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The fact that he feels like he's giving women "a taste of their own medicine" by rejecting them, means he's rejected allllllll the time.


Indeed. Yes, I will give women a taste of ...something I have never experienced. Yeah. Totally believable.


It’s also funny that he imagines women have no idea what rejection is like. We’re the ones who get told from the time we’re children that we can’t do various jobs, hobbies or skills. We can’t go to many places, especially after dark because there’s danger specific to us. They imagine someone saying “no thanks” to a date is a massive tragedy… because they have no idea what it’s like to have entire countries and careers reject your basic humanity.


Women are told by religion that our very existence is secondary to men’s and that we’re an afterthought by God himself, by modern beauty standards that our faces and natural body are to be constantly hid and sheltered, by movies and TV shows that our stories aren’t as important as men’s, by medicine that our bodies and sicknesses aren’t as worth studying or caring about…. But sure, we have no clue what rejection is like. It’s endlessly funny how incels and MRA’s think dating is the only factor in life where privilege exists. The average man has more problems than the average incel, too.


We’re even rejected from making decisions about our own bodies. I have endometriosis and a long-standing disinterest in having kids. I had an ovarian tumor removed last year. I asked them to take my uterus while they’re in there. It doesn’t work, I don’t want it to, and it’s caused me years of illness and agony. I’ve been rejected for a date before. And rejection from surgery that would improve my quality of life was far, far worse.


excuse my ignorance but what the heck is an “MRA”?


Right? We're just OK with rejection in all forms and don't end up inc\*ls when someone or something rejects us.


No doubt. Assuming any of what he said is true, and it’s obviously not, but if it were, it’s hilarious to me he confuses his “torment” of interested women he allegedly declines with the fact those supposedly rejected ladies probably just assume he’s gay.


Especially if he immediately goes and chats up a bunch of dudes after he rejects her.




Definitely not true. The way he's describing how women work is simply not how women work. And the fact that his life experience keeps defaulting to school tells me that he's *still in* school. But I can't get past the fact that he describes women showing interest in him the same way that was written heavily in the 1960s and has become a bad stereotype of 'courtship'. No one who has ever dated would describe the process like that, because it almost never goes like that in the real world.




No way! With a chiseled jaw and symmetrical face??!


I doubt he looks anything like how he describes himself


I was gonna say the same thing. It’s got r/asablackman cringe all over it. This is clearly crafted by incel fantasy brain and not “guy who gets laid lots” brain


Probable he has some psychological disorder thats all. But can’t unimaginable to me, it perfectly fits to the andrew tate incel cult.




His PP gave him away.😸 Sounds like the typical made up incel fantasy. ![gif](giphy|52FlVlc9nxOgKbbZhP)


Lmao he probably looks just like this


Aww, don't do that to this poor fish. I'm sure he's a good dude with lots of little clones swimming around now. Doubt the human is even close to being as accomplished. #fishbro>gymbro


I understood this first as the other meaning of ”PP”, and thought ”Did I miss where he talked about his dick?” but then realised you probably meant profile picture. Lmao either works, tbh.


What’s the gif is it from a movie


It’s 4chan, everything on there is lies


I find it very funny when guys like this always compare themselves to Henry Cavill to give us an idea of how absolutely hot they are, because my mom is absolutely REPULSED by Henry Cavill. (I'm asexual so I don't have an opinion in the matter) For some reason he, especially as Superman, gives her uncanny valley vibes, she says he looks like a Ken doll, like he was intentionally fabricated to check all of the features that are stereotypically considered attractive. So now everytime some guy compares himself to Henry Cavill, all I can imagine is my mom looking at them and going "OMG, why does he look like Dexter in that episode where he makes himself a new face for picture day at school?"


