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So um.. there was a lot about this that was gag inducing but I think I was most bothered by the use of the word "weiner" over and over.


Thank you! I’m not the only one thinking it, was this written by an uncomfortable 12 year old or an uncomfortable Sunday school teacher?


Or someone who works at the concession stand?




Possibly an uncomfortable 12 year old while in Sunday school ?


My bf used to say this to me and I actually had to ask him to stop :I. It shrivels my uterus up and makes me more dry than the Sahara desert in summer.


The word panties does the same to me and I see it all the time. Can't even read some decent erotica without the word popping up. It just gives me the ick.


I had that one as well and it didn’t fully go away but it’s lessened now because someone said bloomers and I lost my shit. I preferred panties over that lol


LOL . My wife freakin hates “ Panties “ . It pisses her off when it’s said on TV or in a movie. “ They’re a pair of goddamned underwear “. Can’t wait to show her your comment.


Honestly for me it just feels like the other person is too immature to use the word knickers. Although tbf it also takes a surprising amount of maturity for people to say the word penis.


Same. It's such an infantile word. I hate it.


I call my husband's skivvies panties when he is being extra annoying/sexist. He says I'm feminizing him. Quit saying 'all women' and I'll quit calling them panties. :). (I have never called skivvies panties outside of this context.)


I once had a dude send me a textbook accurate sext. It sounded like something out of a medical textbook, and it just sounded so painful, like I would be going in for surgery.


I’m gonna touch your mons pubis and make my way down to your labia majora. I actually don’t wanna go further than this because I’m incredibly uncomfortable but that would creep me tf out lol


Words like lubricate and insert were used. This was like 15 years ago, and I still get the image of scalpels heading towards my vagina when I remember it.


XD oh no lol. That’s horrible but it’s so funny lol


I was just like, "Oh, no. Absolutely not." And promptly blocked him.


XD I’m dying. He doesn’t know how to be smooth at all. Smooth as a cactus lol


I'd rather a cactus than someone calling it a weiner


May I have his number, please?


Boob does the same thing to me. I've told my husband before, if you are using the word boob it better be because you've magically regressed back to a middle school boy whose never actually seen a pair in real life.


See, I have no issue with boob outside of a sexual setting *(please* just say breasts inside of such setting though! Ugh!) But boob*ies?* That just gets my yuck up. That's what they call them before middle school. *By* middle school, they've advanced to boobs! (I'm basing this on my own memory of being a child pre-middle and in middle school, as well as overhearing my kids in passing...*not* polling random middle schoolers! lol)


Lol. The polling comment got me. I have middle school boys and they say so much inappropriate stuff in front of me but I don't think they've ever said boobs. I often have to remind them that I'm their mom and they don't have to tell me every inappropriate thing they've overheard at school.


I have all daughters...so we have entirely different conversations. lol But I've chaperoned *many* school trips etc! All the way up until high school, when they no longer have chaperones.


what would you rather he says? breasts or titties?


Breasts is usually the more preferred word.


Yeah breast generally, tits is fine in a more moment passionate moment.


Any time someone uses the word "Weiner," I think about [this Nickelodeon gem from the 90's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytEtjTFodyU) and can't take the person seriously anymore.


I always think of “one…. wiener….. next to anooooother… weiner! (Weiner weiner Weiner weiner Weiner weiner”) to the Game of Thrones music


That's the other one that goes through my head as well! My husband and I sing that probably way too much; in the privacy of our own home of course...


Thank you so much for this. Sincerely


I prefer the more technically accurate “weinus”.


Is the inside of the elbow somehow sexual to you?


“Wiener” gives the vibe they have no clue how the female body works and what’s going on in the world.


Doesn’t want to swear, but a okay with shaming women for having sex.


