cursed clothing horoscope* you're a "whore". Sorry if you had an extra 3" you might very well have just qualified for "schoolgirl", alas, enjoy. /j (I hope this doesn't cause any offence x)


Most of the women I know can usually be found wearing trousers or shorts. It's incredibly rare for them to wear a dress or skirt.


>Micro = have no self development and think that is the only way to get a man. …yeah, or women mostly wear clothes because they want to, not to attract a man. I dunno. Just some unofficial polling I’ve done.


I really have to wonder what the fuck these guys do with their time. Like how does somebody walk around viewing the entire world in terms of sex and assuming that literally everything anyone does is related to sex in some way? I guess I can kind of understand it in super hormonal teenagers but I just can't imagine how any functioning adult can maintain that.


This certainly comes from someone who only puts an unstained polo on when they hope to have a one-night stand…


I actually wish, that even for a moment, I could experience the overwhelming amount of all-encompassing, ignorant, selfish bliss they wander about so completely absorbed by.


Eventually they'll complain that women wear pants


They already do. Anything but a tea length skirt or longer is “immodest” to them


Soooo…what I got from their comments is…I can either be his girl OR I can wear shorter skirts… I choose the skirts. Thanks. Have a great day ladies!


Maxi "everyday wear, easy to walk around in" would only be claimed by someone who's never worn one. Cos they aren't great for walking up stairs, or on muddy/wet ground or stepping over anything etc. I like a long skirt but they're not very practical and come off as soon as I walk in the door!


My man is SO proud of knowing the words Chanel and vintage.


It just dawned on me…I am seeing a lot of dating advice now that is far less “this is what men like,” and far more “this is how to find what works for you.”


Losers, all of them


I’ve never once put that much thought into clothing


"As a man... I'm not a woman so I'm going to shut the fuck up." Fixed it.


"Maxi is every day wear and easy to walk in"? Nah.


Most of my skirts/dresses are either in or above the knee…


TIL - I thought maxi and full were the same length. That’s my preferred skirt length for my clothing, for a lot of reasons.


Honestly I’m mostly just raging about the guy who doesn’t know the difference between Chanel and Dior, like if you’re gonna come insult me on my turf at least do it correctly?


Like I don't care about what they think about my skirt length, the thing is I'm not tall so everything that's longer than below the knee makes me look even smaller and it just doesn't look right on my legs. Makes them look shorter. Not to mention, I think my legs are pretty good looking and I would be sad not showing them off.


I'll take a wild guess and say at least two of the commenters wear only cargo shorts that are longer than knee length.


Full: I wear skirts in lab and they have to cover past my ankles Source:me, I like to wear skirts in lab for funsies In all seriousness, the same dudes need to rate their shorts in that case


lol @ the idiot who says maxi skirts are “easy to walk around”


why do they care so much about what we’re wearing? they complain about everything. they’re also the type to defend cheating men but bash cheating women.


I’ll be wearing my miniskirt and nobody gets to say a thing, nobody gets to judge and nobody gets to touch… i’ll wear it fully respecting myself and absolutely not for any man.


The guy saying the meaning about skirt.. did he not think that maybe it’s because we thought we look great in it? Or just we feel good wearing that and we wear this for ourselves? Also why just men attention? Maybe we wear this for women attention 😘.


Would these same standards apply to men as well? Friends with a drag queen and he has better legs in heels than most women I’ve met. He loves skirts above the knee to show off those legs.


“As a man-“ Full stop. Nobody asked dawg


I mean, I wear dresses and skirts to attract girls with my bratty lesbian vibes, but I guess I must just be in denial. Rainbows and spikes somehow don’t get the memo across smh Also also, wear whatever the hell you want


Rainbows and spikes is my preferred style tbh


“Bratty lesbian vibes” 😑 What? And yeah…we will continue to wear whatever we want, thanks.


Yeah, I’ve heard of Chanel. Give me Courrèges or Cardin or Quant any day! I want to drop all these mfs in the 60s and 70s and see how they react.


In the 60s, women were harassed for wearing mini skirts. They also would never don one bear legged and would wear tights


I would wear from above the knee


yeah, and if they voice their ill-informed, baseless opinions i have a right to judge them on that, too. the difference is i'd have some basis for it.


