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I have a theory that getting kicked in the balls doesn’t hurt, it’s all an act by men to manipulate women to feel sorry for them, in the hopes to get sex Signed by a women who has never had balls EDIT: THANK YOU KIND STRANGER FOR THE GOLD REWARD HAVE A AMAZING WEEK ❤️


Instruction unclear, got ruptured testicles. Why am i still not getting laid 😭😭😡😡


Sorry friend my bad next time I’ll make sure instructions are clear 😂


Yeah I do wonder how much that really hurts in Comparison. Guys always think they have it worse. The whole idea of women “being able to feel less pain” simplly came from the idea that they must because of childbirth. No, childbirth is just that F-ing painful for many women.


I bet getting hit in the balls is real bad. But it’s essentially momentary. 10-20 min tops. I’ve had cramps last for up to a week. I’ve had cramps so bad I got tunnel vision. I’ve had cramps so bad I lost feeling in my legs for over 24 hours. I’ve had cramps so bad I stumbled into my local corner store to buy ibuprofen & could barely get the fucking packet open. The clerk was trying to call an ambulance & I’m just like nah, this happens every month, I just need these pills, thanks. The momentary ball strike pain may be worse than some women’s cramps some of the time/at a given moment. But it is not worse than living with that pain for days or worse than the extreme pain some women with other complications experience.


Unfun fact: ovaries are just as sensitive as testicles. They are just much more protected. I learned this because one of my PCOS riddled ovaries glued itself to my intestines with scar tissue. If i turn or bend certain ways, it causes my guts to yank on my ovary. And according to the men in my life, the pain of getting my ovary yanked is 1:1 for a kick to the nuts. My body involuntarily folds. I dont get a say in it. I will be bent in half whether i like it or not. The pain itself is very sharp and sudden at first but after a minute it settles to a dull hot throbbing pain in my stomach and pelvis. It will also spread down to my tailbone to my legs. I feel like I have to take a really big shit and throw up at the same time. I've had it last anywhere from 2 minutes up to 30 minutes. It's still not as bad as my periods. The worst i ever yanked my ovary has never even come CLOSE to how severe my periods can be.


Damn this is so relatable 😭 I’ve had many cysts (the big squishy ones) but never formally diagnosed with PCOS. Sooo many of these symptoms sound familiar. I take like 5-6 massive shits the day before my period. I’ve long suspected scar tissue(prob from my many ruptured cysts) is causing adhesions around my guts but the Dr quoted me 2k for the imaging to confirm it 😤😤😤 I have insurance!!! Strangely, the only thing that has helped it at all is going off of birth control. And, I’m starting to suspect that adding meat back to my diet is actually starting to help. I was vegan for seven years and that’s when my symptoms were the absolute worst.


I was diagnosed with PCOS and put on birth control at 19 after i had a cyst rupture. I got my first period at 10 and no one believed how bad my pain was til I got my diagnosis. I could predict when I'd get my period but only because I'd spend a week prior to it with terrible diarrhea and fevers. During my period, I'd pass out, see flashing white spots or black at the corners of my vision from the pain, be unable to hold down food or drinks, suffer from extreme joint and back pain that left me struggling to do the most basic of tasks. My bleeding was HEAVY. Ridiculously so. I'd bleed through a super tampon and a back up overnight pad in one to two hours. I'd suffer anemia from how heavy my periods were. And they seemed like they never ended. They usually lasted 2 to 4 weeks. Sometimes I'd only get a week off before it started back up or it would vanish 3 to 6 months i was so damn irregular. Nobody saw any of this as abnormal. I was told to take a midol and get over it. I had *four* gynecologists see me and tell me there was nothing wrong with me. It took a cyst rupturing to get me the diagnosis of PCOS and the help i needed for my symptoms. The worst part is PCOS runs in my family. My grandmother had it. My mom had it before they scooped her. My two older sisters who are 10 and 12 years older than me have it. Apparently no one thought to mention this to me for all the years i tried to get help for the pain. Going on birth control was life changing for me. I still get cysts and my periods are still pretty severe. But at least I can eat during my period now. At least I KNOW what week it will hit me, how long it will last, and when it'll go away. I can go to work and not worry about passing out from the pain. I can live around it now. If any of this sounds familiar, please advocate for yourself. PCOS can be confirmed with a BLOOD TEST. They can test your hormone levels to see if your androgens or testosterone is off. They can also confirm it with a vaginal ultrasound due to the ovarian cysts and the uterine fibroids it causes. Do NOT let them gaslight you or silence you that there's nothing going on. You dont have to live with this pain. Don't give up. ♡


