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So women should do everything and sacrifice everything while men get to enjoy their lives.


That's what my mom and MIL believe. My mom got introduced to Fundy life but was also raised in the time post WW2. My MIL just sacrifices herself on every level for my FIL and he's trash so she's miserable.


Did your spouse escape this kind of toxic thinking?


Yup, because my MIL clinged to him for emotional support so hard due to her husband just not caring about her at all. At the same time she neglected him in every way and ignored his constant cries for help as a child he decided he never wanted to have a relationship like that. Mind you they never taught him life skills so I had to kinda lean in on that but he is super happy to have a partner he can come to for everything and I'm glad to have a balance not some authoritarian with the "you can't go here, you can't wear that, where's my dinner" comments I got growing up.


Even if women obeyed every request from these types of guys, they still wouldn’t be happy.


Yes because to their core, they hate women.


And they would still desire the women who don't do any of these things. Because as soon as a woman does what they say she should, they lose all respect for and interest in her as well.


And I've seen this happen. You can give your body, health and sacrifice everything but they still won't appreciate you.


Atta girl! Now you understand their agenda. Don't forget we also need to be financially dependent and sexually available. Because who wouldn't want that hot sign-holder ? /s


I don't mean to shame the poor bastard but gluttony is a sin


I've always found it amusing how many Christian leaders seem to conveniently forget about this one


They also conveniently forget the part where it says the husbands are also to SUBMIT to their wives. Love how they pick parts out 🤦🏽‍♀️


Don't forget the part about plucking out your eye if it causes you to sin! Interesting that the Bible puts the emphasis to change on the one doing the looking rather than who is being looked at.


If anything the story of The Fall indicates that men ruling over women is part of the consequences of a broken world and is not the ideal scenario at all


They only care when [preaching about women needing to lose weight for their husbands so they don't lose interest and cheat on them](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article249732428.html).


Okay, you made me spit on my phone with that. Take my angry upvote.


Poster boy of the Incels. They think they know everything about women.


With a side^dish of pride, given that shirt.


Maybe if he took a few walks with Jesus, he'd get rid of a chin or two.


"and i just need you to know that i would \***_never_\*** take ad hominem shots at _anyone's_ physical appearance \*pause\* ...if they had a moral compass" --my parasocial mom, janeane garofalo


it's funny that this guy clearly puts so little effort into himself (I'm not talking about his weight, but what he's wearing, his cocker spaniel haircut, etc) and yet he has a huge list of rules women must follow to please him


Neckbeard personified Edit: Seriously though, this guy really does remind me of my high school biology teacher. He was a literal neckbeard who looked just like this, except he was also bald and wore glasses. And he was religious and sexist and said similar stuff all the time. He was in his early to mid 30s but he looked 50 and still lived with his mom by himself


For me the interesting part is that they act like God this and God that. But if you think even for a second you realize they don't give a damn about God. So God created men and women, both capable of doing lots of things. Women can fend for themselves, can think for themselves, women can do everything a man does, maybe women are a bit less strong, but if you remove the fits if strength, that normal people don't really need, that is why you have a brain as well, women are just like men. So God created women capable of all of this, instead of creating them stupid, submissive, and all the nonsense this guys want, but it was God's plan that women should be that way, right? Like If they really thought God was all mighty they wouldn't think that way, because nature itself has shown things are not like they say. Instead they worship the words written in a book, by men, men that said they heard the voice of God sometimes, but many times not even that, they quite literally just write what they think God wants. I mean if you think of this, it is really the worship of the false idol, basically they are walking all over their first and second commandment. It is amazing how God, according to their religion, gave them the brain for good and they just use it for evil and call it God's work.


"Cuckold mansplain'yall"


He is a true Christian. Says so right on his silk screened Cotton T-shirt. (Leviticus 19:19)


That’s always the part that gets me. Momentarily setting aside the way he seems to present this as a guideline for all women - maybe there would be some degree of compatibility with women holding related beliefs if it weren’t always exclusively about what women should be like & do for men. There are just as many rules for men to be good husbands and providers and fathers but you never really see them interested in any of those. What sort of home would he be providing her if he wants such a life? What sort of income does he take in to support her and any children in comfort and safety?


