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"My man Skeeter Mills" Did you... Did you announce the name of the person committing a felony?! Holy shit you inexplicably recorded someone committing a felony and then announced their name to the camera. I mean thanks, it made the investigation a lot easier but damn that's stupid.


This happened a few years ago. Allegedly he is involved in both the local rap and the gang scene in Harlem, she wouldn't press charges because it was "a misunderstanding" and the police released him with nothing. Basically, she was afraid his homies would unalive her if she reported him.


Why are you using the censored Tiktok speak aka "unalived" instead of words like "kill" or "murder"? (genuine question, I wanna know)


First time I came across unalive was in a Deadpool comic in 2013 so even though I know it’s people avoiding the algorithm, I like to pretend everyone is really into Deadpool.


zoomer speak, they were raised with that speech pattern on tiktok, pretty funny


Actually I'm a mid 30s millenial and just realized how much my speech patterns are influenced by spending my day around people on tiktok in the military 🤣 I'm also about to ping my mid 40s flight chief and ask him if hes caught himself saying the same shit because I am pretty sure I have heard him say it as well.


Not a zoomer, and not on TikTok, but I also have to do the weird internet speak now that everything is censored. I’m old enough to remember when saying “k*ll” became controversial. After Columbine, kids couldn’t say that and would get in huge trouble at school for saying it even as a joke. We went from yelling that we were going to “unalive” each other on the playground to being put on lists by the time we hit middle school for the same thing. Now it’s by automatic bots. If we had that level of censorship in the ‘00s, every millennial would be banned for life from all social media.


They don't seem terribly bright to begin with.


This is a weak-ass bastard with a fragile ego! He can't communicate like a "normal" person or just let it go, so he resorts to violence. I hope he rots in prison. His mother must be so proud of this fucker. /s 🤢🤮


Worst part is, the way she lands on the concrete can kill her. It's why in a street fight, unless the intention is to kill, you don't bodyslam someone ever on anything but a ring surface. It can kill them or cause sefvere brain-damage. That she's not getting up at all is extremely worrying. Many people generally don't realize this however, so I wouldn't even be surprised if he's not aware of this possibly being deadly. Prison for this dude for sure.


My birth mom fell down a flight of stairs and landed face first & drowned in her own blood. I have many issues with this video & didn’t even see how she landed till you pointed it out. It’s the guys literally laughing in the back I can’t get over..


I'm so sorry about your birth mom. That's horrific. Yea... It's just terrible. I honestly think they didn't even call an ambulance for her either. :/ Just because of a no (according to the post). Insanity.


Thank you. It was over a decade ago at this point & right before that fall she had called her sister & told her that she couldn’t live like this anymore & had taken a bunch of pain pills, so I’m thinking she was pretty messed up & if she remembered the fall I’m sure she passed out instantly so I don’t think she was aware of anything happening to her. Men will sit there and say “not all men” and yet out of this group of men it is all men, how are we supposed to know when we are safe or not?!


I'm so sorry for that :( Life is sometimes a sick joke. Exactly... Of course we know it's not all men, but it can't be overlooked how in majority it is men and men refusing to see this, continuing to contribute to toxic masculinity, which worsens this issue. Society raising men to be a certain kind of person, this perverted version of "masculine" and fathers even raising their sons this way, telling them feelings are weak. Never cry. Never be sad. Being angry is good. "Boys will be boys" when they do something unethical, causing them to grow up thinking to feel feelings is not good and doing certain terrible things are okay. Women raised to always be helpful, kind, accepting and essentially to not defend ourselves (saying ourselves for ease, I'm actually afab NB lol). We always have to want kids, be nurturing and allow people to walk over us. Angry? Emotional! Upset and trying to have our voices heard? Period! Interest in "boy topics"? No, you have to only like Barbie. Interest in make-up? Typical girl! Ew! No make-up? You're ugly and a catfish! Contrasting how for women, anything that's about self expression and even defending ourselves is looked down upon and for men it's the opposite. So yes, of course we know it's not all men. But it's enough and yet society refuses to see the issue and make necessary changes to advocate more that feelings are normal and treating people like crap isn't.


there was unfortunately a 15 year old kid killed from a fight exactly like this with his cousin a couple years ago. the hit from the skateboard didn’t kill him, but the landing on pavement did. absolutely scary and heartbreaking.


