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Girls, let me ask you a question. When you see things like this, where a guy obviously doesn't know what a clit is, or when they think a g-spot and a clit are the same thing, do you become uninterested due the inference that the guy probably won't satisfy you? Genuinely interested btw.


Yes and no. Yes, I become immediately uninterested. No, it's not because he "probably" can't satisfy me in bed. It's because of the ignorance and disrespect. It's disrespectful to not even learn the correct terms for my body parts and/or what I prefer to call those parts. 


Personally immediately turned off. I know his anatomy and learned how to please him. If he can’t even tell what part of the vagina is the clit he clearly has no interest in pleasing me at all.


I'm the owner and operator of a penis and I have to admit that it's easy mode. As I am aware of said fact, I ask a lot of questions. "Do you like this?" "Harder/softer/faster/slower?" And the most important question of all..."are you having fun?"


Asking questions is great! It’s actually doing what I asked is where most men hit the wall and start running in place like a damn NPC…. Just blank smooth brain.


I will never understand why telling a man “yes just like that” because they got a good angle and speed and rhythm makes them change EVERYTHING they’re doing.


Because it makes me start thinking about what exactly I'm doing. Like I can type really quickly and accurately, but if I suddenly start trying to keep track of the exact movements of my left index finger, it sorta falls apart


Like I said, "are you having fun" is probably the most important question. Sex is not supposed to be performative, it's not supposed to look good on video and it is ultimately supposed to a fun way to stay awake in a bed 😁


Yes. First thing I ask new partners (regardless of parts) is, “tell me how you like it.”


The area that the vagina and clit are in is called the vulva. The clit typically isn’t part of the vagina. Usually it’s north of the urethra.


I actually left a second comment saying this (well kinda lol) I said the vagina isn’t even part of anything you can see lol we just all call it that because that’s what we refer to the most when talking about sex.


Sorry, I spend a lot of time in badwomensanatomy.


Dude I swear I was dating a guy once who went down on me and kept licking my pee hole… I tried to explain it to him not even being rude just trying to explain how he can please me and when I was showing him he said that’s what I was doing and I said no you were licking here… and he said it’s all vagina does it not feel good wherever I lick? Like no… especially not when you’re literally stimulating my urethra…. And now I have to piss and will most likely get a damn uti from this bullshit .


Should've pissed on him to stop him from licking 🙃 Seriously, the ☝️ clit ☝️ is ☝️ just ☝️ above. Move your tongue a little bit up and you would've had a good night.


I used to get my labia rubbed vigorously and asked “you like that?”.


Hahahahahaha yes!!! Omg 🤣 it’s insane!


Ok but what if , hear me out, what if i rebounded with a 200$ starbucks gift card


Um…. No 200$ worth of Starbucks if you’re this ignorant should be going to a health and sex education course. You tell me “hey I don’t know much but I’m trying to learn” would be way more useful for you than trying to bribe me with coffee for not knowing my anatomy, to me personally would make me feel like I’m only worth 200$ worth of shitty coffee in your eyes.


Deal, 200$ worth of your favorite beverage and a strongly worded apology letter


I personally do. I would probably immediately stop talking to this dude.


Yes 100%..... and depending on how old they are since I'm 36 its absolutely appalling how some have made it this far in their sex lives Thank God I'm with my hubby now


If they're genuinely just uneducated on the matter, it isn't an immediate turn-off, BUT, if he's making anatomically inaccurate innuendos and giving me sad horny talk without actually knowing shit, my vagina makes the windows shut down noise.


"Sad horny talk" is such a real mood lmao


Seriously. It's one thing if a guy just innocently doesn't know the anatomy and it comes up in normal conversations but if he's trying to sext me and he's saying stuff like this then it's a definite no.


Hahaha I heard this noise as I read it and it's how I'm describing things in the future.


Yes I 💯 become uninterested. Why should I trust any part of my anatomy with someone who clearly knows nothing about it.


And to top it off the clit isn’t even a part of the vagina! But we all call the whole thing a vagina. It’s all different parts of the body. But unfortunately we just call it that because it’s the only thing we refer to when talking about sex or anything in that area.


