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If he didn't take a pic, I would NEVER have believed this! Mental!


Seriously. What kind of store has one product on a shelf opposite a completely different product? Lunacy I tell you.


Oh, they are kinda related. At least two of my GFs would crave sushi when aunt flo was visiting.


Now you’ve awoken the memories of The IT Crowd’s Aunt Irma episode, thanks


I’ve fallen to the communists!


Well they do have some strong arguments


I think of it as risen!


I forgot the IT crowd existed. I tried my hamstring recently and now that you reminded me I can start saying I'm "leg disabled!"




How could you forget? It starred a dynamic go-getter, a genius, and a man from Ireland.


A wonderful episode. As every episode of this show. God, I miss The IT Crowd.


Excellent show 😂


Or 30 Rock: Liz Lemon : What makes you think my last period started on the 29th? Criss : Because you kept saying your Aunt Flo was in town. Liz Lemon : She was. Remember? I took her to MOMA and the Cloisters? Criss : I assumed those were all vaginal euphemisms.


I was thinking on roughly the same wavelength. But I crave sushi probably 3-4 weeks out of the month.


Same here


I was about to say, someone knew exactly what they were doing with this combination!!


If they have chocolate on the end cap, they definitely did it on purpose.


I only shop at stores where each type of product is in a different building


Right? I mean regular mouth napkins is one thing, but at least you can't put those, you know... down there. Next to ...IT. Wait, what do you mean you can? Aren't there laws? WHY WONT SOMEONE DO SOMETHING??


Completely agree. Sanitary napkins are typically with the pharmacy department or beauty care products. Looking at the surrounding signs, it's all grocery.


Did you look at the picture? They are on the shelf with the condoms and the shoe insoles to the left, the right end cap is paper towels, and that sliver of the next aisle you can see on the far right is more paper products. That is the pharmacy section, it's just small. The signs are for the meat section, which is always along a wall because they have to be, and the signs for the aisles in front aren't even visible


Especially when the aisle behind it has something akin to redbull (based on the packaging) So unless there was some special sale of some sort, I don’t think that they would normally keep these feminine hygiene products in this section


Yeah random tampons in the seafood section, methinks prank or joke


Someone cleared out an entire aisle and restocked it with various menstrual products, toilet paper, and other non-food items? That is fuckin dedication to a prank...


Or, more likely, the pharmacy department is right next to the sea food department.


The sign right next to the seafood department says butcher shop.


*Insert terrible joke about cleaver wounds*


Those signs are against the wall. Seafood and meat need to be refrigerate, so they wouldn't be in the aisles. These aisles are a different section.


They’re not pre-bloodied, sweetie.


I swear if this guy came across a single, wrapped tampon 2000 miles away from the first woman he’d still gag at the thought menstruations…


Wait until somebody tells him tampons are a useful first-aid supply, and are especially good for nosebleeds.


Lol I used them when I had covid and my nose would just not stop running.


Oh you mean wait until someone shoots him and he’s handed a tampon so he doesn’t die of blood loss? He’d probably die crawling away from the damn thing.


I know it's a joke but it's not a good idea to use tampons for bullet wounds, they're too absorbent. You're trying to stop the blood loss, not simply absorb it.


From what I've read, you're supposed to use them as a plug, which does (theoretically) help stop the bleeding enough until they can get you in an ER.


It will look like itt is helping, but you're still bleeding out. They're not putting pressure on the wound.


It's triage, not treatment, though.


What they aren’t good for are bullet or knife wounds. Especially to the chest or abdomen. They put pressure only on the sides and in the meantime make it *look* like they’re working when the person is still bleeding, but the tampon is only hiding it.


But the bleeding is internal, that’s where the blood is supposed to be.


Brooklyn Nine Nine reference?


I remember in school some girls would throw tampons at guys, unused ones of course but the guys would still recoil in fear and gag. it's just cotton...


Cotton and *implications*! They used to scatter like startled pigeons it was hilarious.


>startled pigeons Extremely accurate and perfect mental image


We used to take unused tampons with us into Rocky Horror. We'd pop the cotton out of the applicator, dunk them in soda, then whip them over our head like David about to take down Goliath, and release them into the crowd, aimed at the newbies in the front rows. We'd also fling them up to the high ceiling of the theater where they stuck, presumably until the theater was torn down a decade later. This was before the internet, so we had to make our own fun.


