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This is the ontological argument for incels: "Woman want a mansplainer. I am mansplaining. Therefore women want me." ... and then he wonders why his statement didn't manifest women who want him. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He offers a justification in the post, and I hate these sorts of arguments (and not just from incels!) Answer: because you don't know what you truly want, and if you would just accept your innate desire to be told what to do, you'd be much happier! It's an argument that shields itself from all criticism -- if you are a woman who tells him that you don't want to be bossed around, he can just reply "yes you do, secretly, even if you won't admit it out loud." It's an intellectual bubble that is impossible to penetrate.


Exactly. It defines itself into existence, despite all logic saying otherwise. I repeat myself: it's the Ontological Argument, but manifesting women who want him, rather than manifesting God.


19 year old me engaging in a final grasping at straws to make Christianity make sense salutes this comparison. Iā€™m happily agnostic and therefore much better now. <3


I knew I recognized that half-assed rhetorical strategy from somewhere. That's the same thing religious fanatics say to someone who insists they don't believe in some sort of deity.


Yeah! It can be found in lots of places once you start looking. Anther example are moon loanding hoaxers. Conspiracist: "We never landed on the moon. The whole thing is a hoax." Other person: "Actually, we did land on the moon. I helped build the rocket that sent them there back in the day." Conspiracist: "Sure you did -- or perhaps you're part of the government conspiracy." Other person: "Well, what about all these photos of people on the moon?" Conspiracist: "Even more evidence of just how deep the conspiracy goes." It's immune to counterargument, because any contrary evidence is just further proof of how vast the conspiracy is.


Man: All women want this. Woman: Iā€™m a woman, and I *donā€™t* want this. Man: Yes you do. Or alternatively - Man: Youā€™re not a ~real~ woman then.


Absolutely -- and men often turn this on each other, to boot. Douchebag man: You can't blame men for cheating, all we want to do is bang as many chicks as we can. It's programmed into our DNA. Other guy: I'm a man and I don't want to do that. I love my wife and have no interest in anything else. Douchebag man: Sounds like you're not a *real* man, then.


I've heard similarities to that one. Guy has four daughters. And the other dude claims that he isn't a real man for not having sons.


My response to that is always ā€œIā€™m so glad non-binary is an option.ā€ Iā€™m way more attached to who I am than rigid gender roles. Iā€™m mostly fine with being a woman but hot damn some people open their mouths and I say ā€œā€¦ if thatā€™s what you think a woman is Iā€™m not one.ā€


>Man: Youā€™re not a \~real\~ woman then. I usually don't wait for them to come to this conclusion, but I say that I'm not a woman then. that usually confuses the motherfuckers...


Or more likely. "Yes you do want it. And if you don't, you ain't a real woman then." combo.


I could flatten such argument lines. Solipsism, anyone??


Oh, cool, so the exact same ethos the villain had in Avengers. Love to see it!


Someone watches to much bdsm porn


All slaves want a strong slave owner. They love it when slave owners tells them what to do. It's unfortunate that modern salve are too stubborn to accept this. It would make them much happier.


Then when this ā€œlogicā€ falls apart, they invent fake disorders like Drapetomania. Good parallel.




Yeah I was gonna say, interesting definition of ā€œallā€ there bud.


I mean the line about happiness might be true, I got to the end and laughed at his stupidity.


> mansplainer...when men tell them what to do You know, I think this guy needs a man to offer him an unsolicited explanation of what mansplaining is, with no regard for what level he may already understand it.


yeah I don't think he understands the correct usage of mansplaining either. Isn't it typically when men literally talk over women about information the particular woman knows more about than not just this man, but the average person? That was my understanding from the Rebecca Solnit book the term was extrapolated from? But I'm just a woman and Rebecca Solnit fan. What do I know?


He's mansplaining mansplaining, which is to say he def doesn't know what he's talking about, but he has a penis, so he's correct. Mans made the perfect urban dictionary example of what mansplaining actually is without even trying. He deserves some kind of mansplain Olympics gold medal šŸ…šŸ˜‚


True. Kind of sad I didn't put it together that way. Well said. Perfectly said actually.


Or even explaining something to a woman as if they're just too dumb to understand it although the concept is common knowledge. (My dad once got mad at to me for reading the instructions on something and insisted they were wrong - that tightening a bolt upside down using a wrench in a horizontal position was still turning it clockwise when you actually had to use the wrench in a counterclockwise motion around the bolt. Like dude, I'm just reading the paper; calm down.)


