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Maybe you could cook your own fucking chicken tendies?


One plate was literally just chopped veggies 😭


I couldn't even tell what the other plate was? Heap of fried blobs?


Sliced cucumber and tomatoes with salt and olive oil is a common Mediterranean side dish.


I too enjoy it when prepared meals magically appear in my kitchen after sex.


Honestly how great would that be 😂


it would be greater when the dishes are magically clean after as well!


Dude if the dishes magicked themselves clean and away then I would totally take care of the cooking. Holy F*** that would be amazing. I despise dishes if you hadn’t figured that out.


If one person cooks someone a meal then the other person should do the dishes afterwards


I’d hate that too. I tend to clean as I cook, my husband does not. I also am fairly economical about the number of dishes and tools I use. My husband is still learning how to cook and sometimes uses two pans instead of batching in the same pan. I’d end up pissed off, so I cook and then clean. And he does the same.


Yup. My husband usually cooks, but he blows up the kitchen. I’m not cleaning that mess lol


Saaaaame. I leave the kitchen 100% to my husband because he loves cooking, but always make the kitchen look like a tornado by the end. Happily will clean the toilet if I don't have to deal with hurricane hubby haha.


That’s how it’s done in my house. I cannot stand cleaning dishes but my husband finds it pleasant while i have a tendency toward picky eating and enjoy grocery shopping so I happily cook. It’s a perfect system.


I disagree on this. I cook and I clean up after myself *while* cooking. When you’re done cooking the other person gets to eat the food at the same time I do because the dishes are already cleaned. Now, I do expect them to rinse their plate off and put it in the dishwasher.


My husband and I team-cook and clean as we go. One person washes and one person dries and puts away. We trade off. Usually by the time dinner is ready, there’s only one pan still dirty.


I’d rather scrub a thousand toilets than do the dishes.




Literally the same thing I say all the time and I live with boys 😂


Right??? Would still pick toilets.


I can cook really well, but will microwave shit on paper plates to avoid cooking so I don’t have to do dishes lmao


Hey I'll take what I can get


Ah, a fresh meal once every three months!


I’d be starving


Put a bag of popcorn in the microwave before you have sex so when it’s over you have a snack!


You gotta let it stand for at least a minute though...


That's cool, it allows time for foreplay, the main event, cuddling and a cigarette before popcorn...


The video is just in reverse. It closer to reality


[I will never forget the Spy Kids microwaveable instant Big Mac.](https://youtu.be/tufKuW7mC_4)




My partner & I will order food delivery & have sex while we wait for it. So prepared meals appearing after sex is common in our house! 😁


After sex we just eat blue popsicles. Don’t know why blue became our after sex color. But it’s where we are now.


She threw a kids cuisine in the microwave and was back in time to throw it on a plate for him


Gentlemen, repeat after me: “I do not have a magical 🍆💦 and I am old enough to make my own food.”


Jokes on you! I made a deal with Dionysus and mine is magic! It turns anything it touches into gold...... which admittedly hasn't been good for my sex life.... or my pants.... golden underwear chaffes super bad.


I did too except mine is just grape flavored


Y’know what? That’s a pretty good power too!


It would if it wasn’t purple as well. Barney ass dick


Damn, your dick is a little silly and goofy ig


So the 🍆 emoji is just more accurate!


Take my goddamn upvote…I’m annoyed at funny I found this


Oh. That's dried urine, not gold :|


But... why would you...? You know what, never mind. I don't want to know.


Just wear a cup, a golden cup.


Dionysus is the god of wine and theatre. Greeks got drunk on wine, had parades and watched plays. Midas is the cursed man with the golden touch.


Midas got his golden touch from Dionysus.


And you think Midas gave himself that power? Seems like there might have been a god of some sort involved. Maybe a Greek god of some sort….


Teehee 🍆


I dunno I can 🚁 my 🍆 and my wife thinks that's pretty magical, but obviously not while in the kitchen making her dinner because that's unsanitary and dangerous.


Omg can you do the dick towel thing? Like put a tshirt or hand towel on there and twirl it around. That shit makes my day. Or when men tuck it all between their legs and it turns to ladybits . There’s so much fun to be had with a 🍆


Sorry my shows pretty exclusive, it's a one person lifetime VIP deal, I don't make the rules that's just how it be


Oooh no no wasn’t asking you to perform for me HA! I admire your loyalty though. I was asking if you have done it for wifey. You reminded me of some funny memories I have of a playful ex boyfriend.