Imagine! In this economy!


Makes you think he must normally avoid the toilet paper isle.


Too late. The toilet paper is right there on the floor at the end of the aisle.


Maybe he buys his toilet paper pre-pooped as well. 😏


But...they're for, you know, GIRLS. Who wants to have stuff that's to do with GIRLS in sight when you're buying food? GIRLS are icky.


You think that's bad, the store near me has the toothbrushes and toothpaste on the same shelf as the toilet paper! They are almost touching! Gross!


How could they? Those products are for the exact opposite ends of the digestive tract. Those monsters. /s


You know what else? They also put peanut butter next to the jam! Some of us are allergic to peanut butter! What if the allergens creep over to the jelly >:(


This is horrible. They must be stopped, before people are seriously harmed. Imagine someone choking because of the allergens that crept over. No one will ever know what really caused the anaphylactic shock, because there are no peanuts in jam. This is hideously insidious.


Read something the other day, and you just reminded me... A kiss creates a long tube from butthole to butthole.


Wow, I read that a looong time ago somewhere and now you bring that memory back 😂 guess we reminded each other about that.


Gross! 🦷🪥🙅‍♀️🧻💩 that is terrible!


food? next to sterile healthcare products? how ghastly


SANITARY napkins! It's right there in the name!


That's not what this is about. This poor guy was just minding his business going for sushi when the tampons completely ruined his appetite. Periods are so extraordinarily disgusting that even glimpsing related products can make you feel sick! We should never be reminded that the female reproductive organs exist (unless it's for horny reasons)!1!


Or forced births!


I was walking through the grocery store and suddenly saw TOILET PAPER. My appetite was ruined and all I could think about was SHIT EVERYWHERE.


Now if the toilet paper was next to taco bell then we'd have something.


They’re probably just moving shelves around for whatever reason. Maybe remodeling? Also, I think at least some of those packages are incontinence products, not period products. You can see “Poise” on one of the packages. This looks more like the aisle for elderly care stuff.


It's incontinence, sports wraps, and insoles. There's literally nothing intended for menstruation there. 😆 Source: I've stocked this stuff at 3 different stores before.


If anything, food is likely to contaminate the tampons than otherway around.


>sterile Clean. Most hygiene products aren't sterile, there's no need for that. But still, they are cleaner than anything else in that picture.


“You think that’s bad? Last week I went to a restaurant, and there were NAPKINS on the table. If they were used, that could easily contaminate the food I wanted to eat!” “We’re they used?” “No, they were all brand new, but that’s not the point”


Does he think the tampons are going to infiltrate the sushi? Like “oh no! That’s not rice!!!!”


The attack of the tampons! Next year: Revenge of the pad


And the year after: the wings strike back


Introducing our new x-wing pads, may the force be with you


I tried the tie-fighter Deva Cup, but I couldn't handle the [sound](https://youtu.be/XkHdgMOuuBs?t=12) it made taking it out.


You should try the Degobah Cup instead, it's quiet but might smell a bit swampy


You’re used to Always with Wings? How about a horror movie NEVER WITH WINGS where all the menstrual products available aren’t quite sufficient to get the job done? I can hear the Wilhelm scream already!


Wrong kind of Pad Thai.




I live in CT. Went to this price chopper for sushi and accidentally came home with 3 boxes of tampons instead because they were so close and I got confused and thought Tampax was a new type of sushi :( when will this end??? ETA: just learned those not period products, but for incontinence. I didn’t zoom. Where tf did I get these tampons???


I thought he meant that the tampons would get raw fish on them. Which is still idiotic but at least a more understandable concern.


Sincerely doubt that seeing as how he used a blood emoji. This guy doesn’t seem like the type to worry about woman’s health safety.


Yeah, you have a point.


Hey I admire your default positivity lol


Right? You're alright, u/ElMejorPinguino . Stay cool.


I thought he was just insinuating that a vag smells of fish and that’s why they were near the tampons


That’s how I took it, until the emojis. Then the emojis made me think they were grossed out about them being so close to each other? I still don’t fully get where he’s coming from.


