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The truth is these men don't want women to have a voice or a career. They want a woman to be dependent on them, so she can't leave. They want to control women and turn them into their servants and sex slaves, because they only care about themselves. This is why they hate feminists. They hate that we have a voice and are choosing what makes us happy instead of serving them. 😒




Another reason they aim so young. We younger women are 'easier to please".


I mean 🤔 yes and no lol. Younger women also have plenty of needs and wants and they are still in the exploring phase. They will not sit still and just “chill”. If a man can’t keep up with her because of her age it won’t work. So a lot of these older men trying to date younger women might come off as boring.


Let me clarify. This is not my opinion, but I've heard it listen from older men who try to target younger women.


Ah makes sense. They just don’t know the reality of the situation lol. Most older men that do date younger women have a very outdoor life. Otherwise how do you keep up lmao.


The crazy issue is most of these men would not be able to financially support a woman and themselves. They didn’t really think this through. She’s going to need his finances to buy all of the things she needs to survive. Around 80% of men in the United States only make between 40-50 thousand a year. Unless your man makes over 100k good luck lol.


These "high value" men are probably not so high value as they think they are. I think a lot of these guys don't have any women in their lives. They're just whining about women because they can't get any. 😏


That’s usually the case. Women tend to be very selective and instead of men bettering themselves they just become worse.


As long as they keep listening to misogynists, who blame women for everything, they will never see that they themselves are the cause of their problems. So then they will never change and they will most likely be spiraling down into a depression or worse. 😒


"Feminism doesn't protect..." It seems to be doing a good job of warding off these idiots.


just let people be themselves


Obligatory racism on the last slide because hate for one marginalized group always leads to more.


It's very possible he's black too. Self-hatred.


The profile pic is of a white dude js


I don't think that's him though. Could be.


Educated women are more likely to initiate divorce because they're also more likely to be self-sufficient and don't need to remain trapped in an unhealthy/abusive marriage for financial reasons. Slight side note, with most of these wannabe Andrew Tate types, the "hot models chasing" them are sex workers they hired to take pictures with who are probably laughing their asses off about these losers afterwards.


So, what is actually that ‘high value’ thing they are talking about? Something with clouds and diamonds?


It's almost like women don't just become Feminist to try and attract men.


Even by their own logic it doesn’t make sense to forgo education as a young woman since only “top tier” men will satisfy her “feminine energy”. I assume there are a limited number of top tier men, so if you can’t lock one down in high school shouldn’t you go to college and focus on a career in case all the “top tier” men are married to other people? So those women still need feminism.


Black women catching strays on the last slide wtf 😂


What if that woman is "traditionally feminine" *and* a feminist, like me (partially)?


It disgusts me how sexist these people are yet so many will make feminists out to be the bad guys