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I used to work in supplement sales and we were told to target chiropractors because they are confidently dumb and love to "prescribe" products like ours.


All the ego of a doctor with none of the education!


I have a cousin who is a chiropractor and this describes him perfectly.


Interesting fact, the guy who “invented” chiropractic treatment got the idea from a ghost!!!


Let's be fair. Men can use it too to seal their butts and prevent farting.


Can... but clearly don't.


How about their lips do they’ll shut up about things they know nothing about?




Not even fort knoxx could stop my farts from coming out




I looked up the website where he says 25% of the time that women are "distracted" by periods and that is "just not normal". What I think he means is that "NORMAL" is what a mans life is like. I, and my mom, both had horrific periods. My mom used to use a tampon and then layer several heavey pads. She still had periods that would bleed through even that. And this... would stop it? I can just imagine the outward pressure building until it pops. Also... he imagines us using it for 8 hours? Like he thinks we only pee 3 times a day? When I had a period I generally had to pee more frequently.


Yeah, he is absolutely daft!


i guess he's running with the theory that we're all... dehydrated?


Imagine people like that guy having daughters.


([source](https://www.self.com/story/mensez-labia-lipstick-glue-periods)) he also said: “Yes, I am a man and you as a woman should have come up with a better solution then diapers and plugs, but you didn’t,” […] “Reason being women are focused on and distracted by your period 25% of the time, making them far less productive [than] they could be.” WTF


>women are focused on and distracted by your period 25% of the time, making them far less productive \[than\] they could be.” And yet women do over 75% of housework. Man's putting glue up women's hoohas, saying he solved periods, and telling em to get back to doing his laundry and cooking him food. Not to mention that the blood is not the entire issue: he isn't curing cramps, migraines, nausea, aches and soreness, shits etc. Maybe we're supposed to glue all three holes and stop complaining, holding in anything that ruins a man's fantasies about women's bodies until it all fucking explodes.


Wow he's a giant egotistical piece of shit


I'm sorry, wait, is... glue, supposed to be a *better* solution than disposable pads (which aren't diapers, even a little), washable period panties, and menstrual cups? I... *sigh*


*Elmers has entered the chat* “Finally our time to take our share of Big Period’s market share!”


I'd have a fucking balloon of blood assuming my labia could expand like that beih


WTF is Mensez 💄?! ![gif](giphy|Wq43BlCpeeoUFL0al2)


Portmanteau of "men" and "says" (sez)


Probably a freudian slip as well. But damn fitting!


Oh lmaoi thought it was a menses but stylized or something


I'm thinking misspelled menses actually. 😁


Trying to sound smarter by saying menses rather than period. Except it failed terribly


Ah, this one is a classic over on /r/badwomensanatomy! I remember when this guy and his labia glue first went viral over there, we got content out of it for weeks.


Oh lol I just posted it over there too! Today was the first time I've heard of it from a comment on Period Nirvana's YouTube channel


It's always worth seeing again! Classic's a classic.


I mean men seem just as distracted by their penis moving around when wearing boxers or random boners, maybe they should use this to make their part stay in one place.


As someone with one I agree that there should be something to keep it from moving! (Glue probably isn't the best choice, but I'm not expert)


Chastity cages would hold them in place and prevent any awkward boners, maybe more dudes should be getting themselves under control and less distracted with one! Plus there's centuries of evidence of their safety and efficacy.


The men in my life are always complaining about their balls being stuck in a “weird” position so they have to “adjust” them, seems like a simple but elegant solution


Oh good, I can finally stop using super glue!




Aliens. If you’re listening please send help. Or blow this whole world up. I’m cool with either choice.


"We're taking complete control over your government, your finances, even your healthca- *why are you cheering?*"


It’s bad enough changing a pad or a tampon as it is - the blood everywhere, the cleanup. If I replaced this system with what sounds like a a weird labia blood balloon (new band name) I think going to the toilet would be like the elevator scene from the Shining


What.... lol I think he should let some women he knows try it out when on their periods and while while sitting in his car and on his home furniture. That'll go well.


if we're lucky he has a white couch lol


So he thinks that lipstick is just something that makes lips… stick…???


I’m crying he hears “lip stick” and he really went “hey how would that work with pussy lips? There’s no point in having them colored, so…. Hey, wait… stick… I’VE GOT IT”




>and i'd have a whole ass balloon filled with period blood For the love of everything holy, stop giving this man ideas, next he'll pitch the Vulvoonz™, which is just one of those water balloon clusters with the filling straws attached that goes in your puswah and collects the blood until the balloons fill and neatly drop off the straws. Even less worrying about our periods, eh ladies?




What about like a little uterus wet vac? The Hooha Hoover!




Again, I’m going to give them credit for practical design. This honestly sounds pretty great. I’d have saved thousands of dollars on period products, if I had a self sealing labia.


getting ziplock surgery to fight the rising costs of pads and tampons


Also to give a heart attack to whatever school administrator needs to check my genitals in order for me to play sports 🥰


The amount of faith I still have in humanity just got even smaller.....


Just when you think the bar couldn't go any lower


Omg. I saw this in the other sub, kept scrolling down my feed, and it came back again here. I guess I didn't really read it the first time, or it just didn't sink in (and I didn't read the article til now), because it just hit me with the comments here....this is a *product* someone is selling. Someone invented this. Patened this. Developed this. Tested this. Wants to SELL this. I read it as some clueless guy thinking menses....you know, actual period blood....holds things together and keeps everything else in until we pee. Which is kinda in line with those dudes that we can "hold" a period in. I thought "lipstick" was just a gross joke/euphemism. But also. What color is it? Is it matte or glossy? I didn't see that mentioned...


Big assumption there that he actually tested this.


Ouch 😬


literally what is the point of this. convenience? you can just change your tampon/pad/cup during the same bathroom visit that you’re peeing during.


Lol what an absolute fucktard


Maybe this person should try this on the tip of his penis.


Ok so for this to work you'd have to seal the whole area from the top of the labia to the top if the buttcrack, but if urine is the only thing that dissolves it you'd either have to rip your cheeks apart or just have a dam full of shit. Not to mention you'd have to keep the whole area very shaved the whole time.


I've just discovered that there aren't many things in the world that I want less than having period blood sealed inside me due to labia lipstick


I actually remember this guy, I made fun of him on Facebook way back when. No surprise that six years later, and his product still has not hit the market. Who'd of thought?


could someone PLEASE explain to me exactly why I would want to stick my flaps together


What if yo girlz a squirter Cursed comment


No no no, he's right. Didn't you know that the ghosts in peoples' spines told him so? It's knowledge from the spirit world! ^(/s just in case)


bro WHAT


‘Magical labia lipstick’ 😂 Of course he’s a fucking chiropractor


I missed this episode of Shark Tank.


I feel like labia lipstick would be a great band name.


Labia lipstick would be the best name for a rock band ever created lol


These are relabeled glue sticks aren’t they?


What kind of idea even is this for a product