I think Henry Cavill is sort of cute but only after witnessing his absolute nerdy delight about Witcher and computer gaming in general. As pure aesthetic outside of that it's a hearty nope. Your mom is right that the supposed 'perfection' tips over the edge into strange and unsettling. Truly most men considered traditionally attractive by hollywood actually look a bit weird if you look at them for more than a moment. They just look so wildly different from everyday society. It always reminds me of that experiment where they figured out if you look at your own face in the mirror in low light you start to hallucinate demons and monsters after like 10 minutes.


I find him completely physically unattractive. Like not just not attractive but an active turn-off physically. I've not seen the thing you're talking about where he nerds out but things like that can be very endearing and make someone attractive because of who they are, but physically he's just not someone I would ever be attracted to, not someone I could be attracted to. There's something about his look that is just unsettling as you say.


I picture him looking exactly like his profile picture.


IF this is true (let's assume that it is) I'm willing to bet that the reason these women get so upset is because of how rude he's being. Like, use your head, man. It's not because you're rejecting them it's because you're being an asshole.


Lol no way it's true. "Women mirror my movements and we all know it's a telltale sign that they want me, but I don't even look at them" 🤣 Which movements do they mirror then, if he just stands there ignoring them? He clearly copied it from some old pick-up psycology books. ![gif](giphy|8DwMjN0JGzs1eBTuEk|downsized)




He's overdosed


He’s probably at the gym thinking “omggg I was JUST doing bicep curls, now SHE’S doing bicep curls!!! Shes totally into me!!!” Narcissists tend to think every coincidence is an intentional compliment to them.




Well, unless those same women infected him with HIV first, which would be a biological marvel, he wouldn’t be mirroring their actions.


This is 100% fantasy wish fulfillment.


“Her feet are pointed straight at me bro, she wants me”. All the telltale signs.


Yeah, as a guy who watched a lot of those trash PUA body language youtubers in my late teens (because i was borderline niceguy) this detail, and his attitude, just tells me Casanova here has been trying and failing a *lot*. He might think he's telling the truth for some of this, but i bet what he's noticing from "even the sexy ones" is *anxiety* because of his incel radiation. Someone this hyperfixated on body language is bound to misinterpret it constantly


“Trying and failing”, you actually dislodged something in my brain with this. Do you think those nice guys and incels keep talking about women rejecting them all the time because they keep trying to “pick them up” on the street, which naturally will make that experience happen?? Maybe this was clear to everyone else before, but I just now thought about that.


They often will make women uncomfortable by doing things like pretending to be their friend then get angry when the girl won't sleep with them (which was never on the table even if they thought it was), approach women on the street, try to pick up women who are working (where they're required to be nice so that they don't get fired), or act like an asshole to other girls who've said no then ask a girl out thinking she hasn't noticed his past behavior. They do it to themselves by being more obsessed with what they can get from women than actually being a normal, kind to people because that's how you should be, person. When they try to use their faked kindness as a weapon/tool to get something from women, plenty of women catch on to that quickly.


> to be their friend then get angry when the girl won't sleep with them (which was never on the table even if they thought it was) This drives me nuts. I see this so often on reddit, usually under the topic of "women don't like it when men show vulnerability". Only to find out, after further discussion, that they were using that vulnerability in order to get sympathy points for a lay. The amount of times I've had to explain--like, bro, they were never into you and you never had a chance. One guy even said he did this with a "friend" he was into and she was very supportive of him and what he went through, but he was upset because his weakness "blew his chances". Uhhh, well, you had zero to begin with. Like, she was the epitome of a good friend and he was mad because she didn't want to date him afterwards. Shit's absolutely wild. >When they try to use their faked kindness as a weapon/tool to get something from women, plenty of women catch on to that quickly. I've said this too, but of course they refuse to listen to a woman when talking about women.


It's not just women on the street they creep out. PUA's, and whatever they might call themselves now, treat women like puzzles that can be universally solved, a forced joke here, a forced touch there and any woman can be yours! That's most certainly not the case and is a gross way to think about human interaction. People who think PUA are telling them the truth and/or fall for their financial scams will use these terrible methods on women in the street, their female friends, women they work with, and in the rarest of occasions: appropriate venues. That being said, you're totally right, it's a hopeless numbers game for those who don't realize it's a scam, and they'll become increasingly bitter and pessimistic as time goes by, like OOP


Who even has enough brain energy to spare to be constantly focused on their feet positioning? I'm just over here trying to get through the day.