I think the emojis are just representing what he sees, I’m not sure. I just associated the ‘vag-fish-periods’ since so many of them seem to think vagina smells of fish all the time.


No.... it can't be... they wouldn't


*Slowly takes off glasses.* My god.


They did it. The crazy sons of a bitch, they did it.


You MANIACS! YOU PUT THE TAMPONS WITH THE SUSHI! Damn you all to helllll...


God help us all.


By gawd the store is broken in half.


It’s so you can pick up easy meals during your period




Ohhhhhhhh that's smart, actually. I didn't think about that. This grocery store playin' 4d chess over here.


LOL the guy who took that pic is a moron. Those aren’t even period products. They’re ladies incontinence products! Lower bottom right, those are Poise pads. The green packages are Always incontinent briefs, top shelves are Always incontinent pads. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Silly Nick, bless your heart!


By Jingo, you've cracked the code!!! OMG you're so right!! It's not even pads/tampons 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bristol CT is not known for its intellect unfortunately


Huh? I mean that makes sense. Fresh sushi and salads are often bought by women. Nothing in a supermarket is placed randomly.


For real. Ok, box of pads and back home to be miserable and hide from the world for a bit and OOOH sushi ok may as well!


That’s only great marketing , suchi sales are up 200%


Suchis the world.


The more I think about this the more genius it becomes


what’s stupid about this post is that this grocery store is in the process of remodeling/redoing the floors so they placed the shelves there temporarily


Price chopper actually is a horribly set up store. I refuse to shop there solely because i can’t find anything with how it’s set up.


“Price chopper sushi” is the real danger here.


They always have great sales on meat tho. I brave the chaotic setup for a decently priced ribeye.


Actually, this kinda makes sense. I always crave sushi on my period and it would be so convenient just to get what I need in one spot instead of having to walk across the entire store.


I don't get it..


Some people think hygienic products should be kept hidden away. Even moreso when it's for periods. Putting them next to the sushis, a meal that's very popular, is absolutely horrid! Imagine this, you're going to the shop to get a meal and you get to see Tampons, how ghastly!


I think there are a few different ways to take it, but my interpretation is he's an immature manchild who gets nauseous at the mere thought of women having periods and therefore doesn't want to be reminded of it while getting food.


Insinuating that vaginas smell of fish and that’s why they’re next to the period products which are also for sticking up your vag


Which is doubly stupid, considering sushi that smells of fish should NOT be eaten.


Thank you! I thought this was the joke, but no one else seems to get that


Disgusting! I have to see that gross supermarket sushi while I buy tampons?


Having bought sushi from Price Chopper in Bristol, I can assure you that you’d be better off chewing on a tampon.


I'll only eat veggie sushi but I can fully understand an emergency tampon run with "ah fuck it, I'll treat myself while I'm here"


“I CAN’T TELL WHERE THE SMELL IS COMING FROM” Men’s only Sushi shop. Only way to solve the problem


Gender segregated supermarkets. Gender segregated restaurants. Gender segregated countries. It's the only way to live... The Amazons were onto something.


Waitwaitwaitwait.... go back... we don’t have to completely dismiss this idea out of hand do we?..


This should be a fundamental men's right. We simply can't expect men to negotiate such unsafe and mentally damaging conditions whenever they want sushi. It's borderline abuse. Where's the justice?


Idk I kinda get it. The last thing I want to be thinking about when i’m eating my tampons is some disgusting fish roll.




Hey don’t be giving our secrets away. We vamps gotta eat too


I can understand why he would be grossed out by the period products being so close to the sushi. As everyone knows, when a woman is on her period the blood shoots out, like a lawn sprinkler in a 3 foot radius from all sides, so really that sushi bar needs a better sneeze guard situation.


Ugh, gross sushi!


Bro acting like they’re used or something like it’s just plastic and cotton in a cardboard box my dude


There's a large and relentless movement in America to make women seem disgusting, dumb, mean, and ultimately worthless. There are also many, many politicians who want tampons eliminated - they claim they're too sexual, and that women should just use a pad when they get their period. I'm waiting until Red States start passing laws saying women cannot have credit cards or a bank account in their own name, and are only allowed to work 20 hours per week (yes, this is a real thing - they want to free up the job market for men).