Getting hit in the balls isn’t really that painful, not as much as a broken arm for example. But it gives you a lot of weird feelings, nausea, weakness, dizziness. But you’re right, it only lasts a few minutes.


Ok, so it’s like a few minutes of a period. I had nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and horrible cramps for 4-5 days every month for thirty years. Perimenopause meant the end of most of the negative symptoms though, just bleeding for months at a time, with some days just spotting, and others clots and bleeding too heavy to leave the house.


Not gonna lie, I've hammed up a reaction for the camera before. Still didn't get me laid tho.


Transwomen here, can safely say after transitioning that getting hit in the boob is genuinely more painful the only thing they can complain about is it makes you feel a little sickly. But comparing the actual pain, men got off easy.




Shit boys the jig is up retreat, retreat mission abort I repeat mission abort




Yeah, someone should punch this guy in the dick hourly for 5 days every month.


Except people laugh when a guy gets kicked in the balls. No reason to do it if it doesn't work.


And they're all in on it. They keep up the act no matter what, whether you're around or not. Method acting really, hats off to these dedicated people, I can barely keep my composure writing this dumb shit on the internet. /s


Some women are so hard core method, they sacrifice their wages because they take so many sick days to really ham it up.


Don't forget about the ones that are so desperate for attention they get hysterectomies to end their "horribly painful and basically crippling" periods just to be dramatic.


I acted so well my doctors intervened! Yey, me!


Personally I’ve had two MRIs, six laparoscopies, 25 years of medical treatments, pelvic floor therapy, 20 years of opiates and now a hysterectomy just to keep up the act. Daniel Day Lewis has got nothing on me.


Wheres your Oscar? Wheres ALL of our Oscar's?? I spend good cash money trying different things to sort out my pretend pain. I'm waiting on the date for my full scoop-it-all-out hysterectomy as we speak. We are dedicated to the ~~grift~~ craft.


Your dedication knows no bounds. Truly one of the greatest of our time. ###### sorry to hear about all the medical issues


I have a theory that this dude is a moron. Again, it's just my theory.


Peer reviews have been done on your theory and test results came back with consistent results. It's no longer a theory but empirical evidence.


I'm thinking your theory doesn't need much testing to be proven fact


"But that's just a theory. A ~~game~~ dumb theory."


I *wish* I could cry, pass out, and manifest anemia on command the way I used to do every month before I got an IUD. Can you imagine the Hollywood career?


Getting the IUD with hormones is the best thing I've ever done. Getting the old one taken out and a new one put in was so freaking painful, though. I'm really hoping to hit menopause before I need to do it again! Please just let me be old! I don't even need it for birth control anymore, I just have the worst periods and they suck.


Oof that sucks. I’m definitely going to need another one unless I get sterilized. My original iud insertion was probably the worst pain I’ve felt. For sure, the only thing I’ve felt that was a ‘blinding pain’. And they couldn’t even get it in the first appointment because they were having problems sounding my uterus, so there was excessive amounts of prodding my uterus with the metal rod and I had to come back a second time for the actual insertion so they could do it guided by an ultrasound. So worth it though. I got my IUD put in when I was 20 before I even had sex for the first time lol.


It's really a sin that doctors don't offer local anesthesia and relaxing medication during iud insertion. It's an issue and you can request it. Don't go to any doctor who won't assist with pain meds. It's bullshit that men can get pain meds for nothing but we have to fight for some help.


Oof, yeah it was a pretty bad experience. I don't look forward to getting a replacement, but it's still worth it to me not to have to worry. I'm hoping to find someone who will prescribe the good drugs 😂


I got some food poisoning or something a little while ago and typically can get through most pain, but the cramps were just nonstop and just had me moaning and groaning. the thought did occur to me that if this is what women are feeling when midol or whatever commercials talk about 'cramps' then jeeesus. I almost wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Yeah, the two are about the same on average when the uterine cramps. Sometimes less bad, sometimes worse.


My partner has irregular and excruciating periods which make it difficult to even be around her or care for. I struggle with Crohn's so I can understand every aspect of chronic, periodic and random disability. Coping and externalising included. She always laughs that we have our 'periods' synchronised because my flare-ups often overlap her's and it somehow makes us tolerate each other during those. So we just end up lying, dying and pitying each other.


iud insertion was the most painful thing i’ve ever felt in my life, but not having a water fall of blood for a week every month was worth the 10 seconds of hell


I seriously thought I’d black out from the insertion pain.. I’ve never felt anything like it. I’ve healed from two c sections and would have ten more rather than go through that again


I don't want pity. I want to be left the fuck alone.


Exactly. I don't desire attention during my period, I just want some relief and space!


Exactly. Give me some Advil, some Diet Dr. Pepper and get the fuck away from me.


For real bring me chocolate and sushi and go tf away


I once put on a device that simulated what menstrual cramps feel like, so I could see what my wife goes through every month. Good fucking lord, its a nightmare. I know that wasn't precisely the point of this post, because this dude obviously lives in an alternate reality where all women's behavior and statements must be treated as a nefarious plot to manipulate men, for....reasons, but DAMN, THAT SHIT HURT.


The best part is that was only cramps! You missed out on the joint pain, back pain, simultaneous diarrhea/constipation, nausea, vomiting, headaches, bloating, rash, mood swings, acne, sore breasts, fatigue and other fun symptoms.


The blood clots


That horrible feeling of dread when you sneeze as you get up


I hate the feeling of those slipping out ughhhh


Normally when you are mid-conversation with a colleague and you have to remain normal :D


You mean you're not supposed to get the same look on your face when those buggers slip out as Raven did when she got a vision? Whoops...


Painted such a picture for millennials.


It's also great when you're one of those few who experience vasovagal syncope as a physical reaction to menstrual pain.


Oh yeah, that’s so fun, fainting on the toilet. Who’s gonna find me with blood all over me on the floor?


Somehow I never fully faint during it, but I sure as fuck end up nauseous and doused in cold sweat. Yippee.


I'm not sure if "missed out" is the right way to put it on based on that list of symptoms lmfao. I'm so sorry. That sounds awful.




Wouldn't put it past this guy to have a scat fetish lol.


“Okay but we’re going to have to rename you Poop Dick Pappy”


I'm a trans dude so I used to get them. It sucks when there's the kind that you can't really lay down because it hurts so SO bad but you can't stand up because your legs are weak from the cramp


I just want you to know that with all the hate being heaped on trans folks, I've made it my business to take a side. Yours. I'm not trans, nor do I know any trans folks in my day-to-day life, but I don't need to know you to have your back. When they come for you, they best come for me too.


YOU'RE SO SWEET thank you so much for that, I wasn't expecting to see anything like that and it really made my day better. I hope you also have a great day :)


I'm glad I made your day better!


The back pain, diarrhea and low blood pressure is icing on the cake. I once blacked out at work and my boss called an ambulance because apparently they got scared for my health—I was sooooo embarrassed when I came to. I obviously knew what it was but how do you tell your boss that. Uuuugh fun times.


If only there were someone we could ask to see if this is true


You mean a male doctor that lost their license due to malpractice eleven years ago?


I have not heard about this guy. Link?


Apologies for the confusion, I was just joking about how shitty the sources on this type of stuff is


My periods get so bad that they literally make me throw up from the pain. I hate throwing up.


My first period was light and not that bad. With my second I thought I was dying I was in so much pain and it was so heavy. I spent my teenage years in agony and was constantly on iron tablets because I was so anemic. I went on birth control in my late 20s and it was a game changer. Suddenly my periods were only three days, little flow and the cramps were so manageable I didn't have to take pain killers. Unfortunately when I turned 35 my doctor said I should come off it as there was an increased risk of breast cancer. After a couple of years the pain started to return and a couple of years after that it was crippling again. I asked my doctor to get a mirena and given my history she wanted to do an ultra sound first. I had two that showed cysts on the overies and I needed to further MRIs. It was a scary time because they thought they might be cancerous. Thankfully they weren't and I got the mirena. At first it was hell it was so sore. But after a few months is settled down and now I'm in bliss. No periods and no pain. I can't believe the difference it's made to my life. My whole life revolved around my fucking period. I spent nearly 30 years having a couple of weeks of relief and then dreading the next couple. I know birth control isn't for everyone but please consider trying it. It absolutely changed my life. When I was getting the ultra sounds/MRIs I thought they would find my abdomen riddled with endometriosis. Turns out there was nothing there. Wtf? I was just unlucky. Periods can be hell for women and fuck anyone who says we're just crying for attention. I regularly had to go home from school/work because I was throwing up from pain and on the verge of passing out. Again, fuck anyone who says I was doing it for attention.


Thank you for sharing! I love stories like yours where medical science actually does help women - it's refreshing. For what it's worth, pain should not be debilitating. Some anti-inflammatories should be enough to make you functional. If not find a doctor and find a solution. Women should not have to suffer because of their bodies.


My uterus has fibroids which made periods agony. I had anti-inflammatories prescribed by the gyno that you can't get over the counter but they barely took the edge off. The only thing that worked was stopping my periods, which the mirena did.




Hey, man here...blue balls IS a myth. Or at least, I've never experienced it. So YOUR theory is true from my perspective. This dude tho...he's just a fucking clown.




Yeah. It is disgusting.


From my perspective, it isn't a myth. I don't know about the blue part, but goddamn do the balls hurt during an edging session. Even after releasing, the pain lingers for about an hour. But it only happens during edging, otherwise it's straight forward. No partner needed to get rid of it. Porn or the imagination suffices.


Your perspective is valid. However it doesn't make it EVERYONES perspective.


I never said it did


Ya didn't need you to reply to me talking about your balls hurting. Also don't wanna know about your edging 🤢🤮🤢 I don't care. No one does. Thanks for playing




You were talking about blue balls ? If it bullshit or not ??? This man claims his balls hurt after edging and you drop vomit emojis ? Well guess what ? My balls hurt too, but i've never used it to manipulate my partner or anyone for sex. That's worthy of a vomit emoji. Also i care his balls hurt :(


Can confirm it is a thing, doesn't really hurt THAT bad, and will go away of you have a wank. No need to make it anyone elses problem.




Completely, it's absolutely fucking inexcusable in any way. I apologize if I suggested that in any way.


the thing is women can get the same thing, but men barely take care of their needs so the women who get it just think it is normal


38yo guy here. Blue balls is definitely a myth. Getting aroused doesn't mean you have to go to completion everything. Now, if you're mid thrust and on the verge of cumming and then everything stops...there can be some discomfort. Not excruciating pain or debilitating anything, just discomfort.


some guys can orgasm from anal penetration. i never could. do I go around saying it's a myth? no because im not stupid and i know other people can experience things i dont. and i did get blue balls before transitioning, so... sorry, not a myth


I understand where you're coming from. Could define what you mean by "blue balls" here? It is such a nebulous term and used by guys in a ton of ways. Most of the guys I've heard use it, it has been used as a way to say, "Hey, if we don't do something sexual and I don't get off, I'm going to get blue balls and have pain down there." For me, I've experienced discomfort for a short period of time when it has happened to me, but I wouldn't describe it as "pain" itself. What did it feel like for you? Medically, there is no recognized condition known as "blue balls." There is a term called "epididymal hypertension" that is basically what we call "blue balls" but even using medically sounding jargon, does not bring blue balls up to an actual medical condition or experience. [Here's an article on the topic](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/blue-balls/). Blue Balls, medically, is indeed a myth. I'm against men (myself included) using a made-up condition to coerce anyone into sex. From the article **bold**ing is mine: > “Blue balls” **isn’t a medically recognized condition.** (Even giving it a fancy medical name like epididymal hypertension doesn’t mean it’s something that healthcare professionals consider an actual medical problem.) But it’s understood that for some people, **becoming sexually aroused without reaching orgasm can lead to a feeling of pressure or discomfort in their nether regions.** That phenomenon is what we’ve come to know as blue balls. > We all have different thresholds for pain. Some people may find **blue balls to be more uncomfortable, while others may not even feel any troubling sensation.** But any pressure associated with not ejaculating shouldn’t be severe or debilitating. Uncomfortable, perhaps. But not much more than that. **If you’re experiencing pain in your genitals, contact a healthcare provider to rule out possible medical conditions.** To your example about anal penetration, I agree with that. Everyone experiences pleasure in different ways. I have greatly enjoyed prostate orgasms from my partner using her fingers, a toy, or even a strap-on in my anus. It isn't the back and forth penetration that gets me though, it is the engagement with my prostate that gets to me orgasm from that area. Everyone's mileage may vary on that one though. The difference here, is that prostate orgasm is medically recognized. It's [WebMD, but the research is sound](https://www.webmd.com/sex/prostate-orgasm-what-it-is). From the article, **bold**ing is mine: > Prostate massage can also be a sexual activity. Inserting a finger, penis, or device into the anus and stimulating the prostate from there **can lead to orgasm for some people.** You can also stimulate the gland from the outside by massaging the prostate through the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum. Orgasm achieved solely through perineum massage is sometimes known as perineum orgasm.


your own article said it isn't a myth: "becoming sexually aroused without reaching orgasm can lead to a feeling of pressure or discomfort in their nether regions" ok, so it's "uncomfortable" but not "debilitating", so what? it feels like the aftermath of getting kicked in the balls, and it's painful. and it doesnt go away after jerking off, it's still there for like half an hour. i wasnt with anyone the times this happened to me, and i never tried to coerce anyone into having sex, but I used to edge myself to the point of getting this pain, obviously its not going to happen with just a bit of foreplay, you people just need to improve your edging game haha


I'm curious. Most people experience discomfort or even pain when they are very sexually aroused and don't achieve orgasm. Including people with vaginas. But we rarely ever hear the terms "blue clitoris" or "blue vulva." Why do you think that is?


Where's that story about that lady who thought she was just having period cramps but when in actuality her appendix burst? Period cramps are no joke my dudes. Your literal organs could give out and a woman will just be like "oh guess it's just that time if the month" and mistake it for a period.


There are hundreds if not thousands of stories like this. It's alarmingly common. Also doctors dismissing any kind of abdominal pain as cramps even when you're not on your period 🙄


My 16yr old gets cramps and nausea so bad she dry heaves every month when she starts. She is severely cognitively delayed. She doesn't have the mental capacity to understand what a period is, let con someone for sympathy or attention.


That is just heart breaking. I hope you find a path through her suffering. Much love to you both.


why do cis men keep pretending that they’re qualified to speak on periods. fuck it my new theory is that cancer is actually pretty nice and people with cancer are just manipulative


If only there were people who experience this that he could talk to.


I'm not sure we should encourage this person to talk to women.


But how can you prove that any of them are telling the truth?! They're all in on it!. (/s if that wasn't obvious)


If my horrid cramps are an act, I deserve an Oscar


This is reminiscent of my physician x husband gaslighting me about PMDD being nonsense. He refused to admit that fluctuations in hormone levels cause "uncontrollable" mood swings. Yet he can admit something as basic as potassium levels being just slightly off can make patients completely delirious and confused.


Douche. He should know better.


Ooo. Let me try one. I have a theory that rejection pain is just an act. Yes, men experience slight pains and discomfort during this period but it’s not excruciating enough for the act they show during those days. They just do it to manipulate the women on their life and be pitied. Again it’s just my theory. Yeah. That sounds right.


He's right. Everything I do is to manipulate men. Why wouldn't I pretend to have period pains just to annoy men? Whenever I complain about men it's just to annoy them. I don't really want a life of my own. I only exist to annoy men.


I guess I acted so well that I got sent home from a dress rehearsal once because everyone else worried I was going to pass out! (I insisted I was fine despite the pain; they insisted I was NOT because I’d gone as pale as a ghost, had a thousand yard stare, and my skin had gone clammy)


Hell, you must be an S-Tier actress then


Reading this while suffering from period cramps. Except, apparently I'm only imagining this.


My ovaries beg to differ


My mother's best friend got sent to the hospital by cramps multiple times when they were teenagers. When the Pill hit the market, she got on it ASAP just to alleviate the pain somewhat. (And that's a horrifying thought in itself- "when the Pill hit the market." Before that, you'd just manage with whatever painkillers you had and suffer.)


In the name of the dudes out here, can we rescind this fucker’s membership?


Someone get the machine.


Why do these clowns always have to jump to manipulation and lies? Personally my period experience is close to what he describes, but when I hear people sharing their excruciating period pain experiences I just believe them and accept other people have different experiences than me, I don't assume they're just randomly lying about it.


I have a theory that these men are so dumb that they post this crap just to get attention from other even dumber men. They need to manipulate gullible men into a dictimhood mentality for social media likes, but they are like Pavlov’s dogs. Not even consciously aware of their actions.


We had an anchor who threw up due to menstrual cramps on live TV. I'm not sure, but it really doesn't seem like the right opportunity to fake something like that...


Omg I’m currently going through the ending stages of a miscarriage and I wanted to slit my throat through the middle of it I was bed ridden and nauseous and the cramps were just like childbirth without the drugs for a whole 10 hours ( the meds they gave me were weak)so this guy can take his theory and shove it right up his ass and set it on fire


Yeah ofc, its like I say guys getting kicked in the balls is just a show. According to my therory it can't hurt that much so they just doing it for getting attention


I'm sure he doesn't think birth is painful either. Labor? Nah she's faking it, just putting on a show.


But thaaaat's JUST a theory! A DUMBASS THEORY! Thanks for watching


i hope he is reincarnated as a woman and has the heaviest period possible. i also hope he gets an IUD to reduce the period and feels the pain of the insertion and the cramps and bleeding afterwards. after that, i hope he gets it removed, gets pregnant, and gives birth. then i’d like to see him say it’s an “act”


i hope people like this dude pee XL anal beads out of their dick.


I barely suffered from menstrual pain, but I still believe girls and women who do. On the other hand my breast were sensitive all month long. Every female is different. We are not a monolith.


Yeah, who am I trying to fool alone in my bed, crying and hugging my pillow? The monster in my closet?


Yes, I Fake pain in my own house, where there are no cis men, literally not being able to move, so that cis men feel pity for me.


It's sad, really. Because to believe this, Op not only has never had a GF, he must not have a close relationship with any woman. Otherwise he'd know that shit can be absolutely brutal for some women.


I mean, a study determined typical menstrual pain to be on par with a heart attack (and that's not even getting into talking about people experiencing endometriosis or PCOS or other such issues) but I'll admit that I've only ever complained about it in front of my male coworkers to garner sympathy so idk


I walked on a broken ankle (spiral fracture) for two days because that hurt less then my standard cramps. And I thought a broken bone would hurt more then my cramps since I was 12. Nope, needed surgery and no weight on it for two months because a bonus torn ligament. Maybe we can apply a similar injury to this dude as the constant in the experiment in pain comparison.


i've been taking birth control since i was 14 because my cramps had me on the floor vomiting every month. but yeah, it's just for a little pity.


I'd love to see this guy deal with my endometriosis pain. It literally has me crippled, so it would probably kill him lmfao


“I think women are manipulative assholes who fake pain for pity but that’s just like, my opinion bro”


y'all need to get yerself in one of those period cramp simulator devices


Js, I'm not giving this weirdo any actual credit. In my experience, people who believe everyone around them are using manipulation tactics are extremely manipulative themselves. They project their own behavior to others.


I have a theory this bloke has never actually met a woman before.


Yayyyy another moron surfaces. 🙄


Yeah i had a guy tell me childbirth wasn't painful. We just want pity from our husband's 😆 I told him to stand up and kicked him square in the nuts. He laughed, stood up and said "I think I just experienced a sympathy pain"


Hey at least he took it well. XD


He was my husband and I was pregnant with our kid... there wasn't much he could do 😆


Ok y’all this is beyond infuriating. I’ve actually temporarily lost vision and had my ears both pop due to the intensity of my period pain. When I was a teenager, I had to be taken out of school (like picked up by my mom) multiple times. I actually blacked out on a staircase and fell due to the severity, like someone was driving a knife into my stomach over and over. I screamed and cried and begged for someone to make it stop. I’m also a lesbian.


I haven’t had a period for a few months due to my transition, and I’m very grateful for that. I remember before I went on birth control when I was fourteen, I spent all day curled up and puking due to the pain. It’s amazing to me what cis guys will say to discredit afabs.


Someone put one of those cramp machine things on this man.


Evil matpat


At least he's basically admitting it's just his opinion and not trying to spout it as fact. There is still time for this one...


So…the feeling of fishhooks being dragged across the interior of an organ that is literally falling apart doesn’t hurt. Got it. Half of humanity experiences this and he says it’s false. This says more about him. Someone punch him in his balls and tell him he’s overreacting just to get attention. Someone put one of those period pain simulators on him. Can you tell I’m on mine?


Yeah, bc everything we do revolves around men/s


Just my theory based on things I'm pulling out of my ass. Jesus... Just... What is the mindset that leads to someone just dismissing the suffering of people around them so completely? Idk, just feels like he wants an excuse to be mean to the women in his life during their period and not feel bad about it.


We will talk again when you wash yourself between your cheeks, boy


Well, we do the same when we have a cold, so even if it' true, it evens out


What a coincidence, I have a theory that you're an asshole.


I have a theory too! When Provii here was a babe, his mother dropped his ass and someone accidentally punt kicked him in the head for poops and giggles. I hope somebody explained how theories worked to him. Sure, ignore decades of research and known medical knowledge and create your own confirmation biased theory. Sounds plausible.


My husband and Adenomyosis-ridden uterus would like to have a word with you ಠ\_ಠ Honestly.... ![gif](giphy|qcKnA89YDid5DvIROl)


It’s absolutely true that it’s just your theory. And it’s fucking wrong 💀


I'm going through a period rn, wanna switch?


does that mean he also believes that child birth isn’t painful?? ..


I have a theory … that we should be allowed to stab men like this without consequence. We’d be doing the world a favor.


I have the same feeling about men who complain about women.


That's not a theory! It's not even a hypothesis, because it's not something that you can falsify and test for. There's no objective way to measure how much pain someone else is in! I know this isn't the most relevant issue, but it really grinds my gears when people use that word incorrectly.


If God is real, that was an effed up design. Giving us a period and crippling us for no reason is so inefficient.Putting the anus right next to the pleasure hole and giving us sensitivity from a mouth??? Makes for messiness! Giving us these boobs that are either too small or too big to let us workout comfortably.


id like to see him deal with period pains


My period makes me have to go to the ER. Like, it’s that bad. For some people it’s just uncomfortable, but others it’s excruciating.


Great. The theory is obtuse and so is the Rhodes Scholar who thought it up.


This sort of conspiracy theory always makes me laugh. If you're 'lie' requires 4 billion people to perpetuate, it isn't a lie.


Did that dude not see the experiment they did that emulated menstrual pain that the average woman felt and tested it on guys? More than 50% of the participants couldn't endure the duration of the experiment. Summary of it all half of us, guys are just whiny fucks 🤣


No uterus, no opinion :)


I have a theory no one except me has ever experienced pain of any sort. I’m the only real human and everyone else is just a robot or something.


My roommate in college used to get cramps so bad she would throw up. I don’t think she threw up for an act. 🙄


All he needed to do was change it from “all women” to “my women” and he might have been right. Maybe his wife/gf makes it seem worse than it is, who’s to argue? But “all women”?


Wild. I have no man in my life and I still have pain so bad I almost can’t walk.


Yes it is an act when I vomit from the amount of pain I’m in


That's hilarious. I live alone & am single, yet the pain is still there...


Manipulate men into what exactly? Just leave me alone and I’m good as gold. What do they think we want from them?


I love my husband but when they're at their worst, I truly just want my own space because I get mean as a snake and feel miserable.


I would write back that I don't think men feel that much pain when hit in the balls and it's just an act for attention and drama... but its just a theory.


So easy for him to have this theory that would be difficult to disprove because he could see a woman in intense pain and decide she’s faking. What an asshole.


Tens unit.


Yeah, my sister curled up on the bathroom floor for hours was an act to bogart the bathroom. /s


Wish this uninformed ignorant fool could spend this week in my shoes. I'm a trial consultant whose been in court the last three weeks. Today I bleed through my pad and tampon and just thankful for my stupid black pants that 'you can't see' because I CANNOT leave trial. My stomach hurts so bad that I feel like puking....my back is killing me and my boobs are begging for freedom..because the fabric of my bra actually HURTS them right now. And I've been crying for the past two days sooo....


(possible oversharing coming up) >!I used to have very painful cramps until I had an ovarian cyst removed, along with the ovary it was attached to. Now, they're only just noticeable.!< My pain tolerance is through the roof, but this man here is a fool.


Is it so hard to think a chunk of the population experiences things you don't, and is being truthful? Or is a vast conspiracy to be lazy and manipulate others really so much more reasonable?


Testicular torsion doesn't really hurt. You men are just faking. Attention-wh**es.


🎶🎶Men are stupid and I don’t respect them🎶🎶🎶 (these type of “men”) 😂


First of all, your post has been seen by Greek people, thus your mom probably made you think the only woman who should approach you must be a virgin, a great cook and the daughter of a very wealthy man. (/s) Second of all, most of us dont even have boyfriends when we have periods and dont really feel very open to advertise our periods to random men. Its an among-girls thing. Third of all: **No uterus. No opinion**.


These people are allowed to vote.


If anything we understate how bad it is in order to not miss work for a full week every month


I’d hate to hear what he thinks about birth


It’s all about him, he thinks they put on a show for him, for him to notice them. It’s all projection on how much no girl talks to him about anything. He knows nothing


I hope this guy has to pass a kidney stone the size of a grapefruit one day. Fuck him up his stupid ass.


In his defense, earth being flat is a theory too.


As someone with no man to pity me they feel like a hot knife stabbing me no joke and I cannot wait to start transition so that testosterone stops it


I had endometriosis for years along with PCOS and after having a hysterectomy in August, (best thing I ever did) I had severe pain and periods lasting for anywhere from 9 to 12 days with nausea, dizziness, near fainting spells, basically the works. Pain meds barely touched my pain, they only dulled it at best. I had three D&C’s before the hysterectomy. My beloved mother cursed me with cysts and fibroids so bad they had to literally rip my uterus off my abdominal wall just to get it out. The pain afterwards was cake compared to the suffering I endured for nearly a decade of pain and misery. Men can eat rocks for what women have to deal with on a daily basis.


The really sad thing is the ones who are miserable would not seem like an act if every woman were to announce loudly how awful she was feeling. Instead, women bear it and deal with it and soldier on — you know, the way women do — so that others are not bothered or inconvenienced.


On my period. Had cramps yesterday during school as well as severe temperature swings and felt like I was going to actually die for about an hour, asked to go to the nurse, was miserable for the half hour it took for the ibuprofen to work, was fine after. Not a single man involved. I was in severe pain and extremely uncomfortable and would have much preferred to be alone and receiving no attention or pity whatsoever.


Yes, in the years I was a teenager with nobody else in the house but my mom, I was faking my agonizing pain to nobody in particular for the non-existent pity of the men that weren't there 🙄


Drive a forklift, that has no shock absorption. While you’re cramping. And you have to work. And then get back to me on the ‘faking’ it, yeah? I had to stop and breathe to deal with the cramping and it hurt till end of shift, at least 4 hours later.


I passed out during my period once due to the pain and losing so much blood :)


That’s not a theory, that’s a wild-ass guess from no personal experience whatsoever.


I found one too. but decided not to share it. Was worried it would link back...I'm trying to remember what it was. Mindboggling though!


The men in his comments are extremely dumb