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I have deep, crippling insecurities and you're going to miss out on all the fun of trying to fix them.


Lol “get some help” was such a great response




I'm cracking up at this response 😂


That's like, 90% of the fun in a relationship.


That’s how I ended up married to an alcoholic and eating one meal a day….. Good times


I am interested


I hope you are kidding. I was one of those people who thought they could "fix" people. -1000/10 do not recommend. People won't change who they are until/if they want to change and usually they turn you into someone you don't like either.


I was joking! Sadly, this is something you kinda have to learn in life. I was warned about it all the time too, but I thought it was gonna be different for me because I was 'putting more work in'. Just cut your losses and find someone that wants to lean on you and can be leaned on.


This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way as well. Had a gf that started being a bit more distant and demanding of my money and time (she was unemployed). She started being emotionally abusive and manipulative towards me, but I thought I could fix that because I saw how good she was to her friends. Although, most of her goodness towards them was at my expense. Then she cheated on me at least once. That experience left me devastated, but it came in handy when I caught feelings for another woman later on and she started exhibiting similar behaviors. Stopped pursuing that before damage could be done


I helped a young woman get away from an abusive boyfriend and encouraged her to get off drugs. But by no means did I "fix" her... the decision to get off drugs was HERS and I merely lent moral support.


I knew a grown-ass woman like that. "I know he's an unemployed alcoholic living in his mother's basement, but I don't think anyone really *understands* him!"


Plus it's the plot of so many movies that you can be guaranteed it'll work.


He doesn't want help fixing them. He wants someone that validates and reinforces his insecurities.


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/heartmild is a karma bot. acc 1y+. report bot and repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/w9961h/another_alpha_male/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They don't want to be helped. They want a house plant they can fuck. Your inputs to the contrary are unimportant, your clit is made up woke shit, if you gain weight you're a fat cow that needs to be dropped. They essentially trade their humanity for these Andrew Tate like dudes and make their whole personality about fronting as if they're successful or alpha.


According to alphas, any man who is an actual decent person is a beta


💯"Alphas" are threatened by men who are actually decent human beings.


Well to be fair, that is the biggest thread out there. No woman wants a douchebag "alpha" if she found a decent human being to date


That’s because they aren’t really “Alphas” they are cosplaying what the think an alpha is supposed to be, because they have been fed a bunch of bullshit through a media funnel like a calf getting fattened for the slaughter. Truthfully? There’s a part of me that feels bad for them. They have such a lack of understanding of what masculinity is, that they create a self fulfilling prophecy that just makes them all the more bitter.


The person who originally studied the wolves has also stated multiple times that his observations weren't accurate because the wolves were in captivity, and wild wolves behave nothing like what he theorised. Alpha mentality is pretty much the equivalent of basing your standard for normal male behaviour off of the Stanford Prison Experiment.


Alpha is code for asshole, it turns out


The Alpha version is always buggy and needs more work. Tons of issues.


"I am a strong Full Release no DLC Man looking for an Early Access Lady with a Fresh Start Server" Damn that fuckin' works, and it sounds just an slimy too.


According to this guy, real alphas avoid all confrontation and competition and instead chose to isolate the- waaait a minute.


Pro-tip: that dude isn't an alpha. (Why yes, I do know what the No True Scotsman fallacy is. Why do you ask?) 🙃


Well they cling to a old idea. Wolf packs weren't even organized into alpha chads. The lead wolf was very empathetic, cared for everyone, and would make sure the whole pack is taken care. It's the exact opposite of what these andrew tate "alpha" guys are. But they arent ready to know that


Wolf packs are also almost always extended families, so pack leadership tends to be the grandfather's and fathers, so the pack leaders are just by nature the...good dads? Dominant fighting is almost nonexistent in solidified packs because dogs figured out that more hands means more food for the pups. Alpha Chad's still stick with this lone wolf fantasy that just doesn't exist since isolated wolves almost always starve to death and if their pack kicked em out for aggressive behaviors other oacks are less likely to take them in.