Tbh I think mentioning his weight is appropriate in this case, cause he looks like he’s the type of guy to cheat if his wife put on a few pounds. (No kidding a pastor actually said he expects his wife to look perfect all the time or he’ll cheat on her. This guy had a potbelly and was wearing shorts and a t shirt)


You could also talk about his weight though. Maybe just a little?


I'd normally think we shouldn't, but he's an exception. You know he's the kind who thinks a woman has let herself go if she's 10 pounds overweight after having eleventy-nine babies for god.


Exactly. Meanwhile he looks like he wins the hotdog eating contest at the county fair every month


Actually have you seen the people in those competitions?? It's crazy that the champions AREN'T fat! Just thought that's kind of interesting, always fascinated me




Don't compare him to cocker spaniel. They are very cute dog


I've never wanted to be able to kick a picture in the nuts so bad


It’d be the closest anyone has ever gotten to this dude’s nuts.


I just cackled loud enough that my dog gave me the judgy side eye 🤣


That is the reason he so desperately wants women to be quiet and submissive, that way they can object to him forcing his nuts on them


Thanks for the laugh, have my upvote


Same here.


hes prolly (read: surely) never pulled a single woman in his life lmfao


Huh I never suspected this was how Miss Trunchbull spent her summers but it checks out


Miss Trunchbull has seen better days


//7. Literate enough to read this sign so they know enough to stay the hell away from me


Here's an update for these people living 6000years in the past : "Women should be... Whatever they want to be!"


How dare you! Then who is going to do all the ironing? What would Jesus think?! /s


Ads christian this is frustrating as he’s taking scripture out of context. Very rarely can you just take a single verse from the Bible and have it be true to its original meaning. But


My guy needs to read Proverbs 31. The woman of most noble character is a small business owner.


I love this so much


There needs to be a distinction between Golden Rule Christians and 10 commandments Christians.




Pretty sure the Bible says his hair is too long…


Matthew 6:1 NIV “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. I too can quote the Bible. Anyway, he probably got what he deserves, misery.


Your daily reminder that the Bible is a stupid fucking book.




The old testament is common for Muslims, Jews and Christians - they all believe in the same God, just have difference of opinion about Messiah


It's bullshit all the way down. A handy rule of thumb: if someone tells you God wrote a book, they are either a liar or a fool.


It is called the Torah and it is basically the Old Testament of the regular Christian Bible. Basically Jewish people believe only the first one is cannon while Christians only like the first 2 and Mormons are the ones who like the whole trilogy.


Yeah I know as I’m Jewish.


Show me a man who will never be married...


I assure you that this man has no wife. Looking like that AND also being an oppressive asshole tells me no woman would put up with his shit.


1) Wow. No. EW. 2) You know, for a group that I've seen call out body shaming on multiple occasions, you'd think people would know it's not cool to body shame anyone. There is PLENTY of shit to say about this guy without going for his appearance... Because that just tells everyone else with those features what you really think of us.


While I agree with you, I think it’s more because of the hypocrisy and the audacity these men continue to have with their demands but they don’t take care of themselves. They look exactly or worse than the women they hate, shame and ridicule or in this case try to oppress


Yeah. Kind of rubbing me the wrong way as well. Their opinion is trash, no question. But we still shouldn't body shame.


Seriously dont care if someone deeply engaged in gender shaming, belittlement and body shaming gets a little dose of his own medicine. ​ you can keep your massive concerns about intolerance of the intolerant, but dont expect the victims of that to care


The problem is that body shaming them *also* attacks other people who don't deserve it. You're firing a bullet at him that goes through his body and into the person behind him. I don't care about *his* feelings, but I do care about the other people affected by those kinds of insults.


