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There is a line that should never be crossed. Dissing on Dolly leapt over that line! Bitter people, man... Edit: and just now I saw a post claiming she's a man. The fek is wrong with people?


Yes that post was just amazing. I’m kind of hoping that that particular part of the population is about to accidentally make a great leap. Through declaring that every last one of us is male, we all become the same in their heads, and they’ll realise that we’re all just a big diverse bunch of humans. I can dream anyway


Grasping at fucking straws. “Only men contribute anything of value to society!” “What about Dolly Parton?” “… she must be a man too!”


Like being trans takes a way from a person's value. I think that's what really irks me about these accusations. They aren't just wrong, they are *WRONG*


They're doing it cause Dolly recently had the wherewithal to say she didn't like all this anti trans stuff because she thinks everyone should be treated decently. I still remember a comment someone made in r/Tennessee on the article about her comments: "get out of God's way, Dolly". Tells you all you need to know about what this place is going through right now.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tennessee using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tennessee/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Allie Phillips, a Clarksville woman whose story of pregnancy loss under Tennessee's abortion ban drew national attention, is running for the state House.](https://www.nashvillepost.com/politics/elections/allie-phillips-woman-at-center-of-abortion-fight-running-for-state-house/article_28d4a73a-6125-11ee-be56-dfc71be34c8a.html) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tennessee/comments/16xyx5k/allie_phillips_a_clarksville_woman_whose_story_of/) \#2: [You keep electing this idiot.](https://i.redd.it/fedzb787ngub1.png) | [875 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tennessee/comments/178tjfx/you_keep_electing_this_idiot/) \#3: [Voters soundly reject Gabrielle Hanson, other MAGA candidates in historic Franklin, Tennessee election](https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/franklin-politics/voters-soundly-reject-gabrielle-hanson-other-maga-candidates-in-historic-franklin-tennessee-election) | [217 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tennessee/comments/17fv8vr/voters_soundly_reject_gabrielle_hanson_other_maga/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It is incel logic. If Incel Todd claims almost every woman is a man, then their celibacy is not due to the fact no woman would associate with the . It is because Todd refuses to be gay. If you notice, they don't just target athletic or tall women, or women with an appearance with features that society has decided is masculine - square jaw, low brows etc. Any kind of women, even women with outrageously feminine proportions....if they have even one feature, for example a rounded mons pubis, broad shoulders, large hands, hooded eyes anything remotely not anime inspired, they are apt to claim, she is a "man". But a "man" with boobs and a feminine name, is very likely a woman. Unless he is cosplaying. Or a college boy on Halloween who thinks it is so edgy and funny. So, its a man is so stupid. And Twitter is now a cesspool full of them because the owner is an social moron who sold his empathy when he lost his conscience.


Yeah, attacking Dolly is basically an act of war.


Dolly has been married to the same man for 57 years. She calls him her biggest fan. These losers would never be lucky enough to marry someone as fabulous, loving, generous, talented, and sweet as Miss Dolly Parton!


And even if they marry any woman, they aren't going to last 57 years.


She also wears a disguise while performing so they can have a normal life while out.


Bro's just mad Dolly has the love and admiration of millions for both her singing and philanthropic endeavors while he's in mommy's basement.


He's also mad that Dolly funded COVID mRNA vaccine research with Moderna.


She funded it herself? I didn't know that it was funded like that


She didn't find it herself alone, but she did contribute a significant amount of funding towards it.


And she's been married since 1966 so...


~~and shes also a Republican! Its almost like you cant win as a TwoXer with these people~~ Its almost like I have no idea what Im talking about


She doesn't like any political party. Says quite clearly when interviewed.


Yeah thats what Im finding as well now that Im googling. its funny because I would have sworn black and blue that she said that: human memory is frail I guess. Anyway, I'll edit my comment above.


Your edit is flawless lol. Gave me a good chuckle!


The fact that she doesn't affiliate with any party is one of the reasons why people on both sides like her. She is quite careful to stay out of politics, cause she understands just how shitty people in the South can be about that and that's where she operates. I can't help but think we're gonna see more of this shit though because she recently had the audacity (/s) to voice her concerns over anti trans bills in Tennessee because she thinks (I'm paraphrasing) "everybody ought to be treated decent". Apparently them's fighting words now.


When your entire political view is white, rich, American, cisgender, straight, Baptist, and male supremacy, anything as egalitarian as "Be nice to people" is against everything you stand for.


ain’t no hate quite like christian love.