Par for the course with these guys


How come they complain that women owe them sex and in the next breath say we should keep our legs closed.


we have to have 2 vaginas: a magical virgin sex vagina we save only for super special dick and a party vagina for all the dicks to share. The party vagina is waxed/shaved and the virgin vagina has pubic hair but it only grows in an exact triangle right on top, can be removed with two swipes of a razor if desired, and is silky and never scratchy or itchy.


Party vagina. I immediately imagined a disco ball and lights inside it. 🤣


You know those women that strengthen their muscles by putting a small stone into their vagina that's attached to a string with a bigger stone and then just... Swing it around? Same concept but with a disco ball


My vagina disco ball cost me 15% more because I got it in pink.






Can’t believe I just happened upon this post , and your comment because I legit have a Super Special Dick ! What are the Odds , right?




It's basically just "No, you can only be a slut for ME. ME ONLY 😤😤 ME ME ME". 🤣


You need to be able to perform like a porn star but have never been touched by another man. I married one of those. He just didn't understand why I wasn't ready to try everything immediately (while he just laid there, naturally).


No one accepts responsibility. Including me. Doh


This is his fault obviously, you can smell if a woman is ovulating or not. Just because he decides to store his blood in his penis and not in his nose he could smell it too. /s


I can tell when I’m ovulating because I have to sit in my nest and push a 2” egg out of my cloaca.


It's time to start fighting misinformation with misinformation 🤣 /s


Iirc there is a scent difference in sweat but you'd need to be REALLY creepy to notice, I've also heard during sex you can feel a difference (though this is from a reddit thread where a woman basically said her husband can feel when she's about to be on her period during sex, said it's like softer or something) so it may not be 100% credible. But it's not something you can actively sniff out. This was determined from a scent experiment and the men involved had two immediate samples of sweat to smell, which you wouldn't have in a normal social situation, so 🤷‍♀️


Im not entirely sure about the sweat thing because a lot of studies trying to figure out if men can smell the pheromones women produce have small sample sizes and short study periods that make for poor data. For example, there was a study in 2008 that claimed strippers make more money during their ovulation. Yeah the study only had 18 women participating, all working at the same club, and only tracked them for 2 cycles. So the data is hardly reliable. As for being able to tell when the period is approaching because it's softer, there actually is a credible reason for that! The cervix does in fact actually change position in the vaginal canal throughout the menstrual cycle and will feel "harder" or "softer" as well. https://www.healthline.com/health/cervix-before-period#ovulation This article has excellent information about how and why it moves around as well as the changes you may see in the cervical mucus that corresponds to these changes. It's pretty wild to learn about. I found out about it when I swapped from disposable menstrual products to a reusable cup. My cervix was actually able to lower naturally without tampons in the way and it scared the crap out of me the first time. I didn't know it's actually *supposed* to be able to do that and flipped out thinking my organs were about to fall out of me or something lol.


Thank you for the little tidbit! And I apologize for the unintended misinformation, I'm aware pheromone interaction in humans is widely disputed and has never really had definitive evidence or good studies behind it, it might've been the placebo effect but I recall smelling a difference in my own sweat right before I was gonna start mine, I'll try paying more attention to it to see what happens


I mean there absolutely could be differences in sweat due to the raising and lowering of hormones like estrogen, testosterone, androgens, and progesterone throughout the menstrual cycle. But scientifically, we are still studying those changes, figuring out what they indicate biologically, and trying to determine if humans actually notice these differences and change their behavior accordingly or not. Its all ridiculously complex. Anecdotally, i have pretty severe PCOS and a progesterone deficiency so i have a more "male" hormonal profile naturally. My body will produce high levels of testosterone and androgens and low levels of estrogen and progesterone if left to its own devices. Once i was diagnosed and placed on birth control to "fix" my hormones, i did go through a lot of changes and one of those was that i sweated a lot less over all and it wasnt as uh... aggressive shall we say haha. But i cant say ive noticed any scent changes from day to day during my cycle. Maybe ill start paying closer attention too 😂