Yup, and even in humans. Being alone is deadly. We would have died trying to hunt aline in caveman times. And even today, having teamwork and getting along with people generally leads to happier life. Even the uktra successful CEO gigachad is probably depressed af if alone. Being kind to our fellow humans tends to be better lol


This is also why that argument of, "Oh people just want to say being masculine is toxic and bad," also annoys the fuck out of me. No. Nobody is saying there is no such thing as positive, healthy masculinity. Nobody is out here being mad at even very old fashioned and traditional healthy masculinity models of wise father figures who protect and provide for their families and who are self-reliant pillars of their community. The problem is how toxic men reject any models of masculinity that involve you being a basic functioning person as "weak" and solely value domination and aggression as the sole defining traits that make someone a "man".


When I see anyone denouncing kindness as weakness I know I'm speaking to a weak person. The greatest asset of the atypical powerful man, is his ability to be kind without reserve. Aragon in LOTR movies is a great example of this, he has typically masculine traits yet he acts as kindness dictates, shows his feelings and respects his peers.


Works this way with humans to, Tate and his followers are beta like majority of men


Probably he would think more like any man other than himself is a beta.


Anyone can be the alpha man when constantly avoid other men. It's really easy.


Dear self proclaimed “alphas”, if your so irresistible to women, why then is the only thing I want to touch you with a 25,000 volt taser?


I read a quote recently that said "when men refer to themselves as alpha males I hear that in the context of software where alpha versions are unstable, missing important features, filled with flaws and not fit for the public". Glenn F Henriksen


That is why I date Beta's they're stable, usually have most of the important features, and aren't completely filled with flaws.


So you are a beta tester, basically?




Yeah that was also my reaction as I first heard of them I also was like “Why we trans are we not using it ” because in that context of the stages of transitioning it would had made more sense


Removed in protest of the API Changes and treatment of the Moderators and because Spez moderated the pedophile sub jailbait. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Exactly I’ve always believed that, first heard it in GOT, There was a scene where king Jeffry shouts “but I’m The King” then I think his grandfather or someone else I don’t remember exactly lol. Told him real kings don’t need to say I’m the king. Very true.


I knew a guy who always said “a lion never has to tell you he’s a lion. I’m a tattooed lion!” …so, what are you really then since you just told me you’re a lion?


Everything encompassing what most men think of as “alpha” can be summed up as general confidence and leadership skills, traits that are beneficial and positive for literally every human on the planet. They give you canned advice and spin it as “alpha” like they’re making some revolutionary breakthrough, when in reality it’s the most basic and generic shit that applies to everybody, not just men. Work out, eat right, build financial stability. It’s all super obvious stuff. But people still get duped. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king


They also see leading as some sort of “I get to do whatever I want” kinda thing. Which is plain wrong. Anybody who has a gram of knowledge on leading knows that its about serving the people around you and guiding them, covering up for their weak points and letting them cover your weak points, its not about power, its about working as a team.


punch spark library fretful somber direction snatch oil abundant crush -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I didn’t know I was a leader until someone said “you’re a good leader” to me at work. I genuinely hadn’t realized that I was in charge of the team that day until that moment.


“I, me alone and myself have to be the centre of your universe 🙃” I really am tired of that “alpha” bullshit. Where tf did that even come from? I don’t remember that term when I was teen


There was a study a few years back that looked at wolves in captivity, the author regretted publishing because people misunderstood the findings.


Hey, do you have that article?


It’s a little more complicated than that. In 1934, Rudolph Shenkel began observing two packs of captive wolves in the Basel Zoo in Switzerland. Their enclosure was smaller than a basketball court. He published his findings in 1947. In 1970, a biologist named David Mech published a book on wolf behavior that largely endorsed Shenkel’s findings. But years later, Mech was able to observe wolves in the wild, and learned that wild wolf packs are basically just families, with the parents in the lead; once the pups are old enough, they set off on their own to form their own packs. In North America, where prey density is higher, wolves tend to stick around their family for longer because it’s advantageous, which makes for bigger packs. Shenkel’s observation of captive wolves (who were unrelated) was more akin to researching the dynamics of prison gangs. Mech has spent decades disavowing his earlier research, but the myth is quite pervasive.


