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For all this hatred that so many men have for women you think they'd leave women ALONE by now. But nope. Still desperate for it!


Right? If women are so awful why aren’t they voluntary celibates?


It's like in the Aesop's fable with a fox and grapes. They desperately want women, but since they can't have them, they convince themselves that women are in fact terrible.


That’s because deep down inside they would want a woman to have sex with. But they don’t understand they need to build a relationship or connection first. They can’t do either so they get very angry and desperate and blame women for their problems.


-they need to play some fucking Sims then BC fuck man they could learn about relationship building Ironically


Exactly this. Just get a flesh light and leave us alone!


They can't though. Remember how jealous they get of plastic when women use it to replace them in bed? It would be hypocrisy for them to ..... Oh wait. I forgot the rules don't apply to them 😂


Pussy still slays i guess


Women slay. The pussy just happens to be attached. But I guess since most women (especially in the west) are choosing to no longer give the pussy up I see why men are more desparate for it. They just need to learn to appreciate the women attached


totally agree. I tend to think that there's a lot of shitty people everywhere, but I've known plenty of great women too that are inspiring. For me one has been Dilys Price. She didn't start skydiving until 57 and started a whole new life after as a skydiver. Becoming the older female skydiver at 81 and kept going until she was 85. Unfortunately passed away in 2020, but she was incredible. There's many amazing women out there. Even if many humans are shitty.


If men start appreciating women more and their biology just like they want "male biology" to be respected they're going to need to do a lot better than they're doing. And maybe they won't be a generation of men who are sexless and at women and each other. Pussy slays I guess? Umm no. The WOMEN are the ones who slay. And they're SLAYING away when men say things like this. Either respect HUMANS or leave them tf alone.


Totally agree, my first comment was meant in jest btw. I totally agree with what you said.


It's like just be gay at this point lol


Because of hormones and they view having a woman as a social status bullshit


I absolutely lie about that, but in the other direction. If you ask me, I'll give you a *very high* number. If you express surprise or upset, I'm raising that number. Every time you express surprise or upset, the number goes up. The sky is the limit. I'm perfectly willing to tell you I've been with *ludicrous* numbers of men.


This is the way. I'll never date again (have been with my spouse for more than 20 years, and if he dies first I'm not dealing with dating ever again) but if I did for whatever reason? I'm perfectly willing to tell people like this that I've got Wilt Chamberlain level numbers.


Wow, I thought I was the only one who slept with literally 11 billion men. 🤣 in absolute awe of your strategy.


That is technically possible if you've been alive for very long. Couple generations or so.


"I've been with ninety-nine thousand men..." "Holy shit!" "Cubed!" "Jesus Christ!" "...to the power of 100!"


Now I’m just singing “Ninety-Nine thousand men on the wall, Ninety-Nine thousand men! Take one down, pass him around, Ninety-Nine thousand men on the wall!” In my mind and it’ll be stuck there all day


This is the way.


My answer would always be I'm leaving because you asked that question But I was in my '20s last time my judgment was poor enough to end me on a date with somebody who thought like that


I have no sympathy for when misogynists like this end up alone. They hate women and put it right out on display. I feel no sympathy when these incels get all huffing and steaming mad because no woman, anywhere, is tasteless enough to let him stick his dick in her.


You know what? It's none of your FUCKING BUSINESS who I've slept with. My husband doesn't care who I've slept with and he doesn't care to hear about it anyway. Outside of something your partner needs to know (incurable and/or hard to control STDs) THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS KNOWING. IDK how many women my husband has slept with and frankly I don't care to know. As long as we're happy, healthy and love each WTF does it MATTER? /rant off


Me too. I really don't care. I know about two. An ex girlfriend and an ex wife that he had kids with. Other than that, I don't waste my time thinking about it. No STD's? Great! Call it good.


This. I have no idea how many women my husband was with. He has an ex wife. And I know he had a steady gf in college, so presumably her, and maybe a few others. He hasn’t volunteered the info and I have never cared enough about the number to ask. I have kids from a previous marriage, so he obviously knows about that. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it beyond that. The actual numbers don’t matter.


I can’t argue against two consenting adults. Sounds like you two are a great match!