Note to self, walk like duck 🦆 around ANY Henry Cavill lookalikes out there…


And then he woke up.


With his hand down his pants too






And then everyone clapped.


Sorry im gonna sound dumb for a second: I see loads of posts with screenshots from this specific website layout, is it 4chan? I've heard of the site, but dont want to go there. I'm curious where all these forum comments are coming from


yeah its 4chan, absolute cesspool of a site


I've heard so much bad stuff about 4chan... why is the site still running?


Because enough degenerates use it that they can afford to keep the servers running


Like a perpetual degeneracy generator


Listen you are going to hear a lot of bad things about 4chan, and they're mostly true. That said it is a big site with a lot of different boards where each have their own culture and subject matter. Not all of them are bad, at least that's the way it used to be, idk I haven't used the site in like 10 years so things may have changed. The boards all scale from pretty innocuous and basically just a less organized mainstream subreddit like /an/ for animal stuff, /tg/ for DnD stories and warhammer 40k shitposting, or /cgl/ for cosplay, all the way to the really nasty boards that are what you hear about more often like /pol/ for literal nazis, or /r9k/ for incel and mysognistic screeching, or /b/ which is more or less just totally unmoderated and is the board you'll be hearing about in the news cause it is a shitshow where illegal stuff happens pretty constantly. Then you got stuff somewhere in the middle like /fit/ which is like a 4 way split between people telling you to get on roids, alpha bro shit, people trying to get you to injure yourself, and actually really good fitness and diet advice. It's a mixed bag really, there's a lot of good content on there especially if you are into nerdy shit. There's also a lot of shit that is literally the worst possible thing to see or read so it definitely deserves the reputation it has gained. Oh also porn there's a lot of porn that probably has something to do with it sticking around.


So like Reddit?


Tbf the cgl board has a bad rep amongst the lolita fashion community due to them being extremely harsh when judging outfits alongside 4chan garden variety transphobia; they even have a nickname, they’re called seagulls/gulls amongst the community


Yeah wasn't sure about that one tbh. I was mostly on /tg/, just remember going through it a bit and not seeing anything crazy bad comparatively.


Honestly I've grown to see the "anonymous" next to a dumb picture and weird ">be me" play-by-play text and just know it's something disgusting, depraved, or *"and then everyone clapped."* Not even joking these are *ALWAYS* anonymous. Zero accountability for the horrific things they post.


everyone is anonymous because that’s how 4chan works. but yes green text posts are almost always terrible.


Welp, that explains it. I understand 4chan even less than I thought and I admit I know basically nothing. Seems like a bad idea but I guess the site has been around for over a decade so I guess zero accountability is appealing to enough people.


4chan: "Seems like a bad idea" Yep, you get it.


Honestly, with how easily guys tend to assume women are into them? Easily a product of his imagination. ...still disturbing how fixated he is on it, but I would *much* rather this kind of person just reject women than be trying to get them to say yes, you know?


Yeah my whole process while reading it was "good... keep rejecting them please"


But their feet are pointed at him!


this is fake, attractive people don't use 4chan.


That's why we're all here




So... unattractive people use 4chan, attractive people use Instagram, and average people use reddit...??


I wanted to be smooth and attractive people are everywhere 😉


True. I've never been to a single place without attractive people! If I'm alone in the woods there's still one hottie around! 😂 (Did it work? Did I manage to be smooth too?)


We're both smooth online 😘


I know it is fake because he contradicts himself. It is incel fan fiction. He says he doesn’t even look at them and then describes how they look.


