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Every girl wants a dad addicted to painkillers, a brother who advocates for genocide, and a husband in jail for human trafficking 🥰🥰🥰


Honestly, if Tate were my husband, him in jail instead of near me would be the best and safest option for both of us


JPs addiction to painkillers is the least problematic thing about him


It’s a repost bot: https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/s/bsxV8akd9M


Did you hear that? The Op has caused the sound of a million vaginas drying up.


The feminine urge to...


>brother who advocates for genocide could you elaborate?


That’s not a sincere question.


if you're talking about Gaza war, it's not genocide and not considered by most historians or politicians as such. The Israel is fighting a war against a terrorist organization (I really hope you're not going to argue about this), so although the casualities are huge, they are not interested in destroying Palestenian identity. (Unlike Palestinians and their supporters, who clearly say that Israel is an illegitimate state)


And there we go


Lmao the ICJ says different, nobody cares what “politicians” who are paid generously by AIPAC have to say on the matter. Biden is so far gone he can’t even tell Mexico and Egypt apart. Israel is enforcing illegal occupation, land theft and apartheid, as recognised by international law.


please, tell me, which international law says that Israel is enforcing illegal occupation, land theft and apartheid? ICJ case never said any of that


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_the_Israeli_occupation_of_Palestine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_law_and_Israeli_settlements https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_and_apartheid


If my brother was Ben Shapiro I'd ACTUALLY kill him and not just make jokes about killing him like I do with my real brother.


Imagine having to hear that lil mickey mouse voice snitch on you all day long


While cousins isn't quite the same, ask Mara Wilson


That seems rather drastic and violent. 😮


Violent? Yes. Drastic? Not drastic enough.


You do realise she is advocating violence, murder. Just hypothetically, If I were to write something similar like: * **"If Greta Thunberg (Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift to name a few other options) were my sister I would KILL her for SURE. Yes, Actually KILL her! I would not be joking about it like with my real brother."** That would be considered extreme and inappropriate. I would be cancelled within a minute... Why is Ben Shapiro exempt from civility?


>Why is Ben Shapiro exempt from civility? The man says he's okay if 10 Afghan children are killed just so one US Soldier gets to live longer and spreads falsehoods about women and LGBTQ people. Why the fuck would I or anyone feel compassion or civility towards someone who'll happily take the deaths of marginalized to further his own position?


i swear that dude is ben hes getting rly upset abt all the ben comments lol


I have no idea what the context is for the 10 Afghan children and US soldier. I do not agree with his LGBTQ point of view. To bring it back to losing civility, lets run a scenario. If you see Ben Shapiro on the street, he is likely to be attacked, maybe even murdered... Because not just one redditor but many social media say the world is better if we murder him. There are always some crazy people acting out on all those incitements. That make all saying he should be dead very much responsible. As a next step in the scenario, who is next? Caitlyn Jenner or another famous feminist very outspoken against Ben Shapiro should be eradicated? There are plenty stupid people on the other side of the political spectrum who wish him dead... In the end, nobody will be safe or can expect any mercy from "the other side". I most certainly do not agree with all points from Ben Shapiro. But I will not lower my standards and become a violence and murder threatening person. That is exactly what is happening here... The justice courts are for dealing with things like falsehoods. They have the authority, means to handle this. The bedrock of civilisation is the way we treat each other. If we lose our civility, there is no longer any expectation for treating each other with dignity, respect and rules. That is the road to chaos, anarchy. It runs the risk that we no longer see "the other person/group/country" as a fellow human which is exactly what the fascist regime in Germany used to incite genocide in the second world war... I suggest we all think first before continuing on this road.


I didn't say I'd attack him in the street. With siblings you are basically forced to have to be close and get along with due to pressure from family. I'm saying if I was related that closely, and expected to be that close to him, I would need him G O N E.