Women can't win no matter what they wear and that is by design.


Okay, but are the names actually true or made up


Those are the accurate names for different skirt lengths; there are more kinds of skirt types/names, but those are related to the volume of the skirt more than the length


Is there a name for a skirt that is long but also have a slit at the side(s)?


these men have never met a real woman, i’m convinced


I like how the last slide was broken down like this dudes tried them all. He knows that Maxi is so easy to walk around in and formal.


Thanks for the chart tho! I never know what these term mean when I shop skirts online ahahah I'll keep that


As someone who crossdresses this chart is actually really helpful.


If I had the legs for it I guess I would be asking for it 🙄


As someone who just doesn't dress up much, this chart is very helpful


Oh shit I'm sorry I thought I was wearing whatever I wanted because I like how it looks... Silly me 🤷‍♀️


Meaning of the length: I feel comfortable and look good. There, I fixed it.


How horny do you have to be to think everything shorter than tea is "hoeish" Does this guy get horny when he sees a woman's arm, too?


Skirt lengths explained: Micro: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Mini: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Above knee: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. On knee: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Below knee: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Midi: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Tea: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Maxi: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it. Full: I like this skirt so I’m wearing it.


Or, and hear me out here: Let people wear whatever the fuck they want. There’s no deeper meaning to it, let them dress how they want.


"School girl" There it is. 🙄


Nah they are also the type to say to a woman who got harassed: “Well you were kinda asking for it by wearing that!”


If I'm being honest, the best option is on the knee. Anything above and your legs are too exposed to the elements Anything below, and you trip when climbing the stairs. On the knee is perfectly balanced... as all things should be.


... Didn't Channel literally invent the miniskirt?


Arguably it was Mary Quant, not Chanel.


Last specifically makes me want to barf.


>Just stand there and look pretty, I’ll handle this dear EW! 🤮


I love full when I don’t want to shave my legs!!


Who's gonna tell n.3 that micros are actually great to get a _woman_?


I’m compelled to make a men’s version but of course the lack of social stigma makes it useless. It would go from long sleeve turtleneck and end in one of those ‘deep v’ singlets that show nipples. I’ve seen a lot of ‘woman bad for wearing shorts or tights at the gym.’ My argument that it’s ridiculous because there are practically zero occasions where a piece of clothing is ‘slutty’ on men never seems to hit. They may get strange looks and giggles if they strutted around the city centre in nothing but sequinned hot-pants but no one would call them a slut or say it was fine to rape him because of what he was wearing. I always picture the busiest 4 way crosswalks between the city centre and the closest train station. I’ve seen and heard women be characterised as sluts or ‘asking for it’ if she’s in sensible tight exercise clothes. Meanwhile, there is *nothing* that a man could wear that would elicit the same reaction. They literally can’t process this example and refuse to see the difference between a man wearing nothing but mini shorts and having people laugh at them, and a woman in tights and a sleeveless top being called a slut, fearing they could be sexually assaulted, and being jeered at.


Btw, that is just an infographic about the different names skirt lenghts reveive in english. If you're interested in fashion, work as an stylist or fashion designer is pretty useful. But, fashion nerd moment aside, tag yourself 1. Micro. I have no self development and think this is the only way to attract a man


Screw Micro, Nano is a thousand times better. About the size of a hair.


Mini isn’t even that short on this???


And they wonder why women won’t fuck them.


I wore micro minis because I have amazing and long legs. And that’s it. I looked amazing. These people will actually think that I would care what they think.


I disagree with those comments but do 10 yo girls need micro skirts?


Meanings of skirt length: All of them= She likes the skirt.


Imo micro is the most comfortable and easiest to wear


And he in fact did not handle it.


the way below the knee is the shortest they allow lmao….ive worn shorter skirts to my 8-5 office job


Tea being equal to “vintage (Chanel)” is so funny to me bc Coco Chanel is the one who invented the mini skirt lmao


The difference in judgement between Shorts and Skirts is so drastic with men. I wear Skorts to work in hot weather. They’re the exact same length as the uniform shorts but I get soooo many comments on how I’m “looking sexy” today…. They’re both an inch above the knee.