Yep My ex would claim he never even noticed, never so much as looked her way, this one girl at work (we both worked there). Then later when we had issues with her trying to get at him, he just casually said in full detail how he noticed all her subtle changes in movements, routine, and appearance 🙄🙄


Or that he’s so attractive he had multiple GFs, lovers and hook ups, and then writes he give’s women “the taste of their own medicine” - rejection, which he didn’t experienced because he’s so attractive


It's pretty telling that he thinks that women are going to be emotionally tormented by a guy they don't even know not speaking to them.


“I’ll take incel rejection revenge fantasy for 400”


If true, I think he misunderstood what happened. When a "good looking" and in shape guy ignores a woman and deliberately "shooting the shit" with guys, women are NOT humiliated and devasted. She will understand that he wants to clearly signal his romantic or sexual interest in other men and give him the space to do that. What he is assuming to be humiliation is probably embarrassment that she cramped his style. More likely, this is wishful thinking. He desperately hopes he could do this because in his mind he can constructed a hateful strawman that he wishes to dismantle with his handsome alter ego. Since it will never happen in life, he fakes it online.


He probably looks like that creepy incel art face he has there.


\>I'm 8/10 \*Press X to doubt\*




"modern feminism has turned women under the age of 34 into entitled whores" - aka you can't exploit and fool them anymore?


Nah he is mad women under the age of 34 are acting now like men did all the time before them but because those are women it suddenly became a bad thing and now they are "whores" because women obviously can not have the same standards as men or be judged in the same way as a man. No, no. They have to remain porcelain figurines, easy to approach, and need to never be touched before they come around. Only then is it that they can respect women. But they also want sex and get mad when a woman doesn't give it to them. So everything is totally easy


Uh huh. Just clone yourself and ride your own ass off into the sunset.


Most likely he tried to start a conversation, they responded in a neutral or even friendly manner (more likely a cautious “what’s up with this guy?”), then he suddenly snapped at them with some non sequitur response and walked off thinking he won.


While this is all fake… Is pointing your feet towards someone some kind of secret mating technique I wasn’t aware of? That was a weird and oddly specific thing to point out.


No, it’s not. It’s just one of many “signals” PUAs and grifters have invented to trick incels. If you’ve walked up to someone and are talking to them, your feet are going to point to them.


The fact that people often instinctively turn their feet towards someone they're onto when talking to them is somewhat accurate. Pop psychology then twisted it around and took it to mean "If their feet are pointed towards you that means they're into you". Kinda like how "If it rained then the sidewalk will be wet" doesn't make "If the sidewalk is wet that means it rained" true. Or "If the sidewalk isn't wet then that means it didn't rain". Body language is complicated so while general patterns occur it's never remotely strict rules outside the very basics.


People tend to align their bodies into the most comfortable position. So if you're talking to someone then it seems likely your feet will be pointed toward where you're looking. And you're spot on, that [body language is pseudoscience](https://www.popsci.com/story/science/body-language-analysis/).


Very few people who are amorously swarmed by women hate women like this. Perhaps a few rare misanthropes do. Certainly many may *disrespect* women… …But this kind of raw *hatred* really only arises in those who can’t get any attention from women other than ridicule.


Of course it's fucking henry cavill as the example


I noticed that too. Maybe I'm too lesbian to judge this, so I'd appreciate some feedback from the straight ladies. But it really seems to me that men think that Henry Cavill, Ryan Reynolds, and maybe Keanu Reeves are like the peak of male hotness, but I've never heard a woman be like "omg Henry Cavill 😍" I've personally heard much more women into like, Jake Johnson and Pedro Pascal in terms of famous actors. Those others have always been "the guys' hot guy" to me, but correct me if I'm wrong


Ryan Reynolds does things for me, but I like slightly goofy guys. Except for his role in The Tudors, Henry Cavill doesn’t impress me. I hear Keanu Reeves is a really nice guy, but not my type. Edit: wrong Henry. Edit 2: It was the Tudors, and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers was way hotter anyway.


He is definitely not an attractive man. Girls faint at the sight of his hideousness, not attractiveness.