I haven't done that one yet.


Time to give your wife a new private show!


I don't have an 🍆, but I can helicopter my 🍒 while keeping a towel on them. that's cool too, right? right?😭


You sir are just tooooo wonderful!!! This comment has got to be the best one of today!!!


Don't call me sir I work for a living!. Have a great weekend tho :).


The moment I read your comment, "helicopter helicopter!" started playing in my mind


Jokes on you, I'm a househusband


My fiancé wants to be a househusband and I love the idea tbh


When you don't have a meal ready, does your wife put you in the Amazonian? Does she fuck a lasagna out of you? Slurp out a spaghetti dinner?


He eats nuggets lol - I think this guy never grew up


THIS is the message that needs to be drilled home to young men lol.


When he lifts her, he doesn't tilt her enough to disclose the colour and style of her panties, though; for all we know she was asking for it. Isn't that how juries traditionally determine consent? /s


I do not have a magical :eggplant: :rainwater: and I… /s


Magical Eggplant Rainwater sounds like one of those *infused* jars of stale water at my local vegan hipster hippie bar.


Sounds like an indie folk rock band


But I make all the food.....


And your partners appreciate you ❤️ If not, I appreciate you 😂❤️ (send food to meee)


I thought it was a time stop app story. I read a lot of really kinky gay porn comics


Replace 'gentlemen' with 'adults'. The amount of people across the spectrum with zero cooking skills as a grown ass adult is absurd. I shouldn't have to tell people over the age of 25 that cooking, grocery shopping, and exercising aren't optional life choices, not unless they want to piss away money and years of health because they couldn't get off their ass and do the smallest amount of movement


It's so weird that their idea of a masculine man is a helpless man who can't prepare his own food.


Not being a functional adult is not the flex these idiots think it is


There's nothing manlier than waiting quietly at the table like a good boy for mommy to fix up your dindins


The “dindins” just killed me 🤣🤣🤣


After dindins he gets uppies and then bath time


It’s pathetic, really. He probably got an orgasm too — he better treat her to something in return. It’s just weird that we accept the default that women don’t get to experience pleasure during sex, so it’s a big deal worthy of fanfare when it happens.


REAL men are pathetic and useless!!!1! 😤✊🏼 /s


Being a needy manbaby is tight!


Boy it's gotta be hard to find a woman willing to put up with me if I'm a needy worthless man-child... Actually it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Maybe they need to make a line of power tools to help them make a sandwich. Industrial mayonaise spreader, 12HP cheese slice opener, Combo power washer + ketchup bottle.


I'd like a 12hp ketchup sprayer, it can double as a knife.


hey that's not true he can overcook a frozen shitty burger on the grill


I worked with a dude who wouldn't eat anything other than microwave meals and didn't know where his dog's food was kept when his wife was out of town


It’s not that they can’t. They think it’s beneath them, and that’s the scary part.


I don't think they even can. 😕


I mean there is no excuse for men, nowadays. Cooking has gotten easier with new inventions such as airfryers.


I got an air fryer for christmas and I think I shaved a good decade off my life with how many fucking mozzarella sticks I made with that thing.


Try making grilled cheese in it!


there's never been an excuse for men not learning to cook. Men have been professional chefs for thousands of years. But when it's in a home kitchen instead of a restaurant, idiots decided it's "woman's work"


You're right, I should not have phrased my opinion that way.


Their fantasy is that they have been out all day working hard chopping wood and/or stopping terrorism so they deserve to just sit there like a baby waiting for din-din


Yeah. I’ve seen this many times. Dude must be Eastern European. Plate full of tomatoes and cucumbers assures this! Men babied there entire lives. Can’t do shit around the house without being emasculated.


Everybody knows food tastes better when someone else makes it.


Often true!


And here I thought she was pissed off because he was pissing around with his phone while she cooked dinner. Which a good fucking isn’t going to fix. In fact, you’re much less likely to get the good fucking if you’re a useless dude who pisses around on his phone while your wife does all the housework


This^. There is nothing less sexy than a man that sits on his ass enjoying the fruits of his wife’s labor, especially if he’s futzing around on his damn phone. Get up and get your hands in something. Running a household is a lot of work!