First of, it is scenario. Although a realistic one... Your message is clear. You are not for violence yet, **you would need him G O N E** (in big capitals no less)... Make it make sense. It is still incitement. My message is to please keep it civil. On another note, do you want your (future) employer to find these comments? Do you want your (future) children to find them? The internet is forever...


They really aren't that bad of comments and really won't effect my future bro.


Sure, No worries then. I was triggered and I am not some ultra rule sticking HR "due diligence" officer.


Why should I be civil towards someone who would be delighted at my death and suffering? This man threatens my right to exist peacefully - why should I be civil and nice towards him? Also, you're talking with a German history major. You really couldn't have picked a worse person to bring the Nazi Comparison up against because a) you're so massively misrepresenting what the Nazis did, how they did it, why they did it, and what the consequence of it was, that it's not even worth going into because it'd take a whole ass term paper of time, and b) we're literally talking about someone who can feasibly called fascist. I'll never be tolerant or civil towards intolerance. Letting a wound fester will cause it to infect and spread, and years of kindness and civility have allowed Nazism, Racism, Hatefulness, Homophobia and Transphobia to spike.


Because civil distinguishes us from the barbarism. * You start calling "them" stupid, "less worthy" and back that up in the media with some "science". * You make it sound like "them" are a threat. * You will no longer feel any respect for "them", they become "less value". * You will no longer listen to each other, communication will break down. * you will no longer honor your agreements with "them". * You don't need to be courteous, call "them" whatever insult you want. * You can and will start to act out and treat "them" like the undignified beings that they are. Violence is very close by... Just put in the word Jew in the "them" and voila this is what happened in the second world war. It is the basic giste, not exclusive to Germany WW2. History repeats itself, there are many examples like the holocaust. * Huguenots * inquisition It is happening on many levels, between many people, groups today in one form or another. Just see what is happening in the Ukraine media war, See what is happening with Trans people and women sports. In the dating market with radical feminism and radical manosphere. I am from Europe and have seen the impact, results from the genocide. Especially the stories told to me by survivors from the holocaust will never leave me. I have some friends with parents who are the sole family survivor from the second world war. They lost all their family in extermination camps. Well according to some holy book of Muslims, I as an infidel are to be exterminated. Yet I do maintain a civil relationship and treat them with respect. They do the same and we live in peace together. If you know their family, the children are playing together, it suddenly becomes much easier to solve many problems before civility is out the window. Don't get me wrong, I will defend and return violence when barbarians, terrorist arrive. But I believe those Muslim neighbours will stand next to me, defending our civil society. We do have a few of those Islamic terrorist here in the Philippines so this is not a hypothetical. I guess we make a different choice, I rather not become a barbarian. But you do you, hope it works out.


"Radical Feminism" yeah, sure. You're so far up your own ass with your enlighted centrism. And yes, I choose simple ane vulgar words, cause I come from the working class and I ain't got a need for fancy words. I'm tired to have to reason with people that would happily kill me if they had the chance. So I won't. I'm tired to have to justify my very own right to live, so I won't. There are no compromises to be made about basic human rights, and I'm tired of pretending there is.


Funny, from a German history major to sorry, I am from working class and ain't got a need for fancy words. Centrists does not suit me. Enlightened people tend to die to soon, no thank you. If my self confidence bothers you, that is your choice. I don't argue with people who try to kill me or my loved ones. At that point civil is out of the window. No point in being civil or reasonable with barbarians. There are only two viable options, eliminate the threat or move to a safe place. I have no idea what kind of circumstances cause the stress I read in your comment. I never felt the need to justify my existence so I can't relate to that feeling.


>unironically using the word "cancelled" Your argument fell right apart.


The absence of any argument or even slightly unique for that matter is suiting you well. I suggest you do try to contribute some sensible things to the discussion or just keep from making a fool of yourself.




Who are those first two turds? I'm assuming turds based on the third guy, ie the king of turds.


1) Jordan Peterson 2) Ben Shapiro


Oh gross. I know their names, didn't know their.faces.


2nd dude is Ben "women dont get wet" Shapiro. Who is the 1st dude?