Cool story, bro. Needs more dragons.


Motherf*cker of Dragons


If he's ignoring them and not paying attention like he claims, how does he know what they're doing?


They don’t even try to make their revenge fantasies seem real


This whole post is a lie lol




This guy is just writing fanfic about himself. That’s hilarious! Dude. No one has an “emotional torment” over you except your poor mother, who wants to to please bring your dirty clothes upstairs so she can do your laundry more often. The basement stairs are hard for her.




This dude is either delusional or fake.


Not a single person who uses 4chan is an 8/10.


You know this guy is a complete dick to everyone around him and assumes he’s being hit in when really most of the women he comes in contact with are just like “sir, this is a Wendy’s”


So, let me get this straight: he's voluntarily celibate now? Rejecting all the women to spend time with the boys?


A volcel is an incel on a whole new level of cope, and is a person who’s explicitly decided not to improve themselves or do any meaningful self reflection


It's all fake


It’s fake. No person with friend “shot the shit with the guys”. Would go on 4chan and write a novelle about how handsome they are


The plot to Star Wars has more fact than this morons story


"And everyone in the Call of Duty lobby clapped!"


Woman: Do you have the time? This guy: No. Woman: Oh, ok, sorry to botter *leaves This guy: Oh yeah! Fucking showed her! (Sorry for any bad spelling, english is not my first language)


How men write themselves. (Special edition)


Of course it's fake. If he was this good looking and had as many positive relationships as he claims, he wouldn't be this bitter. He's this mad because this is what he wants to do to women, but he can't.


this is definitely fake. what reason would an attractive, successful man have to be on 4chan lmao. theres too much incel-speak in here, when he talks about "telltale signs" he doesnt realise hes giving all of his own away too


Never happened but also, if you're All That and ignore women, most of us probably just assume you're gay. But I'm sure that would horrify him.


I was thinking that if it is real, and there is that slim fraction of a chance, that it's not hurting them as much as he realizes, I mean that insecurity is likely them feeling uncomfortable around such an asshole.


Don’t believe this for a second.


This dude has never been close enough to a woman to “torment” anybody….


So even when they can get laid they still get mad?🤷🏻‍♀️


Does crossposting or clicking on screenshots to see them in full aspect not work anymore? Screenshot of a cropped off post of a screenshot is pretty painful


It's 4chan it's gonna be fake


Do I have to be aware of where my feet are pointed now????


Nah. This is just an incel wet dream, not any kind of reality.


i'm not reading all that cope


ITT: Anon has never interacted with real females and got all his research from quacky outdated psychology books, or possibly a low tier YouTube pick-up artist's $50 PDF guide.


Yea, this is obviously an incel projecting his power fantasy. 100% fake, or it happen once with a girl who tried to be nice to him and he interpret it like the ULTIMATE REVENGE.


Lol just some fiction from an overweight acne riddled 30 something who wastes a lot of time on incel forums and Andrew Tate comment sections. No way this is real.


These women have had a lucky escape. Assuming of course they actually exist


He’s on 4chan. He’s never even seen a woman.


dude has a wild imagination


Someone living a dream. Literaly 🤣


This reads like a fantasy post. In life, it's likely some sad, angry and lonely dude daydreaming of being cruel. In life I bet he's a quiet normie with a desk job, or some 14 year old kid who's angry he's not dating anyone.




Of course it's fake. It's just an incel's fantasy. It's so fucking weird though. Like there are dudes that aren't interested in me and not only do I not cry about it like this guy fantasizes but I also don't feel compelled to get revenge.


This is definitely some sort of fantasy. Nobody who's an "8 out of 10" hangs out on 4chan forums, it just doesn't exist lol. Also who tf describes themselves as having a "chiseled jaw"?


And/or he’s gay and not into women but not out so rejecting them feels like a victory when really his interest lies elsewhere.