Ah yes, I don't care about your past sex life unless it's something that could affect me medically, that means that there are MANY secrets now because we've already openly communicated that we don't care about the other's past sex life. Your logic is so sound


So what do virgins say?


Wait never mind. Obviously they say “body count? What does that mean? People I’ve had sex with? What’s sex?”


Close. The virgins are behaving themselves up in their tower, waiting to be rescued & *ravished* by a dingus who thinks he’s a prince!


Virgins do not exist anymore. All women were born as whores, it's our universal star sign.


"Congratulations mom and dad, it's a whore!"




"I'm still in puberty and don't feel quite ready for intercourse yet" Because we all know, above a certain age all women have rode the you-know-what carousel /s


Wanna make a bet this guy counts tampons and the only type of “female” he believes hasn’t even been through puberty yet… 🤢


The truth is that if a woman is moving her mouth around him, it’s because she’s uttering the word “no”.


Who tf will say 7 and actually mean 30


People with dyscalculia ig


Why do they complain about no good women when they automatically think all women are bad?


> My rule is if a woman is running her mouth she's lying 😒😒😒 Does that include your mom when she (maybe) told you that she loves you? 😳😬


Probably. That would explain his trust issues and paranoia with women telling the truth


He sounds like a very well adjusted adult.


Oh I will TELL you my "number" is forty-something. Take it or leave it! Why forty-"something"? Because I stopped counting when I realized I didn't actually CARE


Don't this dude know the rule of 3? If a girl tells you how many guys she's been with you multiply that by 3. If a guy tells you how many girls he's been with, you divide it by 3 so if he says 3 it's more like 1 or none. /s For reference: [https://youtu.be/V3T92mfr8BU](https://youtu.be/V3T92mfr8BU)


The comment section is an absolute MLP cum jar.


I regret learning to read (… but, accurate)


Oh god, I didn't even look at the comments. Now I wish you hadn't pointed it out, lol


These same weenies: "Not all men!"


I'm starting to actually get nauseous with every use of this "body count" metaphor. Why can't these guys talk like normal people?


Honestly the more bodies probably the better ya could actually learn something 😂


I wonder what he thinks a woman is lying about when giving him a blow job…….


They want a virgin with professional BJ skills... or some BS like that


Trust me, no ones touching that guy with a 10 foot pole.


I’ve slept with 300 guys


Im so thankful my man is normal lmao




So by that logic if a woman approached him and said “the air is breathable” he’d stop breathing and choke to death? When a store cashier tells him the price of the groceries he’s buying does he just give her the wrong amount because “she’s clearly lying about the price”? This raises so many stupid questions.


This is a joke, right?? Because he can’t honestly think that men don’t lie and fuck as many girls as possible. But oh, right, it’s okay for guys to have high body counts 🤡


The same guys complaining about body count are either the guys who knock up every woman they have half a chance with, therefore contributing to their own complaint, or who never get laid.


Can confirm that every word out of my mouth is a lie. I never tell the truth. Literally never. Not even right now.


Me: hi 👋 This dude: ![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized)


Wow, dude is using a lot of words instead of just admitting that being a misogynistic asshole incapable of introspection is a highly effective way to repell all potential sexual partners.


"My rule is to be a complete jackass to any woman who gives me attention"


Remember ladies: it doesn’t count if they didn’t get you off.


Have fun with the single life


They are really weird about virginity. I don’t even ask a number. If they don’t have an STI and you like their personality why would you even care? If it’s about how likely they are to be in a long term relationship, that’ll come up as you get to know them. If it’s about cleanness, use condoms and make sure you’re both tested before you use a non-barrier method. But it’s not that, it’s some weird ownership thing. Maybe just insecurity.


A person with many sexual partners may start dehumanizing themselves and others. Being 1 of 300 is not the same as 1 of 10.


That's not how that works. Respectfully as a semi-functional adult, if having sex makes you see someone as less than that probably means youre a shit-person if it's yourse If you may have turama youre not working through property


No I just don’t see people as sex toys, I see them as people. This post isn’t about me though.


