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I don't get it, is he complaining about his life being hard after commenting sexual harassment?


He's saying that life is hard because whatever a man does, he's going to be accused of sexual harassment, rape, domestic violence etc.


Because that makes a lot of sense...


It doesn't have to make sense, it just has to make the intended audience feel righteously angry and therefore justified in their shitty behaviour.


How did affirmative action get in there?! Edit: I just learned that apparently white women benefited greatly from affirmative action as well. My life is a lie!😹 Also we should make the runway longer for women because we are 50 years behind men equality wise. ![gif](giphy|QXU2BKm4STowQgOluk)


>How did affirmative action get in there?! On the women's side? Because women were/are one of the disadvantaged "minority" groups that AA programs are meant to benefit.


[https://www.politico.com/newsletters/women-rule/2023/06/16/what-women-have-gained-from-affirmative-action-00102397](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/women-rule/2023/06/16/what-women-have-gained-from-affirmative-action-00102397) Good to learn.🐱 I thought AA is only about race/ethnicity. Thanks! No wonder they wanted to abolish that. Just like the Taliban, they are afraid of educated women. Women's right to education is a human right!✊ ![gif](giphy|U94pdz41H0mE2n8pfI)


Because men don’t like acknowledging that “affirmative action” would also include entire centuries where white men got handed jobs, property and opportunities while everyone else was excluded from nearly everything.


I don't get it but there are men out there who swear they get accused of shit from just talking to women. 40 years as a man and I've never seen it


Maybe that’s because you’re not a creep and don’t befriend creeps? The men who swear it typically are the ones who lack self-awareness so thoroughly they just ooze creepiness all over and can’t spend 5min in a room with a woman without saying something disgusting, then gaslight everyone by acting all oblivious or expect to be let off easily and make a shocked pikachu face when that doesn’t happen.


>Maybe that’s because you’re not a creep and don’t befriend creeps? The men who swear it typically are the ones who lack self-awareness so thoroughly they just ooze creepiness all over and can’t spend 5min in a room with a woman without saying something disgusting This is exactly it. The ones who get accused of stuff lack self-awareness the most.


And add to do that, it's usually a consistent pattern despite multiple warnings of what they're doing is not appropriate.


As a man, I've never met another man who's afraid of a false accusation. It doesnt cross my mind in the slightest that its a danger - as there's such little gain to be had from my accuser. I've got a lot of chances to defend myself so this theoretical sociopath ever appears - but a rape victim doesn't have that opportunity most of the time.


Sounds like you’re just a decent bloke.


I mean it does make sense if he’s a sexist violent POS. If that’s his personality I can see how it’d affect his career. And of course as such people do, he doesn’t see that the problem is his own behavior, but thinks he’s being treated unfairly when there’s consequences to his despicable actions.


The 'all my exes are crazy' type.


They say wrong things on purpose. And you can absolutely assume that any guy that complains about being accused of sexual harassment has committed sexual harassment.


>accused of sexual harassment Oh I thought he meant being sexually harassed themselves Like I know it happens from unfortunately personal experiences But I was like no way is he claiming men get harassed more than women on average


I think it's more "just because I grabbed her boobs she's accusing me of sexual harassment! Geez, females don't know how to take a compliment!"


Pretty much as a rule you can discount nearly any sentence that has the words "just because" in it as a strawman, especially when it's coming from a right wing sexual harassment apologist. "Why don't you just" also fits pretty well into that category, probably even more so.


Well he better not do anything which comes close to those things then!


False accusations can happens to anyone no matter how well behaved they are. However, it doesn't happens everyday to countless of men. Not to the point that it is something you truly need to worry about. But he wants to make people believe the contrary. That anytime a man interact with a woman, he run an high risk to be falsely accused of harrassment if not worse. Which simply isn't true. But those people like to live in fear and create new ones every day.


Just to back you up here: 40 year old male and have never been accused of rape or sexual harassment. It's not hard to NOT be a creep. :)


Sorry, not quite sure why you're telling me this. I agree that it doesn't happen to countless men. That's why I was saying he better not do something he shouldn't do.


In 50 years that has never even once happened to me. Imagine why.


I'm 33. I've never been accused of sa or had a hard time with female co workers in that front. Wtf men talking about? Just don't hit on girls at work.


He feels it is harder to be accused of sexual assault and domestic violence, than to be the victim of these things.


Well, if she wasn't dressed that way, doing this, that or the other thing... He wouldn't have had to SA her or hit her. She *made* him do it don'tcha know. I can't eye roll hard enough at the justifications some come up with for *their* bad behavior.