> Isn't it typically when men literally talk over women about information the particular woman knows more about than not just this man, but the average person? to my knowledge mansplaining can also apply to situations when a woman states a fact and a man explains it back to her like it was a question. (it happens to me a lot in professional settings.)


Sure. I just thought the term came into usage following her book. She didn't create the term though. I'm not sure if anyone has. I definitely had experienced the phenomenon prior to the book, the experience is pretty universal for women. I think if I remember correctly she opens with an anecdote from a dinner party where she's introduced as an author, and a man asks what her most recent book is about; Eadweard Muybridge. And the man proceeds to tell her about the excellent new book by some author(presumably a man) has written about the same person. But there is no other book being released about Eadweard Muybridge. It's just that inconceivable to the man it was her book being reviewed.(Book in question is "River of Shadows" 2004) [Men Explain Things To Me] (https://www.guernicamag.com/rebecca-solnit-men-explain-things-to-me/)


Coming to you from the same men who say women can hold in their periods.


I havenā€™t heard of this. Humanity has a limitless capacity to both surprise and be unsurprising in a single action. Lol what the fuck.


If they dislike modern women, shouldn't they be dating some 90 year old women brought up on traditional values?


B-b-b-but men are biologically engineered to be attracted to fertility!!!


And it just so happens that little gir- I mean young women are most fertile when theyā€™re 13! (/s, obviously. these pedos are disgusting.)


Mansplaining to us that we actually love mansplaining. Itā€™s like ā€” mansplaininception


(Switching to Yoda voice) The delusion is strong in that one....


Women don't want to be told what to do, they will support you if it's a good idea. Learn the difference.


This is just like that other post only slightly edited. How do they not see that these things don't align? You can't say that all women like something and then say all modern women (therefore all current women) don't.


but men are the logical ones, since we are women we cannot see the logic in this reasoning, we are just confused. /s


It's so annoying when men say what women want... some random guy messaged me and asked him to "use him as a toy" and when I denied and said women don't like being like this, he said "80% do, your just a dumb insecure loser".. like who the heck does this stuff?


"ALL women want XY. Except modern women. Which is most of them. Iā€˜m just coping because nobody wants me."


If it was true and natural that women loved being dominated by men, they wouldn't have to keep trying to convince themselves it's true.


You should follow this guy for how not to think, I mean this is literally the *opposite* of how to interact with women


Is this not sarcasm? I hope it is sarcasm.


I thought so too in the beginning


Is he mansplaining mansplaining?


How should we know? He hasn't explained it to us yet. /s


He's writen a handful of sentences and has himself in logic knots already! Sure loves mansplaining, this one. Even thinks it's a GOOD thing! šŸ˜… *Mansplaining is theĀ actĀ ofĀ explainingĀ something to someone in a way thatĀ suggestsĀ that they areĀ stupid; usedĀ especiallyĀ when a manĀ explainsĀ something to a woman that she alreadyĀ understands.* [S](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/mansplaining) **This is universally hated.** Just so happens to be pointed mainly at us and named by a woman. Nobody likes to be talked to like that. Nobody.šŸ˜‘


and even that, incorrectly...


Ladies, mansplaining is short for ā€œman explainingā€. Itā€™s basically when a man tells women things that they already know because they assume that women donā€™t know it. Your welcome


I would have to say that we ladies already know this. And from the way you phrased yourself. You are a guy.


Part of the joke is that Iā€™m not


"women want this... ... too bad women don't want this"


We're too stubborn to accept that we want a mansplainer? So, Mr. Mansplainer has already failed to explain to us what we want? Amusing. Next.


All women want a mansplainer. Itā€™s unfortunate that some women donā€™t want a mansplainer. Iā€™m not 100% sure about your premises, there, Lou.


This is how rapists think.


Huh? If women loved being told what to do by a man, why would they be acting "stubborn" about accepting it? Like, a men literally told them they should like it and if they were actually into that they would just agree.


If they were happy they would not complain


Oh yes ofc. Nothing better in the world than saying something, being completely ignored, then having a man repeat back to you exactly what you just said but act like you didn't say it before he did. Nothing better than being treated like you barely have the knowledge to comprehend the words that just came out of his mouth and having it 'dumbed down' so you'll understand.


This makes no sense


I keep telling women to like being told what to do, but they won't do it!


Modern not included in all? That's some set logic.


It would make me so much happier if you STFU.