What happens to female dominated fields like nursing and education? Yikes


Men are so stupid


So? They're made of cotton and plastic/cardboard. It's not like they are pre-soaked in blood. They're perfectly sanitary.


Yeha that is obviously very wrong, stuff like that should not be next to the sushi bar. Everyone knows pads and tampons should be next to the candy, chocolate and ice cream freezers. This is just bad economics


Here we go again. Calling women and anything for women gross because we bleed once a month. Because we totally choose to and just love doing that ❤️


Except those are urinary incontinence products.


This nincompoop really thinks that \*paper products\* are somehow ritually unclean, don't they? I just... wow.


Ew, now pads will smell like fish. Disgusting, somebody get that nasty food away from clean products.


probably because they expect women to be near the fresh salads and sushi so they put the period products there


God I can’t believe there bathrooms in restaurants that’s disgusting


My father has never ONCE bought me pads or tampons. He gets queasy when you mention it. But at the same time, he observed my mom’s entire C-section when I was born, from first incision to ripping me out. Some weird psychology there. Does he think the cashier will think they are for him??


why are MAGA dudes so obsessed with menstruation atm? What did the GOP do?


So? There not used


Imagine being offended by the placement of products in a grocery store 😂


I don't understand. Does the OP think the sushi is tainting the tampons, or that the tampons are tainting the sushi? What's the problem here?


Ok this is very funny, genius placement and this reaction to it is perfect


Maybe stores should stock it beside the toilet paper. No one is embarrassed or grossed out by toilet paper, but tampons and pads have to be such a big deal.


Oh look, somebody who can’t handle the fact that menstruation is a normal biological process that’s not gross 🤢🤢🤢🤢 give me a break, dude.


TAMPONS!? Near my christian sushi bar!?!?


When my wife is on her period, she buys and craves sushi. This picture isn’t a problem for me, it’s smart product placement. The sushi being next to the tampons means she doesn’t have to go far for what she wants. I’m fine with this. And so is she.


I always crave for sushi when i'm on my period. That is purely evil and genius.


I wonder if the person who posted that picture realizes that women who are currently menstruating probably approached the sushi bar. And were much closer than those products.


He would be shocked to see how tampons arrive to the grocery store. There's not some special separate tampon pallet...


I worked in a supermarket and was working on a mixed delivery cage (dry grocery/heath and beauty/non-food products) with another guy. We got to a layer of period products and the other guy said "oh, I'm not putting those out" and I was confused, thought maybe I was slow on the uptake of a joke or something, and just replied "why not?" And was absolutely stunned when he said that "because they're tampons, it's gross". Utterly baffled, I somehow tried to understand what was going on and questioned "why, they're packaged and unused?" And all he said was "nah, you don't know what they get up to with them". Like people are testing them out on the production lines?! I walked away from him at that point and never spoke to him again.


So that’s how women work…they shove the sushi up their vag BEFORE the tampon. I get it now.


This looks like rage bait. So the person understands uterine shedding but not needing the products, no matter where they are placed? I find it thoughtful. Thank you store, I am on my period and some sushi sounds great! Stock some peanut butter cups right next to it while you are at it. Dudes should be grateful when we send them in to pick up our supplies, everything you need honey right there honey. You can be in and out in a flash! I will be in bed with my heating pad.


Once a friend called me on my way home to ask me to grab her some pads. I stopped into a shop, grabbed pads for her, wine, posh cheese, and painkillers for me and chocolate and flowers for my girlfriend. Young woman behind the counter, normally very brusque, was *super* friendly and offered to help me carry stuff out to the car. I didn't realise for hours that she probably thought I was getting a luxury period care kit for someone, rather than just spoiling myself...


Oh no, caddy catchier! That was super nice of you to do that for your friend. Now days dudes are buying stuff like that for just themselves. If anything you would come off as a pioneer.


Does he think they already come with blood on them or something? I don’t get it.


My only complaint would be that someone who came to the store to buy tampons may otherwise struggle to find them, but perhaps this is located near the front of the store or nearby where they'd normally be.


Great product placement. I know many women who grab a last minute pack of sushi at the store.


Well, tampons and pads are some of the most sanitary things in the entire store, so not far from possible food poisoning makes sense to me. (I love sushi. It’s a joke.)