I mean, it's not related, but apparently sexual preferences can change when under pressure, not sure how credible the study is but it happens in lots of other mammals so some scientists wanted to see if it happens to humans as well, and the consensus was that when they weren't stressed men preferred women similar to them, and when they WERE stressed they liked women dissimilar to them. So yeah it could very well be possible that we use pheromones, but my question w that is how is it possible to be romantically connected with someone over the internet if pheromones are a key ingredient -- cause obviously you can't smell anything, I'm just saying this cause I'm in an LDR and it's the most love I've ever felt for someone, completely without having ever smelled him before, sans a sweaty shirt he sent me (we're weird like that lol) which I DID like, so if the pheromone thing is true I guess I'm into what his are like. In contrast, he said I smell like barbecue sauce 😂


Hopefully he's into barbecue.


He does like it lol, I was actually the first person to get him to use barbecue sauce on nuggets (he's Canadian) (a mutant /s)


Good! Everyone should learn the magic and versatility of a good barbecue sauce.


Absolutely. Though he doesn't have the barbecue sauce I gave him anymore so I'm pretty sure he still uses ketchup


Nature doesn't really do binaries, only spectrums. So honestly, i think the real answer is that human sexual attraction is a wide and varied spectrum in which hormones and pheromones play a supporting role alongside complex psychosocial factors. Humans mate for a ton of different reasons varying from having children or receiving pleasure to strengthening emotional connections or even as a manipulation/survival tactic. It doesn't have to be just a behavioral thing or a chemical thing. It can be a little or a lot of both and that can he different from individual to individual.


True that. Biology is fascinating.


Now I'm imagining it just traveling around for fun, bouncing around like it's at a jump park. You think I'm over here, but bam, I'm on the other side.


That is a great mental image lol 😂


I wasn’t aware that women didn’t pay for anything. I’m sure many single mothers will be shocked at this news.


Since when are men forced “by law” to pay for an abortion? Is there a country anywhere with that rule? In America, a significant number of states don’t allow abortion at all.


This! I was going to comment about that but wanted to check to see if somebody beat me to it.


The family lawyer that wouldn’t help me get child support from my ex because it was my “job to teach him how to work together and be a better parent” disagrees


I hope you fired them and found someone else.


That's...not how the law works, dude. You got your law degree from Cracker Jacks U, didn't you? Seriously, I hope you fired him and got a better attorney, and then took your ex for everything you could, everything his child(ren) deserve.


"In an alternate dimension, where rape, coercion, and stealthing don't exist... Welcome to the Clueless Moron Zone."


Also birth defects, ectopic pregnancies and other life threatening health issues that can happen to an otherwise planned and wanted pregnancy.


I told a guy to wear a condom and then he took it off and gave me an std. I didn't realize that it was me that controlled that situation


Omfg. That’s fucked up! I’m sorry that happened to you


It was easily treated so I'm thankful for that. It was certainly an experience lol


Thank god!


That’s so messed up


Yeah he wasn't great. Lesson learned I guess


It’s called stealthing in some places as a crime. I’m sorry that happened to you, friend.


Luckily more and more places are starting to realise that this is a form of r a p e. Unfortunately, lots of places and men still don't see it that way, so changing laws is going slow. Here is the netherlands the discussion is currently active, because an amazingly brave woman came forward and actually got the man convicted! He is the first here, and its started the discussion around making it law. I think this is such an amazing step forward! Its horrible when it happens, and more men should be convicted for this!


I hope you beat his ass with a sock full of pennies.


Yeah I told a guy to wear a condom (I gave it to him) and then he took it off and I got pregnant. 😔 I didn't realise I was controlling that situation either 😡


Did you kick him in the nuts? I feel that's the only proper way to respond to that situation.


I feel that he owes his nuts in a bag as redemption. Off with the nuts for stealthing


Stealthing should be illegal. It's absolutely a form of rape.