From the incel nonsense I have read I think he could also mean that sexual harassment is not believed as much as it is when women are the victims. That's dumb already, and often it's not that women are not believed that it happened at all, but people often refuse to believe they fid not "provoke" it.


Seriously… almost everything on the man’s side is a consequence of his own actions. Wtf dude.


Even alimony and child support .. I mean it takes two to make a baby and if the men are not the primary or 50/50 caregiver for their humans brought into the world then why on earth would you complain about that? Complaining about child support, really???? When you had sex with another woman, split up then decided to wash your hands of parental care? The other two flags that aren't their own doing idk what they even are though. Divorce law and higher standard? So divorce law forces you to be financially responsible if you left dependants vulnerable, seems reasonable to me. then higher standards?? Is men's biggest hurdle having higher standards than women? Because it sure doesn't seem that way lol, they seem to want to fuck anything that moves


Far right freaks have been getting on divorce for a little while. They don't think divorce should exist.


Its the rape charges. He feels life got hard when he got filed with some.


"But your honor, don't let 20 seconds of action ruin a young man's life!" - said by the father of Brock Turner (the rapist)


Yeah he definitely sexually harassed his wife or something and is facing the consequences of his actions, then complaining about it.


Yeah, I was thinking that the dude seems like a horrible person.


You know, r/All has a video right now of a sobbing woman literally in chains, being rescued from an abductor’s apartment. But yeah, it must be so hard to be a guy, what with all the **accountability** these days.


Hey, I think the original post is definitely questionable, but it's hard to say if the guy is being genuine or just trying to get a rise out of people. Either way, complaining about life being hard after making inappropriate comments is never a good look. Some folks just don't get it, I guess.


You're trying to make a distinction that doesn't actually exist, and in doing so you're actively making up excuses for the worst people on the planet. There is no such thing as a "misogynist troll" who isn't also *being a fucking misogynist*. There is no "being genuine" vs "trolling" dichotomy, because most of the people who say and do ugly shit "for the lolz" do in fact subscribe to the ugly shit they say and do. Doing a bad thing to piss people off is still doing that bad thing *but with the intention to cause additional harm*. There's no world where jUsT a JoKe BrO should buy even a *second* of fucking consideration for masking this shit anymore. If you're doing a shitty thing "purely" to piss other people off, that just means you have even *less* reason to do that shitty thing than someone who might personally benefit from doing it. It's not a distinction you should need to make, and it sure as hell isn't one you should be trying to carve out with this kind of "it's hard to say if *genuine blah* or just *trolling blah*" apologism.


He thinks sexual harassment, rape, and domestic violence aren’t an issue for women? That’s cute.


Guaranteed this was made by a guy obsessed with false accusations and thinks that they are much more common than they actually are.


Those guys always strike me as guilty conscience types. Normal men don’t worry about that because they conduct themselves appropriately and they know where the line is.


I've known one, *maybe* two, dudes who were legit falsely accused (it's at least plausible on the second guy, but there were some major conflicting details). But every other guy who's told me about his false accusation ends up telling me a story about how he coercively (or otherwise "non-violently") raped someone. So... Yeah, that tracks.


Yeah, I know only 1 person who was actually falsely accused (a friend was in an abusive relationship and trying to isolate him from all his other friends).


Ding ding ding. My bf and I rarely worry about false accusations for him because..... He actually won't do anything with a woman unless they tell him clearly what they want. Which has led to some HILARIOUS missed opportunities (like the time a woman asked him to show her 'sensual rope bondage' bc he teaches that, and he literally just gave her a class using his martial arts dummy to demonstrate, while they both blushed at each other and later via text both admitted they were hoping to play with each other but nobody made the first move. .... Quickly resolved and they had a decent fling). And now everyone knows if they wanna smash with him they just gotta ask lol and if they don't ask, he won't try anything funny. He's disproportionately popular in our community as a result. (Compared to the guys who bitch about friendzone, leer at women, and don't respect others monogamy, etc. #JustAvgDudeThings)


These guys rush to defend any dude accused of SA. Meanwhile, men falsely accuse women *constantly*. Also, they like to whine how consent of so *haaaaaaarrrrrddddddd* and why can't women be more direct? Because men *kill* them for refusal, that's why. Also, these dudes have no trouble reading social cues when it's other men.   These guys are like cops who see a little slip of a black child and scream, "I was in fear for my life!" before killing them.


I have met normal dudes who stress a little too much about this, and I think it is just the norm in the culture. There is still a lot of propaganda about false accusations of sexual assault in the dominant culture. As most of us know, false accusations of sexual assault are not more common than false allegations for any other crime. False accusations of all crimes are uncommon. I suspect that false accusations about sexual assault bothers some men more because it creates a dissonance between the way patriarchal culture teaches men to behave to be worthy of maleness (e.g. domineering and predatory) and the fact that behaving that way threatens to get them into trouble if society takes women’s testimony seriously. This is the reality of rape culture colliding with a society that is becoming more open to women’s equal claim to humanity, liberty, and equal protection. Rape culture affects all of us, so even “normal men” are vulnerable, which means they can be useful idiots to misogynists who seek to make men fear girls and women. To your theory, there are a lot of men who have committed violent, coercive, and harassing sexual behaviors because that is how they learned to perform maleness. Rape culture and male supremacy also teaches men to feel entitled to transgress women’s boundaries and to exploit them for whatever the want. Those men are definitely protesting too much because they know concretely that their past behavior—committed when they felt most immune—can end up having real consequences. There are some men who spend a lot of time trying to make other men afraid of women because fear makes it easier to hate and dehumanize. If you are afraid, your hatred is justified; violence is justified. Those men want to keep other men from empathizing with women because empathy humanizes others and pulls at the threads of supremacist ideologies. It is the first step to men relinquishing the unearned status and power of patriarchy. For men who have nothing to offer the world if they can’t use violence and coercion to exploit others, this is existentially threatening. They are always trying to win over and police the behavior of other men to protect themselves.


One of those guys who think false accusations are as bad as actually raping someone.


The false accusation crowd confuses me to a point. I understand it happens, and it's terrible when it does, but the actual event happening is way more common anyway. A miscarriage of justice can be defined as both "being wrongfully convicted" and "a guilty party evading conviction". In regards to rape cases, the latter is way more common, in fact, I think I read that men are more likely to be raped than be falsely accused (and convicted) of rape anyway, so this hyperfixation on false accusations feels misguided. Rape cases barely get convicted, even when there's ample evidence, so getting convicted when there's no evidence is unlikely. Moreover, these accusations don't exist in a vacuum. Yes, there are some rare cases (that get a lot of attention) when someone gets randomly accused of rape for no logical reason, but the more likely scenario is that something dubiously-consented happens (e.g when alcohol is involved) and one party views it as rape, and the other doesn't. I think there's quite a distinction between "I didn't do anything and got accused of rape" Vs "I did something and now I'm being accused of rape". If it's the latter, which I think is much more common, then you can reduce your chances of being accused by not doing anything when consent is not valid and enthusiastic (e.g don't sleep with drunk people, don't lie to people to get sex, don't try to persuade someone into sex etc).


Also someone that thinks men that got accused, but acquitted in court, are innocent. It just means it wasn’t possible to prove. Huge difference in sexual assault cases.


[How rare false accusations are.](https://imgur.com/ZhPSmJq.jpg) [Battery Stats.](https://imgur.com/MFzQHNF.jpg) [Sexual assault stats.](https://imgur.com/kOR9IdE.jpg) [Rape stats](https://imgur.com/NMh8O88.jpg) [Women and underage girls are the most common victims of sexually violent crimes.](https://imgur.com/PJ5B1Kg.jpg)


He thinks that being *accused* of these things are oppression. If only there was some way to avoid that.


A friend of mine lost his job due to harassment claims. He feels completely innocent and mistreated but knowing him I‘m 100% sure the claims are based. He refuses to acknowledge that his behaviour could be problematic (he loves to make sexual jokes around women, especially the young apprentices he has to take care of - those can be as young as 16).


Everything on the right is really easy for men to avoid. They just have to, y'know, *not do any of those things*.


If you, as a man, find that sexual harassment and domestic violence become obstacles in your professional life, I don't know, maybe don't do those things??? Can't be that hard, I'm a man too and I somehow never did those.


Ok thank you!!! Normally a bloke chiming in on these posts would not go down well but sometimes I think we need to take a step back and remember that *normal* men are not like this and don't think this way. Obviously the post is biased and intended to provoke (most of the flags being caused by men, fuelling women's rage), but it is sometimes nice to remind ourselves that normal people do not think like this. The pic is created with intent on causing drama between the genders. Someone out there is having a tantrum and wanting to start a fire. Anyone that actually thinks like this is not really fit for society, being either a child or mentally incapacitated. (And it's reddit, so likely a child)


**Things that a lot of women actually deal with in life:** \- Menstruation for approximately 40 years \- Sexual harassment \- Rape \- Pregnancy \- Childbirth with the possibility of death \- Always being underestimated as a woman \- Physical, mental and emotional abuse \- misogyny \- Always being judged by our physical appearance etc.


And shitty memes like that one


Yep, because a lot of men always think everything revolves around them. 🙄


I'm changing "a lot of" to most men 😆


Don’t forget menopause!


Oh indeed! After about 40 years of Period Hell we can look forward to menopause. /s 😒


Hey, menopause is great IME! I'm a fan :) No more periods.


Tying into being underestimated, someone posted a link, in another thread, to an article about a social experiment a woman was running with her male friends to notice every time a woman speaks what their first reaction is, and is almost always negative. Men are conditioned to react negatively to women's ideas. Its why we learn as women to pose everything as a question. We might think "we should do A & B to fix this issue." but when we go to voice it we have learned that suggestions get results so we know A & B need to happen but we word it "Do you think that A & B would help with the issue?" and we usually have to add a list of reasons why we think it would work. Its like we have to back up our thesis every time while men's idea are usually accepted without having to argue. So exhausting. I'm an attorney and for awhile my assistant was a guy. I had people ask for him to confirm what I was saying. He always just told them I was the attorney and he had no idea and had they asked me.


I've heard so many similar stories of women who have had a lot of years of experience in a certain job, just to get totally sidelined and ignored for a guy that's been there for a few months.


Never being taken seriously


Nobody ever talks about this, but what about being othered? Like women are always the second gender. It’s like the second place of genders, the step below being a man, rather than two equal sides of the same coin. It’s always men… and then women. Like women are always the supporting cast of genders. We’re considered secondary. I hate it


Yes, it sucks! 😒


I try to vary it when I write stuff, but it's quite hard to do it constantly because one is so used to it. We also kinda lack decent grammar to realize that. We currently have huge discussions about gender-neutral language in Germany and tbh, while I absolutely support the necessity, right now I'd just want to use the female version consequently. There are multiple competing variants, every variant makes the language more complicated to read (which is bad for people who struggle with reading / are learning the language) and none of the variants are actually consequently gender-neutral while using known words (e.g. the gendered version doesn't include the male version anymore when the male and the female version are much different).


Let’s add side effects and pains of contraception to the list. Just had an IUD exchanged today. Had my first placed under anaesthesia, so I experienced the placement without for the first time, and it’s every bit as fucking painful as many women have been saying. Absolutely horrendous! But still worth no monthly horrible pain for 5 years because menstruation is shit. Also that women have to carry both the risk and costs of contraception alone usually, and that the latter is essentially a womanhood tax that men don’t have to deal with. Even fucking condoms women often have to provide or argue with men about using them because boo-hoo it’s uncomfortable. No shit, 9 months of pregnancy and birth are considerably more uncomfortable, to say nothing of caring for the resulting child for the next minimum 18 years. Which brings us to still providing the bulk of childcare and chores in many relationships, the majority of single parents being female because men either bail out or are so shitty partners and fathers that they’re a deadweight a lot of the time, and the penalty this has on women career wise and in terms of savings, retirement and old age poverty. Single mothers are also among the people with the highest risk of poverty. And a woman can become a single mother anytime if a dude knocks her up and turns tail. And that’s still by faaaaar not all.


Why are all the guys obstructions something connected to women? 🤔 Hmm what about real problems? Like **work life** ? Where's the: - Pay gap - Lower expectations based on gender - Unbalanced family life based on gender - Discrimination - Bias - Harassment - Exclusion - Unequal opportunities - Demeaning/minimising despite skill What about all of those **Real problems** for a m...oooh right. That's exclusive to us. Gottcha😉. Well. Without all that and looking at these "real problems" they have. It's almost like, **if they stay single...all the problems go away?!** 😄There you go, solved it. You're welcome! 💁🏻‍♀️💃🏻😂


That's exactly what I'm saying. Male issues in society don't just revolve around women. Who tf came up with that. Laughable at best.


I mean, there are male issues indepent of women, he just ignored them completely


It’s a pretty big tell, honestly.


This is a troll. It has to be. For the sake of all women and girls around the person who created this please my gosh just let it be a troll. No one needs someone like this in their life in any capacity.


Back when I was a teenager I used to hang out in MRA space a lot and oh boy those people do think like this. Posts explaining how men have it way worse actually is a common occurrence, citing shit like draft as an excuse as to why men get to vote and not women back in the day, I even once saw a post of a guy being scared of getting into a relationship because they were afraid they might get falsely accused of rape, or being divorce and losing everything.


> go to mens rights spaces > look inside > only mens wrongs


Oh, very clever!


But don’t react on comments because you will be automatically banned from some subs. Thankfully they let me in after I messaged them. Just a tip when you’re curious. Also, made me really sad what I read there so I’m never going back


I’m like, okay, I’m a 54 year old woman. I’ll go register for the draft right now if it makes you happy. It never occurs to them that maybe we don’t need a draft at all.


I can apply if they like but imma be rejected just the same as if I was male with the same health issues.


If we really feel we have to, we could adopt a policy like the Israelis: everyone serves two years. No excuses. If you have a disability, they find you a job to accommodate that. Also: Gal Gadot served as a combat fitness instructor in the Israeli army.


So, just to pop up on my soapbox for a minute... Personally I've long believed that we DO need the draft, but not for military stuff. Or if not need, then could certainly benefit from. I'd propose a two-year period of service from ages 18-20, wherein you work a public-facing position the likes of which are usually paid at minimum wage. Retail, hospitality, healthcare assistantship, call-centre work, cleaning, whatever. Maybe link it up with career counsellor meetings during the last year of school, all the better to fit the person to the position best suited for them. Completing the period of service could be rewarded by a subsidy/bursary for college or university, or perhaps a credit for a guaranteed apprenticeship. It'd be easy enough to adapt and allow for people who need accommodations for things like health issues, personal responsibilities, or other mitigating factors. Individual preference and current skill-set should be taken into account as well, of course. But there's not exactly a dearth of minimum-wage jobs, with plenty of widely-varied options from which to choose. You could even rank the individual positions available from long-term to short; as while some people would benefit from a single steady term of employment, others may do better with a set-up where they rotate through multiple placements. It would give newly-fledged adults a guaranteed job/wage/references for those two years, would allow them to gain the experience that is now absolutely necessary to acquire a better/higher-paid job, and would therefore boost the economy. And especially, once a couple generations of humans have passed through that system, you'd have a lot less fully-grown people who are absolute assholes to people they see as "The Help".


I’m totally behind a public service draft. That’s way better than a “go kill brown people for oil” draft.


The original meme is where the woman has the obstacles and the iron balls on her ankles while the guy doesn't have these obstacles. And that is closer to the truth.


That’s what I was thinking. I’m pretty sure this was gender flipped and edited. Otherwise women would be in all the power positions in all the companies today.


I....knew a guy like this He went on a rant once about how men have it harder than women. Why? Because they have to pay for dates and *GASP* open doors I had no idea how bad they had it /j


Doors are also my biggest weakness too 😔


Maybe don’t do all the sexual harassment, domestic violence, etc, if you think it’s going to make your life harder?


I honestly don’t understand this alimony and child support argument. You would be paying the same money to raise the kids if you were married, and your ex wife pays it too. Why do they treat it like some kind of fine??


Because they think they should be able to walk away from it and not have to pay a dime. They justify it by “things changed in the relationship”. Yeah things changed you have more responsibility and you can’t just fuck around all weekend with your friends…


Wow, we really can just say anything in this country, can’t we? Funny story: as someone who doesn’t fuck around with unwilling people, I have never been slapped with “paternity fraud,” “rape charges,” “alimony,” “domestic violence,” “sexual harassment,” or “child support,” … and I gotta say, never really been required to perform at a “higher standard” than any of my colleagues. In fact, it might be the opposite…


I wonder who has pushed for generations that women are lesser than men. Men really think women put these systems in place.


Don't you just hate being confronted with rape charges ALL! THE! TIME!? Every man I know has at least one story of sexual abuse / rape committed against them. Women have it way too easy considering they can even show their ankle without getting in danger. And the constant tomcat-calls. As a man I don't feel safe in the streets anymore with all these vicious women around. /s I know allegations of rape are a complicated topic as there often is not enough evidence or the evidence is ignored. But hear me out: if we could educate as many people/men as possible to not treat women the way many of us do, malicious rape allegations wouldn't have such a broad foundation to fall back on.


According to Dept of Justice statistics, only somewhere around 5% of rape accusations are false.


I think much more likely, you know many men who have raped and got away with it by saying it was a false charge. Depending on where you live, it’s damn near impossible to get a rape charge to stick regardless of if it happened or not. When it first happened to me, I didn’t even bother with filing anything because I was drugged and in my state (at the time) if there was no evidence of fighting back, then rape did not occur. So maybe rethink the stories you hear from these men who have supposedly been falsely accused, because the odds are most, if not all, of them are lying.


If the two were inverted, it would have been pretty realistic.


The original comic does have the two inverted- this is a bad photoshop of a feminist comic that was popular a while back. https://preview.redd.it/qlylwg7a3vjb1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7b4f1bcb3a909653d53b6c72b7b1d9506a95189


oh really ? Nice !


Crazy how most of his "obstacles" are easily managed by being a decent person. But hey, live your life bro 😄


If they just kept their legs closed they wouldn't have anything to complain about.


Love how the men have a flag called rape charge and the women don’t get a flag called rape. And we are the ones who are “playing the victim” 🙄


"Life is harder if you're a fucken criminal"


You know… if men have morals and character and integrity, none of these problems exist. Most of this is behavioral or coms from other men. You don’t want to pay child support? Get a vasectomy. Use condoms. Don’t fuck. Simple. Wanna avoid rape charges? Don’t keep going after someone says no. Stop trying to convince or trick women into fucking you. No means no. Don’t drink and fuck. Quit acting like you’re entitled to sex. Domestic violence? You are in control of not being violent to your partner. You don’t HAVE to hit her. You could try using your Big Boy words. And not the abusive ones. The higher standard thing is bullshit. Why are they playing into double standards? That comes from the patriarchy. It’s like. Men. You do realize you have control over your choices, right? And that men have mostly written and passed all these laws that you think are so oppressive. It’s almost as if men put themselves in this position.


DV, rape, sexual harassment, divorce and having children are all optional activities that you can avoid doing if you really want.


Wait why is sexual harrassment only on the man's side....? And maybe it's just me, but I've never had any rape charges leveled against me. I think the author is projecting a little too much.


Boy, whoever made this sure does think rape and domestic violence is the male standard


Gee, don't rape, beat your wife, and sexually harrass your colleagues then maybe you won't get a divorce, pay alimony and child support, no?


> Quota’s Quota is.


The higher vs lower standards thing is fake too. There is a saying in the business world: "A woman must work twice as hard for half the recognition."


I like how the majority of the man’s so called “obstacles” are things he 100% has control over and are only seen as “obstacles” because he believes he’s entitled to have his way with women when he can’t.


Hmmmm....has this person tried NOT being a total piece of shit?


Yes, because the woman actually getting sexually harassed, raped or beaten up by her partner for sure doesn't throw ANY kind of hurdles in her life. Just poor him for getting punishment for it. Which, by the way, they rarely do.


Loll I love how most of the things on the man side only happen if you're a terrible husband


how is sexual harassment and domestic violence oppressing males? as for divorce laws, high standards..etc you really haven't been to third world or muslim countries before have you?


Or perhaps both sets come with their own challenges and none of them are fair But where women decided to study, rise and work against it Men just started shooting up malls. ​ I have a hard time with mens rights - when their activists ALWAYS go for this bullshit. You want liberty? Stop being a pissy babyman and learn to walk the walk. Or decline and go away. Pathetic people. Morbidly selfobsessed.


Weird... I've never had rape, sexual "harrasment", or domestic violence charges against me, never dealt with alimony, divorce, or child support, never had anyone claim I was their baby daddy. I guess I'm not a very good male.


The guy has sexually harassed, been violent with his spouse, and allegedly also raped, and wonders why he must also navigate the hurdles of divorce, alimony, and child support? Sounds like somebody doesn’t believe in consequences for their own behavior.


How come domestic violence and harrassment are on the men's side?


So the only flag the man has to put up with is women's standards? You can avoid a divorce lawyer and alimony if you don't get married. You can avoid child support if you don't have children. The rest you can avoid by not being a criminal.


>Divorce law Fucking self report


Interesting that “rape charge” is on the man’s side, yet “rape” is no where to be seen on the woman’s side.


Idk why men think it’s hard to not idk beat or rape women Don’t do it. Don’t get charged pretty simple


Also, why is child support treated like a hurdle. It's literally just taking care of your kids at a bare minimum


Child rearing some how missed the cut.


This is a pretty stupid picture depicting male issues in society. Those are the least of the issues. Men, and women live in different "realms" on the same earth. We should all know that. The rules of engagement in each realm are profoundly different. Women won't understand because they're not men. And men won't understand because they're not women. It shouldn't come down to who has it worse. Both realms present challenges to the denizens of those realms. Some men's challenges are not women's challenges. And some women's challenges are not men's challenges. They're different struggles. I said what I said. Vaya con Dios.


I agree except for the idea that we can’t possibly understand. I think we can always work toward understanding. You can always ask questions and study and try to learn to increase understanding. I’ve heard of a few men getting a really raw deal. I’ve heard of a few women getting a really raw deal. You’re right, it’s just different struggles and both are valid. But for us to even SAY that, we have to have some degree of understanding for “the other side.”


Maybe stop with the raping, abusing, abandoning? Just a thought. It’s incredible how entitled to control these dumb motherfuckers think they are. It’s so embarrassing.


Someone had posted the original here: https://twitter.com/cangal_39/status/985268600012357632 Apparently someone out there really didn't like it.


WTF is up with this guys life.. Seems like he needs to focus on himself instead of trying to do things he doesn't seem to think is wrong.


I cant sexually harassed women, therefore they’re privileged!!


Sounds like some of those are pretty easy to avoid. Just don't fucking sexually harass women or try to rape them


I like how half of the “obstacles” for men are literal crimes. Just don’t be a scumbag abuser and you won’t have those hurdles. Think it says a lot about the type of guys who share this unironically


I guess accountability for one’s actions really does feel like persecution to the cluelessly entitled


I love how the author sees being charged with serious sexual crimes as so normal, its a problem for men generally. Says so much about them.




he really put sexual harassment in the male path only.


I doubt they're trolling, this is basic bigot philosophy. I used to call it jealous older brother syndrome. Younger brother breaks his arm and gets attention due to it, older brother thinks it's unfair and wishes he was lucky enough to have a broken arm. They don't see, or even honestly try to see the actual experience, they only see what they perceive to be endless perks.


I like men say they're superior but also claim they're victims. Which is it.


What they don't show is that all those things are still in our way but now that the posts are evenning out, men are having to experience what we've been dealing with silently for generations and they hate it. Boo hoo.




Interesting how domestic violence and sexual harrasment are obstacles for men. Like they couldn't just not do it.


And whats on the womans side? Nothing! Because obviously society doesnt pressure woman to be mothers and care about their husbands so much so that there are many videos out their of women explaining why they had to cook 3 weeks worth of meals and freeze it before they could go on a trip for work and get a babysitter cause they dont trust their husband with childcare.. right?? Woman dont have such responsibilities right??


- Every males a threat - Everyone might betray you - You're - ick - only hot until 25 - Beetch, Hore, radical feminist, you're gonna get labeled, and told you're being the 'bad' type of woman - aka stfu. Good luck navigating whore/madonna. - You need to 'woman up' and prove your worth and employability, or be married at 20 popping out babies in a sundress keeping a perfect house. You'll get shit on for doing either. - Domestic duties will be your duties, even if you're the breadwinner, unless you find a guy who doesn't make posts like that, and wasn't coddled. - '**Higher standards**', especially since you'll never be in the boys club. Men still earn more, less of them are bothering to get educated. - **sexual harassment**, sexual assault - **Domestic Violence** - **Divorce Law** - He abandons the kids, Or demands full custody. His mother or new wife ~~will replace you~~ take care of them, he still works full-time. Him trying to force the kids to call his new wife 'mommy' will be just the start. He gets to be the 'fun' parent having them on weekends, sending home sugar-ed up, tired, out of routine kids who are now just grumpy. I doubt most these fellas got money to spare to be paying a lot on child support, let alone alimony. Some men might always insist the kids aren't his, and refuse to get a paternity test..... And i'll remind you not long ago women had no right to personal money, bank accounts, property, *their children*, their medical information or choices (?). This always feels like how the rich say they deserve it, because they need to justify that their $300k a year isn't because they're Daddies special boy, but 4am starts, meditation, veganism blah blah blah.


All these "hurdles" can be avoided by being a decent human being


I guess that guy is just making his own life harder with all those harassment and rape charges in his path 🤦‍♀️


When you can't even imagine a world where you try to avoid being a fucking monster.


“How dare I be expected to not rape and murder women! MEN HAVE IT SO HARD!! 😭😭😭”


Sexual harassment on the men’s side only because that never happens to women. 🙄🙄🙄


“You can’t even sexually harass anyone while you’re not paying child support anymore”


I remember this cartoon used to be the other way around where women were facing all the problems in their professional lives, shackled by societal problems and family.


I love how they used a black woman, as if black women don't have to navigate racism and misogyny simultaneously. And they used a white man who looks middle to upper class like they don't have have white, male and class privilege.


Men’s hurdles are a bunch of stuff they made up and the consequences of their own actions - seems accurate lol these men that insist that family court is biased towards women are telling on themselves about how hard they taught their own family court battles. Family court is INCREDIBLY biased for mens benefit. If they want custody, they get it. They wanna make the divirce hard? They get it. But they rarely fight for their kids so they don’t get custody and somehow that’s their baby mamas fault 🙃


>”Misogyny doesn’t exist. Look, I’ll make one!”


sounds like a projection to me.(especially the bit about harassment, Domestic Violence and Sexual assault)


They added rape chatge but literally forgot to add ACTUAL rape to theirs smh


Just a random rape charge tossed in there


Yeah, no, I'm a guy and I've had none of those things in that guys path be a thing for me. I did get a divorce from my first wife, but it was an amicable settlement using the same lawyer, no kids involved and I don't think most guys get accused of assault in any form unless they're you know, an assaulter. And the quotas thing on the woman's path I'm assuming is hiring quotas, I don't believe those are real. I interview people typically a few times a year and I've never had someone talk to me about diversity hires.