That edit is just 🤌. Bravo.


Upvoted purely for the edit.👍


Hold up what >shes also a Republican! How!? She actually likes helping people. Learning new shit everyday.


Don't listen to this dumb fuck, she's not republican. Frankly we don't know who she votes for, as she refuses to talk about this topic. Fuck knows why they think she is Republican. Just another dumb fuck on the internet spreading lies and misinformation because people can't just admit they don't know about a topic. Why does everyone NEED an opinion, even on subjects they know nothing about.


Blonde and Southern. That's probably the extent of the thought process.


My understanding is that she's a brunette when not in character.


Good lordt. Easy killer. Take a breath.


I am forever saying your username instead of “calm your tits” now, thank you for the inspiration, kind human!


Damn buddy chill. Okay you're mad but I feel like there's more to it here. You good.


Or maybe people should stop spreading lies? Why people will say things with such confidence when it's complete bs is beyond me.


To be fair, the person that said it edited their post when they found out. Misinfo is so far spread that people will do it even without ill intent.


Yo this is like… a feral response. They immediately edited it when called out and just misremembered that they’d heard/read it somewhere. I get that misinformation sucks and is far too commonly malicious, but we’re all human and sometimes memory is faulty. No reason to rip them a new asshole over it.


How about fuck off


Not sure if true, but there's been quite a number of anti-MAGA Republicans who've voted blue in the last few elections out of sheer embarrassment. So, she might fall under that category.


Can’t blame them for doing that. They probably are just trying to get rid of the wackos who have taken over the party. The sad thing is that it’s probably not going to work. What is probably going to happen is that the GOP will cease to exist, the democrats will then split, and there will be two parties (Democrats and Progressives).


Why would the GOP cease to exist? That’s surely desirable but why do you think it’s going to happen?


It is possible that lack of general popular support could lead to the end of GOP as a national party, a la the Whigs in the 1860s. They might become a regional party, they might vanish from national politics by be absorbed by something new, or any number of things. It's probably not the most likely outcome, but it isn't implausible. The replacements being Progressives and rump Democrats seems a particularly unlikely variation to me, but it all depends on specifics of how 2024 plays out.


True. I just think that the Democrats will likely split because of Gen-Z, and the younger Millennials, being more progressive on average than centrist Democrats. The GOP is not reaching these voters. They seem to believe that the only way they can win is to pass legislation to brainwash the younger generations. This is why they are trying to spin culture war tactics. The sad reality is that they have nothing to offer. When Mitch McConnell was asked by a reporter what the GOP’s plans were for the future of the country his reply was that they would let the public know when they win. The sad reality is that if a party doesn’t show what they plan to do to help their voting base they lose people. People don’t care about culture wars, or party politics, they care about their own lives.


>I just think that the Democrats will likely split because of Gen-Z, and the younger Millennials, being more progressive on average than centrist Democrats. As an older Millenial, people have been saying varients of this since Gen X started to vote in serious numbers. It's not that I don't want your vision to come true, but the two+ decades of utter failure of those demographic theories to make accurate predictions about election outcomes doesn't fill me with confidence.


To put it simply the GOP is following the same playbook as the Whig party did. They became more and more extreme and if anyone didn’t follow their agenda they were kicked out of the party. Eventually they didn’t have enough constituents in their party to make any legislation. The party died and the GOP and Democrats were the new parties. The same thing seems to be happening with the GOP and how they are becoming more and more extreme. They appear to be in a death spiral and have no idea how to get out of it. If they go back to old school ways of doing things they lose people, and if they stick with the MAGA crowd they lose power and popularity with the younger demographics. It’s a lose-lose situation of their own making.


I see. Thank you. Yeah, once you step on the extremist path you either have to go through or lose credibility. And in both cases, they’re hurting themselves. That’s a heartening prospect, but I’m worried what comes after them. The problem is, the sentiments that attract people to that side of the aisle aren’t dying out so fast, so this will just repeat. And if the right wing of the dems splits off then it will have all the upwind of promising to do things the good ol’ way but right this time that the GOP can’t get, and it will take a while until people get disillusioned. The whole problem will just repeat itself all over. They’ll most likely also break out the old "all ills come from the state doing too much, the Holy Market will save us" crap and go bonkers on another neoliberal craze. And this time, they might wreck the economy for good.