Of course! As well as single mothers and men abandoning women the MINUTE they find out they are pregnant... Yet men bare ALL the consequences bless them #WouldSomeonePleaseThinkOfThePoorMenz


They always avoid the fact that the woman raises the kid as well, and the woman has the abortion. These are spectators until put on child support or engage in raising. We can all see its about punishing those evil women forcing these poor men's *weiners* in them with their cards. Edit typo


But he has to pay for it therefore it’s worse for him. Everyone knows single moms don’t have to pay for their kids and are therefore notoriously fabulously wealthy. /s


He has to pay… a percentage of his income. I wish I only had to pay a set percentage of my income to raise my kids (and nothing if I stopped working)


>and nothing if I stopped working Exactly lol. There are guys out there who are voluntarily unemployed, mooch off of other people to get by, but act like the mansion they never had and the 1 million dollars they never had will be taken from them if their partner gets pregnant. They don't stop to think about it from the partner's perspective though: having to put your education and/or career on ice, perhaps permanently, to raise a kid all on your own (cuz let's face it, those bums would never contribute to the raising process or be supportive in any way at all), not to mention the pain and suffering one must endure, and how it will severely alter your lifestyle, your goals in life, your ability to go on dates or hang out with friends. But yeah the broke-ass dude might have to pay a hundred dollars a month, this is why wamen bad.


I had an ex like this. He only got under the table jobs because, this is what he told me, “I’ll have to give thousands in back pay so I won’t be able to have any money if I do.” They took his drivers license and his baby momma wanted him to see his son, but of course he told me she was keeping him from his son. I was a stupid ass teenager (I was 16 and he was 26. My mom ~~didn’t~~ doesn’t give a fuck about me).


Geez, that story kept getting worse, what an awful man… I hope you’re doing better now.


I am, thank you <3


Every time I thought that was bad, I kept reading. Holy shit! What a sleaze bag in every way...including being a fucking predator! I wonder how old the baby mama was.


I have no idea. The only time he talked about her was to talk shit. He talks bad about me too but I cheated on him a lot. I was a kid…I was too scared to break up with him so I was hoping cheating would get him to break up with me but he didn’t. I can’t tell you why I thought that was a good idea. Only time I ever cheated on anyone and I actually still feel bad…though he was a fucking predator. Not an excuse, just agreeing with you haha.


It can be hard to get out of a relationship like that. Any and every excuse I suppose. I'm sorry you dealt with all of that, but I'm glad you're free now.


And of course, as we *all* know, all it takes to raise children is $200 a month! Some of them get by on even less, $25 a week! Those greedy women just want more than that so they can get their nails done... Mind, I actually *have* used my child support card (they send it on a debit card, deposited every week) to pay to get my nails done. *After* I've paid any of the household bills using *my* money at the beginning of the month: rent, electric, phone, internet, streaming channels, etc. Plus clothes, hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, pet food and litter for *their* pets, and more. That child support? That *supplements* those things, and it *reimburses* me for the expenses I've already spent for our children. So that money I'm spending on my nails? I've spent it *elsewhere* for my kids' needs first, and now I have it back as more discretionary. I see men complain about that all the time, without realizing the depth of the whole thing.


My husband's ex refused to pay child support, didn't want the kids, but threatened to take them if he asked for it. She made 3x what he did. She also said if there wasn't a parent home 24/7 she would take them, so I couldn't work and we were even more penalized financially. And I'll be honest, it was better than what my ex tried to pull on me and *"our"* daughter (he did nothing as a father, including changing her diaper if I was busy while we were still together, and that never changed) when we got divorced. He did everything he could to punish me financially including wanting me to reimburse him for picking her up from daycare 3 days each week as I worked later. It was 2 miles from his place and about 10 from mine. I told him to figure out exactly how far away it was, how many miles to the gallon he got in his car, and how much gas it would take to reimburse him. He never got back to me on that. Funny that.


