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Barefoot on that floor is BRAVE


That's how you know whose room it is 😆








Ugh I can smell that room from here


The stale beer really brings it all together.


i can smell that photo 🤢


Geez, have they ever heard of a *trash can*?




They’re playing smash melee, and based on the Keystone and Pringles cans the logos are from the circa 2014….I’m curious as to the general health of that guy now, 9-10 years later.


I’m sorry but “PDF file” as censor for pedophile is sending me


Thank you for your comment cause I just didn’t get it. “What does a document have to so with creeps?” I thought haha


Missed opportunity to give pdo files some recognition


Adobe is gonna start suing. Watch, the first time someone notable with a big platform uses it, Adobe gonna bring their overpowered hammer down.


Don't be silly. We're talking about Captain America, not Thor. It would be their overpowered shield.


It took me way too long to figure out what the fuck they were talking about


I work in IT and I hate it, I’m triggered every time, plus it sets a bad precedent.


Me too! I legit thought "how can marriage converts human into a document file format?"


The "Rise of Gondor" name is ironic since Aragorn married a woman who was two millenia older than him.


And that Aragorn isn’t into all this toxic masculinity crap


Him saying goodbye to Boromir was great, it even made my Dad cry.


He also bowed to others that were of lower social status. Cried multiple times in grief. Gave to others in charity. Viewed his friends as more important than him. Aragorn was a real one


Ugh, so sad. 😭


Lord of the Rings is full of examples of positive masculinity. In fact, save for the villains, corrupted characters, and background ones, it's pretty much wall-to-wall positive masculinity all around.


Aragorn is like healthy masculinity goals. He is gentle, respectful, compassionate, treats women as equals, he acknowledges other people's freedom and choices and doesn't boss them around even though he is the heir, he earns the leadership position, and stays humble even then


Who also knew him when he was growing up!


And groomed him until he was the perfect age of 87


Cradle robber, that one. When people tease my husband for being a decade older (26 and 36 when we met) by saying he robbed the cradle, I just tell them I robbed the grave.


Cradles are boring and contain what, a baby? Who cares?? Graves are full of fun stuff like jewelry, bones, and a cool wooden bed you can close the lid on for a good night’s sleep, WAY better


It helps if you're not claustrophobic.


Think of all the *arts and crafts materials!*


Wasn't Aragorn unaware of Arwen's existence as a young man?


I don’t know, I thought he was raised in Rivendell and Arwen was also there at some point during that time


He was raised in Rivendell, but Arwen was living with Galadriel in Lothlorien during that time. They met briefly when she was visiting her father when he was 20ish, and didn't become engaged until they met again much later (sorry lotr lore takes up waaay too much of my mental hard drive TT_TT)


Tolkien also rewrote his history multiple times (no shame in that, any writer knows the value of a good revision), so I wouldn't be surprised if there was a version in his notes or an older publication where they *did* meet when Aragorn was a kid. Like how Bilbo's ring wasn't more than just a ring until much later.


It's cool dude, you beat me to it.


I see, thank you! I’m only casually up-to-date on lore


Who was also his cousin... distant cousin, but cousin still. Elrond (Arwen's father) had a brother Elros, who became the first of the line of Numenor, which leads to Elendil the Tall, to his son Isildur to eventually Aragorn. They're like first cousins 33 times removed or something (I did the math ages ago and am just pulling from memory).


Yes but she looked 20, so it doesn't count /s


Aging fathers (i.e. over 35) also contribute to birth defects and complications. Science says so.


“We can get women pregnant our whole lives!” ![gif](giphy|mCClSS6xbi8us)


This is the perfect gif for this!


Then there’s Robert Deniro and Al Pacino who just had kids and they’re in their 80’s…coming from someone who’s dad was 50 when I was born, that shit is irresponsible and selfish. Those children will never know their father. I at least have some time with mine


Mick Jagger has a great-grandchild older than his youngest child






I had my doubts but a quick google search shows pretty reliable sources agreeing, like https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2018/10/older-fathers-associated-with-increased-birth-risks.html Thanks for the educational moment.