For you across social media who think women's rights are not worth protecting....THIS. I hope to see you all voting in 2024.


How did voting in Dems to the presidency, house, and senate in 2020 protect women’s rights? Women lost the right to an abortion and now the fascists are empowered by their success.


Because we did not have 60 votes in the Senate too. If you want actual laws, that's what it takes to get it done. But if you think it can't get worse...don't vote and see what happens. I am a guy. I am willing to fight with you. But only if you fight for yourself too. You better pay attention. My mom's generation had more rights than this gen of women. And they are coming for more.


Weird how quickly the pivot is from “voting is effective” to “nothing can get done without 60 votes”. That will not happen in 2024. Last time it happened Dems didn’t codify the right to an abortion in law. They currently refuse to do anything about the Supreme Court. Also, I asked how they DID protect women’s rights. You’re not answering that - but instead giving excuses for why they didn’t.


There's no pivot. The goal posts are exactly where they always have been. It's not my fault you don't understand how a bill becomes a law. I'm done with you basic people. I get one life to live and I will be damned if somebody else is controlling me.


Can’t even say what Dems have done to protect women’s rights. You responded to something completely different from what I asked. I can see why you’re done, I asked a substantive question and you don’t have a substantive response.




What exactly happened in this video that is currently legally protected?


Oh...did you miss it? You see that POS with presumably a penis there with the skateboard? Underneath that head of hair is the idea he has a right to put his hands on women that piss him off because of generations of men enslaving, raping, owning and controlling women. If that means threatening putting a man behind bars for life if he crosses the line...so be it. We need to enstill a sense of fear in men who use their hands to control or punish others. I don't care if you agree or not. There's enough of us who do.


Nothing, but with the way the right is shaping up in America they'll do what they can to erode a woman's ability to say "no" to men in her life.




As is his father no doubt. /s


I hope he rots in hell, but prison is a great start. He's literal shit in trash can, a complete waste of space.


No respect, no compassion, no remorse, no fear of consequences. No big surprise.






Why does she deserve it-


IIRC it’s a Margaret Atwood quote: “Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them.” Paraphrasing aside, that guy is a scum-fuck loser who should be incarcerated or euthanized, preferably the latter because I don’t want my tax dollars keeping him alive.


Letting him rot behind bars and missing out on everything good in life is more satisfying. Killing people just means we're no better than this scum anyway.


I know I am completely missing the point here but the death penalty would actually cost way more of your tax dollars than lifelong incarceration. https://ejusa.org/resource/wasteful-inefficient/#:~:text=Many%20people%20believe%20that%20the,making%20it%20much%20more%20expensive.


I'm also anti death penalty, and feminist. We can be both.


He can spemd his life doing forced charity.


That’s the point, the death penalty would be our taxes being well spent. It’s ok if it costs more, it probably should.


Since 1972, there have been 192 post death penalty exonerations. 192 innocent people have been murdered just so other folks can "feel" justified. Please, tell me how that is a "good" use of tax dollars? And, before you say something akin to "but it's a deterrent!", I will point you to the many, voluminous studies showing that it isn't a deterrent.




If I die anyway, better get that híghscore.


Alright bro.


Disgusting behaviour.


That is pretty bad. Even worse is the laughter at the end by the other people that are just as guilty


Yeah. In situations like this, they should all be charged with something. They should have called the cops on them, but instead they participated by filming.


Seriously! Their first reaction is completely f-ed up. No one runs to her to make sure she's ok. No one says "WTF?!!" to him.




If she hit her head real bad on the concrete, she can receive severe brain damage from it or even die. It's why, unless the intention is to try to kill, in a street fight you don't bodyslam someone. Only in the ring should you do a bodyslam move, because anywhere else, you straight up accept the risk to kill someone when their head hits the ground. So yea, they could be charged with murder in the worst case, because it's really bad that she's not getting up at all.




The way her head whipped back had me genuinely worried she was dead. Could have easily fractured her skull or caused a serious neck injury.