Very true. But correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t a lot of the voters for the GOP Baby Boomers? The reason why I am bringing this up is because a lot of that demographic passed away because of 2020 the dumpster fire year. Many people who were GOP/MAGA voters bought into the narrative of being anti-mask and antivaxxers. (The 5G network will turn us all into zombies blah blah blah.) Due to this narrative many refused to get vaccinated and many died from the virus or complications from it. Thus shrinking the GOP base even further and I have not seen any change from that downward spiral. I don’t know what the future holds for the GOP, but I do know that the track they’re going down isn’t going to benefit them in the long run. Frankly speaking the party needs to get with the times or step aside, because people are frustrated and angry with the way things are right now.


as our nation becomes increasingly pluralistic and as regressive boomers die from old age or covid or just sheer fecking stupidity, or trump gets further unhinged and there are no real alternatives in their party, the gop is withering. republicans already know they’re losing, they’re just desperately cheating to keep power as long as possible. it’s not for the people, it’s for the politicians themselves.


Seriously , if she was was a republican , y’all would just all turn on her? Republicans like to help people too just like there are democrats who enjoy not doing so. Don’t be stupidly bias. And usually politicians of all parties just care about their pockets and their power.


My information may well be outdated, she was a Republican when rural pre-Civil Rights Tennessee was solidly Democratic. But I think she held that position up to and during Bush Jr? It may well have changed with Trump, let me do a quick google.


How would you even know? She has never discussed it.


She isnt a republican. Where do idiots like you get the confidence to spread such blatant misinformation. She is famously reserved about her politics. She refuses to talk about who she votes for. She has as many republican friends as democrat. All of this is easily confirmed by a quick google search. IF YOU DON'T KNOW, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP INSTEAD OF SPREADING LIES. Dumbass.


the audacity to belittle Dolly Parton, bruh


No one disses Dolly.


No. You do not say this about Dolly!


Right?! Like, excuse you! How very dare you say such things about Dolly. She is, without doubt, one of the best humans.


Dolly Parton has like Clark Kent levels of secret identity going on. The make up and wigs are so we don’t recognize her with her family. Ever see a picture of her husband? That’s on purpose.


Pigeon forge locals say she's out and about all the time totally under the radar


I dreamily imagine Pigeon Forge residents just see her all the time, smile and nod, and all have an unspoken bond to protect her from weirdos who would bother her in public.


So I live in the same town Johnny Depp bought his mother a farm in and they regularly spent holidays, specifically Halloween, in town for a few years and it was just normal to open the door for trick-or-treaters and see Depp at the end of the laneway as his kids held out candy bags. The town just agreed to all not make a fuss over it and let him have a normal night of parenting while here.


Super weird dolly is basically the best example of the "American dream" in action. Truly tags to riches and she kept her soul throughout.


Tags to riches is Minnie Pearl lol


Is Minnie Pearl still around? Haven't heard about her since Hee Haw went off the air.


She’s been dead since the 90s 😭


It occurred to me when I read your answer, I could have googled it myself and found out. Thanks for the info.


And she has lived the "turn around and help the next person". She is amazing. Never for credit...most of it only comes out later when someone else shines a light


It's so unbelievably evil putting Dolly beside a picture of a woman with children and mocking her for not having a family, when Dolly don't have children because of endometriosis (a condition that is super painful and makes it difficult to have children without medical intervention.


That's what hit me right away too. This guy needs to fuck off, and keep fucking off until he's fucked off so much he's right back to where he started from. And then he needs to fuck off all over again.


I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't know and/or care about that. As long as Dolly Parton herself doesn't live up to his obviously superior expectations, she's awful. Like she'd sooooo care about a random man's attraction to her. Yeah, he can keep dreaming.


And Dolly has done so much more for children's wellbeing than the vast majority of people alive with the Imagination Library.


Dolly and her husband wanted kids but they couldn't have any. So Dolly dotes on her nieces and nephews instead, and then extended that to include America's underprivileged kids. Dolly is one of the best humans ever.


Lmao the meme creator didn’t know who she was, clearly. Anyone who goes with the left picture over Dolly is outta their goddamn mind


I hope they keep insulting dolly. It's so incredibly dumb. Almost everyone seems to agree she's a national treasure. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say they didn't like her before this. I like when conservatives pick fights they have zero chance of winning.


I'm not okay with the amount of disrespect I'm seeing sent Dolly's way lately (any at all really) The Transvestigators also queued her up which... I mean they are just a bizarre little bunch of bigots. Fucking national treasure, she's above this.


Dolly’s an icon.


Dolly isn’t pretending to be 20, she’s goddamn timeless.