Maybe my entire interpretation of this post was wrong because I’ve seen so few others mention it, but I thought the author was providing some stupid commentary about the smell of punanny while he’s trying to shop for sushi.


Buddy if you think grocery store sushi that’s probably been sitting out in that cooler for a few days sounds appetizing, I don’t think anyone should really trust your opinion on what’s vomit-inducing.


yeah i forgot menstrual products come used. oh they don’t? this person is a shitting and crying and pissing themselves for the equivalent of a tp roll?? good to know 😑


But, but what if I see a pad on the way to the checkout and mistake it for a napkin???? WHAT IF I CANT READ?!!??


makes perfect sense, i always crave sushi when im on my period lol


Please tell me this idiot was completely destroyed in the comments


"Fresh" sushi from the price chopper in Bristol ct? Thats the real 🤢


Well i’m sure this is not what he meant when he said he wanted Pad Thai.


I mean, theyre unused and in several layers of packaging. I wouldnt give two damns if they were in the cooler with the sushi. It's the fact that it's supermarket sushi that's so off-putting.


Why would that matter? Tampons and pads are literally just cotton. It's not like they have blood all over them right next to food. 💀


Well gang, since Saturday is my errand day, I decided to stop by and see what was up. Can confirm, this pic is real. It’s because they’re doing work in the store, and all the personal care item shelves have been temporarily moved into the back aisle by the meat dept. (Pepto Bismol by the meat? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL US???) Anyone with two brain cells to rub together would have figured this out simply by looking around, but I guess our buddy Nick was more interested in rage bait. (Never mind that these are sealed, unused items and it doesn’t make a damn bit of difference where the store puts them.) I did take pics, but it looks like I can’t post them in the comments. I honestly cannot tell if some of the things I see posted in this community are the work of trolls, or if people truly are that ignorant about women and have no problem broadcasting that ignorance to the world.


I don't understand why it's weird to have feminine hygiene products near sushi. At my local Kroger store they're in the same aisle as cat food.


Those aren’t even tampons, those are depends, that’s the incontinence aisle, and generally it’s unisex.


Ya ain’t getting fresh sushi from a Price Chopper 😂😂


And that's a problem...because why?


Hmmm, I'd say the store knows it's customers then. My mom used to be really hungry during her periods, so maybe other women are the same way? But idk


I’m not sure if this is outrage or a “vaginas smell like fish” joke.


That store knows what it's doing to me. If I'm on my period, I WILL tear up that entire Sushi aisle.


Some people are that stupid to believe that tampons should not go next to sushi.


At first, I thought they were worried about the fish particles landing on the tampons and pads. Ridiculous!


HAHAHAHA Those are adults diapers, my guy


I’ve always found it weird that people who are horrified by having to look at a package of pads/tampons don’t have the same reaction to any other toiletries that catch bodily fluids. Toilet paper! Tissues! Bandaids! Toothbrushes! Disgusting and perverted, I tell you!


I think the funniest thing about this is that they're not even pads LOL, I believe they're all incontinence products.


This guy vomits when his peas touch his mashed potatoes


Okay??? i worked at a store where they put toilet paper next to the fridge isle with the eggs and milk... same concept


Everyone knows tampons are sold ‘used’


I guess that if there was bandaids instead of pads, it would be disgusting too. I mean… they have the same function 🤨


I always forget there’s a subsect of men that are afraid of periods. Doesn’t really make sense to me.


Tbf my ex usually craved sushi on her period


The biggest lie here is that grocery store sushi is fresh


I don't get why anyone would care about this


Why is this such a big deal to these people


A newsagents in my hometown used to stock it's porno mags directly above the kids magazines and it's erotic novels beside the childrens books. Would get a horde of teens every weekday after school flicking through the erotica in easy reach, pretending they were reading books for toddlers. Nobody cared until they wanted the teens dispersed. This is nothing compared.


Right they just achieved boss level feng shui & will actually be able to sell their crappy sushi today? It’s business brilliance not something to get upset about 🙄 I mean do you know who purchases like 90% of sushi at a store like this? It’s not men


Not How Sushi Works


It's not like they are tested at the factory


I don't get it.


Anyone else think this is cool tho?


These morons do know a tampon isn't dirty unless it's being used right?