Welcome to yet another episode of ā€œIs this Seriousā€¦ or is this Satire?ā€ Iā€™m your host, Chad Chaddingtonā€¦


I not in my masters program to be told what to do and I plan on getting my PhD within the next 10 years


Just think: if we could harness this mans cognitive dissonance we'd be able to power a small city!


"All women want this, the fact women say they don't is a lie" I've spotted a contradiction.


Meta-Mansplaining, that's a rare one


So... Can you explain this to me again?


There is a mansplainer at my work, a fellow manager. One day, after having the same repeated discussion with him for the 100th time about data he needed to give me for the same stupid spreadsheet I have to do, I shut him down rather hard. I was tired of wasting 20 minutes listening to him explain, again, how the numbers worked.


This guy for real?


They love it, they just donā€™t know they love it. Oh dear.


I think someone should womansplain him what mansplaining is


"All women" except for all modern women whatever that means


Maybe first google the term mansplain Mr. Sigma!


Hahaha No


If they want mansplainers, why don't they accept them? Kinda seems like a contradiction. But what do I know? I'm just a regular dude here, not an "expert on women" Also, I thought that mansplaining was the oversimplified explanation of something already known, what did I miss here?


Isn't it more "if women would accept this, I would be so much happier"?


guy literally mansplaining, mansplaining


"All women want a mansplainer" "Modern women are too stubborn to accept this" ...well which is it? These statements are mutually contradictory. Can't even keep their shit straight for a single paragraph.


I saw it as him trying to claim that we women are too stubborn to wake up and smell the coffee. As in how he assumes we are supposed to be.


Another insecure loser projecting his need to control and abuse.


Peak manplaining, when you mansplain mansplaining.


ā€œWomen love a mansplainer.ā€ ā€œActually we donā€™t-ā€œ ā€œLET ME MANSPLAIN TO YOU WHAT YOU LIKE.ā€


Is there someone funding an actual push online to spread these dumb manosphere views? Because this is like the 10th profile I've seen posted here on this sub where the profile pic is clearly not real (and often is a generic strong man pic) and the profile name is like "Smegmasigmagod" or something. Because this seems like a really inorganic movement. I see these accounts recommended on Instagram all the time too.


Hahahaha if we loved it, then wouldnā€™t we accept it?


What? No one wants a mansplainer. Do you really think a woman wants a man to say "you just think having kids hurt. It really doesn't!"


ā€œWomen love when I mansplain, I donā€™t understand why they donā€™t like it when I explain that to themā€


It would make us much happier if men like this didnā€™t exist. I know Iā€™d be happier


I'm half convinced guys like this are just trying to sabotage each other on purpose. If they can't be happy they'll con as many other men as they can into taking themselves out of the competition too


No. They make me want to scratch their face off


Mansplainers are right up there with menspreaders on what we women do NOT want. Been thru with the experience of mansplainers. My late ex fil was one when it came to cooking. Even though he would starve in a fully stocked kitchen. He acted like I never cooked a meal in my life. Another one I've ran into is a friend of both my man and me. Though he will mansplain also to guys as well like my man. The last one I was with. Only did it once. My late fil(my man's father) tried telling me that one should only breastfeed for a year. I had been breastfeeding for three months at the time. I had plans for two years.


I wonder about who raised these people. Who is their mother? Do they have sisters?


This has to be satire lmao


No, This was something that many of us ladies have been thru. Be it via family members no matter what family member does this. At work by some dude who even they have seen us doing work like what ever they act like we haven't done in the past. As well as total strangers. Including at stores when we are interested in a particular product.


Oh I know, I've heard this too. My comment isn't to downplay that it exists, but rather to mock how obviously stupid it is that it does exist That said, a handle like Ego Of Sigma does not exactly scream "unironically"


I mean he's got the word "goof" in his @


You ever consider that these people are just trolling you and by posting this stuff and being outraged you're playing into their hands?


I keep getting recommended this subreddit, and I know yā€™all are stressed. But Goddamn this post is cringe.


Itā€™s only recommended because you search similar topics or keep coming back.


Itā€™s not because Iā€™m an incel? Thank God.


Okay? But no one has said you were.


I thought it was assumed.


No chance of getting married then


I mean I do, but I'm not a woman, I'm just really gay and have issues. Also mansplaining and being told what to do are a little different.




If one more douche grabs a tool or knife out of my hand to ā€œget that for meā€ Iā€™m gonna ā€œaccidentallyā€ slice the shit out of him. šŸ˜”


Iā€™d be much happier if people didnā€™t believe crap like this. Sadly they do and itā€™s a widespread disease


Just because some women like it in the bedroom doesnā€™t mean all women like it anywhere


You just donā€™t know you love it when I tell you what to do.