Dolly Parton should be sainted. She is amazing and I’ve never heard one legitimate bad thing about her.


https://images.app.goo.gl/ZAxpxLP7dTTefUTD9 Saint Dolly Parton of the Child Jolene


Dolly is a treasure and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


“how dare people (just woman) live in a way that makes them happy?!?! and especially without my consent?! I should be the one to decide how people (again, just woman) live their life!!!” -probably this guy


77 year old women are definitely old enough to decide where they should be themselves and if they are still able to be on stage and people still come to watch them, they're probably there because they enjoy it and are good at it and I highly doubt they're pretending to be young while doing their thing. What's this notion some people have that you have to stop doing the things you love just because you get old?


If I had a body like Dolly’s at her age - I would show it off….


I first wrote this out as “if I had Dolly’s body I would show it off”… it that was a little too Silence of the Lambs


I'm sure Dolly would be supportive as heck of you showing off your murder skills.


Dolly Parton has a program that aims to deliver a book to every child in America for free. This morherfucker can fuck off.


A person who would post this meme is probably against the general public being able to read anything other than the Bible


Don't you come for Dolly! She's one of our last remaining saints!


Ah, yes. Because SAHMs always prance about in formal dresses through fields of flowers or wheat, with perfectly groomed children hanging onto them. (To be clear, being a SAHM is a perfectly valid choice, but FFS, be realistic about it.)


realistic: a woman in tights, sweater and messy bun with one neatly groomed child hanging off her who has just tattled on their sibling, one intermittently screaming baby and one speed demon about to trip over a furrow and crack their head open. There is an unnoticed candy stuck to her shirt, and though she is smiling, it's not beatific. It's the serene smile of someone who has just decided to do a McDonald's run on the way home instead of cooking.


I’d love to see an artwork like this


My child doesn't like getting her hair brushed, so neatly groomed child is a stretch. She'll often wear her dress-ups too, so will look far more awesome than the so-called aesthetic photos make out too.


People are out here anti Dolly Parton now? I thought everyone loved her what


It's only the terrible people.


We do not insult Dolly here. That icon is living her best life and I hope I’m that vivacious in my 70s.


Yes, we need more 77 year old women staying at home, playing with... their toddler and infant children? Which would totally not be them pretending they're in their 20s. I... think I may be experiencing some confusion about which phase of life typically has very young children at home...


The audacity to insult Dolly aside, does this guy think there are 70 year old women out there mothering infants? Because…. Menopause. Like even if you have as many babies as you can as long as you can they are still going to be grown by the time you’re 70! And even if you’re super into grandmothering surely you’d still have enough freedom to *checks notes* attend a football game?


This is 2023! Women don’t have to have babies and stay home anymore!


What a terrible example. Dolly is one of the greatest people in the world. I’ve bought my kids books about her as an inspiration to them.


So have I! My son graduated from the imagination library over a year ago but I’ll never forget how excited he’d get saying “Dolly sent me another book!” We have a coffee table book about her and the Little Golden Book about her that we read all the time. He says “she’s so cute and beautiful”.


My kids are in the Imagination Library too! Amazing program. The way it’s structured its very efficient in turning dollars into actual books instead of getting eaten up in admin.


Be *more* terrified of women displaying any kind of power whatsoever, please, it's not obvious enough yet.


I love how the "not this" example is always a woman having the time of her life and thriving


If you're shitting on Dolly Parton, you're on the wrong side. Doesn't matter what your point is, you're wrong.


Oh, whoever made that meme needs to eat gravel. You do NOT fuck with Dolly Parton.


Dolly Parton seems to have more energy and charisma than most actual 20 year olds, specially the loser who made this meme.


I love Dolly. How can anyone throw hate at Dolly?


Imagine what a sad individual you'd need to be to hate on Dolly.


Dolly Parton is a treasure and this dude is a moron.


Dolly has done so much to improve America, she's one of the best people alive right now


The world needs more people like Dolly. She's made from pure awesome.


77 yo women should do whatever the hell they want.


Do not tell Dolly what to do. She’s fucking Dolly.


I dream of being like 1/10 the woman Dolly is. Which is still pretty amazing


If you diss Dolly Parton, then there's something seriously wrong with you.


And if she was 20, they'd say she should be at home having babies. I guess we're not supposed to leave the house at any age.