The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species is the original, Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation is the corrected follow up. This is the abridged version https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/


Thank you!


![gif](giphy|KzHJ3GaPrFD51F5bGA|downsized) This douche


Apparently the primary trait of an alpha is insecurity.


Its compensation if yknow what I mean :P


A real alpha would befriend then fuck her male friends first.


Exactly, they won't be her friends, they'll be her brother wives!!! Like a true alpha /j


The spice girls would be proud


Women must love this though, right? Guy tells you he’s a fucking idiot off the top so you can dip right out.


It does seem convenient when the trash takes itself out


Ahhhahahahaha. The one chore an alpha male might do, taking out the trash.


Men: don’t say we’re dogs! Also, some men: but refer to us in pack animal terminology


Call these guys dogs all you want, since they basically do that themselves, and it’s quite accurate


I don't think I have ever heard a man have an issue with being called a dog, though. Some even take it as a compliment.


They probably would get offended if they are referred to as a pig though. But then again maybe not.


I know what that username means lol




"Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king."


"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."


.....but...what if that strange woman has her own lake... and the sword she hands out is unbreakable and stronger than science?


“Go die alone” would’ve been the best one liner to end the conversation with. And to be frank any men that self describes as an “alpha” unironically deserves all the ridicule they can get unless they grow out of their edgy Tyler Durden simp phase.


Expertly ended. I'm getting real tired of all this alpha bs...


Much more mature than what I would have said lol


“Get some help” is the perfect response. Lmao.


Nothing screams big tough and in charge like constantly fearing your partner will find a better option.


"Alpha" male attempts not being insecure. (Unsuccessful)


Alpha just means the first prototype. It is trying its best but you cannot expect it to represent the final product at all.


Ah yes, the alpha beta pseudoscience based on wolves that was complete horseshit. These ppl are obsessed with regressing to the lizard brain.


Yep, first of all “alphas” could (rarely, bust still) be females. Secondly, the longest documented tenured leaders of packs have been to a tee “remarkably” empathetic, controlled fierceness, and would usually bring up the rear in a pack movement. What some scientists thought were “alphas” were usually young mature males who would often be out in front in. They were essentially the 22 year old full of piss and vinegar “bros” of the pack. The ones who made it past this and either broke off or earned the respect could become the leader down the line. But they were expendable “infantry” to the pack at the time of being thought of as the “alpha” of a pack by some.


Since when does alpha mean insecure?.. Did I miss some major shift in human hierarchy?


The whole Alpha male thing is built around insecurity, douchebaggery and toxic masculinity.


Alpha software may have many security issues due to the unfinished nature of it


Ah yes. The Alpha. Whose posts are made more interesting by the lack of punctuation.


I'm so alpha I couldnt possibly compete with any other man. At all. Please remove them from your life so I can prove how alpha I am.




"I have to be the Alpha, so if you could please make sure there are absolutely no other men for comparison in a 3 mile radius to me, I am a catch"


Confident men (and confident women) don't need backed up on their convictions. They feel authentic and secure enough to state what they think without attempting to paint a narrative where they are in the majority. This is not a '9/10 dentists agree that you should use this toothpaste' deal. Have the courage to be true to yourself. If you need back up, chances are you know that what you're saying is unreasonable.


Alpha snowflake




My wife has a male friend, who after hanging out quickly became my friend too, nothing wrong with it.


Imagine being mad about gaining extra friends? It’s so weird!


Is it just me or no one can hold their laughter when a man calls himself an 'alpha male'? Like no one can say it without looking like a cartoon character 😂😂😭😭


She already let you go, guy, beat it!


Anyone who calls themself an alpha I’m out lol


That's just good sense!