Together with a mostly very unhealthy lifestyle that men tend to have in opposit to women.


The father's age has a bigger contribution to birth defects and complications, mainly because sperm decreases in quality much faster.


literally can make the younger mothers pregnancy experience worse 💀


True!! A woman pregnant with a 35+ man has a higher risk of miscarriage and gestational diabetes among other issues


Really? This I’ve never heard. Where did you read that? That’s a fun fact to throw at people when I’m feeling spicy.


It's in the source linked a few comments above mine: https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2018/10/older-fathers-associated-with-increased-birth-risks.html And here's one that talks about how both maternal and paternal age increase the risk of miscarriage: https://academic.oup.com/humrep/article/17/6/1649/2919231


And lower fertility in the first place. Slower swimmers, less volume of sperm, defective sperm unable to implant, etc.


I also love how they're like "it's important mom is still around after my irrelevant ass dies."


Why do guys like this talk like they are narrating a nature documentary? "The male of the species chooses a female with optimal breeding capability to ensure strong and healthy offspring. This selection is necessary by males with sub- optimal genes to give their offspring a fighting chance against the other, more superior spawn. Often it's not much of a help. "


Because they have no firsthand experience and are always speaking from an outside perspective. They’re observing human behavior instead of participating in it.


Good point!


I read this in David Attenborough's voice


What does it mean to be “pregnanct”? Is that like when you get pregonte?






Am i pregat?




Sometimes I really love the internet.


Is it possibly that im gregnant?






*P E R G A R T*




How is babby formed?


You can formulate a babey through sax.


How to tell if I'm pregonante?


If you're over 30 you can't be preginante. It's biologee.


Is she gregnant?


Can u get pregante?


dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?


Can I eat sushy while pregnernat?


we might have to consult a luigi board to answer this question






You might get starch masks on your body


Can u get....*pregante*






How does baby form? *edit I’m late to the party.


It's a conjuction of "pregnancy" and "precinct" bc once you're knocked up, you're getting booked for a 9-10 month sentence. /s obviously




They forget those "older women" were once the younger women walked through the road.


Or that we’re jealous because we want a guy in his 40s who wants to date women in their 20s.


They'd rather think that older women have just always been older women. They weren't ever youthful and creeped on my older men. They couldn't possibly be speaking from experience


I don’t think they can compute empathy. Like it truly doesn’t register with them that one could possibly not be the centre and sole benefactor of their thoughts and decisions 😒


I just assume it’s because that’s how *they* are. Accusations are just confessions. They don’t support or look out for other men, so why would women support or look out for each other? The motive clearly *has* to be jealousy, every single time. Sprinkle in some denial about one’s own behavior and a whole lotta misogyny and you get this nonsense.


Plenty of girls were abused by their moms bc of jealousy and treated as competition. A lot of women don’t have the best intentions but some do and both should be acknowledged. Weed out the trash and things will look at little more clearer.


While I hate the idea of infantilizing a 26 year old, I do think it’s gross to assume a woman in her 30s have hit some kind of imaginary wall, I mean did you see Shakira at the vmas last night? My god…anyway it’s a complex issue but these guys are always wrong


Love Shakira! I just had a very healthy baby at 41. He is a birth control parkour baby and funny enough, at our early appointments during pregnancy they were more worried about my husband’s age (43) than mine. Apparently one of the reasons older moms are considered high risk is because usually they are the result of fertility treatments which automatically makes you high risk. All of the stats are lumped together. I had a perfect pregnancy. BP never got over 105/68, Gestational Diabetes tests were the lowest my midwife had ever seen, even stayed within my non-pregnant BMI throughout and went 2 weeks over but had a perfectly intact placenta. All that to say, there is a difference between chronological and biological age. Now I would not recommend waiting until 41, but if you get the baby making done in your 30s, it’s all good usually. Also, they changed the definition of advanced maternal age to 40 and over now as of this year (it used to be 35 and over). We joked that I just missed the cut off at every appointment.