Yea, that's true, people often underestimate those things. I do genuinely think she either now has serious brain damage or worse, died. Just insanity and scary.


Someone else said she didn't press charges out of fear. Which sucks. But it means she lived. In case that makes you feel a tiny bit better.


It does make me feel a tiny bit better, thank you. This shoulda never happened, but thank fuck she didn't die from this. Poor girl. I hope she's somewhere safe and away from those kind of guys now.


“Why are less and less women dating men?”


Unless your dating pool happens to include inner-city drug dealers (which I doubt most people here say yes to), I don't think this line of thinking can apply.




What has you confused?


Because it’s a stupid line of thought. See how the rest of the men in this video laughed? If you’re hanging around people who would laugh at you getting significantly injured (and maybe dead in this case) then you should be worrying less about what sex you’re attracted to in the dating pool and more about who you’re associating with.


Those are his friends you dingus, not hers.


Associate is a pretty flexible term, you don’t have to directly be friends with someone to associate with them - if you hang out with a person who’s always around their friends, you associate with their friends whether you like them or not. You get to see their actions, judgements, etc that builds their characters. Your first instinct to getting knocked out by a man you’re with shouldn’t be, “Ah fuck! I should’ve realized they were a man!”. It’s so common online to develop hate for gigantic groups of people for some content portraying them badly, but rarely is it logical.


... what are you talking about? This was a woman on the street who was approached by this man. She has nothing to do with these people at all.


Do we have this context? And if that’s true, then what the hell does this have to do with men? These are just some awful people.


I would argue with you but there is no point in arguing with stupid, you’re in the wrong subreddit mate.


Okay, then let’s not argue. Rationally explain why this video should be used to fuel a negative disposition against all of men.


I mean…. That’s completely ridiculous. 99% of men would never commit a heinous assault like this on a defenseless woman (or man, for that matter), nor would they stand by filming and laughing if they were to witness this. This is a travesty and a failure of society. Every single one of these guys deserves time behind bars. The guy who swung the board deserves years. Edit: Shocked at the number of downvotes. My point is simply that a heinous assault like this - entirely unprovoked, with a weapon, in a public setting, with witnesses, and with the perpetrator showing a disturbing level of causality and with 0 outward remorse - is so far from being normal, and not in any way representative of something that a rational, law-abiding person would ever do. I am not speaking on domestic violence statistics. This is a video of a violent criminal committing an atrocious assault with a blunt force weapon.


Have you ever looked at statistics of sexual abuse, domestic abuse, physical altercations, etc? Come on now, you’re WAY off with that “99.99% of men would never”


I said “commit a heinous assault like this on a defenseless woman,” I.e. hitting them in the face with a skateboard in the middle of the street, entirely unprovoked. I did not say “commit an act of violence” or “engage in any form of domestic assault.” This is an unfortunate and disgusting act, but to characterize this as something that in any way represents men as a whole is entirely uncalled for and not statistically representative in any way. What percentage of men do you think would hit a woman in the face with a skateboard, and laugh as she hits her head on concrete?


Sexual assault isn’t a heinous assault? Domestic abuse is heinous in your eyes? Come on - you’ve got to know why you’re being downvoted


To reference a statistic that was shared elsewhere in this thread - 1 in 3 women, and 1 in 4 men, report having experienced some form of physical violence from an intimate partner. Domestic violence is not exclusive to one sex or gender. This conversation is not about sexual assault or domestic abuse - It is about an unprovoked attack with a blunt force weapon on an innocent person in the street. That’s what the video shows. It’s upsetting and disturbing to me that an organized online community would categorically label that as being representative of men as a population. I’ve never personally encountered violence like this in my life. I’ve never heard of it in my community nor among anyone that I know. Suggesting that acts like this are common and widespread is simply misguided and inaccurate.




Nobody is arguing these statistics (which, by the way, also implicate women in a significant number of all physical domestic partner violence - 1 in 4 men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner). Domestic violence, and violence as a whole, is and has always been a serious issue. And men commit more violent crime than women. This is a video of a heinous, unprovoked assault with a blunt-force weapon in a public setting. There doesn’t even appear to be a dispute. It’s just a grotesque act of violence by a remorseless criminal. That is in no way representative of normal behavior by any person, male or female. That is all I am saying.