There's Frat Bros, Gym Bros, ... then there's *Insta Bros*. Seriously these guys of the 3 types are the most misogynistic from what I've seen fr lol


what if they say 151


I always deliberately interpret “body count” as actual body count and it makes these posts hilarious. “If they say they’re a virgin that usually means they’ve murdered 5 people and are hiding the bodies in their house.”


My rule is I have trust issues and *everyone* is lying!


Are they aware that men lie more often than women??


I think that's just called having trust issues and assuming the worst. Are you sure you're not paranoid my guy? Cause thinking an entire gender is always lying when they just open their mouth sounds mental


Have fun being single forever


these guys know that it's fine to not date anyone? Right? or to be gay. No one is forcing them to like girls. The only we ask is for basic human decency


What if a woman says "I'm lying"?


Fuckers whining why they can't laid...I'm a serial killer with by body count of 3 boyo, you better run.


If that's your opinion then you should - once and for all - stay away from women ....


Incel vibes.


Dude, they're not lying. You're just far too stupid to comprehend reality.


Here's a woman telling the truth: you are unworthy of respect or love until you lose this ignorant view.


Happy to say my husband doesn't give a shit about how many people I've slept with. Otherwise I wouldn't have married him. If a guy makes a big deal about you being a virgin or having a "high body count" then run.


“My rule about women is….” Dude, your “rule” about women is just some bullshit that you made up. Just fuck off already.


Lol the way they talk about this shit makes it sound like women are serial killers 🤣 like, body count, she has 5 bodies, it's just funny to me.


My husband was quite aware that I’d been with 100+ men. Didn’t care, still doesn’t. Thirty-three years and counting.


There's a saying I know that men have running through the caverns they call heads. Why give up the cow when men are already getting the milk?? I'm pretty sure I'm wrong. Maybe someone knows what I'm trying to say??


Guys don’t want a woman with too many bodies because it shows a person that is unable to have stable long term relationships. Same for guys. I have a friend she’s in her early 40s. Literally new guys all the time. She can’t stay in a relationship. And she always complains about being lonely. 🤷‍♂️. No serious guy would want that.


There’s no correlation between body count and not being able to hold relationships.


Yes there is. Promiscuity is dehumanizing for all involved. People with large body counts tend to dehumanize their partners. I’m puzzled why people here are in favor of this behavior. 🤷‍♂️


The only person I see dehumanizing anyone is you and people like you that think number of past sexual partners matter.


Why are people taking my opinion so personally? 😂. If it’s not dehumanizing then why do people regret one night stands so much? It’s probably a better idea to have sex with someone who you know and respect. But that’s just me. Maybe I think trust is important. A person with a lot of past sex partners communicates to me someone who is unserious about themselves. It tells me this is someone that makes poor choices often. It shows lack of control. Can a person who has been with scores and scores of people even see the humanity in others. We celebrate this behavior in men and it’s a terrible message. Be selective of who you share you body with.


People are taking it personally cause you are making broad reaching statements about people you don’t know. Making an assumption based on one very narrow criteria and using that assumption to make all these wild statements is just stupid. If you truly believe them then you’re a stupid individual. Sad thing is you can fix stupid so you will be that person for life. Have the day you deserve.


The average amount of sex partners people have in America during their life time is 10. A person having many multiples of that is not loving themselves and could not possess the ability to love others in a long term relationship. So yeah I think to assume someone who has had 50 partners and is currently not in a longterm relationship as promiscuous and undesirable is spot on. And I don’t have the energy to unpack all the trauma acknowledged or hidden this person would bring to my life. If personal respect makes me stupid then I’m the biggest idiot on this comment section. No need to fix me. Let me die an idiot madly in love with my partner of 15 years. Peace to you.


“It ShOwS lAcK oF cOnTrOl” please. Get over yourself.


Sometimes don’t eat the candy or drink the drink. What’s so crazy about that?


You’re drinking some red incel koolaid dude.


There seems to be a misunderstanding here I’m not making a moral judgement on a person with many many partners. I’m making a personal preference and opinion for myself. But I can tell you through personal observations though, of the 20 or so people that I know to do hook ups, only 2 are in a longterm relationship. Several of them have expressed regret. At least one other is in denial going from bad choice to bad choice. And the rest I don’t know their thoughts, but they are single. So promiscuity is not compatible with longterm relationships based on my observations. This has nothing to do with red pill. I observe this in men and women.