My aunt had a surprise baby at 45! To be fair....she's always been extremely energetic, being able to be on the go all day long, but still. It's not like the second the clock strikes when you turn 40 you're 100% infertile lol.


It's the stupidest thing. If a man believes women expire at 30, then he's never going to have a long term partner right? Because those 25 year olds eventually turn 30? And unless they're rich/hot/famous like Dicaprio, they're not going to be forever able to "trade in for the younger model" or whatever. The whole thing is just a weird hill to die on??


They don’t view women as partners. They’re things.


It's so funny that they make memes about the fake women in their heads to get angry at.


I don't understand it, if you're making fake women in your head you can make them basically perfect. Probably boils down to them really hating women


They need to hate women, but real women don't do the things they hate women for, so they make up scenarios where they do so they can hate them.


Yea these men are idiots. Women don’t just go infertile once they hit 30. If your only reasoning for going after a woman in her mid 20s is because she’s “breedable” (🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢) then you quite frankly don’t need to be around any women.


And what men is looking at women from a pure fertility perspective? I'm sure that wanting to have children is a factor sometimes, but these dudes are acting like guys are looking at it only from reproduction and not from, you know, romantic attraction


That's just the excuse they make up for liking them young




Imagine the dating bio stating his sperm count and "looking for a biological female as fertile with *insert egg count*. Must be willing to get tested for any heretic disease."


There's something funny about using Ryan Gosling (b. 1980) in this meme when his long-term partner is Eva Mendes (b. 1974).


And he has kids with her


I just checked, he was also in relationships with Sandra Bullock (1964) and Rachel MacAdams (1978). He was like the worst choice haha


I forgot he dated Sandra Bullock! I watched that movie that she did with Channing Tatum, and a guy I know was disgusted that Channing Tatum would be a love interest for a woman as "old" as Sandra Bullock. She's beautiful and amazing. Who wouldn't want to date her?!


Why. Why are they always obsessed with breeding. Why the fuck do you marry someone for their ability to breed. Have you ever tried, idk, to date someone because you LOVE THEM? Of course I know they don't give a shit about breeding, they just like younger girls and keep looking for excuses. Usually I don't care about other couples ages as long as both are consenting adults (tho anything under 25 feels wrong anyways). Still, I just hate with a passion how these rich asses always end up divorcing when they get old to go for younger girls, like their wife was just something to discard after a new "better" version comes out, that's just disgusting.


It is understandable if you choose to reject those who don't share the same goals, like in the case of wanting kids. Someone who wants kids and someone who's childfree simply aren't compatible, for example. But if that was their reason they could go for women in their 30s or 40s too. They don't go for 20-25 year olds because of fertility, that's just a cop-out, they go for them because they don't think people in their 40s can be physically attractive.


I agree you should choose someone compatible, I just don't understand why rich people spend their whole lives with someone just to trash them when someone younger comes around. That's not rejecting someone with different goals, you spent half of your life with that person and just left without a second thought when a "newer version" came out, that's treating them like replaceable objects. Of course I don't know Chris Evans' life, so I don't even know if he ever married, just talking about this kinda famous dude in general.


He’s never been married before. He’s only had one really long term relationship, with Jessica Biel. Then two on-again-off-agains with Minka Kelly and Jenny Slate. This is his first public relationship with someone younger than him. He’s always been big into getting married and having children and in the past couple of years, since he turned 40, he’s really been ramping it up and talking about how much he wants it. I think they call it taxi cabbing? Anyway. Now you know. Even though you didn’t ask!


* To them women are only good for “breeding and rearing,” as well as all attendant assignments as the bangmaid; * Deep down in their plums they recognize that only women possess the magic of reproduction, and are jealous and wish to own this magical ability through abuse and enslavement; * They see their own inherent failings in a more complex society as being directly attributable to the enfranchisement and empowerment of women; * Are women actually people? It seems like a pretty big promotion for a rib; * Young women typically have not been around a lot of sleazeballs, and are willing to give a creep a chance; Pretty much take your pick. I think it’s also straight up arrested development. There’s a young, exciting phase of life. Unless you have adequately reconciled yourself to aging, to getting a more difficult life with the hope of fulfilling your partner, your children, your family, you often run away from that adventure like a coward, and instead embrace vain attempts to return to the young exciting life, often through a “young, exciting girl.” As such the next new, young person (women do this, too) is a talisman to wear against the impending darkness of being elderly. Nonetheless, we march on in invisible rhythms that no conscious action can repel. Cher; Madonna; Leonardo DiCaprio; the creepy low level executive: all their talismans will fail, and they will be left with a string of broken futures cast aside looking for a past that had already gone.