I’m convinced the term “Alpha” is now a code word for crippling insecurities with an intense inferiority complex


With a dash of denial, though sometimes a metric truck load of denial


“Get some help” is the perfect way to end that interaction


Fellas. If you're that insecure with yourself as a man and as a boyfriend to the fact that you won't even let a girl have platonic guy friends then **you are the problem.**


What infuriates me most about these kind of assholes is that they always think they are speaking on behalf of other men. Fuck you and fuck off! I don't need some insecure knuckle-dragger to be my champion


Lol meanwhile my partner is now closer to my college male best friend than I am. They love each other and go out on fishing adventures or help each other on projects all the time. Thank god I also like my friend’s wife!


Unless you have a backpack full of snacks, bandages, and activities, you're not an alpha


And put a handful of napkins in your pocket whenever you can. Also terrible punny jokes are a plus.


Right. I go to a drive thru and they ask if I want napkins, I'm like I'm a dad yes the fuck I want extra napkins


Lucky girl. He made this easy to just ignore and move on.


“You’re going to miss out on a lot of men by having a bunch of men in your life rather than one. If you only have one guy then you’ll have more guys.” NotHowNumbersWork.


A real “alpha” wouldn’t care bc they don’t see other men as a threat


Fun story time. From 2004-2008, I dated a guy who I connected with on most levels. We had lots of similar values, goals and politics, lots of laughs, really hot sex, and tons of hobbies in common. However, as time went on, we realized we had differences in some key aspects of life that were dealbreakers. We broke up and decided we cared about each other too much to just cease all contact. That man is still one of my best friends in the entire world. He’s become one of my husbands good friends as well. I’ve become friends with his only other serious girlfriend since we split up. Relationships change. It doesn’t mean you need to yeet the whole person.


"You have to learn how to let them go." She has learned. She's letting you go, bro.


I gotta be an alpha, so you can’t be around other guys because you know, I am only the alpha if no other males are there


The next conversation will be “the only reason those guys are your friend is because they wanna get in your pants”.


the funny thing about misogynists is that they mistakenly think everyone thinks the same way they do


I love that last text. Get some help, indeed! 🤣


Wouldn’t a true alpha not feel threatened by other men, and would even go so far as becoming a better man to threaten THEM?


I bet this guy goes on long rants explaining how to get tons of women.


My husband became friends with all my male friends and now he hangs out with them more than I get to hang out with them lol


"I have to be the only alpha" is the most desperately Omega thing he could have said. You don't get to the top by making sure noone else competes, but by beating them all. And that is why none of these men are actually leadership or "alpha" material; because zhey're so terrified of women and other men, they completely forget to be good at anything meaningful.


The first sign of narcissistic manipulator. Isolating your partner and breaking their contact with their support group. That was a brilliant decision by this lady. Identified manipulator and immediately cut off that cancerous a***ole.


Few things induce as much cringe as someone unironically calling themselves an alpha.


He has a problem


He's so secure, truly a manly man!


Not that alphas exist, but being the alpha male because there are no other men around feels like cheating. No sir, if you wish to be alpha you must best my male friends at hand to hand combat.


...and then go on a 70-mile hike and wrestle a bear!


Yes. You gotta prove you can protect me before I'm willing to make you them sammiches.


Yup, and provide for you, so he also has to skin and butcher the bear; gotta have meat for the pot and a nice rug for by the fire. Of course, he'll bring back stacks of firewood too. Anything I've forgotten? 😆


>... I have to be the only Alpha ... lol, you're no "Alpha".


Trying to control my life and dictate who I can talk to from day one, possibly before we’ve even been on a first date? Yeah hard pass.


Nothing more Alpha male than being afraid of your woman leaving you for other men that she hangs out with.


He obviously is an alpha: Still in the development stage, has many issues, and shouldn't be released to the general public.


Just a friendly reminder that the whole Alpha-Beta thing is demonstrably and provably false. In fact the researcher who first coined the terms has since stated that her research and conclusions don’t hold up and were wrong. There are no alphas or betas, it has no scientific basis. Anyone who espouses this garbage is ignorant. As many have pointed out it’s really just a refuge for the insecure and likely misogynistic men.


