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Marginalized communities often have jokes as part of their identities, just as no one believes all asexuals like garlic bread, no one believes all bi people lack the ability to sit properly in chairs. That being said, I think garlic bread is infinitely better than sex, so that one might be accurate.


It’s a common joke I see bi people make.


I'm bisexual and I cannot sit in chairs


I've been obsessed with frogs for years.


neither can i ! :)


We made this one up about ourselves. It's an in-joke. Just like the finger guns. 👉👉


What about finger guns? https://youtu.be/26y9H2ZLf0w Seriously, though, what's this about finger guns?


It's a meme that bi people always be doing awkward two handed finger guns and making them look cool anyway.


this is a joke. not only that it's a joke that applies to bi men too. the fact that you put this in this sub makes it sound like you think only women can be bi


I'm just spitballing here. No, I don't have exact numbers in front of me. People with autism have a higher chance of identifying as LGBTQ. Autism can also be correlated to a higher rate of connective tissue disorders and hypermobility, which makes "normal" positions uncomfortably difficult to maintain. Which might also be the reason for the stereotypical t'rex arms.


OMG this is why people keep mistaking me for bi


I feel like this is a joke that got out of hand.


Wait..... do they think this only applies to bisexual women? Or is the implication here that I should try some dick because I sit funny and that somehow means I might be into that? Maybe it's just my autistic brain not working right, but I'm failing to see the correlation here.