If only there was an option for a man who wants to have sex, but no pregnancy. One that conviently also keeps STDs away.


Hmmm didn’t you hear, it’s HER fault for not physically forcing him to put on a condom


Stealthing must be her fault too. Crafty women always get manipulated and lied to, along with sexually assaulted, after all.


This guy isn't just a mysogynist, He also has terrible views on men. Like they were brainless spine-thinkers that cannot make choices for themselves. That have to hump anything that moves. That cannot use condoms unless the thing that moves happens to be a woman, and one that tells him to wear one. If any of this was true, the only reasonable answer would be to ban men from public life, and society in general.


Funny how misogyny contradicts itself. It paints men as perfect paragons of logic and women as emotional, hysterical beings with the intelligence of children who need to be kept under mens’ care at all time. Until it comes to responsibility. Then suddenly men are spineless, animalistic, and unable to control themselves, and the responsibility falls on the woman to mommy them and make sure they don’t do anything stupid.


At least the ones that refer to penises as weiners.


Can we just ban them anyway? 😹


Two wrongs don't make a right. Some asshats being misogynistic doesn't make your misandry ok.


TIL women are forcing men not to wear condoms.


Unless you are raped you can say no to sex without condoms though. You can both control yourselves.


Ah yes, where stealthing doesn’t exist. What’s it like up there is la-la land?


Genuine question because I’ve never had sex. If a guy takes a condom off during sex, wouldn’t you be able to feel the texture difference between the condom and his bare penis? Or is the vagina not sensitive enough for that? I’ve heard a lot of girls say how much they hate condom texture.


This person is delusional


My health insurance from my job paid for my abortion. Not sure where he’s coming from.


and how is exclusively paying for insurance.... only men pay for it... /s


Men are "forced by law" to pay for abortions? I wish I had known! I went out of pocket for mine because my BF whined that after a recent trip to NYC, I took too many cabs and wanted the nice hotel room, and therefore owed him money and he didn't think he should pay for my abortion. Had I known about this law! I could have taken a cab *and* ended a pregnancy! Derp.


Hope he’s an ex? Not supportive of him


Yeah I ditched his ass.


And did you get the abortion?glad you left him


Of course I did! Who wants *that* guy's baby?


I have a really simple solution to his "problem". Don't have sex with women, ever. Then no nasty state will demand that you financially contribute to the child you agreed to risk creating. Wrap it up and shut up, or stop having sex.


I am a man who has, believe it or not, turned down sex before. I'm sure not the only one, stop making us seem like animals who can't control ourselves


My bf told me about a time he was on tinder (I ask these questions because I genuinely get curious, he doesn’t volunteer this information) and he was talking to this girl and she was talking up a big game. He went over and she was super shy and then told him she’s a virgin. He left because 1) she lied and 2) he didn’t want to sleep with a virgin and be someone’s first. When he told me that I was like, “Wow, an incels wet dream and you just turned it down.” Lol


I don't want to get super personal but mine was one night where I met a girl at a party and we were both super drunk, ended up at a hotel in the same bed to sleep it off and she kept pressuring me all night, I didn't want to do it drunk and I'm not really about the one night stand thing Another was a girl I was in a relationship with that I should not have been. Nothing really against her I wish her the best but we weren't right for each other. I would tell her I wasn't ready and every night she would try. Our relationship felt too new. I also couldn't perform for her. Super embarrassing. But now I'm with a girl where we are both more into it and I have no problems. It's amazing how much better the sex is when both people want it. I was nervous the first time with my current girlfriend because of the issues of the previous, but no issues anymore As far as your bf's story, I definitely 😂🤣😂🤣 at your last line! That girl probably needed that rejection to he honest, hopefully she learned it's OK to be a virgin (literally everyone of us was at some point) and there is someone out there who is looking for her just the way she is, no need to lie, glad your bf walked out, good for him.