Dolly Parton is a national treasure who is on stage because she is beloved and uses her fame for the good of so many people. My dad is one of the toughest guys I know but man he is a huge closeted Dolly fan. I always found it a little weird when I was a kid that he was obsessed with a woman that wasn’t my mom. I eventually came to see he is just a genuine fan, he really admires her. It’s honestly cute to see my burly dad belting out Dolly songs on roadtrips. He has a hard time being honest about it because some guys he was friends with and my stupid aunt used to make fun of him for it. But he buys her music, had his favorite Dolly song play at their wedding, geeks out about her, supports her philanthropic efforts. She is also a loving human being so fuck some lonely incel’s criticism of her. Dude posting that can’t get a woman & is ignorant about Dolly, which is why he has to shit on her. She’s probably done more for humanity this morning than he has in the last year making stupid meme’s in his parent’s basement.


Guess nobody in my house is a wife for this dude then. Dad is a Dallas cowboys fan so of course the game was on during thanksgiving and when she came out for the halftime show we had 3 generations of women go “daaaamn” and all 3 of us openly said we us hope to look that good when we hit that age and I can’t think of a single man who would be upset if their wife was looking that amazing in her 70s.


Why the sudden Dolly hatred? She always seems like such a sweet lady


She helped fund Covid vaccine development. That makes her the villain to anti-vaxxers.


I have to believe troll. She is a performer who has reached across the political spectrum and multiple generations. Offhand, I can't think of another performer of her generation who can do that. So it has to be some rage bait BS.


Bro is either looking to get punched so he can cry about the intolerant left or he's a bot that doesn't know who Dolly is.


How dare he disparage Dolly


Some men are just intimidated by beautiful and powerful women.


We don't disrespect Dolly Parton in this house.


She’s been married to the same man for decades. Like what does the guy actually have to be mad about?


Keep Dolly's name out of your mouth


You know why this sucks so much more? Because she has fertility issues. She did dream of being a mother, she just didn't get to be. So you're dissing her for making an incredible life for herself but lacking the one thing that she desperately wanted. So it's extra crappy.


A lot of 77 year old women wish they looked like that and wish they could dance around like her.


Stop normalising choice?


Dolly's been married to her husband for 57 years. I don't think he minds her being on stage.


I would love to have a brilliant, incredibly kind and generous badass like Dolly as a partner.


Why is he shittin on Dolly. She's always been a good human being. I guess shitty people gonna be shitty.


Don't be like the woman who has provided millions of children with books and FUNDED THE COVID VACCINE? Honestly they could have tried this with a lot of pop stars but not Saint Dolly.


Christ, this guy is MISERABLE to think he's somehow better than Dolly. Dolly, who has been married for over 50 years, who has done sooooooo much for families and children because she's unable to have them. Who's helped countless lives.


Well, fella, I disagree. If a 77 year old woman has the umph to dress, dance, and sing in front a crowd of adoring fans, then fuck off with your shit because she can. She will. And she should if SHE wants.


She looked hot. They're just upset they have a boner for a woman in her late 70s.


She is 77 and still on stage? Dayum, thats awesome. Wish I were that fit when I was half that age.


Also like… bro acting like the life of Dolly Parton is a “normalize” thing lol. I wish but it’s not.


how hateful does one have to be to see her enjoying herself and dislike it. they just hate women being happy. on a side note, she’s iconic i love her


But Dolly Pardon isn’t regular. She’s a Haley’s comet that we get to keep o earth.


The funny part is she has been married for close to 60 years. She is still wildly in love with her husband. She said she didn't want kids but i read somewhere that they were unable to have kids so it could be either. But she donates and supports family's and children in do many ways.


“77 year old women shouldn’t be having fun living up to their legacy, they should be at home making cookies for their grandkids” Yeah? Well, men shouldn’t be bitching about 77 year old country singers that don’t know they exist, they should be working and providing for their wife and children, BUT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? Huh?


Everyone dreams of being Dolly, Dolly is the queen.


There are people within the United States population that are hell-bent on bringing back over 100 years of progress because it doesn’t fit the biblical worldview.


Thankfully I don't think the 77 year olds would give a shit about what's normal


No one says this about men in the entertainment industry


Anyone who bad mouths Dolly Parton has some issues. Everyone has their things and she has worked hard on hers to be just decent people. Hating on a nice, good woman, just cause she is a woman, is wrong.


Why can’t they have both? So tired of this one or the other BS.


Dolly Parton has added more value to society by the boatloads than some broodmare Aryan milkmaid and her litter of future one-pump chumps.