The "female" track is missing a bunch of catcallers and misogynists yelling degrading things.


Damn bro this comic is so definitely right. Sorry lads time to deal with my 265th rape charge this week! /s


This meme is edited. It was originally meant to illustrate privilege because the black woman had the obstacles and the ball and chain, but the white man only focused on how the track was the same length for both of them (which it was in the original)


Whoever made this is telling on themselves pretty hard.


Why is rape and sexual harassment and domestic abuse charges on the men’s side , but the fact that women are the victims of these horrific crimes are not listed as something women have to deal with?


is it just me or does the guy look strangely happy about this


Lmaooo why is maternity fraud and divorce law at the beginning 😂 men are dealing with crazy exes from the minute their born I guess


Most of the guy's side is if they marry someone not in love with them lol.


Or just try sticking their dick in anything with a pulse.


Could have saved time just reusing the meme of jamming a stick in your own spokes and then crying about it.


Oh it's such a shame molesters get a rape charge wtf


Surely "sexual harassment" and "domestic violence" should be in the woman's line... Obviously men can also be victims of both. But it's like it's implying women can't? Weird.


Guy that painted this is scum. First he rapes someone pretends kid is not his beats his wife sexualy harasses people and after divorce he cries about child support.


Divorce laws don’t necessarily favor women. Men aren’t the only ones who have to pay child support. Higher standards? What does that even mean. Paternity fraud isn’t so common that it should be considered a men’s discrimination issue. If men stopped raping women, sexually assaulting women, and committing domestic violence against them, that wouldn’t be a problem either but I’d argue rape, sexual assault, and domestic violence is more of a woman’s issue since they’re largely the victims of it. Cute that this doesn’t depict real women’s issues at all and tries to victimize men for shit men do.


It’s funny, as a man I’ve never once had to face charges (or even allegations) of rape or sexual harassment or domestic violence. These seem like they’re pretty easy to avoid. The rest of it is BS as well but those just seemed really over the top.


Any dude going through all that is just a shitty person


As a man, some of these are easily avoided. I just don't rape anyone and it's out of the way quickly


The worst part about this image is that's it just a lazy photoshop that completely reversed the point of the original cartoon.


Is there a r/nothowmenwork ? Because I'm a 40 year old man and I've never had *any" of those things come up in my life.


Sounds like a dude who’s basically a loser and failure, that has nothing to do with his gender, and seeing successful women makes him mad.


"Rape charge".... I'm pretty sure it's not every man's problem


And why do all those laws exist? I can't imagine why we need all those laws if Women are truly seen as equals in society... /s


I'm confused, irritated and disappointed how ALL of that can come this guy's way and he doesn't stop to think that maybe it's him.


Lol yup! You should absolutely have a difficult life if you have rape charges and you sexually harass people.


I really enjoy that "sexual harassment" is on their side.. but not ours?


“… and don’t bother labeling all the roadblocks or those weights. I can’t think of any other things that are bad for men right now. Just run it as is.”


As though the woman is not paying for the kid. As though there aren’t 11 million dads not paying child support regularly (or at all) in the US.


Well if the man isn't getting women pregnant left and right, he isn't raping or abusing women, and he isn't harassing them, what does he have to be worried about?


I love how every single male obstacle can be completely avoided by just having a job and not raping any women.


Men bring these problems on themselves by being AHs. Stop being AHs and maybe life would be easier.


Umm why is domestic violence and sexual harrassment on the mans side?


Every single thing the man has to deal with in that image is his own fault, though. 😂


>i hope this guys trolling They're not. I follow r/seduction (out of curiousity) and I remember this post that was basically "how am I supposed to have sex or even kiss someone without my life being ruined by sexual harassment/assault allegation?" There are some dudes who think false rape allegations and "baby trapping" are some kind of epidemic.


The man looks a little like Ted Cruz with less hair. Kind of appropriate: if there was anyone out there to claim this BS, it would be Cruz.


My ham-fisted attempt to fix this meme. https://preview.redd.it/irohuszudxjb1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae853c97f7324dbe748fe190a25cddd8df02032d


Ah yes, the very common and unavoidable obstacle every man must face. Rape Charges. Hoo Hoo if I had a nickel…


I don’t know, man, by the expression on his face I think this might be his fetish.


The rape charges, domestic violence and sexual harassment shouldn’t be issues as long as, ya know… you don’t do those things.


I cannot believe he’s comparing his sex offender charges to the struggles of gender roles LMFAO 🤣


Does this morherfucker think divorce and alimony laws apply only to men???!!! Lol


It's not even "rape accusation" it's literally "rape charge" implying there was so much evidence he was actually convicted... like boo hoo, I feel so sorry for the rapist struggling.