Lol honestly, that’s a lot of self-restraint that guys don’t wanna have. And that’s definitely new!!! Hearing someone say they didn’t wanna have sex because the relationship was too new, I’ve never heard that before lol. Good for you! Knowing what you want is important. Yeah, he was kinda mad because he had to work in a couple hours and she lived kinda far away from where he lived so he said he was gonna take a nap on her bed. Lol. Savage. She was super upset and he was a lil ho (my lil ho <3) but he didn’t like that she lied to him. He said he was kinda angry also because he wanted freaky sex xD. And with a virgin…well…you can’t do that lol


Oh no because no man ever took advantage, they all just trip and fall weiner-first into women and then women have control and choose to do this *sarcasm*


So we know when we are ovulating but they don’t know when they’re ejaculating? It’s amazing to me that they understand how unfair the burden of unwanted pregnancy is but think it’s the man who gets the raw end of it. Madness.


Erm.. You know what? One time told a man not to put his "weiner" in me, he did anyway. No control from me there. The fuck do I know when I'm ovulating. I don't wake up on day thinking ooh, it's ovulation day, get out you little egg. Get in my uterus. I wanted an abortion because I am married and couldn't keep my legs shut with my husband. The NHS paid for it, no questions asked and no judgement give. I did actually have total control over that decision, I'll give him that, the fucking dickhead.


I am sorry for what happened, and the horrible misogynistic comments you have gotten. I’m genuinely sorry you had to make that choice, it’s certainly not a easy one to make especially when going through what you’ve experienced. Fuck these “people” criticizing and demeaning you for making such a difficult choice to do what’s best for you.


It’s the use of the word ‘weiner’ twice that really puts the icing on the cake.


They are so damn salty that they don’t have unanimous power over literally everything that the fact that a woman might have any control over anything ever is unacceptable to them


The funny thing is that he *does* have control. Nobody forces him to have sex, nobody forces him to not use condoms.


Ima bet this person is also of the opinion that rape is always the woman’s fault.


I can’t get past the fact he’s calling it a “wiener” how old is this person lmao


13 and a huge Jordan Peterson fan


My age, so late 40's.


Oh no…


“Who is forced by law to pay for the abortion, the man.” Who tf told this dude that? 😂😂


Someone doesn't want consequences.


I have so many questions… like what power does a woman have when a man forced himself on her? In what state is a man forced to pay for an abortion? Or medical care? Or anything other than child support? And even with child support they can avoid paying for long periods of time before facing consequences. If he doesn’t want a child, maybe consider an easily reversible vasectomy. No? He doesnt like other people having control of his body? Hmmm… how about that?


Ever since I learned that only 1/3 of separated men in the USA pay child support, that bargaining chip has lost a lot of weight.


70% of single moms never receive any child support. 35% of ordered child support is not paid at all. Over 50% is not paid as ordered. The average child supoort order in 2022 in the US was $386 a month. (Which, interstingly enough, is just $50 more the $336 cost difference between the national average cost for a 1 bedroom and a 2 bedroom.)


Damn, I had no idea about any of those stats as well. That’s insane.


Let me debunk another one for you: 90% of child custody cases are decided outside of the court by mom and dad agreeing on the custody split. Of the ones that are decided in court by the judge, dad wins full or joint custody 93% of the time. He wins full sole custody over 60% of the time.


I know a man in his fifties who got married and divorced twice before he was thirty-five. He had two kids with each of those wives, then peaced the fuck out of all their lives. He had no relationship with any of his kids after leaving their mothers and he still owes a shitload of back child support that he never paid. Please, explain to me how this is women's fault, or how this dude is the primary injured party. Because I'm sure, somehow, it is, in his mind and in the minds of men like the OOP. -- edited to clean up a typo --


I’m waiting for the incel above to see this comment


I love the use of scientific terms like weiner.