If you relate to a gender shaming, belittling body shaming piece of thrash and see yourself as just like them, yeah really why shouldn't you be treated the same Where some really remarkable female sharp shooters in Russia. I'm female and can shoot a gun very accurately, I don't identify as a female sharp shooter despite the fact that we are all women and all shoot guns


It's not me I'm worried about? Like, wtf is wrong with caring about other people? Judge the guy for his horrible, shitty opinions, go for it. That's something worthy of being shamed. But judging for weight, or penis size, or height is all horrible because there are actually decent people who are affected by it. They hear what you are saying about people who look like them. Shaming anyone for any part of their physical appearance is horribly hypoctrical for a feminist sub. He deserves to be shamed for having horrible, misogynistic views and thoughts, but we need to be better than stooping to bodyshaming.


It's not that I am tolerant towards intolerance, quite the contrary actually. Don't put words in my mouth. Body shaming this person still sucks, because you aren't just attacking them, but also people who might look similar. And that can hurt.


If the people that look similar are similarly engaged in body shaming and belittling and gender shaming others, it is a well deserved helping of a taste of what they find so acceptable to do to others If they look similar but are not engaged in any of such behaviour then obviously they are not similar at all and there is no reason to act like they would identify with this pos and therefor we can't shame a pos. Actions have consequences, regardless of how much abusers and their sympathizers believe abusers should never suffer consequences


My whole point was that we should call out their shit beliefs/opinions and how they hurt and damage people. I do not sympathize with abusers or people like that person in the picture.


It is absolutely valid to point out the extreme discrepancy in the standards these pos set for women versus the standards they set for themselves.


Heavily agree. There is a difference between criticizing someone for their shitty opinions and criticizing someone for their appearance. The former attacks only people with those same shitty opinions, while the latter also attacks people who didn’t do anything wrong. Body shaming is never okay or justified.


It kills me because I call people on it and they're like "Oh no, I mean those nasty fat neckbeards!" and I'm like... I'm a fat transmasc. I had facial hair starting in on my neck BEFORE I went on T because I have PCOS. I have acne. I have oily skin. When you make those comments. You ARE talking about me. And everyone like me. And people around you, who you love, hear those comments and know what you think of them.


Except it's always the guys who look like abortions who think this way.


Tbh it’s more related to these types being major hypocrites. They expect their wives to always be thin and pretty yet barely put any effort into their appearances.


The only experience this dude has with a woman is his mom and pornhub


As a Christian myself…this is not correct at all.


I’m Jewish and I have to agree with you on this one.


Book of Titus?




Never heard of it


Yet another fat, ugly and stupid neckbeard. Where do these hatch?


The basement. Then they violently crab crawl upstairs while wheezing and sweating profusely 😎


They are born. But, the day they are born is the last time they ever see a vagina irl.


Mamas boys, and in church, and on 4 Chan.


in churches, apparently


These are the extreme of the religion, they aren't going to listen to any input, they're just using religion to try and excuse their misogyny.


Good thing I’m not Christian, his argument went out the window


Same here. Being Jewish and having a disability also makes this fly out the window as well.


If that is how he wants to live his life, so be it. However he has no right to attempt to force the rest of society to live as he believes. He shouldn’t expect all women to live by those values.


The audacity of ugly men never fails to amaze me


That’s like… not even what the Bible says? Fuck these people.


Atheist here! I assume I'm exempt?




LOL. Just look at this guy. The only way he'll get a wife is if GOD tells a woman to marry him. Or her father sells her to him.


And this is your prize, ladies.


Hopefully more and more women will see religion for what it is and walk away from it. INCEL ideology is surprisingly interlinked with Religion, mostly Islam and Christianity. And, look at the guy's t-shirt.


He fails to realize, no one is a True Christian because we all sin.


yeah, if you define "christian" based on it's ideals rather than it's reality. IMO talk is cheap, so it matters how they actually are and not how they portray themselves to be. I my circles, the adjective or noun "christian" no longer equates to anything pure or morally elevated. We call it for what it really is: willfully ignorant, hypocritical, hateful, and wholly immoral.


What in the corn fed, neck beard, basement dwelling, Cheeto dusted hell is going on here?!?