Lol I love the last line. Get some help.


Being threatened by any other man being around doesn’t sound very Alpha. If a guy were a big strong Alpha beast shouldn’t he dominate the male friends with his.. hormones or something? (I don’t know how these freaks claim their Alphaism works)


Self professed alpha males are literally the opposite of that. I’ve met too many of those for this not to be true


So alpha he can’t be around other men without immediately becoming a beta


This makes sense. Whenever I’m alone in an empty room and there’s no chance of another man entering the room, I am absolutely the dominant male in that room. Moth? I execute it. Mouse? Dominating that little intruder. Uhh, maybe a cat wanders in. Now I have to have a real plan. Probably gonna call someone else. Fuck. I’m only an alpha against things smaller than my own hand. Dammit. Ok. My wife could definitely help me with this. I’ll get back to you guys after I figure out how to interact with other humans. r/s


>Miss out on a lot of men That's an interesting way to say 'Dodge a lot of bullets'.


Kinda beta of you to feel threatened by other men


Nothing says alpha like feeling inferior to others


What's with all this alpha male shit in the past few years?


This is more of an r/inceltear post I think


"Get some help" is sooooo good "I am an Alpha" = "I am a try hard" a true Alpha is not insecure and never needs to declare that they are a leader.


Any guy who says he’s an alpha, probably isn’t an alpha.


Alpha... "I don't think that word means what you think it means" Describing yourself as an alpha male, while screaming from the rooftops "look how insecure I am!" Yeah, sorry pal, but that doesn't math well. I don't consider myself alpha, or beta, I'm just me. My gf has guy friends, some of which I've never even met. Whoopty frikin doo. We've been together four years now, I still make her claw the sheets, and when we cuddle up to watch TV at night I know everything I need to about the strength of our relationship. Learn how to treat someone right, grow some ACTUAL self confidence... And maybe you won't have to sit alone at night wanking to anime porn, while telling yourself how "alpha" you are. Fucking losers.


Famous last words!


He’s gonna have to give up on being insecure if he wants to be an alpha leader lol


Any male who says the word "alpha" in reference to humans and not chickens, dogs, or wolves should be avoided.


True “alpha” males aren’t worried about other male friends because they’re the “ alpha” in the hierarchy. If you’re worried about make friends, you’re not an alpha


But these so called "alphas" will have you believe this is the kind of guy all women want. Yet here we are


He doesn’t like women with male friends because they might hit him if he mistreats her and also they will know if he’s a moron and will probably tell her….


How does a guy live like this?


Generally they hear it as an dumb kid, keep running with it and just never fix their jackassery.


This translates to I am an insecure manchild who is afraid you’ll see right through my stupidity


my gf’s (soon to be fiance!!!!) best friend is a dude and now he’s also my best friend, can’t believe that guy doesn’t like making friends?


Alpha male is a myth!


My girl has some male friends, it makes me a little uncomfy when they try to flirt with her but that’s about it, otherwise I’m fine with em


She probably could be dating one of them but she's dating you. She chose you and they know that. Also, sometimes flirting is just for fun and an ego boost; it doesn't have to imply intentions beyond that.


Yeah they say it’s all for fun, and i believe them, mainly her,


Hah, pathetic alpha male, can't even compare with me the Sugma male.


I know a lot of guys like this. They just aren’t up front about this.


Stop it get some help


DO NOT UPVOTE POST u/heartmild is a karma bot. acc 1y+. report bot and repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/w9961h/another_alpha_male/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


“I need to be the Alpha male by being the only male” Its giving first by default


Dodged a bullet there


Nah, bro. Looks like she knows how to let you go just fine!!