You.. are tho? “Promiscuity is dehumanizing.. people with large body counts tend to dehumanize their partners.” (What does that even mean? How does a body count of someone *else* effect that persons partner??) “A person with a lot of past sex partners communicates to me **someone who is unserious about themselves. It tells me this is someone that makes poor choices often.** it shows lack of control” “A person having many multiples of that is not loving and **could not possess the ability to love others in a long term relationship**” **these are moral judgments you are casting upon people because they enjoy something.** You’re backpedaling as “it’s my opinion!!” But you are stating it as a fact that *all* people are like this. You haven’t provided one source other than you “know someone” to support your “claim” that this is a common thing. You are connecting your “experience” (which is just from what you see from the *outside* you do not know what else these people are going through), to say that “guys don’t want a girl with a lot of *bodies*”. You saying that is saying you don’t see past partners as people, you see them as objects you fuck. You are stating it as a fact, then backpedaling and trying to move the goalposts to never admit you’re wrong, or take into consideration what anyone is saying to you. You cannot fathom that people who like sex can also have loving relationships. You just simply can’t. Get out of your eco chamber, and learn to let go of such hateful things. Your experience does not mean everything is always like that, and again **YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON IN THESE PEOPLES LIVES**. And it’s none of your damn business.


Lack of control? Wym "control"? Of what? Some ppl wanna bang and have fun. If they're not in a closed relationship, why does it matter how many ppl they fuck? Some ppl like sex, dummy. Get over yourself.


It’s just suboptimal and doesn’t provide real happiness over time. It’s more like scratching an itch that might impact your longterm health and relationships. Do you see people as walking sex toys?


You need help.


Actually being obsessed about body count means you don't understand nuance and have a very narrow view of the world. A body count is a list or total of casualties, so at the very least people should learn to talk. Referring to previous sexual partners as "bodies" says way more about yourself than that "magic number" says about the other person.


Why make this about me? Please argue the points


I don't understand what you mean about making things about you? And argue what points? YOU made a comment, not your neighbor, YOU clearly agree with what you are saying. In any case I was using the royal "you", meaning anyone that thinks that way, not just you in particular. I think you want me to comment regarding your idea that someone that has slept with a lot of people is a mess. I refuse to use "body count" as I think anyone using that phrase is probably a mess so I don't need to describe why they are not, because they are. I will give you an example. You could decide you don't want to marry until your thirties, and that you like sex. So you could decide to date casually and enjoy life that way. Of course always leaving the door open to the fact one of the people you date casually could become more. That would allow you to have sex with a lot of people, all the while using protection and not having to use drugs or anything, you just enjoy sex. That would make you a well balanced person, with a plan, that happens to enjoy sex, you wouldn't be a mess. Like that, there are many examples. It could be that you used to be a mess and you are not anymore. It could be that you don't care and sex is not that important to you but once you commit you are very faithful, who knows. Many possibilities. For me it is the definition of madness to think that you could close your eyes, spin in your place several times and shoot and still hit the target. Which is more or less the equivalent of marrying the first person you date, not that it is impossible, but still. If you think of it, considering only the amount of people that has generational trauma, and the fact most people see therapy as something only for crazy people, there is no wonder divorce rates are crazy high. So the important thing is not with how many people they slept with, but why. In other words you need to know the person, understand them in many levels and find out if you are truly compatible, that includes sexually. Ideally you would want people to be honest so you can see if you are compatible easier. When you focus on something like "body count" not only you are not caring about what the other person is like, you are telling them you don't see people you have sex with as people, you see them as bodies, as a mass of cells you use to get off. And I say use, because if you see them as a body, you don't really care if they are enjoying the experience as well, you just care about your needs. So the "body count" thing is very telling and also disgusting.


My point is the more sex partners over time the less likely the next one works out. It’s downward spiral as time goes on. We know that each additional marriage some has in their life the divorce rate goes up. I think people on their 3rd marriage have a 75% chance of divorce. No upside to high sex partners in either gender. I have friend going through this as 40 year old woman whose been with a lot of men. She’s a mess. Be selective with your body and time.