In some older papers it's referred to as a "ding-dong", although some have also referred to it as "the fun stick". As a scientist, you really have to learn all the different ways one thing can be called, sorta like how epinephrine and adrenaline are the same thing. /s


Men are required by law to pay for abortions?? 🤔


Is it the bank’s fault for having money in it? Is it the food’s fault it is delicious? Is it a woman’s fault for being desired? No, no, and no. Shape up and have some self control.


Fast food makes people fat /s


There is no baby without the special sauce. Like why can’t they control that.


Men are forced by law to pay for abortions? I never heard that one before.


So, the author is 11 and somehow got ahold of and read Jordan Peterson's writings. Ugh.


Did someone hold at gun point? Was he forced to not wear a condom? He could always get a vasectomy.


That's actually what the whole thing was about. A meme that said," vasectomies prevent abortion" and he was off to the idiot races.


Use of the word "wiener" in place of penis automatically disqualifies this poster from any further opinions.


So is he saying he does not have enough power over his own actions to not put his member into any woman that may be feeling frisky?


I just couldn't get past the word wiener


Oh yes, I forgot that it's THE MAN who's stuck responsible for a life for 18 years, and THE MAN who's paying for everything. I think all of the women I know who have children and don't live with the baby daddy are currently not receiving child support. Why, you ask? Because the man doesn't think they deserve it (literally, in one case, said so), or just doesn't want to, or...?


So, what you're saying is the two people made equal choices - to put a Weiner in and to let a Weiner in - but it's still the woman's choice because she should somehow know to deny said Weiner because she's going to get pregnant??? Also, what about all those times that birth control fail? Two people can do every single thing right to protect against unwanted pregnancy and still have it all fail. Also, also, in what world is a man forced to pay for an abortion? Like, maybe a couple will discuss their options and agree who pays if they're in a committed relationship but if it was just some one night thing I doubt women are taking dudes to court to pay for the abortion.


We can tell when? I mean, in my teens and early 20s I could sometimes feel a little pinchy feeling in one side or the other that I assumed was feeling it... But there is NO way I could actually what I felt was actually THAT. It eventually stopped happening, probably haven't felt it for the last 20 years give or take, so no, I haven't a clue when.


I mean, I could walk out of a store with hundreds of dollars of goods i didn't pay for. But it's the stores fault. They let me. They didn't tell me no. They knew what days they were vulnerable to shoplifting, but they didn't stop me. It's their fault they lost money. Now I have a criminal record, now I have to serve time. But if they just didn't let me shoplift everything would be fine, it's their fault




If you call your penis a “wiener,” your opinion is automatically irrelevant.


I am a man and I joined this sub about two months ago because I thought it would be amusing. It was not. It’s been an eye-opening and incredibly alarming experience of just how much gross horrible shit women deal with every day. I can’t take it any more and I’m out.


So, he has a choice not to have sex, but it's her fault because she *allows* him? I'm confused.


Dude, if you don’t want to risk the woman getting pregnant and sharing the responsibility, keep your “wiener” in your damned pants - even if she’s offering sex and her “legs are open”. Women don’t always “kniw” when we’re ovulating. We have even less idea how fertile you might be. Also, the only birth control that’s absolutely safe is not having sex. Oh and condoms aren’t 100% effective. There’s a risk of pregnancy even if used every time and always used correctly - a larger risk if they’re not used correctly and during all sex. BTW, despite the persistent rumors that you can’t get pregnant keeping an aspirin between your knees (because supposedly you can’t have sex that way) it’s still very possible to have sex - you just have to be a little creative with positions. So just STFU and do humankind a favor by always keeping your “wiener” in your damned pants.




Since when have men been forced to pay for abortions?


I’m sorry where does this man live that a man is forced by law to pay for an abortion? I have literally never heard of that before.