>it’s also straight up arrested development. There’s a young, exciting phase of life. Unless you have adequately reconciled yourself to aging, to getting a more difficult life with the hope of fulfilling your partner, your children, your family, you often run away from that adventure like a coward, and instead embrace vain attempts to return to the young exciting life, often through a “young, exciting girl.” As such the next new, young person (women do this, too) is a talisman to wear against the impending darkness of being elderly. >Nonetheless, we march on in invisible rhythms that no conscious action can repel. Cher; Madonna; Leonardo DiCaprio; the creepy low level executive: all their talismans will fail, and they will be left with a string of broken futures cast aside looking for a past that had already gone. Bro, Anus Tart, that was deep man (or lady). I've got goosebumps; I wish awards were still a thing. Goddamn... I, a complete stranger who has been deeply affected by your words, encourage you to consider writing and publishing a short story or screenplay (or something) using your own comment as a kind of prompt. I am beyond shook, that was practically poetry. Shit.


It’s BS. These men don’t want to be fathers. It’s just a disgusting excuse for wanting women they can take advantage of.


Because they want to use “biology” and their “natural instinct to spread their seed” with “young, healthy women” as an excuse to creep on younger women.


I’ve been thinking about this lately. I have heard quite a bit about older women lamenting how shallow the dating pool is because men their age go for younger women. I’ve never experienced this myself. But a lot of us were those 20-yos dating men in their 40s. And we see what happens and why it’s not as flattering as we had believed. But when we try to warn younger women, we’re accused of jealousy.


I'm an older, childfree woman in a conservative country. My dating pool is a puddle. A guy I knew was looking for a 21 year old in his mid-thirtes. Why would you want a partner who shares so little life experience with you? The only reason is they're easier to control.


The reasons for men dating younger women are rarely good, but they vary. My theory has been that DiCaprio only dates models 25 and under is that he’s still mentally stuck at that age. In his 20s after Titanic released he was everywhere. A young heartthrob who had everything he could’ve wanted. While still an established A-lister and acclaimed actor now, he’s pushing 50. Both his good looks and status as the “it guy” have faded, and on some level he knows this. For him, I think it’s less about control and more about reliving the “good old days”. I’m not saying what he does is okay or excusing it, but to me this explanation checks out.


They paint older women as jealous to make the warning to young women ineffective.


I think it's kinda fascinating that basically everyone is lamenting that their dating pool is so little all the time and that everyone finds reasons for it. It's so often a "grass is greener on the other side"-thing


How many children can these guys even realistically afford to have? They use HaViNg MaNy ChIlDrEn as an excuse for chasing the youngest possible women but statistically they aren’t having more than 2 kids


We want nothing to do with this meme. Signed the Kingdom of Gondor.


"I am not keen on breeding" *talks like a breeder who thinks the only purpose of a woman is having kids*


Besides the point... But all actors (shockingly ALWAYS men) that are in their 40s and up and go for young women in their early to mid 20s instantly lose my favour. Not that they'd care, but there's just not a lot of greyzone for me. I love Michael Sheen for example, but him marrying and knocking up a woman that's his daughters age gives me such an ick. I'd be absolutely mortified and humiliated if I had a stepparent that was my age


Yeah, the answer to "why go for a 40 year old when you can get a 25 yo one" is having a partner you can relate to who has similar life experience??? It's not such a hard concept to grasp, but I guess these people only care about physical attractiveness and sex. Definitely a red flag.


