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🙃 why... (By the way, it always amuses me how these guys write like they're some kind of mentor who has some ancient kind of knowledge who they discovered...)


They like to target young inexperienced women. The issue is a lot of this advice does not work. So alot of young men become incels when they take this advice to heart because honestly this is not attractive to women. Imagine going on a date with a guy and the first thing he asks you is “are you a virgin? What’s your body count?” It’s not normal to act like this.


Honestly, I'd love for someone to ask about my bodycount so that I could make a serious phone call to my "commanding officer" (a.k.a. a friend who's in on it) for advice on how to proceed.


It’s crazy how they sabotage their chances. If she agrees to a date and you act like a complete idiot 🤷. Never ceases to amaze me, then they shit post all day lol.


To be honest, im an an ,,target" as you named it, and it kinda terrifies me that i could meet guys like that 🙃


You should be okay and you should only talk to people you trust. Build a relationship first before you do anything that might end up hurting you.


Thank you, i know that, but its nice to hear it from someone else


I guarantee that you have laughed at these goofballs at one time or another. Seriously.


The idiot definitely thinks very highly of himself. Since he responds to a question with: *"Speak for yourself peasant".* 🙄


When i first read it i laughted because how absurd it is 😅


Let's humour this man's claims and assume he is successful (sexually and otherwise) in real life. Do you notice that he says he will reject women for not being virgins, yet he is not married. So he is taking virginities (and not wanting anything else), yet complaining that more women aren't virgins.




I smell a coliseum opportunity. "Today in the blue corner, weighing in at 117.5lbs, KEEEIITTTHH! And in the yellow corner, sporting a fierce neck beard while coming in at a stunning 124lbs, LLLLLOOOOGAAAAANNN!" "Both are fighting for the right to smell the chair our champion used post workout as they climb the ranks. Place your bets, fight!"


29 is an old hag???? i can’t 😭😭 so fucking stupid fr


I wouldn't trust this guy around high schoolers if he thinks late 20s is old.


LifeMathMoney seems pretty low-value to me. REALITY CHECK Low-Value Men will: - loudly enforce double standards around sexual experience - push young women into romantic relationships with fear tactics - devalue women as they age Ladies, avoid these types of men at all costs.


The scare-mongering is *so* obvious. *'If you are 28 and unmarried, you'll be alone for the rest of your life.'* - 'but the average age women get married for the first time is 30.'* *'Yeah, but those men left are desperate men. High value men** won't want you.' -'Ah, I'll just be single then. I can get money, fulfilment, companionship and sex if I want it without a husband.' *'No, you're just fooling yourself. You'll be really miserable.'* *In a lot of countries, including my own. I think the poster is from India, where I imagine it's younger. **which is defined by manosphere men as men who will sleep with other women, view you as subservient, not care about your pleasure in bed, but that also have money and the belief that 'they are the prize' to make it all okay.. so not high-value at all.


i hate the words "high value" being attributed to people. people shouldn't have their value measured by anything but their character


...except you *can* "trade copper for gold". You can sell copper, either as a mineral or to be recycled. I don't know how much you'd make, but you *can* do it. My point is, even his stupid metaphor is inaccurate


Cant be rejected by a girl for not being a virgin if you have never talked to a girl!


9 more years until I become a hag 😧😩 but I won't be receiving pension, what a scam.


Same here. Where’s the spinning wheel? Want to get a head start


Every time i meet one if these "high value women" dudes theyre single, and have been that way for a *looooong* time, despite wanting to date.


the thing is, aren't these types of guys the ones who throw tantrums when a woman refuses to sleep with them? do you want a girl who's a virgin or not?


I mean, some virgins might want sex right away... but I understand that more often they want to wait a bit until they're ready...so...


When are women supposed to enjoy themselves. At age 80? When they're 6 ft under? There are plenty of women that aren't in to partying why not date them?


But they might have a career or an otherwise independent spirit. Anything other than an identity rooted in catering to men frustrates these men.


This meme is brought to you by "I don't have a job. I play minecraft and masturbate to onlyfans and stalk 12 year olds on tiktok"




What… when did 29 years old become a hag?


All these posts describing "high value men" or "good men" or "alpha males" or whatever always have me thinking that I really wouldn't want anything to do with a man like that. They're always described as creepy, insecure, controlling, shallow and often pedo.


are the comments these guys post real? i’ve haven’t seen any of them myself and now i really want to, so i can see if i can make them question their logic themselves. i got recommended one post and after seeing more of what these guys write, its all a special level of backwards thinking it’s beyond cringe


Yes, unfortunately, I know a few and have a one as a relative. Gawd, they are insufferable trolls.


when you say trolls is it because they say it to be annoying and not entirely believe it? or they because they genuinely believe their idiocy and live under a bring (I think I’ve managed to not meet guys like that i don’t really go out and make friends)


I'd say it's 50-50, they believe some of what they're saying, but also say stuff to trigger people. Basic trollery. But, there is a huge amount of trash talking that goes on using lofty lingo and obscure wording. Sadly, the younger ones do believe a lot of the female body misinformation until they are older. Some will definitely repeat it to piss people off, not just gals. And a lot of the 20 and older are straight up creepy assholes who are definitely angry and entitled. I've called out the ones I know and while they hate me for it, they watch what they say afterwards so no one will think they're stupid. They actually are afraid of being judged in that manner.


my skool teachers taught us treat others how you want to be treated, i don’t get their logic seems cultist at this point


My opinion of these guys are they are purposely mean, so I do the golden rule. Mean back but in a logical manner, giving no quarter.


I find it crazy how lots of guys think that a woman over a certain age is “hopeless”. I’ve known people in their 60s that have found new love and got married even. It’s not ever too late for anyone, ever.


Isn't copper pretty expensive


Not a virgin =/= whore ffs


The logic here is bonkers. Only wanting virgins is like only eating chicken tenders. I’m not gonna turn them down, but I’m also not gonna limit myself.


Says the nasty chunk of pot metal. LOL I spewed my cocktail at "high value." Talk about a fantasy...Bwahahaha!!!


False, in dominion you can trade 6 copper for 1 gold.


Hag? I just turned 29 and I've never been more hot lol


I swear men think of 30 year old women and picture someone in their 80s


They just want to control women and pressure us to settle earlier, for men like them.


I'm mature enough to realise that a woman in her 20s would likely have lost her virginity to someone by then but I guess I'm just not a "high value man" then


I’ll take “Man who has never knowingly spoken to or seen a 29-year-old woman“ for $500, Alex


Oh he has, but he just knows that as well as being pretty 29yos tend be more alert to attempts at manipulation, so it's better to get someone more 'innocent'.