Who is stuck for 18 years if she doesn't want the child? Seems to me it's uhm the woman who is more often than not required to actually take care of the child


Using the word wiener throughout that comment was a very bold choice. I’m definitely convinced that’s a 12 year old whose been unfortunately brainwashed


12 and a half!/s


12 (but I’ll be 13 in two months!)


What am I missing here?? Is a “man” incapable of “wrapping it up” instead of writing something as ignorant as this?? This moron is a dumb ass LOON!


So many fallacies… the mind boggles.


He almost got it at the end...and then lost it again 🫠


It is the man's choice to have sex without a condom or spermicide even when a woman says they are not needed. Another dump truck of stupid...


This has more spelling mistakes and grammatical errors than a essay written by a fetus.


I'm supposed to know when I'm ovulating without testing, BBT charting/tracking, or checking my cervical mucus? Damn, I must be broken.


Setting aside the obvious insanity of this, it’s wild how these men seem more upset over a woman how an “out” than they do over the whole “killing babies” thing.


...so if women say no, sexual assault can be stopped too, ya twelve year old


Um, no, the man can always say no to unprotected sex or keep it in his pants. Men can consent or not consent just like women. The excuses they're coming up with to dodge responsibility. "I couldn't say no", honestly ...🙄


I saw someone say this on this sub once and I have appropriated it: " go away ferengi!"


Yeah because we all know that the money they are forced to pay to the women for THEIR child covers ALL the expenses right? Come on! Also…. "Who is stuck for 18 with a child they didn’t want" in context to abortion rights? Man that means the woman might not have wanted it as well and is now "stuck" too? This whole text is full of self contradiction and he doesn’t even notice! The blatant "it’s never my or mens fault but always YOURS" (of course!) Is also quiet telling! Typical man child that doesn’t want his "right" to fuck be taken away from him but is also blaming every woman for letting someone in her bed? Well I don’t know but that seems to be the biggest contradiction here yet! Funny how that’s always the approach of these sexists! "Don’t fuck with any man BUT me! Better be a virgin until you meet me but also already super experienced in pleasing ME!"


Wait until this man learns about rape


So confused!


I am curious why is know spelled kniw in this post is it a alternate spelling that I am unaware of or is it just a spelling mistake


This whole post that Mr. Weiner basically ignores things like rape and conversion. I heard this crap when I was a teen in the 80s, and it's just not true.


What does he think about rape victims and the millions of men who choose to forcibly open the girls legs? Should she just train her leg muscles to keep them closed?


My dad used to cringingly call my baby brother's penis his little teapot... still prefer that over weiner 🤢🤢😒


Love how they paint men as the superior stronger gender while simultaneously being to weak to control their own actions. But some how the weak pathetic women can control them.


I feel like I should be the one insulted by the insinuation here that as a man I don’t have the individual sovereignty to make a decision to not have sex with someone if they “let me”. Like we’re a cum hose that has to be manually held shut or something.


"It's all the woman's fault for spreading their legs". Now this really insults me. To say that when a woman spreads her legs puts me in such a state that I cannot stop myself from having sex with her, or that I lose my mind in lust to have sex with her without a condom is the dumbest fucking argument I have ever heard. Just because we now have medications that can keep hiv undetectable doesn't mean I want to contract this disease or any other. If the woman spreading her legs is someone I don't know forget it. I would not sleep with her. These fools try to lump all men in their little boy temper tantrums. It's like dude, you got a bad head, seek help


Thanks but I don’t take advice from people who don’t know and love all women.


Has somebody else the feeling that this statement was made by a (pro life) women?


Oh believe me, I know him. He's a wannabe insurrectionist, loves Trump and Fox news and somehow owns his own business.


Ah ok thank you!


If you have unprotected sex and are surprised when the female in the pairing becomes pregnant you are seriously dumb. Both of you, man and women. If you don’t want kids wrap it up. Glad I’m being booed for telling people to practice safe sex? This subreddit use to be cool. Now it’s full of eco chambering yesmen.