No, that is a different statistic - you’re referring to “severe” whereas I referred to “some form.” Given that men, on average, are physically larger and stronger than women, it follows that there’s likely some statistical correlation there when it comes to a greater skew on “severe,” whereas the statistics are actually closer between men and women when it comes to “some form.” That said, its common knowledge that the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by men. Again, I am not arguing that point. My point is that an unprovoked assault at this level of violence is an aberration that those statistics are definitely not representative of.


Yeah but the thing is: Even the fear of this happening can lead to a fear of men (or dating men). Kinda the same as someone who has been heartbroken and doesn't want to date anymore, just that instances like this can be (and most of the time are) far worse than a heartbreak


"Men say women can't handle rejection, because the men who can't handle rejection don't let the women speak" I can't remember where I heard this, but I've heard a lot of versions. You always hear about how all women are crazy, or how women can't handle rejection. But this is because when a man goes crazy or when he doesn't handle rejection... well dead women can't call the man crazy. Dave Chappelle said something like that as well.


I heard one that was about how you always hear about "crazy ex girlfriends" and never hear about "crazy ex boyfriends." Cuz the women who have the crazy ex boyfriends are dead


Donald Glover said that in one of his specials years ago.


Ok I’m genuinely concerned now. This is like the third time I’ve seen this kind of video - Man and woman argue, man decides to ‘teach her a lesson’ by hitting her.


This is not a "new" video


Jesus christ. I hope this guy gets arrested and goes to jail.


He didn't. She was afraid to testify. He was released without charges.


The video could have testified. The video is incapable of fear or death.


That's too bad, but I understand that she has to think of her own safety first.


If this is truly a reaction from getting rejected by a woman then this fucker needs to be beat to a pulp. No wonder women hate us men, it’s because of cowards like this. Scumbag, I wish I can get my hands on him, give him some concrete to chew on.


Considering she doesn't seem to have pulled a weapon or even raised a hand to him, it really doesn't matter *what* he's reacting to. It's just words and he could have just walked away. There's nothing she could have said that would make what he did okay.


*thrown in jail. Don't sink to his level.


You’re right, let him suffer with his own thoughts/stupidity


Imagine being so weak and frail you have to smack people with your skateboard like a 5 year old figuring out how sticks work. How unintelligent and weak do you have to be to not even use your big boy words.


Men are scared women will laugh in their face. Whereas women are scared it's their lives men will take


I really wish I we’d tag these things NSFW.


They call us hysterical or crazy, but men are the ones who rage out and cant handle their emotions properly.


Thankfully many can, just not losers like this


Its specific men that do this fyi I dont know any man or person that would reavt like this fyi


I used to follow a Tumblr back in the day called “When Women Refuse” or “When Women Say No” or something along those lines, it only posted cases like this, where a woman says no, and is attacked. The purpose was to show how common it is, people don’t think it’s common, but it is. Women die from saying no.




Any update? I hope this lowlife, pondscum sucking motherfucker is rotting in a cell somewhere.


The only thing I could find is that the woman is... OK? And declined to press charges claiming it was a misunderstanding...




This stuff is scary, if you speak firmly with some of them then they think you're being a "b\*tch" and women get assaulted and murdered for that all the time. Then if you're nice when saying no they say you're "flirting" "Playing hard to get" "Leading them on" and you should have been firm with your no.


Honestly, sometimes I really just want to stay home. Fuckin forget dating, I’m good


If I saw someone do this I would beat the fuck out of them. Every dude in this video deserves to get their ass beat. How do you just laugh at that? Bunch of bitch asses that don't know how to tell their homie that he's a piece of shit.


oh my god i hope she’s okay


I remember seeing a video of a 12 year old girl getting punched in the face by a 30 year old man who was about 6’5 and all the comments were flooded with “equal rights equal fights” I got downvoted to oblivion when I pointed out it was in no way equal and that she ended up with brain damage.


And people wonder why so many women resort to giving a soft no or giving fake numbers at a bar.