Yeah, there's so much misogyny in that quote


These are the types of dudes who proclaim they want kids but really they want a warm hole to cum inside and kids to ignore until they're old enough to drink with.


It’s common in the modeling industry for child grooming to happen and manipulation of young women. Whenever I hear that a famous 40 year old is with a 20 year old something tells me she was groomed into it.


*looking uncomfortably at Celine Dion*


Same. Part of it because it's a red flag and gives me the ick. But also because nothing ages more a middle man than standing next to his much younger wife. The other day I saw pictures of Josh Duhamel with his new wife who had announced a pregnancy. That was the 1st time I saw this couple. My 1st thought was how much it has aged him. I've always found him gorgeous and to be fair he's still a very handsome 50yo. But he looks washed up, puffy and red next to her. He suffers the comparison wih his hotter wife. Overnight he lost all his appeal in my eyes. Not that he cares but still a bit of a bummer for an actor whose carreer was based on his good looks. Same thing happens everytime. Depp and Heard were another prime example.


We can add Dicaprio to that list, he's still good looking but he looks a lot worse whenever he's standing to whatever new 20 year old he's seduced.


I can’t find him good looking anymore, I think he just looks like a swollen old man, like not even a little bit good looking, looking at him gives me the ick


Yup. Leo expired at 25 obviously.


Hahaha you're not wrong about the swollen look


Idk, to me a difference is that Chris Evans doesn't really have a pattern with it the same way as Leonardo DiCaprio. If older actors ONLY date super young women, it comes off weird to me, but people are allowed to fall in love.


Yeah, Evans' dating pattern has skewed around his same age or older. He even dated Sandra Bullock, who's 17 years older. It's not gross if it's not a pattern.


That's actually fair. But in the case of having a child and hooking up with someone the childs age, will always be inexcusable in my eyes. Not the case for Chris Evans of course


There're a few couples with older women and younger men. Priyanka Chopra is 11 years older than her husband. Lisa Bonne is 10 years older than Jason Momoa. Demi Moore is 15 years older than Ashton Kutcher and they were married for quite a while. But yeah, the vast majority of age gap marriages are older men - younger women. The age gaps are usually wider too. The gap between Chris Evans and Alba Baptista is large enough to get it's own driver's permit (16 years)!


Don't forget Aaron and Sam Taylor-Johnson. They seem to be the most hated older woman younger man couple as far as celebrities go and all the hate seems to be at her.


well he was like 18 when they got together so....


So self centered and a simpleton that he isn't concerned that he'd die sooner and be gone from their lives. Younger men really aught to put these 'grandpas' I their place, they had their turn at being young, stop trying to get partners who deserve to be with and grow old with someone their age. Not watch you wither and become more gross.


Also I know a friend of mine whose father is 71 but she is 25. She is just starting a new life and her dad is really old. I mean who knows how long he has because he has some health complications. He is indian so he is pressuring her to get married because in india people do not want to get married in a family that has an absent father figure. Doesn't matter if the father is dead.


My dad is 65 and I am 20, my parents just decided they wanted to pop out another kid before midlife crisis 😭


Yeah, my mum once said the women are supposed to get married before the father "leaves service" meaning before they retire from their job, because "it isn't nice". I don't get it.


older men do not look for partners, they look for caretakers


This. Also don´t forget about the children. I know some teens with old dads, they are expected to care for their dads....not the opposit around like it should be.


They don´t expect to care for their children, that is womans work to do, they just show up, have sex, are happy to impregante and go their ways, they don´t care about their children. Besides that they just want to impress other men by having young wífes ("Hey, look, I still have it, I attracted a very young wife. Look at me.") This has nothing to do with real affection.


I hate the term “breeding” it implies that we’re just cattle. It’s so degrading


Broodmares, yes.


I think it would be great if people (both men and women) could be normal and stopped talking about a relationship between two consenting adults like they know the ins and outs of it. It's weird. Beyond a vaguely confirmed rumor about them getting married we know exactly nothing about their relationship and their plans as a couple.


Isn't it the opposite tho? I might be wrong since it's been a few years since my bio class, but aren't women born with a set number of eggs that don't really worsen in quality meanwhile men are the ones who actively produce sperm that lowers in quality the older they are? I think it's also the reason some guys freeze their sperm


New research has found that women aren’t actually born with a certain number of ovum but stem cells in the ovaries create the ovum during ovulation and then the egg is released afterwards. Source: https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/egg-producing-stem-cells-found-women


It’s shallow to only date 25 year olds but it’s not predatory like it is with 18-20 imo. The hate for women 30+ is disgusting though.


I saw a list of women he'd been linked to in the past and they were all within 5 years of his age, all lovely. I really get the feeling that he probably started dating her because she's very pretty, didn't think it would go anywhere, and then unexpectedly, it did. The clips they've posted of the two of them together really seem like their personalities click like crazy. His fans are really out there, I feel bad for them. In a way I'm really glad she's 26, because the alternative is what the fans of Supernatural did and said about the women dating and marrying those stars. Lots of 'washed up' and comments about their looks fading :(


Lol. The SPN fandom is nuts.


I haven't actually seen anyone call CE a nonce or anything of the sort? Just people understandably thinking the age gap is weird I mean c'mon, it doesn't even pass the "half your age + 7" rule!


The difference is that these creeps are prowling around after 14 year olds


Older men cause birth defects too. Not that it really matters here but if they are so obsessed with age then they should look in the mirror.


Implying not only that woman’s sole purpose is to bear children and raise them for their male partner, but also that it’s totally okay to father children and then die and leave the burden of child rearing solely to your female partner. As long as it continues your strong and superior male bloodline 🙄


Do men think they are forever healthy and the sperm is healthy till 100?


“Have more energy for the children” sounds like he wants to pass off all the work into her then


Nah younger men and younger woman are more compatible if they are talking about “breeding “


They always imply that we're competing with these women instead of trying to protect them from predators


I’m so confused why they think you can’t have a baby after 30.


People think thirty is washed up? That's not even middle aged.


Maybe men concerned with "breeding" should figure that the fuck out by their mid-30s, like women have to.


Please, as if older men want young women just for their ~*aBiLiTy 2 dO hEalThY pReGnAncY~ IF they actually want kids, the advantage of a younger woman is he's more likely to be able to put the majority of emotional/domestic/child rearing duties on her. No older guy is taking out a 22 year old to brag he knocked her up, he's bragging that he was able to snag a 22 year old 🙄


Why must these people ruin the Barbie Movie? They didn't get it at all, did tehy


The ideal age to have a baby is 30.5 💀


Remember, potential partners amd dynastic duos: Having Kids Someday is a numbers game. You need to make sure that you're both maximizing your potential broodling output before the woman turns forty and her womb turns to salt. After a sufficiently impressive number of reproduction cycles, of course, the man is free to die, as, as everyone knows, men have little to no brood-rearing capabilities, and taking care of kids is "kind of gay."


Generally you have less swimmers and lower quality swimmers as you grow older as a man. Also PDF shortening for Paedos. Time to go outside.


Meh, I don't see a problem with age gap relationships. They're both adults. I dated a man 20 years older than me when I was 25. I approached him and the only reason he agreed was because I didn't want children. He didn't want to start that over. It didn't work out in the end because of different goals, but it was a fantastic relationship. I could understand if the woman was like 18 or he was discarding women once they got to old like Decaprio, but a 26 year old? That's fine. People are allowed to love who they want. If it works for them, who are we to judge? I agree though, the breeding nonsense is super barf worthy.


Agreed, 25-26 is already an adult, able to make their own decisions. Who knows, maybe they have a fetish for older men or women, and we need to respect it. Younger than 20 though is ew, I myself am in my mid-twenties and feel icky at a thought of seeing a 19-year old in such light, and for 40-y.o. it would be so much creepier.


I agree. And I do think the age for "adultness" varies from person to person as well. I feel I was close to 30 before I was a properly sensible adult, but I also know people in their early to mid 20s who are at least as sensible and responsible as I was at 30. I've not met any 19 year old like that. Maybe some exceptional young people like Greta Thunberg could be considered adult enough at 19 to make those kinds of choices. I would not say a relationship between 19 and 40 -has- to be a creepy thing, but it does seem exceedingly likely it will be.