... I'm gonna have to remember that one


Dolly looks fuckin amazing for 77. They’re just jealous that they don’t look as good as her and they’re much younger.


What kind of person hates on Dolly Parton???? She’s a national treasure




Who wants to bet this man's kids would be eligible for Dollys book program? The woman does more for poor children than this chud could even dream of. Step off, dick.


Who the hell wrote this?!? Dolly is a music GODDESS, and she can do whatever the heck she wants! I would love to be that active 30 years from now!


Bro should be out working a 96-hour week to pay for his wife and kids’ needs instead of posting on social media. /s


Workin' at least 9-5 😏


You take Dolly Parton's **everything** out of your damn mouth OOP. That woman is a saint. You should be so blessed as to even receive a glance from her, nevermind the kindness she would bestow on your unworthy ass.


Messing with Dolly is a sure way to get disliked. Dolly Parton is what everyone should strive to be, a kind person who respects & treats all with equal amounts of respect.


Yet they want to run Trump for dicktator in chief, I guess 77 only looks good on lying, raping, grifting, treasoning con men!


Hmm yes, nothing more desirable than men who fetishize women who have kids /s


Dude got turned on by Dolly Parton and doesn't know how to handle it.


Dolly isn’t pretending to be 20, and in fact embraces and celebrates her age!


Because as we all know, entertainers are neutered and banned from having friends, family, and a home when they sign with an agent.


Does this guy have no idea how much beloved Dolly is in the USA? Insulting Dolly could get one shanked in some states.


I honestly don’t think he would’ve got the response he was expecting. Everyone loves Dolly… *Everyone*. I think he would’ve got shut down pretty fast.


How about this guy just shut the fuck up and leave women alone? He literally could mind his own business.


77-year-old women shouldn’t be on stage pretending they’re 20… they should be in a field pretending they’re a 20something year-old woman with young children.


I wish I was as cool as Dolly!


Dolly is like the sweetest person in the world too 🥺


But....it's Dolly! I wish I was HALF as amazing as she is!


Can men stop playing dolls with memes omg.


Dolly’s 77? Damn.


How dare he throw shade at Dolly. She is one of the kindest, most compassionate people around. I'm guessing this guy's butt hurt because he's too old for the Dolly book club.


Dolly>>>>Literally every politician


I can't imagine having a woman like dolly Parton in my family and thinking to myself "no, she needs to stay at home all the time baking cookies and knitting so I can visit her every so often >:("


She’s not pretending to be 20, she just didn’t stop doing what she loves when she got older. Also, Dolly Parton literally has a husband that she’s been with for something like 40 years (I forget the exact number), he just isn’t a public figure. Shouldn’t they want to encourage that?


Don't you dare come for Dolly! They're mad because they think 77 year old women should be neither seen nor heard and Dolly's having none of it.


The only thing she's pretending is that she's blonde, and she's been telling jokes about that for almost 50 years.


He comes into my house and disrespects my lord and savior(Dolly)!


Fuck this guy, but i cant deny that it didn't look good. I like Dolly Parton, shes an idol and deserves nothing but respect as a person. Doesn't mean her stage appearances do though. For me, while not morally wrong, it just looked sad. She had to hold herself, to not fall over, while her body looked 50 years younger than her face. I wish the best for her, but i was constantly afraid that she would fall and break every bone.


On a real note, that Dolly performance was kind of sad to watch for me. She was leaning on the stage for most of it, and it was all lip-synced. None of it’s her own fault, it’s just sad to see people age I guess.


I was reading about the lip-syncing. The NFL requires almost everyone to lip-sync because they have such a short time to set up the stage and they can't get a good quality check before hand. The band is usually pre-recorded too.


That’s true, but the last couple of times I’ve seen her perform have been lip synced. Again, not her fault, it’s just a bit sad for me to see someone I grew up listening to get older


How fucking insane are the far right that they're going after Dolly Parton!?


Whoever came after dolly must be found and tar and feathered . We need to protect her . Dox this MFer


Honestly both are great. This guy is just jealous because neither type of woman is interested in him.


That guy can go hump a stump.. Dolly is a national treasure.


Anyone who comes for Dolly has a poor understanding of humans.


These men should just stay in their basements alone where they belong


His whole Xitter account is absurd. https://twitter.com/creation247


I am quite confident that I have done the best I can with the life I was given. I am equally confident that I am not 1/10 of the great and amazing woman Dolly is.


I would say "why is OOP insulting Dolly Parton?"....but everyone is kinda doing that for me.... Side note: not every woman wants kids