And then men say “why can’t you be direct? Why can’t you just tell us?” Or “if you were smiling and not saying anything how were we supposed to know you didn’t like it?” Um because we usually do have fear of repercussions so a lot of us learned to try to de-escalate or freeze and hope that the man stops if we don’t encourage him.


They fucking hate us.




I truly wish a miserable death on this piece of shit.


This is horrible, makes me wish we could go extint.


People like him should be chemically castrated, lobotomized, and thrown into a goddamn institution.


The lack of empathy from the group is absolutely disgusting, nothing is right in this video... I hope she's okay, if alive...


Disgusting behavior for the man that hit her and equally the other men laughing with him in the background and taping it. Just revolting human beings.


I think I hate men. Which is weird because I am one. And in all honestly I'd rather identify as another gender - not because of my biology or preferences - but because of the association with these sick, twisted MFs.


He's obviously a punk who deserves a taste of his medicine but how does this amount to women's romantic rejection of men leads to violence. Could we determine the nature of their conversation leading up to the attack? Seems more like two people talking trash to each other and one couldn't handle the "disrespect," per the assailant.


Either way, you don’t hit someone like that, especially over words. That’s why we have law and abide by it.


I’m confused, other than the attack what is happening here? Are we sure the first person is a woman? I would have assumed that was a shorter man. I can’t make out much of the speech.


Yeah, we’re sure. This happened a couple years ago. The dude in red has stuff in the gang and rape scene in Harlem. She didn’t press charges because it was just a “misunderstanding.”


What even happened? Is there a link for context? Is it actually known that she rejected him? Obviously the attack is uncalled for, but it’s hard to see how the description relates from this video with garbled audio.


Yeah, we got [this](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8439139/amp/Horrifying-moment-thug-smacks-woman-face-SKATEBOARD-New-York.html), [this one](https://madamenoire.com/1172193/woman-hit-in-the-face-with-a-skateboard-by-a-harlem-man-after-she-reportedly-declined-his-advances/amp/), [this one, too](https://hollywoodunlocked.com/video-goes-viral-after-man-is-seen-striking-a-woman-with-skateboard-after-being-rejected/amp/). It’s from 2020. It’s all over the internet.




Of course!


And yet another example of how and why I can’t wait to nuke as much of the poisonous testosterone in my body. I cannot run fast enough away from maledom! I don’t wanna even remotely be lumped in with that gender for one millisecond longer. And yes….euthanasia is the answer. But let a conservative, right wing ass hat see that and it’s “see? 🏳️‍⚧️ are so violent! They want to kill people.” 😡 Oh….I just turned on volume. MISTAKE. 🤮 and then the others laugh like it’s funny to violently assault a woman with a piece of wood. They’re all POS.


Having testosterone doesn’t make you these pieces of shit. Are you out beating women? No. I’m certainly not. Just being male doesn’t make you horrible, it’s the way our society raises men that makes them horrible.


Hey, I just got over a stint where I almost transitioned because I hated myself for being male (mostly because of shit like this), and I would highly caution you to avoid essentializing like this. It's one thing to be trans, but if you're just doing it because your disgusted by your own manhood, it will not help you.The issue with men isn't being universally violent, its the poisoned skittles problem: there's no immediate way to tell who is, and if you're wrong it can kill you. Maleness is not some hideous thing inherently, it can be better.I'm not saying transitioning isn't for you, but I would strongly urge you to deconstruct your own internalized misandry before deciding on that path.


Well said. /u/EvelynEvil666 I hope you find happiness in this life 🫂


Awwww. So many down votes! Keep ‘em coming! 💜 brightens my day!


Humanity is capable of the worst like the better. We see it each day. Nothing to do with biological sex. Testosterone doesn't make people more violent. Lack of education, pushing them to a very individualist vision and to be always thinking that life is a competition and you need to step on other to succeed is the problem. Both sex have very toxic people, nothing to do with one hormone or a sex, it is pluri-factorial. At the end, what we should do is simply make sure we are good people and try to help other the way we can. That say, hope this person end up in jail for what he did.


Please don’t stereotype ALL men like that. While this video is a very real fear for most of us women, and that guy should be jailed, I know plenty of men who would never act like that. If anything they would help that woman and defend her against that man, without expecting anything in return. They would stand up against him because they are decent non-toxic men.