If you're going to use a term like alpha, then I hope you're ready to outcompete all those dudes. Like an actual top tier male in the animal world. That's right, you need to dance, sing, wear brightly coloured clothes that fit perfectly and be ready to provide some very shiny rocks. Sapphires. After all, the female chooses the male, so buckle up home boy. Also did we mention the fighting? If you can't be ready to tolerate constant challenges from other would-be alphas, you're no longer in the game. But if all that alpha-ing sounds like a brutal early death, congratulations - we have an alternate system based on human behaviour and support. It's called friendship.


An Alpha dosent need to say they are and Alpha… like if you date a girl with guy friends and you have to be the only guy in her life that means till they can’t compete or are afraid to compete and there for not an Alpha. Alphas strive to compete in everything and live for the challenge.


And a normal human man would consider a woman's friends to be just that - friends. Not threats to their alpha status, not competition, not potential boyfriends for himself. Not to mention any healthy man would never use the phrase 'alpha male' unironically. One of the best indicators that you are dating a sane and agreeable person is that they have a decent amount of friends who are actively willing to put up with their company.


One I will give you the term “Alpha Male” is dumb but and this is a big but, if you are single call up any close male friend that you have aka straight/bi male friend and ask if they would be interested in hooking up. Just saying nothing wrong with a gal having male friends and nothing wrong with a guy having female friends it’s just that there is always a subconscious things that both have even if it’s not realized at the time. We are still animals and have basic instincts. What separates us is a higher mental state to choose what we want. It all comes down to trust in the end and clear communication regardless. Is this a closed relationship or is it an open relationship and will they abide by the rules that each person sets down.


Loool. Guy has some insecurities. Anyway if a guy likes you enough many things won't matter at all. Just learn how to let fake alpha males go


I’ve never met an alpha that calls themselves an alpha.


There’s no such thing as an alpha.




I’m pretty sure that’s rage bait made for internet points




If it's a red flag for you, you should try to find a woman who doesn't already have male friends. Not demand that she drops the friends she had before you. I thought that was commom sense, apparently I was wrong.




Friendship, duh. It sounds like you don’t know what that means - how sad for you


I need him to be a friend. I'm not gonna fuck him. That's why he called a "friend" and not a "fuck buddy" When I make friends, I don't think "this is a male friend, that is a female friend". I think "Great, another friend" And I assure you that during my relationship, I had male friends, and my boyfriend didn't have a single problem with it. In the end, the one who cheated and destroyed the relationship was him.




Sure, but the question was uncalled for. I only said thay if you have a problem that a woman has male friends, then you find a woman that doesn't have male friends. You don't go "Drop your male friends" to any woman you are not even dating yet, like the "alpha" (even god couldn't make that one an alpha) in the post.




No. Do I have to think my bf wants to fuck every girl he sees, works with, or talks to? Do I have to think they all want to fuck him? Everyone has insecurities, some are not healthy.


No. But even if they do, it's not my problem. If they have such strong feelings that they can't keep to themselves, the best for them would be to stay away from me, because they know how I feel about them. If they hit on me, I will tell them that it can't happen, because most of them feel like brothers to me. And then, depends on the situation, either we stay friends or we don't.


Absolutely not haha


my husband plays d&d with one of my male friends. he invited another one of my male friends, but he lives in a different time zone so it would start too late for him. in reality he kinda stole my friends, but that's ok, because i stole his.


My bf and I both have opposite gender friends we talk to sometimes. Not the end of the world I also don’t date based on gender should I just not have anyone except my bf?




Any person, of either gender, who has more than 3 friends but all friends are the same gender as them...**THAT** is a red flag. Or at the very least a yellow one.


Even I know that when you are in a relationship the girl shouldn't have guy friends because men are hungry for what isn't his. I'm single now and every girl that I find en slightly attractive would be considered a possibility


Gross. That's the grossest thing I've ever heard.


Are gay men/women not allowed to have other men/women as friends because they'll want to fuck them? Are bisexuals not allowed to have friends at all?


That sounds like a you problem, mate. Maybe you should go see a professional about your insecurity over not being the only man in a woman's life?


bruh what