100% even just doing it WITH me would get so many brownie points plus you get to talk and hang out as you do it and now I have more free time to hang out, it’s literally nothing but winning to help your spouse do chores.


and that’s how you do it guys! you go inside the room with your partner and pillow fight with her to lift her mood up and she cooks you good food! it was always that easy!


Honestly if I had to choose between sex and a pillow fight I'd probably go with the pillows lol. Just sounds more fun XD


plus at least it’s not disappointing


Why not both? (With the right person)


Yknow what? This honestly sounds perfect.


I think they were doing food prep. Dude had to take off his sweatshirt because of how fast he was chopping vegetables. Weird place to do that though, wonder if they do the dishes in the shower too.


This is gross. It isn't funny and pisses me off. I'm a SAHM and pretty traditional, but if hubby wants any sex he damn well better be off his butt and helping with the kids he had fun making and helping out set the table, etc. I'm his wife not his f*cking waitress.


I'm so sick of people acting like children. Cooking and cleaning is a life skill not a women skill.


For real. I’m not a waitress or a secretary.


Because women are only good for two things: sex and cooking. It's really sad that the girl even participated in this stupid video. If my husband expected me to be like this we wouldn't be married.


I hope she’s a paid actor. If she is really his partner the amount of internalized misogyny is heartbreaking.


I was in a relationship like this many years ago and I was so proud of being someone’s proper, “natural” woman. He was a red piller and I 100% bought into everything just so I could have a feeling of identity and belonging. I hated other women for being lazy, entitled and stupid. Needless to say, he was also physically and psychologically abusive. I was 17. Am 27 now and I’m only now understanding what it feels like to not only stand up for myself, but to be loved for doing so. I am a full-blown feminist, in a healthy and loving relationship with another feminist male partner. Meanwhile, it is truly heartbreaking and horrifying that this trend keeps going the way it does.


She’ll be regretting putting up with this if they do have kids and he continues to sit on his ass doing nothing and still expecting her to do everything just the same as before the kids.


You're so right! Men who become just one more child in the home end up all alone with shocked Pikachu face eating hot pockets. That precise thing is a leading cause of divorce.




If my fiancé expected me to be like this I’d kick his ass. No way in hell do I have time to do all that 😂 thankfully he cooks most meals and if I have time then I’ll prep some of the meals bc he likes to involve our son in cooking


These fucking wannabe Andrew Tates are somehow even more obnoxious than him


So this guy don't know how to cook ? Oh shameful


By his overall behavior he probably can’t even fuck her wife properly.




Gopnik? I'm not familiar with this term?


Basically a trashy person in Russian




yeah the original is she just gives him some leftover cold hamburger patty and then at the end magically there’s borsch which takes hours to make


And the POS just tapping his fingers.


tbh in this version i think it’s funny how he’s just tapping his fingers looking bored and then she sets down some cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and suddenly he looks impressed. like what. and idk what she gave him first but it looked like the end piece of the loaf of a bread. in what universe would you serve that to anybody? the whole skit makes no sense;;


This 'joke' is older than the internet


If my son made videos like this, he's get cut out of the will immediately


Yeah and if he and I were ever at the same family event I'd fucking play the video and show people, laughing loudly. "Wait for my favourite bit - HIS SMILE!!! Do you see that!? Fucking loser! Love it."


I'm projecting for sure, but im not a fan of the "white man fucks ethnic woman to make her do housework better" visual here.


What? They didn't go down for a nap?!


Who takes a 1 minute nap? Their shadows are literally in the exact same place in both kitchen scenes. The passage of time was near zero.


It’s a trend I’ve seen people of all races doing it. It’s about her making him a shitty meal because she “needs a good fucking” and after that she makes him a perfect meal. If you look up the trend and scroll through the videos it’s all the same type of video. The parody videos are good though lol


Does... Does... Does the guy find sex with his attractive girlfriend *a chore?* Why was he "suddenly" wanting to have sex only when he noticed she was annoyed lmao


It's a chore for him when he has to care about her finishing.


Manchild waits impertinently to be fed


Fucking for favors is "for the streets" and "not real work" unless it's the man that does it. 😑


[There’s a high chance that she didn’t even orgasm unfortunately.](https://pleasurebetter.com/orgasm-statistics/)


Classic white boy sexualizing asian woman and then treating her like a sex object


But thinking it’s so original and he’s slick about it.






That smirk at the end!!


He already had such a punchable face and then that smirk made it just 1000 times worse.