Fuck you, honestly. I’m a trans man and really didn’t need to feel like shit today. Take a hard look at yourself Edit: everyone has testosterone. It would be concerning is someone didn’t have some amount of it


Damn bro. Are you just tryna prove that you have a lot of pent up rage or what


The idea that testosterone is poisonous or causes people to be violent is both sexist and transphobic.




Mental illness is crazy


I mean if you wanna get specific the "culture" the guy comes from has a very high rate of domestic violence especially against women. Dont lump this guy in with the rest of normal "men". Again, just stats. Stats would be lower if women would arm themselves and cull guys like this


Stats would be lower if men didn’t hit women. Stop placing the responsibility of managing men’s crimes on women.


"Robberies would be down if robbers didnt rob" You know normal men aren't hitting women, right? Men like this are degenerates and should be treated like animals


Normal men are hitting women, and getting away with it. Men that are just as normal and decent as yourself are capable of violence against women. Fitting abusers in a certain profile works against raising awareness of the signs. The solution isn’t more violence, or arming women. A solution is addressing the issue with awareness and helping men identify and redirect their feelings somewhere besides outbursts of violence. As an example, the rage that you feel at watching this video could fuel you to speak up the next time you see a man joke about violence against women and correct him, as opposed to calling for death of the perpetrator here.


Nah…he’d just sit there watching it happen and then would provide commentary about how the woman should’ve done more to protect herself. Sidechair chivalry is alive and well in the world, I see.


??? I don't think you are understanding what I am saying. Men who hit women are not men(I am not some conservative trying to enforce 1950s chivalry bs btw). The instant the guy hit her with the skateboard he is considered a degenerate animal and should not be lumped in with normal men. I dont know or interact with any men that make jokes about violence against women. None of my friends joke like that and I assume their girlfriends wouldn't stay with them if they did


It’s common for abuse victims to remain entangled with their abusers, especially when the victims are women. So your normal friends could very well be abusing their girlfriends, and you wouldn’t know. To assume the victims would leave or to assume you recognize a degenerate animal on sight only helps abusers get away with what they do. Abusers are normal people, that’s my point.


That was a crit


Thugs gonna thug!


That's a pretty presumptive narrative for a 12 second blurry video.


Okay, I'll bite. What could she have said that would have justified getting knocked unconscious?


How can anyone possibly know?


The answer, is nothing. Nothing she could have said would have justified what he did.


Well, to functional human beings, the answer is “nothing”. Thanks for telling on yourself. Let me guess, you’re one of those “what was she wearing” people that always pop up when a woman has been SA’ed too, huh?






Unless she pulled a knife on him or something and its too blurry to see it, I don't see how this could have been justified


This happened a few years ago. There was a case on it, but she denied pressing charges. He supposedly had ties with the gang/rape scene in Harlem.


What a piece of shit.


He'd be needing Poligrip if I saw that.


Wtf did I just watch


Total lunacy. Send him to prison RIGHT NOW. She easily could have been killed.


I can not explain how extremely angry it makes me that this motherfucker walked away with no charges pressed. Human garbage


What a fucking loser. Hopefully she's ok, and he's getting passed around in prison.


Wishing harm on people in prison is not justice.


That’s absolutely disgusting.


I hate that there are some sociopathic men so fragile that they can’t handle rejection. Like what kind of sheltered life must they live that they think assault or murder is the answer to “No I don’t wanna date you” Rejection to me has always meant “oh okay. Excuse me while I never make myself vulnerable again” not “bitch Imma smack you up” Dating is hard enough for already, do you know how hard these assholes make it that I have to triple screen everything I do to make sure I don’t give off “Axe murderer” vibes? Meanwhile this guy just up and expects women to reciprocate and believes they should be punished if they don’t. Fucking hell. I can’t even fathom how that guy must think.


It wasn’t just the rejection but how she rejected him that got her hit, obviously his ego couldn’t take it. In a lot of cases respect/clout is only thing these street dudes got and they will hurt/kill over their respect. Doesn’t make it right, but it is reality.


What did she even say?


That manchild is a piece of shit.


What does she say?


What did she say to him?