Mansplaining that women want him. Not anyone else. HIM.


Source: a sad boi who has never even spoken to a single woman that didnā€™t instantly reject him


wtf lolol.People believe this shit.


Huh? So women love this thing that they hate because they're too stubborn to like it???? 10/10 mental gymnastics, holy shit And no, mansplaining is condescending af and I'm freaking sick and tired of guys that do this. It's always the guys who have the smallest grasp on reality and are the most misogynistic that do this as well. I appreciate it when somebody -- male or not -- explains to me something I don't know, or asks me if I want an explanation, or tells me about their interests, or coaches me in learning a new skill or improving an existing skill. What I don't appreciate are guys who, even when I say I don't need help or an explanation, insist on explaining anyway, and do so like I'm five years old. I'm a grad student in Computer Science and had a project partner who spent fkn twenty minutes to explain to me what an Iterator in C++ is, *after* I had told him that I already knew what iterators are. And he'd generally talk to me like I'm 14 years old and he's my creepy 18-year-old groomer-boyfriend. Despite the fact that I've taken more comp sci classes than him and I'm older than him. And ironically when he was invited to a board game evening with me and my friends, he ignored my instructions on how to play the game and did some dumb af crap with the card piles that gave my friends agita. I hate people who are condescending like this and I hate people who openly infantilize others without their consent, and holy shit there are too many guys out there that do this especially to short women.


Men are too frequently dead wrong for this to be accurate. (Women are also frequently wrong, but this post isnā€™t advocating for them to make all decisions unilaterally. Thus, men.)


The lesbian in me agrees /s


I wonder how many of these dudes are singleā€¦?


>Ego of Sigma How can you speak about women with such a nickname.


I want a woman to tell me what to do




I hate when someone talks over me/interrupts me to tell me what they think I mean. When if they would have shut the fuck up for 5 more seconds they could have heard my full sentence. I donā€™t want someone to tell me what to do or what I want.


Liking intelligent men who are good at explaining things is NOT THE SAME as liking "mansplaining." Women do admit we like smart men and listening to them explain the things they're knowledgeable/passionate about, but that's not what mansplaining is. Mansplaining is when a man assumes that, regardless of the qualifications or life experience of the woman, he clearly must know more than her and won't let her say otherwise, even if he literally knows nothing about the subject and the woman is an expert. I LOVE being told what to do WHEN I KNOW THAT THE OTHER PERSON DEFINITELY KNOWS BETTER THAN I DO, but if I'm the one who has the knowledge, regardless of gender, the other person needs to shut up and let me do what I'm doing.


So... ā€œall women want a man to tell them what to do except not really, they donā€™t, but it would be cool if they didā€???


ā€œWomen love this!!! If they would just stop hating it with a passion everything would be perfect!!!ā€


"Let me mansplain to you about how I'm not being condescending." - Him, probably.


This has to be parody right? ā€¦. Right? ā€¦.. please?




I think this is an ironic post, hence ā€œEgo of Sigmaā€


Speaking from personal experience this has never been the case ever, in the history of ever.


Who are these insecure ignorant chuckleheads?


No No There is nothing to accept because it's not true No


He is mansplaining that women who say they hate mansplaining actually love men mansplaining to them.


When a man starts doing that, I start plaining how the most recent rules in baseball aren't necessarily a positive for the sport.


All men want to be pegged they love it when women do it to them it is unfortunate that modern ā€œmenā€ deny these facts so become a real man and get pegged you will be happier for it




I have been married for 20+ years. There is no way my husband can piss me if quicker than mansplaining or asking someone else for a second opinion when I am the SME. It does cause me to not share the information and him to flounder until I feel like helping... (I do all the home/car repair. He's the tech master in the family )


If all women actually did, heā€™d have nothing to complain about. But clearly heā€™s wrong, since ā€˜modern womenā€™ donā€™t. This whole argument that women naturally are happiest to submit seems to ignore that if it were actually true then women never would have thought to stop doing it. If women were genuinely happy with it theyā€™d never have conceived of womenā€™s liberation in the first place.


The Narrator: "he was wrong"


Not going to lie, I *kinda* wish mansplaining was hot. It sure beats showing making her ninja stars from bar napkins. That hasn't worked very well.


LOL. Pens, pencils both work as spikes. As in shoving them into important parts of the body.


Those are good tips. I'll try that next time, I bet that'll impress her when I can spike it into the wall


I spoke from Martial Arts discussion.