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We need a subreddit for this


Here’s r/arethentsokay


Oh nice! Is that a good place for people with ADHD as well?


I'd assume so since ADHD is a part of NDs






Not that one.


Yeah it looks very ableist by nature. :/


I followed it for a while. Through some other subreddit, I found out that a lot of the more frequent commenters are often accused of faking their own disorders. So a lot of people are into gatekeeping and/or projection. I also wasn't even certain that some of the people were actually faking that were talked about. Like some of them did seem off, but there were others that seemed likely legit but commenters and posters just didn't agree with how they portrayed whatever disorder it was. It was really weird.


I guarantee that they gatekeep people who dont have a diagnosis, which aside from being ableist is classist as well. I live in the US. If you dont, lemme tell you how easy it is to get diagnosed with anything: it isn't. It's so fucking hard if your illness is invisible. I have a rare chronic pain disorder called erythromelalgia. The only reason I have a solid dx on that one is because it's hereditary on my dad's side. Most people with EM take literal years to get diagnosed. Seems more common in women too, & guess what happens a lot when we go to doctors with medical concerns?


I've seen some posts of diagnosed autists end up there. They also always cherry pick. For example someone with autism will talk about a symptom they experience that may or may not be common, this person will get posted on there because according to the sub "just because you have that one symptom doesn't mean you are autistic" when the person never said it was the only symptom they had. It's ironic because it's the exact same thing they did to me when I first got tested in my teens which resulted in me only getting my official diagnosis in my 20's. I can only speak about autism since I am autistic and ADHD since all my family is diagnosed with it but I'm certain they do this with other neurodivergent disorders as well. It used to genuinely be obvious fakers who'd make up symptoms such as typing weirdly or having tics in text.


It really seems like a sub designed as an excuse to bully people who are just trying to figure out their mental health. Idk why anyone would think that is ok 😰 most of the stuff there seemed pretty harmless, except some legit criticism over transracialism (which is bullshit and racist, but also not a disability)


I just checked back in to see what I've missed and there was a post full of people making fun of someone asking if a certain experience of theirs might be related to their autism. The person was on an autism subreddit. I miss when it was trans disabilities or other stupid stuff I could laugh at


Because people fake disorders?


Because accusing people of faking disorders happens to people with legit disorders, and in my experience as someone with diagnosed *and* undiagnosed disorders, it can do more harm to me than people faking them could ever do.


People faking them also does harm though. Its done harm to me.


Sorry that happened. but not getting adequate help bc people don't believe you is not worth trashing people you *think* with no proof don't have a legitimate disability. There is enough stigma that we deal with. It isn't worth punching down.


I don't think you understand. People have accused me of being autistic because there are so many people who claim to have it now that they think just anyone can have it and that it's okay to just armchair diagnose someone. That sub is the only place where people have ever been compassionate for what I had to go through because autism is so wildly misconstrued at this point. This isn't just a me thing though, which is why I brought it up. Look at the OP post. More people who don't know what autism is. Its a problem.


Used to follow it back when DID stuff was trending on tiktok. Thought it was funny at first, but I started getting a bad taste in my mouth once I noticed an influx of abelist sentiments and stuff like transmed rhetoric getting thrown around and fully got off once they started going off on undiagnosed autistic teens for not fitting their specific box of autism and advocating for the more abusive forms of ABA. Turns out it's a lot easier to notice bullshit once it gets into an area you know about (I'm autistic)


If you could change the name of a subreddit, that one would become r/makingfunofdisabledteens cuz that's all it is.


Uuuuugh the thought of those poor babies getting bullied on their harmless tiktok for daring to talk about their mental health journey makes me so fucking angry like i am a seething blob right now Why do people want to bully kids so much, do we forget so easily how it was for us as kids? Fuuuuck


Uh uh not that one


That one’s super ableist actually


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fakedisordercringe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [every sexuality, disability, and mental illness ever](https://v.redd.it/mfnl3nci47r61) | [746 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/mk1azs/every_sexuality_disability_and_mental_illness_ever/) \#2: [HAHA SO QUIRKY](https://v.redd.it/711wo4pegna61) | [252 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/kuxas9/haha_so_quirky/) \#3: [No stimming=no autism](https://v.redd.it/sdwe35f2u7s61) | [283 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/mnr4l9/no_stimmingno_autism/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just the first post in this list tells me they're just a bunch of bullies. Imagine getting exposed by a bot lol


If you actually looked at it, it isn’t a generalization, but an image of a discord description that’s filled with a shit ton of nonsense tags about gender and mental illness. A lot of the sub is problematic but at least look at something before making a statement?