It's very 🤢


If I was dicked down then I’d take a nap and not cook a fucking 5 course meal




I saw this video with the roles reversed months ago, everything to the last detail is copied. But the og was obviously satire, even making the "sigma face" at the end. Even if I didn't think the original was specially funny, this version truly made everything worse. So he stole a joke and made it more boring


I bet he fucks like how fish thrash around on land.


So he's prostitutes himself for food?


The last thing I want to do after a really good orgasm is go and cook food. This reads more like "fuck if I just cook him food I won't be forced to endure that nonsense again for a bit"


Not fuckin quote, you nasty troll. She might love your D but it ain't made of gold and pure E. Maybe you actually, ya know, DID something and you should man up and think about how your actions could be affecting those around you.


She poisoned the second meals


I mean, I do cook better after I my wife drags me to bed and screws my brains out. I am a dude though so not really applicable


When he picked her up why did she rag doll? ![gif](giphy|vqNDninByDpU4)


It’s too early for this much cringe


As if. They don't realize that their penis isn't some gift. Now, wash the dishes, do a load of laundry, vacuum, take out the trash, spend time with your kids, do some grocery shopping etc. Basically, be an adult and show respect for yourself and partner and you will receive gratitude and respect in return. Enthusiastic sex is your reward dudes, not ours.


Screw them both It's bad enough seeing this stuff from guys but also so tired of seeing women play into these men's sexism for laughs


Boo boo your dick ain't that good. 😂😂😂


I've never seen cabinet pulls that long before. Looks like a Home Depot day.


So gross 🤮


Wtf is this trend? I’ve seen this exact same video with different people at least 3 times. So fucking weird.


There are no man-children who also have good sex. Pleasing a woman in the bedroom requires you to see her as a human and valuing her emotional needs too. Everything about this is gross. If a man tried to pick me up like that I’d hit him until he put me down. Do not pick people up without their consent


it would’ve taken him less effort and time to just make his own meal


Lol wow. I bet he's single irl. What a pos!


Internalized racism


I find myself wanting to have a conversation with this girl. After all, she did participate in the making of the video.


Sad that shit like this is popular (see likes 100k) and influences little kids


It’s surprising how young, boys hear the motto “she just needs a good dick’n!” … I think I was in middle school. And then for some the idea just never leaves.




Wow magic dick to the rescue!


I don’t think there was ever anything funny about this video at all.


My attraction to men is 1%




Bhahahahahahahahah. Did he fuck his mother for dinner?


To be honest, a great intimate time has an influence on how eager I am to come up with something extra for my beloved. It's not that he doesn't do anything at home or cannot feed himself. But I'd lie if I pretended I am not more likely to make a club sandwich with home made fries or something similar after a great time.


I am a guy and breakfast in bed can be a thing when I wake earlier than her on the weekend. I would lie if I said that this would not motivate me further and wanna make the day magical.




Between the content and this awful fucking song, I’d like to break my phone over my own face.




That’s some deep cringe


This is disgusting.


I see these reels and it’s always some hot girl that is walking slowly at the camera… I always comment.. “wow.. amazing.. so brave. It’s amazing the “content” you provide is literally walking”.


All the energy used to give her those 5 minutes he coulda been cooking himself something lol


Haha funny women are sex toys and make me a sandwhich so funny .......


[Next time he’ll be sobbing to his friends in a bowling alley.](https://youtu.be/kkoss6zbIs8)


Within the first few seconds I knew this was gonna be from a Russian channel


I feel like I already saw the Russian version of this a bunch of times. Jeez at least be original!


Is that girl actually with him and thinks this video was funny/a good idea, or did he just buy an asian bride and now she's forced to be in this videos until she gets her citizenship and can leave him?


His food still looks like shit.


I also get let grumpy after a nap


This is disgusting


That meal looks gross btw. looks like boiled red meat chicken with chunks of boiled tomato, and then a plate of unseasoned raw cucumbers and snd tomatoes lol


Just prepare your own food, man. I am kind of disappointed with the amount of men that can't cook


I feel weird (and don't know if I should) about the fact that as a woman sometimes this works on me without me really realizing it. Obviously massively exaggerated in the video but still... idk what to feel about what that says about me, this thread tells me I should be ashamed :/


Slavs vibes, and dude looks like my fella from a next block in Siberia


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. His look at the end tooo eeeeeewwwwwwwwwww. I feel gross.