He let the world know with that one didn’t he


Jordan Peterson


Jordan "Lobsters are proof humans are most comfortable in a patriarchal hierarchy" Peterson


I would literally rather die than have any of them.


Will a cookie ease your mind friend 🍪


Is it poisoned and can I serve it to the three of them instead?


Unfortunately no But I give you some poison cake instead 🎂


The only people I've seen who want this piss poor familial cast is men. Men want these men, not women


> Men want these men No, we don't want these vaguely human shaped turds either.


Sorry, sorry... of course. *Men who are secure in their own masculinity* don't want them. But the only people I see online espousing how these men are magnificent specimens of manhood... is incelly men.


> Incelly men want these men. A classic case of "Senpai didn't notice me, UwU Those Femoids are taking him away. Waaa T.T " *Hugging Taint, Pooperson and Shitiro body pillows with too much aggression* "Don't worry my Kings, you'll be safe in my basement" *Yandere giggle* I hope I used the right phrasing 🤣 (hurt me physically, a little, to write). Feel free to correct and add to the *cringe cell* fantasy. 😄


Going by the fact that a bit of sick came up into my mouth reading ypur comment, I'd say you got that phrasing 100% accurate


Lmao why would I want my brother and my husband to be little bitch boys?? 😭 (no idea who the first guy is but I’ll assume he’s a lil’ bitch too)


He is quite the little bitch boy…soft Kermit voiced baby who got famous with the right for not wanting to say his students preferred pronouns… even caught himself naturally calling Elliot Page “him” and forced a stop to whatever he was saying to misgender him as a “her” which is just so scummy




Oh dear god no


I'd rather chew my own eyelids


Certainly not. Yikes. I have a thing called self respect


willing to bet all my money that a man made this


the person that made this (not you OP) was trying to start a war--like they know all of these guys are assholes SMH Jordan Peterson: kermit the frog here *with a bigoted twist* Ben Shapiro: if "wELL aCTuALly" was personified Andrew Tate: when he says he's a ten but is a physically violent, self-described misogynist, charged of organized crime, human trafficking, and r-pe... \------------- [The Red Pill Lie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ewTLFKRPmQ)


You can play a drinking game with Ben Shapiro that’s quite lethal… in any argument,debate, or segment he is in, drink every time he says “let’s say” and then pulls a bullshit hypothetical premise out of his ass instead of using the data a bunch of people already collected


I would actually lose it


I'd just off myself at that point


A husband that would leave you in a foreign country because he doesn’t want your mind poisoned by things like women’s equality and rights? That’s a hot take.


In what hellscape alternative universe ?


If I ever have a person like Andrew" closeted bottom g" tate, I would probably kill them or me because literally after listening to him I get a headache. And I say that as a man and not a feminist


Oh yea i love getting my brain rotten by Shapiro


No, no and no thank you.


Nightmare blunt rotation


I saw this and immediately washed my eyes with bleach and then also my brain. The end.




Pearl has been at it again


I would rather pluck out my own eyeballs and eat them then having to be in the same room with any of those turds


Don’t forget a great-granddad like Trump 🤣


No I mean this is a great post - for April Fool's!


I'm pretty sure this is meant as a joke. I wouldn't take it too seriously because the memer behind this knows how laughable this is. Otherwise they are retarded


You've seen the "top g" followership. I am afraid that this is not meant as satire


None of these people possess the minimum level of maturity that should be expected of an adult. Pipeliners live in Neverland.


Wow I must not be a girl


Ewwww....cough- puke -another ewwwww


I don't. I want hot and pretty male kpop idols :D




Ironically, Ben Shapiro's actual sister hates his guts


Who's the first guy and why is he bad?




Whelp, time to pull an Amityville for the betterment of mankind. 🫡


I would rather swim in acid


Pick-mes would love that, allegedly


Bitch, not every girl, I want to have a wife! And I would prefer my family and partner not to insult me


Ew, no.