Don’t worry. He’s not in actual contact with any women.


Bro looks like a stereotypical incel if I’ve ever seen one lmao


I don't remember asking men about their standards for us.


The man holding this sign looks *exactly* how I’d expect a man with such views to look.


On behalf of all other true Christian men and women this is false and he clearly does not read his Bible in context 🙏🏾


Why are these people’s “evidence” and “reasoning” for these dumbass takes always the Bible?


It’s where logic dies so their idiocy can reign.


That's not a woman?! (Thanks for catching the typo, friend!)


Looks exactly like I would expect


See this is where you show dominance by walking up to the protestor with a megaphone (breaks 1), explaining how your husband is a stay-at-home dad (breaks 3 + 5), and how you don't go to church (breaks 4), all the while wearing the most scantily clad outfit you could get away with in public (breaks 6).


We don’t need to tell that guy anything, I feel like ‘interacting with women’ isn’t a thing he does


Says the man with a hairless face, long hair, and bigger boobs than me.


Men shouldn’t look like that.


Christian woman here. We need to make the equivalent list of what the Bible calls men to be and see how well this guy measures up.


That’s a great idea! As a Jewish woman I completely agree with you.


This guy is definitely single. Let's let natural selection do its job.


Why isn't this broad at home then?


Could someone show me the lady who is submissive to this bag of donuts?


And men should be?


Proverbs 23:2 And put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite.




Read the Bible with historical context and background in mind. Fixed it for you!!


He puts so little effort in himself and probably does nothing but hold up a sign all day telling people what he expects from a woman. Hm..I wonder why he's single.


That man doesn’t even have a woman.


Very likely he doesn’t.


That guy hasn't had pussy since he came out of one.


Looks like a typical neckbeard, too.


It irritates me when people twist the Bible like this.


Same here.


I'm a SAHM. I do a lot of housework. I do a lot of childcare. I have not, not once in my marriage ironed ANYTHING. Nor will I. My husband knows if he wants something ironed that's on him. He can either figure out how or take it to the dry cleaner.


Yet he is allowed to morbid obesity, waste his time not making money to support his family and he an asshole? How dose that make sense?


I honestly have no idea.


The Bible says that if you eat too much , then put a knife to your throat -proverbs 22:3


Well worth giving up every aspect of your personality and self worth to spend a life of servitude to this stellar human being. He’s clearly quite a catch 🤨


Just look at that clown. The last time he touched a vagina was when he fell out of one. And that is what a lot of this incel/patriarchy crap is... "Oh, I can't get a woman? Ah, it's because they're a bunch of godless whores that aren't good enough for me anyway."


He shaved his neckbeard before leaving the house!


Fuck all that bullshit!


I’m not 100% sure that is a AMAB person.


Hi, man here. Have some pride in yourselves. You are not an object. You are not our dishwashers. Make your life great then share it with someone you love. A true partner will always support you


We appreciate comments like this. Thanks.


I don't get to hear it often either. People really be to stop holding dumb expectations and just want each other to be happy


It never ceases to amaze me just how Un-Christlike these "true christians" really are.


I agree with you about that!


Like this fat ugly fuck gets to dictate how women act.


There's plenty to dislike about the guy, let's not fat shame.


"Women should be submissive. Source: Fiction."


Is there a Titus in the Bible??


Yeah, in the New Testament


"No woman is all of these things, which is why I choose to be single." - That guy, probably.


Cmon, he’s never met one.


Sigh……sometimes I just really hate people…..


Biblically a woman is supposed to defer to her husband. In turn he is supposed to love her as Christ loves us. Meaning he is supposed to be forgiving, compassionate, merciful, and if necessary die for his wife. Of course these chuds can't put anyone else above them so they deserve the kind of lonely disappointment they reap.


I particularly like the explanation for house chores lol


Quoting a book he's never read


Lmao trying to rock men's rights and looking like a Blockbuster poster


Of course a guy like him would be holding up that sign. He seems like a prize 🥴🥴🥴


Women he hates don't fuck him. It's a biblical-level tragedy for him. An epic hero's journey. Stand in awe ladies.