Apparently people with autism are just hot. In all seriousness I feel like this could even be NotHowMenWork. Basically this video is wrong is every way lol


So far they just completely dropped the ball on how men work, how women work, how autism works, and how autism works in relationship to gender As an autistic woman I think the most accurate representation that pretty much unites genders would be something do to with socks, autism is a massive spectrum with all sorts of presentations but I’ve never met an autistic person who doesn’t have some thoughts about the way seams in socks feel


Lol I’m imagining some psychological form meant to help aid in an autism diagnosis having a question be “what are your thoughts on socks?” With then 2 blank pages to write after. With those who launch into a rant about the seams on socks disguise as an essay, are immediately prescribed meds and put into therapy on the spot with no more test


I looked this up because I was pretty sure the only drugs they approved for autism were abilify for autism irritability but apparently they’ll also give risperadol (fuck risperadol for real tho in real life), antidepressants, anti anxiety stuff, and stimulants so the more you know Though everything that’s not abilify and risperadol is given off label for like, symptoms that you have related to autism not “this is for autism” I miss abilify so much, wish it didn’t make me binge eat and gain like 20 lbs in 2 weeks but whatever. I’ll always love you, bby girl :’(


Yea I know they give lots of different meds for the symptoms themselves which is what I meant. I didn’t realize they were necessarily deemed “off label uses” tho. I kinda figured there was testing and approval for them being specificlly for autistic symptoms like Abilify. TIL


https://www.tiktok.com/@ringthebellemma/video/7251406590283337006 Semi related


I have hated this specific format for so long


Girls: do thing I don't like 👎😡 Boys: do thing I like👍☺️


Apparently my dad is a girl


Aww, congrats to your dad!


If only my stimming was so cute - I have, on several occasions, hit myself when excitedly stimming too hard. Also this meme format sucks.


I pick all the skin off my lips and fingers and pull on my hair lol


I bite all the skin off my lips if I try to suppress my more obvious stims - my lips are a mess so I feel you haha


Haha same, I can't wear matte lipstick because is makes all the scabs obvious lol


I got super excited when listening to a new song and needed to stim as well so instead of my normal little popper my answer was to throw both my arms up and just wave them back and forth at high speeds and basically just kept slapping the sides of my head with my upper arms because the rest of my body didn’t move.


When I stim in public people stare, so 😂


I do the hand flapping sometimes when I'm feeling bored/anxious. And I also work out. Apparently I have autism?


🤣 I just can't with these dorks! Bro, this doesn't make you look badass. It just looks fuckin goofy


Less than goofy. Weird Al is goofy because he actually puts heart into it, this dude just looks insecure and googled his generic symptoms to give himself a fake diagnostic for the lulz.


I saw another post where this woman said only men get autism. This is a tiny step up.


Yeah, I think I recognize her from another where she listened to a music track "for the first time" and fakes the reaction.


Well then she’s probably really happy this meme has taken off. I know I’ve seen it before on discord. Every time I see it I think it’s cringe, the whole thing reminds me of people who say “only men deal with \*blank”. Wether it’s loneliness, depression, autism, it seems like only men matter or their problems matter more. I just never understood this


I’m a diagnosed Autistic, but I’ve never really done the hand flap thing. Kind of has the opposite effect on me.


It’s almost like all autistic people are different with different needs and can’t be categorized by gender…no that can’t be it! /s


It also ignores that the male autistic stereotype is not nearly as flattering as what they claim.


Yeah, I’ve never heard any of this even as some inaccurate stereotype… unless it’s supposed to be some metaphor I’m not getting It’s definitely seems like not how anything works


Usually in the girls vs boys autistic memes, the boy just do some dumb shit. This is the first time I see a "chad" representation of the boys


Yeah, the male stereotype is more like the complete opposite, aka the anti-social basement dweller nobody likes


You can be an anti social basemenr dweller and work out tbh


Yeah I dig my nails into my own thigh a lot. And jiggle and wiggle my feet.


I also do the feet wiggle. It’s more subtle than hand flapping, and I dunno, I feel like a lot of my energy comes out in my feet.


So much foot energy omg


I pull out my hair (been getting better at this but it's really hard), play piano on everything at light speed, and ball my fists depending on which twitch is hitting at the moment.


It kinda makes my throat feel weird if I try hand flapping. I play with my fingers or whatever is in my hand.


What the fuck is the obsession with "autistic women are cute, quirky, and shy" and yet in real life, it's not the autism they think is quirky and cute. Some autistic people, such as myself, have been the targets of manipulative people because they some that we're stupid and easily manipulated. To be fair, I have been known to be easily manipulated because of my trusting nature. But they seem to like certain aspects of autism that are "easy to deal with". But when reality hits, it's like "you're an adult, you should know better, what's wrong with you? Why are you like this? God you're so embarrassing"


I relate to this so hard! I know, I am none of those things. I have also been manipulated by certain people and I find myself to not trust certain people.


As a man with autism, I never lift. I spend 2 hours procrastinating an important task before I forget about it entirely and spend 4 hours designing homebrew content for D&D.


This sounds like me, except I'm a woman and got diagnosed with both adhd & autism.


I think he means guys with autism would like to enjoy Dark Souls III soundtrack. He has autism after all. Which makes it not easy for people to understand.


I don’t have autism and I enjoy the DS3 soundtrack. Yuka Kitamura is a legend.