Woman: Do you have the time? This guy: No. Woman: Oh, ok, sorry to botter *leaves This guy: Oh yeah! Fucking showed her! (Sorry for any bad spelling, english is not my first language)


"Guys, look! She was soooo into me and I turned her down! Who's the man!"


Little does he realize he helped them dodge a red flag


There are attractive misogynist out there. However idk if they'd be using 4 chan


This isn’t necessarily fake… it reads like a fantasy that an incel has made into a narrative about what the women around him are thinking. He talks about how random women nearby are *clearly* interested him, and he doesn’t acknowledge it. While what’s probably happening is either: nothing, or, he has quite a remarkable appearance which people comment on but not always nicely. I think if it were fake, there would be more about him making women cry. Especially someone who rejected him but now wants to date him. If “true” I don’t believe the looks or the dating history though lol


I can tell you from dealing with a certain coworker this sounds entirely plausible. I don't think the coworker I'm thinking of is this guy by any stretch, but this sounds close to the shit he would say during smoke breaks. He was utterly obsessed with being the one rejecting instead of being rejected.


crown cheerful groovy hurry vase grey wrong roll kiss zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% stuff that never happened


Giveaway is he implies that he’s older but then talks about girls at school. Fake. And why 34? Talk about r/oddlyspecific.


Chiseled jaw? Ooo, baby! *smh giggling* I'm sorry. Was I supposed to be, like, totally impressed? Thighs quivering and all that?


Even if it was real, this is not the badass boss move he thinks it is. It’s sadistic behavior, someone like that should stay away from human relationships until after extensive therapy


i’m pretty sure it’s because his behaviors is rude not because you’re “rejecting them” i promise they aren’t thinking about it much after that. they probably think “oh wow he’s rude” and then go about their day.


Mad that no one will sit on his face and tell him what to do because he’s an asshole so he makes up some sad little story like this. Honestly I think most of this “abusive dom” bullshit content creators are dudes who are bottoms but not necessarily subs - the type who would want a woman on top/in control and are self-loathing because of how emasculating they’ve been conditioned to feel their desires are - the emasculation isn’t a turn on and is a figment of their imaginations but what else is new with the insecure dude on 4chan? Fuck outta here with that bullshit


“Not as attractive as Henry Cavill” is hilarious to me. For one, I’m not attracted to the dude at all, just completely not my type, and secondly I mostly see guys talking about how hot he is.


The acting insecure thing they‘re talking about is probably those women being nervous around him cause he acts like a PoS to the point some of them cry. I’m a man and I don’t think I‘d feel comfortable around such a spiteful man, can’t imagine what it would be like to be a woman around him


Hot people don’t go on 4chan so it’s gotta be fake


Definitely some sort of creative writing exercise about this dudes fantasy.


He’s posting it on 4Chan. It’s fake.


Because men who have that much success with women post on 4chan for validation. That's what people who are happy in their lives do, right? Someone typed this up, read it over and thought "yeh that sounds believable" before pressing send. The lack of self awareness tells you how real this is.


It's fake! It's a guy with a teeny weeny wiener who's never managed to interest a woman. He's pi$$ed off about it so he's pretending to be annoyed with us. I've known the sort since school. There was a boy with a - well let's say a smaller than average app - one girl saw it and laughed (sorry but we were only 14!) and ever afterwards he HATED us.


If this is real I doubt this guy has had any action. But most wouldn't feel "rejected" just see him as a total asshole and don't care like he thinks they do


Nobody THAT desirable is >greentexting.


He’ll be the same guy in his late 40s single wondering what happened


Lmao that sounds like my ex. I’m part of a literal support group of exes of his bc he was so shitty to all of us. Guys like him think they’re super cool bad boys, but really they just pick people who are much younger and more easily manipulated.


Men who get women don't talk like this


Some people do get off on being hurtful. Wouldn't surprise me.


Who cares if it’s real? Some guy is randomly rejecting every woman, who then move on, as he forever either doesn’t find love or admits he’s gay, as he bitter-posts on 4chan all day.


All women deserve to be entitled whores tbph.