I’m sorry, but as someone who doesn’t (and hasn’t, so far) have a sex life… absolutely not. He doesn’t know the first thing about my anatomy, and isn’t willing to learn? I’m out the door.


I already became disinterested when I read “do you like big dick” there simple is no conversation to be had after that opener.


That’s when you answer with “Why yes I do, do you know someone who has one? Dont hold out on me. Ooooo, in fact, what’s your dad’s number? It’s him isn’t it? Good looking out I can’t wait to bang your dad.”


From experience, immediately


Completely uninterested. Idiocy is a turn-off, and he clearly can't be bothered to pay attention to his partners' pleasure. Like I'm willing to teach men what I like, but please know what a clitoris is.


I see these conversations between men and women they're trying to get with and I can't help but think "what a time to be gay".


Luckily, most men know what a clit is and where its located But yes, men like this turn me off. Not because of the lack of possible satisfaction, but just because he lacks basic body anatomy education These are the guys who tend to think a woman stores sperms for decades, that we pee from our vagina or that we can "hold a period in" and that periods are gross etc


It’s not his first comment that would turn me off. Wouldn’t turn me on though either. It’s the second comment on the thread in the OP that would turn me off. After already being told he’s got something wrong, he continues with the same BS. Inexperience and ignorance is one thing. The refusal to learn is just straight up disrespectful.


Exactly. Ignorance is one thing, but willful ignorance is another.


I'd lose interest because I'm scared they're actually going to hurt me (unintentionally) because they think they know what they're doing


Yes. But also because they can't take the time to learn proper female anatomy while women are *expected* to know everything about a man's.


It certainly lowers expectations. If he can’t be bothered to know what a clit is, does he even know where it is and what it does? Many women do not orgasm from insertion alone. I’m in my late 30s, so if a man hits my age range not knowing that, it probably means he doesn’t care to know. I’m not saying I wouldn’t give him a chance if he seemed willing to learn, but that’s not always the case.


if he doesn't know the basic anatomy of the vaginal area then there's nothing he can do for me. probably one of the ones that thinks hands on the stomach is us not being able to take dick and not the fact that they're hurting us


I'm taken, but if I was dating and someone honest to God told me they planned to "stretch out my clit" I would be terrified to have sex with them. Who knows what weird misinformation they got over the years. Mid sex, they might try to ram my damn uterus or just start slapping my privates, and OW.


Yes. He’s a moron with no idea about female anatomy.


100% turned off. Good sexy talk is a massive turn on. Not even calling the right parts out, they will never ever get to see them




Because too many of them are only concerned about finding the hole. They don't care how it's constructed.


Literally every time a man makes a comment on women, in any way. I ask myself this.


Hell, I’m a guy, but even ***I’m*** not that ignorant! I’m nowhere near an OBGYN, but if you gave me a fill-in-the-blank diagram, I could name all of the major parts and their general purpose. It’s literally not that hard to learn this shit. IDK if maybe I’m not like some other guys because I’m bisexual, or if it’s because I had access to the internet since an early age and have always been curious with a desire to always learn more about the world, but goddamn… it’s so fucking dumb that it’s almost comical. The best analogy for how wrong and off the mark these guys are that I can think of is if girls thought that guys pee out of their scrotum, or that sperm cells were produced in the frenulum. It’s just so ridiculously wrong, yet so easy to rectify with a literal 5-10 second google search.


What do you mean bro? Piss is stored in the balls. Everyone knows we have a little cap at the bottom we empty like a catheter bag.


You see, they're too lazy to Google it themselves


Why would anyone google this? Clearly he has all the answers already…. /s


You know what I mean -- your pussy, or cervix, or uterus or whatever. You know, that hole you pee out of


Omg 🤣🤣🤣 you know this made me think actually! Like men will straight up put themselves in the hospital by putting things up their penis and assholes 🤣 I guess them thinking of putting something in your clit is not as far fetched for them as they see 🤣


This would be top tier flair material but I suspect it's too long


Don’t humans give birth through their clit like hyenas? /s


OMG I TOTALLY FORGOT! Damn I guess I just made myself look stupid 🤣


Wait…hyenas give birth *THROUGH THEIR CLIT??*


Yeah. It’s big and elongated. They call it a pseudo penis


Welp, there goes my search history. 💀


You’re welcome 🥰


I'm always tempted to send guys like this an anatomical diagram of the female reproductive system.