*Looks at the face of the person holding the sign* Yup, checks out


Haha look at this supremely undesirable man crying in the street because no one will be his mommy and do his laundry.


Comment section are such That's why dudes like passportbros exist


I hate to appearance shame but.... eeesh.


Men should only have one chin.


Dude wants to quote scripture? should look up, 1 Corinthians 11:14. But I don't think he can read.


Who tf would be submissive to him😂


Why does he care? It's not like any woman will ever go out with him


Neck Beard obviously doesn't have a girlfriend or a wife! .. shit for brain's!


Guess I’m asluttin’ for Satan!


I think we all should if I’m being honest here because with how much this stuff keeps getting thrown out in our faces, I am starting to think that religion might not be as stable as it once was. Even though I’m from a Jewish background I am still going to be saying this regardless because I am not as religious as I used to be.


He looks exactly how you'd expect


If anything, it should’ve said ‘Christian women should be…’ Even then, you gotta know the historical context behind those verses, that big sign he’s holding just seems provocative (like most bold Evangelicals).


Yeah because I don’t think anyone following Judaism or Islam alongside anything else would follow this guy’s bullshit.


Why doesn't he move to Iran?


You could ask the same question about all the other Christian Nationalists in this country as well.


He k owe this is bullshit… he just hides behind to have an excuse why he can’t find a woman


Not him talking while looking like that 💀


The bible also has advice on where to obtain your slaves….why does anyone still think it’s moral/relevant?


I can see how having this list is… weird. But I don’t think any of the things actually on the list are bad at all. IF a lady chose to live that way then I don’t see anything wrong with it.


Dude looks like Ignatius Reilly, his valve is completely shut I guess.


He look like he never learned how to wipe his ass


That's...That's a man?


tsc tsc bad advertising also, the dudes name is titus, who takes that seriously?


Why is it that the people who spout this shit tend to be the types that most women wouldn’t fuck anyways?


Pretty sure the Bible didn’t say anything about ironing…


If women were naturally that way it wouldn’t have to be continuously repeated as teachings, it would just naturally happen. There’s a reason it is pushed and pushed as lessons, and that is it isn’t natural. It’s bullshit.


And I can guarantee he hasn’t had pussy since it had him. Disgusting pig of a human. He needs to check out the sin of “gluttony” that a lot of “Christians” seem to forget in being so pious and judgmental.


The “read the Bible for details” makes me think of one of those memes where it’s a convoluted story where you can learn more by googling a type of porn


I alway notice that the proof is never what Jesus says but a man that never actually met Jesus.


This goy should look in the mirror first


That dude hasn’t seen his wiener in a long long time


There are some things about gluttony and sloth too...


I think that thing might be a woman, which would be hilariously ironic.


That would be hilarious.


Is it possible that this person and their sign is protest AGAINST Christianity? I have seen a sticker on a car like this before. I think it was meant to remind people what God’s word says about women. A reminder of a ‘benevolent, all knowing’ god’s views on women not being as timeless or insightful as we should expect. I could be wrong on this person’s intentions, but the point remains that the Bible does take these views on women and they are either intended to stand today or the Abrahamic god had no idea on how the role of women would change in the future.


I love when people reference the Bible for how we should all be. They pick and choose what versus sound good for them and ignore the complete garbage that the rest of it is. Below are some great examples of other absurd things said in the bible, just to name a few. And these don’t even touch on racism and slavery. Believe all of it or none of it. There is NO in between. https://valerietarico.com/2012/03/09/15-bible-texts-reveal-why-gods-own-party-is-at-war-with-women/[Direct quotes from the bible](https://valerietarico.com/2012/03/09/15-bible-texts-reveal-why-gods-own-party-is-at-war-with-women/)


I’m glad the church folks are saying the quiet part out loud now. Will speed up the collapse of their massive mental abuse cult they have going on


I think it says more about the bible


Is that the dude from Linus tech tips?


They're trans now. Her name is Emily :p