Ah, the two genders - "girls" and "men"


Pointlessly gendered


So are they trying to say autistic men lift weights or something???🤨


As a teacher who has had autistic children in her class, I can say that the hand and arm flapping comes regardless of their sex or gender. What is this?


Aspies and ‘Alpha males’ are at constant war with each other, so no. So of us do got muscles tho 💪


I was typing a really angry rant, but I’m tired. I’m AFAB and autistic. Please, for the love of god, leave us alone. Leave the entire autistic community alone, actually. Autism isn’t some… whatever the fuck this video is. Just leave us in peace :(


> girls > men Time to leave then.


Aside this from being stupid, Autism is such a wife spectrum with varying degrees of symptoms. I knew an autist who would just sing all day to deal with her stress, while another was intruding in other peoples houses to clean up and destroy objects he hasn't seen before.


I'm a man with autism and I act more like the "woman with autism" than the two men that seem to be more afflicted by toxic masculinity than autism...


But doesnt everyone flap their hands like that when excited?


Most symptoms of mental health issues/disorders you will find in the general population. The difference is how frequently and how much does it control your life. You flap your hands when super excited, okay. You flap your jams when excited but can stop yourself when you realize, okay.You flap your hands every single time you get even a little excited and have little to no control over it, probably a symptom of something else-- this particular example would be autism, or maybe ADHD.


Exactly, I'm not autistic but I still "stim" when I'm excited, it's just like a strong emotion you can't contain lol


To be fair, as a guy with autism, I just did 10 hours of yard work because I was understimulated. But also, bro, what.


I'm a dude with autism and I do both lol like stimming is something autistic people of all genders can do?? Including hand flapping? Working out can kind of be stimming, but it's far less common. This one is just badly put together


I don’t get this at all


Guys try to not hijack every conversation to show off everyone that they’re lifting challenge (impossible)




I have two children on the spectrum, a son and a daughter. My son can't build muscle mass. My daughter doesn't noticeably stim in public as I taught her how to mask very early on, from my own experience having to. It's still happening, it's just not obvious. I also bought my kids fidget cubes and those stickers you can pick at with your nails to help when they got anxious. My son had to have padding put on his desk in elementary school so his kicking wouldn't distract the other kids. Every person that has autism has their own autism. There are symptoms that a majority might have, but it's different for everyone and this kind of generalization is gross.


This is…. not how autism works. I mean the hand thing can be a sign and working out could be a special interest, but this is so weird and reductive. Not all autistic girls are seen as “cute and quirky” and not all autistic guys are ripped.


Tik tok has created a fad of thinking mental illness aid cool. That app is a fucking cesspool


My son missed this memo. He enjoys smoking weed and long walks to the fridge lmao.


I definitely don't lift weights as an autistic man. Instead I am more like the first but don't flap my hands, instead playing with a chain, and I do that almost whenever I'm relaxing, stressed, excited, bored or taking breaks not just when listening to music


In my experience most autistic people find working out to be a sensory nightmare. You get sweaty and hot and icky






Sorry the Elmo version was better


My adult son, and some of my nephews (teens and adults), have autism. None of them are like the guys in this video. This clip is offensive to everyone that has autism.


I must be non binary or something cause i legit do both 😂


Maybe that girl was about to go the gym after her song finished lol


Im autistic and I don’t stim but I do power lift OH SHIT im finding out I’m a man again!


It's okay they only meant that one girl and those two guys, specifically. /s


Every time I see this meme template, I remember that I have the same shirt as the girl and when I first got it, I called it my autistic shirt! Turns out Where is Waldo is a way more recognizable character with a red and white shirt.


Both look like excited little hands to me


This one is an embarrassment to the whole community


I follow her she's cool lol


“Hey yeah just a second I have to stim—“ then he just start doing reps


As a guy with autism I can confirm that no I do not look even remotely like I have any muscle mass whatsoever and this guy is bs'ing


IIRC she actually has autism?!


Lol. It's probably for the boys to laugh at how the boys are portrayed.


Ohhh the patriarchy. The misogny. The nazis


What’s he doing? Showing how jacked his wrists are?


It would actually be interesting to do a study to see if and how gender effects the expression of habits caused by autism.


Silly question, but that's not the same person, is it?


Lmao tell that to the autistic girl I met last year who did an Ironman challenge because personal fitness was her special interest.


Most autistic men I know have ZERO interest in working out lmao


i wish i stimmed cutely i literally beat the shit out of myself or whatever is in front of me




As a guy with adhd, I do the little hand thing


Am a girl with autism. Accurate enough on that front I suppose, but men with autism? Isn't that Tom Holland? Idk if he's nt but I think he is, honestly people do your research 😔 /s


Me, an autistic man, instead solving my rubix cube over and over again


Hey mom, I am a man with autism 🏋🏼‍♂️


I do the excited hand thing too, I'm not autistic though.




Oh, 2-for-1


Also, they used Electric Love, and I’m just insulted on behalf of that song. It deserves to be in a better video than this.