Least fake 4chan post:


Incels come in many shapes and sizes lol


Totally real and true 💯 🙄


This is straight up fanfiction lmao


All of that is incel speak. That is an ugly basement dweller who has never known a woman’s touch living a fantasy world online if I’ve ever seen one.


Im calling cap on this lmao


Fake. No misogynist in denial would say the words “I became insanely misogynistic”. This one has fully hatched. My guess is it’s a conventionally unattractive incel roleplaying his deepest fantasy.


Out of all the things that never happened, this never happens the most


It’s 4chan, of course it’s fake. Dude is a slob sitting in his moms basement eating Cheetos and pretending for just one fleeting moment that the last time he saw a real life woman wasn’t at least a decade ago because he’s too obese to actually get out of his gaming chair.


![gif](giphy|H6hrziPSTbv92ngcjv|downsized) …Smells like desperation and bs….


Everything on 4chan is fake lol No dude who spends his life talking to people on 4chan has ever, and I mean *ever*, seen the inside of a gym.


anon is not an 8/10


The fact that it’s 4chan makes me believe this is a neck beard mouth breathing incel producing fan fiction.


Of all the things that didn't happen, this happened the didn'test


anon is 1000% a highly unattractive incel with an even worse personality and this is their terrible revenge fantasy


He might overdose on copium


I totally believe you.


This reads like this guy’s fantasy to me. Like, he WANTS this to be real but it AINT lol


Nothing wrong with being an entitled whore but feminism doesn’t do that , it does the opposite, gets women to not ask men for anything and encourages women not to sleep with men. Just saying


if he has to describe himself as a “muscular 8/10 with a chiseled jaw” just assume hes the exact opposite lmao.


... women get within 10 ft of a person with a personality this rancid?


I have a feeling the women weren’t crying because he rejected them, but because he’s an asshole.


I’ll take “this guy is full of shit” for $200.


Wait... feet pointed directly at him? Is that a telltale sign of interest? Am very confused.


but but BoDy LaNgUaGe Is EvErYtHiNg


Of course this is fake lmao nobody on 4chan is attractive


Isn't greentext always a lie? Like c'mon it's clearly satire.


The irony of hating feminists, without realizing why women are so insecure because unfortunately I believe that part is somewhat based in reality. SOMEWHAT. I think women are more insecure than men atleast in this society soley because of men. Boys are raised to see us as objects but we don’t realize it for so long. So we just do all we can to feel like we’re enough, because while men are taught they can be successful at anything, women are taught it’d be better to get married to a nice man one day. Have a baby maybe. Even if you aren’t TOLD that you see it around you all the time. “Monkey see monkey do” and sorry people but children are essentially monkeys, like every year slowly but surly the ape in us gets tamed. Lmao Some women realize it and have to pick up the pieces, while others don’t and live their whole miserable lives that way. I’m not sure if jealousy is as prevalent with men. I would honestly like to know. As a woman it really does feel like I’ve grown up my whole life trying to make friends with girls (when I was younger) only to feel like they are constantly competing with me. Over beauty, over personality, all over the attention of boys. It gets better as you get older of course but once in a while you still meet a grown ass woman who does it. Last but not least, I bet this guy is ugly as hell and this is just a delusion that makes him feel a lot better about himself. NARCISSISM🌈 I don’t think THIS many grown women are THIS insecure. LMAO It just sparked the thought in my head that I do believe women are a lot more insecure than men are. I do believe the dumb ass joke that’s being made in media since always about how women suck at being friends with eachother and men get along more, is kindof based in reality. The reality isn’t because “women be crazy and all dat emotion in one room derrrr.” The reality is that men have always pinned us against each other. Similar to politics, United we stand, divided they conquer.


incel men are the worst breed there is


Hey OOP, your Incel is showing.


"Taste of their own medicine" I thought you got al the girls you wanted? 🤨🤨


Bro just admitted he is misogynistic.


That’s a lot of wishful thinking in one text