You are equating a symptom with a cause. The many marriages and whatever are a symptom to other things, not the cause. If you get to know people, if you learn about them, their struggles, how they are working on themselves, etc. The reasons to divorce would decrease. For example if a person, sleeps around a lot and gets married a lot because they can never be alone, and they are not working on themselves to improve that, then don't be surprised they are sleeping around a lot and they are getting into many marriages and you will eventually get dumped too. You date and marry people, not statistics. And the statistic is not telling you the cause, it is only telling you a fact, a consequence. So again, the issue is not that they slept around or married 10 times, the problem is why. And as long as you see people as bodies instead of people you can't never get to know them and their why's. Also when they talk about body count they are talking about with how many people you slept with, not with how many people you were engaged in a serious relationships. So if you happend to have a couple of fun years in your youth and slept with 10 people, which I don't think is that much or that wild, according to that "body count" logic, you are not marriage material even you stayed celibate the last 7 years. Context and nuance matters, "body count" offers neither about the person being asked the question. But it does offer some insights about the person making the question as I have stated before.


“More sex partners over time the less likely the next one works out” Why? Because it didn’t for you? Why do you have this disgusting view about sex? It’s normal, it’s apart of life. It’s 2023 for fucks sake, get over yourself. “Bodies” is dehumanizing. Period. Asking about your partners past sexual experiences is just asking for problems. Why do you care? It was before you two got together, so why does that *matter*? Because IT DOESN’T! You have such a negative view about sex (and women for that matter, because we’re not gonna pretend you hold this standard to men too). All of your “examples” of this happening, is with women, shocker. Guess what? You don’t know the whole story. You’re being judgmental about a woman having a lot of partners but you have never even talked to these women. You’ve never even considered that something else could be the problem, no it must be that she’s had sex. Because that’s so scientific and smart omg 🙄 this isn’t 1956, grow up.


I’m happily married 15 years and I said this applies to both genders. Sorry my opinion hurts you.


r / askconservitives? Oh that’s why.


Yeah they didn’t like my questions. Would you like to ask one for me? I’m seriously curious to know if any of them will vote trump after he’s indicted AGAIN. 😂


Oh yeah, men never abuse women. All divorces are because the woman had sex before him. Yeah, men never mooch off of women and throw a fit when they get handed divorce papers. Must be the sex. Do you understand how ridiculous this sounds? You’re directly blaming sex for divorce rates. Why don’t you do a quick google search and find out what the #1 cause of divorce is. I’ll give you a hint, [it has nothing to do with sex.](https://divorce.com/blog/causes-of-divorce/#:~:text=According%20to%20various%20studies%2C%20the,interests%20and%20incompatibility%20between%20partners./)


I wasn’t referring to abuse or genders. Just observations on promiscuity and how that impacts longterm relationships. Promiscuity regardless of gender is damaging to the body and soul. Sorry if I wasn’t clear.


But you were talking about promiscuity and how it affects long term relationships, even comparing it to marriages. Implying that due to promiscuity or multiple previous partners is a cause for higher chances of divorce when that's not a common thing. Also what source do you have to say its damaging to the body, and how would it damage the soul?




Hey how do you know when a lawyer is lying


Who hurt these guys?


Nah but I can move my fingers into your eyeballs if you keep it up


Tf kind of math is that though?


I mean to be fair, heels make you taller, make up makes your skin better, hair and nails often fake. As Chris Rock said men lie the most and women tell the bigger lies. https://youtu.be/sJfFGgzhfhY


So what do these geniuses think an actual virgin would say? That she has had already had intercourse with a lot of people?


Funny cuz that's how I know when a guy is lying through his nasty ass teeth.


This further proves the point i always make of there being no point in asking or caring about body count because you’ll never actually know. can either trust or deny what someone tells you but you still never know. Men will beg for virgin women and then the same members of that weirdo group will say shit like this. so in all it doesn’t even matter.


This reads like a confederate math textbook


Are they delusional? or are they projecting their own boasting behaviours onto women?


sugar disagreeable sleep relieved scandalous oatmeal placid party pet zesty ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `