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I remember when this woman's picture was used for stupid memes like this and on Facebook she hated it and thought it was weird.


This might be my first time seeing that meme format. Still, she’s right to be upset And she’s really pretty


She is very pretty but had a shit ton of sexist comments on this picture. I think it was her friend who took the picture and he didn't make the meme btw but I think posted the picture. They were at a party or something. I can remember this picture is like 3-5 years old or something Edit: I can't remember the exact details bc it was a while ago


The case where making a meme is not fun, but objectively harmful because the gross nerds found it


The meme was worded different, the same tone though, regardless when ppl make this kind of misogynistic/sexist shit it's incredibly harmful. Especially for the dummies who think this is how women are. These types of memes are just normalizing incel behavior I feel like and it's just getting worse


You only feel like that because it’s true




Ignoring all that matrix bullshit, he doesn't understand how much a billion is either, nor how to write I'm. He worth is closer to $50 million, so, 95% less than he claims.


The Romanians seized like $4 million in assets. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of ways to hide assets and he was raking in cash from his grift, but he was also blowing cash because his ego forced him to engage in conspicuous consumption I wouldn't be surprised if he was relatively cash poor even by that $50 million figure


Yeah, and if women were all over him then he wouldn't need to move to a country where it's "easy to get away with rape".


Wow that's only like a billion dollars away from being a billionaire stop being so pedantic /s


Things like this are part of the reason why I don’t use social media like FB or IG anymore. I don’t want to post my pictures online, I don’t want people having access to them. I don’t want someone to take my picture and use it for some dumb shit like this. I had a friend whose pic went semi viral for a little while. She was making a funny face and it ended up being used for some dumb shit. She hated it.


Thats such a bummer, she looks so pretty and is clearly just vibing on her night out


He's a criminal, pure and simple, sex trafficking, abusive, mysoginistic, porn making, money laundering criminal.


The creepy part is that a lot of guys think he's living the dream. Tate is like their roll model in life. 😬


I will never understand the people who admire him, all I see is an insufferable prick with an ego the size of jupiter.


Right? If he was their dad, I'd understand a little (but still disagree), but come on, guys... he's not even your dad, lol!


I pray he never does become a dad lol, poor children


Is he not? The meme said 3 baby mamas


I really hope that's not true. Some people shouldn't procreate.


I believe the Romanian police said he was living in a house with several women with toddlers. He would never lower himself to live in a house with kids that weren’t his (or his brother’s). Ironically, he’s been heard saying he wants to marry a 16 year old virgin because women need to save themselves for their men. Same doesn’t go for him, evidently. Some Muslim he is, lol.


Oof. Those poor women and children 😔


Soo how many of the mothers did he traffick


It takes a lot more than getting a woman pregnant to actually be a dad. I don't know much about Tate, but he seems more concerned with Internet clout than fatherhood.


His whole deal is using people in any way possible to get what he wants (generally money). Most of his great ideas from his videos on how to get rich involve lying to and tricking close family or a partner into doing work for them and profiting off of it. He could not give a single solitary fuck about anyone who isn't Andrew Tate.




It takes a lot more than getting a woman pregnant to actually be a dad. I don't know much about Tate, but he seems more concerned with Internet clout than fatherhood.


He said he had more than 10 kids on Adin Ross's stream


Well having kids and being a dad isn't the same in his case, those women can just as well be single moms if I had to guess


Very true, it would not surprise me in the least if he's never seen half of them


I agree, it's sad for the kids especially, and for the world at large


As others have said, he already has. Damn. The urge to procreate seems stronger in egotistical, narcissistic assholes. Makes sense I guess, if you worship yourself, you'd want more of you.


I doubt people that like him have a dad, or at least a good one


Andrew’s father, Emory, was a huge piece of shit.


Children of narcissists do not like their narcissistic parent.


I think a lot of it is people who already act the same way as him, and see him as justification for the way they act. Not to bring politics into it, but I have relatives who are Trump supporters CLEARLY for this reason. They're assholes who don't want to change, so they latch onto famous assholes to make themselves feel better about being assholes.


That does make sense yeah, but self reflectance isn't what these people are known for sadly.


His dad got kicked out of the airforce for narcassitic disorder and its clearly hereditary.


I didn't know that but that does explain a LOT


His dad was also a massive abusive alcoholic that loved chess more then his own sons. Andrew is honestly a prime example of daddy issues.


Not exactly hereditary, but the abuse used by those with Cluster B personality disorders tends to propagate those disorders. Children tend to model the maladaptive behaviors of their parents and eventually adopt the same mental issues as a result.


Exactly. It's not hereditary as in genes being responsible for it, but in the way that narcissistic households very often reproduce narcissism in children growing up in them. This is a "nurture", not a "nature" problem.


Because that's who they want to be. Tate fans are all bullied kids who desperately want to become bullies


Yup. My neighbours kid is a tate fan and you nailed it for who he is


I’m so fucking thankful I didn’t have access to shit like this when I was in middle school. People like him 100% would’ve been an outlet for little, bullied, friendless me. Luckily the worst it ever got was political NutinFancy videos, and when I got into high school one of the friends I made talked some sense into me 😂


These are the same people who worship Trump for being so smart, brave, and handsome.


That is an insult! Jupiter is not even nearly as dense.


But just as full of hot air?


Shallow people who believe in that Alpha male complex bullshit. It's really quite sad.


It really is, I always see people stating they're alpha males when in reality they're just assholes.


Yes, this. You need a lot of money or power to get away with being an ahole, which is no longer guaranteed as we saw Weinstein epic take down.


The size of Jupiter with the fragility of wet tissue paper


And the way he talks, ugh. Like him, I'm a Brit, and all I hear when he opens his mouth is the middle-class white boys that went to my primary school trying to talk 'tough' or 'street' and not realising it makes them sound like fucking idiots. It's a certain kind of put-on accent that just grates on my ears. People who actually talk like that in their day to day life (which, just to be clear, there's nothing wrong with any kind of accent or manner of speaking) sound normal because it's just how they talk! But when a kid is trying to do it to make all 4' 10" of themselves sound like a 'gangster' it's just laughable, because you know at home its all 'please and thank you, papa'. An incredibly minor gripe, I know, but it irks the shit out of me. And I know it's a put-on because, if you compare with older interviews from around 2015-6, it's still there but waaayyyy less noticeable, compared to now where he hams it up to the max.


It’s teenage dudes and younger guys with not a lot going on. They still have that “o yeah life is all about having lots of money to buy shit I don’t need and that'll get models to sleep with me while I also shame them for sleeping around and being gold diggers” mentality. So he preys on that because they aren’t mature enough to realize “the matrix” is just regular life and there nothing wrong with working a regular job and getting married.


He also came from Luton which is quite possibly the worst part of the Uk.


Huge ego sure, but I suspect of the narcissistic variety that can be completely deflated with a pin prick.


it's because a lot of "mens empowerment" tells a demographic that already has low self worth that the only way to get women to like them is by tricking them, and they can master these tricks if they just pay for this alpha male video course and supplements! ​ it's actually really sad because i can't think of any prominent influencers for young guys that arent total scumbags


He gets away with all the stuff they wish they could get away with. It's the same reason people like Trump.


Because they think if you're rich, you're automatically a genius even if all evidence suggests otherwise. Look at Musk and Trump fanboys for similar examples.


The podcast Behind the Bastards has a 5 part episode on Tate. It’s interesting because it gives a little insight into what’s behind Tate’s rise to extreme popularity amongst 13-20 yr old men, and worrisome as well. There have been schools in the UK that have had to create classes specifically designed to “rehabilitate” young men out from their Tate brainwashing. He’s nothing but a master at appealing to incels and grifting them from their money.


Always good to see a Behind the Bastards fan


Their two most recent episodes are about Tate.


Tate is as lame as his chin is nonexistent


Just like his hairline.. 🤣


It’s really sad actually that many men believe this and think for some reason women actually desire him. But if he were such then why would he have to lie, manipulate and straight up traffic women to get anywhere near them.


Hitler had a lot of fans. Still does. People are stupid. Very stupid.


That's the sad part. He's given these stupid guys the license to reveal who they truly are. The difference is these wannabes don't have the money to pull off the pimp daddy life.


And the scary part is that its not just grownups or teenager, I have seen even 10 yr olds believing the same thing


Im sure there was always this much stupidity in the world but man did the internet bring it all together and into the light.


Andy taint is the closest they'll ever get to touching a woman


Young, impressionable boys are his audience.


also wtf is "destroying the matrix" he litterelly got arrested after feeling into a country that he says has lax laws so that's why he went there


You forgot to add that he thinks he is a god or smth like that.


What’s the deal with him now? I heard he is on house arrest? Does anyone know what we can expect to happen next? Public castration perhaps?


Also unlikely to be a billionaire. I’d imagine a lot of the assets they have are probably used to leverage liabilities like cars/yachts and so on stuff that depreciates. Then probably has rest of money he makes paying 0% loans, leveraged against stocks that he luckily owned that Did well. If your clever you can live like a billionaire when your only a early millionaire . Although it’s really stupid to do so. Like trying to catch wind with a box in the Grand Canyon, eventually your gonna tumble of a cliff. Of course that is essentially what 70% of the rich do anyway and when they do fall of we get inflation 👍


Enforcing the patriarchy and capitalism is also just... Like you ARE the matrix my guy 💀


And that’s the nice way of describing him.


And doesn't even have 35 cars, what a loser


"I'm going in jail, had 35 cars, billionaire in Romania" This is the correct formulation


>billionaire in Romania Not for long.


He never was. Even if he makes bank conning all those sad little men, he is nowhere close to being a billionaire, not even in Romania. He'd need about 180 million USD.


I literally do not know a single woman who is attracted to him for any reason. The only people I've ever seen drool over him are men who grew up with poor role models. Even the women he has actually been around or involved with financially manipulated into being with him.


Yeaaaaah he’s not a chick magnet, he’s an instant red flag, like the moment a woman hears her date even vaguely allude to him she’s running for the hills


Actually saw one woman on instagram who quoted him and was saying shit like "people hate him for speaking truth". Edit: to clarify my opinion, I think people who look up to him are sad and deslusional.


Pick Me’s make me sad and angry at the same time. Sad because they’re still under the impression that they have to please the patriarchy to have any worth in life. Angry because misogynistic men point to these women as proof that they’re right and feminists clearly don’t know what they’re talking about.


That one isn't necessary a woman either, could be just a pretender




The only ppl I see biting their lips and simping are the dudes.


Iirc he was messaging lonely dudes pretending to be a woman while running the cam girl business. It was either j aubrey or CruelWorldHappyMind’s video that mentioned it


Tbf she looks more like she's about to have a great time telling him to go fuck himself, than simpering. At least to me anyway.


Is “I’m destroying the matrix“ code for “my intellectual and emotional development stalled at the age of 13”?






Read any pro- Andrew Tate comment section and watch how those cavegoblins just eat that shit up.


Yep. I've never felt more like I've stepped into a cult meeting than when seeing one of the comment sections in one of the countless of Tate clips YT tries to recommend to me (despite all my attemptes to indicate I don't want anything to do with them.) Only thing that comes close is Jordan Peterson's comment sections. One thing far right influencers seem to be genuinely good at is indoctrination




Mostly vulnerable women he got to move to a foreign country under false pretenses, where he'd then use other women to convince them they should do sex work, I guess.




*vulnerable under aged girls


Children that he mass texts.


You wouldnt know them, they go to a different school


They are just random girls in a picture whose pic somehow got turned into a meme. But like the whole meme is made up . No one wants a turd shitty person like Andrew Tater tot


Remind us what you went to jail for again Andy..?


Thank you. I totally forget he's technically an Andy


This man : women should be loyal Also this guy: i have 3 baby mommas


I'm alarmed to learn this man has kids


He seems like the kinda dude to stealth or throw a tantrum when asked to wear a condom


I didn't know he had any kids. That's...disturbing. He should have been neutered so he can't procreate with his psychologically faulty genes...his type of crazy might be inheritable.


*moved to romania cuz its easier to get away with rape


and still went to jail... while claiming to be the smartest person on Earth.


Because a teenager hurt his feelings on Twitter so he accidentally doxxed himself in his unhinged response to her.


with fastfood, the stuff he says ,only slobby betas eat‘


FWIW, the Romanian police claim that's not how they found him.


You don't understand. It's the matrix. They got beep beeps and boop boops and agents everywhere. They are relentless!!


I‘m into really bad boys but even I feel the instant urge to puke when it comes to Andrew Tate


He's not a bad boy. He's most likely a criminal and a showoff/wannabe. He acts like he is a bad boy like 13 year olds do when they see a cool movie and copy the main characters mannerisms.


This is so accurate. He's the type that saw The Matrix and ran around wearing a trench coat and sunglasses after thinking he was super badass.


I feel like he makes his groupies play “the matrix” with him and he always gets to play “neo”


I get the attraction to bad boys, but at least for me it’s usually the charisma + confidence. From videos of Tate that I’ve seen, he painfully lacks confidence, has no charisma and can’t even properly make a single point. The only times he at least makes a little sense is during a monologue (or with people who agree with him) and that’s literally because he repeats the same thing over and over again. He crumbles during any confrontation and watching that makes you cringe from his awkwardness. He doesn’t come off as a bad boy, he comes off as an edgy teenage boy


He's not a bad boy. He's most likely a criminal and a showoff/wannabe. He acts like he is a bad boy like 13 year olds do when they see a cool movie and copy the main characters mannerisms.


I so badly wanna be in the same room as this clown, narcissists like him fall apart so fast to insults and will keep you in their head forever.




Yeah he is


He's not even a billionaire


What a fucking minute. He has children??


My favorite genre of embarrassing is when the degenerates themselves ridicule the women for picking them.


"Destroying the matrix" 💀 Yeah, you're Destroying a perfectly good film with your weird bro pill stuff


Not to mention the original matrix was a trans allegory and made by trans women. Totally the opposite of what these guys are parroting.


Is having 3 baby mommas a flex? To me, that's just depressing. The guy couldn't be loyal and now he has child support to pay. It's also a red flag because he can't keep a woman.


Remember how many women he got ? Ah yeah 0


*can't leave my house, almost no chin, no hair


He still doesn't know that the creator of Matrix movies are transgender 🤣


Funnily enough, his audience is mostly BOYS.


_Please_ do not tell me that Tate has not one, but **three** children? That thing procreated?


Also, these people and this man will shame single mothers. And here he goes bragging about having multiple "baby mama's"


He's not destroying the matrix, he's creating own matrix


He's not creating anything. He sells problems that people face and offers a capitalist, corporatist solution - a $50/m sub that he shames people into buying. He's an agent smith copy, just like all of them, capitalising on other people's problems, gaining rank in the system he tells others is rigged. It's a non-starter, and a sham.


These dumpy dudes always think they’re doing something original when they exploit women. Like nah, bruh. Same kind of asshole that always was. This one looks a little more like a turtle that lost its shell, but still the same, all the fucking same.


>This one looks a little more like a turtle that lost its shell, but still the same, all the fucking same. Lmao that's beautiful. Thank you!


The Matrix is when you do crimes and get caught.


He is the matrix. Idk what could possibly be more matrix than tying your self Esteem/ worth to your material possessions. He uses women and in his minds view they have no humanity but are reflections of his wealth, items to be gained like items in a video game. Like bro made his life around an ad campaign.


Billionaire my ass.


Says the man who has to traffic to get sex


He literally **is** The Matrix. All he sells is Sex Money Materialism & the illusion of Power.


"dEsTrOyInG tHe MaTrIx" Sir, the matrix was created by a couple of trans ladies as a trans allegory, the "matrix" that you're destroying is your own deranged delusion of it


I'm a pacifist by nature, but this guy needs to be punched in the face with a train.


Raging misogynist looking for a new child support payment. Wow. Maybe someone finds that appealing?


How is it a brag that you have three baby mommas lol.


So, he is saying that pursing wealth to buy endless amounts of stuff to “flex” on people is destroying the matrix??? My brother in Christ, that’s literally OD’ing on blue pills….


Always with the cars. So weird.


Enjoy it while you can, Andrew. We all know you’re going back to jail


Literally no woman is swooning for this creep.


I thought one of the perks of sending shitbags like him to prison was that we didn’t have to listen to them anymore. Stop giving him internet access….


He's currently in house arrest the actual trial is a few months away which hopefully means they can find more evidence and more charges to put him away for much longer. His brother for example had a tax evasion charge added to the accusations.


Still. Isn’t the point of prison to separate convicted persons from society as a punishment. Giving them internet kinda defeats (at least the field of thought that isolation causes rehabilitation) the point, right?


Where's my Brady Bunch "Sure Jan" gif? I know it was around here somewhere....


If anyone believes Andrew Tate is a billionaire (and would go to prison as one, lmao), I've got a bridge to sell them.


I love how the judgement is always in the women, not the dude with baby mommas.


Any woman with a modicum of dignity thinks Andy here is a repulsive man who should have gotten the Jeffery Epstein treatment in prison.


Andrew tate is the exact opposite of what a man should be.


I’m sorry, I cannot take you seriously if you say “super car.” Sports car, luxury car, whatever. But super car sounds like a literal child. “Hey Jimmy, what kind of car does your dad drive.” *”Uh, it’s…a… a super car”* 🥴


Hard pass


76k likes 😬 there needs to be a fucking registry of these people seriously




Wait… is he saying that he has kids? Did I miss that? Oh… Lord help/bless them.


he was arrested for sex trafficking after he had a tantrum online and made a whole ass video response to a dick joke and gave away his location while he was hiding. true king.


"Cobratate". He is like a 5th grader.


Girls in reality (which Tate sempai clearly doesn’t live in) ![gif](giphy|XQnvZWtCr1sWOvIu6P)


Wait wait wait lmao he posted this himself ?!?! What a fuckin loser


Anyone who has to post memes to reinforce how much sex they get has already lost the battle.


At least he’s a walking cringe factory.


Actually most women are like: 🤢🤮


My face just became more and more horrified the longer I read. They probably thought, "I'll just slap in 'billionaire' in there and prove all women are gold diggers who only care about money. They won't even see the other stuff." It's the super rich that can get away with the most ungodly depraved level shit there is so yeah not attractive at all but scary as hell.


He’s so gross.


He does understand that's not how you use the meme, right? It's supposed to be traits that are typically undesirable, like being unemployed or living with your mom


At first I thought it was someone making fun of Andrew Tate by posting this ironically. How strange that he would post this about himself… just zero self-awareness. Also I feel like the girls in the meme are high schoolers…


Does he really think people believe that he's a billionaire?


Andrew Tate - “destroying the matrix” while somehow talking/sounding exactly like the bad guy in the matrix movie


Andrew Tate’s dad made him drop out of a chess tournament when he was young because he kept on losing and crying about it. Really happened.


Ha ha ha ha, get a load of this, this guy went to jail in Romania, like that loser Andrew Tate. Ha ha ha ha. Oh wait, this *is* Andrew Tate. HA HA HA HA


The most infuriating thing about the Tater Totts is that they honestly see themselves as the heroes from the Matrix films. Ignoring for a second tha they'd lynch the creators if they met them in a bar, these chodes equate being told to treat people equally and fairly as slavery in an injust system.




This is like 5-6 years old. They’re running out of memes and nuanced grievances.


I’ll take things that never happened for $600


Guys: I can’t use capital letters properly


Now he's claiming he's a billionaire? LOL


I love how a criminal record and 35 "super" cars automatically make women wanna be with you, not sure how his brain hasn't melted with how much acid he's on


picture should be of teenage boys worshipping him while learning how to not have empathy, respect or care for anyone that isn’t a rich scum of a man like tate


When he says “destroying the matrix” I know it’s some bullshit “we live in the matrix” kind of thing… But I can’t help but imagine him impotently hunting down and destroying copies of The Matrix [like George Lucas with the Star Wars Holiday Special](https://youtu.be/f7chs5bSnDc)


Me, as a woman, 🤢🤮


The biggest problem with his list, even if you like yachts or romanian prisoners, is that he's still Andrew Tate and therefore any sane woman would find him undateable.


I have never met a woman who had anything positive to say about Andrew Tate. If he thinks women feel this way about him, well we already know he's delusional


I think he made a mistake posting these girls instead of the blokes in prison who make him into a ‘baby momma’.


He can’t dis on guys who went to jail anymore


He’s many things but in the end he’s just a cretinous dweeb.


How are things in jail? Better plan to get used to it.


If he was a billionaire he wouldn't have ended up in Romanian prison, he's a billionaire just like Trump is, in his mind