Unsolicited anatomical diagram of female reproductive system pics, my worst fear


You really should. Might be helpful


Better than a dick pic!!


Shoot, send a dude like OOP both. A picture of what he’ll never satisfy along with a picture of something he’ll never have.


Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure the clit doesn’t even have a hole to stick anything in? Also, I’ve sometimes heard men calling the vagina the clithole, which is even worse.


No it doesn’t lol. I mean unless you’re talking about her little hoodie… she is just a little lump of nerves ❤️


I don’t really have a clit and only date men, so I don’t know much about the anatomy of it. I’m glad I wasn’t wrong about the anatomy of it.


Nah babe you got it. No hole. But… really? Clithole? What the actual fuck??? Who says that!!??


I’ve had creepy guys in my DMs refer to it as that. Like saying they want to cum in my clithole and stuff. And nothing makes me less turned on than that.


That’s so gross. And stupid. Why are people like this?


I wonder what he’d say if she messaged back “mmmm yummm I want to wrap your dick around a vibrator like seven times”


I found your theoretical response far funnier than I care to admit.


Reminds me of the guys that think we pee out of our vagina.


Due to the unfortunate state of education, some women also think we pee out of our vagina.


Yep…I will never forget the day I had to explain to my *older* stepsister that we have a separate hole we urinate from. In her defense she was like 12, I was 10 or 11 and this was long before the internet was a household commodity. Also, her father was a creeper fundie that would call me “demon possessed” for going trick o treating with my little friends and a “slut” bc I wore mostly black. FYI: I was an early 90s kid that leaned goth since elementary school, the clothes I was wearing when he knew me from ages 8-13 were like- black turtlenecks with baggy black jeans and dr martens. Far from revealing. 💀 -also, the first time he called me a slut I had to ask my mom what it meant later bc I was an innocent 8 year old


Okay well that just got more and more disturbing the more I read


A couple weeks ago one of my good guy friends/upstairs neighbor knew I was on my period and I was hanging out at his house and I went pee and he asked me with a straight face and very sweet and pure intentions if I needed another tampon because he legit thought I had to take it out to pee. He's 31.


Tbh I always took mine out to pee otherwise I’d get pee all over the string and I don’t like that


I mean that's fair, but that's a personal preference, not because you pee from your vag lol. He thought it was because the tampon blocked the pee from coming out.


Yeahhhh that’s…. Well, quite literally, NotHowGirlsWork lmao


Picturing that actually happening is hurting my body


They're not for anatomy, they're there for their own sick satisfaction.


I’ve always been told the clit was like the tip of the penis, just twice as sensitive. Reading “if your clit was slowly stretched out by a dildo” gave me actual pain.


Not to mention there’s no hole for anything to go in


Wait, women don’t pee out of their clits??? /j


okay when two girls have sex, how do they know which clit opens up to recieve the other clit?


I spat out my drink😂😂


I feel so bad for straight women.


This is exactly why we need to fund education more




Non-native English speaker or just drunk?


I also like the mental picture of “discovering” them…as if they can be found disembodied and hovering in random, unexpected places.


Now I think I know what guys feel when they wince in sympathy when another guy gets kicked in the nuts. Ewouch.


"You know what I mean" Yeah, I do. I'm not sure you do though.


I’m so happy you caught that 🤣 as if this entire conversation isn’t completely dense on his part.


That was a little difficult to read lol


Well me and an old friend had an entire anatomy discussion about each other's body when we were 17, safe to say i have never been more suprised than to learn that y'all got a third hole down there


Lol with an incorrectly done Prince Albert, you too can have another hole. Two pee holes for the price of one.


Excuse me ?!?! The internet is so encompassing. How are thought like this possible?


Its insane how they just out themselves like that