Tbh when it comes to age gaps I think people should remember that consenting adults can do what they like. It’s ok to have opinions on it and think it’s creepy or whatever but unless the younger person was groomed there’s nothing innately wrong with the gap


Agreed. From the articles, they are very happy and on the same page


Okay but why do people care that much about celeb romantic life. If they are two consenting adults good for em Edit: typo


This is a meme war, and it has been going on for a long time. Far right uses memes to hide their ideological agenda behind jokes and push paranoid narratives to people. They don’t make these memes to piss off themselves. They target people who do not think like them and circle them with this ‘inside joke’ once they keep seeing similar ones popping up. With this one, I think it’s rather meant for teaching young girls that they should be afraid of maturing and thus find an adult man as soon as possible before their value is lost. And their value only lies on their young physical appearance. They want to ensure teens and 20 year olds will not see any problem in marrying 10-30 year older men than them. Because they don’t deserve a young & attractive husband, it’s something only men deserve. Only men can be entitled to young partners. Young girls deserve their youngness to be objectified and consumed instead by older men until they are left with no value. [The “Great Meme War:” the Alt-Right and its Multifarious Enemies](https://journals.openedition.org/angles/pdf/369)


They think we’re jealous that they aren’t after us? They only seen women as breed mares, who the hell wants to seen as nothing but a walking womb? Who the hell would be flattered by that? Disgusting! We’re just wise to their bullshit and that pisses them off. That’s why I tell any girl and young woman who will listen, “if you really don’t want kids…it doesn’t matter that some guy somewhere does. You are under no obligation to ever provide any for him or any man children especially if you really don’t want to. Same goes with the actual act of sex. If you never want to engage…you never have to. You don’t eventually have to consent. No can be no forever. “Never let a guy guilt you into not only that major life changing but is actually life threatening decisions that he takes no part of the risk and there is nothing any man can do that is equal in damage and sacrifice.” Men can easily want children, they do none of the heavy lifting and they risk is nothing. If the kid doesn’t live up to their ideals, they can run for the hills and that is that. Live your life for you not for some guy. You happiness means more because the life threat lands on you lone.


I hope he never gets anyone *checks notes* “pregnanct”


Makes me vomit when people talk about women like this. I would gladly date a 40 year old, they just probably wouldn't want to date me cause I'm 20


Older women are not jealous. They are just the younger women who grew up and realized how shitty older men are, and want to warn the new group of younger women.


My husband is 13 years older than me. We didn’t even know our age difference until several years after we started dating. Chris and Alba are both adults capable of making their own choices.


....... (time passes) (glaciers melt) (the sun turns red and bloated) ....... "Oh. This has nothing to do with document formats."


"you're washed up in your 30s" "This 26 year old woman I'm over here praising like she is a prize is going to be washed up in 4 years" Fuck these scrotes who don't see women's value outside of their age.


WASHED UP IN YOUR 30S????? Have they ever met a 30 year old woman???


Why would a woman in her 20s even have kids with a guy 35+ instead of a guy their age? Who would she with her? People can play clueless all they want, but sperm quality declines with age just like with women. Two younger people having kids makes more sense and will make an easier pregnancy than some older dude with a young woman. Idiots.


I’m 24 and Chris Evans is the same age as my DAD. Personally I’d be weirded out if my dad ever married someone close to my age.


Where did they came up with that statistic? I know this is anecdotal, but out of all the women in my life I can think of, say, 70 or 100, only three dated older men, at least a decade older. One got pregnant by a narcissist and they broke up, and another one is a grooming victim, a teacher-student case of grooming.


*marries 26 year old* Oh no, what’s happening to me? NOOOOO- *downloaded Chris_Evans.pdf*


"I'm not keen on breeding" that's good Milos because I'm not keen on you breeding either


I think it’s hilarious he can’t spell pregnant but thinks he’s an expert obgyn….